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Authors: Chris Hughes, Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir -/ import algebra.archimedean algebra.geom_sum import data.nat.choose data.complex.basic import tactic.linarith local notation `abs'` := _root_.abs open is_absolute_value open_locale classical section open real is_absolute_value finset lemma forall_ge_le_of_forall_le_succ {α : Type*} [preorder α] (f : ℕ → α) {m : ℕ} (h : ∀ n ≥ m, f n.succ ≤ f n) : ∀ {l}, ∀ k ≥ m, k ≤ l → f l ≤ f k := begin assume l k hkm hkl, generalize hp : l - k = p, have : l = k + p := add_comm p k ▸ (nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add hkl).1 hp, subst this, clear hkl hp, induction p with p ih, { simp }, { exact le_trans (h _ (le_trans hkm (nat.le_add_right _ _))) ih } end variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [ring β] [discrete_linear_ordered_field α] [archimedean α] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv] lemma is_cau_of_decreasing_bounded (f : ℕ → α) {a : α} {m : ℕ} (ham : ∀ n ≥ m, abs (f n) ≤ a) (hnm : ∀ n ≥ m, f n.succ ≤ f n) : is_cau_seq abs f := λ ε ε0, let ⟨k, hk⟩ := archimedean.arch a ε0 in have h : ∃ l, ∀ n ≥ m, a - add_monoid.smul l ε < f n := ⟨k + k + 1, λ n hnm, lt_of_lt_of_le (show a - add_monoid.smul (k + (k + 1)) ε < -abs (f n), from lt_neg.1 $ lt_of_le_of_lt (ham n hnm) (begin rw [neg_sub, lt_sub_iff_add_lt, add_monoid.add_smul], exact add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt hk (lt_of_le_of_lt hk (lt_add_of_pos_left _ ε0)), end)) (neg_le.2 $ (abs_neg (f n)) ▸ le_abs_self _)⟩, let l := nat.find h in have hl : ∀ (n : ℕ), n ≥ m → f n > a - add_monoid.smul l ε := nat.find_spec h, have hl0 : l ≠ 0 := λ hl0, not_lt_of_ge (ham m (le_refl _)) (lt_of_lt_of_le (by have := hl m (le_refl m); simpa [hl0] using this) (le_abs_self (f m))), begin cases classical.not_forall.1 (nat.find_min h (nat.pred_lt hl0)) with i hi, rw [not_imp, not_lt] at hi, existsi i, assume j hj, have hfij : f j ≤ f i := forall_ge_le_of_forall_le_succ f hnm _ hi.1 hj, rw [abs_of_nonpos (sub_nonpos.2 hfij), neg_sub, sub_lt_iff_lt_add'], exact calc f i ≤ a - add_monoid.smul (nat.pred l) ε : hi.2 ... = a - add_monoid.smul l ε + ε : by conv {to_rhs, rw [← nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hl0), succ_smul', sub_add, add_sub_cancel] } ... < f j + ε : add_lt_add_right (hl j (le_trans hi.1 hj)) _ end lemma is_cau_of_mono_bounded (f : ℕ → α) {a : α} {m : ℕ} (ham : ∀ n ≥ m, abs (f n) ≤ a) (hnm : ∀ n ≥ m, f n ≤ f n.succ) : is_cau_seq abs f := begin refine @eq.rec_on (ℕ → α) _ (is_cau_seq abs) _ _ (-⟨_, @is_cau_of_decreasing_bounded _ _ _ (λ n, -f n) a m (by simpa) (by simpa)⟩ : cau_seq α abs).2, ext, exact neg_neg _ end lemma is_cau_series_of_abv_le_cau {f : ℕ → β} {g : ℕ → α} (n : ℕ) : (∀ m, n ≤ m → abv (f m) ≤ g m) → is_cau_seq abs (λ n, (range n).sum g) → is_cau_seq abv (λ n, (range n).sum f) := begin assume hm hg ε ε0, cases hg (ε / 2) (div_pos ε0 (by norm_num)) with i hi, existsi max n i, assume j ji, have hi₁ := hi j (le_trans (le_max_right n i) ji), have hi₂ := hi (max n i) (le_max_right n i), have sub_le := abs_sub_le ((range j).sum g) ((range i).sum g) ((range (max n i)).sum g), have := add_lt_add hi₁ hi₂, rw [abs_sub ((range (max n i)).sum g), add_halves ε] at this, refine lt_of_le_of_lt (le_trans (le_trans _ (le_abs_self _)) sub_le) this, generalize hk : j - max n i = k, clear this hi₂ hi₁ hi ε0 ε hg sub_le, rw nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add ji at hk, rw hk, clear hk ji j, induction k with k' hi, { simp [abv_zero abv] }, { dsimp at *, rw [nat.succ_add, sum_range_succ, sum_range_succ, add_assoc, add_assoc], refine le_trans (abv_add _ _ _) _, exact add_le_add (hm _ (le_add_of_nonneg_of_le (nat.zero_le _) (le_max_left _ _))) hi }, end lemma is_cau_series_of_abv_cau {f : ℕ → β} : is_cau_seq abs (λ m, (range m).sum (λ n, abv (f n))) → is_cau_seq abv (λ m, (range m).sum f) := is_cau_series_of_abv_le_cau 0 (λ n h, le_refl _) lemma is_cau_geo_series {β : Type*} [field β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv] (x : β) (hx1 : abv x < 1) : is_cau_seq abv (λ n, (range n).sum (λ m, x ^ m)) := have hx1' : abv x ≠ 1 := λ h, by simpa [h, lt_irrefl] using hx1, is_cau_series_of_abv_cau begin simp only [abv_pow abv] {eta := ff}, have : (λ (m : ℕ), (range m).sum (λ n, (abv x) ^ n)) = λ m, geom_series (abv x) m := rfl, simp only [this, geom_sum hx1'] {eta := ff}, conv in (_ / _) { rw [← neg_div_neg_eq, neg_sub, neg_sub] }, refine @is_cau_of_mono_bounded _ _ _ _ ((1 : α) / (1 - abv x)) 0 _ _, { assume n hn, rw abs_of_nonneg, refine div_le_div_of_le_of_pos (sub_le_self _ (abv_pow abv x n ▸ abv_nonneg _ _)) (sub_pos.2 hx1), refine div_nonneg (sub_nonneg.2 _) (sub_pos.2 hx1), clear hn, induction n with n ih, { simp }, { rw [_root_.pow_succ, ← one_mul (1 : α)], refine mul_le_mul (le_of_lt hx1) ih (abv_pow abv x n ▸ abv_nonneg _ _) (by norm_num) } }, { assume n hn, refine div_le_div_of_le_of_pos (sub_le_sub_left _ _) (sub_pos.2 hx1), rw [← one_mul (_ ^ n), _root_.pow_succ], exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (le_of_lt hx1) (pow_nonneg (abv_nonneg _ _) _) } end lemma is_cau_geo_series_const (a : α) {x : α} (hx1 : abs x < 1) : is_cau_seq abs (λ m, (range m).sum (λ n, a * x ^ n)) := have is_cau_seq abs (λ m, a * (range m).sum (λ n, x ^ n)) := (cau_seq.const abs a * ⟨_, is_cau_geo_series x hx1⟩).2, by simpa only [mul_sum] lemma series_ratio_test {f : ℕ → β} (n : ℕ) (r : α) (hr0 : 0 ≤ r) (hr1 : r < 1) (h : ∀ m, n ≤ m → abv (f m.succ) ≤ r * abv (f m)) : is_cau_seq abv (λ m, (range m).sum f) := have har1 : abs r < 1, by rwa abs_of_nonneg hr0, begin refine is_cau_series_of_abv_le_cau n.succ _ (is_cau_geo_series_const (abv (f n.succ) * r⁻¹ ^ n.succ) har1), assume m hmn, cases classical.em (r = 0) with r_zero r_ne_zero, { have m_pos := lt_of_lt_of_le (nat.succ_pos n) hmn, have := h m.pred (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ (by rwa [nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos m_pos])), simpa [r_zero, nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos m_pos, pow_succ] }, generalize hk : m - n.succ = k, have r_pos : 0 < r := lt_of_le_of_ne hr0 (ne.symm r_ne_zero), replace hk : m = k + n.succ := (nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add hmn).1 hk, induction k with k ih generalizing m n, { rw [hk, zero_add, mul_right_comm, ← pow_inv _ _ r_ne_zero, ← div_eq_mul_inv, mul_div_cancel], exact (ne_of_lt (pow_pos r_pos _)).symm }, { have kn : k + n.succ ≥ n.succ, by rw ← zero_add n.succ; exact add_le_add (zero_le _) (by simp), rw [hk, nat.succ_add, pow_succ' r, ← mul_assoc], exact le_trans (by rw mul_comm; exact h _ (nat.le_of_succ_le kn)) (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (ih (k + n.succ) n h kn rfl) hr0) } end lemma sum_range_diag_flip {α : Type*} [add_comm_monoid α] (n : ℕ) (f : ℕ → ℕ → α) : (range n).sum (λ m, (range (m + 1)).sum (λ k, f k (m - k))) = (range n).sum (λ m, (range (n - m)).sum (f m)) := have h₁ : ((range n).sigma (range ∘ nat.succ)).sum (λ (a : Σ m, ℕ), f (a.2) (a.1 - a.2)) = (range n).sum (λ m, (range (m + 1)).sum (λ k, f k (m - k))) := sum_sigma, have h₂ : ((range n).sigma (λ m, range (n - m))).sum (λ a : Σ (m : ℕ), ℕ, f (a.1) (a.2)) = (range n).sum (λ m, sum (range (n - m)) (f m)) := sum_sigma, h₁ ▸ h₂ ▸ sum_bij (λ a _, ⟨a.2, a.1 - a.2⟩) (λ a ha, have h₁ : a.1 < n := mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).1, have h₂ : a.2 < nat.succ a.1 := mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).2, mem_sigma.2 ⟨mem_range.2 (lt_of_lt_of_le h₂ h₁), mem_range.2 ((nat.sub_lt_sub_right_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ h₂)).2 h₁)⟩) (λ _ _, rfl) (λ ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ⟨b₁, b₂⟩ ha hb h, have ha : a₁ < n ∧ a₂ ≤ a₁ := ⟨mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).1, nat.le_of_lt_succ (mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).2)⟩, have hb : b₁ < n ∧ b₂ ≤ b₁ := ⟨mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 hb).1, nat.le_of_lt_succ (mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 hb).2)⟩, have h : a₂ = b₂ ∧ _ := h, have h' : a₁ = b₁ - b₂ + a₂ := (nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add ha.2).1 (eq_of_heq h.2), ⟨nat.sub_add_cancel hb.2 ▸ h'.symm ▸ h.1 ▸ rfl, (heq_of_eq h.1)⟩) (λ ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ha, have ha : a₁ < n ∧ a₂ < n - a₁ := ⟨mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).1, (mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).2)⟩, ⟨⟨a₂ + a₁, a₁⟩, ⟨mem_sigma.2 ⟨mem_range.2 (nat.lt_sub_right_iff_add_lt.1 ha.2), mem_range.2 (nat.lt_succ_of_le (nat.le_add_left _ _))⟩, ⟨rfl, heq_of_eq (nat.add_sub_cancel _ _).symm⟩⟩⟩) lemma abv_sum_le_sum_abv {γ : Type*} (f : γ → β) (s : finset γ) : abv (s.sum f) ≤ s.sum (abv ∘ f) := by haveI := classical.dec_eq γ; exact finset.induction_on s (by simp [abv_zero abv]) (λ a s has ih, by rw [sum_insert has, sum_insert has]; exact le_trans (abv_add abv _ _) (add_le_add_left ih _)) lemma sum_range_sub_sum_range {α : Type*} [add_comm_group α] {f : ℕ → α} {n m : ℕ} (hnm : n ≤ m) : (range m).sum f - (range n).sum f = ((range m).filter (λ k, n ≤ k)).sum f := begin rw [← sum_sdiff (@filter_subset _ (λ k, n ≤ k) _ (range m)), sub_eq_iff_eq_add, ← eq_sub_iff_add_eq, add_sub_cancel'], refine finset.sum_congr (finset.ext.2 $ λ a, ⟨λ h, by simp at *; finish, λ h, have ham : a < m := lt_of_lt_of_le (mem_range.1 h) hnm, by simp * at *⟩) (λ _ _, rfl), end lemma cauchy_product {a b : ℕ → β} (ha : is_cau_seq abs (λ m, (range m).sum (λ n, abv (a n)))) (hb : is_cau_seq abv (λ m, (range m).sum b)) (ε : α) (ε0 : 0 < ε) : ∃ i : ℕ, ∀ j ≥ i, abv ((range j).sum a * (range j).sum b - (range j).sum (λ n, (range (n + 1)).sum (λ m, a m * b (n - m)))) < ε := let ⟨Q, hQ⟩ := cau_seq.bounded ⟨_, hb⟩ in let ⟨P, hP⟩ := cau_seq.bounded ⟨_, ha⟩ in have hP0 : 0 < P, from lt_of_le_of_lt (abs_nonneg _) (hP 0), have hPε0 : 0 < ε / (2 * P), from div_pos ε0 (mul_pos (show (2 : α) > 0, from by norm_num) hP0), let ⟨N, hN⟩ := cau_seq.cauchy₂ ⟨_, hb⟩ hPε0 in have hQε0 : 0 < ε / (4 * Q), from div_pos ε0 (mul_pos (show (0 : α) < 4, by norm_num) (lt_of_le_of_lt (abv_nonneg _ _) (hQ 0))), let ⟨M, hM⟩ := cau_seq.cauchy₂ ⟨_, ha⟩ hQε0 in ⟨2 * (max N M + 1), λ K hK, have h₁ : sum (range K) (λ m, (range (m + 1)).sum (λ k, a k * b (m - k))) = sum (range K) (λ m, sum (range (K - m)) (λ n, a m * b n)), by simpa using sum_range_diag_flip K (λ m n, a m * b n), have h₂ : (λ i, (range (K - i)).sum (λ k, a i * b k)) = (λ i, a i * (range (K - i)).sum b), by simp [finset.mul_sum], have h₃ : (range K).sum (λ i, a i * (range (K - i)).sum b) = (range K).sum (λ i, a i * ((range (K - i)).sum b - (range K).sum b)) + (range K).sum (λ i, a i * (range K).sum b), by rw ← sum_add_distrib; simp [(mul_add _ _ _).symm], have two_mul_two : (4 : α) = 2 * 2, by norm_num, have hQ0 : Q ≠ 0, from λ h, by simpa [h, lt_irrefl] using hQε0, have h2Q0 : 2 * Q ≠ 0, from mul_ne_zero two_ne_zero hQ0, have hε : ε / (2 * P) * P + ε / (4 * Q) * (2 * Q) = ε, by rw [← div_div_eq_div_mul, div_mul_cancel _ (ne.symm (ne_of_lt hP0)), two_mul_two, mul_assoc, ← div_div_eq_div_mul, div_mul_cancel _ h2Q0, add_halves], have hNMK : max N M + 1 < K, from lt_of_lt_of_le (by rw two_mul; exact lt_add_of_pos_left _ (nat.succ_pos _)) hK, have hKN : N < K, from calc N ≤ max N M : le_max_left _ _ ... < max N M + 1 : nat.lt_succ_self _ ... < K : hNMK, have hsumlesum : (range (max N M + 1)).sum (λ i, abv (a i) * abv ((range (K - i)).sum b - (range K).sum b)) ≤ (range (max N M + 1)).sum (λ i, abv (a i) * (ε / (2 * P))), from sum_le_sum (λ m hmJ, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (le_of_lt (hN (K - m) K (nat.le_sub_left_of_add_le (le_trans (by rw two_mul; exact add_le_add (le_of_lt (mem_range.1 hmJ)) (le_trans (le_max_left _ _) (le_of_lt (lt_add_one _)))) hK)) (le_of_lt hKN))) (abv_nonneg abv _)), have hsumltP : sum (range (max N M + 1)) (λ n, abv (a n)) < P := calc sum (range (max N M + 1)) (λ n, abv (a n)) = abs (sum (range (max N M + 1)) (λ n, abv (a n))) : eq.symm (abs_of_nonneg (sum_nonneg (λ x h, abv_nonneg abv (a x)))) ... < P : hP (max N M + 1), begin rw [h₁, h₂, h₃, sum_mul, ← sub_sub, sub_right_comm, sub_self, zero_sub, abv_neg abv], refine lt_of_le_of_lt (abv_sum_le_sum_abv _ _) _, suffices : (range (max N M + 1)).sum (λ (i : ℕ), abv (a i) * abv ((range (K - i)).sum b - (range K).sum b)) + ((range K).sum (λ (i : ℕ), abv (a i) * abv ((range (K - i)).sum b - (range K).sum b)) -(range (max N M + 1)).sum (λ (i : ℕ), abv (a i) * abv ((range (K - i)).sum b - (range K).sum b))) < ε / (2 * P) * P + ε / (4 * Q) * (2 * Q), { rw hε at this, simpa [abv_mul abv] }, refine add_lt_add (lt_of_le_of_lt hsumlesum (by rw [← sum_mul, mul_comm]; exact (mul_lt_mul_left hPε0).mpr hsumltP)) _, rw sum_range_sub_sum_range (le_of_lt hNMK), exact calc sum ((range K).filter (λ k, max N M + 1 ≤ k)) (λ i, abv (a i) * abv (sum (range (K - i)) b - sum (range K) b)) ≤ sum ((range K).filter (λ k, max N M + 1 ≤ k)) (λ i, abv (a i) * (2 * Q)) : sum_le_sum (λ n hn, begin refine mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (abv_nonneg _ _), rw sub_eq_add_neg, refine le_trans (abv_add _ _ _) _, rw [two_mul, abv_neg abv], exact add_le_add (le_of_lt (hQ _)) (le_of_lt (hQ _)), end) ... < ε / (4 * Q) * (2 * Q) : by rw [← sum_mul, ← sum_range_sub_sum_range (le_of_lt hNMK)]; refine (mul_lt_mul_right $ by rw two_mul; exact add_pos (lt_of_le_of_lt (abv_nonneg _ _) (hQ 0)) (lt_of_le_of_lt (abv_nonneg _ _) (hQ 0))).2 (lt_of_le_of_lt (le_abs_self _) (hM _ _ (le_trans (nat.le_succ_of_le (le_max_right _ _)) (le_of_lt hNMK)) (nat.le_succ_of_le (le_max_right _ _)))) end⟩ end open finset open cau_seq namespace complex lemma is_cau_abs_exp (z : ℂ) : is_cau_seq _root_.abs (λ n, (range n).sum (λ m, abs (z ^ m / nat.fact m))) := let ⟨n, hn⟩ := exists_nat_gt (abs z) in have hn0 : (0 : ℝ) < n, from lt_of_le_of_lt (abs_nonneg _) hn, series_ratio_test n (complex.abs z / n) (div_nonneg_of_nonneg_of_pos (complex.abs_nonneg _) hn0) (by rwa [div_lt_iff hn0, one_mul]) (λ m hm, by rw [abs_abs, abs_abs, nat.fact_succ, pow_succ, mul_comm m.succ, nat.cast_mul, ← div_div_eq_div_mul, mul_div_assoc, mul_div_right_comm, abs_mul, abs_div, abs_cast_nat]; exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (div_le_div_of_le_left (abs_nonneg _) hn0 (nat.cast_le.2 (le_trans hm (nat.le_succ _)))) (abs_nonneg _)) noncomputable theory lemma is_cau_exp (z : ℂ) : is_cau_seq abs (λ n, (range n).sum (λ m, z ^ m / nat.fact m)) := is_cau_series_of_abv_cau (is_cau_abs_exp z) def exp' (z : ℂ) : cau_seq ℂ complex.abs := ⟨λ n, (range n).sum (λ m, z ^ m / nat.fact m), is_cau_exp z⟩ def exp (z : ℂ) : ℂ := lim (exp' z) def sin (z : ℂ) : ℂ := ((exp (-z * I) - exp (z * I)) * I) / 2 def cos (z : ℂ) : ℂ := (exp (z * I) + exp (-z * I)) / 2 def tan (z : ℂ) : ℂ := sin z / cos z def sinh (z : ℂ) : ℂ := (exp z - exp (-z)) / 2 def cosh (z : ℂ) : ℂ := (exp z + exp (-z)) / 2 def tanh (z : ℂ) : ℂ := sinh z / cosh z end complex namespace real open complex def exp (x : ℝ) : ℝ := (exp x).re def sin (x : ℝ) : ℝ := (sin x).re def cos (x : ℝ) : ℝ := (cos x).re def tan (x : ℝ) : ℝ := (tan x).re def sinh (x : ℝ) : ℝ := (sinh x).re def cosh (x : ℝ) : ℝ := (cosh x).re def tanh (x : ℝ) : ℝ := (tanh x).re end real namespace complex variables (x y : ℂ) @[simp] lemma exp_zero : exp 0 = 1 := lim_eq_of_equiv_const $ λ ε ε0, ⟨1, λ j hj, begin convert ε0, cases j, { exact absurd hj (not_le_of_gt zero_lt_one) }, { dsimp [exp'], induction j with j ih, { dsimp [exp']; simp }, { rw ← ih dec_trivial, simp only [sum_range_succ, pow_succ], simp } } end⟩ lemma exp_add : exp (x + y) = exp x * exp y := show lim (⟨_, is_cau_exp (x + y)⟩ : cau_seq ℂ abs) = lim (show cau_seq ℂ abs, from ⟨_, is_cau_exp x⟩) * lim (show cau_seq ℂ abs, from ⟨_, is_cau_exp y⟩), from have hj : ∀ j : ℕ, (range j).sum (λ m, (x + y) ^ m / m.fact) = (range j).sum (λ i, (range (i + 1)).sum (λ k, x ^ k / k.fact * (y ^ (i - k) / (i - k).fact))), from assume j, finset.sum_congr rfl (λ m hm, begin rw [add_pow, div_eq_mul_inv, sum_mul], refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ i hi, _), have h₁ : (nat.choose m i : ℂ) ≠ 0 := nat.cast_ne_zero.2 (nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.1 (nat.choose_pos (nat.le_of_lt_succ (mem_range.1 hi)))), have h₂ := nat.choose_mul_fact_mul_fact (nat.le_of_lt_succ $ finset.mem_range.1 hi), rw [← h₂, nat.cast_mul, nat.cast_mul, mul_inv', mul_inv'], simp only [mul_left_comm (nat.choose m i : ℂ), mul_assoc, mul_left_comm (nat.choose m i : ℂ)⁻¹, mul_comm (nat.choose m i : ℂ)], rw inv_mul_cancel h₁, simp [div_eq_mul_inv, mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm] end), by rw lim_mul_lim; exact eq.symm (lim_eq_lim_of_equiv (by dsimp; simp only [hj]; exact cauchy_product (is_cau_abs_exp x) (is_cau_exp y))) attribute [irreducible] complex.exp lemma exp_list_sum (l : list ℂ) : exp l.sum = ( exp).prod := @monoid_hom.map_list_prod (multiplicative ℂ) ℂ _ _ ⟨exp, exp_zero, exp_add⟩ l lemma exp_multiset_sum (s : multiset ℂ) : exp s.sum = ( exp).prod := @monoid_hom.map_multiset_prod (multiplicative ℂ) ℂ _ _ ⟨exp, exp_zero, exp_add⟩ s lemma exp_sum {α : Type*} (s : finset α) (f : α → ℂ) : exp (s.sum f) = (exp ∘ f) := @monoid_hom.map_prod α (multiplicative ℂ) ℂ _ _ ⟨exp, exp_zero, exp_add⟩ f s lemma exp_nat_mul (x : ℂ) : ∀ n : ℕ, exp(n*x) = (exp x)^n | 0 := by rw [nat.cast_zero, zero_mul, exp_zero, pow_zero] | (nat.succ n) := by rw [pow_succ', nat.cast_add_one, add_mul, exp_add, ←exp_nat_mul, one_mul] lemma exp_ne_zero : exp x ≠ 0 := λ h, @zero_ne_one ℂ _ $ by rw [← exp_zero, ← add_neg_self x, exp_add, h]; simp lemma exp_neg : exp (-x) = (exp x)⁻¹ := by