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Views: 466293############################################################################# ## #W testutil.g GAP Library Thomas Breuer #W Frank Celler ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 2005 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains utilities for running tests. ## It is not read with the library when {\GAP} is started. ## ############################################################################# ## #F ExtractManualExamples( <bookname> ) ## ## <bookname> is either ref or tut. ## The function should be called EXACTLY from the GAP root directory. ## LoadPackage("gapdoc"); ExtractManualExamples:=function( bookname ) local path, main, files, tst, i, s, name, output; if bookname="tut" then files:=[]; elif bookname="ref" then Read( "doc/ref/makedocreldata.g" ); files:= GAPInfo.ManualDataRef.files; else Error( "RunManualsTest : the argument bust be \"ref\" or \"tut\"" ); fi; path:=Directory( Concatenation( GAPInfo.RootPaths[1], "doc/", bookname ) ); main:="main.xml"; Print("===============================================================\n"); Print("Extracting manual examples from the book '", bookname, "'\n" ); Print("===============================================================\n"); tst:=ManualExamples( path, main, files, "Chapter" ); for i in [ 1 .. Length(tst) ] do Print("Processing '", bookname, "' chapter number ", i, " of ", Length(tst), "\c" ); if Length( tst[i] ) > 0 then s := String(i); if Length(s)=1 then # works for <100 chapters s:=Concatenation("0",s); fi; name := Filename( Directory( Concatenation( "doc/test/", bookname ) ), Concatenation( bookname, s, ".tst" ) ); output := OutputTextFile( name, false ); # to empty the file first SetPrintFormattingStatus( output, false ); # to avoid line breaks PrintTo( output, tst[i] ); CloseStream(output); # one superfluous check if tst[i] <> StringFile( name ) then Error("Saved file does not match original examples string!!!\n"); else Print(" - OK! \n" ); fi; else Print(" - no examples to save! \n" ); fi; od; Print("===============================================================\n"); end; ############################################################################# ## #F CreatePackageTestsInput( <scriptfile>, <outfile>, <gap>, <other> ) ## ## writes the file <scriptfile> that starts a new GAP session using the ## command <gap> (including all command line options) for each test file ## of a package (given by the component `TestFile' in the record stored in ## its `PackageInfo.g' file) and reads this file. The output of all tests ## is collected in the files <outfile>.<packagename> ## GAP} is started as <gap> (including all command line options). ## <other> may be true, false or "auto" to specify whether all available ## packages are loaded, not loaded or only autoloaded packages. This mode ## is actually managed in the Makefile, and is passed to this function ## just to be printed in the information messages. ## BindGlobal( "CreatePackageTestsInput", function( scriptfile, outfile, gap, other, pkgname... ) local result, name, entry, pair, testfile, packages; SizeScreen( [ 1000 ] ); InitializePackagesInfoRecords( false ); result:= ""; Append( result, "TIMESTAMP=`date -u +_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`\n" ); if Length(pkgname)=0 then packages := SortedList(ShallowCopy(RecNames(GAPInfo.PackagesInfo))); else packages := pkgname; if Length(packages) <> 1 or Length(packages[1]) = 0 then Error("Usage: make testpackage PKGNAME=pkgname"); fi; if not pkgname[1] in RecNames(GAPInfo.PackagesInfo) then Error("There is no package with the name ", pkgname[1], " installed\n"); fi; fi; for name in packages do for entry in GAPInfo.PackagesInfo.