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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466303############################################################################## ## #A coho4.g March 2000 Derek Holt ## ## Converted from the GAP 3.4.4 verion, Derek Holt 2000/03/10. ## Changes are minimal - SplitExtension renamed SplitExtensionCHR ## #A @(#)$Id: coho.g,v 1996/12/11 12:41:54 werner Exp $ ## #H $Log: coho.g,v $ #H Revision 1996/12/11 12:41:54 werner #H Preparing 3.4.4 for release #H #H Revision 3.1 1996/02/07 13:08:26 sam #H fixed calls of 'LogFFE' (specify root now) #H #H Revision 3.0 1996/02/07 13:02:46 sam #H initial revision under RCS #H ## ## This file contains the interface to my cohomology `C' programs. ## DeclareInfoClass("InfoCohomolo"); ############################################################################# ## #V COHOMOLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . global variable ## COHOMOLO := rec( Multiplier := [], CoDim1 := 0, CoDim2 := 0, RelVals := [], PermRels := [], RM_F := "rm -f ", CALL := DirectoriesPackagePrograms("cohomolo") #This is the directory of the external executables ); ############################################################################# ## #F COHOMOLO.WritePermGroup( <G>, <deg>, <base>, <filename> ) ## ## <G> should be permutation group of degree <deg> and with base <base>. ## The group is written to the file <filename> in the format of the ## cohomology programs. ## COHOMOLO.WritePermGroup := function ( G, deg, base, filename) local line, gens, ng, nb, perm, i, j; gens := GeneratorsOfGroup(G); ng := Length(gens); nb := Length(base); #We output line by line, storing the data in each line in "line". line := Concatenation(String(deg)," ",String(ng)," ",String(nb)," 0\n"); PrintTo(filename,line); line := ""; for i in [1..nb] do line := Concatenation(line," ",String(base[i])); if Length(line)>70 then line := Concatenation(line,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); line := ""; fi; od; line := Concatenation(line,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); for i in [] do perm := gens[i]; line := ""; for j in [1..deg] do line := Concatenation(line," ",String(j^perm)); if Length(line)>70 then line := Concatenation(line,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); line := ""; fi; od; line := Concatenation(line,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); od; end; ############################################################################# ## #F COHOMOLO.WriteFPGroup( <G>, <filename> ) ## ## <G> should be a finitely presented group. ## The group is written to the file <filename> in the format of the ## cohomology programs. ## COHOMOLO.WriteFPGroup := function ( G, filename) local line, gens, genstring, igens, allgens, ng, rels, nr, LL, LG, ILG, ALG, w, i, j, ct, gno, lgno; gens := FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup (G); ng := Length(gens); rels := RelatorsOfFpGroup(G); nr := Length(rels); igens := List(gens, x -> x^-1); allgens := Concatenation(gens,igens); LL := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; LG := List( [ 1 .. ng ], x -> [LL[x]] ); ILG := List(LG, x -> Concatenation(x,"-")); ALG := Concatenation(LG,ILG); #lower case letters will be used as the generator names in the printout. line := Concatenation(String(ng)," 0 ",String(nr),"\n"); PrintTo(filename,line); line := ""; genstring := List( [ 1 .. ng ], x -> LL[x] ); line := Concatenation(genstring,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); for i in [] do line := ""; w := rels[i]; lgno := 0; ct := 0; for j in [1..Length(w)] do gno := Position(allgens,Subword(w,j,j)); if gno = lgno then ct := ct+1; #current power of this generator else if ct>1 then line := Concatenation(line,String(ct)); fi; ct := 1; line := Concatenation(line,ALG[gno]); lgno := gno; fi; od; if ct>1 then line := Concatenation(line,String(ct)); fi; line := Concatenation(line,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); od; AppendTo(filename,"n\n"); end; ############################################################################# ## #F