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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Mario Carneiro Define a sequence of simple machine languages, starting with Turing machines and working up to more complex lanaguages based on Wang B-machines. -/ import data.fintype data.pfun logic.relation open relation namespace turing /-- A direction for the turing machine `move` command, either left or right. -/ @[derive decidable_eq, derive inhabited] inductive dir | left | right def tape (Γ) := Γ × list Γ × list Γ instance {Γ} [inhabited Γ] : inhabited (tape Γ) := ⟨by constructor; apply default⟩ def {Γ} [inhabited Γ] (l : list Γ) : tape Γ := (l.head, [], l.tail) def' {Γ} [inhabited Γ] (L R : list Γ) : tape Γ := (R.head, L, R.tail) def tape.move {Γ} [inhabited Γ] : dir → tape Γ → tape Γ | dir.left (a, L, R) := (L.head, L.tail, a :: R) | dir.right (a, L, R) := (R.head, a :: L, R.tail) def tape.nth {Γ} [inhabited Γ] : tape Γ → ℤ → Γ | (a, L, R) 0 := a | (a, L, R) (n+1:ℕ) := R.inth n | (a, L, R) -[1+ n] := L.inth n @[simp] theorem tape.nth_zero {Γ} [inhabited Γ] : ∀ (T : tape Γ), T.nth 0 = T.1 | (a, L, R) := rfl @[simp] theorem tape.move_left_nth {Γ} [inhabited Γ] : ∀ (T : tape Γ) (i : ℤ), (T.move dir.left).nth i = T.nth (i-1) | (a, L, R) -[1+ n] := by cases L; refl | (a, L, R) 0 := by cases L; refl | (a, L, R) 1 := rfl | (a, L, R) ((n+1:ℕ)+1) := by rw add_sub_cancel; refl @[simp] theorem tape.move_right_nth {Γ} [inhabited Γ] : ∀ (T : tape Γ) (i : ℤ), (T.move dir.right).nth i = T.nth (i+1) | (a, L, R) (n+1:ℕ) := by cases R; refl | (a, L, R) 0 := by cases R; refl | (a, L, R) -1 := rfl | (a, L, R) -[1+ n+1] := show _ = tape.nth _ (-[1+ n] - 1 + 1), by rw sub_add_cancel; refl def tape.write {Γ} (b : Γ) : tape Γ → tape Γ | (a, LR) := (b, LR) @[simp] theorem tape.write_self {Γ} : ∀ (T : tape Γ), T.write T.1 = T | (a, LR) := rfl @[simp] theorem tape.write_nth {Γ} [inhabited Γ] (b : Γ) : ∀ (T : tape Γ) {i : ℤ}, (T.write b).nth i = if i = 0 then b else T.nth i | (a, L, R) 0 := rfl | (a, L, R) (n+1:ℕ) := rfl | (a, L, R) -[1+ n] := rfl def {Γ Γ'} (f : Γ → Γ') : tape Γ → tape Γ' | (a, L, R) := (f a, f, f) @[simp] theorem tape.map_fst {Γ Γ'} (f : Γ → Γ') : ∀ (T : tape Γ), ( f).1 = f T.1 | (a, L, R) := rfl @[simp] theorem tape.map_write {Γ Γ'} (f : Γ → Γ') (b : Γ) : ∀ (T : tape Γ), (T.write b).map f = ( f).write (f b) | (a, L, R) := rfl @[class] def pointed_map {Γ Γ'} [inhabited Γ] [inhabited Γ'] (f : Γ → Γ') := f (default _) = default _ theorem tape.map_move {Γ Γ'} [inhabited Γ] [inhabited Γ'] (f : Γ → Γ') [pointed_map f] : ∀ (T : tape Γ) d, (T.move d).map f = ( f).move d | (a, [], R) dir.left := prod.ext ‹pointed_map f› rfl | (a, b::L, R) dir.left := rfl | (a, L, []) dir.right := prod.ext ‹pointed_map f› rfl | (a, L, b::R) dir.right := rfl theorem tape.map_mk {Γ Γ'} [inhabited Γ] [inhabited Γ'] (f : Γ → Γ') [f0 : pointed_map f] : ∀ (l : list Γ), ( l).map f = ( f) | [] := prod.ext ‹pointed_map f› rfl | (a::l) := rfl def eval {σ} (f : σ → option σ) : σ → roption σ := pfun.fix (λ s, roption.some $ match f s with none := sum.inl s | some s' := sum.inr s' end) def reaches {σ} (f : σ → option σ) : σ → σ → Prop := refl_trans_gen (λ a b, b ∈ f a) def reaches₁ {σ} (f : σ → option σ) : σ → σ → Prop := trans_gen (λ a b, b ∈ f a) theorem reaches₁_eq {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b c} (h : f a = f b) : reaches₁ f a c ↔ reaches₁ f b c := trans_gen.head'_iff.trans (trans_gen.head'_iff.trans $ by rw h).symm theorem reaches_total {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b c} : reaches f a b → reaches f a c → reaches f b c ∨ reaches f c b := refl_trans_gen.total_of_right_unique $ λ _ _ _, option.mem_unique theorem reaches₁_fwd {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b c} (h₁ : reaches₁ f a c) (h₂ : b ∈ f a) : reaches f b c := begin rcases trans_gen.head'_iff.1 h₁ with ⟨b', hab, hbc⟩, cases option.mem_unique hab h₂, exact hbc end def reaches₀ {σ} (f : σ → option σ) (a b : σ) : Prop := ∀ c, reaches₁ f b c → reaches₁ f a c theorem reaches₀.trans {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b c : σ} (h₁ : reaches₀ f a b) (h₂ : reaches₀ f b c) : reaches₀ f a c | d h₃ := h₁ _ (h₂ _ h₃) @[refl] theorem reaches₀.refl {σ} {f : σ → option σ} (a : σ) : reaches₀ f a a | b h := h theorem reaches₀.single {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b : σ} (h : b ∈ f a) : reaches₀ f a b | c h₂ := h₂.head h theorem reaches₀.head {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b c : σ} (h : b ∈ f a) (h₂ : reaches₀ f b c) : reaches₀ f a c := (reaches₀.single h).trans h₂ theorem reaches₀.tail {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b c : σ} (h₁ : reaches₀ f a b) (h : c ∈ f b) : reaches₀ f a c := h₁.trans (reaches₀.single h) theorem reaches₀_eq {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b} (e : f a = f b) : reaches₀ f a b | d h := (reaches₁_eq e).2 h theorem reaches₁.to₀ {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b : σ} (h : reaches₁ f a b) : reaches₀ f a b | c h₂ := h.trans h₂ theorem reaches.to₀ {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b : σ} (h : reaches f a b) : reaches₀ f a b | c h₂ := h₂.trans_right h theorem reaches₀.tail' {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b c : σ} (h : reaches₀ f a b) (h₂ : c ∈ f b) : reaches₁ f a c := h _ (trans_gen.single h₂) theorem mem_eval {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b} : b ∈ eval f a ↔ reaches f a b ∧ f b = none := ⟨λ h, begin refine pfun.fix_induction h (λ a h IH, _), cases e : f a with a', { rw roption.mem_unique h (pfun.mem_fix_iff.2 $ or.inl $ roption.mem_some_iff.2 $ by rw e; refl), exact ⟨refl_trans_gen.refl, e⟩ }, { rcases pfun.mem_fix_iff.1 h with h | ⟨_, h, h'⟩; rw e at h; cases roption.mem_some_iff.1 h, cases IH a' h' (by rwa e) with h₁ h₂, exact ⟨refl_trans_gen.head e h₁, h₂⟩ } end, λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, begin refine refl_trans_gen.head_induction_on h₁ _ (λ a a' h _ IH, _), { refine pfun.mem_fix_iff.2 (or.inl _), rw h₂, apply roption.mem_some }, { refine pfun.mem_fix_iff.2 (or.inr ⟨_, _, IH⟩), rw show f a = _, from h, apply roption.mem_some } end⟩ theorem eval_maximal₁ {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b} (h : b ∈ eval f a) (c) : ¬ reaches₁ f b c | bc := let ⟨ab, b0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h, ⟨b', h', _⟩ := trans_gen.head'_iff.1 bc in by cases b0.symm.trans h' theorem eval_maximal {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b} (h : b ∈ eval f a) {c} : reaches f b c ↔ c = b := let ⟨ab, b0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h in refl_trans_gen_iff_eq $ λ b' h', by cases b0.symm.trans h' theorem reaches_eval {σ} {f : σ → option σ} {a b} (ab : reaches f a b) : eval f a = eval f b := roption.ext $ λ c, ⟨λ h, let ⟨ac, c0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h in mem_eval.2 ⟨(or_iff_left_of_imp $ by exact λ cb, (eval_maximal h).1 cb ▸ refl_trans_gen.refl).1 (reaches_total ab ac), c0⟩, λ h, let ⟨bc, c0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h in mem_eval.2 ⟨ab.trans bc, c0⟩,⟩ def respects {σ₁ σ₂} (f₁ : σ₁ → option σ₁) (f₂ : σ₂ → option σ₂) (tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop) := ∀ ⦃a₁ a₂⦄, tr a₁ a₂ → (match f₁ a₁ with | some b₁ := ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ reaches₁ f₂ a₂ b₂ | none := f₂ a₂ = none end : Prop) theorem tr_reaches₁ {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} (aa : tr a₁ a₂) {b₁} (ab : reaches₁ f₁ a₁ b₁) : ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ reaches₁ f₂ a₂ b₂ := begin induction ab with c₁ ac c₁ d₁ ac cd IH, { have := H aa, rwa (show f₁ a₁ = _, from ac) at this }, { rcases IH with ⟨c₂, cc, ac₂⟩, have := H cc, rw (show f₁ c₁ = _, from cd) at