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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".
Project: Xena
Path: Maths_Challenges / _target / deps / mathlib / src / algebra / continued_fractions / continuants_recurrence.lean
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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Kevin Kappelmann. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kevin Kappelmann -/ import algebra.continued_fractions.translations /-! # Recurrence Lemmas for the `continuants` Function of Continued Fractions. ## Summary Given a generalized continued fraction `g`, for all `n ≥ 1`, we prove that the `continuants` function indeed satisfies the following recurrences: `Aₙ = bₙ * Aₙ₋₁ + aₙ * Aₙ₋₂`, and `Bₙ = bₙ * Bₙ₋₁ + aₙ * Bₙ₋₂`. -/ namespace generalized_continued_fraction open generalized_continued_fraction as gcf variables {α : Type*} {g : gcf α} {n : ℕ} [division_ring α] lemma continuants_aux_recurrence {gp ppred pred : gcf.pair α} (nth_s_eq : g.s.nth n = some gp) (nth_conts_aux_eq : g.continuants_aux n = ppred) (succ_nth_conts_aux_eq : g.continuants_aux (n + 1) = pred) : g.continuants_aux (n + 2) = ⟨gp.b * pred.a + gp.a * ppred.a, gp.b * pred.b + gp.a * ppred.b⟩ := by simp [*, continuants_aux, next_continuants, next_denominator, next_numerator] lemma continuants_recurrence_aux {gp ppred pred : gcf.pair α} (nth_s_eq : g.s.nth n = some gp) (nth_conts_aux_eq : g.continuants_aux n = ppred) (succ_nth_conts_aux_eq : g.continuants_aux (n + 1) = pred) : g.continuants (n + 1) = ⟨gp.b * pred.a + gp.a * ppred.a, gp.b * pred.b + gp.a * ppred.b⟩ := by simp [nth_cont_eq_succ_nth_cont_aux, (continuants_aux_recurrence nth_s_eq nth_conts_aux_eq succ_nth_conts_aux_eq)] theorem continuants_recurrence {gp ppred pred : gcf.pair α} (succ_nth_s_eq : g.s.nth (n + 1) = some gp) (nth_conts_eq : g.continuants n = ppred) (succ_nth_conts_eq : g.continuants (n + 1) = pred) : g.continuants (n + 2) = ⟨gp.b * pred.a + gp.a * ppred.a, gp.b * pred.b + gp.a * ppred.b⟩ := begin rw [nth_cont_eq_succ_nth_cont_aux] at nth_conts_eq succ_nth_conts_eq, exact (continuants_recurrence_aux succ_nth_s_eq nth_conts_eq succ_nth_conts_eq) end lemma numerators_recurrence {gp : gcf.pair α} {ppredA predA : α} (succ_nth_s_eq : g.s.nth (n + 1) = some gp) (nth_num_eq : g.numerators n = ppredA) (succ_nth_num_eq : g.numerators (n + 1) = predA) : g.numerators (n + 2) = gp.b * predA + gp.a * ppredA := begin obtain ⟨ppredConts, nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ : ∃ conts, g.continuants n = conts ∧ conts.a = ppredA, from obtain_conts_a_of_num nth_num_eq, obtain ⟨predConts, succ_nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ : ∃ conts, g.continuants (n + 1) = conts ∧ conts.a = predA, from obtain_conts_a_of_num succ_nth_num_eq, rw [num_eq_conts_a, (continuants_recurrence succ_nth_s_eq nth_conts_eq succ_nth_conts_eq)] end lemma denominators_recurrence {gp : gcf.pair α} {ppredB predB : α} (succ_nth_s_eq : g.s.nth (n + 1) = some gp) (nth_denom_eq : g.denominators n = ppredB) (succ_nth_denom_eq : g.denominators (n + 1) = predB) : g.denominators (n + 2) = gp.b * predB + gp.a * ppredB := begin obtain ⟨ppredConts, nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ : ∃ conts, g.continuants n = conts ∧ conts.b = ppredB, from obtain_conts_b_of_denom nth_denom_eq, obtain ⟨predConts, succ_nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ : ∃ conts, g.continuants (n + 1) = conts ∧ conts.b = predB, from obtain_conts_b_of_denom succ_nth_denom_eq, rw [denom_eq_conts_b, (continuants_recurrence succ_nth_s_eq nth_conts_eq succ_nth_conts_eq)] end end generalized_continued_fraction