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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".

Project: Xena
Views: 18536
License: APACHE
Copyright (c) 2018 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Reid Barton, Mario Carneiro, Scott Morrison, Floris van Doorn
import category_theory.whiskering
import category_theory.yoneda
import category_theory.limits.cones
import category_theory.eq_to_hom

open category_theory category_theory.category category_theory.functor opposite

namespace category_theory.limits

universes v u u' u'' w -- declare the `v`'s first; see `category_theory.category` for an explanation

-- See the notes at the top of cones.lean, explaining why we can't allow `J : Prop` here.
variables {J K : Type v} [small_category J] [small_category K]
variables {C : Type u} [𝒞 : category.{v} C]
include 𝒞

variables {F : J ⥤ C}

/-- A cone `t` on `F` is a limit cone if each cone on `F` admits a unique
  cone morphism to `t`. -/
structure is_limit (t : cone F) :=
(lift  : Π (s : cone F), s.X ⟶ t.X)
(fac'  : ∀ (s : cone F) (j : J), lift s ≫ t.π.app j = s.π.app j . obviously)
(uniq' : ∀ (s : cone F) (m : s.X ⟶ t.X) (w : ∀ j : J, m ≫ t.π.app j = s.π.app j),
  m = lift s . obviously)

restate_axiom is_limit.fac'
attribute [simp] is_limit.fac
restate_axiom is_limit.uniq'

namespace is_limit

instance subsingleton {t : cone F} : subsingleton (is_limit t) :=
⟨by intros P Q; cases P; cases Q; congr; ext; solve_by_elim⟩

/- Repackaging the definition in terms of cone morphisms. -/

def lift_cone_morphism {t : cone F} (h : is_limit t) (s : cone F) : s ⟶ t :=
{ hom := h.lift s }

lemma uniq_cone_morphism {s t : cone F} (h : is_limit t) {f f' : s ⟶ t} :
  f = f' :=
have ∀ {g : s ⟶ t}, g = h.lift_cone_morphism s, by intro g; ext; exact h.uniq _ _ g.w,
this.trans this.symm

def mk_cone_morphism {t : cone F}
  (lift : Π (s : cone F), s ⟶ t)
  (uniq' : ∀ (s : cone F) (m : s ⟶ t), m = lift s) : is_limit t :=
{ lift := λ s, (lift s).hom,
  uniq' := λ s m w,
    have m w = lift s, by apply uniq',
    congr_arg cone_morphism.hom this }

/-- Limit cones on `F` are unique up to isomorphism. -/
def unique_up_to_iso {s t : cone F} (P : is_limit s) (Q : is_limit t) : s ≅ t :=
{ hom := Q.lift_cone_morphism s,
  inv := P.lift_cone_morphism t,
  hom_inv_id' := P.uniq_cone_morphism,
  inv_hom_id' := Q.uniq_cone_morphism }

def of_iso_limit {r t : cone F} (P : is_limit r) (i : r ≅ t) : is_limit t :=
  (λ s, P.lift_cone_morphism s ≫ i.hom)
  (λ s m, by rw ←i.comp_inv_eq; apply P.uniq_cone_morphism)

variables {t : cone F}

lemma hom_lift (h : is_limit t) {W : C} (m : W ⟶ t.X) :
  m = h.lift { X := W, π := { app := λ b, m ≫ t.π.app b } } :=
h.uniq { X := W, π := { app := λ b, m ≫ t.π.app b } } m (λ b, rfl)

/-- Two morphisms into a limit are equal if their compositions with
  each cone morphism are equal. -/
lemma hom_ext (h : is_limit t) {W : C} {f f' : W ⟶ t.X}
  (w : ∀ j, f ≫ t.π.app j = f' ≫ t.π.app j) : f = f' :=
by rw [h.hom_lift f, h.hom_lift f']; congr; exact funext w

/-- The universal property of a limit cone: a map `W ⟶ X` is the same as
  a cone on `F` with vertex `W`. -/
def hom_iso (h : is_limit t) (W : C) : (W ⟶ t.X) ≅ ((const J).obj W ⟶ F) :=
{ hom := λ f, (t.extend f).π,
  inv := λ π, h.lift { X := W, π := π },
  hom_inv_id' := by ext f; apply h.hom_ext; intro j; simp; dsimp; refl }

@[simp] lemma hom_iso_hom (h : is_limit t) {W : C} (f : W ⟶ t.X) :
  (is_limit.hom_iso h W).hom f = (t.extend f).π := rfl

/-- The limit of `F` represents the functor taking `W` to
  the set of cones on `F` with vertex `W`. -/
def nat_iso (h : is_limit t) : yoneda.obj t.X ≅ F.cones :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ W, is_limit.hom_iso h (unop W)) (by tidy).

def hom_iso' (h : is_limit t) (W : C) :
  ((W ⟶ t.X) : Type v) ≅ { p : Π j, W ⟶ F.obj j // ∀ {j j'} (f : j ⟶ j'), p j ≫ f = p j' } :=
h.hom_iso W ≪≫
{ hom := λ π,
  ⟨λ j, π.app j, λ j j' f,
   by convert ←(π.naturality f).symm; apply id_comp⟩,
  inv := λ p,
  { app := λ j, p.1 j,
    naturality' := λ j j' f, begin dsimp, rw [id_comp], exact (p.2 f).symm end } }

