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/- Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Mario Carneiro Finite types. -/ import data.finset algebra.big_operators data.array.lemmas logic.unique import tactic.wlog universes u v variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} /-- `fintype α` means that `α` is finite, i.e. there are only finitely many distinct elements of type `α`. The evidence of this is a finset `elems` (a list up to permutation without duplicates), together with a proof that everything of type `α` is in the list. -/ class fintype (α : Type*) := (elems : finset α) (complete : ∀ x : α, x ∈ elems) namespace finset variable [fintype α] /-- `univ` is the universal finite set of type `finset α` implied from the assumption `fintype α`. -/ def univ : finset α := fintype.elems α @[simp] theorem mem_univ (x : α) : x ∈ (univ : finset α) := fintype.complete x @[simp] theorem mem_univ_val : ∀ x, x ∈ (univ : finset α).1 := mem_univ @[simp] lemma coe_univ : ↑(univ : finset α) = (set.univ : set α) := by ext; simp theorem subset_univ (s : finset α) : s ⊆ univ := λ a _, mem_univ a theorem eq_univ_iff_forall {s : finset α} : s = univ ↔ ∀ x, x ∈ s := by simp [ext] @[simp] lemma piecewise_univ [∀i : α, decidable (i ∈ (univ : finset α))] {δ : α → Sort*} (f g : Πi, δ i) : univ.piecewise f g = f := by { ext i, simp [piecewise] } end finset open finset function namespace fintype instance decidable_pi_fintype {α} {β : α → Type*} [fintype α] [∀a, decidable_eq (β a)] : decidable_eq (Πa, β a) := assume f g, decidable_of_iff (∀ a ∈ fintype.elems α, f a = g a) (by simp [function.funext_iff, fintype.complete]) instance decidable_forall_fintype [fintype α] {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] : decidable (∀ a, p a) := decidable_of_iff (∀ a ∈ @univ α _, p a) (by simp) instance decidable_exists_fintype [fintype α] {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] : decidable (∃ a, p a) := decidable_of_iff (∃ a ∈ @univ α _, p a) (by simp) instance decidable_eq_equiv_fintype [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] : decidable_eq (α ≃ β) := λ a b, decidable_of_iff (a.1 = b.1) ⟨λ h, equiv.ext _ _ (congr_fun h), congr_arg _⟩ instance decidable_injective_fintype [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] : decidable_pred (injective : (α → β) → Prop) := λ x, by unfold injective; apply_instance instance decidable_surjective_fintype [fintype α] [fintype β] [decidable_eq β] : decidable_pred (surjective : (α → β) → Prop) := λ x, by unfold surjective; apply_instance instance decidable_bijective_fintype [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] [fintype β] [decidable_eq β] : decidable_pred (bijective : (α → β) → Prop) := λ x, by unfold bijective; apply_instance instance decidable_left_inverse_fintype [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (f : α → β) (g : β → α) : decidable (function.right_inverse f g) := show decidable (∀ x, g (f x) = x), by apply_instance instance decidable_right_inverse_fintype [fintype β] [decidable_eq β] (f : α → β) (g : β → α) : decidable (function.left_inverse f