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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Path: gap4r8 / pkg / carat / gap /
Views: 466303
#W               Interface to Carat                   Franz G"ahler
#Y  Copyright (C) 1999-2012,  Franz G"ahler, Mathematik, Bielefeld University
##  Input/Output routines for interfacing with Carat data files

#F  CaratTmpFile( name ) . . . . . returns file 'name' in Carat tmp directory
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratTmpFile" );

#F  CaratReadMatrixFile( filename )  . . . . . . . . . read Carat matrix file
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratReadMatrixFile" );

##  A bravais record is a record with components
##  generators:   generators of the group
##  formspace:    basis of space of invariant forms (optional)
##  centerings:   basis of centering matrices (optional)
##  normalizer:   additional generators of normalizer in GL(n,Z) (optional)
##  centralizer:  additional generators of centralizer in GL(n,Z) (optional)
##  size:         size of the group

#F  CaratReadBravaisFile( filename )  . . . . . . . . read Carat Bravais file
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratReadBravaisFile" );

#F  CaratReadMultiBravaisFile( filename ) . . . read Carat Multi-Bravais file
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratReadMultiBravaisFile" );

#F  CaratWriteMatrixFile( filename, data )  . write Carat matrix data to file
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratWriteMatrixFile" );

#F  CaratWriteBravaisFile( filename, data )  write Carat Bravais rec. to file
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratWriteBravaisFile" );

#V  CaratCrystalFamilies . . . . . . . . . . .crystal family symbols in Carat
DeclareGlobalVariable( "CaratCrystalFamilies" );

#V  CaratCrystalFamiliesFlat . . flat list of crystal family symbols in Carat
DeclareGlobalVariable( "CaratCrystalFamiliesFlat" );

#F  BravaisGroupsCrystalFamily( symb ) . . . Bravais groups in crystal family
DeclareGlobalFunction( "BravaisGroupsCrystalFamily" );

#F  CaratQClassCatalog( grp, mode )  . . . . . . . . .  access QClass catalog 
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratQClassCatalog" );

#F  ConjugatorQClass( G1, G2 ) . . . .conjugator in GL(n,Q) between G1 and G2 
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ConjugatorQClass" );

#F  CaratShowFile( filename )  . . . . . . . . . display contents of filename
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratShowFile" );

#F  CaratCommand( cmd, args, outfile )  exec cmd with args, output to outfile
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratCommand" );

#F  CaratHelp( command )  . . . . . . . display online help for Carat command
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CaratHelp" );