/-- If G : C → D is a faithful functor which sends t to a limit cone,
  then it suffices to check that the induced maps for the image of t
  can be lifted to maps of C. -/
def of_faithful {t : cone F} {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] (G : C ⥤ D) [faithful G]
  (ht : is_limit (G.map_cone t)) (lift : Π (s : cone F), s.X ⟶ t.X)
  (h : ∀ s, (lift s) = ht.lift (G.map_cone s)) : is_limit t :=
{ lift := lift,
  fac' := λ s j, by apply G.injectivity; rw [G.map_comp, h]; apply ht.fac,
  uniq' := λ s m w, begin
    apply G.injectivity, rw h,
    refine ht.uniq (G.map_cone s) _ (λ j, _),
    convert ←congr_arg (λ f, f) (w j),
    apply G.map_comp
  end }

def iso_unique_cone_morphism {t : cone F} :
  is_limit t ≅ Π s, unique (s ⟶ t) :=
{ hom := λ h s,
  { default := h.lift_cone_morphism s,
    uniq := λ _, h.uniq_cone_morphism },
  inv := λ h,
  { lift := λ s, (h s).default.hom,
    uniq' := λ s f w, congr_arg cone_morphism.hom ((h s).uniq ⟨f, w⟩) } }

namespace of_nat_iso
variables {X : C} (h : yoneda.obj X ≅ F.cones)

/-- If `F.cones` is represented by `X`, each morphism `f : Y ⟶ X` gives a cone with cone point `Y`. -/
def cone_of_hom {Y : C} (f : Y ⟶ X) : cone F :=
{ X := Y, π := (op Y) f }

/-- If `F.cones` is represented by `X`, each cone `s` gives a morphism `s.X ⟶ X`. -/
def hom_of_cone (s : cone F) : s.X ⟶ X := (op s.X) s.π

@[simp] lemma cone_of_hom_of_cone (s : cone F) : cone_of_hom h (hom_of_cone h s) = s :=
  dsimp [cone_of_hom, hom_of_cone], cases s, congr, dsimp,
  exact congr_fun (congr_fun (congr_arg h.inv_hom_id) (op s_X)) s_π,

@[simp] lemma hom_of_cone_of_hom {Y : C} (f : Y ⟶ X) : hom_of_cone h (cone_of_hom h f) = f :=
congr_fun (congr_fun (congr_arg h.hom_inv_id) (op Y)) f

/-- If `F.cones` is represented by `X`, the cone corresponding to the identity morphism on `X`
will be a limit cone. -/
def limit_cone : cone F :=
cone_of_hom h (𝟙 X)

/-- If `F.cones` is represented by `X`, the cone corresponding to a morphism `f : Y ⟶ X` is
the limit cone extended by `f`. -/
lemma cone_of_hom_fac {Y : C} (f : Y ⟶ X) :
cone_of_hom h f = (limit_cone h).extend f :=
  dsimp [cone_of_hom, limit_cone, cone.extend],
  ext j,
  have t := congr_fun (h.hom.naturality f.op) (𝟙 X),
  dsimp at t,
  simp only [comp_id] at t,
  rw congr_fun (congr_arg t) j,

/-- If `F.cones` is represented by `X`, any cone is the extension of the limit cone by the
corresponding morphism. -/
lemma cone_fac (s : cone F) : (limit_cone h).extend (hom_of_cone h s) = s :=
  rw ←cone_of_hom_of_cone h s,
  conv_lhs { simp only [hom_of_cone_of_hom] },
  apply (cone_of_hom_fac _ _).symm,

end of_nat_iso

open of_nat_iso

If `F.cones` is representable, then the cone corresponding to the identity morphism on
the representing object is a limit cone.
def of_nat_iso {X : C} (h : yoneda.obj X ≅ F.cones) :
  is_limit (limit_cone h) :=
{ lift := λ s, hom_of_cone h s,
  fac' := λ s j,
    have h := cone_fac h s,
    cases s,
    injection h with h₁ h₂,
    simp only [heq_iff_eq] at h₂,
    conv_rhs { rw ← h₂ }, refl,
  uniq' := λ s m w,
    rw ←hom_of_cone_of_hom h m,
    rw cone_of_hom_fac,
    dsimp, cases s, congr,
    ext j, exact w j,
  end }

end is_limit

/-- A cocone `t` on `F` is a colimit cocone if each cocone on `F` admits a unique
  cocone morphism from `t`. -/
structure is_colimit (t : cocone F) :=
(desc  : Π (s : cocone F), t.X ⟶ s.X)
(fac'  : ∀ (s : cocone F) (j : J), t.ι.app j ≫ desc s = s.ι.app j . obviously)
(uniq' : ∀ (s : cocone F) (m : t.X ⟶ s.X) (w : ∀ j : J, t.ι.app j ≫ m = s.ι.app j),
  m = desc s . obviously)

restate_axiom is_colimit.fac'
attribute [simp] is_colimit.fac
restate_axiom is_colimit.uniq'

namespace is_colimit

instance subsingleton {t : cocone F} : subsingleton (is_colimit t) :=
⟨by intros P Q; cases P; cases Q; congr; ext; solve_by_elim⟩

/- Repackaging the definition in terms of cone morphisms. -/

def desc_cocone_morphism {t : cocone F} (h : is_colimit t) (s : cocone F) : t ⟶ s :=
{ hom := h.desc s }

lemma uniq_cocone_morphism {s t : cocone F} (h : is_colimit t) {f f' : t ⟶ s} :
  f = f' :=
have ∀ {g : t ⟶ s}, g = h.desc_cocone_morphism s, by intro g; ext; exact h.uniq _ _ g.w,
this.trans this.symm

def mk_cocone_morphism {t : cocone F}
  (desc : Π (s : cocone F), t ⟶ s)
  (uniq' : ∀ (s : cocone F) (m : t ⟶ s), m = desc s) : is_colimit t :=
{ desc := λ s, (desc s).hom,
  uniq' := λ s m w,
    have m w = desc s, by apply uniq',
    congr_arg cocone_morphism.hom this }

/-- Limit cones on `F` are unique up to isomorphism. -/
def unique_up_to_iso {s t : cocone F} (P : is_colimit s) (Q : is_colimit t) : s ≅ t :=
{ hom := P.desc_cocone_morphism t,
  inv := Q.desc_cocone_morphism s,
  hom_inv_id' := P.uniq_cocone_morphism,
  inv_hom_id' := Q.uniq_cocone_morphism }

def of_iso_colimit {r t : cocone F} (P : is_colimit r) (i : r ≅ t) : is_colimit t :=
  (λ s, i.inv ≫ P.desc_cocone_morphism s)
  (λ s m, by rw i.eq_inv_comp; apply P.uniq_cocone_morphism)

variables {t : cocone F}

lemma hom_desc (h : is_colimit t) {W : C} (m : t.X ⟶ W) :
  m = h.desc { X := W, ι := { app := λ b, t.ι.app b ≫ m,
    naturality' := by intros; erw [←assoc, t.ι.naturality, comp_id, comp_id] } } :=
h.uniq { X := W, ι := { app := λ b, t.ι.app b ≫ m, naturality' := _ } } m (λ b, rfl)

/-- Two morphisms out of a colimit are equal if their compositions with
  each cocone morphism are equal. -/
lemma hom_ext (h : is_colimit t) {W : C} {f f' : t.X ⟶ W}
  (w : ∀ j, t.ι.app j ≫ f = t.ι.app j ≫ f') : f = f' :=
by rw [h.hom_desc f, h.hom_desc f']; congr; exact funext w

/-- The universal property of a colimit cocone: a map `X ⟶ W` is the same as
  a cocone on `F` with vertex `W`. -/
def hom_iso (h : is_colimit t) (W : C) : (t.X ⟶ W) ≅ (F ⟶ (const J).obj W) :=
{ hom := λ f, (t.extend f).ι,
  inv := λ ι, h.desc { X := W, ι := ι },
  hom_inv_id' := by ext f; apply h.hom_ext; intro j; simp; dsimp; refl }

@[simp] lemma hom_iso_hom (h : is_colimit t) {W : C} (f : t.X ⟶ W) :
  (is_colimit.hom_iso h W).hom f = (t.extend f).ι := rfl

/-- The colimit of `F` represents the functor taking `W` to
  the set of cocones on `F` with vertex `W`. -/
def nat_iso (h : is_colimit t) : coyoneda.obj (op t.X) ≅ F.cocones :=
nat_iso.of_components (is_colimit.hom_iso h) (by intros; ext; dsimp; rw ←assoc; refl)

def hom_iso' (h : is_colimit t) (W : C) :
  ((t.X ⟶ W) : Type v) ≅ { p : Π j, F.obj j ⟶ W // ∀ {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j'), f ≫ p j' = p j } :=
h.hom_iso W ≪≫
{ hom := λ ι,
  ⟨λ j, ι.app j, λ j j' f,
   by convert ←(ι.naturality f); apply comp_id⟩,
  inv := λ p,
  { app := λ j, p.1 j,
    naturality' := λ j j' f, begin dsimp, rw [comp_id], exact (p.2 f) end } }

/-- If G : C → D is a faithful functor which sends t to a colimit cocone,
  then it suffices to check that the induced maps for the image of t
  can be lifted to maps of C. -/
def of_faithful {t : cocone F} {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] (G : C ⥤ D) [faithful G]
  (ht : is_colimit (G.map_cocone t)) (desc : Π (s : cocone F), t.X ⟶ s.X)
  (h : ∀ s, (desc s) = ht.desc (G.map_cocone s)) : is_colimit t :=
{ desc := desc,
  fac' := λ s j, by apply G.injectivity; rw [G.map_comp, h]; apply ht.fac,
  uniq' := λ s m w, begin
    apply G.injectivity, rw h,
    refine ht.uniq (G.map_cocone s) _ (λ j, _),
    convert ←congr_arg (λ f, f) (w j),
    apply G.map_comp
  end }

def iso_unique_cocone_morphism {t : cocone F} :
  is_colimit t ≅ Π s, unique (t ⟶ s) :=
{ hom := λ h s,
  { default := h.desc_cocone_morphism s,
    uniq := λ _, h.uniq_cocone_morphism },
  inv := λ h,
  { desc := λ s, (h s).default.hom,
    uniq' := λ s f w, congr_arg cocone_morphism.hom ((h s).uniq ⟨f, w⟩) } }

namespace of_nat_iso
variables {X : C} (h : coyoneda.obj (op X) ≅ F.cocones)

/-- If `F.cocones` is corepresented by `X`, each morphism `f : X ⟶ Y` gives a cocone with cone point `Y`. -/
def cocone_of_hom {Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) : cocone F :=
{ X := Y, ι := Y f }

/-- If `F.cocones` is corepresented by `X`, each cocone `s` gives a morphism `X ⟶ s.X`. -/
def hom_of_cocone (s : cocone F) : X ⟶ s.X := s.X s.ι

@[simp] lemma cocone_of_hom_of_cocone (s : cocone F) : cocone_of_hom h (hom_of_cocone h s) = s :=
  dsimp [cocone_of_hom, hom_of_cocone], cases s, congr, dsimp,
  exact congr_fun (congr_fun (congr_arg h.inv_hom_id) s_X) s_ι,

@[simp] lemma hom_of_cocone_of_hom {Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) : hom_of_cocone h (cocone_of_hom h f) = f :=
congr_fun (congr_fun (congr_arg h.hom_inv_id) Y) f

/-- If `F.cocones` is corepresented by `X`, the cocone corresponding to the identity morphism on `X`
will be a colimit cocone. -/
def colimit_cocone : cocone F :=
cocone_of_hom h (𝟙 X)

