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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Neil Strickland. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Neil Strickland, Yury Kudryashov -/ import algebra.semiconj group_theory.submonoid group_theory.subgroup ring_theory.subring /-! # Commuting pairs of elements in monoids ## Main definitions * `commute a b` : `a * b = b * a` * `centralizer a` : `{ x | commute a x }` * `set.centralizer s` : elements that commute with all `a ∈ s` We prove that `centralizer` and `set_centralilzer` are submonoid/subgroups/subrings depending on the available structures, and provide operations on `commute _ _`. E.g., if `a`, `b`, and c are elements of a semiring, and that `hb : commute a b` and `hc : commute a c`. Then `hb.pow_left 5` proves `commute (a ^ 5) b` and `(hb.pow_right 2).add_right (hb.mul_right hc)` proves `commute a (b ^ 2 + b * c)`. Lean does not immediately recognise these terms as equations, so for rewriting we need syntax like `rw [(hb.pow_left 5).eq]` rather than just `rw [hb.pow_left 5]`. ## Implementation details Most of the proofs come from the properties of `semiconj_by`. -/ /-- Two elements commute iff `a * b = b * a`. -/ def commute {S : Type*} [has_mul S] (a b : S) : Prop := semiconj_by a b b open_locale smul namespace commute section has_mul variables {S : Type*} [has_mul S] /-- Equality behind `commute a b`; useful for rewriting. -/ protected theorem eq {a b : S} (h : commute a b) : a * b = b * a := h /-- Any element commutes with itself. -/ @[refl, simp] protected theorem refl (a : S) : commute a a := eq.refl (a * a) /-- If `a` commutes with `b`, then `b` commutes with `a`. -/ @[symm] protected theorem symm {a b : S} (h : commute a b) : commute b a := eq.symm h protected theorem symm_iff {a b : S} : commute a b ↔ commute b a := ⟨commute.symm, commute.symm⟩ end has_mul section semigroup variables {S : Type*} [semigroup S] {a b c : S} /-- If `a` commutes with both `b` and `c`, then it commutes with their product. -/ @[simp] theorem mul_right (hab : commute a b) (hac : commute a c) : commute a (b * c) := hab.mul_right hac /-- If both `a` and `b` commute with `c`, then their product commutes with `c`. -/ @[simp] theorem mul_left (hac : commute a c) (hbc : commute b c) : commute (a * b) c := hac.mul_left hbc end semigroup protected theorem all {S : Type*} [comm_semigroup S] (a b : S) : commute a b := mul_comm a b section monoid variables {M : Type*} [monoid M] @[simp] theorem one_right (a : M) : commute a 1 := semiconj_by.one_right a @[simp] theorem one_left (a : M) : commute 1 a := semiconj_by.one_left a @[simp] theorem units_inv_right {a : M} {u : units M} : commute a u → commute a ↑u⁻¹ := semiconj_by.units_inv_right @[simp] theorem units_inv_right_iff {a : M} {u : units M} : commute a ↑u⁻¹ ↔ commute a u := semiconj_by.units_inv_right_iff @[simp] theorem units_inv_left {u : units M} {a : M} : commute ↑u a → commute ↑u⁻¹ a := semiconj_by.units_inv_symm_left @[simp] theorem units_inv_left_iff {u : units M} {a : M}: commute ↑u⁻¹ a ↔ commute ↑u a := semiconj_by.units_inv_symm_left_iff @[simp] protected theorem map {N : Type*} [monoid N] (f : M →* N) {a b : M} : commute a b → commute (f a) (f b) := f variables {a b : M} (hab : commute a b) (m n : ℕ) @[simp] theorem pow_right : commute a (b ^ n) := hab.pow_right n @[simp] theorem pow_left : commute (a ^ n) b := (hab.symm.pow_right n).symm @[simp] theorem