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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W GAP group library Hans Ulrich Besche ## Bettina Eick, Eamonn O'Brien ## ## This file contains the basic installations for the library of small ## groups and the group identification routines. ## ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS ## ## On every level of the small groups library one function is written into ## this list. It will detect those sizes, which are contained in this ## library level. SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_AVAILABLE( size ) ## ## returns fail if the library of groups of <size> is not installed. ## Otherwise a record with some information about the construction of the ## groups of <size> is returned. InstallGlobalFunction( SMALL_AVAILABLE, function( size ) local l, r; for l in [ 1 .. Length( SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS ) ] do if IsBound( SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ l ] ) then r := SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ l ]( size ); if r <> fail then return r; fi; fi; od; return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS ## ## This list will contain all functions to construct/read the groups from ## the library. SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #F CODE_SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS ## ## This list will contain those functions used to read the code of the ## groups of some sizes from the data files. CODE_SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #F NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS ## NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #F SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS ## SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #V SMALL_GROUP_LIB ## ## This list will contain all data for the group construction read from the ## small group library. SMALL_GROUP_LIB := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #V PROPERTIES_SMALL_GROUPS ## ## This list will contain all data for the group selection read from the ## small group library. PROPERTIES_SMALL_GROUPS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #F SmallGroup(<size>,<i>) ## ## returns the <i>th group of order <size> in the catalogue. It will return ## an PcGroup, if the group is soluble and a permutation group otherwise. ## If the groups of this size are not installed, it will return an error. InstallGlobalFunction( SmallGroup, function( arg ) local inforec, g, size, i; if Length( arg ) = 1 then if not IsList( arg[1] ) or Length( arg[1] ) <> 2 then Error( "usage: SmallGroup( order, number )" ); fi; size := arg[ 1 ][ 1 ]; i := arg[ 1 ][ 2 ]; elif Length( arg ) = 2 then size := arg[ 1 ]; i := arg[ 2 ]; else Error( "usage: SmallGroup( order, number )" ); fi; if not IsPosInt( size ) or not IsPosInt( i ) then Error( "usage: SmallGroup( order, number )" ); fi; inforec := SMALL_AVAILABLE( size ); if inforec = fail then Error( "the library of groups of size ", size, " is not available" ); fi; g := SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ inforec.func ]( size, i, inforec ); SetIdGroup( g, [ size, i ] ); IsPGroup( g ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F NumberSmallGroups(<size>) ## ## returns the number of groups of the order <size>. InstallGlobalFunction( NumberSmallGroups, function( size ) local inforec; if not IsPosInt( size ) then Error( "usage: NumberSmallGroups( order )" ); fi; if size = 1024 then return 49487365422; fi; inforec := SMALL_AVAILABLE( size ); if inforec = fail then Error( "the library of groups of size ", size, " is not available" ); fi; if IsBound( inforec.number ) then return inforec.number; fi; return NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ inforec.func ]( size, inforec ).number; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SelectSmallGroups( argl, all, id ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( SelectSmallGroups, function( argl, all, id ) local sizes, size, i, funcs, vals, gs, inforec, result, hasSizes, pos, idList; sizes := [ ]; hasSizes := false; idList := fail; for i in [ 1 .. Length( argl ) ] do if i = 1 and argl[ i ] = Size then ; elif ( not hasSizes ) and IsList( argl[ i ] ) and Length( sizes ) = 1 then idList := argl[ i ]; elif ( not hasSizes ) and IsList( argl[ i ] ) then Append( sizes, argl[ i ] ); elif ( not hasSizes ) and IsInt( argl[ i ] ) then Add( sizes, argl[ i ] ); elif ( not hasSizes ) and sizes <> [] and IsFunction( argl[i] ) then hasSizes := true; funcs := [ argl[ i ] ]; vals := [ [ ] ]; pos := 1; elif not hasSizes then Error( "usage: AllSmallGroups / OneGroup(\n", " Size, [ sizes ],\n", " function1, [ values1 ],\n", " function2, [ values2 ], ... )" ); elif vals[ pos ] <> [ ] and IsFunction( argl[ i ] ) then pos := pos + 1; funcs[ pos ] := argl[ i ]; vals[ pos ] := [ ]; elif IsFunction( argl[ i ] ) then vals[ pos ] := [ true ]; pos := pos + 1; funcs[ pos ] := argl[ i ]; vals[ pos ] := [ ]; elif IsList( argl[ i ] ) and vals[ pos ] = [ ] then vals[ pos ] := argl[ i ]; elif IsList( argl[ i ] ) and IsInt( argl[ i ][ 1 ] ) and IsList( vals[ pos ][ 1 ] ) and IsInt( vals[ pos ][1][ 1 ] ) then Add( vals[ pos ], argl[ i ] ); elif IsList( argl[ i ] ) and IsInt( argl[ i ][ 1 ] ) and IsInt( vals[ pos ][ 1 ] ) then vals[ pos ] := [ vals[ pos ], argl[ i ] ]; else Add( vals[ pos ], argl[ i ] ); fi; od; if sizes <> [ ] and ( not IsBound( vals ) ) then funcs := [ ]; vals := [ ]; elif vals[ pos ] = [ ] then vals[ pos ] := [ true ]; fi; result := [ ]; for size in sizes do inforec := SMALL_AVAILABLE( size ); if inforec = fail then Error( "AllSmallGroups / OneGroup: groups of order ", size, " not available" ); fi; gs := SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ inforec.func ] ( size, funcs, vals, inforec, all, id, idList ); if all then Append( result, gs ); elif gs <> fail then return gs; fi; od; if all then return result; else return fail; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ID_AVAILABLE_FUNCS ## ID_AVAILABLE_FUNCS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #F ID_AVAILABLE ## InstallGlobalFunction( ID_AVAILABLE, function( size ) local l, r; if not IsInt( size ) then return fail; fi; for l in [ 1 .. Length( ID_AVAILABLE_FUNCS ) ] do if IsBound( ID_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ l ] ) then r := ID_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ l ]( size ); if r <> fail then return r; fi; fi; od; return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ID_GROUP_FUNCS ## ID_GROUP_FUNCS := [ ]; ############################################################################# ## #M IdGroup( G ) ## InstallMethod( IdGroup, "generic method for groups", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) local inforec, size; size := Size( G ); if size = 1 then return [ 1, 1 ]; fi; inforec := ID_AVAILABLE( size ); if inforec = fail then Error( "the group identification for groups of size ", size, " is not available" ); fi; if not ( IsPcGroup( G ) or IsPermGroup( G ) ) then if IsSolvableGroup( G ) then G := Image( IsomorphismPcGroup( G ) ); else G := Image( IsomorphismPermGroup( G ) ); fi; fi; if Size( G ) > 1000 and IsPermGroup( G ) and LargestMovedPoint( G ) > 100 and IsSolvableGroup( G ) then G := Image( IsomorphismPcGroup( G ) ); fi; if IsPcGroup( G ) and HasParent( G ) and Size( Parent( G ) ) > 10000 and Size( Parent( G ) ) / Size( G ) > 10 then G := PcGroupCode( CodePcGroup( G ), Size( G ) ); fi; return [ size, ID_GROUP_FUNCS[ inforec.func ]( G, inforec ) ]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #V ID_GROUP_TREE ## ## Variable containing information for group identification ID_GROUP_TREE := rec( fp := [ 1 .. 50000 ], next := [ ] ); ############################################################################# ## #F ReadSmallLib( str, i, size, list ) ## ## universal reading function for data files ReadSmallLib := function( str, i, size, list ) local l, str2, str3, j; l := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; str2 := Concatenation( str, String( size ) ); str3 := [ ]; for j in list do if j > 702 then Add( str3, l[ QuoInt( j - 27, 676 ) ] ); j := 27 + ( j - 27 ) mod 676; fi; if j > 26 then Add( str3, l[ QuoInt( j - 1, 26 ) ] ); fi; Add( str3, l[ ( j - 1 ) mod 26 + 1 ] ); od; if Length( str2 ) > 8 then str3 := Concatenation( str2{[ 9..Length( str2 ) ]} , str3 ); str2 := str2{[ 1..8 ]}; elif Length( str3 ) = 0 then str3 := "z"; elif Length( str3 ) > 3 then str2 := Concatenation( str2, str3{[ 1 .. Length( str3 ) - 3 ]} ); str3 := str3{[ Length( str3 ) - 2 .. Length( str3 ) ]}; fi; if str in [ "sml", "col", "prop", "nor" ] then READ_SMALL_FUNCS[ i ]( Concatenation( str2, ".", str3 ) ); else READ_IDLIB_FUNCS[ i ]( Concatenation( str2, ".", str3 ) ); fi; end; ############################################################################# ## #V GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP ## ## List with the gap3-ids. Will be loaded before use. GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP := fail; ############################################################################# ## #M Gap3CatalogueIdGroup(<G>) ## InstallMethod( Gap3CatalogueIdGroup, "for permgroups or pcgroups", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) if Size( G ) > 100 then Error( "Gap3CatalogueIdGroup: the group catalogue of gap-3.0 was\n", "limited to size 100" ); fi; if GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP = fail then ReadSmall( "gap3cat.g" ); fi; if not IsBound( GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP[ Size( G ) ] ) then return IdGroup( G ); fi; return [ Size( G ), GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP[ Size( G ) ][ IdGroup( G )[ 2 ] ] ]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Gap3CatalogueGroup(<size>,<i>) ## InstallGlobalFunction( Gap3CatalogueGroup, function( size, i ) local p; if size > 100 then Error( "Gap3CatalogueIdGroup: the group catalogue of gap-3.0 was\n", "limited to size 100" ); fi; if GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP = fail then ReadSmall( "gap3cat.g" ); fi; if not IsBound( GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP[ size ] ) then return SmallGroup( size, i ); fi; p := Position( GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP[ size ], i ); if p = fail then Error( "Gap3CatalogueGroup: there are just ", Length( GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP[ size ] ), " groups of size ", size ); fi; return SmallGroup( size, p ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F UnloadSmallGroupsData( ) ## ## will remove the data from the small groups library from memory. InstallGlobalFunction( UnloadSmallGroupsData, function( ) SMALL_GROUP_LIB := [ ]; PROPERTIES_SMALL_GROUPS := [ ]; GAP3_CATALOGUE_ID_GROUP := fail; ID_GROUP_TREE := rec( fp := [ 1 .. 50000 ], next := [ ] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M FrattinifactorSize(<G>) ## InstallMethod( FrattinifactorSize, "generic method for groups", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) return Size( G ) / Size( FrattiniSubgroup( G ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M FrattinifactorId(<G>) ## InstallMethod( FrattinifactorId, "generic method for groups", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) local ff; ff := G / FrattiniSubgroup( G ); if ID_AVAILABLE( Size( ff ) ) = fail then Error( "FrattinifactorId: IdGroup for groups of size ", Size( ff ), " not available" ); fi; return IdGroup( ff ); end );