/-- If `F.cocones` is corepresented by `X`, the cocone corresponding to a morphism `f : Y ⟶ X` is
the colimit cocone extended by `f`. -/
lemma cocone_of_hom_fac {Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
cocone_of_hom h f = (colimit_cocone h).extend f :=
  dsimp [cocone_of_hom, colimit_cocone, cocone.extend],
  ext j,
  have t := congr_fun (h.hom.naturality f) (𝟙 X),
  dsimp at t,
  simp only [id_comp] at t,
  rw congr_fun (congr_arg t) j,

/-- If `F.cocones` is corepresented by `X`, any cocone is the extension of the colimit cocone by the
corresponding morphism. -/
lemma cocone_fac (s : cocone F) : (colimit_cocone h).extend (hom_of_cocone h s) = s :=
  rw ←cocone_of_hom_of_cocone h s,
  conv_lhs { simp only [hom_of_cocone_of_hom] },
  apply (cocone_of_hom_fac _ _).symm,

end of_nat_iso

open of_nat_iso

If `F.cocones` is corepresentable, then the cocone corresponding to the identity morphism on
the representing object is a colimit cocone.
def of_nat_iso {X : C} (h : coyoneda.obj (op X) ≅ F.cocones) :
  is_colimit (colimit_cocone h) :=
{ desc := λ s, hom_of_cocone h s,
  fac' := λ s j,
    have h := cocone_fac h s,
    cases s,
    injection h with h₁ h₂,
    simp only [heq_iff_eq] at h₂,
    conv_rhs { rw ← h₂ }, refl,
  uniq' := λ s m w,
    rw ←hom_of_cocone_of_hom h m,
    rw cocone_of_hom_fac,
    dsimp, cases s, congr,
    ext j, exact w j,
  end }

end is_colimit

section limit

/-- `has_limit F` represents a particular chosen limit of the diagram `F`. -/
class has_limit (F : J ⥤ C) :=
(cone : cone F)
(is_limit : is_limit cone . tactic.apply_instance)

variables (J C)

/-- `C` has limits of shape `J` if we have chosen a particular limit of
  every functor `F : J ⥤ C`. -/
class has_limits_of_shape :=
(has_limit : Π F : J ⥤ C, has_limit F)

/-- `C` has all (small) limits if it has limits of every shape. -/
class has_limits :=
(has_limits_of_shape : Π (J : Type v) [𝒥 : small_category J], has_limits_of_shape J C)

variables {J C}

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance has_limit_of_has_limits_of_shape
  {J : Type v} [small_category J] [H : has_limits_of_shape J C] (F : J ⥤ C) : has_limit F :=
has_limits_of_shape.has_limit F

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance has_limits_of_shape_of_has_limits
  {J : Type v} [small_category J] [H : has_limits.{v} C] : has_limits_of_shape J C :=
has_limits.has_limits_of_shape C J

/- Interface to the `has_limit` class. -/

def limit.cone (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] : cone F := has_limit.cone F

def limit (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] := (limit.cone F).X

def limit.π (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] (j : J) : limit F ⟶ F.obj j :=
(limit.cone F).π.app j

@[simp] lemma limit.cone_π {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (j : J) :
  (limit.cone F).π.app j = limit.π _ j := rfl

@[simp] lemma limit.w (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j') :
  limit.π F j ≫ f = limit.π F j' := (limit.cone F).w f

def limit.is_limit (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] : is_limit (limit.cone F) :=
has_limit.is_limit.{v} F

def limit.lift (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] (c : cone F) : c.X ⟶ limit F :=
(limit.is_limit F).lift c

@[simp] lemma limit.is_limit_lift {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) :
  (limit.is_limit F).lift c = limit.lift F c := rfl

@[simp, reassoc] lemma limit.lift_π {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) (j : J) :
  limit.lift F c ≫ limit.π F j = c.π.app j :=
is_limit.fac _ c j

def limit.cone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) :
  cone_morphism c (limit.cone F) :=
(limit.is_limit F).lift_cone_morphism c

@[simp] lemma limit.cone_morphism_hom {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) :
  (limit.cone_morphism c).hom = limit.lift F c := rfl
@[simp] lemma limit.cone_morphism_π {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) (j : J) :
  (limit.cone_morphism c).hom ≫ limit.π F j = c.π.app j :=
by erw is_limit.fac

@[ext] lemma limit.hom_ext {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] {X : C} {f f' : X ⟶ limit F}
  (w : ∀ j, f ≫ limit.π F j = f' ≫ limit.π F j) : f = f' :=
(limit.is_limit F).hom_ext w

def limit.hom_iso (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] (W : C) : (W ⟶ limit F) ≅ (F.cones.obj (op W)) :=
(limit.is_limit F).hom_iso W

@[simp] lemma limit.hom_iso_hom (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] {W : C} (f : W ⟶ limit F) :
  (limit.hom_iso F W).hom f = (const J).map f ≫ (limit.cone F).π :=
(limit.is_limit F).hom_iso_hom f

def limit.hom_iso' (F : J ⥤ C) [has_limit F] (W : C) :
  ((W ⟶ limit F) : Type v) ≅ { p : Π j, W ⟶ F.obj j // ∀ {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j'), p j ≫ f = p j' } :=
(limit.is_limit F).hom_iso' W

lemma limit.lift_extend {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) {X : C} (f : X ⟶ c.X) :
  limit.lift F (c.extend f) = f ≫ limit.lift F c :=
by obviously

def has_limit_of_iso {F G : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (α : F ≅ G) : has_limit G :=
{ cone := (cones.postcompose α.hom).obj (limit.cone F),
  is_limit :=
  { lift := λ s, limit.lift F ((cones.postcompose α.inv).obj s),
    fac' := λ s j,
      rw [cones.postcompose_obj_π, nat_trans.comp_app, limit.cone_π, ←category.assoc, limit.lift_π],
    uniq' := λ s m w,
      apply limit.hom_ext, intro j,
      rw [limit.lift_π, cones.postcompose_obj_π, nat_trans.comp_app, ←nat_iso.app_inv, iso.eq_comp_inv],
      simpa using w j
    end } }