rw [← domain.mul_left_inj (exp_ne_zero x), ← exp_add]; simp [mul_inv_cancel (exp_ne_zero x)] lemma exp_sub : exp (x - y) = exp x / exp y := by simp [exp_add, exp_neg, div_eq_mul_inv] @[simp] lemma exp_conj : exp (conj x) = conj (exp x) := begin dsimp [exp], rw [← lim_conj], refine congr_arg lim (cau_seq.ext (λ _, _)), dsimp [exp', function.comp, cau_seq_conj], rw ← sum_hom _ conj, refine sum_congr rfl (λ n hn, _), rw [conj_div, conj_pow, ← of_real_nat_cast, conj_of_real] end @[simp] lemma of_real_exp_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : ((exp x).re : ℂ) = exp x := eq_conj_iff_re.1 $ by rw [← exp_conj, conj_of_real] @[simp] lemma of_real_exp (x : ℝ) : (real.exp x : ℂ) = exp x := of_real_exp_of_real_re _ @[simp] lemma exp_of_real_im (x : ℝ) : (exp x).im = 0 := by rw [← of_real_exp_of_real_re, of_real_im] lemma exp_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : (exp x).re = real.exp x := rfl lemma two_sinh : 2 * sinh x = exp x - exp (-x) := mul_div_cancel' _ two_ne_zero' lemma two_cosh : 2 * cosh x = exp x + exp (-x) := mul_div_cancel' _ two_ne_zero' @[simp] lemma sinh_zero : sinh 0 = 0 := by simp [sinh] @[simp] lemma sinh_neg : sinh (-x) = -sinh x := by simp [sinh, exp_neg, (neg_div _ _).symm, add_mul] private lemma sinh_add_aux {a b c d : ℂ} : (a - b) * (c + d) + (a + b) * (c - d) = 2 * (a * c - b * d) := by ring lemma sinh_add : sinh (x + y) = sinh x * cosh y + cosh x * sinh y := begin rw [← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), two_sinh, exp_add, neg_add, exp_add, eq_comm, mul_add, ← mul_assoc, two_sinh, mul_left_comm, two_sinh, ← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), mul_add, mul_left_comm, two_cosh, ← mul_assoc, two_cosh], exact sinh_add_aux end @[simp] lemma cosh_zero : cosh 0 = 1 := by simp [cosh] @[simp] lemma cosh_neg : cosh (-x) = cosh x := by simp [cosh, exp_neg] private lemma cosh_add_aux {a b c d : ℂ} : (a + b) * (c + d) + (a - b) * (c - d) = 2 * (a * c + b * d) := by ring lemma cosh_add : cosh (x + y) = cosh x * cosh y + sinh x * sinh y := begin rw [← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), two_cosh, exp_add, neg_add, exp_add, eq_comm, mul_add, ← mul_assoc, two_cosh, ← mul_assoc, two_sinh, ← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), mul_add, mul_left_comm, two_cosh, mul_left_comm, two_sinh], exact cosh_add_aux end lemma sinh_sub : sinh (x - y) = sinh x * cosh y - cosh x * sinh y := by simp [sinh_add, sinh_neg, cosh_neg] lemma cosh_sub : cosh (x - y) = cosh x * cosh y - sinh x * sinh y := by simp [cosh_add, sinh_neg, cosh_neg] lemma sinh_conj : sinh (conj x) = conj (sinh x) := by rw [sinh, ← conj_neg, exp_conj, exp_conj, ← conj_sub, sinh, conj_div, conj_two] @[simp] lemma of_real_sinh_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : ((sinh x).re : ℂ) = sinh x := eq_conj_iff_re.1 $ by rw [← sinh_conj, conj_of_real] @[simp] lemma of_real_sinh (x : ℝ) : (real.sinh x : ℂ) = sinh x := of_real_sinh_of_real_re _ @[simp] lemma sinh_of_real_im (x : ℝ) : (sinh x).im = 0 := by rw [← of_real_sinh_of_real_re, of_real_im] lemma sinh_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : (sinh x).re = real.sinh x := rfl lemma cosh_conj : cosh (conj x) = conj (cosh x) := by rw [cosh, ← conj_neg, exp_conj, exp_conj, ← conj_add, cosh, conj_div, conj_two] @[simp] lemma of_real_cosh_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : ((cosh x).re : ℂ) = cosh x := eq_conj_iff_re.1 $ by rw [← cosh_conj, conj_of_real] @[simp] lemma of_real_cosh (x : ℝ) : (real.cosh x : ℂ) = cosh x := of_real_cosh_of_real_re _ @[simp] lemma cosh_of_real_im (x : ℝ) : (cosh x).im = 0 := by rw [← of_real_cosh_of_real_re, of_real_im] lemma cosh_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : (cosh x).re = real.cosh x := rfl lemma tanh_eq_sinh_div_cosh : tanh x = sinh x / cosh x := rfl @[simp] lemma tanh_zero : tanh 0 = 0 := by simp [tanh] @[simp] lemma tanh_neg : tanh (-x) = -tanh x := by simp [tanh, neg_div] lemma tanh_conj : tanh (conj x) = conj (tanh x) := by rw [tanh, sinh_conj, cosh_conj, ← conj_div, tanh] @[simp] lemma of_real_tanh_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : ((tanh x).re : ℂ) = tanh x := eq_conj_iff_re.1 $ by rw [← tanh_conj, conj_of_real] @[simp] lemma of_real_tanh (x : ℝ) : (real.tanh x : ℂ) = tanh x := of_real_tanh_of_real_re _ @[simp] lemma tanh_of_real_im (x : ℝ) : (tanh x).im = 0 := by rw [← of_real_tanh_of_real_re, of_real_im] lemma tanh_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : (tanh x).re = real.tanh x := rfl lemma cosh_add_sinh : cosh x + sinh x = exp x := by rw [← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), mul_add, two_cosh, two_sinh, add_add_sub_cancel, two_mul] lemma sinh_add_cosh : sinh x + cosh x = exp x := by rw [add_comm, cosh_add_sinh] lemma cosh_sub_sinh : cosh x - sinh x = exp (-x) := by rw [← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), mul_sub, two_cosh, two_sinh, add_sub_sub_cancel, two_mul] lemma cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq : cosh x ^ 2 - sinh x ^ 2 = 1 := by rw [sq_sub_sq, cosh_add_sinh, cosh_sub_sinh, ← exp_add, add_neg_self, exp_zero] @[simp] lemma sin_zero : sin 0 = 0 := by simp [sin] @[simp] lemma sin_neg : sin (-x) = -sin x := by simp [sin, exp_neg, (neg_div _ _).symm, add_mul] lemma two_sin : 2 * sin x = (exp (-x * I) - exp (x * I)) * I := mul_div_cancel' _ two_ne_zero' lemma two_cos : 2 * cos x = exp (x * I) + exp (-x * I) := mul_div_cancel' _ two_ne_zero' lemma sinh_mul_I : sinh (x * I) = sin x * I := by rw [← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), two_sinh, ← mul_assoc, two_sin, mul_assoc, I_mul_I, mul_neg_one, neg_sub, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] lemma cosh_mul_I : cosh (x * I) = cos x := by rw [← domain.mul_left_inj (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), two_cosh, two_cos, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] lemma