pow_pow : commute (a ^ m) (b ^ n) := (hab.pow_left m).pow_right n variable (a) @[simp] theorem self_pow : commute a (a ^ n) := (commute.refl a).pow_right n @[simp] theorem pow_self : commute (a ^ n) a := (commute.refl a).pow_left n @[simp] theorem pow_pow_self : commute (a ^ n) (a ^ m) := (commute.refl a).pow_pow n m variables {u₁ u₂ : units M} theorem units_coe : commute u₁ u₂ → commute (u₁ : M) u₂ := semiconj_by.units_coe theorem units_of_coe : commute (u₁ : M) u₂ → commute u₁ u₂ := semiconj_by.units_of_coe @[simp] theorem units_coe_iff : commute (u₁ : M) u₂ ↔ commute u₁ u₂ := semiconj_by.units_coe_iff end monoid section group variables {G : Type*} [group G] {a b : G} @[simp] theorem inv_right : commute a b → commute a b⁻¹ := semiconj_by.inv_right @[simp] theorem inv_right_iff : commute a b⁻¹ ↔ commute a b := semiconj_by.inv_right_iff @[simp] theorem inv_left : commute a b → commute a⁻¹ b := semiconj_by.inv_symm_left @[simp] theorem inv_left_iff : commute a⁻¹ b ↔ commute a b := semiconj_by.inv_symm_left_iff theorem inv_inv : commute a b → commute a⁻¹ b⁻¹ := semiconj_by.inv_inv_symm @[simp] theorem inv_inv_iff : commute a⁻¹ b⁻¹ ↔ commute a b := semiconj_by.inv_inv_symm_iff section variables (hab : commute a b) (m n : ℤ) include hab @[simp] theorem gpow_right : commute a (b ^ m) := hab.gpow_right m @[simp] theorem gpow_left : commute (a ^ m) b := (hab.symm.gpow_right m).symm @[simp] theorem gpow_gpow : commute (a ^ m) (b ^ n) := (hab.gpow_right n).gpow_left m end variables (a) (m n : ℤ) @[simp] theorem self_gpow : commute a (a ^ n) := (commute.refl a).gpow_right n @[simp] theorem gpow_self : commute (a ^ n) a := (commute.refl a).gpow_left n @[simp] theorem gpow_gpow_self : commute (a ^ m) (a ^ n) := (commute.refl a).gpow_gpow m n end group section semiring variables {A : Type*} @[simp] theorem zero_right [mul_zero_class A] (a : A) : commute a 0 := semiconj_by.zero_right a @[simp] theorem zero_left [mul_zero_class A] (a : A) : commute 0 a := semiconj_by.zero_left a a @[simp] theorem add_right [distrib A] {a b c : A} : commute a b → commute a c → commute a (b + c) := semiconj_by.add_right @[simp] theorem add_left [distrib A] {a b c : A} : commute a c → commute b c → commute (a + b) c := semiconj_by.add_left variables [semiring A] {a b : A} (hab : commute a b) (m n : ℕ) @[simp] theorem smul_right : commute a (n •ℕ b) := hab.smul_right n @[simp] theorem smul_left : commute (n •ℕ a) b := hab.smul_left n @[simp] theorem smul_smul : commute (m •ℕ a) (n •ℕ b) := hab.smul_smul m n variable (a) @[simp] theorem self_smul : commute a (n •ℕ a) := (commute.refl a).smul_right n @[simp] theorem smul_self : commute (n •ℕ a) a := (commute.refl a).smul_left n @[simp] theorem self_smul_smul : commute (m •ℕ a) (n •ℕ a) := (commute.refl a).smul_smul m n @[simp] theorem cast_nat_right : commute a (n : A) := semiconj_by.cast_nat_right a n @[simp] theorem cast_nat_left : commute (n : A) a := semiconj_by.cast_nat_left n a end semiring section ring variables {R : Type*} [ring R] {a b c : R} @[simp] theorem neg_right : commute a b → commute a (- b) := semiconj_by.neg_right @[simp] theorem neg_right_iff : commute a (-b) ↔ commute a b := semiconj_by.neg_right_iff @[simp] theorem neg_left : commute a b → commute (- a) b := semiconj_by.neg_left @[simp] theorem neg_left_iff : commute (-a) b ↔ commute a b := semiconj_by.neg_left_iff @[simp] theorem neg_one_right (a : R) : commute a (-1) := semiconj_by.neg_one_right