COHOMOLO.WriteMatrices( <mats>, <filename> ) ## ## <mats> should be a list of square matrices, all of same dimension ## over the field of order p, for some prime p. ## They are written to the file <filename> in the format of the ## cohomology programs. ## COHOMOLO.WriteMatrices := function ( mats, filename) local line, f, w, p, nm, dim, mat, row, entry, table, n, i, j, k; f := Field(Flat(mats)); p := Size( f ); w := Z(p); #We first make ourselves a little table to convert field entries to integers. table := []; for i in [1..p-1] do table[LogFFE(i*w^0,w)+1] := i; od; nm := Length(mats); dim := Length(mats[1]); line := Concatenation(String(p)," ",String(dim)," ",String(nm),"\n"); PrintTo(filename,line); for i in [1..nm] do AppendTo(filename,"\n"); mat := mats[i]; for j in [1..dim] do row := mat[j]; line := ""; for k in [1..dim] do entry := row[k]; if entry = 0*w then n := 0; else n := table[LogFFE(entry,w)+1]; fi; line := Concatenation(line," ",String(n)); if Length(line)>70 then line := Concatenation(line,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); line := ""; fi; od; line := Concatenation(line,"\n"); AppendTo(filename,line); od; od; end; ############################################################################# ## #F CHR( <G>, <p>, [<F>], [<mats>] ) . . . . . . make a cohomology record ## ## This function makes a cohomology record. It should be called before ## using any of the main cohomology functions. ## <G> must be a permutation group, and <p> a prime (ususally dividing the ## order of <G>). ## <F> must either be 0 (if not required, but <mats> is), or a finitely ## presented group with the same number of generators as <G> and mapping ## epimorphically onto <G>. (This will be checked.) ## (To obtain useful results, <F> would normally be isomorphic to <G>.) ## <mats> (if present) should be a list of matrices, all of the same ## dimension, over the field of order <p>. ## The length of the list must be the same as the number of generators of ## <G>, and the matrices must define a module for <G> over the field of ## order <p>. ## Apart from checking validity, a Sylow <p>-subgroup of <G> is calculated. ## The record (with various components set) is returned. ## CHR := function ( arg ) local chr, na, G, p, F, mats, Ggens, Fgens, ng, deg, dim, error, mat, rels, w, i, d; na := Number(arg); if na<2 or na>4 then Error("Number of arguments to CHR must be 2, 3 or 4"); fi; G:=arg[1]; p:=arg[2]; F:=0; mats:=0; if na >= 3 then F:=arg[3]; fi; if na = 4 then mats:=arg[4]; fi; chr := rec(); chr.isCHR := true; #First check arguments have correct types if not IsPermGroup(G) then Error("First argument of CHR must be a permutation group"); fi; chr.permgp := G; Ggens := GeneratorsOfGroup(G); ng := Length(Ggens); if not IsInt(p) or not IsPrime(p) then Error("Second argument of CHR must be a prime number"); fi; := p; if not IsGroup(F) and F<>0 then Error("Third argument of CHR must be a finitely presented group or 0"); fi; if IsGroup(F) then if not IsFpGroup(F) then Error("Third argument of CHR must be a finitely presented group"); fi; Fgens := FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup(F); if Length(Fgens)<>ng then Error( "Arguments <G> and <F> of CHR must have same numbers of generators"); fi; fi; chr.fpgp := F; error := false; if mats<>0 then if not IsList(mats) or Length(mats)<>ng then error := true; else for i in [] do mat := mats[i]; if not IsMatrix(mat) or Field(Flat(mat))<>GF(p) then error := true; else d := DimensionsMat(mat); if i=1 then dim := d[1]; fi; if d[1]<>dim or d[2]<>dim or RankMat(mat)<>dim then error := true; fi; fi; od; fi; if error then Error( "Fourth argument of CHR must be a list of invertible matrices over GF(p)"); fi; fi; chr.matrices := mats; #If F is present we now check that the permutations satisfy the relations, #and if mats is also present, we check that the matrices also satisfy them. if IsGroup(F) then rels := RelatorsOfFpGroup(F); for w in rels do if MappedWord(w,Fgens,Ggens) <> () then Print("Relator: ",w,"\n"); Error("This relator of F is not satisfied