/-- If a functor `G` has the same collection of cones as a functor `F`
which has a limit, then `G` also has a limit. -/
-- See the construction of limits from products and equalizers
-- for an example usage.
def has_limit.of_cones_iso {J K : Type v} [small_category J] [small_category K] (F : J ⥤ C) (G : K ⥤ C)
  (h : F.cones ≅ G.cones) [has_limit F] : has_limit G :=
⟨_, is_limit.of_nat_iso ((is_limit.nat_iso (limit.is_limit F)) ≪≫ h)⟩

section pre
variables (F) [has_limit F] (E : K ⥤ J) [has_limit (E ⋙ F)]

def limit.pre : limit F ⟶ limit (E ⋙ F) :=
limit.lift (E ⋙ F)
  { X := limit F,
    π := { app := λ k, limit.π F (E.obj k) } }

@[simp] lemma limit.pre_π (k : K) : limit.pre F E ≫ limit.π (E ⋙ F) k = limit.π F (E.obj k) :=
by erw is_limit.fac

@[simp] lemma limit.lift_pre (c : cone F) :
  limit.lift F c ≫ limit.pre F E = limit.lift (E ⋙ F) (c.whisker E) :=
by ext; simp

variables {L : Type v} [small_category L]
variables (D : L ⥤ K) [has_limit (D ⋙ E ⋙ F)]

@[simp] lemma limit.pre_pre : limit.pre F E ≫ limit.pre (E ⋙ F) D = limit.pre F (D ⋙ E) :=
by ext j; erw [assoc, limit.pre_π, limit.pre_π, limit.pre_π]; refl

end pre

section post
variables {D : Type u'} [𝒟 : category.{v} D]
include 𝒟

variables (F) [has_limit F] (G : C ⥤ D) [has_limit (F ⋙ G)]

def : G.obj (limit F) ⟶ limit (F ⋙ G) :=
limit.lift (F ⋙ G)
{ X := G.obj (limit F),
  π :=
  { app := λ j, (limit.π F j),
    naturality' :=
      by intros j j' f; erw [←G.map_comp, limits.cone.w, id_comp]; refl } }

@[simp] lemma limit.post_π (j : J) : F G ≫ limit.π (F ⋙ G) j = (limit.π F j) :=
by erw is_limit.fac

@[simp] lemma limit.lift_post (c : cone F) : (limit.lift F c) ≫ F G = limit.lift (F ⋙ G) (G.map_cone c) :=
by ext; rw [assoc, limit.post_π, ←G.map_comp, limit.lift_π, limit.lift_π]; refl

@[simp] lemma limit.post_post
  {E : Type u''} [category.{v} E] (H : D ⥤ E) [has_limit ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H)] :
/- H G (limit F) ⟶ H (limit (F ⋙ G)) ⟶ limit ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H) equals -/
/- H G (limit F) ⟶ limit (F ⋙ (G ⋙ H)) -/ ( F G) ≫ (F ⋙ G) H = F (G ⋙ H) :=
by ext; erw [assoc, limit.post_π, ←H.map_comp, limit.post_π, limit.post_π]; refl

end post

lemma limit.pre_post {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D]
  (E : K ⥤ J) (F : J ⥤ C) (G : C ⥤ D)
  [has_limit F] [has_limit (E ⋙ F)] [has_limit (F ⋙ G)] [has_limit ((E ⋙ F) ⋙ G)] :
/- G (limit F) ⟶ G (limit (E ⋙ F)) ⟶ limit ((E ⋙ F) ⋙ G) vs -/
/- G (limit F) ⟶ limit F ⋙ G ⟶ limit (E ⋙ (F ⋙ G)) or -/ (limit.pre F E) ≫ (E ⋙ F) G = F G ≫ limit.pre (F ⋙ G) E :=
by ext; erw [assoc, limit.post_π, ←G.map_comp, limit.pre_π, assoc, limit.pre_π, limit.post_π]; refl

open category_theory.equivalence
instance has_limit_equivalence_comp (e : K ≌ J) [has_limit F] : has_limit (e.functor ⋙ F) :=
{ cone := cone.whisker e.functor (limit.cone F),
  is_limit :=
  let e' := cones.postcompose (e.inv_fun_id_assoc F).hom in
  { lift := λ s, limit.lift F (e'.obj (cone.whisker e.inverse s)),
    fac' := λ s j,
      dsimp, rw [limit.lift_π], dsimp [e'],
      erw [inv_fun_id_assoc_hom_app, counit_functor, ←s.π.naturality, id_comp]
    uniq' := λ s m w,
      apply limit.hom_ext, intro j,
      erw [limit.lift_π, ←limit.w F ( j)],
      slice_lhs 1 2 { erw [w (e.inverse.obj j)] }, simp
    end } }

local attribute [elab_simple] inv_fun_id_assoc -- not entirely sure why this is needed
def has_limit_of_equivalence_comp (e : K ≌ J) [has_limit (e.functor ⋙ F)] : has_limit F :=
  haveI : has_limit (e.inverse ⋙ e.functor ⋙ F) := limits.has_limit_equivalence_comp e.symm,
  apply has_limit_of_iso (e.inv_fun_id_assoc F),

-- `has_limit_comp_equivalence` and `has_limit_of_comp_equivalence`
-- are proved in `category_theory/adjunction/limits.lean`.

section lim_functor

variables [has_limits_of_shape J C]

