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Project: Xena
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Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Jendrusch. All rights reserved.
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Authors: Michael Jendrusch, Scott Morrison
import category_theory.monoidal.category

open category_theory

universes v₁ v₂ v₃ u₁ u₂ u₃

open category_theory.category
open category_theory.functor

namespace category_theory


open monoidal_category

variables (C : Type u₁) [category.{v₁} C] [𝒞 : monoidal_category.{v₁} C]
          (D : Type u₂) [category.{v₂} D] [𝒟 : monoidal_category.{v₂} D]
include 𝒞 𝒟

/-- A lax monoidal functor is a functor `F : C ⥤ D` between monoidal categories, equipped with morphisms
    `ε : 𝟙 _D ⟶ F.obj (𝟙_ C)` and `μ X Y : F.obj X ⊗ F.obj Y ⟶ F.obj (X ⊗ Y)`, satisfying the
    the appropriate coherences. -/
structure lax_monoidal_functor extends C ⥤ D :=
-- unit morphism
(ε               : 𝟙_ D ⟶ obj (𝟙_ C))
-- tensorator
(μ                : Π X Y : C, (obj X) ⊗ (obj Y) ⟶ obj (X ⊗ Y))
(μ_natural'       : ∀ {X Y X' Y' : C}
  (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : X' ⟶ Y'),
  ((map f) ⊗ (map g)) ≫ μ Y Y' = μ X X' ≫ map (f ⊗ g)
  . obviously)
-- associativity of the tensorator
(associativity'   : ∀ (X Y Z : C),
    (μ X Y ⊗ 𝟙 (obj Z)) ≫ μ (X ⊗ Y) Z ≫ map (α_ X Y Z).hom
  = (α_ (obj X) (obj Y) (obj Z)).hom ≫ (𝟙 (obj X) ⊗ μ Y Z) ≫ μ X (Y ⊗ Z)
  . obviously)
-- unitality
(left_unitality'  : ∀ X : C,
    (λ_ (obj X)).hom
  = (ε ⊗ 𝟙 (obj X)) ≫ μ (𝟙_ C) X ≫ map (λ_ X).hom
  . obviously)
(right_unitality' : ∀ X : C,
    (ρ_ (obj X)).hom
  = (𝟙 (obj X) ⊗ ε) ≫ μ X (𝟙_ C) ≫ map (ρ_ X).hom
  . obviously)

restate_axiom lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural'
attribute [simp] lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural
restate_axiom lax_monoidal_functor.left_unitality'
attribute [simp] lax_monoidal_functor.left_unitality
restate_axiom lax_monoidal_functor.right_unitality'
attribute [simp] lax_monoidal_functor.right_unitality
restate_axiom lax_monoidal_functor.associativity'
attribute [simp] lax_monoidal_functor.associativity

-- When `rewrite_search` lands, add @[search] attributes to
-- lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural lax_monoidal_functor.left_unitality
-- lax_monoidal_functor.right_unitality lax_monoidal_functor.associativity

/-- A monoidal functor is a lax monoidal functor for which the tensorator and unitor as isomorphisms. -/
structure monoidal_functor
extends lax_monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₂} C D :=
(ε_is_iso            : is_iso ε . obviously)
(μ_is_iso            : Π X Y : C, is_iso (μ X Y) . obviously)

attribute [instance] monoidal_functor.ε_is_iso monoidal_functor.μ_is_iso

variables {C D}

def monoidal_functor.ε_iso (F : monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₂} C D) :
  tensor_unit D ≅ F.obj (tensor_unit C) :=
as_iso F.ε
def monoidal_functor.μ_iso (F : monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₂} C D) (X Y : C) :
  (F.obj X) ⊗ (F.obj Y) ≅ F.obj (X ⊗ Y) :=
as_iso (F.μ X Y)


open monoidal_category

namespace monoidal_functor

variables {C : Type u₁} [category.{v₁} C] [𝒞 : monoidal_category.{v₁} C]
variables {D : Type u₂} [category.{v₂} D] [𝒟 : monoidal_category.{v₂} D]
include 𝒞 𝒟

/-- The tensorator as a natural isomorphism. -/
def μ_nat_iso (F : monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₂} C D) :
  ( F.to_functor F.to_functor) ⋙ (tensor D) ≅ (tensor C) ⋙ F.to_functor :=
  (by { intros, apply F.μ_iso })
  (by { intros, apply F.to_lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural })

variables (C : Type u₁) [category.{v₁} C] [𝒞 : monoidal_category.{v₁} C]
include 𝒞

/-- The identity monoidal functor. -/
@[simps] def id : monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₁} C C :=
{ ε := 𝟙 _,
  μ := λ X Y, 𝟙 _,
  .. 𝟭 C }


end monoidal_functor

variables {C : Type u₁} [category.{v₁} C] [𝒞 : monoidal_category.{v₁} C]
variables {D : Type u₂} [category.{v₂} D] [𝒟 : monoidal_category.{v₂} D]
variables {E : Type u₃} [category.{v₃} E] [ℰ : monoidal_category.{v₃} E]

include 𝒞 𝒟 ℰ

namespace lax_monoidal_functor
variables (F : lax_monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₂} C D) (G : lax_monoidal_functor.{v₂ v₃} D E)

-- The proofs here are horrendous; rewrite_search helps a lot.
/-- The composition of two lax monoidal functors is again lax monoidal. -/
@[simps] def comp : lax_monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₃} C E :=
{ ε                := G.ε ≫ ( F.ε),
  μ                := λ X Y, G.μ (F.obj X) (F.obj Y) ≫ (F.μ X Y),
  μ_natural'       := λ _ _ _ _ f g,
    simp only [functor.comp_map, assoc],
    rw [←category.assoc, lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural, category.assoc, ←map_comp, ←map_comp,
  associativity'   := λ X Y Z,
    rw id_tensor_comp,
    slice_rhs 3 4 { rw [← G.to_functor.map_id, G.μ_natural], },
    slice_rhs 1 3 { rw ←G.associativity, },
    rw comp_tensor_id,
    slice_lhs 2 3 { rw [← G.to_functor.map_id, G.μ_natural], },
    rw [category.assoc, category.assoc, category.assoc, category.assoc, category.assoc,
        ←G.to_functor.map_comp, ←G.to_functor.map_comp, ←G.to_functor.map_comp, ←G.to_functor.map_comp,
  left_unitality'  := λ X,
    rw [G.left_unitality, comp_tensor_id, category.assoc, category.assoc],
    apply congr_arg,
    rw [F.left_unitality, map_comp, ←nat_trans.id_app, ←category.assoc,
        ←lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural, nat_trans.id_app, map_id, ←category.assoc, map_comp],
  right_unitality' := λ X,
    rw [G.right_unitality, id_tensor_comp, category.assoc, category.assoc],
    apply congr_arg,
    rw [F.right_unitality, map_comp, ←nat_trans.id_app, ←category.assoc,
        ←lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural, nat_trans.id_app, map_id, ←category.assoc, map_comp],
  .. (F.to_functor) ⋙ (G.to_functor) }.

end lax_monoidal_functor

namespace monoidal_functor

variables (F : monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₂} C D) (G : monoidal_functor.{v₂ v₃} D E)

/-- The composition of two monoidal functors is again monoidal. -/
def comp : monoidal_functor.{v₁ v₃} C E :=
{ ε_is_iso := by { dsimp, apply_instance },
  μ_is_iso := by { dsimp, apply_instance },
  .. (F.to_lax_monoidal_functor).comp (G.to_lax_monoidal_functor) }.

end monoidal_functor

end category_theory