g) := show decidable (∀ x, f (g x) = x), by apply_instance /-- Construct a proof of `fintype α` from a universal multiset -/ def of_multiset [decidable_eq α] (s : multiset α) (H : ∀ x : α, x ∈ s) : fintype α := ⟨s.to_finset, by simpa using H⟩ /-- Construct a proof of `fintype α` from a universal list -/ def of_list [decidable_eq α] (l : list α) (H : ∀ x : α, x ∈ l) : fintype α := ⟨l.to_finset, by simpa using H⟩ theorem exists_univ_list (α) [fintype α] : ∃ l : list α, l.nodup ∧ ∀ x : α, x ∈ l := let ⟨l, e⟩ := quotient.exists_rep (@univ α _).1 in by have := and.intro univ.2 mem_univ_val; exact ⟨_, by rwa ← e at this⟩ /-- `card α` is the number of elements in `α`, defined when `α` is a fintype. -/ def card (α) [fintype α] : ℕ := (@univ α _).card /-- If `l` lists all the elements of `α` without duplicates, then `α ≃ fin (l.length)`. -/ def equiv_fin_of_forall_mem_list {α} [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} (h : ∀ x:α, x ∈ l) (nd : l.nodup) : α ≃ fin (l.length) := ⟨λ a, ⟨_, list.index_of_lt_length.2 (h a)⟩, λ i, l.nth_le i.1 i.2, λ a, by simp, λ ⟨i, h⟩, fin.eq_of_veq $ list.nodup_iff_nth_le_inj.1 nd _ _ (list.index_of_lt_length.2 (list.nth_le_mem _ _ _)) h $ by simp⟩ /-- There is (computably) a bijection between `α` and `fin n` where `n = card α`. Since it is not unique, and depends on which permutation of the universe list is used, the bijection is wrapped in `trunc` to preserve computability. -/ def equiv_fin (α) [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] : trunc (α ≃ fin (card α)) := by unfold card finset.card; exact quot.rec_on_subsingleton (@univ α _).1 (λ l (h : ∀ x:α, x ∈ l) (nd : l.nodup), (equiv_fin_of_forall_mem_list h nd)) mem_univ_val univ.2 theorem exists_equiv_fin (α) [fintype α] : ∃ n, nonempty (α ≃ fin n) := by haveI := classical.dec_eq α; exact ⟨card α, nonempty_of_trunc (equiv_fin α)⟩ instance (α : Type*) : subsingleton (fintype α) := ⟨λ ⟨s₁, h₁⟩ ⟨s₂, h₂⟩, by congr; simp [finset.ext, h₁, h₂]⟩ protected def subtype {p : α → Prop} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ x : α, x ∈ s ↔ p x) : fintype {x // p x} := ⟨⟨multiset.pmap s.1 (λ x, (H x).1), multiset.nodup_pmap (λ a _ b _, congr_arg subtype.val) s.2⟩, λ ⟨x, px⟩, multiset.mem_pmap.2 ⟨x, (H x).2 px, rfl⟩⟩ theorem subtype_card {p : α → Prop} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ x : α, x ∈ s ↔ p x) : @card {x // p x} (fintype.subtype s H) = s.card := multiset.card_pmap _ _ _ theorem card_of_subtype {p : α → Prop} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ x : α, x ∈ s ↔ p x) [fintype {x // p x}] : card {x // p x} = s.card := by rw ← subtype_card s H; congr /-- Construct a fintype from a finset with the same elements. -/ def of_finset {p : set α} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ x, x ∈ s ↔ x ∈ p) : fintype p := fintype.subtype s H @[simp] theorem card_of_finset {p : set α} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ x, x ∈ s ↔ x ∈ p) : @fintype.card p (of_finset s H) = s.card := fintype.subtype_card s H theorem card_of_finset' {p : set α} (s : finset α) (H : ∀ x, x ∈ s ↔ x ∈ p) [fintype p] : fintype.card p = s.card := by rw ← card_of_finset s H; congr /-- If `f : α → β` is a bijection and `α` is a fintype, then `β` is also a fintype. -/ def of_bijective [fintype α] (f : α → β) (H : function.bijective f) : fintype β := ⟨ ⟨f, H.1⟩, λ b, let ⟨a, e⟩ := H.2 b in e ▸ mem_map_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)⟩ /-- If `f : α → β` is a surjection and `α` is a fintype, then `β` is also a fintype. -/ def of_surjective [fintype α] [decidable_eq β] (f : α → β) (H : function.surjective f) : fintype β := ⟨univ.image f, λ b, let ⟨a, e⟩ := H b in e ▸ mem_image_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)⟩ noncomputable def of_injective [fintype β] (f : α → β) (H : function.injective f) : fintype α := by letI := classical.dec; exact if hα : nonempty α then by letI := classical.inhabited_of_nonempty hα; exact of_surjective (inv_fun f) (inv_fun_surjective H) else ⟨∅, λ x, (hα ⟨x⟩).elim⟩ /-- If `f : α ≃ β` and `α` is a fintype, then `β` is also a fintype. -/ def of_equiv (α : Type*) [fintype α] (f : α ≃ β) : fintype β := of_bijective _ f.bijective theorem of_equiv_card [fintype α] (f : α ≃ β) : @card β (of_equiv α f) = card α := multiset.card_map _ _ theorem card_congr {α β} [fintype α] [fintype β] (f : α ≃ β) : card α = card β := by rw ← of_equiv_card f; congr theorem card_eq {α β} [F : fintype α] [G : fintype β] : card α = card β ↔ nonempty (α ≃ β) := ⟨λ h, ⟨by classical; calc α ≃ fin (card α) : trunc.out (equiv_fin α) ... ≃ fin (card β) : by rw h ... ≃ β : (trunc.out (equiv_fin β)).symm⟩, λ ⟨f⟩, card_congr f⟩ def of_subsingleton (a : α) [subsingleton α] : fintype α := ⟨finset.singleton a, λ b, finset.mem_singleton.2 (subsingleton.elim _ _)⟩ @[simp] theorem univ_of_subsingleton (a : α) [subsingleton α] : @univ _ (of_subsingleton a) = finset.singleton a := rfl @[simp] theorem card_of_subsingleton (a : α) [subsingleton α] : @fintype.card _ (of_subsingleton a) = 1 := rfl lemma card_eq_sum_ones {α} [fintype α] : fintype.card α = (finset.univ : finset α).sum (λ _, 1) := finset.card_eq_sum_ones _ end fintype namespace set /-- Construct a finset enumerating a set `s`, given a `fintype` instance. -/ def to_finset (s : set α) [fintype s] : finset α := ⟨(@finset.univ s _) subtype.val, multiset.nodup_map (λ a b, subtype.eq) finset.univ.2⟩ @[simp] theorem mem_to_finset {s : set α} [fintype s] {a : α} : a ∈ s.to_finset ↔ a ∈ s := by simp [to_finset] @[simp] theorem mem_to_finset_val {s : set α} [fintype s] {a : α} : a ∈ s.to_finset.1 ↔ a ∈ s := mem_to_finset end set lemma finset.card_univ [fintype α] : (finset.univ : finset α).card = fintype.card α := rfl lemma finset.card_univ_diff [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) : (finset.univ \ s).card = fintype.card α - s.card := finset.card_sdiff (subset_univ s) instance (n : ℕ) : fintype (fin n) := ⟨⟨list.fin_range n, list.nodup_fin_range n⟩, list.mem_fin_range⟩ @[simp] theorem fintype.card_fin (n : ℕ) : fintype.card (fin n) = n := list.length_fin_range n lemma fin.univ_succ (n : ℕ) : (univ : finset (fin $ n+1)) = insert 0 (univ.image fin.succ) := begin ext m, simp only [mem_univ, mem_insert, true_iff, mem_image, exists_prop], exact