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Project: Xena
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/- Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Mario Carneiro, Yury Kudryashov. -/ import tactic.basic tactic.transport tactic.algebra /-! # Transport multiplicative to additive This file defines an attribute `to_additive` that can be used to automatically transport theorems and definitions (but not inductive types and structures) from multiplicative theory to additive theory. To use this attribute, just write ``` @[to_additive] theorem mul_comm' {α} [comm_semigroup α] (x y : α) : x * y = y * x := comm_semigroup.mul_comm ``` This code will generate a theorem named `add_comm'`. It is also possible to manually specify the name of the new declaration, and provide a documentation string. The transport tries to do the right thing in most cases using several heuristics described below. However, in some cases it fails, and requires manual intervention. ## Implementation notes ### Handling of hidden definitions Before transporting the “main” declaration `src`, `to_additive` first scans its type and value for names starting with `src`, and transports them. This includes auxiliary definitions like `src._match_1`, `src._proof_1`. After transporting the “main” declaration, `to_additive` transports its equational lemmas. ### Structure fields and constructors If `src` is a structure, then `to_additive` automatically adds structure fields to its mapping, and similarly for constructors of inductive types. For new structures this means that `to_additive` automatically handles coercions, and for old structures it does the same, if ancestry information is present in `@[ancestor]` attributes. ### Name generation * If `@[to_additive]` is called without a `name` argument, then the new name is autogenerated. First, it takes the longest prefix of the source name that is already known to `to_additive`, and replaces this prefix with its additive counterpart. Second, it takes the last part of the name (i.e., after the last dot), and replaces common name parts (“mul”, “one”, “inv”, “prod”) with their additive versions. * If `@[to_additive]` is called with a `name` argument `new_name` /without a dot/, then `to_additive` updates the prefix as described above, then replaces the last part of the name with `new_name`. * If `@[to_additive]` is called with a `name` argument `new_namespace.new_name` /with a dot/, then `to_additive` uses this new name as is. As a safety check, in the first two cases `to_additive` double checks that the new name differs from the original one. ### Missing features * Automatically transport structures and other inductive types. * Handle `protected` attribute. Currently all new definitions are public. * For structures, automatically generate theorems like `group α ↔ add_group (additive α)`. * Mapping of prefixes that do not correspond to any definition, see `quotient_group`. * Rewrite rules for the last part of the name that work in more cases. E.g., we can replace `monoid` with `add_monoid` etc. -/ namespace to_additive open tactic exceptional @[user_attribute] meta def aux_attr : user_attribute (name_map name) name := { name := `to_additive_aux, descr := "Auxiliary attribute for `to_additive`. DON'T USE IT", cache_cfg := ⟨λ ns, ns.mfoldl (λ dict n', let n := match n' with | name.mk_string s pre := if s = "_to_additive" then pre else n' | _ := n' end in dict.insert n <$> aux_attr.get_param n') mk_name_map, []⟩, parser := lean.parser.ident } meta def map_namespace (src tgt : name) : command := do let n := src.mk_string "_to_additive", let decl := declaration.thm n [] `(unit) (pure (reflect ())), add_decl decl, aux_attr.set n tgt tt @[derive has_reflect, derive inhabited] structure value_type := (tgt : name) (doc : option string) meta def tokens_dict : native.rb_map string string := native.rb_map.of_list $ [("mul", "add"), ("one", "zero"), ("inv", "neg"), ("prod", "sum")] meta def guess_name : string → string := string.map_tokens '_' $ $ string.map_tokens ''' $ $ λ s, (tokens_dict.find s).get_or_else s meta def target_name (src tgt : name) (dict : name_map name) : tactic name := (if tgt.get_prefix ≠ name.anonymous -- `tgt` is a full name then pure tgt else match src with | (name.mk_string s pre) := do let tgt_auto := guess_name s, guard (tgt.to_string ≠ tgt_auto) <|> trace ("`to_additive " ++ src.to_string ++ "`: remove `name` argument"), pure $ name.mk_string (if tgt = name.anonymous then tgt_auto else