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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Reid Barton, Johan Commelin, Jesse Han, Chris Hughes, Robert Y. Lewis, and Patrick Massot. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Reid Barton, Johan Commelin, Jesse Han, Chris Hughes, Robert Y. Lewis, and Patrick Massot -/ import tactic.fin_cases import tactic.apply_fun import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional import linear_algebra.dual import analysis.normed_space.basic /-! A formalization of Hao Huang's sensitivity theorem: in the hypercube of dimension n ≥ 1, if one colors more than half the vertices then at least one vertex has at least √n colored neighbors. A fun summer collaboration by Reid Barton, Johan Commelin, Jesse Han, Chris Hughes, Robert Y. Lewis, and Patrick Massot, based on Don Knuth's account of the story (, using the Lean theorem prover (, by Leonardo de Moura at Microsoft Research, and his collaborators (, and using Lean's user maintained mathematics library ( The project was developed at and is now archived at -/ -- The next two lines assert we do not want to give a constructive proof, -- but rather use classical logic. noncomputable theory open_locale classical notation `|`x`|` := abs x notation `√` := real.sqrt open function bool linear_map fintype finite_dimensional dual_pair /- -------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The hypercube. | \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /- Notations: ℕ denotes natural numbers (including zero). fin n = {0, ⋯ , n - 1}. bool = {tt, ff}. -/ /-- The hypercube in dimension n. -/ @[derive [inhabited, fintype]] def Q (n : ℕ) := fin n → bool /-- The projection from Q (n + 1) to Q n forgetting the first value (ie. the image of zero). -/ def π {n : ℕ} : Q (n + 1) → Q n := λ p, p ∘ fin.succ namespace Q -- n will always denote a natural number. variable (n : ℕ) /-- Q 0 has a unique element. -/ instance : unique (Q 0) := ⟨⟨λ _, tt⟩, by { intro, ext x, fin_cases x }⟩ /-- Q n has 2^n elements. -/ lemma card : card (Q n) = 2^n := by simp [Q] -- Until the end of this namespace, n will be an implicit argument (still -- a natural number). variable {n} lemma succ_n_eq (p q : Q (n+1)) : p = q ↔ (p 0 = q 0 ∧ π p = π q) := begin split, { rintro rfl, exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, }, { rintros ⟨h₀, h⟩, ext x, by_cases hx : x = 0, { rwa hx }, { rw ← fin.succ_pred x hx, convert congr_fun h (fin.pred x hx) } } end /-- The adjacency relation defining the graph structure on Q n: p.adjacent q if there is an edge from p to q in Q n -/ def adjacent {n : ℕ} (p : Q n) : set (Q n) := λ q, ∃! i, p i ≠ q i /-- In Q 0, no two vertices are adjacent. -/ lemma not_adjacent_zero (p q : Q 0) : ¬ p.adjacent q := by rintros ⟨v, _⟩; apply fin_zero_elim v /-- If p and q in Q (n+1) have different values at zero then they are adjacent iff their projections to Q n are equal. -/ lemma adj_iff_proj_eq {p q : Q (n+1)} (h₀ : p 0 ≠ q 0) : p.adjacent q ↔ π p = π q := begin split, { rintros ⟨i, h_eq, h_uni⟩, ext x, by_contradiction hx, apply fin.succ_ne_zero x, rw [h_uni _ hx, h_uni _ h₀] }, { intro heq, use [0, h₀], intros y hy, contrapose! hy, rw ←fin.succ_pred _ hy, apply congr_fun heq } end /-- If p and q in Q (n+1) have the same value at zero then they are adjacent iff their projections to Q n are adjacent. -/ lemma adj_iff_proj_adj {p q : Q (n+1)} (h₀ : p 0 = q 0) : p.adjacent q ↔ (π p).adjacent (π q) := begin split, { rintros ⟨i, h_eq, h_uni⟩, have h_i : i ≠ 0, from λ h_i, absurd h₀ (by rwa h_i at h_eq), use [i.pred h_i, show p (fin.succ (fin.pred i _)) ≠ q (fin.succ (fin.pred i _)), by rwa fin.succ_pred], intros y hy, simp [eq.symm (h_uni _ hy)] }, { rintros ⟨i, h_eq, h_uni⟩, use [i.succ, h_eq], intros y hy, rw [←fin.pred_inj, fin.pred_succ], { apply h_uni, change p (fin.pred _ _).succ ≠ q (fin.pred _ _).succ, simp [hy] }, { contrapose! hy, rw [hy, h₀] }, { apply fin.succ_ne_zero } } end @[symm] lemma adjacent.symm {p q : Q n} : p.adjacent q ↔ q.adjacent p := by simp only [adjacent, ne_comm] end Q /- -------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The vector space. | \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-- The free vector space on vertices of a hypercube, defined inductively. -/ def V : ℕ → Type | 0 := ℝ | (n+1) := V n × V n namespace V variables (n : ℕ) -- V n is a real vector space whose equality relation is computable. instance : decidable_eq (V n) := by { induction n ; { dunfold V, resetI, apply_instance } } instance : add_comm_group (V n) := by { induction n ; { dunfold V, resetI, apply_instance } } instance : vector_space ℝ (V n) := by { induction n ; { dunfold V, resetI, apply_instance } } -- The next five definitions are short circuits helping Lean to quickly find -- relevant structures on V n def module : module ℝ (V n) := by apply_instance def add_comm_semigroup : add_comm_semigroup (V n) := by apply_instance def add_comm_monoid : add_comm_monoid (V n) := by apply_instance def has_scalar : has_scalar ℝ (V n) := by apply_instance def has_add : has_add (V n) := by apply_instance end V local attribute [instance, priority 100000] V.module V.add_comm_semigroup V.add_comm_monoid V.has_scalar V.has_add /-- The basis of V indexed by the hypercube, defined inductively. -/ noncomputable def e : Π {n}, Q n → V n | 0 := λ _, (1:ℝ) | (n+1) := λ x, cond (x 0) (e (π x), 0) (0, e (π x)) @[simp] lemma e_zero_apply (x : Q 0) : e x = (1 : ℝ) := rfl /-- The dual basis to e, defined inductively. -/ noncomputable def ε : Π {n : ℕ} (p : Q n), V n →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ | 0 _ := | (n+1) p := cond (p 0) ((ε $ π p).comp $ linear_map.fst _ _ _) ((ε $ π p).comp $ linear_map.snd _ _ _) variable {n : ℕ} lemma duality (p q : Q n) : ε p (e q) = if p = q then 1 else 0 := begin induction n with n IH, { rw (show p = q, from subsingleton.elim p q), dsimp [ε, e], simp }, { dsimp [ε, e], cases hp : p 0 ; cases hq : q 0, all_goals { repeat {rw cond_tt}, repeat {rw cond_ff}, simp only [linear_map.fst_apply, linear_map.snd_apply, linear_map.comp_apply, IH], try { congr' 1, rw Q.succ_n_eq, finish }, try { erw (ε _).map_zero, have : p ≠ q, { intro h, rw p.succ_n_eq q at h, finish }, simp [this] } } } end /-- Any vector in V n annihilated by all ε p's is zero. -/ lemma epsilon_total {v : V n} (h : ∀ p : Q n, (ε p) v = 0) : v = 0 := begin induction n with n ih, { dsimp [ε] at h, exact h (λ _, tt) }, { cases v with v₁ v₂, ext ; change _ = (0 : V n) ; simp only [] ; apply ih ; intro p ; [ let q : Q (n+1) := λ i, if h : i = 0 then tt else p (i.pred h), let q : Q (n+1) := λ i, if h : i = 0 then ff else p (i.pred h)], all_goals { specialize h q, rw [ε, show q 0 = tt, from rfl, cond_tt] at h <|> rw [ε, show q 0 = ff, from rfl, cond_ff] at h, rwa show p = π q, by { ext, simp [q, fin.succ_ne_zero, π] } } } end /-- e and ε are dual families of vectors. It implies that e is indeed a basis and ε computes coefficients of decompositions of vectors on that basis. -/ def dual_pair_e_ε (n : ℕ) : dual_pair (@e n) (@ε n) := { eval := duality, total := @epsilon_total _ } -- We will now derive the dimension of V, first as a cardinal in dim_V and, -- since this cardinal is finite, as a natural number in findim_V lemma dim_V : vector_space.dim ℝ (V n) = 2^n := have vector_space.dim ℝ (V n) = ↑(2^n : ℕ), by { rw [dim_eq_card_basis (dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis, Q.card]; apply_instance }, by assumption_mod_cast