/-- `limit F` is functorial in `F`, when `C` has all limits of shape `J`. -/
def lim : (J ⥤ C) ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ F, limit F,
  map := λ F G α, limit.lift G
    { X := limit F,
      π :=
      { app := λ j, limit.π F j ≫ α.app j,
        naturality' := λ j j' f,
          by erw [id_comp, assoc, ←α.naturality, ←assoc, limit.w] } },
  map_comp' := λ F G H α β,
    by ext; erw [assoc, is_limit.fac, is_limit.fac, ←assoc, is_limit.fac, assoc]; refl }

variables {F} {G : J ⥤ C} (α : F ⟶ G)

@[simp, reassoc] lemma lim.map_π (j : J) : α ≫ limit.π G j = limit.π F j ≫ α.app j :=
by apply is_limit.fac

@[simp] lemma limit.lift_map (c : cone F) :
  limit.lift F c ≫ α = limit.lift G ((cones.postcompose α).obj c) :=
by ext; rw [assoc, lim.map_π, ←assoc, limit.lift_π, limit.lift_π]; refl

lemma limit.map_pre [has_limits_of_shape K C] (E : K ⥤ J) : α ≫ limit.pre G E = limit.pre F E ≫ (whisker_left E α) :=
by ext; rw [assoc, limit.pre_π, lim.map_π, assoc, lim.map_π, ←assoc, limit.pre_π]; refl

lemma limit.map_pre' [has_limits_of_shape.{v} K C]
  (F : J ⥤ C) {E₁ E₂ : K ⥤ J} (α : E₁ ⟶ E₂) :
  limit.pre F E₂ = limit.pre F E₁ ≫ (whisker_right α F) :=
by ext1; simp [(category.assoc _ _ _ _).symm]

lemma limit.id_pre (F : J ⥤ C) :
limit.pre F (𝟭 _) = (functor.left_unitor F).inv := by tidy

lemma limit.map_post {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] [has_limits_of_shape J D] (H : C ⥤ D) :
/- H (limit F) ⟶ H (limit G) ⟶ limit (G ⋙ H) vs
   H (limit F) ⟶ limit (F ⋙ H) ⟶ limit (G ⋙ H) -/ ( α) ≫ G H = F H ≫ (whisker_right α H) :=
  rw [assoc, limit.post_π, ←H.map_comp, lim.map_π, H.map_comp],
  rw [assoc, lim.map_π, ←assoc, limit.post_π],

def lim_yoneda : lim ⋙ yoneda ≅ category_theory.cones J C :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ F, nat_iso.of_components (λ W, limit.hom_iso F (unop W)) (by tidy))
  (by tidy)

end lim_functor

def has_limits_of_shape_of_equivalence {J' : Type v} [small_category J']
  (e : J ≌ J') [has_limits_of_shape J C] : has_limits_of_shape J' C :=
by { constructor, intro F, apply has_limit_of_equivalence_comp e, apply_instance }

end limit

section colimit

/-- `has_colimit F` represents a particular chosen colimit of the diagram `F`. -/
class has_colimit (F : J ⥤ C) :=
(cocone : cocone F)
(is_colimit : is_colimit cocone . tactic.apply_instance)

variables (J C)

/-- `C` has colimits of shape `J` if we have chosen a particular colimit of
  every functor `F : J ⥤ C`. -/
class has_colimits_of_shape :=
(has_colimit : Π F : J ⥤ C, has_colimit F)

/-- `C` has all (small) colimits if it has colimits of every shape. -/
class has_colimits :=
(has_colimits_of_shape : Π (J : Type v) [𝒥 : small_category J], has_colimits_of_shape J C)

variables {J C}

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance has_colimit_of_has_colimits_of_shape
  {J : Type v} [small_category J] [H : has_colimits_of_shape J C] (F : J ⥤ C) : has_colimit F :=
has_colimits_of_shape.has_colimit F

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance has_colimits_of_shape_of_has_colimits
  {J : Type v} [small_category J] [H : has_colimits.{v} C] : has_colimits_of_shape J C :=
has_colimits.has_colimits_of_shape C J

/- Interface to the `has_colimit` class. -/

def colimit.cocone (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] : cocone F := has_colimit.cocone F

def colimit (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] := (colimit.cocone F).X

def colimit.ι (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] (j : J) : F.obj j ⟶ colimit F :=
(colimit.cocone F).ι.app j

@[simp] lemma colimit.cocone_ι {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (j : J) :
  (colimit.cocone F).ι.app j = colimit.ι _ j := rfl

@[simp] lemma colimit.w (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j') : f ≫ colimit.ι F j' = colimit.ι F j := (colimit.cocone F).w f

def colimit.is_colimit (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] : is_colimit (colimit.cocone F) :=
has_colimit.is_colimit.{v} F

def colimit.desc (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) : colimit F ⟶ c.X :=
(colimit.is_colimit F).desc c

@[simp] lemma colimit.is_colimit_desc {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) :
  (colimit.is_colimit F).desc c = colimit.desc F c := rfl

We have lots of lemmas describing how to simplify `colimit.ι F j ≫ _`,
and combined with `colimit.ext` we rely on these lemmas for many calculations.

However, since `category.assoc` is a `@[simp]` lemma, often expressions are
right associated, and it's hard to apply these lemmas about `colimit.ι`.