by the generators of G"); fi; if mats<>0 and MappedWord(w,Fgens,mats) <> IdentityMat(dim,GF(p)) then Error("A relator of F is not satisfied by the matrices"); fi; od; fi; #Now calculate some other fields - first degree of group. deg := 0; for i in Ggens do if i<>() and LargestMovedPointPerm(i)>deg then deg := LargestMovedPointPerm(i); fi; od; if deg > 4096 then Error( "Sorry - the cohomology programs are restricted to groups of degree <= 4096"); fi; := deg; #Next a base, and then a Sylow p-subgroup - and that's it for now! chr.base := BaseOfGroup(G); chr.sylow := SylowSubgroup(G,p); chr.verbose := false; return chr; end; ############################################################################# ## #F IsCHR( x ) . . . . . . . . checks if the argument is a cohomology record. ## IsCHR := function(x) return IsRecord(x) and IsBound(x.isCHR) and x.isCHR=true; end; ############################################################################# ## #F FindSubSeq( <chr>, <n> ) . . . . . . find a subgroup chain ## ## <chr> should be a cohomology record, and n a positive integer. ## Let G=chr.permgp and P=chr.sylow. ## FindSubSeq calculates a sequence [S1,...,St] of subgroups of G, where ## Si > S(i+1) S1 = <G>, S2 = <P> and the indices are a ssmall as possible. ## It works, by trying to find a subgroup S2 of G with small index, and then ## repeating with S2 in place of G. ## The parameter <n> indicates how hard it should try. ## It selects S2 as soon as it has found an S2 with index <= <n>. ## The sequence is stored as chr.chain. ## FindSubSeq := function ( chr, n ) local G, P, p, deg, seq, H, N, foundsub, orb, norbs, orbdone, sylind, bestind, ind, badind, orbsize, bestsub, orbno, orbstab, Z, OZ, OZG, centels, cent, el, elno, i, a, b, c; if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of FindSubSeq must be a cohomology record"); fi; if IsBound(chr.chain) then return; #Must have been called already. fi; G := chr.permgp; P := chr.sylow; deg :=; p :=; seq := [G]; sylind := Index(G,P); if sylind = 1 then chr.chain := seq; return; fi; #We will be trying to find subgroups of P as stabilizers of orbits of P, # so we first calculate the orbits. if sylind >= n then orb := List(Orbits(P,[1..deg]),AsSet); norbs := Length(orb); orbdone := []; for i in [1..norbs] do orbdone[i] := false; # this means orbit number i is not yet processed. od; fi; #We also might try centralizers of central elements, so let's find #the centre of P, and then find a small random set of elements #of order p. Z := Centre(P); OZG := []; for el in GeneratorsOfGroup(Z) do Add(OZG,el^(Order(el)/p)); od; OZ := Subgroup(Z,OZG); if IsCyclic(OZ) then centels := [OZG[1]]; elif Length(OZG) = 2 then a := OZG[1]; b := OZG[2]; if p=2 then centels:=[a,b,a*b]; elif p=3 then centels:=[a,b,a*b,a*b^2]; elif p=5 then centels:=[a,b,a*b,a*b^2,a*b^3,a*b^4]; else centels:=[a,b,a*b,a*b^2,a*b^3,a*b^4,a*b^5,a*b^6]; fi; else a := OZG[1]; b := OZG[2]; c := OZG[3]; centels := [a,b,c,a*b,a*c,b*c,a*b*c]; fi; #Now we start looking for subgroups. H := G; foundsub := true; while sylind >= n and foundsub do foundsub := false; bestind := sylind; #The smallest index we have so far. #First try the normalizer of P N := Normalizer(H,P); if H <> N and P <> N then ind := Index(H,N); if ind < n then #Found a suitable subgroup!! H := N; Add(seq,H); foundsub := true; sylind := sylind/ind; else bestind := ind; bestsub := N; fi; fi; #We next look for a suitable subgroup as a stabilizer of an orbit #of P - we consider the orbits in order of increasing size - we #go only up to size 16, since it takes too long to calculate set #stabilizers for large sets. orbsize := 1; while not foundsub and orbsize <= 16 do orbno := 1; while not foundsub and orbno <= norbs do if not orbdone[orbno] and Length(orb[orbno]) = orbsize then if orb[orbno] = Set(Orbit(H,orb[orbno][1])) then orbstab := H; else orbstab := Stabilizer(H,orb[orbno],OnSets); fi; if orbstab = H or orbstab = P then orbdone[orbno] := true; else ind := Index(H,orbstab); if ind < n then #Found a suitable subgroup!! H := orbstab; Add(seq,H); foundsub := true; sylind := sylind/ind; orbdone[orbno] := true; else #We could try the nomalizer! N := Normalizer(H,orbstab); if N<>H and N<>orbstab then ind := Index(H,N); orbstab := N; if ind < n then #Found a suitable subgroup!! H := N; Add(seq,H); foundsub := true; sylind := sylind/ind; fi; fi; if ind < bestind then #Not ideal, but the best we have so far, so remember it! bestind := ind; bestsub := orbstab; fi; fi; fi; fi; orbno := orbno + 1; od; orbsize := orbsize+1; od; if not foundsub then #Orbit stabilizers wasn't satisfactory, so we'll try #centralizers of central elements of P - #We have already collected a few such elements of order p. elno := 1; while not foundsub and elno <= Length(centels) do el := centels[elno]; cent := Centralizer(H,el); if cent <> H and cent <> P then ind := Index(H,cent); if ind < n then #Found a suitable subgroup!! H := cent; Add(seq,H); foundsub := true; sylind := sylind/ind; else #We could try the normalizer! N := Normalizer(H,cent); if N<>H and N<>cent then ind := Index(H,N); cent := N; if ind < n then #Found a suitable subgroup!! H := N; Add(seq,H); foundsub := true; sylind := sylind/ind; fi; fi; if ind < bestind then #Not ideal, but the best we have so far, so remember it! bestind := ind; bestsub := cent; fi; fi; fi; elno := elno+1; od; fi; if not foundsub and bestind < sylind then #We make do with the best one we found! H := bestsub; Add(seq,H); foundsub := true; sylind := sylind/bestind; fi; od; N := Normalizer(H,P); if H <> N and P <> N then Add(seq,N); fi; Add(seq,P); if InfoLevel(InfoCohomolo)>=1 then Print("#I Indices in the subgroup chain are: "); fi; badind := false; for i in [1..Length(seq)-1] do ind := Index(seq[i],seq[i+1]); if ind>50000 then badind := true; fi; if InfoLevel(InfoCohomolo)>=1 then Print(Index(seq[i],seq[i+1])," "); fi; od; if InfoLevel(InfoCohomolo)>=1 then Print("\n"); fi; if badind then Print( "#WARNING: An index in the subgroup chain found is larger than 50000.\n"); Print( "#This calculation may fail. See manual for possible remedies.\n"); fi; chr.chain := seq; end; ############################################################################# ## #F Cohomolo( <chr>, <mult>, <pres>, <first>, <filename> ) ## . . . . perform cohomology calculation using external package. ## ## This is the routine that calls the external routines to carry out the ## cohomology calculations. It is not intended to be called directly, but ## it is called by the access functions which follow. ## <chr> must be a cohomology record, created with CHR. ## <mult> is true for multiplier calculations, otherwise false ## (and when false, chr.matrices must be defined). ## <pres> is true if presentations of extensions are to be defined, ## (and when true, chr.fpgp must be defined). ## <first> is true for first cohomology group computation, in which case ## mult and pres must be false. ## <filename> is the name of the base of the files to be created for use of ## the external package. The files have names of form <filename>.<suffix>. ## Cohomolo := function( chr, mult, pres, first, filename ) local deg, G, P, p, base, lc, nint, ch, F, mats, i, optstring, callstring, ct, ok; if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of Cohomolo must be a cohomology record"); fi; F := chr.fpgp; mats := chr.matrices; if not mult and mats=0 then Error("Cohomolo: if mult is false, matrices field must be defined"); fi; if first and mats=0 then Error("Cohomolo: if first is true, matrices field must be defined"); fi; if first and (mult or pres) then Error("Cohomolo: if first is true, mult and pres must be false"); fi; if pres and not IsFpGroup(F) then Error("Cohomolo: if pres is true, fpgp field must be defined"); fi; G := chr.permgp; P := chr.sylow; deg :=; p :=; #Check that P really is a Sylow-subgroup for safety. if Set(FactorsInt(Size(P))) <> [p] or p in FactorsInt(Index(G,P)) then Error("Cohomolo: sylow field of <chr> is not a Sylow-subgroup!"); fi; #First check for trivial cases. if IsTrivial(P) then Print( "The Sylow p-subgroup of the group is trivial - so all cohomology is trivial.