a @[simp] theorem neg_one_left (a : R): commute (-1) a := semiconj_by.neg_one_left a @[simp] theorem sub_right : commute a b → commute a c → commute a (b - c) := semiconj_by.sub_right @[simp] theorem sub_left : commute a c → commute b c → commute (a - b) c := semiconj_by.sub_left variables (hab : commute a b) (m n : ℤ) @[simp] theorem gsmul_right : commute a (m •ℤ b) := hab.gsmul_right m @[simp] theorem gsmul_left : commute (m •ℤ a) b := hab.gsmul_left m @[simp] theorem gsmul_gsmul : commute (m •ℤ a) (n •ℤ b) := hab.gsmul_gsmul m n @[simp] theorem self_gsmul : commute a (n •ℤ a) := (commute.refl a).gsmul_right n @[simp] theorem gsmul_self : commute (n •ℤ a) a := (commute.refl a).gsmul_left n @[simp] theorem self_gsmul_gsmul : commute (m •ℤ a) (n •ℤ a) := (commute.refl a).gsmul_gsmul m n variable (a) @[simp] theorem cast_int_right : commute a (n : R) := by rw [← gsmul_one n]; exact (commute.one_right a).gsmul_right n @[simp] theorem cast_int_left : commute (n : R) a := (commute.cast_int_right a n).symm end ring end commute -- Definitions and trivial theorems about them section centralizer variables {S : Type*} [has_mul S] /-- Centralizer of an element `a : S` as the set of elements that commute with `a`; for `S` a monoid, `submonoid.centralizer` is the centralizer as a submonoid. -/ def centralizer (a : S) : set S := { x | commute a x } @[simp] theorem mem_centralizer {a b : S} : b ∈ centralizer a ↔ commute a b := iff.rfl /-- Centralizer of a set `T` as the set of elements of `S` that commute with all `a ∈ T`; for `S` a monoid, `submonoid.set.centralizer` is the set centralizer as a submonoid. -/ protected def set.centralizer (s : set S) : set S := { x | ∀ a ∈ s, commute a x } @[simp] protected theorem set.mem_centralizer (s : set S) {x : S} : x ∈ s.centralizer ↔ ∀ a ∈ s, commute a x := iff.rfl protected theorem set.mem_centralizer_iff_subset (s : set S) {x : S} : x ∈ s.centralizer ↔ s ⊆ centralizer x := by simp only [set.mem_centralizer, mem_centralizer, set.subset_def, commute.symm_iff] protected theorem set.centralizer_eq (s : set S) : s.centralizer = ⋂ a ∈ s, centralizer a := set.ext $ assume x, by simp only [s.mem_centralizer, set.mem_bInter_iff, mem_centralizer] protected theorem set.centralizer_decreasing {s t : set S} (h : s ⊆ t) : t.centralizer ⊆ s.centralizer := s.centralizer_eq.symm ▸ t.centralizer_eq.symm ▸ set.bInter_subset_bInter_left h end centralizer section monoid variables {M : Type*} [monoid M] (a : M) (s : set M) instance centralizer.is_submonoid : is_submonoid (centralizer a) := { one_mem := commute.one_right a, mul_mem := λ _ _, commute.mul_right } /-- Centralizer of an element `a` of a monoid is the submonoid of elements that commute with `a`. -/ def submonoid.centralizer : submonoid M := { carrier := centralizer a, one_mem' := commute.one_right a, mul_mem' := λ _ _, commute.mul_right } instance set.centralizer.is_submonoid : is_submonoid s.centralizer := by rw s.centralizer_eq; apply_instance /-- Centralizer of a subset `T` of a monoid is the submonoid of elements that commute with all `a ∈ T`. -/ def submonoid.set.centralizer : submonoid M := { carrier := s.centralizer, one_mem' := λ _ _, commute.one_right _, mul_mem' := λ _ _ h1 h2 a h, commute.mul_right (h1 a h) $ h2 a h } @[simp] theorem monoid.centralizer_closure : (monoid.closure s).centralizer = s.centralizer := set.subset.antisymm (set.centralizer_decreasing monoid.subset_closure) (λ x, by simp only [set.mem_centralizer_iff_subset]; exact monoid.closure_subset) -- Not sure if this should be an instance lemma centralizer.inter_units_is_subgroup : is_subgroup { x : units M | commute a x } := { one_mem := commute.one_right a, mul_mem := λ _ _, commute.mul_right, inv_mem := λ _, commute.units_inv_right } theorem commute.list_prod_right {a : M} {l : list M} (h : ∀ x ∈ l, commute a x) : commute a := is_submonoid.list_prod_mem (λ x hx, mem_centralizer.2 (h x hx)) theorem commute.list_prod_left {l : list M} {a : M} (h : ∀ x ∈ l, commute x a) : commute a := (commute.list_prod_right (λ x hx, (h x hx).symm)).symm end monoid section group variables {G : Type*} [group G] (a : G) (s : set G) instance centralizer.is_subgroup : is_subgroup (centralizer a) := { inv_mem := λ _, commute.inv_right } instance set.centralizer.is_subgroup : is_subgroup s.centralizer := by rw s.centralizer_eq; apply_instance @[simp] lemma group.centralizer_closure : (group.closure s).centralizer = s.centralizer := set.subset.antisymm (set.centralizer_decreasing group.subset_closure) (λ x, by simp only [set.mem_centralizer_iff_subset]; exact group.closure_subset) end group /- There is no `is_subsemiring` in mathlib, so we only prove `is_add_submonoid` here. -/ section semiring variables {A : Type*} [semiring A] (a : A) (s : set A) instance centralizer.is_add_submonoid : is_add_submonoid (centralizer a) := { zero_mem := commute.zero_right a, add_mem := λ _ _, commute.add_right } def centralizer.add_submonoid : add_submonoid A := { carrier := centralizer a, zero_mem' := commute.zero_right a, add_mem' := λ _ _, commute.add_right } instance set.centralizer.is_add_submonoid : is_add_submonoid s.centralizer := by rw s.centralizer_eq; apply_instance def set.centralizer.add_submonoid : add_submonoid A := { carrier := s.centralizer, zero_mem' := λ _ _, commute.zero_right _, add_mem' := λ _ _ h1 h2 a h, commute.add_right (h1 a h) $ h2 a h } @[simp] lemma add_monoid.centralizer_closure : (add_monoid.closure s).centralizer = s.centralizer := set.subset.antisymm (set.centralizer_decreasing add_monoid.subset_closure) (λ x, by simp only [set.mem_centralizer_iff_subset]; exact add_monoid.closure_subset) end semiring section ring variables {R : Type*} [ring R] (a : R) (s : set R) instance centralizer.is_subring : is_subring (centralizer a) := { neg_mem := λ _, commute.neg_right } instance set.centralizer.is_subring : is_subring s.centralizer := by rw s.centralizer_eq; apply_instance @[simp] lemma ring.centralizer_closure : (ring.closure s).centralizer = s.centralizer := set.subset.antisymm (set.centralizer_decreasing ring.subset_closure) (λ x, by simp only [set.mem_centralizer_iff_subset]; exact ring.closure_subset) end ring namespace commute protected theorem mul_pow {M : Type*} [monoid M] {a b : M} (hab : commute a b) : ∀ (n : ℕ), (a * b) ^ n = a ^ n * b ^ n | 0 := by simp only [pow_zero, mul_one] | (n + 1) := by simp only [pow_succ, mul_pow n]; assoc_rw [(hab.symm.pow_right n).eq]; rw [mul_assoc] protected theorem mul_gpow {G : Type*} [group G] {a b : G} (hab : commute a b) : ∀ (n : ℤ), (a * b) ^ n = a ^ n * b ^ n | (n : ℕ) := hab.mul_pow n | -[1+n] := by { simp only [gpow_neg_succ, hab.mul_pow, mul_inv_rev], exact (hab.pow_pow n.succ n.succ).inv_inv.symm.eq } end commute theorem neg_pow {R : Type*} [ring R] (a : R) (n : ℕ) : (- a) ^ n = (-1) ^ n * a ^ n := (neg_one_mul a) ▸ (commute.neg_one_left a).mul_pow n