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Views: 466324############################################################################# # # units.g The Congruence package Ann Dooms # Eric Jespers # Alexander Konovalov # ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # # NormalSubgroupsForM2Q(G,H) # # Returns a list of normal subgroups N of G such that quotient G/N is H. # NormalSubgroupsForM2Q := function( G, H ) local ord,m, N; ord:= Size(G)/Size(H); # Can we speedup this computing only normal subgroups of given size? m:=Filtered( NormalSubgroups(G) , N -> Size(N)=ord); m:=Filtered( m, N -> IdGroup( G/N ) = IdGroup( H ) ); return m; end; ############################################################################# # # GeneratorsInM2Q(G,H) # # Returns a list of lists of generators of a subgroup of f.i. in M_2(Q), # one for each homomorphic image. # H has to be S3 or D8! # GeneratorsInM2Q:=function(G,H) local k,m; if IdGroup(H)=[6,1] then k:=3; # H = S_3 else k:=4; # H = D_8 fi; m:=NormalSubgroupsForM2Q(G,H); if Length(m) > 0 then return GeneratorsOfGroup( PrincipalCongruenceSubgroup(k*Size(G)/Size(H) ) ); else return [ ]; fi; end; ############################################################################# # # MatrixEntries( matrix, k ) # # Returns a list with integer entries. Will be applied with k=4n or 3n. # PROBLEM: some matrices gave non-integers! SOLUTION: multiplied with -I_2! # MatrixEntries := function( matrix, k ) local g11,g12,g21,g22; g11:=(matrix[1][1]-1)/k; if not IsInt(g11) then matrix:=-matrix; g11:=(matrix[1][1]-1)/k; fi; g12:=matrix[1][2]/k; g21:=matrix[2][1]/k; g22:=(matrix[2][2]-1)/k; return [ g11, g12, g21, g22 ]; end; ############################################################################# # # D8Alpha(matrix,n) # # Returns a list with integer entries. # Will be applied with n = order of the normal subgroup N determining M_2(Q). # D8Alpha := function(matrix,n) local m,a0,a1,a2,a3; m := MatrixEntries(matrix,4*n); a0 := m[1] + m[4]; a1 := m[1] - m[2] + 2*m[3] - m[4]; a2 := m[1] + 2*m[3] - m[4]; a3 :=-m[1] + m[2] + m[4]; return [ a0, a1, a2, a3 ]; end; ############################################################################# # # S3Alpha(matrix,n) # # Returns a list with integer entries. # Will be applied with n = order of the normal subgroup N determining M_2(Q). # S3Alpha:= function(matrix,n) local m,a0,a1,a2,a3; m := MatrixEntries(matrix,3*n); a0 := m[1] + m[4]; a1 := 2*m[1] + 3*m[2] - m[3] - m[4]; a2 := -2*m[1] - 3*m[2] + m[3] + 2*m[4]; a3 := -m[1] - 3*m[2] + m[4]; return [ a0, a1, a2, a3 ]; end; ############################################################################# # # Alphas( G, H ) # # Returns a list of lists with integer entries which will serve for the units in U(ZG). # Alphas := function( G, H ) local gen,f,alpha,i; gen := GeneratorsInM2Q( G, H ); if IdGroup(H)=[6,1] then f:=S3Alpha; else f:=D8Alpha; fi; alpha:=[]; if Length(gen) > 0 then for i in [1..Length(gen)] do alpha[i] := f( gen[i], Size(G)/Size(H) ); od; fi; return alpha; end; ############################################################################# # # LiftGenerator(G,N) # # Lifts a minimal list of generators form G/N to G. # LiftGenerator := function( G, N ) local l,q,s,hom,i; l:=[]; hom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroup(G,N); q := Image( hom ); s := MinimalGeneratingSet( q ); for i in [ 1 .. Length(s) ] do Add( l, PreImagesRepresentative( hom,s[i]) ); od; return l; end; ############################################################################# # # CreateUnits(G,H) # # Creates units of ZG. H must be D8 or S3. # CreateUnits:=function(G,H) local m,alpha,a,b,x,y,ZG,emb,hat,u,i,j; m:=NormalSubgroupsForM2Q(G,H); alpha:=Alphas(G,H); a:=[]; b:=[]; ZG:=GroupRing(Integers,G); emb := Embedding(G,ZG); hat:=[]; u:=[]; if Length(m)<>0 then for i in [1..Length(m)] do hat[i]:=Sum( List(m[i], x->x^emb)); u[i]:=[]; x := LiftGenerator(G,m[i])[1]; y := LiftGenerator(G,m[i])[2]; if x^2=Identity(G) then a[i]:=y^emb; b[i]:=x^emb; else a[i]:=x^emb; b[i]:=y^emb; fi; if IdGroup(H)=[6,1] then for j in [1..Length(alpha)] do u[i][j]:=Identity(ZG) + (alpha[j][1]*Identity(ZG) + alpha[j][2]*a[i] + alpha[j][3]*b[i] + alpha[j][4]*a[i]^2*b[i])*(Identity(ZG)-a[i])*hat[i]; od; else for j in [1..Length(alpha)] do u[i][j]:=Identity(ZG) + (alpha[j][1]*Identity(ZG) + alpha[j][2]*a[i] + alpha[j][3]*b[i] + alpha[j][4]*a[i]*b[i])*(Identity(ZG)-a[i]^2)*hat[i]; od; fi; od; else fi; return u; end; ############################################################################# # # UnitsOfZGOfFiniteIndexInM2Q(G) # UnitsOfZGOfFiniteIndexInM2Q:= function(G) local u,v; u:=[]; v:=[]; if IsNilpotent(G)=true then u:=CreateUnits(G,DihedralGroup(8)); else u:=CreateUnits(G,DihedralGroup(8)); v:=CreateUnits(G,DihedralGroup(6)); fi; return [u,v]; end;