instance : finite_dimensional ℝ (V n) := finite_dimensional.of_finite_basis (dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis lemma findim_V : findim ℝ (V n) = 2^n := have _ := @dim_V n, by rw ←findim_eq_dim at this; assumption_mod_cast /- -------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The linear map. | \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-- The linear operator f_n corresponding to Huang's matrix A_n, defined inductively as a ℝ-linear map from V n to V n. -/ noncomputable def f : Π n, V n →ₗ[ℝ] V n | 0 := 0 | (n+1) := linear_map.pair (linear_map.copair (f n) (linear_map.copair (-f n)) -- The preceding definition use linear map constructions to automatically -- get that f is linear, but its values are somewhat buried as a side-effect. -- The next two lemmas unbury them. @[simp] lemma f_zero : f 0 = 0 := rfl lemma f_succ_apply (v : V (n+1)) : (f (n+1) : V (n+1) → V (n+1)) v = (f n v.1 + v.2, v.1 - f n v.2) := begin cases v, rw f, simp only [linear_map.id_apply, linear_map.pair_apply,, linear_map.neg_apply, sub_eq_add_neg, linear_map.copair_apply], exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩ end -- In the next statement, the explicit conversion (n : ℝ) of n to a real number -- is necessary since otherwise `n • v` refers to the multiplication defined -- using only the addition of V. lemma f_squared : ∀ v : V n, (f n) (f n v) = (n : ℝ) • v := begin induction n with n IH; intro, { simpa only [nat.cast_zero, zero_smul] }, { cases v, simp [f_succ_apply, IH, add_smul] } end -- We now compute the matrix of f in the e basis (p is the line index, -- q the column index.) lemma f_matrix : ∀ p q : Q n, |ε q (f n (e p))| = if q.adjacent p then 1 else 0 := begin induction n with n IH, { intros p q, dsimp [f], simp [Q.not_adjacent_zero] }, { intros p q, have ite_nonneg : ite (π q = π p) (1 : ℝ) 0 ≥ 0, { split_ifs ; norm_num }, have f_map_zero := (show linear_map ℝ (V (n+0)) (V n), from f n).map_zero, dsimp [e, ε, f], cases hp : p 0 ; cases hq : q 0, all_goals { repeat {rw cond_tt}, repeat {rw cond_ff}, simp [f_map_zero, hp, hq, IH, duality, abs_of_nonneg ite_nonneg, Q.adj_iff_proj_eq, Q.adj_iff_proj_adj], congr' 1 } } end /-- The linear operator g_m corresponding to Knuth's matrix B_m. -/ noncomputable def g (m : ℕ) : V m →ₗ[ℝ] V (m+1) := linear_map.pair (f m + √(m+1) • -- in the following lemmas, m will denote a natural number variables {m : ℕ} -- again we unpack what are the values of g lemma g_apply : ∀ v, g m v = (f m v + √(m+1) • v, v) := by delta g; simp lemma g_injective : injective (g m) := begin rw g, intros x₁ x₂ h, simp only [linear_map.pair_apply, linear_map.id_apply,] at h, exact h.right end lemma f_image_g (w : V (m + 1)) (hv : ∃ v, g m v = w) : (f (m + 1) : _) w = √(m + 1) • w := begin rcases hv with ⟨v, rfl⟩, have : √(m+1) * √(m+1) = m+1 := real.mul_self_sqrt (by exact_mod_cast zero_le _), simp [-add_comm, this, f_succ_apply, g_apply, f_squared, smul_add, add_smul, smul_smul], end /- -------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | The main proof. | \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -- In this section, in order to enforce that n is positive, we write it as -- m + 1 for some natural number m. -- dim X will denote the dimension of a subspace X as a cardinal notation `dim` X:70 := vector_space.dim ℝ ↥X -- fdim X will denote the (finite) dimension of a subspace X as a natural number notation `fdim` := findim ℝ -- Span S will denote the ℝ-subspace spanned by S notation `Span` := submodule.span ℝ -- Card X will denote the cardinal of a subset of a finite type, as a -- natural number. notation `Card` X:70 := X.to_finset.card -- In the following, ⊓ and ⊔ will denote intersection and sums of