We thus use `reassoc` to define additional `@[simp]` lemmas, with an arbitrary extra morphism.
(see `tactic/reassoc_axiom.lean`)
@[simp, reassoc] lemma colimit.ι_desc {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) (j : J) :
  colimit.ι F j ≫ colimit.desc F c = c.ι.app j :=
is_colimit.fac _ c j

def colimit.cocone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) :
  cocone_morphism (colimit.cocone F) c :=
(colimit.is_colimit F).desc_cocone_morphism c

@[simp] lemma colimit.cocone_morphism_hom {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) :
  (colimit.cocone_morphism c).hom = colimit.desc F c := rfl
@[simp] lemma colimit.ι_cocone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) (j : J) :
  colimit.ι F j ≫ (colimit.cocone_morphism c).hom = c.ι.app j :=
by erw is_colimit.fac

@[ext] lemma colimit.hom_ext {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] {X : C} {f f' : colimit F ⟶ X}
  (w : ∀ j, colimit.ι F j ≫ f = colimit.ι F j ≫ f') : f = f' :=
(colimit.is_colimit F).hom_ext w

def colimit.hom_iso (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] (W : C) : (colimit F ⟶ W) ≅ (F.cocones.obj W) :=
(colimit.is_colimit F).hom_iso W

@[simp] lemma colimit.hom_iso_hom (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] {W : C} (f : colimit F ⟶ W) :
  (colimit.hom_iso F W).hom f = (colimit.cocone F).ι ≫ (const J).map f :=
(colimit.is_colimit F).hom_iso_hom f

def colimit.hom_iso' (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] (W : C) :
  ((colimit F ⟶ W) : Type v) ≅ { p : Π j, F.obj j ⟶ W // ∀ {j j'} (f : j ⟶ j'), f ≫ p j' = p j } :=
(colimit.is_colimit F).hom_iso' W

lemma colimit.desc_extend (F : J ⥤ C) [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) {X : C} (f : c.X ⟶ X) :
  colimit.desc F (c.extend f) = colimit.desc F c ≫ f :=
  ext1, rw [←category.assoc], simp

def has_colimit_of_iso {F G : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (α : G ≅ F) : has_colimit G :=
{ cocone := (cocones.precompose α.hom).obj (colimit.cocone F),
  is_colimit :=
  { desc := λ s, colimit.desc F ((cocones.precompose α.inv).obj s),
    fac' := λ s j,
      rw [cocones.precompose_obj_ι, nat_trans.comp_app, colimit.cocone_ι],
      rw [category.assoc, colimit.ι_desc, ←nat_iso.app_hom, ←iso.eq_inv_comp], refl
    uniq' := λ s m w,
      apply colimit.hom_ext, intro j,
      rw [colimit.ι_desc, cocones.precompose_obj_ι, nat_trans.comp_app, ←nat_iso.app_inv,
      simpa using w j
    end } }

/-- If a functor `G` has the same collection of cocones as a functor `F`
which has a colimit, then `G` also has a colimit. -/
def has_colimit.of_cocones_iso {J K : Type v} [small_category J] [small_category K] (F : J ⥤ C) (G : K ⥤ C)
  (h : F.cocones ≅ G.cocones) [has_colimit F] : has_colimit G :=
⟨_, is_colimit.of_nat_iso ((is_colimit.nat_iso (colimit.is_colimit F)) ≪≫ h)⟩

section pre
variables (F) [has_colimit F] (E : K ⥤ J) [has_colimit (E ⋙ F)]

def colimit.pre : colimit (E ⋙ F) ⟶ colimit F :=
colimit.desc (E ⋙ F)
  { X := colimit F,
    ι := { app := λ k, colimit.ι F (E.obj k) } }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma colimit.ι_pre (k : K) : colimit.ι (E ⋙ F) k ≫ colimit.pre F E = colimit.ι F (E.obj k) :=
by erw is_colimit.fac

@[simp] lemma colimit.pre_desc (c : cocone F) :
  colimit.pre F E ≫ colimit.desc F c = colimit.desc (E ⋙ F) (c.whisker E) :=
by ext; rw [←assoc, colimit.ι_pre]; simp

variables {L : Type v} [small_category L]
variables (D : L ⥤ K) [has_colimit (D ⋙ E ⋙ F)]

@[simp] lemma colimit.pre_pre : colimit.pre (E ⋙ F) D ≫ colimit.pre F E = colimit.pre F (D ⋙ E) :=
  ext j,
  rw [←assoc, colimit.ι_pre, colimit.ι_pre],
  letI : has_colimit ((D ⋙ E) ⋙ F) := show has_colimit (D ⋙ E ⋙ F), by apply_instance,
  exact (colimit.ι_pre F (D ⋙ E) j).symm

end pre

section post
variables {D : Type u'} [𝒟 : category.{v} D]
include 𝒟

variables (F) [has_colimit F] (G : C ⥤ D) [has_colimit (F ⋙ G)]

def : colimit (F ⋙ G) ⟶ G.obj (colimit F) :=
colimit.desc (F ⋙ G)
{ X := G.obj (colimit F),
  ι :=
  { app := λ j, (colimit.ι F j),
    naturality' :=
      by intros j j' f; erw [←G.map_comp, limits.cocone.w, comp_id]; refl } }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma colimit.ι_post (j : J) : colimit.ι (F ⋙ G) j ≫ F G  = (colimit.ι F j) :=
by erw is_colimit.fac

@[simp] lemma colimit.post_desc (c : cocone F) : F G ≫ (colimit.desc F c) = colimit.desc (F ⋙ G) (G.map_cocone c) :=
by ext; rw [←assoc, colimit.ι_post, ←G.map_comp, colimit.ι_desc, colimit.ι_desc]; refl

