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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W idgrp4.g GAP group library Hans Ulrich Besche ## Bettina Eick, Eamonn O'Brien ## ## This file contains the identification routines for the groups ## of size 2401, 3125 and ## those of size p^n * q with ## p in { 3, 5, 7 } and q a prime <> p, ## 3 <= n <= 6 for p = 3, ## 3 <= n <= 5 for p = 5, ## 3 <= n <= 4 for p = 7, ## ############################################################################# ## ## tell GAP about the component ## DeclareComponent("id4","1.0"); ############################################################################# ## #F ID_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ 4 ] ## ID_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ 4 ] := function( size ) if size in [ 2401, 3125 ] then return rec( func := 8, lib := 4 ); fi; return SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ 4 ]( size ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ 17 ]( G, inforec ) ## ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ 17 ] := function( G, inforec ) local size, sid, num, pos, cid, n, typ, c, sp, i, j, k, tmp, listInt, rank, id, g, gens, fgens, sgens, inv, coeff, p, root1, root2, pcgs, pelm, rels, C, nn, Q, coc, code, spcgs, desc, codes; if IsNilpotent( G ) then return IdGroup( SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.q ) )[ 2 ]; fi; size := Size( G ); if ( not IsNormal( G, SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.q ) ) ) and ( not IsNormal( G, SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.p ) ) ) then # in the case of size 1053 this situation is unique if size = 1053 then return 51; fi; return ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ 8 ]( G, inforec, [ size, 2 ] ); fi; sid := IdGroup( SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.q ) )[ 2 ]; num := NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 17 ]( size, inforec ); if IsNormal( G, SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.q ) ) then num := num.pos[ Position( num.types, "p-autos" ) ]; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] := rec(); ReadSmallLib( "sml", inforec.lib, size, [ ] ); fi; pos := Position( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].pnil.syl, sid ); if ( not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].pnil.syl[ pos + 1 ] ) ) or ( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].pnil.syl[ pos + 1 ] <> sid ) then return num + pos; fi; return ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ 8 ]( G, inforec, [ size, 1, sid ] ); fi; # p-sylow-subgroup is normal cid := IdGroup( Centralizer( SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.q ), SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.p ) ) ); n := inforec.n; typ := Log( inforec.q ^ n / cid[ 1 ], inforec.q ); cid := cid[ 2 ]; num := num.pos[ Position( num.types, typ ) ]; nn := inforec.q ^ 2 * Primes[ n ]; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ] ) then ReadSmallLib( "nor", 4, inforec.q, [ n ] ); fi; if IsRecord( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ] ) then tmp := [ ]; i := 0; for j in [ 1 .. Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ].pos ) ] do if SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ].pos[ j ] > 0 then i := i + 1; tmp[ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ].pos[ j ] ] := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ].val[ i ]; else for k in [ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ].pos[ j - 1] + 1 .. -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ].pos[ j ] ] do i := i + 1; tmp[ k ] := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ].val[ i ]; od; fi; od; SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ] := tmp; fi; for i in [ 1 .. sid ] do if IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ i ] ) then if IsInt( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ i ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ i ] := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ] [ typ ][ -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ i ] ]; fi; num := num + Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ i ] ); fi; od; # num is the last group