ℝ-subspaces, -- equipped with their subspace structures. The notations come from the general -- theory of lattices, with inf and sup (also known as meet and join). /-- If a subset H of Q (m+1) has cardinal at least 2^m + 1 then the subspace of V (m+1) spanned by the corresponding basis vectors non-trivially intersects the range of g m. -/ lemma exists_eigenvalue (H : set (Q (m + 1))) (hH : Card H ≥ 2^m + 1) : ∃ y ∈ Span (e '' H) ⊓ (g m).range, y ≠ (0 : _) := begin let W := Span (e '' H), let img := (g m).range, suffices : 0 < dim (W ⊓ img), { simp only [exists_prop], exact_mod_cast exists_mem_ne_zero_of_dim_pos this }, have dim_le : dim (W ⊔ img) ≤ 2^(m + 1), { convert ← dim_submodule_le (W ⊔ img), apply dim_V }, have dim_add : dim (W ⊔ img) + dim (W ⊓ img) = dim W + 2^m, { convert ← dim_sup_add_dim_inf_eq W img, rw ← dim_eq_injective (g m) g_injective, apply dim_V }, have dimW : dim W = card H, { have li : linear_independent ℝ (restrict e H) := linear_independent.comp (dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis.1 _ subtype.val_injective, have hdW := dim_span li, rw set.range_restrict at hdW, convert hdW, rw [cardinal.mk_image_eq ((dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis.injective zero_ne_one), cardinal.fintype_card] }, rw ← findim_eq_dim ℝ at ⊢ dim_le dim_add dimW, rw [← findim_eq_dim ℝ, ← findim_eq_dim ℝ] at dim_add, norm_cast at ⊢ dim_le dim_add dimW, rw nat.pow_succ at dim_le, rw set.to_finset_card at hH, linarith end theorem huang_degree_theorem (H : set (Q (m + 1))) (hH : Card H ≥ 2^m + 1) : ∃ q, q ∈ H ∧ √(m + 1) ≤ Card (H ∩ q.adjacent) := begin rcases exists_eigenvalue H hH with ⟨y, ⟨⟨y_mem_H, y_mem_g⟩, y_ne⟩⟩, have coeffs_support : ((dual_pair_e_ε (m+1)).coeffs y).support ⊆ H.to_finset, { intros p p_in, rw finsupp.mem_support_iff at p_in, rw set.mem_to_finset, exact (dual_pair_e_ε _).mem_of_mem_span y_mem_H p p_in }, obtain ⟨q, H_max⟩ : ∃ q : Q (m+1), ∀ q' : Q (m+1), |(ε q' : _) y| ≤ |ε q y|, from fintype.exists_max _, have H_q_pos : 0 < |ε q y|, { contrapose! y_ne, exact epsilon_total (λ p, (le_trans (H_max p) y_ne)) }, refine ⟨q, (dual_pair_e_ε _).mem_of_mem_span y_mem_H q ( H_q_pos), _⟩, let s := √(m+1), suffices : s * |ε q y| ≤ ↑(_) * |ε q y|, from (mul_le_mul_right H_q_pos).mp ‹_›, let coeffs := (dual_pair_e_ε (m+1)).coeffs, let φ : V (m+1) → V (m+1) := f (m+1), calc s * (abs (ε q y)) = abs (ε q (s • y)) : by rw [map_smul, smul_eq_mul, abs_mul, abs_of_nonneg (real.sqrt_nonneg _)] ... = abs (ε q (φ y)) : by rw [← f_image_g y (by simpa using y_mem_g)] ... = abs (ε q (φ (lc _ (coeffs y)))) : by rw (dual_pair_e_ε _).decomposition y ... = abs ((coeffs y).sum (λ (i : Q (m + 1)) (a : ℝ), a • ((ε q) ∘ (f (m + 1)) ∘ λ (i : Q (m + 1)), e i) i)): by { dsimp only [φ], erw [(f $ m+1).map_finsupp_total, (ε q).map_finsupp_total, finsupp.total_apply] ; apply_instance } ... ≤ (coeffs y).support.sum (λ p, |(coeffs y p) * (ε q $ φ $ e p)| ) : norm_sum_le _ $ λ p, coeffs y p * _ ... = (coeffs y).support.sum (λ p, |coeffs y p| * ite (q.adjacent p) 1 0) : by simp only [abs_mul, f_matrix] ... = ((coeffs y).support.filter (Q.adjacent q)).sum (λ p, |coeffs y p| ) : by simp [finset.sum_filter] ... ≤ ((coeffs y).support.filter (Q.adjacent q)).sum (λ p, |coeffs y q| ) : finset.sum_le_sum (λ p _, H_max p) ... = (finset.card ((coeffs y).support.filter (Q.adjacent q)): ℝ) * |coeffs y q| : by rw [← smul_eq_mul, ← finset.sum_const'] ... = (finset.card ((coeffs y).support ∩ (Q.adjacent q).to_finset): ℝ) * |coeffs y q| : by {congr, ext, simp, refl} ... ≤ (finset.card ((H ∩ Q.adjacent q).to_finset )) * |ε q y| : (mul_le_mul_right H_q_pos).mpr (by { norm_cast, exact finset.card_le_of_subset (by rw set.to_finset_inter; apply finset.inter_subset_inter_right coeffs_support) }) end