tgt.to_string) (pre.map_prefix dict.find) | _ := fail ("to_additive: can't transport " ++ src.to_string) end) >>= (λ res, if res = src then fail ("to_additive: can't transport " ++ src.to_string ++ " to itself") else pure res) meta def parser : lean.parser value_type := do tgt ← optional lean.parser.ident, e ← optional interactive.types.texpr, doc ← match e with | some pe := some <$> ((to_expr pe >>= eval_expr string) : tactic string) | none := pure none end, return ⟨tgt.get_or_else name.anonymous, doc⟩ private meta def proceed_fields_aux (src tgt : name) (prio : ℕ) (f : name → tactic (list string)) : command := do src_fields ← f src, tgt_fields ← f tgt, guard (src_fields.length = tgt_fields.length) <|> fail ("Failed to map fields of " ++ src.to_string), ( tgt_fields).mmap' $ λ names, guard (names.fst = names.snd) <|> aux_attr.set (src.append names.fst) (tgt.append names.snd) tt prio meta def proceed_fields (env : environment) (src tgt : name) (prio : ℕ) : command := let aux := proceed_fields_aux src tgt prio in do aux (λ n, pure $ name.to_string $ (env.structure_fields n).get_or_else []) >> aux (λ n, ( (λ (x : name), "to_" ++ x.to_string) <$> (ancestor_attr.get_param n <|> pure []))) >> aux (λ n, (env.constructors_of n).mmap $ λ cs, match cs with | (name.mk_string s pre) := (guard (pre = n) <|> fail "Bad constructor name") >> pure s | _ := fail "Bad constructor name" end) @[user_attribute] protected meta def attr : user_attribute unit value_type := { name := `to_additive, descr := "Transport multiplicative to additive", parser := parser, after_set := some $ λ src prio persistent, do guard persistent <|> fail "`to_additive` can't be used as a local attribute", env ← get_env, val ← attr.get_param src, dict ← aux_attr.get_cache, tgt ← target_name src val.tgt dict, aux_attr.set src tgt tt, let dict := dict.insert src tgt, if env.contains tgt then proceed_fields env src tgt prio else do transport_with_prefix_dict dict src tgt [`reducible, `simp, `instance, `refl, `symm, `trans, `elab_as_eliminator], match val.doc with | some doc := add_doc_string tgt doc | none := skip end } end to_additive /- map operations -/ attribute [to_additive] has_mul has_one has_inv /- map structures -/ attribute [to_additive add_semigroup] semigroup attribute [to_additive add_comm_semigroup] comm_semigroup attribute [to_additive add_left_cancel_semigroup] left_cancel_semigroup attribute [to_additive add_right_cancel_semigroup] right_cancel_semigroup attribute [to_additive add_monoid] monoid attribute [to_additive add_comm_monoid] comm_monoid attribute [to_additive add_group] group attribute [to_additive add_comm_group] comm_group /- map theorems -/ attribute [to_additive] mul_assoc attribute [to_additive add_semigroup_to_is_eq_associative] semigroup_to_is_associative attribute [to_additive] mul_comm attribute [to_additive add_comm_semigroup_to_is_eq_commutative] comm_semigroup_to_is_commutative attribute [to_additive] mul_left_comm attribute [to_additive] mul_right_comm attribute [to_additive] mul_left_cancel attribute [to_additive] mul_right_cancel attribute [to_additive] mul_left_cancel_iff attribute [to_additive] mul_right_cancel_iff attribute [to_additive] one_mul attribute [to_additive] mul_one attribute [to_additive] mul_left_inv attribute [to_additive] inv_mul_self attribute [to_additive] inv_mul_cancel_left attribute [to_additive] inv_mul_cancel_right attribute [to_additive] inv_eq_of_mul_eq_one attribute [to_additive neg_zero] one_inv attribute [to_additive] inv_inv attribute [to_additive] mul_right_inv attribute [to_additive] mul_inv_self attribute [to_additive] inv_inj attribute [to_additive] group.mul_left_cancel attribute [to_additive] group.mul_right_cancel attribute [to_additive to_left_cancel_add_semigroup] group.to_left_cancel_semigroup attribute [to_additive to_right_cancel_add_semigroup] group.to_right_cancel_semigroup attribute [to_additive] mul_inv_cancel_left attribute [to_additive] mul_inv_cancel_right attribute [to_additive neg_add_rev] mul_inv_rev attribute [to_additive] eq_inv_of_eq_inv attribute [to_additive] eq_inv_of_mul_eq_one attribute [to_additive] eq_mul_inv_of_mul_eq attribute [to_additive] eq_inv_mul_of_mul_eq attribute [to_additive] inv_mul_eq_of_eq_mul attribute [to_additive] mul_inv_eq_of_eq_mul attribute [to_additive] eq_mul_of_mul_inv_eq attribute [to_additive] eq_mul_of_inv_mul_eq attribute [to_additive] mul_eq_of_eq_inv_mul attribute [to_additive] mul_eq_of_eq_mul_inv attribute [to_additive neg_add] mul_inv