sin_add : sin (x + y) = sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y := by rw [← domain.mul_right_inj I_ne_zero, ← sinh_mul_I, add_mul, add_mul, mul_right_comm, ← sinh_mul_I, mul_assoc, ← sinh_mul_I, ← cosh_mul_I, ← cosh_mul_I, sinh_add] @[simp] lemma cos_zero : cos 0 = 1 := by simp [cos] @[simp] lemma cos_neg : cos (-x) = cos x := by simp [cos, exp_neg] private lemma cos_add_aux {a b c d : ℂ} : (a + b) * (c + d) - (b - a) * (d - c) * (-1) = 2 * (a * c + b * d) := by ring lemma cos_add : cos (x + y) = cos x * cos y - sin x * sin y := by rw [← cosh_mul_I, add_mul, cosh_add, cosh_mul_I, cosh_mul_I, sinh_mul_I, sinh_mul_I, mul_mul_mul_comm, I_mul_I, mul_neg_one, sub_eq_add_neg] lemma sin_sub : sin (x - y) = sin x * cos y - cos x * sin y := by simp [sin_add, sin_neg, cos_neg] lemma cos_sub : cos (x - y) = cos x * cos y + sin x * sin y := by simp [cos_add, sin_neg, cos_neg] lemma sin_conj : sin (conj x) = conj (sin x) := by rw [← domain.mul_right_inj I_ne_zero, ← sinh_mul_I, ← conj_neg_I, ← conj_mul, ← conj_mul, sinh_conj, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, sinh_neg, sinh_mul_I, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm] @[simp] lemma of_real_sin_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : ((sin x).re : ℂ) = sin x := eq_conj_iff_re.1 $ by rw [← sin_conj, conj_of_real] @[simp] lemma of_real_sin (x : ℝ) : (real.sin x : ℂ) = sin x := of_real_sin_of_real_re _ @[simp] lemma sin_of_real_im (x : ℝ) : (sin x).im = 0 := by rw [← of_real_sin_of_real_re, of_real_im] lemma sin_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : (sin x).re = real.sin x := rfl lemma cos_conj : cos (conj x) = conj (cos x) := by rw [← cosh_mul_I, ← conj_neg_I, ← conj_mul, ← cosh_mul_I, cosh_conj, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, cosh_neg] @[simp] lemma of_real_cos_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : ((cos x).re : ℂ) = cos x := eq_conj_iff_re.1 $ by rw [← cos_conj, conj_of_real] @[simp] lemma of_real_cos (x : ℝ) : (real.cos x : ℂ) = cos x := of_real_cos_of_real_re _ @[simp] lemma cos_of_real_im (x : ℝ) : (cos x).im = 0 := by rw [← of_real_cos_of_real_re, of_real_im] lemma cos_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : (cos x).re = real.cos x := rfl @[simp] lemma tan_zero : tan 0 = 0 := by simp [tan] lemma tan_eq_sin_div_cos : tan x = sin x / cos x := rfl @[simp] lemma tan_neg : tan (-x) = -tan x := by simp [tan, neg_div] lemma tan_conj : tan (conj x) = conj (tan x) := by rw [tan, sin_conj, cos_conj, ← conj_div, tan] @[simp] lemma of_real_tan_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : ((tan x).re : ℂ) = tan x := eq_conj_iff_re.1 $ by rw [← tan_conj, conj_of_real] @[simp] lemma of_real_tan (x : ℝ) : (real.tan x : ℂ) = tan x := of_real_tan_of_real_re _ @[simp] lemma tan_of_real_im (x : ℝ) : (tan x).im = 0 := by rw [← of_real_tan_of_real_re, of_real_im] lemma tan_of_real_re (x : ℝ) : (tan x).re = real.tan x := rfl lemma cos_add_sin_I : cos x + sin x * I = exp (x * I) := by rw [← cosh_add_sinh, sinh_mul_I, cosh_mul_I] lemma cos_sub_sin_I : cos x - sin x * I = exp (-x * I) := by rw [← neg_mul_eq_neg_mul, ← cosh_sub_sinh, sinh_mul_I, cosh_mul_I] lemma sin_sq_add_cos_sq : sin x ^ 2 + cos x ^ 2 = 1 := eq.trans (by rw [cosh_mul_I, sinh_mul_I, mul_pow, I_sq, mul_neg_one, sub_neg_eq_add, add_comm]) (cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq (x * I)) lemma cos_two_mul' : cos (2 * x) = cos x ^ 2 - sin x ^ 2 := by rw [two_mul, cos_add, ← pow_two, ← pow_two] lemma cos_two_mul : cos (2 * x) = 2 * cos x ^ 2 - 1 := by rw [cos_two_mul', eq_sub_iff_add_eq.2 (sin_sq_add_cos_sq x), ← sub_add, sub_add_eq_add_sub, two_mul] lemma sin_two_mul : sin (2 * x) = 2 * sin x * cos x := by rw [two_mul, sin_add, two_mul, add_mul, mul_comm] lemma cos_square : cos x ^ 2 = 1 / 2 + cos (2 * x) / 2 := by simp [cos_two_mul, div_add_div_same, mul_div_cancel_left, two_ne_zero', -one_div_eq_inv] lemma sin_square : sin x ^ 2 = 1 - cos x ^ 2 := by { rw [←sin_sq_add_cos_sq x], simp } lemma exp_mul_I : exp (x * I) = cos x + sin x * I := (cos_add_sin_I _).symm lemma exp_add_mul_I : exp (x + y * I) = exp x * (cos y + sin y * I) := by rw [exp_add, exp_mul_I] lemma exp_eq_exp_re_mul_sin_add_cos : exp x = exp * (cos + sin * I) := by rw [← exp_add_mul_I, re_add_im] theorem cos_add_sin_mul_I_pow (n : ℕ) (z : ℂ) : (cos z + sin z * I) ^ n = cos (↑n * z) + sin (↑n * z) * I := begin rw [← exp_mul_I, ← exp_mul_I], induction n with n ih, { rw [pow_zero, nat.cast_zero, zero_mul, zero_mul, exp_zero] }, { rw [pow_succ', ih, nat.cast_succ, add_mul, add_mul, one_mul, exp_add] } end end complex namespace real open complex variables (x y : ℝ) @[simp] lemma exp_zero : exp 0 = 1 := by simp [real.exp] lemma exp_add : exp (x + y) = exp x * exp y := by simp [exp_add, exp] lemma exp_list_sum (l : list ℝ) : exp l.sum = ( exp).prod := @monoid_hom.map_list_prod (multiplicative ℝ) ℝ _ _ ⟨exp, exp_zero, exp_add⟩ l lemma exp_multiset_sum (s : multiset ℝ) : exp s.sum = ( exp).prod := @monoid_hom.map_multiset_prod (multiplicative ℝ) ℝ _ _ ⟨exp, exp_zero, exp_add⟩ s lemma exp_sum {α : Type*} (s : finset α) (f : α → ℝ) : exp (s.sum f) = (exp ∘ f) := @monoid_hom.map_prod α (multiplicative ℝ) ℝ _ _ ⟨exp, exp_zero, exp_add⟩ f s lemma exp_nat_mul (x : ℝ) : ∀ n : ℕ, exp(n*x) = (exp x)^n | 0 := by rw [nat.cast_zero, zero_mul, exp_zero, pow_zero] | (nat.succ n) := by rw [pow_succ', nat.cast_add_one, add_mul, exp_add, ←exp_nat_mul, one_mul] lemma exp_ne_zero : exp x ≠ 0 := λ h, exp_ne_zero x $ by rw [exp, ← of_real_inj] at h; simp * at * lemma exp_neg : exp (-x) = (exp x)⁻¹ := by rw [← of_real_inj, exp, of_real_exp_of_real_re, of_real_neg, exp_neg, of_real_inv, of_real_exp] lemma exp_sub : exp (x - y) = exp x / exp y := by simp [exp_add, exp_neg, div_eq_mul_inv] @[simp] lemma sin_zero : sin 0 = 0 := by simp [sin] @[simp] lemma sin_neg : sin (-x) = -sin x := by simp [sin, exp_neg, (neg_div _ _).symm, add_mul] lemma sin_add : sin (x + y) = sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y := by rw [← of_real_inj]; simp [sin, sin_add] @[simp] lemma cos_zero : cos 0 = 1 := by simp [cos] @[simp] lemma cos_neg : cos (-x) = cos x := by simp [cos, exp_neg] lemma cos_add : cos (x + y) = cos x * cos y - sin x * sin y := by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cos, cos_add] lemma sin_sub : sin (x - y) = sin x * cos y - cos x * sin y := by simp [sin_add, sin_neg, cos_neg] lemma cos_sub : cos (x - y) = cos x * cos y + sin x * sin y := by simp [cos_add, sin_neg, cos_neg] lemma tan_eq_sin_div_cos : tan x = sin x / cos x := if h : complex.cos x = 0 then by simp [sin, cos, tan, *, complex.tan, div_eq_mul_inv] at * else by rw [sin, cos, tan, complex.tan, ← of_real_inj, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_re]; simp [norm_sq, (div_div_eq_div_mul _ _ _).symm, div_self h]; refl @[simp] lemma tan_zero : tan 0 = 0 := by simp [tan] @[simp] lemma tan_neg : tan (-x) = -tan x := by simp [tan, neg_div] lemma sin_sq_add_cos_sq : sin x ^ 2 + cos x ^ 2 = 1 := of_real_inj.1 $ by simpa using sin_sq_add_cos_sq x lemma sin_sq_le_one : sin x ^ 2 ≤ 1 := by rw ← sin_sq_add_cos_sq x; exact le_add_of_nonneg_right' (pow_two_nonneg _) lemma cos_sq_le_one : cos x ^ 2 ≤ 1 := by rw ← sin_sq_add_cos_sq x; exact le_add_of_nonneg_left' (pow_two_nonneg _) lemma abs_sin_le_one : abs' (sin x) ≤ 1 := (mul_self_le_mul_self_iff (_root_.abs_nonneg (sin x)) (by exact zero_le_one)).2 $ by rw [← _root_.abs_mul, abs_mul_self, mul_one, ← pow_two]; apply sin_sq_le_one lemma abs_cos_le_one : abs' (cos x) ≤ 1 := (mul_self_le_mul_self_iff (_root_.abs_nonneg (cos x)) (by exact zero_le_one)).2 $ by rw [← _root_.abs_mul, abs_mul_self, mul_one, ← pow_two]; apply cos_sq_le_one lemma sin_le_one : sin x ≤ 1 := (abs_le.1 (abs_sin_le_one _)).2 lemma cos_le_one : cos x ≤ 1 := (abs_le.1 (abs_cos_le_one _)).2 lemma neg_one_le_sin : -1 ≤ sin x := (abs_le.1 (abs_sin_le_one _)).1 lemma neg_one_le_cos : -1 ≤ cos x := (abs_le.1 (abs_cos_le_one _)).1 lemma cos_two_mul : cos (2 * x) = 2 * cos x ^ 2 - 1 := by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cos_two_mul] lemma sin_two_mul : sin (2 * x) = 2 * sin x * cos x := by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sin_two_mul] lemma cos_square : cos x ^ 2 = 1 / 2 + cos (2 * x) / 2 := of_real_inj.1 $ by simpa using cos_square x lemma sin_square : sin x ^ 2 = 1 - cos x ^ 2 := eq_sub_iff_add_eq.2 $ sin_sq_add_cos_sq _ @[simp] lemma sinh_zero : sinh 0 = 0 := by simp [sinh] @[simp] lemma sinh_neg : sinh (-x) = -sinh x := by simp [sinh, exp_neg, (neg_div _ _).symm, add_mul] lemma sinh_add : sinh (x + y) = sinh x * cosh y + cosh x * sinh y := by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sinh_add] @[simp] lemma cosh_zero : cosh 0 = 1 := by simp [cosh] @[simp] lemma cosh_neg : cosh (-x) = cosh x := by simp [cosh, exp_neg] lemma cosh_add : cosh (x + y) = cosh x * cosh y + sinh x * sinh y := by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cosh, cosh_add] lemma sinh_sub : sinh (x - y) = sinh x * cosh y - cosh x * sinh y := by simp [sinh_add, sinh_neg, cosh_neg] lemma cosh_sub : cosh (x - y) = cosh x * cosh y - sinh x * sinh y := by simp [cosh_add, sinh_neg, cosh_neg] lemma tanh_eq_sinh_div_cosh : tanh x = sinh x / cosh x := of_real_inj.1 $ by simp [tanh_eq_sinh_div_cosh] @[simp] lemma tanh_zero : tanh 0 = 0 := by simp [tanh] @[simp] lemma tanh_neg : tanh (-x) = -tanh x := by simp [tanh, neg_div] open is_absolute_value /- TODO make this private and prove ∀ x -/ lemma add_one_le_exp_of_nonneg {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : x + 1 ≤ exp x := calc x + 1 ≤ lim (⟨(λ n : ℕ, ((exp' x) n).re), is_cau_seq_re (exp' x)⟩ : cau_seq ℝ abs') : le_lim (cau_seq.le_of_exists ⟨2, λ j hj, show x + (1 : ℝ) ≤ ((range j).sum (λ m, (x ^ m / m.fact : ℂ))).re, from have h₁ : (((λ m : ℕ, (x ^ m / m.fact : ℂ)) ∘ nat.succ) 0).re = x, by simp, have h₂ : ((x : ℂ) ^ 0 / nat.fact 0).re = 1, by simp, begin rw [← nat.sub_add_cancel hj, sum_range_succ', sum_range_succ', add_re, add_re, h₁, h₂, add_assoc, ← @sum_hom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (is_add_group_hom.to_is_add_monoid_hom _)], refine le_add_of_nonneg_of_le (sum_nonneg (λ m hm, _)) (le_refl _), dsimp [-nat.fact_succ], rw [← of_real_pow, ← of_real_nat_cast, ← of_real_div, of_real_re], exact div_nonneg (pow_nonneg hx _) (nat.cast_pos.2 (nat.fact_pos _)), end⟩) ... = exp x : by rw [exp, complex.exp, ← cau_seq_re, lim_re] lemma one_le_exp {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : 1 ≤ exp x := by linarith [add_one_le_exp_of_nonneg hx] lemma exp_pos (x : ℝ) : 0 < exp x := (le_total 0 x).elim (lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one ∘ one_le_exp) (λ h, by rw [← neg_neg x, real.exp_neg]; exact inv_pos (lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one (one_le_exp (neg_nonneg.2 h)))) @[simp] lemma abs_exp (x : ℝ) : abs' (exp x) = exp x := abs_of_pos (exp_pos _) lemma exp_strict_mono : strict_mono exp := λ x y h, by rw [← sub_add_cancel y x, real.exp_add]; exact (lt_mul_iff_one_lt_left (exp_pos _)).2 (lt_of_lt_of_le (by linarith) (add_one_le_exp_of_nonneg (by linarith))) lemma exp_lt_exp {x y : ℝ} : exp x < exp y ↔ x < y := exp_strict_mono.lt_iff_lt lemma exp_le_exp {x y : ℝ} : exp x ≤ exp y ↔ x ≤ y := exp_strict_mono.le_iff_le lemma exp_injective : function.injective exp := exp_strict_mono.injective @[simp] lemma exp_eq_one_iff : exp x = 1 ↔ x = 0 := by rw [← exp_zero, exp_injective.eq_iff] lemma one_lt_exp_iff {x : ℝ} : 1 < exp x ↔ 0 < x := by rw [← exp_zero, exp_lt_exp] lemma exp_lt_one_iff {x : ℝ} : exp x < 1 ↔ x < 0 := by rw [← exp_zero, exp_lt_exp] end real namespace complex lemma sum_div_fact_le {α : Type*} [discrete_linear_ordered_field α] (n j : ℕ) (hn : 0 < n) : (sum (filter (λ k, n ≤ k) (range j)) (λ m : ℕ, (1 / m.fact : α))) ≤ n.succ * (n.fact * n)⁻¹ := calc (filter (λ k, n ≤ k) (range j)).sum (λ m : ℕ, (1 / m.fact : α)) = (range (j - n)).sum (λ m, 1 / (m + n).fact) : sum_bij (λ m _, m - n) (λ m hm, mem_range.2 $ (nat.sub_lt_sub_right_iff (by simp at hm; tauto)).2 (by simp at hm; tauto)) (λ m hm, by rw nat.sub_add_cancel; simp at *; tauto) (λ a₁ a₂ ha₁ ha₂ h, by rwa [nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add, ← nat.sub_add_comm, eq_comm, nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add, add_right_inj, eq_comm] at h; simp at *; tauto) (λ b hb, ⟨b + n, mem_filter.2 ⟨mem_range.2 $ nat.add_lt_of_lt_sub_right (mem_range.1 hb), nat.le_add_left _ _⟩, by rw nat.add_sub_cancel⟩) ... ≤ (range (j - n)).sum (λ m, (nat.fact n * n.succ ^ m)⁻¹) : begin refine sum_le_sum (assume m n, _), rw [one_div_eq_inv, inv_le_inv], { rw [← nat.cast_pow, ← nat.cast_mul, nat.cast_le, add_comm], exact nat.fact_mul_pow_le_fact }, { exact nat.cast_pos.2 (nat.fact_pos _) }, { exact mul_pos (nat.cast_pos.2 (nat.fact_pos _)) (pow_pos (nat.cast_pos.2 (nat.succ_pos _)) _) }, end ... = (nat.fact n)⁻¹ * (range (j - n)).sum (λ m, n.succ⁻¹ ^ m) : by simp [mul_inv', mul_sum.symm, sum_mul.symm, -nat.fact_succ, mul_comm, inv_pow'] ... = (n.succ - n.succ * n.succ⁻¹ ^ (j - n)) / (n.fact * n) : have h₁ : (n.succ : α) ≠ 1, from @nat.cast_one α _ _ ▸ mt nat.cast_inj.1 (mt nat.succ_inj (nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.1 hn)), have h₂ : (n.succ : α) ≠ 0, from nat.cast_ne_zero.2 (nat.succ_ne_zero _), have h₃ : (n.fact * n : α) ≠ 0, from mul_ne_zero (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 (nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.1 (nat.fact_pos _))) (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 (nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.1 hn)), have h₄ : (n.succ - 1 : α) = n, by simp, by rw [← geom_series_def, geom_sum_inv h₁ h₂, eq_div_iff_mul_eq _ _ h₃, mul_comm _ (n.fact * n : α), ← mul_assoc (n.fact⁻¹ : α), ← mul_inv', h₄, ← mul_assoc (n.fact * n : α), mul_comm (n : α) n.fact, mul_inv_cancel h₃]; simp [mul_add, add_mul, mul_assoc, mul_comm] ... ≤ n.succ / (n.fact * n) : begin refine (div_le_div_right (mul_pos _ _)).2 _, exact nat.cast_pos.2 (nat.fact_pos _), exact nat.cast_pos.2 hn, exact sub_le_self _ (mul_nonneg (nat.cast_nonneg _) (pow_nonneg (inv_nonneg.2 (nat.cast_nonneg _)) _)) end lemma exp_bound {x : ℂ} (hx : abs x ≤ 1) {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n) : abs (exp x - (range n).sum (λ m, x ^ m / m.fact)) ≤ abs x ^ n * (n.succ * (n.fact * n)⁻¹) := begin rw [← lim_const ((range n).sum _), exp, sub_eq_add_neg, ← lim_neg, lim_add, ← lim_abs], refine lim_le (cau_seq.le_of_exists ⟨n, λ j hj, _⟩), show abs ((range j).sum (λ m, x ^ m / m.fact) - (range n).sum (λ m, x ^ m / m.fact)) ≤ abs x ^ n * (n.succ * (n.fact * n)⁻¹), rw sum_range_sub_sum_range hj, exact calc abs (((range j).filter (λ k, n ≤ k)).sum (λ m : ℕ, (x ^ m / m.fact : ℂ))) = abs (((range j).filter (λ k, n ≤ k)).sum (λ m : ℕ, (x ^ n * (x ^ (m - n) / m.fact) : ℂ))) : congr_arg abs (sum_congr rfl (λ m hm, by rw [← mul_div_assoc, ← pow_add, nat.add_sub_cancel']; simp at hm; tauto)) ... ≤ sum (filter (λ k, n ≤ k) (range j)) (λ m, abs (x ^ n * (_ / m.fact))) : abv_sum_le_sum_abv _ _ ... ≤ sum (filter (λ k, n ≤ k) (range j)) (λ m, abs x ^ n * (1 / m.fact)) : begin refine sum_le_sum (λ m hm, _), rw [abs_mul, abv_pow abs, abs_div, abs_cast_nat], refine mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left ((div_le_div_right _).2 _) _, exact nat.cast_pos.2 (nat.fact_pos _), rw abv_pow abs, exact (pow_le_one _ (abs_nonneg _) hx), exact pow_nonneg (abs_nonneg _) _ end ... = abs x ^ n * (((range j).filter (λ k, n ≤ k)).sum (λ m : ℕ, (1 / m.fact : ℝ))) : by simp [abs_mul, abv_pow abs, abs_div, mul_sum.symm] ... ≤ abs x ^ n * (n.succ * (n.fact * n)⁻¹) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (sum_div_fact_le _ _ hn) (pow_nonneg (abs_nonneg _) _) end lemma abs_exp_sub_one_le {x : ℂ} (hx : abs x ≤ 1) : abs (exp x - 1) ≤ 2 * abs x := calc abs (exp x - 1) = abs (exp x - (range 1).sum (λ m, x ^ m / m.fact)) : by simp [sum_range_succ] ... ≤ abs x ^ 1 * ((nat.succ 1) * (nat.fact 1 * (1 : ℕ))⁻¹) : exp_bound hx dec_trivial ... = 2 * abs x : by simp [two_mul, mul_two, mul_add, mul_comm] lemma abs_exp_sub_one_sub_id_le {x : ℂ} (hx : abs x ≤ 1) : abs (exp x - 1 - x) ≤ (abs x)^2 := calc abs (exp x - 1 - x) = abs (exp x - (range 2).sum (λ m, x ^ m / m.fact)) : by simp [sum_range_succ] ... ≤ (abs x)^2 * (nat.succ 2 * (nat.fact 2 * (2 : ℕ))⁻¹) : exp_bound hx dec_trivial ... ≤ (abs x)^2 * 1 : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (by norm_num) (pow_two_nonneg (abs x)) ... = (abs x)^2 : by rw [mul_one] end complex namespace real open complex finset lemma cos_bound {x : ℝ} (hx : abs' x ≤ 1) : abs' (cos x - (1 - x ^ 2 / 2)) ≤ abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) := calc abs' (cos x - (1 - x ^ 2 / 2)) = abs (complex.cos x - (1 - x ^ 2 / 2)) : by rw ← abs_of_real; simp [of_real_bit0, of_real_one, of_real_inv] ... = abs ((complex.exp (x * I) + complex.exp (-x * I) - (2 - x ^ 2)) / 2) : by simp [complex.cos, sub_div, add_div, neg_div, div_self (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _)] ... = abs (((complex.exp (x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (x * I) ^ m / m.fact)) + ((complex.exp (-x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (-x * I) ^ m / m.fact)))) / 2) : congr_arg abs (congr_arg (λ x : ℂ, x / 2) begin simp only [sum_range_succ], simp [pow_succ], apply complex.ext; simp [div_eq_mul_inv, norm_sq]; ring end) ... ≤ abs ((complex.exp (x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (x * I) ^ m / m.fact)) / 2) + abs ((complex.exp (-x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (-x * I) ^ m / m.fact)) / 2) : by rw add_div; exact abs_add _ _ ... = (abs ((complex.exp (x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (x * I) ^ m / m.fact))) / 2 + abs ((complex.exp (-x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (-x * I) ^ m / m.fact))) / 2) : by simp [complex.abs_div] ... ≤ ((complex.abs (x * I) ^ 4 * (nat.succ 4 * (nat.fact 4 * (4 : ℕ))⁻¹)) / 2 + (complex.abs (-x * I) ^ 4 * (nat.succ 4 * (nat.fact 4 * (4 : ℕ))⁻¹)) / 2) : add_le_add ((div_le_div_right (by norm_num)).2 (exp_bound (by simpa) dec_trivial)) ((div_le_div_right (by norm_num)).2 (exp_bound (by simpa) dec_trivial)) ... ≤ abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) : by norm_num; simp [mul_assoc, mul_comm, mul_left_comm, mul_div_assoc] lemma sin_bound {x : ℝ} (hx : abs' x ≤ 1) : abs' (sin x - (x - x ^ 3 / 6)) ≤ abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) := calc abs' (sin x - (x - x ^ 3 / 6)) = abs (complex.sin x - (x - x ^ 3 / 6)) : by rw ← abs_of_real; simp [of_real_bit0, of_real_one, of_real_inv] ... = abs (((complex.exp (-x * I) - complex.exp (x * I)) * I - (2 * x - x ^ 3 / 3)) / 2) : by simp [complex.sin, sub_div, add_div, neg_div, mul_div_cancel_left _ (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), div_div_eq_div_mul, show (3 : ℂ) * 2 = 6, by norm_num] ... = abs ((((complex.exp (-x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (-x * I) ^ m / m.fact)) - (complex.exp (x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (x * I) ^ m / m.fact))) * I) / 2) : congr_arg abs (congr_arg (λ x : ℂ, x / 2) begin simp only [sum_range_succ], simp [pow_succ], apply complex.ext; simp [div_eq_mul_inv, norm_sq]; ring end) ... ≤ abs ((complex.exp (-x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (-x * I) ^ m / m.fact)) * I / 2) + abs (-((complex.exp (x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (x * I) ^ m / m.fact)) * I) / 2) : by rw [sub_mul, sub_eq_add_neg, add_div]; exact abs_add _ _ ... = (abs ((complex.exp (x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (x * I) ^ m / m.fact))) / 2 + abs ((complex.exp (-x * I) - (range 4).sum (λ m, (-x * I) ^ m / m.fact))) / 2) : by simp [complex.abs_div, complex.abs_mul] ... ≤ ((complex.abs (x * I) ^ 4 * (nat.succ 4 * (nat.fact 4 * (4 : ℕ))⁻¹)) / 2 + (complex.abs (-x * I) ^ 4 * (nat.succ 4 * (nat.fact 4 * (4 : ℕ))⁻¹)) / 2) : add_le_add ((div_le_div_right (by norm_num)).2 (exp_bound (by simpa) dec_trivial)) ((div_le_div_right (by norm_num)).2 (exp_bound (by simpa) dec_trivial)) ... ≤ abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) : by norm_num; simp [mul_assoc, mul_comm, mul_left_comm, mul_div_assoc] lemma cos_pos_of_le_one {x : ℝ} (hx : abs' x ≤ 1) : 0 < cos x := calc 0 < (1 - x ^ 2 / 2) - abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) : sub_pos.2 $ lt_sub_iff_add_lt.2 (calc abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) + x ^ 2 / 2 ≤ 1 * (5 / 96) + 1 / 2 : add_le_add (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (pow_le_one _ (abs_nonneg _) hx) (by norm_num)) ((div_le_div_right (by norm_num)).2 (by rw [pow_two, ← abs_mul_self, _root_.abs_mul]; exact mul_le_one hx (abs_nonneg _) hx)) ... < 1 : by norm_num) ... ≤ cos x : sub_le.1 (abs_sub_le_iff.1 (cos_bound hx)).2 lemma sin_pos_of_pos_of_le_one {x : ℝ} (hx0 : 0 < x) (hx : x ≤ 1) : 0 < sin x := calc 0 < x - x ^ 3 / 6 - abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) : sub_pos.2 $ lt_sub_iff_add_lt.2 (calc abs' x ^ 4 * (5 / 96) + x ^ 3 / 6 ≤ x * (5 / 96) + x / 6 : add_le_add (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (calc abs' x ^ 4 ≤ abs' x ^ 1 : pow_le_pow_of_le_one (abs_nonneg _) (by rwa _root_.abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt hx0)) dec_trivial ... = x : by simp [_root_.abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt (hx0))]) (by norm_num)) ((div_le_div_right (by norm_num)).2 (calc x ^ 3 ≤ x ^ 1 : pow_le_pow_of_le_one (le_of_lt hx0) hx dec_trivial ... = x : pow_one _)) ... < x : by linarith) ... ≤ sin x : sub_le.1 (abs_sub_le_iff.1 (sin_bound (by rwa [_root_.abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt hx0)]))).2 lemma sin_pos_of_pos_of_le_two {x : ℝ} (hx0 : 0 < x) (hx : x ≤ 2) : 0 < sin x := have x / 2 ≤ 1, from div_le_of_le_mul (by norm_num) (by simpa), calc 0 < 2 * sin (x / 2) * cos (x / 2) : mul_pos (mul_pos (by norm_num) (sin_pos_of_pos_of_le_one (half_pos hx0) this)) (cos_pos_of_le_one (by rwa [_root_.abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt (half_pos hx0))])) ... = sin x : by rw [← sin_two_mul, two_mul, add_halves] lemma cos_one_le : cos 1 ≤ 2 / 3 := calc cos 1 ≤ abs' (1 : ℝ) ^ 4 * (5 / 96) + (1 - 1 ^ 2 / 2) : sub_le_iff_le_add.1 (abs_sub_le_iff.1 (cos_bound (by simp))).1 ... ≤ 2 / 3 : by norm_num lemma cos_one_pos : 0 < cos 1 := cos_pos_of_le_one (by simp) lemma cos_two_neg : cos 2 < 0 := calc cos 2 = cos (2 * 1) : congr_arg cos (mul_one _).symm ... = _ : real.cos_two_mul 1 ... ≤ 2 * (2 / 3) ^ 2 - 1 : sub_le_sub_right (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (by rw [pow_two, pow_two]; exact mul_self_le_mul_self (le_of_lt cos_one_pos) cos_one_le) (by norm_num)) _ ... < 0 : by norm_num end real namespace complex lemma abs_cos_add_sin_mul_I (x : ℝ) : abs (cos x + sin x * I) = 1 := have _ := real.sin_sq_add_cos_sq x, by simp [abs, norm_sq, pow_two, *, sin_of_real_re, cos_of_real_re, mul_re] at * lemma abs_exp_eq_iff_re_eq {x y : ℂ} : abs (exp x) = abs (exp y) ↔ = := by rw [exp_eq_exp_re_mul_sin_add_cos, exp_eq_exp_re_mul_sin_add_cos y, abs_mul, abs_mul, abs_cos_add_sin_mul_I, abs_cos_add_sin_mul_I, ← of_real_exp, ← of_real_exp, abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt (real.exp_pos _)), abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt (real.exp_pos _)), mul_one, mul_one]; exact ⟨λ h, real.exp_injective h, congr_arg _⟩ @[simp] lemma abs_exp_of_real (x : ℝ) : abs (exp x) = real.exp x := by rw [← of_real_exp]; exact abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt (real.exp_pos _)) end complex