\n" ); if mats<>0 then chr.codim1 := 0; chr.codim2 := 0; fi; chr.multiplier := []; if IsFpGroup(F) then chr.multrelvals := []; fi; if IsFpGroup(F) and mats<>0 then chr.modrelvals:=[]; fi; return; fi; if mult and IsCyclic(P) then Print( "The Sylow p-subgroup of the group is cyclic - so the multiplier is trivial.\n" ); chr.multiplier := []; chr.multrelvals := []; return; fi; FindSubSeq(chr,20); #We will check the validity of the chain for safety - #just in case the user may have supplied it! ct := 1; ok := true; ch := chr.chain; lc := Length(ch); while ok and ct <= lc do if ct=1 and ch[ct]<>G then ok := false; elif ct=lc and ch[ct]<>P then ok := false; elif ct<lc and (not IsSubgroup(ch[ct],ch[ct+1]) or ch[ct]=ch[ct+1]) then ok := false; fi; ct := ct+1; od; if not ok then Error( "Cohomolo: <chr>.chain must be a strictly decreasing chain from G to P."); fi; ## chr.norm is true iff the penultimate member of the chain normalises P. ## chr.neqg is true iff the chain has length<=2 and P is normal in G. chr.norm := lc > 1 and IsNormal(ch[lc-1],ch[lc]); chr.neqg := lc=1 or (lc=2 and chr.norm); #Now write things to files - #but first make sure there is no rubbish left from a previous run. Exec( Concatenation( COHOMOLO.RM_F, filename, ".*" ) ); base := chr.base; COHOMOLO.WritePermGroup(G,deg,base,Concatenation(filename,".inperm")); if lc > 1 then COHOMOLO.WritePermGroup(P,deg,base,Concatenation(filename,".gp")); if chr.norm then COHOMOLO.WritePermGroup(ch[lc-1],deg,base,Concatenation(filename,".gn")); nint := lc-3; else nint := lc-2; fi; if nint > 0 then for i in [1..nint] do COHOMOLO.WritePermGroup(ch[nint+2-i],deg,base, Concatenation(filename,".g",String(i))); od; fi; fi; if pres then COHOMOLO.WriteFPGroup(F,Concatenation(filename,".tc")); PrintTo(Concatenation(filename,".sg.rel"),Length(base),"\n"); #The last is a technicality to avoid a silly problem. fi; if pres and not mult then #Write input for the external program nqip. This is the number of #the basis of H^2(G,M) that is to be used for corestriction and #calculation of an extension. This number always starts at 1. #If H^2(G,M) has dimension>1,then we will repeat later with higher values. PrintTo(Concatenation(filename,".nqip"),1,"\n"); fi; if not mult then COHOMOLO.WriteMatrices(mats,Concatenation(filename,".inmat")); fi; #Now work out the command for the external program. callstring := Filename(COHOMOLO.CALL, ""); optstring := "-"; if mult then Add( optstring, 'm'); fi; if pres then Add( optstring, 'c'); fi; if first then Add( optstring, '1'); fi; if chr.norm then Add( optstring, 'n'); fi; if chr.neqg then Add( optstring, 'e'); fi; if chr.verbose then Add( optstring, 'v'); fi; if 1 < Length( optstring ) then callstring := Concatenation(callstring," ", optstring ); fi; callstring:= Concatenation( callstring, " ", String( ), " ", filename ); if chr.verbose then Print(callstring,"\n"); fi; Info(InfoCohomolo,1," Cohomolo package: Calling external program." ); if InfoLevel(InfoCohomolo)>=2 then Print("#I", callstring, "\n"); fi; Exec( callstring ); Info(InfoCohomolo,1," External program complete." ); if mult then if not READ( Concatenation( filename, ".mult" ) ) then Error( "'Cohomolo' failed for some reason.\n" ); fi; chr.multiplier := COHOMOLO.Multiplier; elif READ(Concatenation(filename,".cdim")) then if first then chr.codim1 := COHOMOLO.CoDim1; else chr.codim2 := COHOMOLO.CoDim2; fi; else Error( "'Cohomolo' failed for some reason.\n" ); fi; if pres then if mult then if chr.multiplier=[] then chr.multrelvals := []; elif READ(Concatenation(filename,".rvals")) then chr.multrelvals := COHOMOLO.RelVals; else Error( "'Cohomolo' failed for some reason.\n" ); fi; else if chr.codim2=0 then chr.modrelvals := []; elif READ(Concatenation(filename,".rvals")) then chr.modrelvals := [COHOMOLO.RelVals]; else Error( "'Cohomolo' failed for some reason.