this, rcases this with ⟨d₂, dd, cd₂⟩, exact ⟨_, dd, ac₂.trans cd₂⟩ } end theorem tr_reaches {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} (aa : tr a₁ a₂) {b₁} (ab : reaches f₁ a₁ b₁) : ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ reaches f₂ a₂ b₂ := begin rcases refl_trans_gen_iff_eq_or_trans_gen.1 ab with rfl | ab, { exact ⟨_, aa, refl_trans_gen.refl⟩ }, { exact let ⟨b₂, bb, h⟩ := tr_reaches₁ H aa ab in ⟨b₂, bb, h.to_refl⟩ } end theorem tr_reaches_rev {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} (aa : tr a₁ a₂) {b₂} (ab : reaches f₂ a₂ b₂) : ∃ c₁ c₂, reaches f₂ b₂ c₂ ∧ tr c₁ c₂ ∧ reaches f₁ a₁ c₁ := begin induction ab with c₂ d₂ ac cd IH, { exact ⟨_, _, refl_trans_gen.refl, aa, refl_trans_gen.refl⟩ }, { rcases IH with ⟨e₁, e₂, ce, ee, ae⟩, rcases refl_trans_gen.cases_head ce with rfl | ⟨d', cd', de⟩, { have := H ee, revert this, cases eg : f₁ e₁ with g₁; simp [respects], { intro c0, cases cd.symm.trans c0 }, { intros g₂ gg cg, rcases trans_gen.head'_iff.1 cg with ⟨d', cd', dg⟩, cases option.mem_unique cd cd', exact ⟨_, _, dg, gg, ae.tail eg⟩ } }, { cases option.mem_unique cd cd', exact ⟨_, _, de, ee, ae⟩ } } end theorem tr_eval {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ b₁ a₂} (aa : tr a₁ a₂) (ab : b₁ ∈ eval f₁ a₁) : ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ b₂ ∈ eval f₂ a₂ := begin cases mem_eval.1 ab with ab b0, rcases tr_reaches H aa ab with ⟨b₂, bb, ab⟩, refine ⟨_, bb, mem_eval.2 ⟨ab, _⟩⟩, have := H bb, rwa b0 at this end theorem tr_eval_rev {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ b₂ a₂} (aa : tr a₁ a₂) (ab : b₂ ∈ eval f₂ a₂) : ∃ b₁, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ b₁ ∈ eval f₁ a₁ := begin cases mem_eval.1 ab with ab b0, rcases tr_reaches_rev H aa ab with ⟨c₁, c₂, bc, cc, ac⟩, cases (refl_trans_gen_iff_eq (by exact option.eq_none_iff_forall_not_mem.1 b0)).1 bc, refine ⟨_, cc, mem_eval.2 ⟨ac, _⟩⟩, have := H cc, cases f₁ c₁ with d₁, {refl}, rcases this with ⟨d₂, dd, bd⟩, rcases trans_gen.head'_iff.1 bd with ⟨e, h, _⟩, cases b0.symm.trans h end theorem tr_eval_dom {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} (aa : tr a₁ a₂) : (eval f₂ a₂).dom ↔ (eval f₁ a₁).dom := ⟨λ h, let ⟨b₂, tr, h, _⟩ := tr_eval_rev H aa ⟨h, rfl⟩ in h, λ h, let ⟨b₂, tr, h, _⟩ := tr_eval H aa ⟨h, rfl⟩ in h⟩ def frespects {σ₁ σ₂} (f₂ : σ₂ → option σ₂) (tr : σ₁ → σ₂) (a₂ : σ₂) : option σ₁ → Prop | (some b₁) := reaches₁ f₂ a₂ (tr b₁) | none := f₂ a₂ = none theorem frespects_eq {σ₁ σ₂} {f₂ : σ₂ → option σ₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂} {a₂ b₂} (h : f₂ a₂ = f₂ b₂) : ∀ {b₁}, frespects f₂ tr a₂ b₁ ↔ frespects f₂ tr b₂ b₁ | (some b₁) := reaches₁_eq h | none := by unfold frespects; rw h theorem fun_respects {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂} : respects f₁ f₂ (λ a b, tr a = b) ↔ ∀ ⦃a₁⦄, frespects f₂ tr (tr a₁) (f₁ a₁) := forall_congr $ λ a₁, by cases f₁ a₁; simp only [frespects, respects, exists_eq_left', forall_eq'] theorem tr_eval' {σ₁ σ₂} (f₁ : σ₁ → option σ₁) (f₂ : σ₂ → option σ₂) (tr : σ₁ → σ₂) (H : respects f₁ f₂ (λ a b, tr a = b)) (a₁) : eval f₂ (tr a₁) = tr <$> eval f₁ a₁ := roption.ext $ λ b₂, ⟨λ h, let ⟨b₁, bb, hb⟩ := tr_eval_rev H rfl h in (roption.mem_map_iff _).2 ⟨b₁, hb, bb⟩, λ h, begin rcases (roption.mem_map_iff _).1 h with ⟨b₁, ab, bb⟩, rcases tr_eval H rfl ab with ⟨_, rfl, h⟩, rwa bb at h end⟩ def dwrite {K} [decidable_eq K] {C : K → Type*} (S : ∀ k, C k) (k') (l : C k') (k) : C k := if h : k = k' then eq.rec_on h.symm l else S k @[simp] theorem dwrite_eq {K} [decidable_eq K] {C : K → Type*} (S : ∀ k, C k) (k) (l : C k) : dwrite S k l k = l := dif_pos rfl @[simp] theorem dwrite_ne {K} [decidable_eq K] {C : K → Type*} (S : ∀ k, C k) (k') (l : C k') (k) (h : ¬ k = k') : dwrite S k' l k = S k := dif_neg h @[simp] theorem dwrite_self {K} [decidable_eq K] {C : K → Type*} (S : ∀ k, C k) (k) : dwrite S k (S k) = S := funext $ λ k', by unfold dwrite; split_ifs; [subst h, refl] namespace TM0 section parameters (Γ : Type*) [inhabited Γ] -- type of tape symbols parameters (Λ : Type*) [inhabited Λ] -- type of "labels" or TM states /-- A Turing machine "statement" is just a command to either move left or right, or write a symbol on the tape. -/ @[derive inhabited] inductive stmt | move {} : dir → stmt | write {} : Γ → stmt /-- A Post-Turing machine with symbol type `Γ` and label type `Λ` is a function which, given the current state `q : Λ` and the tape head `a : Γ`, either halts (returns `none`) or returns a new state `q' : Λ` and a `stmt` describing what to do, either a move left or right, or a write command. Both `Λ` and `Γ` are required to be inhabited; the default value for `Γ` is the "blank" tape value, and the default value of `Λ` is the initial state. -/ def machine := Λ → Γ → option (Λ × stmt) instance machine.inhabited : inhabited machine := by unfold machine; apply_instance /-- The configuration state of a Turing machine during operation consists of a label (machine state), and a tape, represented in the form `(a, L, R)` meaning the tape looks like `L.rev ++ [a] ++ R` with the machine currently reading the `a`. The lists are automatically extended with blanks as the machine moves around. -/ @[derive inhabited] structure cfg := (q : Λ) (tape : tape Γ) parameters {Γ Λ} /-- Execution semantics of the Turing machine. -/ def step (M : machine) : cfg → option cfg | ⟨q, T⟩ := (M q T.1).map (λ ⟨q', a⟩, ⟨q', match a with | stmt.move d := T.move d | stmt.write a := T.write a end⟩) /-- The statement `reaches M s₁ s₂` means that `s₂` is obtained starting from `s₁` after a finite number of steps from `s₂`. -/ def reaches (M : machine) : cfg → cfg → Prop := refl_trans_gen (λ a b, b ∈ step M a) /-- The initial configuration. -/ def init (l : list Γ) : cfg := ⟨default Λ, l⟩ /-- Evaluate a Turing machine on initial input to a final state, if it terminates. -/ def eval (M : machine) (l : list Γ) : roption (list Γ) := (eval (step M) (init l)).map (λ c, c.tape.2.2) /-- The raw definition of a Turing machine does not require that `Γ` and `Λ` are finite, and in practice we will be interested in the infinite `Λ` case. We recover instead a notion of "effectively finite" Turing machines, which only make use of a finite subset of their states. We say that a set `S ⊆ Λ` supports a Turing machine `M` if `S` is closed under the transition function and contains the initial state. -/ def supports (M : machine) (S : set Λ) := default Λ ∈ S ∧ ∀ {q a q' s}, (q', s) ∈ M q a → q ∈ S → q' ∈ S theorem step_supports (M : machine) {S} (ss : supports M S) : ∀ {c c' : cfg}, c' ∈ step M c → c.q ∈ S → c'.q ∈ S | ⟨q, T⟩ c' h₁ h₂ := begin rcases option.map_eq_some'.1 h₁ with ⟨⟨q', a⟩, h, rfl⟩, exact ss.2 h h₂, end theorem univ_supports (M : machine) : supports M set.univ := ⟨trivial, λ q a q' s h₁ h₂, trivial⟩ end section variables {Γ : Type*} [inhabited Γ] variables {Γ' : Type*} [inhabited Γ'] variables {Λ : Type*} [inhabited Λ] variables {Λ' : Type*} [inhabited Λ'] def (f : Γ → Γ') : stmt Γ → stmt Γ' | (stmt.move d) := stmt.move d | (stmt.write a) := stmt.write (f a) def (f : Γ → Γ') (g : Λ → Λ') : cfg Γ Λ → cfg Γ' Λ' | ⟨q, T⟩ := ⟨g q, f⟩ variables (M : machine Γ Λ) (f₁ : Γ → Γ') (f₂ : Γ' → Γ) (g₁ : Λ → Λ') (g₂ : Λ' → Λ) def : machine Γ' Λ' | q l := (M (g₂ q) (f₂ l)).map ( g₁ ( f₁)) theorem machine.map_step {S} (ss : supports M S) [pointed_map f₁] (f₂₁ : function.right_inverse f₁ f₂) (g₂₁ : ∀ q ∈ S, g₂ (g₁ q) = q) : ∀ c : cfg Γ Λ, c.q ∈ S → (step M c).map ( f₁ g₁) = step ( f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂) ( f₁ g₁ c) | ⟨q, T⟩ h := begin unfold step, simp only [turing.tape.map_fst, g₂₁ q h, f₂₁ _], rcases M q T.1 with _|⟨q', d|a⟩, {refl}, { simp only [step,, option.map_some', tape.map_move f₁], refl }, { simp only [step,, option.map_some', tape.map_write], refl } end theorem map_init [pointed_map f₁] [g0 : pointed_map g₁] (l : list Γ) : (init l).map f₁ g₁ = init ( f₁) := congr (congr_arg g0) (tape.map_mk _ _) theorem machine.map_respects {S} (ss : supports M S) [pointed_map f₁] [pointed_map g₁] (f₂₁ : function.right_inverse f₁ f₂) (g₂₁ : ∀ q ∈ S, g₂ (g₁ q) = q) : respects (step M) (step ( f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂)) (λ a b, a.q ∈ S ∧ f₁ g₁ a = b) | c _ ⟨cs, rfl⟩ := begin cases e : step M c with c'; unfold respects, { rw [← M.map_step f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ ss f₂₁ g₂₁ _ cs, e], refl }, { refine ⟨_, ⟨step_supports M ss e cs, rfl⟩, trans_gen.single _⟩, rw [← M.map_step f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ ss f₂₁ g₂₁ _ cs, e], exact rfl } end end end TM0 namespace TM1 section parameters (Γ : Type*) [inhabited Γ] -- Type of tape symbols parameters (Λ : Type*) -- Type of function labels parameters (σ : Type*) -- Type of variable settings /-- The TM1 model is a simplification and extension of TM0 (Post-Turing model) in the direction of Wang B-machines. The machine's internal state is extended with a (finite) store `σ` of variables that may be accessed and updated at any time. A machine is given by a `Λ` indexed set of procedures or functions. Each function has a body which is a `stmt`, which can either be a `move` or `write` command, a `branch` (if statement based on the current tape value), a `load` (set the variable value), a `goto` (call another function), or `halt`. Note that here most statements do not have labels; `goto` commands can only go to a new function. All commands have access to the variable value and current tape value. -/ inductive stmt | move : dir → stmt → stmt | write : (Γ → σ → Γ) → stmt → stmt | load : (Γ → σ → σ) → stmt → stmt | branch : (Γ → σ → bool) → stmt → stmt → stmt | goto {} : (Γ → σ → Λ) → stmt | halt {} : stmt open stmt instance stmt.inhabited : inhabited stmt := ⟨halt⟩ /-- The configuration of a TM1 machine is given by the currently evaluating statement, the variable store value, and the tape. -/ @[derive inhabited] structure cfg := (l : option Λ) (var : σ) (tape : tape Γ) parameters {Γ Λ σ} /-- The semantics of TM1 evaluation. -/ def step_aux : stmt → σ → tape Γ → cfg | (move d q) v T := step_aux q v (T.move d) | (write a q) v T := step_aux q v (T.write (a T.1 v)) | (load s q) v T := step_aux q (s T.1 v) T | (branch p q₁ q₂) v T := cond (p T.1 v) (step_aux q₁ v T) (step_aux q₂ v T) | (goto l) v T := ⟨some (l T.1 v), v, T⟩ | halt v T := ⟨none, v, T⟩ def step (M : Λ → stmt) : cfg → option cfg | ⟨none, v, T⟩ := none | ⟨some l, v, T⟩ := some (step_aux (M l) v T) variables [inhabited Λ] [inhabited σ] def init (l : list Γ) : cfg := ⟨some (default _), default _, l⟩ def eval (M : Λ → stmt) (l : list Γ) : roption (list Γ) := (eval (step M) (init l)).map (λ c, c.tape.2.2) variables [fintype Γ] def supports_stmt (S : finset Λ) : stmt → Prop | (move d q) := supports_stmt q | (write a q) := supports_stmt q | (load s q) := supports_stmt q | (branch p q₁ q₂) := supports_stmt q₁ ∧ supports_stmt q₂ | (goto l) := ∀ a v, l a v ∈ S | halt := true /-- A set `S` of labels supports machine `M` if all the `goto` statements in the functions in `S` refer only to other functions in `S`. -/ def supports (M : Λ → stmt) (S : finset Λ) := default Λ ∈ S ∧ ∀ q ∈ S, supports_stmt S (M q) open_locale classical noncomputable def stmts₁ : stmt → finset stmt | Q@(move d q) := insert Q (stmts₁ q) | Q@(write a q) := insert Q (stmts₁ q) | Q@(load s q) := insert Q (stmts₁ q) | Q@(branch p q₁ q₂) := insert Q (stmts₁ q₁ ∪ stmts₁ q₂) | Q := {Q} theorem stmts₁_self {q} : q ∈ stmts₁ q := by cases q; apply finset.mem_insert_self theorem stmts₁_trans {q₁ q₂} : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂ → stmts₁ q₁ ⊆ stmts₁ q₂ := begin intros h₁₂ q₀ h₀₁, induction q₂ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH; simp only [stmts₁] at h₁₂ ⊢; simp only [finset.mem_insert, finset.mem_union, finset.insert_empty_eq_singleton, finset.mem_singleton] at h₁₂, iterate 3 { rcases h₁₂ with rfl | h₁₂, { unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁, exact h₀₁ }, { exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (IH h₁₂) } }, case TM1.stmt.branch : p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { rcases h₁₂ with rfl | h₁₂ | h₁₂, { unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁, exact h₀₁ }, { exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (finset.mem_union_left _ $ IH₁ h₁₂) }, { exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (finset.mem_union_right _ $ IH₂ h₁₂) } }, case TM1.stmt.goto : l { subst h₁₂, exact h₀₁ }, case TM1.stmt.halt { subst h₁₂, exact h₀₁ } end theorem stmts₁_supports_stmt_mono {S q₁ q₂} (h : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) (hs : supports_stmt S q₂) : supports_stmt S q₁ := begin induction q₂ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH; simp only [stmts₁, supports_stmt, finset.mem_insert, finset.mem_union, finset.insert_empty_eq_singleton, finset.mem_singleton] at h hs, iterate 3 { rcases h with rfl | h; [exact hs, exact IH h hs] }, case TM1.stmt.branch : p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { rcases h with rfl | h | h, exacts [hs, IH₁ h hs.1, IH₂ h hs.2] }, case TM1.stmt.goto : l { subst h, exact hs }, case TM1.stmt.halt { subst h, trivial } end noncomputable def stmts (M : Λ → stmt) (S : finset Λ) : finset (option stmt) := (S.bind (λ q, stmts₁ (M q))).insert_none theorem stmts_trans {M : Λ → stmt} {S q₁ q₂} (h₁ : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) : some q₂ ∈ stmts M S → some q₁ ∈ stmts M S := by simp only [stmts, finset.mem_insert_none, finset.mem_bind, option.mem_def, forall_eq', exists_imp_distrib]; exact λ l ls h₂, ⟨_, ls, stmts₁_trans h₂ h₁⟩ theorem stmts_supports_stmt {M : Λ → stmt} {S q} (ss : supports M S) : some q ∈ stmts M S → supports_stmt S q := by simp only [stmts, finset.mem_insert_none, finset.mem_bind, option.mem_def, forall_eq', exists_imp_distrib]; exact λ l ls h, stmts₁_supports_stmt_mono h (ss.2 _ ls) theorem step_supports (M : Λ → stmt) {S} (ss : supports M S) : ∀ {c c' : cfg}, c' ∈ step M c → c.l ∈ S.insert_none → c'.l ∈ S.insert_none | ⟨some l₁, v, T⟩ c' h₁ h₂ := begin replace h₂ := ss.2 _ (finset.some_mem_insert_none.1 h₂), simp only [step, option.mem_def] at h₁, subst c', revert h₂, induction M l₁ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH generalizing v T; intro hs, iterate 3 { exact IH _ _ hs }, case TM1.stmt.branch : p q₁' q₂' IH₁ IH₂ { unfold step_aux, cases p T.1 v, { exact IH₂ _ _ hs.2 }, { exact IH₁ _ _ hs.1 } }, case TM1.stmt.goto { exact finset.some_mem_insert_none.2 (hs _ _) }, case TM1.stmt.halt { apply multiset.mem_cons_self } end end end TM1 namespace TM1to0 section parameters {Γ : Type*} [inhabited Γ] parameters {Λ : Type*} [inhabited Λ] parameters {σ : Type*} [inhabited σ] local notation `stmt₁` := TM1.stmt Γ Λ σ local notation `cfg₁` := TM1.cfg Γ Λ σ local notation `stmt₀` := TM0.stmt Γ parameters (M : Λ → stmt₁) include M def Λ' := option stmt₁ × σ instance : inhabited Λ' := ⟨(some (M (default _)), default _)⟩ open TM0.stmt def tr_aux (s : Γ) : stmt₁ → σ → Λ' × stmt₀ | (TM1.stmt.move d q) v := ((some q, v), move d) | (TM1.stmt.write a q) v := ((some q, v), write (a s v)) | (TM1.stmt.load a q) v := tr_aux q (a s v) | (TM1.stmt.branch p q₁ q₂) v := cond (p s v) (tr_aux q₁ v) (tr_aux q₂ v) | (TM1.stmt.goto l) v := ((some (M (l s v)), v), write s) | TM1.stmt.halt v := ((none, v), write s) local notation `cfg₀` := TM0.cfg Γ Λ' def tr : TM0.machine Γ Λ' | (none, v) s := none | (some q, v) s := some (tr_aux s q v) def tr_cfg : cfg₁ → cfg₀ | ⟨l, v, T⟩ := ⟨( M, v), T⟩ theorem tr_respects : respects (TM1.step M) (TM0.step tr) (λ c₁ c₂, tr_cfg c₁ = c₂) := fun_respects.2 $ λ ⟨l₁, v, T⟩, begin cases l₁ with l₁, {exact rfl}, unfold tr_cfg TM1.step frespects function.comp option.bind, induction M l₁ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH generalizing v T, case TM1.stmt.move : d q IH { exact trans_gen.head rfl (IH _ _) }, case TM1.stmt.write : a q IH { exact trans_gen.head rfl (IH _ _) }, case TM1.stmt.load : a q IH { exact (reaches₁_eq (by refl)).2 (IH _ _) }, case TM1.stmt.branch : p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { unfold TM1.step_aux, cases e : p T.1 v, { exact (reaches₁_eq (by simp only [TM0.step, tr, tr_aux, e]; refl)).2 (IH₂ _ _) }, { exact (reaches₁_eq (by simp only [TM0.step, tr, tr_aux, e]; refl)).2 (IH₁ _ _) } }, iterate 2 { exact trans_gen.single (congr_arg some (congr (congr_arg rfl) (tape.write_self T))) } end variables [fintype Γ] [fintype σ] noncomputable def tr_stmts (S : finset Λ) : finset Λ' := (TM1.stmts M S).product finset.univ open_locale classical local attribute [simp] TM1.stmts₁_self theorem tr_supports {S : finset Λ} (ss : TM1.supports M S) : TM0.supports tr (↑(tr_stmts S)) := ⟨finset.mem_product.2 ⟨finset.some_mem_insert_none.2 (finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, ss.1, TM1.stmts₁_self⟩), finset.mem_univ _⟩, λ q a q' s h₁ h₂, begin rcases q with ⟨_|q, v⟩, {cases h₁}, cases q' with q' v', simp only [tr_stmts, finset.mem_coe, finset.mem_product, finset.mem_univ, and_true] at h₂ ⊢, cases q', {exact multiset.mem_cons_self _ _}, simp only [tr, option.mem_def] at h₁, have := TM1.stmts_supports_stmt ss h₂, revert this, induction q generalizing v; intro hs, case TM1.stmt.move : d q { cases h₁, refine TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂, unfold TM1.stmts₁, exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem TM1.stmts₁_self }, case TM1.stmt.write : b q { cases h₁, refine TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂, unfold TM1.stmts₁, exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem TM1.stmts₁_self }, case TM1.stmt.load : b q IH { refine IH (TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂) _ h₁ hs, unfold TM1.stmts₁, exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem TM1.stmts₁_self }, case TM1.stmt.branch : p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { change cond (p a v) _ _ = ((some q', v'), s) at h₁, cases p a v, { refine IH₂ (TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂) _ h₁ hs.2, unfold TM1.stmts₁, exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (finset.mem_union_right _ TM1.stmts₁_self) }, { refine IH₁ (TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂) _ h₁ hs.1, unfold TM1.stmts₁, exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (finset.mem_union_left _ TM1.stmts₁_self) } }, case TM1.stmt.goto : l { cases h₁, exact finset.some_mem_insert_none.2 (finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, hs _ _, TM1.stmts₁_self⟩) }, case TM1.stmt.halt { cases h₁ } end⟩ theorem tr_eval (l : list Γ) : TM0.eval tr l = TM1.eval M l := (congr_arg _ (tr_eval' _ _ _ tr_respects ⟨some _, _, _⟩)).trans begin rw [roption.map_eq_map, roption.map_map, TM1.eval], congr', exact funext (λ ⟨_, _, _⟩, rfl) end end end TM1to0 /- Reduce an n-symbol Turing machine to a 2-symbol Turing machine -/ namespace TM1to1 open TM1 section parameters {Γ : Type*} [inhabited Γ] theorem exists_enc_dec [fintype Γ] : ∃ n (enc : Γ → vector bool n) (dec : vector bool n → Γ), enc (default _) = vector.repeat ff n ∧ ∀ a, dec (enc a) = a := begin rcases fintype.exists_equiv_fin Γ with ⟨n, ⟨F⟩⟩, let G : fin n ↪ fin n → bool := ⟨λ a b, a = b, λ a b h, of_to_bool_true $ (congr_fun h b).trans $ to_bool_tt rfl⟩, let H := (F.to_embedding.trans G).trans (equiv.vector_equiv_fin _ _).symm.to_embedding, let enc := H.set_value (default _) (vector.repeat ff n), exact ⟨_, enc, function.inv_fun enc, H.set_value_eq _ _, function.left_inverse_inv_fun enc.2⟩ end parameters {Λ : Type*} [inhabited Λ] parameters {σ : Type*} [inhabited σ] local notation `stmt₁` := stmt Γ Λ σ local notation `cfg₁` := cfg Γ Λ σ inductive Λ' : Type (max u_1 u_2 u_3) | normal : Λ → Λ' | write : Γ → stmt₁ → Λ' instance : inhabited Λ' := ⟨Λ'.normal (default _)⟩ local notation `stmt'` := stmt bool Λ' σ local notation `cfg'` := cfg bool Λ' σ def read_aux : ∀ n, (vector bool n → stmt') → stmt' | 0 f := f vector.nil | (i+1) f := stmt.branch (λ a s, a) (stmt.move dir.right $ read_aux i (λ v, f (tt :: v))) (stmt.move dir.right $ read_aux i (λ v, f (ff :: v))) parameters {n : ℕ} (enc : Γ → vector bool n) (dec : vector bool n → Γ) def move (d : dir) (q : stmt') : stmt' := (stmt.move d)^[n] q def read (f : Γ → stmt') : stmt' := read_aux n (λ v, move dir.left $ f (dec v)) def write : list bool → stmt' → stmt' | [] q := q | (a :: l) q := stmt.write (λ _ _, a) $ stmt.move dir.right $ write l q def tr_normal : stmt₁ → stmt' | (stmt.move dir.left q) := move dir.right $ (move dir.left)^[2] $ tr_normal q | (stmt.move dir.right q) := move dir.right $ tr_normal q | (stmt.write f q) := read $ λ a, stmt.goto $ λ _ s, Λ'.write (f a s) q | (stmt.load f q) := read $ λ a, stmt.load (λ _ s, f a s) $ tr_normal q | (stmt.branch p q₁ q₂) := read $ λ a, stmt.branch (λ _ s, p a s) (tr_normal q₁) (tr_normal q₂) | (stmt.goto l) := read $ λ a, stmt.goto (λ _ s, Λ'.normal (l a s)) | stmt.halt := move dir.right $ move dir.left $ stmt.halt def tr_tape' (L R : list Γ) : tape bool :=' (L.bind (λ x, (enc x).to_list.reverse)) (R.bind (λ x, (enc x).to_list) ++ [default _]) def tr_tape : tape Γ → tape bool | (a, L, R) := tr_tape' L (a :: R) theorem tr_tape_drop_right : ∀ R : list Γ, list.drop n (R.bind (λ x, (enc x).to_list)) = R.tail.bind (λ x, (enc x).to_list) | [] := list.drop_nil _ | (a::R) := list.drop_left' (enc a).2 parameters (enc0 : enc (default _) = vector.repeat ff n) section include enc0 theorem tr_tape_take_right : ∀ R : list Γ, list.take' n (R.bind (λ x, (enc x).to_list)) = (enc R.head).to_list | [] := show list.take' n list.nil = _, by rw [list.take'_nil]; exact (congr_arg vector.to_list enc0).symm | (a::R) := list.take'_left' (enc a).2 end parameters (M : Λ → stmt₁) def tr : Λ' → stmt' | (Λ'.normal l) := tr_normal (M l) | (Λ'.write a q) := write (enc a).to_list $ move dir.left $ tr_normal q def tr_cfg : cfg₁ → cfg' | ⟨l, v, T⟩ := ⟨ Λ'.normal, v, tr_tape T⟩ include enc0 theorem tr_tape'_move_left (L R) : (tape.move dir.left)^[n] (tr_tape' L R) = (tr_tape' L.tail (L.head :: R)) := begin cases L with a L, { simp only [enc0, vector.repeat, tr_tape', list.cons_bind, list.head, list.append_assoc], suffices : ∀ i R', default _ ∈ R' → (tape.move dir.left^[i]) (' [] R') =' [] (list.repeat ff i ++ R'), from this n _ (list.mem_append_right _ (list.mem_singleton_self _)), intros i R' hR, induction i with i IH, {refl}, rw [nat.iterate_succ', IH], refine prod.ext rfl (prod.ext rfl (list.cons_head_tail (list.ne_nil_of_mem $ list.mem_append_right _ hR))) }, { simp only [tr_tape', list.cons_bind, list.append_assoc], suffices : ∀ L' R' l₁ l₂ (hR : default _ ∈ R') (e : vector.to_list (enc a) = list.reverse_core l₁ l₂), (tape.move dir.left^[l₁.length]) (' (l₁ ++ L') (l₂ ++ R')) =' L' (vector.to_list (enc a) ++ R'), { simpa only [list.length_reverse, vector.to_list_length] using this _ _ _ _ _ (list.reverse_reverse _).symm, exact list.mem_append_right _ (list.mem_singleton_self _) }, intros, induction l₁ with b l₁ IH generalizing l₂, { cases e, refl }, simp only [list.length, list.cons_append, nat.iterate_succ], convert IH _ e, exact prod.ext rfl (prod.ext rfl (list.cons_head_tail (list.ne_nil_of_mem $ list.mem_append_right _ hR))) } end theorem tr_tape'_move_right (L R) : (tape.move dir.right)^[n] (tr_tape' L R) = (tr_tape' (R.head :: L) R.tail) := begin cases R with