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Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)

Analyzing Geiger Counter Data

This python script is designed for the AWARE RM-60 Micro Roentgen Radiation Monitor though it should work with data from other counters.

The RM-60 is connected to and powered by an Arduino Uno.

The Arduino code is an interrupt driven counter that for each count outputs the time since the previous count. The data are in seconds. My script that reads the RM-60 saves there time differences to the data file. It also outputs the counts per minute once a minute, along with the cumulative average CPM. This data starts with a # character so it can be filtered out as a comment.

This script reads the data files from disk and puts the arrival time differences into a numpy array. Right now the script prints out the files with the suffix .csv. Right now there is a maximum of 200000 data points.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np import glob fileList = glob.glob('*.csv') fileList.sort() for (i,fileName) in enumerate(fileList): print "%d - %s" % (i, fileName) iFile = int(raw_input("Enter the number of the data file: ")) fileName = fileList[iFile]
0 - 102.csv 1 - 122.csv 2 - 142.csv 3 - 162.csv 4 - 22.csv 5 - 2mm.csv 6 - 42.csv 7 - 62.csv 8 - 82.csv 9 - RM60-201802201527.csv 10 - instruct.csv
Enter the number of the data file:
fpData = open(fileName, 'r') dataArray = np.genfromtxt(fileName, dtype=type(0.), comments='#') fpData.close() nPoints = len(dataArray) print "Read %d arrival time intervals" % (nPoints)
Read 995 arrival time intervals

Now print out some information about the data.

There often seems to be a very rogue data point. Try to edit those out.

avg0 = np.average(dataArray) print "The average is: ", avg0
The average is: 0.666677488442
nPoints = len(dataArray) med = np.median(dataArray) print "The median is: ", med
The median is: 0.430046
std0 = np.std(dataArray) print "The standard deviation is: ", std0
The standard deviation is: 0.677830875697
print "Now there are %d data points" %(nPoints)
Now there are 995 data points
print "The data range is from %.3f to %.3f" % (np.min(dataArray), np.max(dataArray)) print "The average and standard deviation are %.5f +/- %.5f" % (avg0, std0) print "The standard deviation of the mean is %.5f" % (np.std(dataArray)/np.sqrt(nPoints)) print "The median of the data is %.3f" % (np.median(dataArray)) print "Average Counts per Minute = %f" % (60.0 / np.average(dataArray)) print "There were %d zero intervals" % (len(np.where(dataArray < 0.001)[0]))
The data range is from 0.003 to 4.711 The average and standard deviation are 0.66668 +/- 0.67783 The standard deviation of the mean is 0.02149 The median of the data is 0.430 Average Counts per Minute = 89.998539 There were 0 zero intervals
fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax.plot(dataArray, 'r.') ax.set_xlabel("Count Number") ax.set_ylabel("Wait Time (s)")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fcab702eed0>
Image in a Jupyter notebook
avg0 = np.average(dataArray) iBad = np.where(dataArray > 20*avg0) print "iBad[0] = ", iBad[0] print "There are %d suspicious points" % (len(iBad)) dataArray = np.delete(dataArray, iBad) nPoints = len(dataArray) med = np.median(dataArray) print "The median is: ", med print avg0 std0 = np.std(dataArray) print "Now there are %d data points" %(nPoints) print "Here are the first 20 data points:\n", dataArray[:20] print "The data range is from %.3f to %.3f" % (np.min(dataArray), np.max(dataArray)) print "The average and standard deviation are %.5f +/- %.5f" % (avg0, std0) print "The standard deviation of the mean is %.5f" % (np.std(dataArray)/np.sqrt(nPoints)) print "The median of the data is %.3f" % (np.median(dataArray)) print "Average Counts per Minute = %f" % (60.0 / np.average(dataArray)) print "There were %d zero intervals" % (len(np.where(dataArray < 0.001)[0])) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax.plot(dataArray, 'r.') ax.set_xlabel("Count Number") ax.set_ylabel("Wait Time (s)")
iBad[0] = [] There are 1 suspicious points The median is: 0.430046 0.666677488442 Now there are 995 data points Here are the first 20 data points: [ 1.082612 0.11592 1.417281 1.145258 2.981797 0.118352 0.639712 0.077353 0.043021 0.132457 0.088408 2.162083 0.114384 0.54984 0.623566 0.299211 0.118747 2.462249 0.827654 0.385706] The data range is from 0.003 to 4.711 The average and standard deviation are 0.66668 +/- 0.67783 The standard deviation of the mean is 0.02149 The median of the data is 0.430 Average Counts per Minute = 89.998539 There were 0 zero intervals
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fcab70528d0>
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Finally plot the histogram on a linear and a logarithmic scale.

fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) histOut = plt.hist(dataArray,23,histtype='step', log=False) ax.set_xlabel("Wait Time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("Counts (N)")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fcab70bcdd0>
Image in a Jupyter notebook
fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) histOut = plt.hist(dataArray,100,histtype='step', log=True) ax.set_xlabel("Wait Time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("Counts (N)") ax.set_ylim(1,100)
(1, 100)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
width = 3.5 * std0 / nPoints**(.333) print "width = ", width nBins = int(np.max(dataArray) / width) print "Using %d bins" % (nBins) bins = np.arange(0, np.max(dataArray), width) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) histOut = plt.hist(dataArray,nBins,histtype='step', log=True) ax.set_xlabel("Wait Time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("Counts (N)")
width = 0.238184944104 Using 19 bins
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fcab4c124d0>
Image in a Jupyter notebook
npts = [] avgs = [] stds = [] distances = [] files = glob.glob('*.csv') for dataFile in files: print dataFile data = np.genfromtxt(dataFile, comments = '#') npts.append(len(data)) avg = np.average(data) avgs.append(avg) stds.append(np.std(data)) distances.append(dataFile) avgs = np.array(avgs) stds = np.array(stds) unAvgs = stds/np.sqrt(npts) r = [] for dist in distances: r.append(float(dist.split(',')[0]))
142.csv 102.csv 62.csv 22.csv 2.csv 162.csv 82.csv 122.csv 42.csv
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-41-b4eb8083715d> in <module>() 17 r = [] 18 for dist in distances: ---> 19 r.append(float(dist.split(',')[0])) ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 142.csv
model(Io)= (Io + r**2)+ 4.3 defmodel(params, r) I0 = params[0] return I0/(r**2 + 4.3)
File "<ipython-input-31-c1dadf6b4163>", line 1 model(Io)= (Io + r**2)+ 4.3 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call