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Views: 477824############################################################################# ## #W The Congruence package Ann Dooms #W Eric Jespers #W Alexander Konovalov ## ## ############################################################################# ## ## This file contains implementations of methods to construct random elements ## of congruence subgroups CongruenceSubgroupGamma, CongruenceSubgroupGamma0, ## CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0, CongruenceSubgroupGamma1 and ## CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1. ## The idea is to select two random entries a and b in the same row or column ## of the matrix, such that a and b will satisfy the requirements arising ## from the congruence subgroup. For example, for the principal congruence ## subgroup we will select a and b as follows: ## a := 1 + n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); ## b := n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); ## After this we can find such x and y for the other row (or column) of the ## matrix that its determinant will be equal to one. If the resulting matrix ## will be not in the congruence subgroup because of not suitable x and y, ## we will repeat this process for another a and b until we will find ## suitable x and y. ## For each type of congruence subgroups, we provide one- and two-argument ## versions of Random. The one-argument version uses Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ) ## to generate a and b, ## and in the two-argument version Random([ -m..m ]) ## will be used, where m is given by the second argument. ############################################################################# ## ## The principal congruence subgroup of level N consists of all matrices ## of the form [ 1+N N ] ## [ N 1+N ] ## InstallMethod( Random, "for a principal congruence subgroup", [ IsPrincipalCongruenceSubgroup ], 0, function( G ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := 1 + n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); b := n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1 and IsInt( -gcd.coeff2/n ) and IsInt( (gcd.coeff1-1)/n ); return [ [ a, b ], [ -gcd.coeff2, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); InstallOtherMethod( Random, "for a principal congruence subgroup", [ IsPrincipalCongruenceSubgroup, IsPosInt ], 0, function( G, m ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := 1 + n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); b := n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1 and IsInt( -gcd.coeff2/n ) and IsInt( (gcd.coeff1-1)/n ); return [ [ a, b ], [ -gcd.coeff2, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); ############################################################################# ## ## The congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGamma0(N) consists of all matrices ## of the form [ * * ] ## [ N * ] ## InstallMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGamma0", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0 ], 0, function( G ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := Random( [ -n*10 .. n*10 ] ); b := n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1; return [ [ a, -gcd.coeff2 ], [ b, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); InstallOtherMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGamma0", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0, IsPosInt ], 0, function( G, m ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := Random( [ -n*m .. n*m ] ); b := n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1; return [ [ a, -gcd.coeff2 ], [ b, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); ############################################################################# ## ## The congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0(N) consists of all matrices ## of the form [ * N ] ## [ * * ] ## InstallMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0 ], 0, function( G ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := Random( [ -n*10 .. n*10 ] ); b := n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1; return [ [ a, b ], [ -gcd.coeff2, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); InstallOtherMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0, IsPosInt ], 0, function( G, m ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := Random( [ -n*m .. n*m ] ); b := n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1; return [ [ a, b ], [ -gcd.coeff2, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); ############################################################################# ## ## The congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGamma1(N) consists of all matrices ## of the form [ 1+N * ] ## [ N 1+N ] ## InstallMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGamma1", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma1 ], 0, function( G ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := 1 + n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); b := n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1 and IsInt( (gcd.coeff1-1)/n ); return [ [ a, -gcd.coeff2 ], [ b, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); InstallOtherMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGamma1", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma1, IsPosInt ], 0, function( G, m ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := 1 + n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); b := n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1 and IsInt( (gcd.coeff1-1)/n ); return [ [ a, -gcd.coeff2 ], [ b, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); ############################################################################# ## ## The congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1(N) consists of all matrices ## of the form [ 1+N N ] ## [ * 1+N ] ## InstallMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1 ], 0, function( G ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := 1 + n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); b := n * Random( [ -10 .. 10 ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1 and IsInt( (gcd.coeff1-1)/n ); return [ [ a, b ], [ -gcd.coeff2, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); InstallOtherMethod( Random, "for a congruence subgroup CongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1", [ IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1, IsPosInt ], 0, function( G, m ) local n, a, b, gcd; n := LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup( G ); repeat a := 1 + n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); b := n * Random( [ -m .. m ] ); gcd := Gcdex( a, b ); until gcd.gcd = 1 and IsInt( (gcd.coeff1-1)/n ); return [ [ a, b ], [ -gcd.coeff2, gcd.coeff1 ] ]; end); ############################################################################# ## #E ##