a R, { simp only [enc0, vector.repeat, tr_tape', list.head, list.cons_bind, vector.to_list_mk, list.reverse_repeat], suffices : ∀ i L', (tape.move dir.right^[i]) (ff, L', []) = (ff, list.repeat ff i ++ L', []), from this n _, intros, induction i with i IH, {refl}, rw [nat.iterate_succ', IH], refine prod.ext rfl (prod.ext rfl rfl) }, { simp only [tr_tape', list.cons_bind, list.append_assoc], suffices : ∀ L' R' l₁ l₂ : list bool, (tape.move dir.right^[l₂.length]) (' (l₁ ++ L') (l₂ ++ R')) =' (list.reverse_core l₂ l₁ ++ L') R', { simpa only [vector.to_list_length] using this _ _ [] (enc a).to_list }, intros, induction l₂ with b l₂ IH generalizing l₁, {refl}, exact IH (b::l₁) } end theorem step_aux_move (d q v T) : step_aux (move d q) v T = step_aux q v ((tape.move d)^[n] T) := begin suffices : ∀ i, step_aux (stmt.move d^[i] q) v T = step_aux q v (tape.move d^[i] T), from this n, intro, induction i with i IH generalizing T, {refl}, rw [nat.iterate_succ', step_aux, IH, ← nat.iterate_succ] end parameters (encdec : ∀ a, dec (enc a) = a) include encdec theorem step_aux_read (f v L R) : step_aux (read f) v (tr_tape' L R) = step_aux (f R.head) v (tr_tape' L (R.head :: R.tail)) := begin suffices : ∀ f, step_aux (read_aux n f) v (tr_tape' enc L R) = step_aux (f (enc R.head)) v (tr_tape' enc (R.head :: L) R.tail), { rw [read, this, step_aux_move enc enc0, encdec, tr_tape'_move_left enc enc0], refl }, cases R with a R, { suffices : ∀ i f L', step_aux (read_aux i f) v (ff, L', []) = step_aux (f (vector.repeat ff i)) v (ff, list.repeat ff i ++ L', []), { intro f, convert this n f _, refine prod.ext rfl (prod.ext ((list.cons_bind _ _ _).trans _) rfl), simp only [list.head, enc0, vector.repeat, vector.to_list, list.reverse_repeat] }, clear f L, intros, induction i with i IH generalizing L', {refl}, change step_aux (read_aux i (λ v, f (ff :: v))) v (ff, ff :: L', []) = step_aux (f (vector.repeat ff (nat.succ i))) v (ff, ff :: (list.repeat ff i ++ L'), []), rw [IH], congr', simpa only [list.append_assoc] using congr_arg (++ L') (list.repeat_add ff i 1).symm }, { simp only [tr_tape', list.cons_bind, list.append_assoc], suffices : ∀ i f L' R' l₁ l₂ h, step_aux (read_aux i f) v (' (l₁ ++ L') (l₂ ++ R')) = step_aux (f ⟨l₂, h⟩) v (' (l₂.reverse_core l₁ ++ L') R'), { intro f, convert this n f _ _ _ _ (enc a).2; simp only [subtype.eta]; refl }, clear f L a R, intros, subst i, induction l₂ with a l₂ IH generalizing l₁, {refl}, change (' (l₁ ++ L') (a :: (l₂ ++ R'))).1 with a, transitivity step_aux (read_aux l₂.length (λ v, f (a :: v))) v (' (a :: l₁ ++ L') (l₂ ++ R')), { cases a; refl }, rw IH, refl } end theorem step_aux_write (q v a b L R) : step_aux (write (enc a).to_list q) v (tr_tape' L (b :: R)) = step_aux q v (tr_tape' (a :: L) R) := begin simp only [tr_tape', list.cons_bind, list.append_assoc], suffices : ∀ {L' R'} (l₁ l₂ l₂' : list bool) (e : l₂'.length = l₂.length), step_aux (write l₂ q) v (' (l₁ ++ L') (l₂' ++ R')) = step_aux q v (' (list.reverse_core l₂ l₁ ++ L') R'), from this [] _ _ ((enc b).2.trans (enc a).2.symm), clear a b L R, intros, induction l₂ with a l₂ IH generalizing l₁ l₂', { cases list.length_eq_zero.1 e, refl }, cases l₂' with b l₂'; injection e with e, unfold write step_aux, convert IH _ _ e, refl end theorem tr_respects : respects (step M) (step tr) (λ c₁ c₂, tr_cfg c₁ = c₂) := fun_respects.2 $ λ ⟨l₁, v, (a, L, R)⟩, begin cases l₁ with l₁, {exact rfl}, suffices : ∀ q R, reaches (step (tr enc dec M)) (step_aux (tr_normal dec q) v (tr_tape' enc L R)) (tr_cfg enc (step_aux q v (' L R))), { refine trans_gen.head' rfl (this _ (a::R)) }, clear R l₁, intros, induction q with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH generalizing v L R, case TM1.stmt.move : d q IH { cases d; simp only [tr_normal, nat.iterate, step_aux_move enc enc0, step_aux, tr_tape'_move_left enc enc0, tr_tape'_move_right enc enc0]; apply IH }, case TM1.stmt.write : a q IH { simp only [tr_normal, step_aux_read enc dec enc0 encdec, step_aux], refine refl_trans_gen.head rfl _, simp only [tr, tr_normal, step_aux, step_aux_write enc dec enc0 encdec, step_aux_move enc enc0, tr_tape'_move_left enc enc0], apply IH }, case TM1.stmt.load : a q IH { simp only [tr_normal, step_aux_read enc dec enc0 encdec], apply IH }, case TM1.stmt.branch : p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { simp only [tr_normal, step_aux_read enc dec enc0 encdec, step_aux], change (' L R).1 with R.head, cases p R.head v; [apply IH₂, apply IH₁] }, case TM1.stmt.goto : l { simp only [tr_normal, step_aux_read enc dec enc0 encdec, step_aux], apply refl_trans_gen.refl }, case TM1.stmt.halt { simp only [tr_normal, step_aux, tr_cfg, step_aux_move enc enc0, tr_tape'_move_left enc enc0, tr_tape'_move_right enc enc0], apply refl_trans_gen.refl } end omit enc0 encdec open_locale classical parameters [fintype Γ] noncomputable def writes : stmt₁ → finset Λ' | (stmt.move d q) := writes q | (stmt.write f q) := finset.univ.image (λ a, Λ'.write a q) ∪ writes q | (stmt.load f q) := writes q | (stmt.branch p q₁ q₂) := writes q₁ ∪ writes q₂ | (stmt.goto l) := ∅ | stmt.halt := ∅ noncomputable def tr_supp (S : finset Λ) : finset Λ' := S.bind (λ l, insert (Λ'.normal l) (writes (M l))) theorem supports_stmt_move {S d q} : supports_stmt S (move d q) = supports_stmt S q := suffices ∀ {i}, supports_stmt S (stmt.move d^[i] q) = _, from this, by intro; induction i generalizing q; simp only [*, nat.iterate]; refl theorem supports_stmt_write {S l q} : supports_stmt S (write l q) = supports_stmt S q := by induction l with a l IH; simp only [write, supports_stmt, *] local attribute [simp] supports_stmt_move supports_stmt_write theorem supports_stmt_read {S} : ∀ {f : Γ → stmt'}, (∀ a, supports_stmt S (f a)) → supports_stmt S (read f) := suffices ∀ i (f : vector bool i → stmt'), (∀ v, supports_stmt S (f v)) → supports_stmt S (read_aux i f), from λ f hf, this n _ (by intro; simp only [supports_stmt_move, hf]), λ i f hf, begin induction i with i IH, {exact hf _}, split; apply IH; intro; apply hf, end theorem tr_supports {S} (ss : supports M S) : supports tr (tr_supp S) := ⟨finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, ss.1, finset.mem_insert_self _ _⟩, λ q h, begin suffices : ∀ q, supports_stmt S q → (∀ q' ∈ writes q, q' ∈ tr_supp M S) → supports_stmt (tr_supp M S) (tr_normal dec q) ∧ ∀ q' ∈ writes q, supports_stmt (tr_supp M S) (tr enc dec M q'), { rcases finset.mem_bind.1 h with ⟨l, hl, h⟩, have := this _ (ss.2 _ hl) (λ q' hq, finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, hl, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hq⟩), rcases finset.mem_insert.1 h with rfl | h, exacts [this.1, this.2 _ h] }, intros q hs hw, induction q, case TM1.stmt.move : d q IH { unfold writes at hw ⊢, replace IH := IH hs hw, refine ⟨_, IH.2⟩, cases d; simp only [tr_normal, nat.iterate, supports_stmt_move, IH] }, case TM1.stmt.write : f q IH { unfold writes at hw ⊢, simp only [finset.mem_image, finset.mem_union, finset.mem_univ, exists_prop, true_and] at hw ⊢, replace IH := IH hs (λ q hq, hw q (or.inr hq)), refine ⟨supports_stmt_read _ $ λ a _ s, hw _ (or.inl ⟨_, rfl⟩), λ q' hq, _⟩, rcases hq with ⟨a, q₂, rfl⟩ | hq, { simp only [tr, supports_stmt_write, supports_stmt_move, IH.1] }, { exact IH.2 _ hq } }, case TM1.stmt.load : a q IH { unfold writes at hw ⊢, replace IH := IH hs hw, refine ⟨supports_stmt_read _ (λ a, IH.1), IH.2⟩ }, case TM1.stmt.branch : p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { unfold writes at hw ⊢, simp only [finset.mem_union] at hw ⊢, replace IH₁ := IH₁ hs.1 (λ q hq, hw q (or.inl hq)), replace IH₂ := IH₂ hs.2 (λ q hq, hw q (or.inr hq)), exact ⟨supports_stmt_read _ (λ a, ⟨IH₁.1, IH₂.1⟩), λ q, or.rec (IH₁.2 _) (IH₂.2 _)⟩ }, case TM1.stmt.goto : l { refine ⟨_, λ _, false.elim⟩, refine supports_stmt_read _ (λ a _ s, _), exact finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, hs _ _, finset.mem_insert_self _ _⟩ }, case TM1.stmt.halt { refine ⟨_, λ _, false.elim⟩, simp only [supports_stmt, supports_stmt_move, tr_normal] } end⟩ end end TM1to1 namespace TM0to1 section parameters {Γ : Type*} [inhabited Γ] parameters {Λ : Type*} [inhabited Λ] inductive Λ' | normal : Λ → Λ' | act : TM0.stmt Γ → Λ → Λ' instance : inhabited Λ' := ⟨Λ'.normal (default _)⟩ local notation `cfg₀` := TM0.cfg Γ Λ local notation `stmt₁` := TM1.stmt Γ Λ' unit local notation `cfg₁` := TM1.cfg Γ Λ' unit parameters (M : TM0.machine Γ Λ) open TM1.stmt def tr : Λ' → stmt₁ | (Λ'.normal q) := branch (λ a _, (M q a).is_none) halt $ goto (λ a _, match M q a with | none := default _ | some (q', s) := Λ'.act s q' end) | (Λ'.act (TM0.stmt.move d) q) := move d $ goto (λ _ _, Λ'.normal q) | (Λ'.act (TM0.stmt.write a) q) := write (λ _ _, a) $ goto (λ _ _, Λ'.normal q) def tr_cfg : cfg₀ → cfg₁ | ⟨q, T⟩ := ⟨cond (M q T.1).is_some (some (Λ'.normal q)) none, (), T⟩ theorem tr_respects : respects (TM0.step M) (TM1.step tr) (λ a b, tr_cfg a = b) := fun_respects.2 $ λ ⟨q, T⟩, begin cases e : M q T.1, { simp only [TM0.step, tr_cfg, e]; exact eq.refl none }, cases val with q' s, simp only [frespects, TM0.step, tr_cfg, e, option.is_some, cond, option.map_some'], have : TM1.step (tr M) ⟨some (Λ'.act s q'), (), T⟩ = some ⟨some (Λ'.normal q'), (), TM0.step._match_1 T s⟩, { cases s with d a; refl }, refine trans_gen.head _ (trans_gen.head' this _), { unfold TM1.step TM1.step_aux tr has_mem.mem, rw e, refl }, cases e' : M q' _, { apply refl_trans_gen.single, unfold TM1.step TM1.step_aux tr has_mem.mem, rw e', refl }, { refl } end end end TM0to1 namespace TM2 section parameters {K : Type*} [decidable_eq K] -- Index type of stacks parameters (Γ : K → Type*) -- Type of stack elements parameters (Λ : Type*) -- Type of function labels parameters (σ : Type*) -- Type of variable settings /-- The TM2 model removes the tape entirely from the TM1 model, replacing it with an arbitrary (finite) collection of stacks. The operation `push` puts an element on one of the stacks, and `pop` removes an element from a stack (and modifying the internal state based on the result). `peek` modifies the internal state but does not remove an element. -/ inductive stmt | push {} : ∀ k, (σ → Γ k) → stmt → stmt | peek {} : ∀ k, (σ → option (Γ k) → σ) → stmt → stmt | pop {} : ∀ k, (σ → option (Γ k) → σ) → stmt → stmt | load : (σ → σ) → stmt → stmt | branch : (σ → bool) → stmt → stmt → stmt | goto {} : (σ → Λ) → stmt | halt {} : stmt open stmt instance stmt.inhabited : inhabited stmt := ⟨halt⟩ structure cfg := (l : option Λ) (var : σ) (stk : ∀ k, list (Γ k)) instance cfg.inhabited [inhabited σ] [∀ k, inhabited (Γ k)] : inhabited cfg := ⟨by constructor; intros; apply default⟩ parameters {Γ Λ σ K} def step_aux : stmt → σ → (∀ k, list (Γ k)) → cfg | (push k f q) v S := step_aux q v (dwrite S k (f v :: S k)) | (peek k f q) v S := step_aux q (f v (S k).head') S | (pop k f q) v S := step_aux q (f v (S k).head') (dwrite S k (S k).tail) | (load a q) v S := step_aux q (a v) S | (branch f q₁ q₂) v S := cond (f v) (step_aux q₁ v S) (step_aux q₂ v S) | (goto f) v S := ⟨some (f v), v, S⟩ | halt v S := ⟨none, v, S⟩ def step (M : Λ → stmt) : cfg → option cfg | ⟨none, v, S⟩ := none | ⟨some l, v, S⟩ := some (step_aux (M l) v S) def reaches (M : Λ → stmt) : cfg → cfg → Prop := refl_trans_gen (λ a b, b ∈ step M a) variables [inhabited Λ] [inhabited σ] def init (k) (L : list (Γ k)) : cfg := ⟨some (default _), default _, dwrite (λ _, []) k L⟩ def eval (M : Λ → stmt) (k) (L : list (Γ k)) : roption (list (Γ k)) := (eval (step M) (init k L)).map $ λ c, c.stk k variables [fintype K] [∀ k, fintype (Γ k)] [fintype σ] def supports_stmt (S : finset Λ) : stmt → Prop | (push k f q) := supports_stmt q | (peek k f q) := supports_stmt q | (pop k f q) := supports_stmt q | (load a q) := supports_stmt q | (branch f q₁ q₂) := supports_stmt q₁ ∧ supports_stmt q₂ | (goto l) := ∀ v, l v ∈ S | halt := true def supports (M : Λ → stmt) (S : finset Λ) := default Λ ∈ S ∧ ∀ q ∈ S, supports_stmt S (M q) open_locale classical noncomputable def stmts₁ : stmt → finset stmt | Q@(push k f q) := insert Q (stmts₁ q) | Q@(peek k f q) := insert Q (stmts₁ q) | Q@(pop k f q) := insert Q (stmts₁ q) | Q@(load a q) := insert Q (stmts₁ q) | Q@(branch f q₁ q₂) := insert Q (stmts₁ q₁ ∪ stmts₁ q₂) | Q@(goto l) := {Q} | Q@halt := {Q} theorem stmts₁_self {q} : q ∈ stmts₁ q := by cases q; apply finset.mem_insert_self theorem stmts₁_trans {q₁ q₂} : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂ → stmts₁ q₁ ⊆ stmts₁ q₂ := begin intros h₁₂ q₀ h₀₁, induction q₂ with _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ q IH; simp only [stmts₁] at h₁₂ ⊢; simp only [finset.mem_insert, finset.insert_empty_eq_singleton, finset.mem_singleton, finset.mem_union] at h₁₂, iterate 4 { rcases h₁₂ with rfl | h₁₂, { unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁, exact h₀₁ }, { exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (IH h₁₂) } }, case TM2.stmt.branch : f q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { rcases h₁₂ with rfl | h₁₂ | h₁₂, { unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁, exact h₀₁ }, { exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (finset.mem_union_left _ (IH₁ h₁₂)) }, { exact finset.mem_insert_of_mem (finset.mem_union_right _ (IH₂ h₁₂)) } }, case TM2.stmt.goto : l { subst h₁₂, exact h₀₁ }, case TM2.stmt.halt { subst h₁₂, exact h₀₁ } end theorem stmts₁_supports_stmt_mono {S q₁ q₂} (h : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) (hs : supports_stmt S q₂) : supports_stmt S q₁ := begin induction q₂ with _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ q IH; simp only [stmts₁, supports_stmt, finset.mem_insert, finset.mem_union, finset.insert_empty_eq_singleton, finset.mem_singleton] at h hs, iterate 4 { rcases h with rfl | h; [exact hs, exact IH h hs] }, case TM2.stmt.branch : f q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ { rcases h with rfl | h | h, exacts [hs, IH₁ h hs.1, IH₂ h hs.2] }, case TM2.stmt.goto : l { subst h, exact hs }, case TM2.stmt.halt { subst h, trivial } end noncomputable def stmts (M : Λ → stmt) (S : finset Λ) : finset (option stmt) := (S.bind (λ q, stmts₁ (M q))).insert_none theorem stmts_trans {M : Λ → stmt} {S q₁ q₂} (h₁ : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) : some q₂ ∈ stmts M S → some q₁ ∈ stmts M S := by simp only [stmts, finset.mem_insert_none, finset.mem_bind, option.mem_def, forall_eq', exists_imp_distrib]; exact λ l ls h₂, ⟨_, ls, stmts₁_trans h₂ h₁⟩ theorem stmts_supports_stmt {M : Λ → stmt} {S q} (ss : supports M S) : some q ∈ stmts M S → supports_stmt S q := by simp only [stmts, finset.mem_insert_none, finset.mem_bind, option.mem_def, forall_eq', exists_imp_distrib]; exact λ l ls h, stmts₁_supports_stmt_mono h (ss.2 _ ls) theorem step_supports (M : Λ → stmt) {S} (ss : supports M S) : ∀ {c c' : cfg}, c' ∈ step M c → c.l ∈ S.insert_none → c'.l ∈ S.insert_none | ⟨some l₁, v, T⟩ c' h₁ h₂ := begin replace h₂ := ss.2 _ (finset.some_mem_insert_none.1 h₂), simp only [step, option.mem_def] at h₁, subst c', revert h₂, induction M l₁ with _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ q IH generalizing v T; intro hs, iterate 4 { exact IH _ _ hs }, case TM2.stmt.branch : p q₁' q₂' IH₁ IH₂ { unfold step_aux, cases p v, { exact IH₂ _ _ hs.2 }, { exact IH₁ _ _ hs.1 } }, case TM2.stmt.goto { exact finset.some_mem_insert_none.2 (hs _) }, case TM2.stmt.halt { apply multiset.mem_cons_self } end end end TM2 namespace TM2to1 section parameters {K : Type*} [decidable_eq K] parameters {Γ : K → Type*} parameters {Λ : Type*} [inhabited Λ] parameters {σ : Type*} [inhabited σ] local notation `stmt₂` := TM2.stmt Γ Λ σ local notation `cfg₂` := TM2.cfg Γ Λ σ inductive stackel (k : K) | val : Γ k → stackel | bottom : stackel | top : stackel instance stackel.inhabited (k) : inhabited (stackel k) := ⟨ _⟩ def stackel.is_bottom {k} : stackel k → bool | (stackel.bottom _) := tt | _ := ff def stackel.is_top {k} : stackel k → bool | ( _) := tt | _ := ff def stackel.get {k} : stackel k → option (Γ k) | (stackel.val a) := some a | _ := none section open stackel def stackel_equiv {k} : stackel k ≃ option (option (Γ k)) := begin refine ⟨λ s, _, λ s, _, _, _⟩, { cases s, exacts [some (some s), none, some none] }, { rcases s with _|_|s, exacts [bottom _, top _, val s] }, { intro s, cases s; refl }, { intro s, rcases s with _|_|s; refl }, end end def Γ' := ∀ k, stackel k instance Γ'.inhabited : inhabited Γ' := ⟨λ _, default _⟩ instance stackel.fintype {k} [fintype (Γ k)] : fintype (stackel k) := fintype.of_equiv _ stackel_equiv.symm instance Γ'.fintype [fintype K] [∀ k, fintype (Γ k)] : fintype Γ' := pi.fintype inductive st_act (k : K) | push {} : (σ → Γ k) → st_act | pop {} : bool → (σ → option (Γ k) → σ) → st_act section open st_act instance st_act.inhabited {k} : inhabited (st_act k) := ⟨pop (default _) (λ s _, s)⟩ def st_run {k : K} : st_act k → stmt₂ → stmt₂ | (push f) := TM2.stmt.push k f | (pop ff f) := TM2.stmt.peek k f | (pop tt f) := TM2.stmt.pop k f def st_var {k : K} (v : σ) (l : list (Γ k)) : st_act k → σ | (push f) := v | (pop b f) := f v l.head' def st_write {k : K} (v : σ) (l : list (Γ k)) : st_act k → list (Γ k) | (push f) := f v :: l | (pop ff f) := l | (pop tt f) := l.tail @[elab_as_eliminator] def {l} stmt_st_rec {C : stmt₂ → Sort l} (H₁ : Π k (s : st_act k) q (IH : C q), C (st_run s q)) (H₂ : Π a q (IH : C q), C (TM2.stmt.load a q)) (H₃ : Π p q₁ q₂ (IH₁ : C q₁) (IH₂ : C q₂), C (TM2.stmt.branch p q₁ q₂)) (H₄ : Π l, C (TM2.stmt.goto l)) (H₅ : C TM2.stmt.halt) : ∀ n, C n | (TM2.stmt.push k f q) := H₁ _ (push f) _ (stmt_st_rec q) | (TM2.stmt.peek k f q) := H₁ _ (pop ff f) _ (stmt_st_rec q) | (TM2.stmt.pop k f q) := H₁ _ (pop tt f) _ (stmt_st_rec q) | (TM2.stmt.load a q) := H₂ _ _ (stmt_st_rec q) | (TM2.stmt.branch a q₁ q₂) := H₃ _ _ _ (stmt_st_rec q₁) (stmt_st_rec q₂) | (TM2.stmt.goto l) := H₄ _ | TM2.stmt.halt := H₅ theorem supports_run [fintype K] [∀ k, fintype (Γ k)] [fintype σ] (S : finset Λ) {k} (s : st_act k) (q) : TM2.supports_stmt S (st_run s q) ↔ TM2.supports_stmt S q := by rcases s with _|_|_; refl end inductive Λ' : Type (max u_1 u_2 u_3 u_4) | normal {} : Λ → Λ' | go (k) : st_act k → stmt₂ → Λ' | ret {} : K → stmt₂ → Λ' open Λ' instance : inhabited Λ' := ⟨normal (default _)⟩ local notation `stmt₁` := TM1.stmt Γ' Λ' σ local notation `cfg₁` := TM1.cfg Γ' Λ' σ open TM1.stmt def tr_st_act {k} (q : stmt₁) : st_act k → stmt₁ | (st_act.push f) := write (λ a s, dwrite a k $ stackel.val $ f s) $ move dir.right $ write (λ a s, dwrite a k $ k) q | (st_act.pop b f) := move dir.left $ load (λ a s, f s (a k).get) $ cond b ( branch (λ a s, (a k).is_bottom) ( move dir.right q ) ( move dir.right $ write (λ a s, dwrite a k $ default _) $ move dir.left $ write (λ a s, dwrite a k $ k) q ) ) ( move dir.right q ) def tr_init (k) (L : list (Γ k)) : list Γ' := stackel.bottom :: match L.reverse with | [] := [] | (a::L') := dwrite k (stackel.val a) :: (L'.map stackel.val ++ [ k]).map (dwrite (default _) k) end theorem step_run {k : K} (q v S) : ∀ s : st_act k, TM2.step_aux (st_run s q) v S = TM2.step_aux q (st_var v (S k) s) (dwrite S k (st_write v (S k) s)) | (st_act.push f) := rfl | (st_act.pop ff f) := by unfold st_write; rw dwrite_self; refl | (st_act.pop tt f) := rfl def tr_normal : stmt₂ → stmt₁ | (TM2.stmt.push k f q) := goto (λ _ _, go k (st_act.push f) q) | (TM2.stmt.peek k f q) := goto (λ _ _, go k (st_act.pop ff f) q) | (TM2.stmt.pop k f q) := goto (λ _ _, go k (st_act.pop tt f) q) | (TM2.stmt.load a q) := load (λ _, a) (tr_normal q) | (TM2.stmt.branch f q₁ q₂) := branch (λ a, f) (tr_normal q₁) (tr_normal q₂) | (TM2.stmt.goto l) := goto (λ a s, normal (l s)) | TM2.stmt.halt := halt theorem tr_normal_run {k} (s q) : tr_normal (st_run s q) = goto (λ _ _, go k s q) := by rcases s with _|_|_; refl parameters (M : Λ → stmt₂) include M def tr : Λ' → stmt₁ | (normal q) := tr_normal (M q) | (go k s q) := branch (λ a s, (a k).is_top) (tr_st_act (goto (λ _ _, ret k q)) s) (move dir.right $ goto (λ _ _, go k s q)) | (ret k q) := branch (λ a s, (a k).is_bottom) (tr_normal q) (move dir.left $ goto (λ _ _, ret k q)) def tr_stk {k} (S : list (Γ k)) (L : list (stackel k)) : Prop := ∃ n, L = ( stackel.val).reverse_core ( k :: list.repeat (default _) n) local attribute [pp_using_anonymous_constructor] turing.TM1.cfg inductive tr_cfg : cfg₂ → cfg₁ → Prop | mk {q v} {S : ∀ k, list (Γ k)} {L : list Γ'} : (∀ k, tr_stk (S k) ( (λ a, a k))) → tr_cfg ⟨q, v, S⟩ ⟨ normal, v, (stackel.bottom, [], L)⟩ theorem tr_respects_aux₁ {k} (o q v) : ∀ S₁ {s S₂} {T : list Γ'}, (λ (a : Γ'), a k) = ( stackel.val S₁).reverse_core (s :: S₂) → ∃ a T₁ T₂, T = list.reverse_core T₁ (a :: T₂) ∧ a k = s ∧ T₁.map (λ (a : Γ'), a k) = S₁.map stackel.val ∧ T₂.map (λ (a : Γ'), a k) = S₂ ∧ reaches₀ (TM1.step tr) ⟨some (go k o q), v, (stackel.bottom, [], T)⟩ ⟨some (go k o q), v, (a, T₁ ++ [stackel.bottom], T₂)⟩ | [] s S₂ (a :: T) hT := by injection hT with es e₂; exact ⟨a, [], _, rfl, es, rfl, e₂, reaches₀.single rfl⟩ | (s' :: S₁) s S₂ T hT := let ⟨a, T₁, b'::T₂, e, es', e₁, e₂, H⟩ := tr_respects_aux₁ S₁ hT in by injection e₂ with es e₂; exact ⟨b', a::T₁, T₂, e, es, congr (congr_arg list.cons es') e₁, e₂, H.tail (by unfold TM1.step; change some (cond (TM2to1.stackel.is_top (a k)) _ _) = _; rw es'; refl)⟩ local attribute [simp] TM1.step TM1.step_aux tr tr_st_act st_var st_write tape.move tape.write list.reverse_core stackel.get stackel.is_bottom theorem tr_respects_aux₂ {k q v} {S : Π k, list (Γ k)} {T₁ T₂ : list Γ'} {a : Γ'} (hT : ∀ k, tr_stk (S k) ((T₁.reverse_core (a :: T₂)).map (λ (a : Γ'), a k))) (e₁ : T₁.map (λ (a : Γ'), a k) = stackel.val (S k)) (ea : a k = k) (o) : let v' := st_var v (S k) o, Sk' := st_write v (S k) o, S' : ∀ k, list (Γ k) := dwrite S k Sk' in ∃ b (T₁' T₂' : list Γ'), (∀ (k' : K), tr_stk (S' k') ((T₁'.reverse_core (b :: T₂')).map (λ (a : Γ'), a k'))) ∧ T₁'.map (λ a, a k) = Sk'.map stackel.val ∧ b k = k ∧ TM1.step_aux (tr_st_act q o) v (a, T₁ ++ [stackel.bottom], T₂) = TM1.step_aux q v' (b, T₁' ++ [stackel.bottom], T₂') := begin dsimp only, cases o with f b f, case TM2to1.st_act.push : { refine ⟨_, dwrite a k (stackel.val (f v)) :: T₁, _, _, by simp only [, dwrite_eq, e₁]; refl, by simp only [tape.write, tape.move, dwrite_eq], rfl⟩, intro k', cases hT k' with n e, by_cases h : k' = k, { subst k', existsi n.pred, simp only [list.reverse_core_eq, list.map_append, list.map_reverse, e₁, list.map_cons, list.append_left_inj] at e, simp only [list.reverse_core_eq, e.1, e.2, list.map_append, prod.fst, list.map_reverse, list.reverse_cons,, dwrite_eq, e₁, list.map_tail, list.tail_repeat, TM2to1.st_write] }, { cases T₂ with t T₂, { existsi n+1, simpa only [dwrite_ne _ _ _ _ h, list.reverse_core_eq, e₁, list.repeat_add, tape.write, tape.move, list.reverse_cons, list.map_reverse, list.map_append,, list.head, list.tail, list.append_assoc] using congr_arg (++ [default Γ' k']) e }, { existsi n, simpa only [dwrite_ne _ _ _ _ h, list.reverse_core_eq, e₁, list.repeat_add, tape.write, tape.move, list.reverse_cons, list.map_reverse, list.map_append,, list.head, list.tail, list.append_assoc] using e } } }, have dw := dwrite_self S k, cases T₁ with t T₁; cases eS : S k with s Sk; rw eS at e₁ dw; injection e₁ with tk e₁'; cases b, { -- peek nil simp only [dw, st_write], exact ⟨_, [], _, hT, rfl, ea, rfl⟩ }, { -- pop nil simp only [dw, st_write, list.tail], exact ⟨_, [], _, hT, rfl, ea, rfl⟩ }, { -- peek cons change t k = stackel.val s at tk, simp only [eS, tk, dw, st_write, TM1.step_aux, tr_st_act, cond, tape.move, list.head, list.tail, list.cons_append], exact ⟨_, t::T₁, _, hT, e₁, ea, rfl⟩ }, { -- pop cons change t k = stackel.val s at tk, simp only [tk, st_write, list.tail, TM1.step_aux, tr_st_act, cond, tape.move, list.cons_append, list.head], refine ⟨_, _, _, _, e₁', dwrite_eq _ _ _, rfl⟩, intro k', cases hT k' with n e, by_cases h : k' = k, { subst k', existsi n+1, simp only [list.reverse_core_eq, eS, e₁', list.append_left_inj, list.map_append, list.map_reverse,, list.reverse_cons, list.append_assoc, list.cons_append] at e ⊢, simp only [tape.move, tape.write, list.head, list.tail, dwrite_eq], rw [e.2.2]; refl }, { existsi n, simpa only [dwrite_ne _ _ _ _ h,, list.head, list.tail, list.reverse_core, list.map_reverse_core, tape.move, tape.write] using e } }, end theorem tr_respects_aux₃ {k q v} {S : Π k, list (Γ k)} {T : list Γ'} (hT : ∀ k, tr_stk (S k) ( (λ (a : Γ'), a k))) : ∀ (T₁ : list Γ') {T₂ : list Γ'} {a : Γ'} {S₁} (e : T = T₁.reverse_core (a :: T₂)) (ha : (a k).is_bottom = ff) (e₁ : T₁.map (λ (a : Γ'), a k) = stackel.val S₁), reaches₀ (TM1.step tr) ⟨some (ret k q), v, (a, T₁ ++ [stackel.bottom], T₂)⟩ ⟨some (ret k q), v, (stackel.bottom, [], T)⟩ | [] T₂ a S₁ e ha e₁ := reaches₀.single (by simp only [ha, e, TM1.step, option.mem_def, tr, TM1.step_aux] {constructor_eq:=ff}; refl) | (b :: T₁) T₂ a (s :: S₁) e ha e₁ := begin unfold at e₁, injection e₁ with es e₁, refine reaches₀.head _ (tr_respects_aux₃ T₁ e (by rw es; refl) e₁), simp only [ha, option.mem_def, TM1.step, tr, TM1.step_aux], refl end theorem tr_respects_aux {q v T k} {S : Π k, list (Γ k)} (hT : ∀ (k : K), tr_stk (S k) ( (λ (a : Γ'), a k) T)) (o : st_act k) (IH : ∀ {v : σ} {S : Π (k : K), list (Γ k)} {T : list Γ'}, (∀ (k : K), tr_stk (S k) ( (λ (a : Γ'), a k) T)) → (∃ b, tr_cfg (TM2.step_aux q v S) b ∧ reaches (TM1.step tr) (TM1.step_aux (tr_normal q) v (stackel.bottom, [], T)) b)) : ∃ b, tr_cfg (TM2.step_aux (st_run o q) v S) b ∧ reaches (TM1.step tr) (TM1.step_aux (tr_normal (st_run o q)) v (stackel.bottom, [], T)) b := begin rcases hT k with ⟨n, hTk⟩, simp only [tr_normal_run], rcases tr_respects_aux₁ M o q v _ hTk with ⟨a, T₁, T₂, rfl, ea, e₁, e₂, hgo⟩, rcases tr_respects_aux₂ M hT e₁ ea _ with ⟨b, T₁', T₂', hT', e₁', eb, hrun⟩, have hret := tr_respects_aux₃ M hT' _ rfl (by rw eb; refl) e₁', have := hgo.tail' rfl, simp only [ea, tr, TM1.step_aux] at this, rw [hrun, TM1.step_aux] at this, rcases IH hT' with ⟨c, gc, rc⟩, simp only [step_run], refine ⟨c, gc, (this.to₀.trans hret _ (trans_gen.head' rfl rc)).to_refl⟩ end local attribute [simp] respects TM2.step TM2.step_aux tr_normal theorem tr_respects : respects (TM2.step M) (TM1.step tr) tr_cfg := λ c₁ c₂ h, begin cases h with l v S L hT, clear h, cases l, {constructor}, simp only [TM2.step, respects, option.map_some'], suffices : ∃ b, _ ∧ reaches (TM1.step (tr M)) _ _, from let ⟨b, c, r⟩ := this in ⟨b, c, trans_gen.head' rfl r⟩, rw [tr], revert v S L hT, refine stmt_st_rec _ _ _ _ _ (M l); intros, { exact tr_respects_aux M hT s @IH }, { exact IH hT }, { unfold TM2.step_aux tr_normal TM1.step_aux, cases p v; [exact IH₂ hT, exact IH₁ hT] }, { exact ⟨_, ⟨hT⟩, refl_trans_gen.refl⟩ }, { exact ⟨_, ⟨hT⟩, refl_trans_gen.refl⟩ } end theorem tr_cfg_init (k) (L : list (Γ k)) : tr_cfg (TM2.init k L) (TM1.init (tr_init k L)) := ⟨λ k', begin unfold tr_init, cases e : L.reverse with a L', { cases list.reverse_eq_nil.1 e, rw dwrite_self, exact ⟨0, rfl⟩ }, by_cases k' = k, { subst k', existsi 0, simp only [list.tail, dwrite_eq, list.reverse_core_eq, list.repeat, tr_init,, list.map_map, (∘), list.map_id' (λ _, rfl)], rw [← list.map_reverse, e], refl }, { existsi L'.length + 1, simp only [dwrite_ne _ _ _ _ h, list.tail, tr_init, list.map_map,, list.map_append, list.repeat_add, (∘), list.map_const] {constructor_eq:=ff}, refl } end⟩ theorem tr_eval_dom (k) (L : list (Γ k)) : (TM1.eval tr (tr_init k L)).dom ↔ (TM2.eval M k L).dom := tr_eval_dom tr_respects (tr_cfg_init _ _) theorem tr_eval (k) (L : list (Γ k)) {L₁ L₂} (H₁ : L₁ ∈ TM1.eval tr (tr_init k L)) (H₂ : L₂ ∈ TM2.eval M k L) : ∃ S : ∀ k, list (Γ k), (∀ k', tr_stk (S k') (L₁.map (λ a, a k'))) ∧ S k = L₂ := begin rcases (roption.mem_map_iff _).1 H₁ with ⟨c₁, h₁, rfl⟩, rcases (roption.mem_map_iff _).1 H₂ with ⟨c₂, h₂, rfl⟩, rcases tr_eval (tr_respects M) (tr_cfg_init M k L) h₂ with ⟨_, ⟨q, v, S, L₁', hT⟩, h₃⟩, cases roption.mem_unique h₁ h₃, exact ⟨S, hT, rfl⟩ end variables [fintype K] [∀ k, fintype (Γ k)] [fintype σ] open_locale classical local attribute [simp] TM2.stmts₁_self noncomputable def tr_stmts₁ : stmt₂ → finset Λ' | Q@(TM2.stmt.push k f q) := {go k (st_act.push f) q, ret k q} ∪ tr_stmts₁ q | Q@(TM2.stmt.peek k f q) := {go k (st_act.pop ff f) q, ret k q} ∪ tr_stmts₁ q | Q@(TM2.stmt.pop k f q) := {go k (st_act.pop tt f) q, ret k q} ∪ tr_stmts₁ q | Q@(TM2.stmt.load a q) := tr_stmts₁ q | Q@(TM2.stmt.branch f q₁ q₂) := tr_stmts₁ q₁ ∪ tr_stmts₁ q₂ | _ := ∅ theorem tr_stmts₁_run {k s q} : tr_stmts₁ (st_run s q) = {go k s q, ret k q} ∪ tr_stmts₁ q := by rcases s with _|_|_; unfold tr_stmts₁ st_run noncomputable def tr_supp (S : finset Λ) : finset Λ' := S.bind (λ l, insert (normal l) (tr_stmts₁ (M l))) local attribute [simp] tr_stmts₁ tr_stmts₁_run supports_run tr_normal_run TM1.supports_stmt TM2.supports_stmt theorem tr_supports {S} (ss : TM2.supports M S) : TM1.supports tr (tr_supp S) := ⟨finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, ss.1, finset.mem_insert.2 $ or.inl rfl⟩, λ l' h, begin suffices : ∀ q (ss' : TM2.supports_stmt S q) (sub : ∀ x ∈ tr_stmts₁ M q, x ∈ tr_supp M S), TM1.supports_stmt (tr_supp M S) (tr_normal q) ∧ (∀ l' ∈ tr_stmts₁ M q, TM1.supports_stmt (tr_supp M S) (tr M l')), { rcases finset.mem_bind.1 h with ⟨l, lS, h⟩, have := this _ (ss.2 l lS) (λ x hx, finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, lS, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hx⟩), rcases finset.mem_insert.1 h with rfl | h; [exact this.1, exact this.2 _ h] }, clear h l', refine stmt_st_rec _ _ _ _ _; intros, { -- stack op rw TM2to1.supports_run at ss', simp only [TM2to1.tr_stmts₁_run, finset.mem_union, finset.has_insert_eq_insert, finset.insert_empty_eq_singleton, finset.mem_insert, finset.mem_singleton] at sub, have hgo := sub _ (or.inl $ or.inr rfl), have hret := sub _ (or.inl $ or.inl rfl), cases IH ss' (λ x hx, sub x $ or.inr hx) with IH₁ IH₂, refine ⟨by simp only [tr_normal_run, TM1.supports_stmt]; intros; exact hgo, λ l h, _⟩, rw [tr_stmts₁_run] at h, simp only [TM2to1.tr_stmts₁_run, finset.mem_union, finset.has_insert_eq_insert, finset.insert_empty_eq_singleton, finset.mem_insert, finset.mem_singleton] at h, rcases h with ⟨rfl | rfl⟩ | h, { unfold TM1.supports_stmt, exact ⟨IH₁, λ _ _, hret⟩ }, { unfold TM1.supports_stmt, rcases s with _|_|_, { exact ⟨λ _ _, hret, λ _ _, hgo⟩ }, { exact ⟨λ _ _, hret, λ _ _, hgo⟩ }, { exact ⟨⟨λ _ _, hret, λ _ _, hret⟩, λ _ _, hgo⟩ } }, { exact IH₂ _ h } }, { -- load unfold TM2to1.tr_stmts₁ at ss' sub ⊢, exact IH ss' sub }, { -- branch unfold TM2to1.tr_stmts₁ at sub, cases IH₁ ss'.1 (λ x hx, sub x $ finset.mem_union_left _ hx) with IH₁₁ IH₁₂, cases IH₂ ss'.2 (λ x hx, sub x $ finset.mem_union_right _ hx) with IH₂₁ IH₂₂, refine ⟨⟨IH₁₁, IH₂₁⟩, λ l h, _⟩, rw [tr_stmts₁] at h, rcases finset.mem_union.1 h with h | h; [exact IH₁₂ _ h, exact IH₂₂ _ h] }, { -- goto rw tr_stmts₁, unfold TM2to1.tr_normal TM1.supports_stmt, unfold TM2.supports_stmt at ss', exact ⟨λ _ v, finset.mem_bind.2 ⟨_, ss' v, finset.mem_insert_self _ _⟩, λ _, false.elim⟩ }, { exact ⟨trivial, λ _, false.elim⟩ } -- halt end⟩ end end TM2to1 end turing