\n" ); fi; fi; fi; if pres and not mult and chr.codim2>1 then #We have to calculate the other extensions for the basis of H^2(G,M). Add( optstring, 'r' ); callstring := Filename(COHOMOLO.CALL, ""); callstring := Concatenation(callstring," ", optstring, " ", String(, " ", filename ); for i in [2..chr.codim2] do PrintTo(Concatenation(filename,".nqip"),i,"\n"); if chr.verbose then Print(callstring,"\n"); fi; Info(InfoCohomolo,1, " Cohomolo package: Calling external program." ); Exec( callstring ); Info(InfoCohomolo,1," External program complete." ); if not READ(Concatenation(filename,".rvals")) then Error( "'Cohomolo' failed for some reason.\n" ); fi; chr.modrelvals[i] := COHOMOLO.RelVals; od; fi; Info(InfoCohomolo,1," Removing temporary files." ); Exec( Concatenation( COHOMOLO.RM_F, filename, ".*" ) ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F CalcExtPres( <chr>, <mult>, [<vec>] ) . calculate presentation of extension ## ## <chr> must be a cohomology record. ## Let <chr>.permgp=G, <chr>.prime=p and <chr>.fpgp =F. ## CalcExtPres calculates a presentation of an extension of M by F, ## where M is either the p-part of the Schur multiplier of G, when <mult> is ## true, or the F-module over GF(p) defined by <chr>.matrices, when <mult> ## is false. ## In the first case, Cohomolo must already have been called on <chr> with ## <mult> and <pres> true, and the presentation is of a p-cover of G ## (assuming F and G are isomorphic). ## In the second case, <vec> must be a list of integers, and either <vec>=[], ## in which case the split extension is returned, or Cohomolo must already ## been called already with <mult> false and <pres> true, and the length of ## <vec> must be equal to <chr>.codim2. The extension returned is the one ## corresponding to the element <vec> of H^2(G,M). ## This function is not intended to be called directly - it is accessed by ## the individual functions, and by ExtPresentation. ## CalcExtPres := function( arg ) local chr, mult, vec, E, EG, p, F, ng, codim, mp, dim, rels, rel, relval, w, mats, row, modrv, multrv, f, table, rt, i, j, k, Erels; chr := arg[1]; mult := arg[2]; if (mult and Number(arg)<>2) or (not mult and Number(arg)<>3) then Error("Wrong number of arguments to CalcExtPres"); fi; if not mult then vec := arg[3]; if not IsList(vec) then Error("Third argument of CalcExtPres must be a list"); fi; fi; if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of CalcExtPres must be a cohomology record"); fi; F := chr.fpgp; mats := chr.matrices; p :=; if not mult and mats=0 then Error("CalcExtPres: if mult is false, matrices field must be defined"); fi; if not IsFpGroup(F) then Error("CalcExtPres: if pres is true, fpgp field must be defined"); fi; if mult then if not IsBound(chr.multiplier) or not IsBound(chr.multrelvals) then Error("CalcExtPres: Cohomolo must be run before CalcExtPres"); fi; multrv := chr.multrelvals; mp := chr.multiplier; dim := Length(mp); else if Length(vec)<>0 then if not IsBound(chr.codim2) or not IsBound(chr.modrelvals) then Error("CalcExtPres: Cohomolo must be run before CalcExtPres"); fi; codim := chr.codim2; if Length(vec)<>codim then Error("CalcExtPres: Length of third argument wrong"); fi; modrv := chr.modrelvals; fi; #We make ourselves a little table to convert field entries to integers. f := Field(Flat(mats)); rt := Z(Size(f)); table := []; for i in [1..p-1] do table[LogFFE(i*rt^0,rt)+1] := i; od; dim := Length(mats[1]); fi; #Now we can start to build up the extension E ng := Length(FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup(F)); E := FreeGroup(ng+dim); EG := GeneratorsOfGroup(E); Erels := []; #First the relators that say the normal subgroup is finite abelian. for i in [1..dim-1] do for j in [i+1..dim] do Add(Erels,Comm(EG[j+ng],EG[i+ng])); od; od; for i in [1..dim] do if mult then j:=mp[i]; else j:=p; fi; Add(Erels,EG[i+ng]^j); od; #Now the module action relators for i in [] do for j in [1..dim] do w := EG[i]^-1*EG[ng+j]*EG[i]; if mult then w := w/EG[ng+j]; else row := mats[i][j]; for k in [1..dim] do if row[k]<>0*rt then w := w/EG[ng+k]^table[LogFFE(row[k],rt)+1]; fi; od; fi; Add(Erels,w); od; od; #And finally the relators, that tell us the values of the relators of #F in the normal subgroup. rels := RelatorsOfFpGroup(F); for i in [1..Length(rels)] do rel := rels[i]; w := MappedWord(rel,FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup(F),EG{[]}); if mult then if mp=[] then relval := []; else relval := multrv[i]; fi; else relval := []; for j in [1..dim] do relval[j]:=0; od; if vec<>[] then for j in [1..dim] do for k in [1..codim] do relval[j] := relval[j] + vec[k]*modrv[k][i][j]; od; relval[j] := relval[j] mod p; od; fi; fi; for j in [1..dim] do if relval[j]<>0 then w := w/EG[ng+j]^relval[j]; fi; od; Add(Erels,w); od; return E/Erels; end; ############################################################################# ## #F SchurMultiplier( <chr> ) ## . . . . calculate the p-part of the Schur multiplier of <chr>.permgp ## ## <chr> is a cohomology record. ## The result is returned as a list of the abelian invariants. ## SchurMultiplier := function( chr ) if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of Cohomolo must be a cohomology record"); fi; if not IsBound(chr.multiplier) then Cohomolo(chr,true,false,false, TmpName() ); fi; return chr.multiplier; end; ############################################################################# ## #F CoveringGroup( <chr> ) . . . calculate p-covering group of <chr>.permgp ## ## To use this <chr>.fpgp must be defined, and the answer will be accurate only ## if <chr>.fpgp and <chr>.permgp are isomorphic. ## The p-cover is returned as an fp-group. ## CoveringGroup := function( chr ) if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of Cohomolo must be a cohomology record"); fi; if not IsBound(chr.multrelvals) then Cohomolo(chr,true,true,false, TmpName() ); fi; return CalcExtPres(chr,true); end; ############################################################################# ## #F FirstCohomologyDimension( <chr> ) ## . . dimension of H^1(G,M), with G=<chr>.permgp, M=module of <chr>.matrices ## ## <chr> is a cohomology record with <chr>.matrices defined. ## FirstCohomologyDimension := function( chr ) if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of Cohomolo must be a cohomology record"); fi; if not IsBound(chr.codim1) then Cohomolo(chr,false,false,true, TmpName() ); fi; return chr.codim1; end; ############################################################################# ## #F SecondCohomologyDimension( <chr> ) ## . . dimension of H^2(G,M), with G=<chr>.permgp, M=module of <chr>.matrices ## ## <chr> is a cohomology record with <chr>.matrices defined. ## SecondCohomologyDimension := function( chr ) if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of Cohomolo must be a cohomology record"); fi; if not IsBound(chr.codim2) then Cohomolo(chr,false,false,false, TmpName() ); fi; return chr.codim2; end; ############################################################################# ## #F SplitExtensionCHR( <chr> ) ## . . presentation of split extension of <chr>.matrices by <chr>.fpgp ## ## To use this <chr>.fpgp and <chr>.matrices must both be define ## This is a routine calculation and does not call Cohomolo. ## SplitExtensionCHR := function( chr ) if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of Cohomolo must be a cohomology record"); fi; return CalcExtPres(chr,false,[]); end; ############################################################################# ## #F NonsplitExtension( <chr> , [<vec>] ) ## . . presentation of a nonsplit extension of <chr>.matrices by <chr>.fpgp ## ## To use this <chr>.fpgp and <chr>.matrices must both be define ## The equivalence classes of nonsplit extensions of M by G are in one-one ## correspondence with the elements of H^2(G,M). Therefore an element of ## H^2(G,M) needs to be specified. If the optional argument <vec> is ## present, it must be a list of integers of length Dim(H^2(G,M)), which ## specifies the element of H^2(G,M) as a vector (the integers may as well ## be in range [0...p-1] but that is no compulsory). ## By default, <vec> is taken to be [1,0,...,0], where the length is equal ## to Dim(H^2(G,M)). ## NonsplitExtension := function( arg ) local chr, vec, i; if Number(arg)<>1 and Number(arg)<>2 then Error("Number of arguments of NonSplitExtension wrong"); fi; chr := arg[1]; vec := []; if Number(arg)=2 then vec := arg[2]; fi; if not IsCHR(chr) then Error("First argument of Cohomolo must be a cohomology record"); fi; if not IsBound(chr.modrelvals) then Cohomolo(chr,false,true,false, TmpName() ); fi; if chr.codim2 = 0 then Error("There is no nonsplit extension."); fi; if vec=[] then vec[1]:=1; for i in [2..chr.codim2] do vec[i]:=0; od; fi; return CalcExtPres(chr,false,vec); end; ############################################################################# ## #F PermRep( <F>, <K> ). . . calculate permutation represenation of fp-group ## ## <F> should be a finitely presented group and <K> a subgroup of finite ## index. ## This function return the permutation group giving the action of <F> on ## right cosets of <K>. ## Of course, there is no guarantee in general that the perm rep of <F> will ## be faithful. ## It is a straightforward application of standard GAP functions. ## PermRep := function(F,K) local ng, Ggens, GGi, CT, i; if not IsFpGroup(F) or not IsSubgroup(F,K) then Error("PermRep(F,K): K must be a subgroup of the fp-group F"); fi; ng := Length(FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup(F)); CT := CosetTable(F,K); GGi := List(CT,PermList); #list of generators and inverses. Ggens := []; for i in [] do Ggens[i] := GGi[2*i-1]; od; return Group(Ggens,()); end; ############################################################################# ## #F CalcPres( <chr> ). . . calculate a presentation of <chr>.permgp ## ## <chr> must be a cohomology record, created with CHR. ## This routine can be used to calculate a presentation of <chr>.permgp, ## when none is known to begin with (i.e. when <chr>.fpgp is zero). ## The computed presentation is stored as <chr>.fpgp. ## It calls an external program to do this. ## It is only really useful for moderately small groups - currently, its ## use is restricted to groups of order at most 32767. ## CalcPres := function( chr ) local deg, G, base, F, Fg, Fr, optstring, callstring, ng, ordgen, o, rel, i, l, w, g, h, ct, neg, filename; if not IsCHR(chr) then Error( "<chr> must be a cohomology record"); fi; F := chr.fpgp; if IsFpGroup(F) then Print("CalcPres: presentation is already known.\n"); return; fi; G := chr.permgp; deg :=; #Now write group to file - base := chr.base; filename:= TmpName(); COHOMOLO.WritePermGroup(G,deg,base,Concatenation( filename, ".inperm" ) ); #Now work out the command for the external program. callstring := Filename( COHOMOLO.CALL, "" ); optstring := "-"; if chr.verbose then Add( optstring, 'v' ); fi; if 1 < Length( optstring ) then callstring := Concatenation(callstring," ", optstring ); fi; callstring := Concatenation(callstring," ", filename ); if chr.verbose then Print(callstring,"\n"); fi; Info(InfoCohomolo,1," Calling external program." ); Exec(callstring); Info(InfoCohomolo,1," External program complete." ); if not READ(Concatenation( filename, ".reg.relg" ) ) then Error( "'CalcPres' failed for some reason.\n" ); fi; chr.permrels := COHOMOLO.PermRels; Info(InfoCohomolo,1," Removing temporary files." ); Exec( Concatenation( COHOMOLO.RM_F, filename, ".*" ) ); # Now we build the finitely presented group. ng := Length(GeneratorsOfGroup(G)); F := FreeGroup(ng); Fg := GeneratorsOfGroup(F); Fr := []; #first look for those relators that give the orders of generators. ordgen := []; for i in [] do ordgen[i] := 0; od; for rel in chr.permrels do if Size(Set(rel))=1 then g := rel[1]; if g<0 then g:= -g; fi; o := Length(rel); ordgen[g] := o; Add(Fr,Fg[g]^o); fi; od; #Now process the other relators. for rel in chr.permrels do if Size(Set(rel))>1 then w := One(F); ct := 0; l := Length(rel); g := 0; for i in [1..l+1] do if i<=l then h := rel[i]; else h:=0; fi; if h<>g and ct>0 then neg := g<0; if neg then g := -g; fi; o := ordgen[g]; if o=0 then if neg then w:=w*Fg[g]^-ct; else w:=w*Fg[g]^ct; fi; elif neg and 2*ct>=o then w:=w*Fg[g]^(o-ct); elif not neg and 2*ct>=o+1 then w:=w*Fg[g]^(ct-o); else if neg then w:=w*Fg[g]^-ct; else w:=w*Fg[g]^ct; fi; fi; ct := 0; fi; g := h; ct := ct+1; od; if w<> One(F) then Add(Fr,w); fi; fi; od; Unbind(chr.permrels); chr.fpgp := F/Fr; end;