fin.cases (or.inl rfl) (λ i, or.inr ⟨i, trivial, rfl⟩) m end theorem fin.prod_univ_succ [comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) : f = f 0 * (λ i:fin n, f i.succ) := begin rw [fin.univ_succ, prod_insert, prod_image], { intros x _ y _ hxy, exact fin.succ.inj hxy }, { simpa using fin.succ_ne_zero } end @[simp, to_additive] theorem fin.prod_univ_zero [comm_monoid β] (f : fin 0 → β) : f = 1 := rfl theorem fin.sum_univ_succ [add_comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) : univ.sum f = f 0 + univ.sum (λ i:fin n, f i.succ) := by apply @fin.prod_univ_succ (multiplicative β) attribute [to_additive] fin.prod_univ_succ @[instance, priority 10] def unique.fintype {α : Type*} [unique α] : fintype α := ⟨finset.singleton (default α), λ x, by rw [unique.eq_default x]; simp⟩ @[simp] lemma univ_unique {α : Type*} [unique α] [f : fintype α] : @finset.univ α _ = {default α} := by rw [subsingleton.elim f (@unique.fintype α _)]; refl instance : fintype empty := ⟨∅, empty.rec _⟩ @[simp] theorem fintype.univ_empty : @univ empty _ = ∅ := rfl @[simp] theorem fintype.card_empty : fintype.card empty = 0 := rfl instance : fintype pempty := ⟨∅, pempty.rec _⟩ @[simp] theorem fintype.univ_pempty : @univ pempty _ = ∅ := rfl @[simp] theorem fintype.card_pempty : fintype.card pempty = 0 := rfl instance : fintype unit := fintype.of_subsingleton () @[simp] theorem fintype.univ_unit : @univ unit _ = {()} := rfl @[simp] theorem fintype.card_unit : fintype.card unit = 1 := rfl instance : fintype punit := fintype.of_subsingleton @[simp] theorem fintype.univ_punit : @univ punit _ = {} := rfl @[simp] theorem fintype.card_punit : fintype.card punit = 1 := rfl instance : fintype bool := ⟨⟨tt::ff::0, by simp⟩, λ x, by cases x; simp⟩ @[simp] theorem fintype.univ_bool : @univ bool _ = {ff, tt} := rfl instance units_int.fintype : fintype (units ℤ) := ⟨{1, -1}, λ x, by cases int.units_eq_one_or x; simp *⟩ instance additive.fintype : Π [fintype α], fintype (additive α) := id instance multiplicative.fintype : Π [fintype α], fintype (multiplicative α) := id @[simp] theorem fintype.card_units_int : fintype.card (units ℤ) = 2 := rfl @[simp] theorem fintype.card_bool : fintype.card bool = 2 := rfl def finset.insert_none (s : finset α) : finset (option α) := ⟨none :: some, multiset.nodup_cons.2 ⟨by simp, multiset.nodup_map (λ a b, option.some.inj) s.2⟩⟩ @[simp] theorem finset.mem_insert_none {s : finset α} : ∀ {o : option α}, o ∈ s.insert_none ↔ ∀ a ∈ o, a ∈ s | none := iff_of_true (multiset.mem_cons_self _ _) (λ a h, by cases h) | (some a) := multiset.mem_cons.trans $ by simp; refl theorem finset.some_mem_insert_none {s : finset α} {a : α} : some a ∈ s.insert_none ↔ a ∈ s := by simp instance {α : Type*} [fintype α] : fintype (option α) := ⟨univ.insert_none, λ a, by simp⟩ @[simp] theorem fintype.card_option {α : Type*} [fintype α] : fintype.card (option α) = fintype.card α + 1 := (multiset.card_cons _ _).trans (by rw multiset.card_map; refl) instance {α : Type*} (β : α → Type*) [fintype α] [∀ a, fintype (β a)] : fintype (sigma β) := ⟨univ.sigma (λ _, univ), λ ⟨a, b⟩, by