( name ) do if IsBound( entry.InstallationPath ) and IsBound( entry.TestFile ) then testfile := Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( name, "" ), entry.TestFile ); if testfile <> fail then Append( result, Concatenation( "echo 'Testing ", name, " ", entry.Version, ", test=", testfile, ", all packages=", other, "'\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo ", "'============================OUTPUT START=============================='", " > ", outfile, "$TIMESTAMP.", name, "\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo 'SetUserPreference(\"UseColorsInTerminal\",false); ", "RunPackageTests( \"", name, "\", \"", entry.Version, "\", \"", entry.TestFile, "\", \"", other, "\" );' | ", gap, " >> ", outfile, "$TIMESTAMP.", name, "\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo ", "'============================OUTPUT END================================'", " >> ", outfile, "$TIMESTAMP.", name, "\n" ) ); else Append( result, Concatenation( "echo 'failed to find test files for the ", name, " package'\n") ); fi; fi; od; od; PrintTo( scriptfile, result ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F RunPackageTests( <pkgname>, <version>, <testfile>, <other> ) ## ## loads the package <pkgname> in version <version>, ## and reads the file <testfile> (a path relative to the package directory). ## If <other> is `true' then all other available packages are also loaded. ## ## The file <testfile> can either be a file that contains ## `Test' statements and therefore must be read with `Read', ## or it can be a file that itself must be read with `Test'; ## the latter is detected from the occurrence of a substring ## `"START_TEST"' in the file. ## BindGlobal( "RunPackageTests", function( pkgname, version, testfile, other ) local file, PKGTSTHDR, str; if LoadPackage( pkgname, Concatenation( "=", version ) ) = fail then Print( "#I RunPackageTests: package `", pkgname, "' (version ", version, ") not loadable\n" ); return; fi; if other = "true" then LoadAllPackages(); fi; PKGTSTHDR := Concatenation( "\"", pkgname, "\", \"", version, "\", \"", testfile, "\", ", other ); Print( "#I RunPackageTests(", PKGTSTHDR, ");\n" ); ShowSystemInformation(); file:= Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( pkgname, "" ), testfile ); str:= StringFile( file ); if not IsString( str ) then Print( "#I RunPackageTests: file `", testfile, "' for package `", pkgname, "' (version ", version, ") not readable\n" ); return; fi; if PositionSublist( str, "gap> START_TEST(" ) = fail then if not READ( file ) then Print( "#I RunPackageTests: file `", testfile, "' for package `", pkgname, "' (version ", version, ") not readable\n" ); fi; else if not Test( file, rec(compareFunction := "uptowhitespace") ) then Print( "#I Errors detected while testing package ", pkgname, " ", version, "\n", "#I using the test file `", testfile, "'\n"); else Print( "#I No errors detected while testing package ", pkgname, " ", version, "\n", "#I using the test file `", testfile, "'\n"); fi; fi; Print( "#I RunPackageTests(", PKGTSTHDR, "): runtime ", Runtime(), "\n" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F CreatePackageLoadTestsInput( <scriptfile>, <outfileprefix>, <gap>, ## <autoload>, <onlyneeded> ) ## ## Writes the file <scriptfile> that tests loading each package ## BindGlobal( "CreatePackageLoadTestsInput", function( scriptfile, outfileprefix, gap, autoload, onlyneeded ) local mode, smode, PKGLOADTSTOPT, result, name, entry, packagenames; SizeScreen( [ 1000 ] ); InitializePackagesInfoRecords( false ); result:= ""; mode:=""; PKGLOADTSTOPT:=""; if autoload then Append( mode, " with autoloaded" ); else Append( mode, " " ); fi; if onlyneeded then Append( mode, ", only needed" ); PKGLOADTSTOPT:=":OnlyNeeded"; fi; smode := NormalizedWhitespace(mode); if Length(smode) > 0 and smode[1] <> ' ' then smode:=Concatenation( " ", smode ); fi; packagenames := ShallowCopy( RecNames( GAPInfo.PackagesInfo ) ); Sort( packagenames ); Append( result, "TIMESTAMP=`date -u +_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`\n" ); for name in packagenames do for entry in GAPInfo.PackagesInfo.