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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".
Project: Xena
Views: 20365License: APACHE
/- Copyright (c) 2019 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Robert Y. Lewis -/ import tactic.lint data.list.sort -- these are required import all -- then import everything, to parse the library for failing linters /-! # mk_nolint Defines a function that writes a file containing the names of all declarations that fail the linting tests in `active_linters`. This is mainly used in the Travis check for mathlib. It assumes that files generated by `` are present. Usage: `lean --run mk_nolint.lean` writes a file `nolints.txt` in the current directory. -/ open io io.fs /-- Defines the list of linters that will be considered. -/ meta def active_linters := [`linter.unused_arguments, `linter.dup_namespace, `linter.doc_blame, `linter.ge_or_gt, `linter.def_lemma, `linter.instance_priority, --`linter.has_inhabited_instance, `linter.impossible_instance, `linter.incorrect_type_class_argument, `linter.dangerous_instance] /-- Runs when called with `lean --run` -/ meta def main : io unit := do (ns, _) ← run_tactic $ lint_mathlib tt tt active_linters tt, handle ← mk_file_handle "nolints.txt" mode.write, put_str_ln handle "import .all", put_str_ln handle "run_cmd tactic.skip", put_str_ln handle "apply_nolint", (ns.to_list.merge_sort (λ a b, name.lex_cmp a b = $ λ n, put_str_ln handle (to_string n) >> return n, close handle