@[simp] lemma colimit.post_post
  {E : Type u''} [category.{v} E] (H : D ⥤ E) [has_colimit ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H)] :
/- H G (colimit F) ⟶ H (colimit (F ⋙ G)) ⟶ colimit ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H) equals -/
/- H G (colimit F) ⟶ colimit (F ⋙ (G ⋙ H)) -/ (F ⋙ G) H ≫ ( F G) = F (G ⋙ H) :=
  rw [←assoc, colimit.ι_post, ←H.map_comp, colimit.ι_post],
  exact (colimit.ι_post F (G ⋙ H) j).symm

end post

lemma colimit.pre_post {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D]
  (E : K ⥤ J) (F : J ⥤ C) (G : C ⥤ D)
  [has_colimit F] [has_colimit (E ⋙ F)] [has_colimit (F ⋙ G)] [has_colimit ((E ⋙ F) ⋙ G)] :
/- G (colimit F) ⟶ G (colimit (E ⋙ F)) ⟶ colimit ((E ⋙ F) ⋙ G) vs -/
/- G (colimit F) ⟶ colimit F ⋙ G ⟶ colimit (E ⋙ (F ⋙ G)) or -/ (E ⋙ F) G ≫ (colimit.pre F E) = colimit.pre (F ⋙ G) E ≫ F G :=
  rw [←assoc, colimit.ι_post, ←G.map_comp, colimit.ι_pre, ←assoc],
  letI : has_colimit (E ⋙ F ⋙ G) := show has_colimit ((E ⋙ F) ⋙ G), by apply_instance,
  erw [colimit.ι_pre (F ⋙ G) E j, colimit.ι_post]

open category_theory.equivalence
instance has_colimit_equivalence_comp (e : K ≌ J) [has_colimit F] : has_colimit (e.functor ⋙ F) :=
{ cocone := cocone.whisker e.functor (colimit.cocone F),
  is_colimit := let e' := cocones.precompose (e.inv_fun_id_assoc F).inv in
  { desc := λ s, colimit.desc F (e'.obj (cocone.whisker e.inverse s)),
    fac' := λ s j,
      dsimp, rw [colimit.ι_desc], dsimp [e'],
      erw [inv_fun_id_assoc_inv_app, ←functor_unit, s.ι.naturality, comp_id], refl
    uniq' := λ s m w,
      apply colimit.hom_ext, intro j,
      erw [colimit.ι_desc],
      have := w (e.inverse.obj j), simp at this, erw [←colimit.w F ( j)] at this,
      erw [assoc, ←iso.eq_inv_comp (F.map_iso $ j)] at this, erw [this], simp
    end } }

def has_colimit_of_equivalence_comp (e : K ≌ J) [has_colimit (e.functor ⋙ F)] : has_colimit F :=
  haveI : has_colimit (e.inverse ⋙ e.functor ⋙ F) := limits.has_colimit_equivalence_comp e.symm,
  apply has_colimit_of_iso (e.inv_fun_id_assoc F).symm,

section colim_functor

variables [has_colimits_of_shape J C]

/-- `colimit F` is functorial in `F`, when `C` has all colimits of shape `J`. -/
def colim : (J ⥤ C) ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ F, colimit F,
  map := λ F G α, colimit.desc F
    { X := colimit G,
      ι :=
      { app := λ j, α.app j ≫ colimit.ι G j,
        naturality' := λ j j' f,
          by erw [comp_id, ←assoc, α.naturality, assoc, colimit.w] } },
  map_comp' := λ F G H α β,
    by ext; erw [←assoc, is_colimit.fac, is_colimit.fac, assoc, is_colimit.fac, ←assoc]; refl }

variables {F} {G : J ⥤ C} (α : F ⟶ G)

@[simp, reassoc] lemma colim.ι_map (j : J) : colimit.ι F j ≫ α = α.app j ≫ colimit.ι G j :=
by apply is_colimit.fac

@[simp] lemma colimit.map_desc (c : cocone G) : α ≫ colimit.desc G c = colimit.desc F ((cocones.precompose α).obj c) :=
by ext; rw [←assoc, colim.ι_map, assoc, colimit.ι_desc, colimit.ι_desc]; refl

lemma colimit.pre_map [has_colimits_of_shape K C] (E : K ⥤ J) :
  colimit.pre F E ≫ α = (whisker_left E α) ≫ colimit.pre G E :=
by ext; rw [←assoc, colimit.ι_pre, colim.ι_map, ←assoc, colim.ι_map, assoc, colimit.ι_pre]; refl

lemma colimit.pre_map' [has_colimits_of_shape.{v} K C]
  (F : J ⥤ C) {E₁ E₂ : K ⥤ J} (α : E₁ ⟶ E₂) :
  colimit.pre F E₁ = (whisker_right α F) ≫ colimit.pre F E₂ :=
by ext1; simp [(category.assoc _ _ _ _).symm]

lemma colimit.pre_id (F : J ⥤ C) :
colimit.pre F (𝟭 _) = (functor.left_unitor F).hom := by tidy

lemma colimit.map_post {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] [has_colimits_of_shape J D] (H : C ⥤ D) :
/- H (colimit F) ⟶ H (colimit G) ⟶ colimit (G ⋙ H) vs
   H (colimit F) ⟶ colimit (F ⋙ H) ⟶ colimit (G ⋙ H) -/ F H ≫ ( α) = (whisker_right α H) ≫ G H:=
  rw [←assoc, colimit.ι_post, ←H.map_comp, colim.ι_map, H.map_comp],
  rw [←assoc, colim.ι_map, assoc, colimit.ι_post],

def colim_coyoneda : colim.op ⋙ coyoneda ≅ category_theory.cocones J C :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ F, nat_iso.of_components (colimit.hom_iso (unop F)) (by tidy))
  (by tidy)

end colim_functor

def has_colimits_of_shape_of_equivalence {J' : Type v} [small_category J']
  (e : J ≌ J') [has_colimits_of_shape J C] : has_colimits_of_shape J' C :=
by { constructor, intro F, apply has_colimit_of_equivalence_comp e, apply_instance }

end colimit

end category_theory.limits