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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Johan Commelin, Reid Barton -/ import category_theory.comma import category_theory.limits.preserves universes v u -- declare the `v`'s first; see `category_theory.category` for an explanation open category_theory category_theory.limits variables {J : Type v} [small_category J] variables {C : Type u} [𝒞 : category.{v} C] include 𝒞 variable {X : C} namespace category_theory.functor @[simps] def to_cocone (F : J ⥤ over X) : cocone (F ⋙ over.forget) := { X := X, ι := { app := λ j, (F.obj j).hom } } @[simps] def to_cone (F : J ⥤ under X) : cone (F ⋙ under.forget) := { X := X, π := { app := λ j, (F.obj j).hom } } end category_theory.functor namespace category_theory.over @[simps] def colimit (F : J ⥤ over X) [has_colimit (F ⋙ forget)] : cocone F := { X := mk $ colimit.desc (F ⋙ forget) F.to_cocone, ι := { app := λ j, hom_mk $ colimit.ι (F ⋙ forget) j, naturality' := begin intros j j' f, have := colimit.w (F ⋙ forget) f, tidy end } } def forget_colimit_is_colimit (F : J ⥤ over X) [has_colimit (F ⋙ forget)] : is_colimit (forget.map_cocone (colimit F)) := is_colimit.of_iso_colimit (colimit.is_colimit (F ⋙ forget)) (cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) instance : reflects_colimits (forget : over X ⥤ C) := { reflects_colimits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, { reflects_colimit := λ F, by constructor; exactI λ t ht, { desc := λ s, hom_mk (ht.desc (forget.map_cocone s)) begin apply ht.hom_ext, intro j, rw [←category.assoc, ht.fac], transitivity (F.obj j).hom, exact w (s.ι.app j), -- TODO: How to write (s.ι.app j).w? exact (w (t.ι.app j)).symm, end, fac' := begin intros s j, ext, exact ht.fac (forget.map_cocone s) j -- TODO: Ask Simon about multiple ext lemmas for defeq types (comma_morphism & over.category.hom) end, uniq' := begin intros s m w, ext1 j, exact ht.uniq (forget.map_cocone s) m.left (λ j, congr_arg comma_morphism.left (w j)) end } } } instance has_colimit {F : J ⥤ over X} [has_colimit (F ⋙ forget)] : has_colimit F := { cocone := colimit F, is_colimit := reflects_colimit.reflects (forget_colimit_is_colimit F) } instance has_colimits_of_shape [has_colimits_of_shape J C] : has_colimits_of_shape J (over X) := { has_colimit := λ F, by apply_instance } instance has_colimits [has_colimits.{v} C] : has_colimits.{v} (over X) := { has_colimits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, by resetI; apply_instance } instance forget_preserves_colimits [has_colimits.{v} C] {X : C} : preserves_colimits (forget : over X ⥤ C) := { preserves_colimits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, { preserves_colimit := λ F, by exactI preserves_colimit_of_preserves_colimit_cocone (colimit.is_colimit F) (forget_colimit_is_colimit F) } } end category_theory.over namespace category_theory.under @[simps] def limit (F : J ⥤ under X) [has_limit (F ⋙ forget)] : cone F := { X := mk $ limit.lift (F ⋙ forget) F.to_cone, π := { app := λ j, hom_mk $ limit.π (F ⋙ forget) j, naturality' := begin intros j j' f, have := (limit.w (F ⋙ forget) f).symm, tidy end } } def forget_limit_is_limit (F : J ⥤ under X) [has_limit (F ⋙ forget)] : is_limit (forget.map_cone (limit F)) := is_limit.of_iso_limit (limit.is_limit (F ⋙ forget)) (cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) instance : reflects_limits (forget : under X ⥤ C) := { reflects_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, { reflects_limit := λ F, by constructor; exactI λ t ht, { lift := λ s, hom_mk (ht.lift (forget.map_cone s)) begin apply ht.hom_ext, intro j, rw [category.assoc, ht.fac], transitivity (F.obj j).hom, exact w (s.π.app j), exact (w (t.π.app j)).symm, end, fac' := begin intros s j, ext, exact ht.fac (forget.map_cone s) j end, uniq' := begin intros s m w, ext1 j, exact ht.uniq (forget.map_cone s) m.right (λ j, congr_arg comma_morphism.right (w j)) end } } } instance has_limit {F : J ⥤ under X} [has_limit (F ⋙ forget)] : has_limit F := { cone := limit F, is_limit := reflects_limit.reflects (forget_limit_is_limit F) } instance has_limits_of_shape [has_limits_of_shape J C] : has_limits_of_shape J (under X) := { has_limit := λ F, by apply_instance } instance has_limits [has_limits.{v} C] : has_limits.{v} (under X) := { has_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, by resetI; apply_instance } instance forget_preserves_limits [has_limits.{v} C] {X : C} : preserves_limits (forget : under X ⥤ C) := { preserves_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, { preserves_limit := λ F, by exactI preserves_limit_of_preserves_limit_cone (limit.is_limit F) (forget_limit_is_limit F) } } end category_theory.under