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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Johan Commelin -/ import algebra.punit_instances import algebra.category.Mon.basic import category_theory.endomorphism /-! # Category instances for group, add_group, comm_group, and add_comm_group. We introduce the bundled categories: * `Group` * `AddGroup` * `CommGroup` * `AddCommGroup` along with the relevant forgetful functors between them, and to the bundled monoid categories. ## Implementation notes See the note [locally reducible category instances]. -/ universes u v open category_theory /-- The category of groups and group morphisms. -/ @[to_additive AddGroup] def Group : Type (u+1) := induced_category Mon ( group.to_monoid) namespace Group /-- Construct a bundled Group from the underlying type and typeclass. -/ @[to_additive] def of (X : Type u) [group X] : Group := bundled.of X local attribute [reducible] Group @[to_additive] instance : has_coe_to_sort Group := infer_instance -- short-circuit type class inference @[to_additive add_group] instance (G : Group) : group G := G.str @[to_additive] instance : has_one Group := ⟨Group.of punit⟩ @[to_additive] instance : inhabited Group := ⟨1⟩ @[to_additive] instance : concrete_category Group := infer_instance -- short-circuit type class inference @[to_additive has_forget_to_AddMon] instance has_forget_to_Mon : has_forget₂ Group Mon := infer_instance -- short-circuit type class inference end Group /-- The category of commutative groups and group morphisms. -/ @[to_additive AddCommGroup] def CommGroup : Type (u+1) := induced_category Group ( comm_group.to_group) namespace CommGroup /-- Construct a bundled CommGroup from the underlying type and typeclass. -/ @[to_additive] def of (G : Type u) [comm_group G] : CommGroup := bundled.of G local attribute [reducible] CommGroup @[to_additive] instance : has_coe_to_sort CommGroup := infer_instance -- short-circuit type class inference @[to_additive add_comm_group] instance (G : CommGroup) : comm_group G := G.str @[to_additive] instance : has_one CommGroup := ⟨CommGroup.of punit⟩ @[to_additive] instance : inhabited CommGroup := ⟨1⟩ @[to_additive] instance : concrete_category CommGroup := infer_instance -- short-circuit type class inference @[to_additive has_forget_to_AddGroup] instance has_forget_to_Group : has_forget₂ CommGroup Group := infer_instance -- short-circuit type class inference @[to_additive has_forget_to_AddCommMon] instance has_forget_to_CommMon : has_forget₂ CommGroup CommMon := induced_category.has_forget₂ (λ G : CommGroup, CommMon.of G) end CommGroup variables {X Y : Type u} /-- Build an isomorphism in the category `Group` from a `mul_equiv` between `group`s. -/ @[to_additive add_equiv.to_AddGroup_iso "Build an isomorphism in the category `AddGroup` from a `add_equiv` between `add_group`s."] def mul_equiv.to_Group_iso [group X] [group Y] (e : X ≃* Y) : Group.of X ≅ Group.of Y := { hom := e.to_monoid_hom, inv := e.symm.to_monoid_hom } attribute [simps] mul_equiv.to_Group_iso add_equiv.to_AddGroup_iso /-- Build an isomorphism in the category `CommGroup` from a `mul_equiv` between `comm_group`s. -/ @[simps, to_additive add_equiv.to_AddCommGroup_iso "Build an isomorphism in the category `AddCommGroup` from a `add_equiv` between `add_comm_group`s."] def mul_equiv.to_CommGroup_iso [comm_group X] [comm_group Y] (e : X ≃* Y) : CommGroup.of X ≅ CommGroup.of Y := { hom := e.to_monoid_hom, inv := e.symm.to_monoid_hom } attribute [simps] mul_equiv.to_CommGroup_iso add_equiv.to_AddCommGroup_iso namespace category_theory.iso /-- Build a `mul_equiv` from an isomorphism in the category `Group`. -/ @[to_additive AddGroup_iso_to_add_equiv "Build an `add_equiv` from an isomorphism in the category `AddGroup`."] def Group_iso_to_mul_equiv {X Y : Group.{u}} (i : X ≅ Y) : X ≃* Y := { to_fun := i.hom, inv_fun := i.inv, left_inv := by tidy, right_inv := by tidy, map_mul' := by tidy }. attribute [simps] Group_iso_to_mul_equiv AddGroup_iso_to_add_equiv /-- Build a `mul_equiv` from an isomorphism in the category `CommGroup`. -/ @[to_additive AddCommGroup_iso_to_add_equiv "Build an `add_equiv` from an isomorphism in the category `AddCommGroup`."] def CommGroup_iso_to_mul_equiv {X Y : CommGroup.{u}} (i : X ≅ Y) : X ≃* Y := { to_fun := i.hom, inv_fun := i.inv, left_inv := by tidy, right_inv := by tidy, map_mul' := by tidy }. attribute [simps] CommGroup_iso_to_mul_equiv AddCommGroup_iso_to_add_equiv end category_theory.iso /-- multiplicative equivalences between `group`s are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in `Group` -/ @[to_additive add_equiv_iso_AddGroup_iso "additive equivalences between `add_group`s are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in `AddGroup`"] def mul_equiv_iso_Group_iso {X Y : Type u} [group X] [group Y] : (X ≃* Y) ≅ (Group.of X ≅ Group.of Y) := { hom := λ e, e.to_Group_iso, inv := λ i, i.Group_iso_to_mul_equiv, } /-- multiplicative equivalences between `comm_group`s are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in `CommGroup` -/ @[to_additive add_equiv_iso_AddCommGroup_iso "additive equivalences between `add_comm_group`s are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in `AddCommGroup`"] def mul_equiv_iso_CommGroup_iso {X Y : Type u} [comm_group X] [comm_group Y] : (X ≃* Y) ≅ (CommGroup.of X ≅ CommGroup.of Y) := { hom := λ e, e.to_CommGroup_iso, inv := λ i, i.CommGroup_iso_to_mul_equiv, } namespace category_theory.Aut /-- The (bundled) group of automorphisms of a type is isomorphic to the (bundled) group of permutations. -/ def iso_perm {α : Type u} : Group.of (Aut α) ≅ Group.of (equiv.perm α) := { hom := ⟨λ g, g.to_equiv, (by tidy), (by tidy)⟩, inv := ⟨λ g, g.to_iso, (by tidy), (by tidy)⟩ } /-- The (unbundled) group of automorphisms of a type is `mul_equiv` to the (unbundled) group of permutations. -/ def mul_equiv_perm {α : Type u} : Aut α ≃* equiv.perm α := iso_perm.Group_iso_to_mul_equiv end category_theory.Aut