of the correct n, typ, sid if Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ sid ] ) = 1 then return num; fi; # look if there will be a conflict c := [ ,, [ 1 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 12, 1, 1, 1 ] ]; if IsBound( c[ n ][ typ ] ) then c := c[ n ][ typ ]; if c > 1 then i := ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ 8 ]( G, inforec, [ nn, typ, sid mod c, sid, cid ], true ); else i := ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ 8 ]( G, inforec, [ nn, typ, sid, cid ], true ); fi; p := [ ,, [ 7, 19, 109, 163 ],, [ 11, 101, 251 ],, [29, 197 ] ]; p := p[ inforec.q ][ typ ]; if i <> fail then if p <> inforec.p then # construct the group of size q^n * p (<>inforec.p) with the # analogue operation of the q-sylowsubgroup on the p-sylowsub g := FreeGroup( n + 1 ); gens := GeneratorsOfGroup( g ); pcgs := Pcgs( SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.q ) ); pelm := First( GeneratorsOfGroup( SylowSubgroup( G, inforec.p )), x -> Order( x ) = inforec.p ); rels := RelatorsCode(CodePcgs(pcgs),inforec.q^n,gens{[1..n]}); Add( rels, gens[ n + 1 ] ^ p ); root1 := PrimitiveRootMod( p ) ^ ((p-1)/inforec.q^typ) mod p; root2 := PrimitiveRootMod( inforec.p ) ^ ((inforec.p-1)/inforec.q^typ) mod inforec.p; root2 := List( [ 0..inforec.q^typ-1 ], x-> pelm^(root2^x) ); for j in [ 1 .. n ] do Add( rels, gens[ n+1 ] ^ gens[ j ] / gens[ n+1 ] ^ ( root1 ^ ( ( Position( root2, pelm^pcgs[j] ) - 1 ) mod p ) ) ); od; G := PcGroupFpGroup( g / rels ); if Size( G ) < 1000 then return[ Position( i.fp, IdGroup( G )[ 2 ] ) ]; fi; fi; size := Size( G ); G := [ G ]; if not IsBound( i.fp ) then Append( G, List(, x -> SmallGroup( size, x ) ) ); fi; Q := List( G, x -> SylowSubgroup( x, inforec.q ) ); coc := List( Q, CocGroup ); if IsBound( i.desc ) then for desc in i.desc do j := [ desc mod 1000 ]; desc := QuoInt( desc, 1000 ); while desc > 0 do Add( j, desc mod 100 ); desc := QuoInt( desc, 100 ); od; desc := Reversed( j ); for j in [ 1 .. Length( G ) ] do coc[ j ] := DiffCoc( coc[ j ], desc[ 2 ], EvalFpCoc( coc[ j ], desc ) ); od; od; fi; coc := List( coc, x -> List( x, Concatenation ) ); j := List( G, y -> First( GeneratorsOfGroup( SylowSubgroup( y, p ) ), x -> Order( x ) = p ) ); coc := List( coc, x -> x{ i.pos } ); for k in [ 1 .. Length( G ) ] do Add( coc[ k ], List( [ 1 .. p - 1 ], x -> j[ k ] ^ x ) ); od; spcgs := List( G, SpecialPcgs ); if Length( G ) = 1 then repeat repeat gens := List( coc[ 1 ], Random ); until Size( Group( gens ) ) = size; code := CodeGenerators( gens, spcgs[ 1 ] ).code; until code in i.fp; return[ Position( i.fp, code ) ]; fi; codes := List( G, x -> [] ); while true do for j in [ 1 .. Length( G ) ] do repeat gens := List( coc[ j ], Random ); until Size( Group( gens ) ) = size; code := CodeGenerators( gens, spcgs[ j ] ).code; if j = 1 then for k in [ 2 .. Length( G ) ] do if code in codes[ k ] then return[ k - 1 ]; fi; od; if not code in codes[ 1 ] then Add( codes[ 1 ], code ); fi; else if code in codes[ 1 ] then return[ j - 1 ]; fi; if not code in codes[ j ] then Add( codes[ j ], code ); fi; fi; od; od; fi; fi; # there is no conflict. Analyse the ids of the centralizer of the # p-sylowsubgroup in the q-sylowsubgroup c := [ ,, [ 1, 4 ], [ 1, 10, 14 ], [ 1, 30, 60, 66 ], [ 1, 101, 414, 496, 503 ] ]; c := c[ n ]; if inforec.q = 5 and n = 5 then c := [ 1, 38, 70, 76 ]; fi; rank := 1; repeat rank := rank + 1; until c[ rank ] >= sid; g := SmallGroup( inforec.q ^ n, sid ); gens := GeneratorsOfGroup( g ); C := CyclicGroup( inforec.q ^ typ ); c := GeneratorsOfGroup( C )[ 1 ]; gens := gens{[ 1 .. rank ]}; for j in [ 1 .. Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ sid ] ) ] do if SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ sid ][ j ] > 0 then coeff := CoefficientsMultiadic( inforec.q ^ typ + 0 * [1..rank], SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ nn ][ typ ][ sid ][ j ] ); if IdGroup( Kernel( GroupHomomorphismByImages( g, C, gens, List( coeff, x-> c^x ) ) ) ) = [ inforec.q^(n-typ), cid ] then return num - Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[nn][typ][ sid ] ) + j; fi; fi; od; Error( "fatal Error in function ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ 17 ]" ); end;