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/- Copyright (c) Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel -/ import analysis.calculus.deriv analysis.normed_space.finite_dimension /-! # Normed space structure on `ℂ`. This file gathers basic facts on complex numbers of an analytic nature. ## Main results This file registers `ℂ` as a normed field, expresses basic properties of the norm, and gives tools on the real vector space structure of `ℂ`. Notably, in the namespace `complex`, it defines functions: * `` * `` * `` * `` * `linear_map.of_real` * `continuous_linear_map.of_real` They are bundled versions of the real part, the imaginary part, and the embedding of `ℝ` in `ℂ`, as `ℝ`-linear maps. `has_deriv_at_real_of_complex` expresses that, if a function on `ℂ` is differentiable (over `ℂ`), then its restriction to `ℝ` is differentiable over `ℝ`, with derivative the real part of the complex derivative. -/ noncomputable theory set_option class.instance_max_depth 40 namespace complex instance : normed_field ℂ := { norm := abs, dist_eq := λ _ _, rfl, norm_mul' := abs_mul, .. complex.discrete_field } instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℂ := { non_trivial := ⟨2, by simp [norm]; norm_num⟩ } instance normed_algebra_over_reals : normed_algebra ℝ ℂ := { norm_algebra_map_eq := abs_of_real, ..complex.algebra_over_reals } @[simp] lemma norm_eq_abs (z : ℂ) : ∥z∥ = abs z := rfl @[simp] lemma norm_real (r : ℝ) : ∥(r : ℂ)∥ = ∥r∥ := abs_of_real _ @[simp] lemma norm_rat (r : ℚ) : ∥(r : ℂ)∥ = _root_.abs (r : ℝ) := suffices ∥((r : ℝ) : ℂ)∥ = _root_.abs r, by simpa, by rw [norm_real, real.norm_eq_abs] @[simp] lemma norm_nat (n : ℕ) : ∥(n : ℂ)∥ = n := abs_of_nat _ @[simp] lemma norm_int {n : ℤ} : ∥(n : ℂ)∥ = _root_.abs n := suffices ∥((n : ℝ) : ℂ)∥ = _root_.abs n, by simpa, by rw [norm_real, real.norm_eq_abs] lemma norm_int_of_nonneg {n : ℤ} (hn : 0 ≤ n) : ∥(n : ℂ)∥ = n := by rw [norm_int, _root_.abs_of_nonneg]; exact int.cast_nonneg.2 hn /-- Over the complex numbers, any finite-dimensional spaces is proper (and therefore complete). We can register this as an instance, as it will not cause problems in instance resolution since the properness of `ℂ` is already known and there is no metavariable. -/ instance finite_dimensional.proper (E : Type) [normed_group E] [normed_space ℂ E] [finite_dimensional ℂ E] : proper_space E := finite_dimensional.proper ℂ E attribute [instance, priority 900] complex.finite_dimensional.proper /-- A complex normed vector space is also a real normed vector space. -/ instance normed_space.restrict_scalars_real (E : Type*) [normed_group E] [normed_space ℂ E] : normed_space ℝ E := normed_space.restrict_scalars ℝ ℂ attribute [instance, priority 900] complex.normed_space.restrict_scalars_real /-- Linear map version of the real part function, from `ℂ` to `ℝ`. -/ def : ℂ →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ := { to_fun := λx,, add := by simp, smul := λc x, by { change ((c : ℂ) * x).re = c *, simp } } @[simp] lemma linear_map.re_apply (z : ℂ) : z = := rfl /-- Continuous linear map version of the real part function, from `ℂ` to `ℝ`. -/ def : ℂ →L[ℝ] ℝ := 1 $ λx, begin change _root_.abs ( ≤ 1 * abs x, rw one_mul, exact abs_re_le_abs x end @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.re_coe : (coe ( : ℂ →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ) = := rfl @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.re_apply (z : ℂ) : ( : ℂ → ℝ) z = := rfl @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.re_norm : ∥∥ = 1 := begin