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Views: 466293############################################################################# ## #W smlgp6.g GAP group library Hans Ulrich Besche ## Bettina Eick, Eamonn O'Brien ## ## This file contains the reading and constrution functions for the groups ## of size 1152 and 1920. ## ############################################################################# ## ## tell GAP about the component ## DeclareComponent("small6","1.0"); ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ 6 ] ## SMALL_AVAILABLE_FUNCS[ 6 ] := function( size ) if size = 1152 then return rec( func := 12, lib := 6, number := 157877 ); elif size = 1920 then return rec( func := 12, lib := 6, number := 241004 ); fi; return fail; end; ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 12 ]( size, i, inforec ) ## SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 12 ] := function( size, i, inforec ) local pos, sid; if i > inforec.number then Error( "there are just ", inforec.number, " groups of size ", size ); fi; if size = 1152 then if i <= 2328 then return SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 13 ]( 32769, 1152, i ); elif i <= 4656 then return SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 13 ]( 0, 1152, i - 2328 ); else i := i - 4656; fi; elif size = 1920 then if i <= 2328 then return SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 13 ]( 0, 1920, i ); else i := i - 2328; fi; else Error( "SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 12 ]: wrong call" ); fi; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] ) then SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] := rec( 2nil := rec(), n2nil := [ ] ); fi; if ( size = 1152 and i <= 148656 ) or ( size = 1920 and i <= 234016 ) then if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ] ) then ReadSmallLib( "sml", 6, size, [ 1 ] ); fi; if size = 1152 then pos := [ 0, 3368, 10292, 16477, 23956, 30069, 45539, 65364, 86448, 97501, 113864, 132214 ]; else pos := [ 0, 4602, 14850, 23766, 34334, 42794, 67753, 99802, 134526, 153060, 177816, 206598 ]; fi; sid := PositionSorted( pos, i ); i := i - pos[ sid - 1 ]; sid := ( sid - 2 ) * 200 + 1; while Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].2nil.codelist[ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].2nil.styps[ sid ] ] ) < i do i := i - Length( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].2nil.codelist[ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].2nil.styps[ sid ] ] ); sid := sid + 1; od; return SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 13 ]( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ][ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].2nil.codelist[ SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].2nil.styps[ sid ] ][ i ] ], size, sid ); fi; if size = 1152 then i := i - 148656; else i := i - 234016; fi; pos := QuoInt( i + 2499, 2500 ); i := i - ( pos - 1 ) * 2500; if not IsBound( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].n2nil[ pos ] ) then ReadSmallLib( "sml", 6, size, [ 2, pos ] ); fi; if IsList( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].n2nil[ pos ][ i ] ) then return Group( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].n2nil[ pos ][ i ] ); fi; return PcGroupCode( SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ size ].n2nil[ pos ][ i ], size ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 13 ]( code, size, sid ) ## ## similar function to 'RelatorsCode' specialized for groups of size 1152 ## and 1920 with normal (3,5)-Hall-subgroup, for which the relators of the ## 2-sylow-subgroup are not stored with the group. ## SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 13 ] := function( code, size, sid ) local F, gens, i, j, z, z2, rels, trels, rr, g, t, n, uc, indices, ll; # create free group F := FreeGroup( 9 ); gens := GeneratorsOfGroup( F ); # preparations size := size / 128; indices := FactorsInt( size ); n := ShallowCopy( code ); # initialize relators rels := []; rr := []; for i in [1..2] do rels[i]:=gens[i+7]^indices[i]; od; if size = 9 then ll := 15; else ll := 14; fi; uc := Reversed( CoefficientsMultiadic( List( [ 1 .. ll ], x -> 2 ), n mod ( 2 ^ ll ) ) ); n := QuoInt( n,2^ll ); for i in [1..Sum(uc)] do t := CoefficientsMultiadic( indices, n mod size ); g := gens[1]^0; for j in [1..2] do if t[j] > 0 then g := g * gens[j+7]^t[j]; fi; od; Add( rr, g ); n := QuoInt( n, size ); od; z := 1; z2 := 0; if size = 9 then if uc[1] = 1 then rels[1] := rels[1]/rr[1]; z := 2; fi; z2 := 1; fi; for i in [1..7] do for j in [8..9] do z2 := z2+1; if uc[z2] = 1 then Add( rels, Comm( gens[ j ], gens[ i ] ) / rr[ z ] ); z := z+1; fi; od; od; return PcGroupFpGroup( F / Concatenation( RelatorsCode( CODE_SMALL_GROUP_FUNCS[ 8 ]( 128, sid, rec( func := 8, lib := 2 ) ), 128, gens{[ 1..7 ]} ), rels ) ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 12 ]( funcs, vals, inforec, all, id ) ## SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 12 ] := SELECT_SMALL_GROUPS_FUNCS[ 11 ];