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Maths in Lean : category theory

The category typeclass is defined in category_theory/category.lean. It depends on the type of the objects, so for example we might write category (Type u) if we're talking about a category whose objects are types (in universe u). Some care is needed with universes (see the section Universes), and end users may often prefer the abbreviations small_category and large_category.

Functors (which are a structure, not a typeclass) are defined in category_theory/functor.lean, along with identity functors and functor composition.

Natural transformations, and their compositions, are defined in category_theory/natural_transformation.lean.

The category of functors and natural transformations between fixed categories C and D is defined in category_theory/functor_category.lean.

Cartesian products of categories, functors, and natural transformations appear in category_theory/products.lean. (Product in the sense of limits will appear elsewhere soon!)

The category of types, and the hom pairing functor, are defined in category_theory/types.lean.


Unfortunately in a category theory library we have to deal with universes carefully. We have the following:

category.{u₁ v₁} : Type (max (u₁+1) (v₁+1)) C : Type v₁ D : Type v₂ 𝒞 : category.{u₁ v₁} C 𝒟 : category.{u₂ v₂} D functor C D : Type (max u₁ u₂ v₁ v₂) F G : functor C D nat_trans F G : Type (max u₁ v₂) functor.category C D : category.{(max u₁ v₂) (max u₁ u₂ v₁ v₂)}

In the above, category.{v₁ u₁} C is equivalently written as category.{v₁} C because u₁ can be inferred from C.

Note then that if we specialise to small categories, where uᵢ = vᵢ, then functor.category C D : category.{max u₁ u₂}, and so is again a small category. If C is a small category and D is a large category (i.e. u₂ = v₂+1), and v₂ = v₁ then we have functor.category C D : category.{v₁+1} so is again a large category.

Whenever you want to write code uniformly for small and large categories (which you do by talking about categories whose universe levels u and v are unrelated), you will find that Lean's variable mechanism doesn't always work, and the following trick is often helpful:

variables {C : Type u} [ : category.{v} C] variables {D : Type u} [ : category.{v} D] include

Some care with using section ... end can be required to make sure these included variables don't end up where they aren't wanted.



We use the (\hom) arrow to denote sets of morphisms, as in X ⟶ Y. This leaves the actual category implicit; it is inferred from the type of X and Y by typeclass inference.

We use 𝟙 (\b1) to denote identity morphisms, as in 𝟙 X.

We use (\gg) to denote composition of morphisms, as in f ≫ g, which means "f followed by g". You may prefer write composition in the usual convention, using (\oo or \circledcirc), as in f ⊚ g which means "g followed by f". To do so you'll need to add this notation locally, via

local notation f ` ⊚ `:80 g:80 := category.comp g f


We use for isomorphisms.


We use (\func) to denote functors, as in C ⥤ D for the type of functors from C to D. (Unfortunately is reserved in core:, so we can't use that here.)

We use F.obj X to denote the action of a functor on an object. We use f to denote the action of a functor on a morphism`.

Functor composition can be written as F ⋙ G.

Natural transformations

We use τ.app X for the components of a natural transformation.

Otherwise, we mostly use the notation for morphisms in any category:

We use F ⟶ G (\hom or -->) to denote the type of natural transformations, between functors F and G. We use F ≅ G (\iso) to denote the type of natural isomorphisms.

For vertical composition of natural transformations we just use . For horizontal composition, use hcomp.