apply le_antisymm (linear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ zero_le_one _), calc 1 = ∥ (1 : ℂ)∥ : by simp ... ≤ ∥∥ : by { apply continuous_linear_map.unit_le_op_norm, simp } end /-- Linear map version of the imaginary part function, from `ℂ` to `ℝ`. -/ def : ℂ →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ := { to_fun := λx,, add := by simp, smul := λc x, by { change ((c : ℂ) * x).im = c *, simp } } @[simp] lemma linear_map.im_apply (z : ℂ) : z = := rfl /-- Continuous linear map version of the real part function, from `ℂ` to `ℝ`. -/ def : ℂ →L[ℝ] ℝ := 1 $ λx, begin change _root_.abs ( ≤ 1 * abs x, rw one_mul, exact complex.abs_im_le_abs x end @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.im_coe : (coe ( : ℂ →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ) = := rfl @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.im_apply (z : ℂ) : ( : ℂ → ℝ) z = := rfl @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.im_norm : ∥∥ = 1 := begin apply le_antisymm (linear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ zero_le_one _), calc 1 = ∥ (I : ℂ)∥ : by simp ... ≤ ∥∥ : by { apply continuous_linear_map.unit_le_op_norm, rw ← abs_I, exact le_refl _ } end /-- Linear map version of the canonical embedding of `ℝ` in `ℂ`. -/ def linear_map.of_real : ℝ →ₗ[ℝ] ℂ := { to_fun := λx, of_real x, add := by simp, smul := λc x, by { simp, refl } } @[simp] lemma linear_map.of_real_apply (x : ℝ) : linear_map.of_real x = x := rfl /-- Continuous linear map version of the canonical embedding of `ℝ` in `ℂ`. -/ def continuous_linear_map.of_real : ℝ →L[ℝ] ℂ := linear_map.of_real.mk_continuous 1 $ λx, by simp @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.of_real_coe : (coe (continuous_linear_map.of_real) : ℝ →ₗ[ℝ] ℂ) = linear_map.of_real := rfl @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.of_real_apply (x : ℝ) : (continuous_linear_map.of_real : ℝ → ℂ) x = x := rfl @[simp] lemma continuous_linear_map.of_real_norm : ∥continuous_linear_map.of_real∥ = 1 := begin apply le_antisymm (linear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ zero_le_one _), calc 1 = ∥continuous_linear_map.of_real (1 : ℝ)∥ : by simp ... ≤ ∥continuous_linear_map.of_real∥ : by { apply continuous_linear_map.unit_le_op_norm, simp } end lemma continuous_linear_map.of_real_isometry : isometry continuous_linear_map.of_real := continuous_linear_map.isometry_iff_norm_image_eq_norm.2 (λx, by simp) end complex section real_deriv_of_complex /-! ### Differentiability of the restriction to `ℝ` of complex functions -/ open complex variables {e : ℂ → ℂ} {e' : ℂ} {z : ℝ} /-- If a complex function is differentiable at a real point, then the induced real function is also differentiable at this point, with a derivative equal to the real part of the complex derivative. -/ theorem has_deriv_at_real_of_complex (h : has_deriv_at e e' z) : has_deriv_at (λx:ℝ, (e x).re) e'.re z := begin have : (λx:ℝ, (e x).re) = ( : ℂ → ℝ) ∘ e ∘ (continuous_linear_map.of_real : ℝ → ℂ), by { ext x, refl }, rw this, have A : has_fderiv_at continuous_linear_map.of_real continuous_linear_map.of_real z := continuous_linear_map.of_real.has_fderiv_at, have B : has_fderiv_at e ((continuous_linear_map.smul_right 1 e' : ℂ →L[ℂ] ℂ).restrict_scalars ℝ) (continuous_linear_map.of_real z) := (has_deriv_at_iff_has_fderiv_at.1 h).restrict_scalars ℝ, have C : has_fderiv_at (e (continuous_linear_map.of_real z)) :=, convert has_fderiv_at_iff_has_deriv_at.1 (C.comp z (B.comp z A)), change e' = 1 * e', rw one_mul end end real_deriv_of_complex