( name ) do Append( result, "echo '==========================================='\n" ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo '%%% Loading ", name, " ", entry.Version, smode, "'\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo 'SetUserPreference(\"UseColorsInTerminal\",false); ", "PKGLOADTSTRES:=LoadPackage(\"", name, "\"", PKGLOADTSTOPT, ");;", "Filtered(NamesUserGVars(),x->IsLowerAlphaChar(x[1]) or Length(x)<=3);", "if PKGLOADTSTRES=true then PKGLOADTSTRES:=\"### Loaded\"; ", "else PKGLOADTSTRES:=\"### Not loaded\"; fi;", "Print( PKGLOADTSTRES, \" \",\"", name, "\",\" \",\"", entry.Version, smode, "\");", "Print([CHAR_INT(10)]);' | ", gap, " > ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.", name, " 2>&1 \n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "cat ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.", name, "\n" ) ); od; od; Append( result, "echo '==========================================='\n" ); # do not test LoadAllPackages with OnlyNeeded option if not onlyneeded then Append( result, Concatenation("echo '\n======OUTPUT START: LoadAllPackages", mode, "'\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo 'SetUserPreference(\"UseColorsInTerminal\",false); ", "if CompareVersionNumbers( GAPInfo.Version, \"4.5.0\") then ", "SetInfoLevel(InfoPackageLoading,4);", "fi;LoadAllPackages(", PKGLOADTSTOPT, "); ", "Print([CHAR_INT(10)]); ", "Print(\"### all packages loaded ", mode, "\"); ' | ", gap, " > ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.all 2>&1 \n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "cat ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.all\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation("echo '\n======OUTPUT END: LoadAllPackages", mode, "'\n" ) ); Append( result, "echo '==========================================='\n" ); Append( result, Concatenation("echo '\n======OUTPUT START: LoadAllPackages ", "in the reverse order", mode, "'\n" ) ); if PKGLOADTSTOPT="" then PKGLOADTSTOPT:=":reversed"; else PKGLOADTSTOPT:=":OnlyNeeded,reversed"; fi; Append( result, Concatenation( "echo 'SetUserPreference(\"UseColorsInTerminal\",false); ", "if CompareVersionNumbers( GAPInfo.Version, \"4.5.0\") then ", "SetInfoLevel(InfoPackageLoading,4);", "fi;LoadAllPackages(", PKGLOADTSTOPT, "); ", "Print([CHAR_INT(10)]); ", "Print(\"### all packages loaded in reverse order", mode, "\"); ' | ", gap, " > ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.all 2>&1 \n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "cat ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.all\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation("echo '\n======OUTPUT END: LoadAllPackages ", "in the reverse order", mode, "'\n" ) ); fi; Append( result, Concatenation( "rm ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.*\n" ) ); PrintTo( scriptfile, result ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F CreatePackageVarsTestsInput( <scriptfile>, <outfileprefix>, <gap> ) ## ## Writes the file <scriptfile> that calls ShowPackageVariables ## for each package in a new GAP session ## BindGlobal( "CreatePackageVarsTestsInput", function( scriptfile, outfileprefix, gap ) local result, name, entry, packagenames; SizeScreen( [ 1000 ] ); InitializePackagesInfoRecords( false ); result:= ""; packagenames := ShallowCopy( RecNames( GAPInfo.PackagesInfo ) ); Sort( packagenames ); Append( result, "TIMESTAMP=`date -u +_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`\n" ); for name in packagenames do for entry in GAPInfo.PackagesInfo.( name ) do Append( result, "echo '==========================================='\n" ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo '### Checking variables in \"", name, "\", ver. ", entry.Version, "'\n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "echo 'ShowPackageVariables(\"", name, "\"", ");", "Print(\"### Variables checked for \\\"\",\"", name, "\\\"\",\", ver. \",\"", entry.Version, "\" );", "Print([CHAR_INT(10)]);' | ", gap, " > ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.", name, " 2>&1 \n" ) ); Append( result, Concatenation( "cat ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.", name, "\n" ) ); od; od; Append( result, "echo '==========================================='\n" ); Append( result, Concatenation( "rm ", outfileprefix, "$TIMESTAMP.