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/- Copyright (c) 2017 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Stephen Morgan, Scott Morrison, Johannes Hölzl, Reid Barton -/ import tactic.basic import tactic.tidy /-! # Categories Defines a category, as a type class parametrised by the type of objects. ## Notations Introduces notations * `X ⟶ Y` for the morphism spaces, * `f ≫ g` for composition in the 'arrows' convention. Users may like to add `f ⊚ g` for composition in the standard convention, using ``` local notation f ` ⊚ `:80 g:80 := category.comp g f -- type as \oo ``` -/ universes v u -- The order in this declaration matters: v often needs to be explicitly specified while u often can be omitted namespace category_theory /- The propositional fields of `category` are annotated with the auto_param `obviously`, which is defined here as a [`replacer` tactic]( We then immediately set up `obviously` to call `tidy`. Later, this can be replaced with more powerful tactics. -/ def_replacer obviously @[obviously] meta def obviously' := tactic.tidy class has_hom (obj : Type u) : Type (max u (v+1)) := (hom : obj → obj → Type v) infixr ` ⟶ `:10 := has_hom.hom -- type as \h section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] class category_struct (obj : Type u) extends has_hom.{v} obj : Type (max u (v+1)) := (id : Π X : obj, hom X X) (comp : Π {X Y Z : obj}, (X ⟶ Y) → (Y ⟶ Z) → (X ⟶ Z)) notation `𝟙` := -- type as \b1 infixr ` ≫ `:80 := category_struct.comp -- type as \gg /-- The typeclass `category C` describes morphisms associated to objects of type `C`. The universe levels of the objects and morphisms are unconstrained, and will often need to be specified explicitly, as `category.{v} C`. (See also `large_category` and `small_category`.) -/ class category (obj : Type u) extends category_struct.{v} obj : Type (max u (v+1)) := (id_comp' : ∀ {X Y : obj} (f : hom X Y), 𝟙 X ≫ f = f . obviously) (comp_id' : ∀ {X Y : obj} (f : hom X Y), f ≫ 𝟙 Y = f . obviously) (assoc' : ∀ {W X Y Z : obj} (f : hom W X) (g : hom X Y) (h : hom Y Z), (f ≫ g) ≫ h = f ≫ (g ≫ h) . obviously) end prio -- `restate_axiom` is a command that creates a lemma from a structure field, -- discarding any auto_param wrappers from the type. -- (It removes a backtick from the name, if it finds one, and otherwise adds "_lemma".) restate_axiom category.id_comp' restate_axiom category.comp_id' restate_axiom category.assoc' attribute [simp] category.id_comp category.comp_id category.assoc attribute [trans] category_struct.comp /-- A `large_category` has objects in one universe level higher than the universe level of the morphisms. It is useful for examples such as the category of types, or the category of groups, etc. -/ abbreviation large_category (C : Type (u+1)) : Type (u+1) := category.{u} C /-- A `small_category` has objects and morphisms in the same universe level. -/ abbreviation small_category (C : Type u) : Type (u+1) := category.{u} C section variables {C : Type u} [𝒞 : category.{v} C] {X Y Z : C} include 𝒞 lemma eq_of_comp_left_eq {f g : X ⟶ Y} (w : ∀ {Z : C} (h : Y ⟶ Z), f ≫ h = g ≫ h) : f = g := by { convert w (𝟙 Y), tidy } lemma eq_of_comp_right_eq {f g : Y ⟶ Z} (w : ∀ {X : C} (h : X ⟶ Y), h ≫ f = h ≫ g) : f = g := by { convert w (𝟙 Y), tidy } lemma eq_of_comp_left_eq' (f g : X ⟶ Y) (w : (λ {Z : C} (h : Y ⟶ Z), f ≫ h) = (λ {Z : C} (h : Y ⟶ Z), g ≫ h)) : f = g := eq_of_comp_left_eq (λ Z h, by convert congr_fun (congr_fun w Z) h) lemma eq_of_comp_right_eq' (f g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : (λ {X : C} (h : X ⟶ Y), h ≫ f) = (λ {X : C} (h : X ⟶ Y), h ≫ g)) : f = g := eq_of_comp_right_eq (λ X h, by convert congr_fun (congr_fun w X) h) lemma id_of_comp_left_id (f : X ⟶ X) (w : ∀ {Y : C} (g : X ⟶ Y), f ≫ g = g) : f = 𝟙 X := by { convert w (𝟙 X), tidy } lemma id_of_comp_right_id (f : X ⟶ X) (w : ∀ {Y : C} (g : Y ⟶ X), g ≫ f = g) : f = 𝟙 X := by { convert w (𝟙 X), tidy } class epi (f : X ⟶ Y) : Prop := (left_cancellation : Π {Z : C} (g h : Y ⟶ Z) (w : f ≫ g = f ≫ h), g = h) class mono (f : X ⟶ Y) : Prop := (right_cancellation : Π {Z : C} (g h : Z ⟶ X) (w : g ≫ f = h ≫ f), g = h) @[simp] lemma cancel_epi (f : X ⟶ Y) [epi f] {g h : Y ⟶ Z} : (f ≫ g = f ≫ h) ↔ g = h := ⟨ λ p, epi.left_cancellation g h p, begin intro a, subst a end ⟩ @[simp] lemma cancel_mono (f : X ⟶ Y) [mono f] {g h : Z ⟶ X} : (g ≫ f = h ≫ f) ↔ g = h := ⟨ λ p, mono.right_cancellation g h p, begin intro a, subst a end ⟩ end section variable (C : Type u) variable [category.{v} C] universe u' instance ulift_category : category.{v} (ulift.{u'} C) := { hom := λ X Y, (X.down ⟶ Y.down), id := λ X, 𝟙 X.down, comp := λ _ _ _ f g, f ≫ g } -- We verify that this previous instance can lift small categories to large categories. example (D : Type u) [small_category D] : large_category (ulift.{u+1} D) := by apply_instance end end category_theory open category_theory namespace preorder variables (α : Type u) @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance small_category [preorder α] : small_category α := { hom := λ U V, ulift (plift (U ≤ V)), id := λ X, ⟨ ⟨ le_refl X ⟩ ⟩, comp := λ X Y Z f g, ⟨ ⟨ le_trans _ _ _ f.down.down g.down.down ⟩ ⟩ } end preorder