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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Scott Morrison -/ import category_theory.monad.algebra import category_theory.adjunction.fully_faithful namespace category_theory open category universes v₁ v₂ u₁ u₂ -- declare the `v`'s first; see `category_theory.category` for an explanation variables {C : Type u₁} [𝒞 : category.{v₁} C] {D : Type u₂} [𝒟 : category.{v₂} D] include 𝒞 𝒟 variables (R : D ⥤ C) namespace adjunction instance monad (R : D ⥤ C) [is_right_adjoint R] : monad.{v₁} ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R) := let L := left_adjoint R in let h := (is_right_adjoint.adj R) in { η := h.unit, μ := whisker_right (whisker_left L h.counit) R, assoc' := λ X, by { dsimp, erw [←R.map_comp, h.counit.naturality, R.map_comp], refl }, right_unit' := λ X, by { dsimp, rw [←R.map_comp], simp }, } @[simp] lemma monad_η_app [is_right_adjoint R] (X) : (η_ ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R)).app X = (is_right_adjoint.adj R) X := rfl @[simp] lemma monad_μ_app [is_right_adjoint R] (X) : (μ_ ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R)).app X = ((is_right_adjoint.adj R) ((left_adjoint R).obj X)) := rfl end adjunction namespace monad -- We can't use `@[simps]` here because it can't cope with `let` statements. def comparison [is_right_adjoint R] : D ⥤ algebra ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R) := let h := (is_right_adjoint.adj R) in { obj := λ X, { A := R.obj X, a := ( X), assoc' := by { dsimp, conv { to_rhs, erw [←R.map_comp, h.counit.naturality, R.map_comp], }, refl } }, map := λ X Y f, { f := f, h' := begin dsimp, erw [←R.map_comp, h.counit.naturality, R.map_comp, functor.id_map], refl, end } }. @[simp] lemma comparison_map_f [is_right_adjoint R] {X Y} (f : X ⟶ Y) : ((comparison R).map f).f = f := rfl @[simp] lemma comparison_obj_a [is_right_adjoint R] (X) : ((comparison R).obj X).a = ((is_right_adjoint.adj R) X) := rfl def comparison_forget [is_right_adjoint R] : comparison R ⋙ forget ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R) ≅ R := { hom := { app := λ X, 𝟙 _, }, inv := { app := λ X, 𝟙 _, } } end monad section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- A functor is *reflective*, or *a reflective inclusion*, if it is fully faithful and right adjoint. -/ class reflective (R : D ⥤ C) extends is_right_adjoint R, full R, faithful R. /-- A right adjoint functor `R : D ⥤ C` is *monadic* if the comparison function `monad.comparison R` from `D` to the category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras for the adjunction is an equivalence. -/ class monadic_right_adjoint (R : D ⥤ C) extends is_right_adjoint R := (eqv : is_equivalence (monad.comparison R)) end prio instance μ_iso_of_reflective [reflective R] : is_iso (μ_ ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R)) := by { dsimp [adjunction.monad], apply_instance } attribute [instance] monadic_right_adjoint.eqv -- PROJECT prove Beck's monadicity theorem, e.g. from Section 5.5 of [Riehl][riehl2017] namespace reflective lemma comparison_ess_surj_aux [reflective R] (X : monad.algebra ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R)) : ((is_right_adjoint.adj R).unit).app (R.obj ((left_adjoint R).obj (X.A))) = ((left_adjoint R).map ((is_right_adjoint.adj R) X.A)) := begin -- both are left inverses to μ_X. apply (cancel_mono ((μ_ ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R)).app _)).1, { dsimp, erw [adjunction.right_triangle_components, ←R.map_comp], simp, }, { apply is_iso.mono_of_iso _, apply nat_iso.is_iso_app_of_is_iso } end instance [reflective R] (X : monad.algebra ((left_adjoint R) ⋙ R)) : is_iso ((is_right_adjoint.adj R) X.A) := let L := left_adjoint R in let h := (is_right_adjoint.adj R) in { inv := X.a, hom_inv_id' := X.unit, inv_hom_id' := begin dsimp, erw [h.unit.naturality, comparison_ess_surj_aux, ←R.map_comp, ←L.map_comp, X.unit, L.map_id, R.map_id], refl end } instance comparison_ess_surj [reflective R]: ess_surj (monad.comparison R) := let L := left_adjoint R in let h := (is_right_adjoint.adj R) in { obj_preimage := λ X, L.obj X.A, iso' := λ X, { hom := { f := (as_iso ( X.A)).inv, h' := begin dsimp, apply (cancel_epi ( ( ((h.unit).app (X.A))))).1, rw [is_iso.hom_inv_id_assoc, ←category.assoc, ←R.map_comp,adjunction.left_triangle_components], erw [functor.map_id, category.id_comp], apply (cancel_epi ((h.unit).app (X.A))).1, rw is_iso.hom_inv_id, exact X.unit, end }, inv := { f := (as_iso ( X.A)).hom, h' := begin dsimp, erw [←R.map_comp, adjunction.left_triangle_components, R.map_id], apply (cancel_epi ((h.unit).app (X.A))).1, conv { to_rhs, erw [←category.assoc, X.unit] }, erw [comp_id, id_comp], end }, hom_inv_id' := by { ext, exact (as_iso ( X.A)).inv_hom_id, }, inv_hom_id' := by { ext, exact (as_iso ( X.A)).hom_inv_id, }, } } instance comparison_full [full R] [is_right_adjoint R] : full (monad.comparison R) := { preimage := λ X Y f, R.preimage f.f } instance comparison_faithful [faithful R] [is_right_adjoint R] : faithful (monad.comparison R) := { injectivity' := λ X Y f g w, by { have w' := (congr_arg monad.algebra.hom.f w), exact R.injectivity w' } } end reflective /-- Any reflective inclusion has a monadic right adjoint. cf Prop 5.3.3 of [Riehl][riehl2017] -/ @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance monadic_of_reflective [reflective R] : monadic_right_adjoint R := { eqv := equivalence.equivalence_of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj _ } end category_theory