*\n" ) ); PrintTo( scriptfile, result ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F CreateDevUpdateTestInput( ) #F RunDevUpdateTests( ) ## ## RunDevUpdateTests() extracts test from dev/Update files and runs them ## in the current GAP session. CreateDevUpdateTestInput() is an auxiliary ## function which returns the string with the tests. It may be used to ## view the tests or print them to a file. ## BindGlobal( "CreateDevUpdateTestInput", function() local dirname, file, f, filename, content, alltests, output, nr, line, teststart, testlines; dirname:= DirectoriesLibrary( "dev/Updates" ); if dirname = fail then Error("Can not find the 'dev/Updates' directory. Note that it is a part of the\n", "development version of GAP and is not included in the GAP distribution\n"); fi; alltests := [ ]; # Exclude hidden files and directories. Sort to ensure the order is not system-dependent for file in SortedList( Filtered( DirectoryContents(dirname[1]), f -> f[1] <> '.' ) ) do filename := Filename( dirname, file ); content := SplitString( StringFile( filename ), "\r\n"); output := [ ]; nr:=0; repeat nr := nr+1; if nr > Length(content) then break; fi; line := content[nr]; if Length(line) > 0 then if line[1]='!' then if LowercaseString( ReplacedString( line, " ","")) = "!testcode" then teststart := nr; testlines := []; repeat nr := nr+1; line := content[nr]; if Length(line) > 0 then if line[1]='!' then break; elif not line[1]='%' then Add( testlines, Concatenation(line,"\n") ); fi; fi; until false; if Length( testlines ) > 0 then Add(output, Concatenation( "# ", filename, ", line ", String(teststart), "\n") ); Append(output, testlines ); Add( output, "\n" ); fi; fi; fi; fi; until false; if Length(output) > 0 then Add( output, "#######################\n#END\n"); Add( alltests, [ filename, Concatenation( output ) ] ); fi; od; return alltests; end); BindGlobal( "RunDevUpdateTests", function() local tests, t, resfile, str; tests := CreateDevUpdateTestInput(); SaveWorkspace("testdevupdate.wsp"); for t in tests do Print("Checking " , t[1],"\n"); resfile := "TESTDEVUPDATEOUTPUT"; FileString( "TESTDEVUPDATE", t[2] ); Exec( Concatenation( "echo 'Test(\"TESTDEVUPDATE\");' | bin/ -b -r -A -q -L testdevupdate.wsp > ", resfile )); str := StringFile(resfile); Print(str); od; RemoveFile("testdevupdate.wsp"); RemoveFile("TESTDEVUPDATE"); RemoveFile(resfile); end); ############################################################################# ## #F CheckOutputDelegations ## ## A method to output an object may only delegate to another operation ## which appears further right in the following list: Display, ViewObj, ## PrintObj, DisplayString, ViewString, PrintString, String. ## ## This function parses the code of all installed methods for these ## operations and checks whether this rule is followed, and shortlists ## methods that require further inspection. Since it may still report ## some cases where it is safe to call a predecessor of an operations ## for a subobject of the original object, the check cannot be fully ## automated. ## BindGlobal( "CheckOutputDelegations", function() local rules, name, f, str, ots, met, pos, nargs, r, i, report, line, m, n, illegal_delegations, checklist; rules := [ "Display", "ViewObj", "PrintObj", "DisplayString", "ViewString", "PrintString", "String" ]; for name in rules do pos:=Position( rules, name ); report:=[]; for nargs in [1..2] do f:=METHODS_OPERATION( EvalString(name), nargs ); for m in [1..Length(f)/(4+nargs)] do met := f[(m-1)*(4+nargs)+2+nargs]; str := ""; ots := OutputTextString(str,true);; PrintTo( ots, met ); CloseStream(ots); illegal_delegations:=[]; checklist:=rules{[1..pos-1]}; for r in checklist do n := POSITION_SUBSTRING(str, r, 0); if n <> fail then if Length(str) >= n + Length(r) then if not str[n + Length(r)] in LETTERS then Add( illegal_delegations, r ); fi; fi; fi; od; if Length(illegal_delegations) > 0 then Add( report, [ FILENAME_FUNC( met ), STARTLINE_FUNC( met ), f[(m-1)*(4+nargs)+4+nargs], illegal_delegations, met ] ); fi; od; od; if Length(report) > 0 then Print("\nDetected incorrect delegations for ", name, "\n"); for line in report do Print("---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); Print( line[3], "\n", " delegates to ", line[4], "\n", "Filename: ", line[1], ", line : ", line[2], "\n", line[5], "\n"); od; Print("---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); else Print("All delegations correct for ", name, "\n"); fi; od; end); ############################################################################# ## #E