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Views: 466295############################################################################# ## #W smlgp3.g GAP group library Hans Ulrich Besche ## Bettina Eick, Eamonn O'Brien ## ## This file contains the reading and constrution functions for the groups ## of size 2^n * p for 3 <= n <= 8 and p an odd prime. 2^n * p has to be ## greater then 1000. ## ############################################################################# ## ## tell GAP about the component ## DeclareComponent("small3","2.0"); ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ 3 ] ## SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ 3 ] := function( size ) local p; p := FactorsInt( size ); if Length( p ) > 9 or p[ Length( p ) - 1 ] <> 2 or size = 512 then return fail; fi; return rec( func := 11, lib := 3 ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 11 ]( size, i, inforec ) ## SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 11 ] := function( size, i, inforec ) local post, typ, iint, pos, file, sid, codes, sinfo, scode, rank, F, gens, rels, n, p, aut, exp, rel, j, k, tmp, c, listInt, S, gS, root; listInt := function( int ) local r, i; i := 1; r := [ ]; while int > 0 do if int mod 2 = 1 then Add( r, i ); fi; i := i + 1; int := QuoInt( int, 2 ); od; return r; end; if not IsBound( inforec.r ) then inforec := NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 11 ]( size, inforec ); fi; if i > inforec.number then Error( "there are just ", inforec.number, " groups of size ", size ); fi; post := PositionSorted( inforec.pos, i ) - 1; typ := inforec.types[ post ]; iint := i - inforec.pos[ post ]; n := inforec.n; p := inforec.p; if typ = "none-p-nil" then if size = 768 then # the 4912 none-p-nil groups of size 768 are stored in 4 files if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 768 ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 768 ] := rec(); fi; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 768 ].npnil ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 768 ].npnil := []; fi; file := QuoInt( iint + 1249, 1250 ); pos := iint - ( file - 1 ) * 1250; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 768 ].npnil[ file ] ) then ReadSmallLib( "sml", 3, 768, [ file ] ); fi; return PcGroupCode( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[768].npnil[file][pos], 768 ); fi; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] := rec(); ReadSmallLib( "sml", inforec.lib, size, [ ] ); fi; return PcGroupCode( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].npnil[ iint ], size ); fi; if typ = "nil" then sid := i; elif typ = "p-autos" then if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] := rec(); fi; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].pnil ) then ReadSmallLib( "sml", 3, size, [ ] ); fi; sid := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].pnil.2syl[ iint ]; else if n < 8 then if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ] ) then ReadSmallLib( "nor", 3, 2, [ n ] ); fi; else if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 8 ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 8 ] := [ ]; fi; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 8 ][ typ ] ) then c := [ 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]; ReadSmallLib( "nor", 3, 2, [ 8, c[ typ ] ] ); fi; fi; if typ = 1 then # relative id of the (i-1)*1000-th group if n = 7 then c := [ 0, 4514, 13729 ]; elif n = 8 then c := [ 0, 3465, 8461, 14319, 20208, 25076 , 30536, 36802, 48659, 61838, 75468, 84609, 94875, 106350, 115482, 124305, 135946, 146216, 158916, 171446, 185870, 199622, 211598, 223026, 236294, 250682, 263271, 271778, 286530, 307239, 328434, 351278, 379078, 402238, 431410, 461222, 485658, 515470, 544547, 568726, 596286, 625438, 656042, 686670, 716722, 746080, 771660, 799616, 830416, 861172, 891634, 922178, 951604 ]; else c := [ 0 ]; fi; else c := [ 0 ]; fi; if IsRecord( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ] ) then # lists with many empty entries are compressed tmp := [ ]; i := 0; for j in [ 1 .. Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ].pos ) ] do if SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ].pos[ j ] > 0 then i := i + 1; tmp[ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ].pos[ j ] ] := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ].val[ i ]; else for k in [ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ].pos[ j - 1] + 1 .. -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ].pos[ j ] ] do i := i + 1; tmp[ k ] := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ].val[ i ]; od; fi; od; SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ] := tmp; fi; sid := PositionSorted( c, iint ) - 2; iint := iint - c[ sid + 1 ]; sid := sid * 1000 + 1; while ( not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ) ) or ( IsInt( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ) ) or ( Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ) < iint ) do if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ) then # for typ = 1 an empty entry shows that it is the same like # the precedessor if typ = 1 then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid - 1 ]; else sid := sid + 1; fi; elif IsInt( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ) then if SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] < 0 then # the entry is refered to one earlier if IsInt( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ] := listInt( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ]); fi; SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] := SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n] [ typ ][ -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ]; else # special way of decompession SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] := listInt( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ); fi; else # simple case, just count group ids iint := iint - Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ] ); sid := sid + 1; fi; od; fi; if n = 3 then codes := [ 323, 33, 36, 2343, 0 ]; scode := codes[ sid ]; else sinfo := SMALL_AVAILABLE( 2 ^ n ); scode := CODE_SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ sinfo.func ]( 2^n, sid, sinfo ); fi; F := FreeGroup( n + 1 ); gens := GeneratorsOfGroup( F ); if typ = "nil" then rels := RelatorsCode( scode, 2^n, gens{[ 1 .. n ]} ); Add( rels, gens[ n + 1 ]^ p ); elif typ = "p-autos" then rels := RelatorsCode( scode, 2^n, gens{[ 2 .. n+1 ]} ); Add( rels, gens[ 1 ] ^ p ); aut := CoefficientsMultiadic( List( [ 1..n ], x-> 2^n+1 ), SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].pnil.oper[ iint ] ) - 1; for j in [ 1 .. n ] do exp := CoefficientsMultiadic( List( [ 1..n ], x->2 ), aut[ j ] ); rel := gens[ 1 ] ^ -1 * gens[ j + 1 ] ^ -1 * gens [ 1 ]; for k in [ 1 .. n ] do if exp[ k ] = 1 then rel := rel * gens[ k + 1 ]; fi; od; Add( rels, rel ); od; else # normal p-sylowsubgroup rels := RelatorsCode( scode, 2^n, gens{[ 1 .. n ]} ); Add( rels, gens[ n + 1 ] ^ p ); c := [ ,, [ 1, 4, 5 ], [ 1, 9, 13, 14 ], [ 1, 20, 44, 50, 51 ], [ 1, 54, 191, 259, 266, 267 ], [ 1, 163, 996, 2149, 2318, 2327, 2328 ], [ 1, 541, 6731, 26972, 55625, 56081, 56091, 56092 ] ]; rank := PositionSorted( c[ n ], sid ); if typ = 1 then aut := CoefficientsMultiadic( List( [1..rank], x->2 ), SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ][ iint ] ); for i in [ 1 .. rank ] do if aut[ i ] = 1 then Add( rels, gens[ n+1] ^ gens[i] * gens[ n+1] ); fi; od; else root := PrimitiveRootMod( p ) ^ ((p-1)/2^typ) mod p; if SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ][ iint ] < 0 then root := root ^ ( -SMALL_GROUP_LIB[n][typ][sid][iint] ) mod p; while SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ][ iint ] < 0 do iint := iint - 1; od; fi; S := PcGroupCode( scode, 2^n ); gS := GeneratorsOfGroup( S ); aut := CoefficientsMultiadic( List( [1..rank], x->2^typ ), SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ n ][ typ ][ sid ][ iint ] ); for i in [ 1 .. rank ] do Add( rels, gens[ n + 1 ] ^ gens[ i ] / gens[ n + 1 ] ^ ( root ^ aut[ i ] mod p ) ); od; for i in [ rank + 1 .. n ] do if not gS[ i ] in DerivedSubgroup( S ) then j := 1; c := Order( gS[ i ] ); while ( Order( gS[ j ] ) <= c ) or ( gS[j] ^ ( Order(gS[j]) / c ) <> gS[i] ) do j := j + 1; od; Add( rels, gens[ n + 1 ] ^ gens[ i ] / gens[ n + 1 ] ^ ( root ^ ( aut[ j ] * Order( gS[j] ) / c ) mod p ) ); fi; od; fi; fi; return PcGroupFpGroup( F / rels ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 11 ]( size, inforec ) ## NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 11 ] := function( size, inforec ) local p, n, c, num, r, pos, i; if inforec.func <> 11 then Error( "NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 11 ]: wrong call" ); fi; p := FactorsInt( size ); n := Length( p ) - 1; p := p[ Length( p ) ]; r := Minimum( n, Length( Filtered( FactorsInt( p - 1 ), x-> x = 2 ) ) ); inforec.p := p; inforec.n := n; inforec.r := r; inforec.types := [ "nil" ]; c := [ ,, 5, 14, 51, 267, 2328, 56092 ]; num := c [ n ]; inforec.pos := [ 0, num ]; c := [ [ ,, 7, 28, 144, 1120, 16996, 1027380 ], [ ,, 2, 9, 40, 243, 2183, 32836 ], [ ,, 1, 2, 9, 42, 259, 2339 ], [ ,, , 1, 2, 9, 42, 263 ], [ ,, , , 1, 2, 9, 42 ], [ ,, , , , 1, 2, 9 ], [ ,, , , , , 1, 2 ], [ ,, , , , , , 1 ] ]; for i in [ 1 .. Minimum( r, 8 ) ] do Add( inforec. types, i ); num := num + c[ i ][ n ]; Add( inforec.pos, num ); od; c := [ 3, 5, 7, 17, 31, 127 ]; pos := Position( c, p ); if IsInt( pos ) then c := [ [ ,, 2, 6, 19, 70, 309, 1851 ], [ ,, , 1, 2, 5, 13, 49 ], [ ,, 1, 1, 2, 9, 24, 77 ], [ ,, , , , , , 1 ], [ ,, , , 1, 1, 2, 5 ], [ ,, , , , , 1, 1 ] ]; if IsBound( c[ pos ][ n ] ) then Add( inforec.types, "p-autos" ); num := num + c[ pos ][ n ]; Add( inforec.pos, num ); fi; if pos <= 3 then c := [ [ ,, 1, 4, 17, 86, 536, 4912 ], [ ,, , , 1, 5, 21, 104 ], [ ,, , , , , 1, 4 ] ]; if IsBound( c[ pos ][ n ] ) then Add( inforec.types, "none-p-nil" ); num := num + c[ pos ][ n ]; Add( inforec.pos, num ); fi; fi; fi; inforec.number := inforec.pos[ Length( inforec.pos ) ]; return inforec; end; ############################################################################# ## #F SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 11 ]( funcs, vals, inforec, all, id, idList ) ## SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 11 ] := function( size, funcs, vals, inforec, all, id, idList) local result, i, g, ok, j, range; if not IsBound( inforec.number ) then inforec := NUMBER_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ inforec.func ]( size, inforec); fi; if idList = fail then Info( InfoWarning, 2, "`SelectSmallGroups' checks ", inforec.number, " grps of size ", size, " with trivial methods"); fi; result := [ ]; range := [ 1 .. inforec.number ]; if idList <> fail then range := idList; fi; for i in range do g := SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ inforec.func ]( size, i, inforec ); SetIdGroup( g, [ size, i ] ); ok := true; for j in [ 1 .. Length( funcs ) ] do ok := ok and funcs[ j ]( g ) in vals[ j ]; od; if all and id and ok then Add( result, [ size, i ] ); elif all and ok then Add( result, g ); elif ok then return g; fi; od; if all then return result; else return fail; fi; end;