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Project: Xena
Path: Maths_Challenges / _target / deps / mathlib / src / algebra / category / CommRing / limits.lean
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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Scott Morrison -/ import algebra.category.CommRing.basic import category_theory.limits.types import category_theory.limits.preserves import ring_theory.subring import algebra.pi_instances /-! # The category of commutative rings has all limits Further, these limits are preserved by the forgetful functor --- that is, the underlying types are just the limits in the category of types. ## Further work A lot of this should be generalised / automated, as it's quite common for concrete categories that the forgetful functor preserves limits. -/ open category_theory open category_theory.limits universe u namespace CommRing variables {J : Type u} [small_category J] instance comm_ring_obj (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) (j) : comm_ring ((F ⋙ forget CommRing).obj j) := by { change comm_ring (F.obj j), apply_instance } instance sections_submonoid (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) : is_submonoid (F ⋙ forget CommRing).sections := { one_mem := λ j j' f, begin erw [functor.comp_map, forget_map_eq_coe, ( f).map_one], refl end, mul_mem := λ a b ah bh j j' f, begin erw [functor.comp_map, forget_map_eq_coe, ( f).map_mul], dsimp [functor.sections] at ah, rw ah f, dsimp [functor.sections] at bh, rw bh f, refl, end } instance sections_add_submonoid (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) : is_add_submonoid (F ⋙ forget CommRing).sections := { zero_mem := λ j j' f, begin erw [functor.comp_map, forget_map_eq_coe, ( f).map_zero], refl, end, add_mem := λ a b ah bh j j' f, begin erw [functor.comp_map, forget_map_eq_coe, ( f).map_add], dsimp [functor.sections] at ah, rw ah f, dsimp [functor.sections] at bh, rw bh f, refl, end } instance sections_add_subgroup (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) : is_add_subgroup (F ⋙ forget CommRing).sections := { neg_mem := λ a ah j j' f, begin erw [functor.comp_map, forget_map_eq_coe, ( f).map_neg], dsimp [functor.sections] at ah, rw ah f, refl, end, ..(CommRing.sections_add_submonoid F) } instance sections_subring (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) : is_subring (F ⋙ forget CommRing).sections := { ..(CommRing.sections_submonoid F), ..(CommRing.sections_add_subgroup F) } instance limit_comm_ring (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) : comm_ring (limit (F ⋙ forget CommRing)) := @subtype.comm_ring ((Π (j : J), (F ⋙ forget _).obj j)) (by apply_instance) _ (by convert (CommRing.sections_subring F)) instance limit_π_is_ring_hom (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) (j) : is_ring_hom (limit.π (F ⋙ forget CommRing) j) := { map_one := by { simp only [types.types_limit_π], refl }, map_mul := λ x y, by { simp only [types.types_limit_π], refl }, map_add := λ x y, by { simp only [types.types_limit_π], refl } } namespace CommRing_has_limits -- The next two definitions are used in the construction of `has_limits CommRing`. -- After that, the limits should be constructed using the generic limits API, -- e.g. `limit F`, `limit.cone F`, and `limit.is_limit F`. /-- Construction of a limit cone in `CommRing`. (Internal use only; use the limits API.) -/ def limit (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) : cone F := { X := ⟨limit (F ⋙ forget _), by apply_instance⟩, π := { app := λ j, ring_hom.of $ limit.π (F ⋙ forget _) j, naturality' := λ j j' f, ring_hom.coe_inj ((limit.cone (F ⋙ forget _)).π.naturality f) } } /-- Witness that the limit cone in `CommRing` is a limit cone. (Internal use only; use the limits API.) -/ def limit_is_limit (F : J ⥤ CommRing.{u}) : is_limit (limit F) := begin refine is_limit.of_faithful (forget CommRing) (limit.is_limit _) (λ s, ⟨_, _, _, _, _⟩) (λ s, rfl); dsimp, { apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp, erw (s.π.app j).map_one, refl }, { intros x y, apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp, erw (s.π.app j).map_mul, refl }, { apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp, erw (s.π.app j).map_zero, refl }, { intros x y, apply subtype.eq, funext, dsimp, erw (s.π.app j).map_add, refl } end end CommRing_has_limits open CommRing_has_limits /-- The category of commutative rings has all limits. -/ instance CommRing_has_limits : has_limits.{u} CommRing.{u} := { has_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, { has_limit := λ F, by exactI { cone := limit F, is_limit := limit_is_limit F } } } /-- The forgetful functor from commutative rings to types preserves all limits. (That is, the underlying types could have been computed instead as limits in the category of types.) -/ instance forget_preserves_limits : preserves_limits (forget CommRing.{u}) := { preserves_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, { preserves_limit := λ F, by exactI preserves_limit_of_preserves_limit_cone (limit.is_limit F) (limit.is_limit (F ⋙ forget _)) } } end CommRing