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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".
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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Louis Carlin. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Louis Carlin, Mario Carneiro Euclidean domains and Euclidean algorithm (extended to come) A lot is based on pre-existing code in mathlib for natural number gcds -/ import universe u section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] class euclidean_domain (α : Type u) extends nonzero_comm_ring α := (quotient : α → α → α) (quotient_zero : ∀ a, quotient a 0 = 0) (remainder : α → α → α) -- This could be changed to the same order as int.mod_add_div. -- We normally write qb+r rather than r + qb though. (quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq : ∀ a b, b * quotient a b + remainder a b = a) (r : α → α → Prop) (r_well_founded : well_founded r) (remainder_lt : ∀ a {b}, b ≠ 0 → r (remainder a b) b) /- `val_le_mul_left` is often not a required in definitions of a euclidean domain since given the other properties we can show there is a (noncomputable) euclidean domain α with the property `val_le_mul_left`. So potentially this definition could be split into two different ones (euclidean_domain_weak and euclidean_domain_strong) with a noncomputable function from weak to strong. I've currently divided the lemmas into strong and weak depending on whether they require `val_le_mul_left` or not. -/ (mul_left_not_lt : ∀ a {b}, b ≠ 0 → ¬r (a * b) a) end prio namespace euclidean_domain variable {α : Type u} variables [euclidean_domain α] local infix ` ≺ `:50 := euclidean_domain.r @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance : has_div α := ⟨quotient⟩ @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance : has_mod α := ⟨remainder⟩ theorem div_add_mod (a b : α) : b * (a / b) + a % b = a := quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq _ _ lemma mod_eq_sub_mul_div {α : Type*} [euclidean_domain α] (a b : α) : a % b = a - b * (a / b) := calc a % b = b * (a / b) + a % b - b * (a / b) : (add_sub_cancel' _ _).symm ... = a - b * (a / b) : by rw div_add_mod theorem mod_lt : ∀ a {b : α}, b ≠ 0 → (a % b) ≺ b := remainder_lt theorem mul_right_not_lt {a : α} (b) (h : a ≠ 0) : ¬(a * b) ≺ b := by rw mul_comm; exact mul_left_not_lt b h lemma mul_div_cancel_left {a : α} (b) (a0 : a ≠ 0) : a * b / a = b := eq.symm $ eq_of_sub_eq_zero $ classical.by_contradiction $ λ h, begin have := mul_left_not_lt a h, rw [mul_sub, sub_eq_iff_eq_add'.2 (div_add_mod (a*b) a).symm] at this, exact this (mod_lt _ a0) end lemma mul_div_cancel (a) {b : α} (b0 : b ≠ 0) : a * b / b = a := by rw mul_comm; exact mul_div_cancel_left a b0 @[simp] lemma mod_zero (a : α) : a % 0 = a := by simpa only [zero_mul, zero_add] using div_add_mod a 0 @[simp] lemma mod_eq_zero {a b : α} : a % b = 0 ↔ b ∣ a := ⟨λ h, by rw [← div_add_mod a b, h, add_zero]; exact dvd_mul_right _ _, λ ⟨c, e⟩, begin rw [e, ← add_left_cancel_iff, div_add_mod, add_zero], haveI := classical.dec, by_cases b0 : b = 0, { simp only [b0, zero_mul] }, { rw [mul_div_cancel_left _ b0] } end⟩ @[simp] lemma mod_self (a : α) : a % a = 0 := mod_eq_zero.2 (dvd_refl _) lemma dvd_mod_iff {a b c : α} (h : c ∣ b) : c ∣ a % b ↔ c ∣ a := by rw [dvd_add_iff_right (dvd_mul_of_dvd_left h _), div_add_mod] lemma lt_one (a : α) : a ≺ (1:α) → a = 0 := by haveI := classical.dec; exact not_imp_not.1 (λ h, by simpa only [one_mul] using mul_left_not_lt 1 h) lemma val_dvd_le : ∀ a b : α, b ∣ a → a ≠ 0 → ¬a ≺ b | _ b ⟨d, rfl⟩ ha := mul_left_not_lt b (mt (by rintro rfl; exact mul_zero _) ha) @[simp] lemma mod_one (a : α) : a % 1 = 0 := mod_eq_zero.2 (one_dvd _) @[simp] lemma zero_mod (b : α) : 0 % b = 0 := mod_eq_zero.2 (dvd_zero _) @[simp] lemma div_zero (a : α) : a / 0 = 0 := quotient_zero a @[simp] lemma zero_div {a : α} : 0 / a = 0 := classical.by_cases (λ a0 : a = 0, a0.symm ▸ div_zero 0) (λ a0, by simpa only [zero_mul] using mul_div_cancel 0 a0) @[simp] lemma div_self {a : α} (a0 : a ≠ 0) : a / a = 1 := by simpa only [one_mul] using mul_div_cancel 1 a0 lemma eq_div_of_mul_eq_left {a b c : α} (hb : b ≠ 0) (h : a * b = c) : a = c / b := by rw [← h, mul_div_cancel _ hb] lemma eq_div_of_mul_eq_right {a b c : α} (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : a * b = c) : b = c / a := by rw [← h, mul_div_cancel_left _ ha] theorem mul_div_assoc (x : α) {y z : α} (h : z ∣ y) : x * y / z = x * (y / z) := begin classical, by_cases hz : z = 0, { subst hz, rw [div_zero, div_zero, mul_zero] }, rcases h with ⟨p, rfl⟩, rw [mul_div_cancel_left _ hz, mul_left_comm, mul_div_cancel_left _ hz] end section gcd variable [decidable_eq α] def gcd : α → α → α | a := λ b, if a0 : a = 0 then b else have h:_ := mod_lt b a0, gcd (b%a) a using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption, rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, r_well_founded α⟩]} @[simp] theorem gcd_zero_left (a : α) : gcd 0 a = a := by rw gcd; exact if_pos rfl @[simp] theorem gcd_zero_right (a : α) : gcd a 0 = a := by rw gcd; split_ifs; simp only [h, zero_mod, gcd_zero_left] theorem gcd_val (a b : α) : gcd a b = gcd (b % a) a := by rw gcd; split_ifs; [simp only [h, mod_zero, gcd_zero_right], refl] @[elab_as_eliminator] theorem gcd.induction {P : α → α → Prop} : ∀ a b : α, (∀ x, P 0 x) → (∀ a b, a ≠ 0 → P (b % a) a → P a b) → P a b | a := λ b H0 H1, if a0 : a = 0 then by rw [a0]; apply H0 else have h:_ := mod_lt b a0, H1 _ _ a0 (gcd.induction (b%a) a H0 H1) using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption, rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, r_well_founded α⟩]} theorem gcd_dvd (a b : α) : gcd a b ∣ a ∧ gcd a b ∣ b := gcd.induction a b (λ b, by rw [gcd_zero_left]; exact ⟨dvd_zero _, dvd_refl _⟩) (λ a b aneq ⟨IH₁, IH₂⟩, by rw gcd_val; exact ⟨IH₂, (dvd_mod_iff IH₂).1 IH₁⟩) theorem gcd_dvd_left (a b : α) : gcd a b ∣ a := (gcd_dvd a b).left theorem gcd_dvd_right (a b : α) : gcd a b ∣ b := (gcd_dvd a b).right protected theorem gcd_eq_zero_iff {a b : α} : gcd a b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∧ b = 0 := ⟨λ h, by simpa [h] using gcd_dvd a b, by rintro ⟨rfl, rfl⟩; simp⟩ theorem dvd_gcd {a b c : α} : c ∣ a → c ∣ b → c ∣ gcd a b := gcd.induction a b (λ _ _ H, by simpa only [gcd_zero_left] using H) (λ a b a0 IH ca cb, by rw gcd_val; exact IH ((dvd_mod_iff ca).2 cb) ca) theorem gcd_eq_left {a b : α} : gcd a b = a ↔ a ∣ b := ⟨λ h, by rw ← h; apply gcd_dvd_right, λ h, by rw [gcd_val, mod_eq_zero.2 h, gcd_zero_left]⟩ @[simp] theorem gcd_one_left (a : α) : gcd 1 a = 1 := gcd_eq_left.2 (one_dvd _) @[simp] theorem gcd_self (a : α) : gcd a a = a := gcd_eq_left.2 (dvd_refl _) def xgcd_aux : α → α → α → α → α → α → α × α × α | r := λ s t r' s' t', if hr : r = 0 then (r', s', t') else have r' % r ≺ r, from mod_lt _ hr, let q := r' / r in xgcd_aux (r' % r) (s' - q * s) (t' - q * t) r s t using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption, rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, r_well_founded α⟩]} @[simp] theorem xgcd_zero_left {s t r' s' t' : α} : xgcd_aux 0 s t r' s' t' = (r', s', t') := by unfold xgcd_aux; exact if_pos rfl @[simp] theorem xgcd_aux_rec {r s t r' s' t' : α} (h : r ≠ 0) : xgcd_aux r s t r' s' t' = xgcd_aux (r' % r) (s' - (r' / r) * s) (t' - (r' / r) * t) r s t := by conv {to_lhs, rw [xgcd_aux]}; exact if_neg h /-- Use the extended GCD algorithm to generate the `a` and `b` values satisfying `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/ def xgcd (x y : α) : α × α := (xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1).2 /-- The extended GCD `a` value in the equation `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/ def gcd_a (x y : α) : α := (xgcd x y).1 /-- The extended GCD `b` value in the equation `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/ def gcd_b (x y : α) : α := (xgcd x y).2 @[simp] theorem xgcd_aux_fst (x y : α) : ∀ s t s' t', (xgcd_aux x s t y s' t').1 = gcd x y := gcd.induction x y (by intros; rw [xgcd_zero_left, gcd_zero_left]) (λ x y h IH s t s' t', by simp only [xgcd_aux_rec h, if_neg h, IH]; rw ← gcd_val) theorem xgcd_aux_val (x y : α) : xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1 = (gcd x y, xgcd x y) := by rw [xgcd, ← xgcd_aux_fst x y 1 0 0 1,] theorem xgcd_val (x y : α) : xgcd x y = (gcd_a x y, gcd_b x y) := private def P (a b : α) : α × α × α → Prop | (r, s, t) := (r : α) = a * s + b * t theorem xgcd_aux_P (a b : α) {r r' : α} : ∀ {s t s' t'}, P a b (r, s, t) → P a b (r', s', t') → P a b (xgcd_aux r s t r' s' t') := gcd.induction r r' (by intros; simpa only [xgcd_zero_left]) $ λ x y h IH s t s' t' p p', begin rw [xgcd_aux_rec h], refine IH _ p, unfold P at p p' ⊢, rw [mul_sub, mul_sub, add_sub, sub_add_eq_add_sub, ← p', sub_sub, mul_comm _ s, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm _ t, ← mul_assoc, ← add_mul, ← p, mod_eq_sub_mul_div] end theorem gcd_eq_gcd_ab (a b : α) : (gcd a b : α) = a * gcd_a a b + b * gcd_b a b := by have := @xgcd_aux_P _ _ _ a b a b 1 0 0 1 (by rw [P, mul_one, mul_zero, add_zero]) (by rw [P, mul_one, mul_zero, zero_add]); rwa [xgcd_aux_val, xgcd_val] at this @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance (α : Type*) [e : euclidean_domain α] : integral_domain α := by haveI := classical.dec_eq α; exact { eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero := λ a b (h : a * b = 0), or_iff_not_and_not.2 $ λ h0 : a ≠ 0 ∧ b ≠ 0, h0.1 $ by rw [← mul_div_cancel a h0.2, h, zero_div], ..e } end gcd section lcm variables [decidable_eq α] def lcm (x y : α) : α := x * y / gcd x y theorem dvd_lcm_left (x y : α) : x ∣ lcm x y := classical.by_cases (assume hxy : gcd x y = 0, by rw [lcm, hxy, div_zero]; exact dvd_zero _) (λ hxy, let ⟨z, hz⟩ := (gcd_dvd x y).2 in ⟨z, eq.symm $ eq_div_of_mul_eq_left hxy $ by rw [mul_right_comm, mul_assoc, ← hz]⟩) theorem dvd_lcm_right (x y : α) : y ∣ lcm x y := classical.by_cases (assume hxy : gcd x y = 0, by rw [lcm, hxy, div_zero]; exact dvd_zero _) (λ hxy, let ⟨z, hz⟩ := (gcd_dvd x y).1 in ⟨z, eq.symm $ eq_div_of_mul_eq_right hxy $ by rw [← mul_assoc, mul_right_comm, ← hz]⟩) theorem lcm_dvd {x y z : α} (hxz : x ∣ z) (hyz : y ∣ z) : lcm x y ∣ z := begin rw lcm, by_cases hxy : gcd x y = 0, { rw [hxy, div_zero], rw euclidean_domain.gcd_eq_zero_iff at hxy, rwa hxy.1 at hxz }, rcases gcd_dvd x y with ⟨⟨r, hr⟩, ⟨s, hs⟩⟩, suffices : x * y ∣ z * gcd x y, { cases this with p hp, use p, generalize_hyp : gcd x y = g at hxy hs hp ⊢, subst hs, rw [mul_left_comm, mul_div_cancel_left _ hxy, ← domain.mul_right_inj hxy, hp], rw [← mul_assoc], simp only [mul_right_comm] }, rw [gcd_eq_gcd_ab, mul_add], apply dvd_add, { rw mul_left_comm, exact mul_dvd_mul_left _ (dvd_mul_of_dvd_left hyz _) }, { rw [mul_left_comm, mul_comm], exact mul_dvd_mul_left _ (dvd_mul_of_dvd_left hxz _) } end @[simp] lemma lcm_dvd_iff {x y z : α} : lcm x y ∣ z ↔ x ∣ z ∧ y ∣ z := ⟨λ hz, ⟨dvd_trans (dvd_lcm_left _ _) hz, dvd_trans (dvd_lcm_right _ _) hz⟩, λ ⟨hxz, hyz⟩, lcm_dvd hxz hyz⟩ @[simp] lemma lcm_zero_left (x : α) : lcm 0 x = 0 := by rw [lcm, zero_mul, zero_div] @[simp] lemma lcm_zero_right (x : α) : lcm x 0 = 0 := by rw [lcm, mul_zero, zero_div] @[simp] lemma lcm_eq_zero_iff {x y : α} : lcm x y = 0 ↔ x = 0 ∨ y = 0 := begin split, { intro hxy, rw [lcm, mul_div_assoc _ (gcd_dvd_right _ _), mul_eq_zero] at hxy, apply or_of_or_of_imp_right hxy, intro hy, by_cases hgxy : gcd x y = 0, { rw euclidean_domain.gcd_eq_zero_iff at hgxy, exact hgxy.2 }, { rcases gcd_dvd x y with ⟨⟨r, hr⟩, ⟨s, hs⟩⟩, generalize_hyp : gcd x y = g at hr hs hy hgxy ⊢, subst hs, rw [mul_div_cancel_left _ hgxy] at hy, rw [hy, mul_zero] } }, rintro (hx | hy), { rw [hx, lcm_zero_left] }, { rw [hy, lcm_zero_right] } end @[simp] lemma gcd_mul_lcm (x y : α) : gcd x y * lcm x y = x * y := begin rw lcm, by_cases h : gcd x y = 0, { rw [h, zero_mul], rw euclidean_domain.gcd_eq_zero_iff at h, rw [h.1, zero_mul] }, rcases gcd_dvd x y with ⟨⟨r, hr⟩, ⟨s, hs⟩⟩, generalize_hyp : gcd x y = g at h hr ⊢, subst hr, rw [mul_assoc, mul_div_cancel_left _ h] end end lcm end euclidean_domain open euclidean_domain instance int.euclidean_domain : euclidean_domain ℤ := { quotient := (/), quotient_zero := int.div_zero, remainder := (%), quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq := λ a b, by rw add_comm; exact int.mod_add_div _ _, r := λ a b, a.nat_abs < b.nat_abs, r_well_founded := measure_wf (λ a, int.nat_abs a), remainder_lt := λ a b b0, int.coe_nat_lt.1 $ by rw [int.nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.mod_nonneg _ b0), ← int.abs_eq_nat_abs]; exact int.mod_lt _ b0, mul_left_not_lt := λ a b b0, not_lt_of_ge $ by rw [← mul_one a.nat_abs, int.nat_abs_mul]; exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (int.nat_abs_pos_of_ne_zero b0) (nat.zero_le _) } @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance discrete_field.to_euclidean_domain {K : Type u} [discrete_field K] : euclidean_domain K := { quotient := (/), remainder := λ a b, if b = 0 then a else 0, quotient_zero := div_zero, quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq := λ a b, if H : b = 0 then by rw [if_pos H, H, zero_mul, zero_add] else by rw [if_neg H, add_zero, mul_div_cancel' _ H], r := λ a b, a = 0 ∧ b ≠ 0, r_well_founded := well_founded.intro $ λ a, acc.intro _ $ λ b ⟨hb, hna⟩, acc.intro _ $ λ c ⟨hc, hnb⟩, false.elim $ hnb hb, remainder_lt := λ a b hnb, ⟨if_neg hnb, hnb⟩, mul_left_not_lt := λ a b hnb ⟨hab, hna⟩, or.cases_on (mul_eq_zero.1 hab) hna hnb }