simp⟩ @[simp] theorem fintype.card_sigma {α : Type*} (β : α → Type*) [fintype α] [∀ a, fintype (β a)] : fintype.card (sigma β) = univ.sum (λ a, fintype.card (β a)) := card_sigma _ _ instance (α β : Type*) [fintype α] [fintype β] : fintype (α × β) := ⟨univ.product univ, λ ⟨a, b⟩, by simp⟩ @[simp] theorem fintype.card_prod (α β : Type*) [fintype α] [fintype β] : fintype.card (α × β) = fintype.card α * fintype.card β := card_product _ _ def fintype.fintype_prod_left {α β} [decidable_eq α] [fintype (α × β)] [nonempty β] : fintype α := ⟨(fintype.elems (α × β)).image prod.fst, assume a, let ⟨b⟩ := ‹nonempty β› in by simp; exact ⟨b, fintype.complete _⟩⟩ def fintype.fintype_prod_right {α β} [decidable_eq β] [fintype (α × β)] [nonempty α] : fintype β := ⟨(fintype.elems (α × β)).image prod.snd, assume b, let ⟨a⟩ := ‹nonempty α› in by simp; exact ⟨a, fintype.complete _⟩⟩ instance (α : Type*) [fintype α] : fintype (ulift α) := fintype.of_equiv _ equiv.ulift.symm @[simp] theorem fintype.card_ulift (α : Type*) [fintype α] : fintype.card (ulift α) = fintype.card α := fintype.of_equiv_card _ instance (α : Type u) (β : Type v) [fintype α] [fintype β] : fintype (α ⊕ β) := @fintype.of_equiv _ _ (@sigma.fintype _ (λ b, cond b (ulift α) (ulift.{(max u v) v} β)) _ (λ b, by cases b; apply ulift.fintype)) ((equiv.sum_equiv_sigma_bool _ _).symm.trans (equiv.sum_congr equiv.ulift equiv.ulift)) @[simp] theorem fintype.card_sum (α β : Type*) [fintype α] [fintype β] : fintype.card (α ⊕ β) = fintype.card α + fintype.card β := by rw [sum.fintype, fintype.of_equiv_card]; simp lemma fintype.card_le_of_injective [fintype α] [fintype β] (f : α → β) (hf : function.injective f) : fintype.card α ≤ fintype.card β := by haveI := classical.prop_decidable; exact finset.card_le_card_of_inj_on f (λ _ _, finset.mem_univ _) (λ _ _ _ _ h, hf h) lemma fintype.card_eq_one_iff [fintype α] : fintype.card α = 1 ↔ (∃ x : α, ∀ y, y = x) := by rw [← fintype.card_unit, fintype.card_eq]; exact ⟨λ ⟨a⟩, ⟨a.symm (), λ y, a.injective (subsingleton.elim _ _)⟩, λ ⟨x, hx⟩, ⟨⟨λ _, (), λ _, x, λ _, (hx _).trans (hx _).symm, λ _, subsingleton.elim _ _⟩⟩⟩ lemma fintype.card_eq_zero_iff [fintype α] : fintype.card α = 0 ↔ (α → false) := ⟨λ h a, have e : α ≃ empty := classical.choice (fintype.card_eq.1 (by simp [h])), (e a).elim, λ h, have e : α ≃ empty := ⟨λ a, (h a).elim, λ a, a.elim, λ a, (h a).elim, λ a, a.elim⟩, by simp [fintype.card_congr e]⟩ lemma fintype.card_pos_iff [fintype α] : 0 < fintype.card α ↔ nonempty α := ⟨λ h, classical.by_contradiction (λ h₁, have fintype.card α = 0 := fintype.card_eq_zero_iff.2 (λ a, h₁ ⟨a⟩), lt_irrefl 0 $ by rwa this at h), λ ⟨a⟩, nat.pos_of_ne_zero (mt fintype.card_eq_zero_iff.1 (λ h, h a))⟩ lemma fintype.card_le_one_iff [fintype α] : fintype.card α ≤ 1 ↔ (∀ a b : α, a = b) := let n := fintype.card α in have hn : n = fintype.card α := rfl, match n, hn with | 0 := λ ha, ⟨λ h, λ a, (fintype.card_eq_zero_iff.1 ha.symm a).elim, λ _, ha ▸ nat.le_succ _⟩ | 1 := λ ha, ⟨λ h, λ a b, let ⟨x, hx⟩ := fintype.card_eq_one_iff.1 ha.symm in by rw [hx a, hx b], λ _, ha ▸ le_refl _⟩ | (n+2) := λ ha, ⟨λ h, by rw ← ha at h; exact absurd h dec_trivial, (λ h, fintype.card_unit ▸ fintype.card_le_of_injective (λ _, ()) (λ _ _ _, h _ _))⟩ end lemma fintype.exists_ne_of_one_lt_card [fintype α] (h : 1 < fintype.card α) (a : α) : ∃ b : α, b ≠ a := let ⟨b, hb⟩ := classical.not_forall.1 (mt fintype.card_le_one_iff.2 (not_le_of_gt h)) in let ⟨c, hc⟩ := classical.not_forall.1 hb in by haveI := classical.dec_eq α; exact if hba : b = a then ⟨c, by cc⟩ else ⟨b, hba⟩ lemma fintype.injective_iff_surjective [fintype α] {f : α → α} : injective f ↔ surjective f := by haveI := classical.prop_decidable; exact have ∀ {f : α → α}, injective f → surjective f, from λ f hinj x, have h₁ : image f univ = univ := eq_of_subset_of_card_le (subset_univ _) ((card_image_of_injective univ hinj).symm ▸ le_refl _), have h₂ : x ∈ image f univ := h₁.symm ▸ mem_univ _, exists_of_bex (mem_image.1 h₂), ⟨this, λ hsurj, injective_of_has_left_inverse ⟨surj_inv hsurj, left_inverse_of_surjective_of_right_inverse (this (injective_surj_inv _)) (right_inverse_surj_inv _)⟩⟩ lemma fintype.injective_iff_bijective [fintype α] {f : α → α} : injective f ↔ bijective f := by simp [bijective, fintype.injective_iff_surjective] lemma fintype.surjective_iff_bijective [fintype α] {f : α → α} : surjective f ↔ bijective f := by simp [bijective, fintype.injective_iff_surjective] lemma fintype.injective_iff_surjective_of_equiv [fintype α] {f : α → β} (e : α ≃ β) : injective f ↔ surjective f := have injective (e.symm ∘ f) ↔ surjective (e.symm ∘ f), from fintype.injective_iff_surjective, ⟨λ hinj, by simpa [function.comp] using surjective_comp e.surjective (this.1 (injective_comp e.symm.injective hinj)), λ hsurj, by simpa [function.comp] using injective_comp e.injective (this.2 (surjective_comp e.symm.surjective hsurj))⟩ instance list.subtype.fintype [decidable_eq α] (l : list α) : fintype {x // x ∈ l} := fintype.of_list l.attach l.mem_attach instance multiset.subtype.fintype [decidable_eq α] (s : multiset α) : fintype {x // x ∈ s} := fintype.of_multiset s.attach s.mem_attach instance finset.subtype.fintype (s : finset α) : fintype {x // x ∈ s} := ⟨s.attach, s.mem_attach⟩ instance finset_coe.fintype (s : finset α) : fintype (↑s : set α) := finset.subtype.fintype s @[simp] lemma fintype.card_coe (s : finset α) : fintype.card (↑s : set α) = s.card := card_attach instance plift.fintype (p : Prop) [decidable p] : fintype (plift p) := ⟨if h : p then finset.singleton ⟨h⟩ else ∅, λ ⟨h⟩, by simp [h]⟩ instance Prop.fintype : fintype Prop := ⟨⟨true::false::0, by simp [true_ne_false]⟩, classical.cases (by simp) (by simp)⟩ def set_fintype {α} [fintype α] (s : set α) [decidable_pred s] : fintype s := fintype.subtype (univ.filter (∈ s)) (by simp) instance pi.fintype {α : Type*} {β : α → Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] [∀a, fintype (β a)] : fintype (Πa, β a) := @fintype.of_equiv _ _ ⟨univ.pi $ λa:α, @univ (β a) _, λ f, finset.mem_pi.2 $ λ a ha, mem_univ _⟩ ⟨λ f a, f a (mem_univ _), λ f a _, f a, λ f, rfl, λ f, rfl⟩ @[simp] lemma fintype.card_pi {β : α → Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] [f : Π a, fintype (β a)] : fintype.card (Π a, β a) = (λ a, fintype.card (β a)) := by letI f' : fintype (Πa∈univ, β a) := ⟨(univ.pi $ λa, univ), assume f, finset.mem_pi.2 $ assume a ha, mem_univ _⟩; exact calc fintype.card (Π a, β a) = fintype.card (Π a ∈ univ, β a) : fintype.card_congr ⟨λ f a ha, f a, λ f a, f a (mem_univ a), λ _, rfl, λ _, rfl⟩ ... = (λ a, fintype.card (β a)) : finset.card_pi _ _ @[simp] lemma fintype.card_fun [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] [fintype β] : fintype.card (α → β) = fintype.card β ^ fintype.card α := by rw [fintype.card_pi, finset.prod_const, nat.pow_eq_pow]; refl instance d_array.fintype {n : ℕ} {α : fin n → Type*} [∀n, fintype (α n)] : fintype (d_array n α) := fintype.of_equiv _ (equiv.d_array_equiv_fin _).symm instance array.fintype {n : ℕ} {α : Type*} [fintype α] : fintype (array n α) := d_array.fintype instance vector.fintype {α : Type*} [fintype α] {n : ℕ} : fintype (vector α n) := fintype.of_equiv _ (equiv.vector_equiv_fin _ _).symm @[simp] lemma card_vector [fintype α] (n : ℕ) : fintype.card (vector α n) = fintype.card α ^ n := by rw fintype.of_equiv_card; simp instance quotient.fintype [fintype α] (s : setoid α) [decidable_rel ((≈) : α → α → Prop)] : fintype (quotient s) := fintype.of_surjective (λ x, quotient.induction_on x (λ x, ⟨x, rfl⟩)) instance finset.fintype [fintype α] : fintype (finset α) := ⟨univ.powerset, λ x, finset.mem_powerset.2 (finset.subset_univ _)⟩ instance subtype.fintype [fintype α] (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : fintype {x // p x} := set_fintype _ theorem fintype.card_subtype_le [fintype α] (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : fintype.card {x // p x} ≤ fintype.card α := by rw fintype.subtype_card; exact card_le_of_subset (subset_univ _) theorem fintype.card_subtype_lt [fintype α] {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] {x : α} (hx : ¬ p x) : fintype.card {x // p x} < fintype.card α := by rw [fintype.subtype_card]; exact finset.card_lt_card ⟨subset_univ _, classical.not_forall.2 ⟨x, by simp [*, set.mem_def]⟩⟩ instance psigma.fintype {α : Type*} {β : α → Type*} [fintype α] [∀ a, fintype (β a)] : fintype (Σ' a, β a) := fintype.of_equiv _ (equiv.psigma_equiv_sigma _).symm instance psigma.fintype_prop_left {α : Prop} {β : α → Type*} [∀ a, fintype (β a)] [decidable α] : fintype (Σ' a, β a) := if h : α then fintype.of_equiv (β h) ⟨λ x, ⟨h, x⟩, psigma.snd, λ _, rfl, λ ⟨_, _⟩, rfl⟩ else ⟨∅, λ x, h x.1⟩ instance psigma.fintype_prop_right {α : Type*} {β : α → Prop} [fintype α] [∀ a, decidable (β a)] : fintype (Σ' a, β a) := fintype.of_equiv {a // β a} ⟨λ ⟨x, y⟩, ⟨x, y⟩, λ ⟨x, y⟩, ⟨x, y⟩, λ ⟨x, y⟩, rfl, λ ⟨x, y⟩, rfl⟩ instance psigma.fintype_prop_prop {α : Prop} {β : α → Prop} [decidable α] [∀ a, decidable (β a)] : fintype (Σ' a, β a) := if h : ∃ a, β a then ⟨{⟨h.fst, h.snd⟩}, λ ⟨_, _⟩, by simp⟩ else ⟨∅, λ ⟨x, y⟩, h ⟨x, y⟩⟩ instance set.fintype [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] : fintype (set α) := pi.fintype instance pfun_fintype (p : Prop) [decidable p] (α : p → Type*) [Π hp, fintype (α hp)] : fintype (Π hp : p, α hp) := if hp : p then fintype.of_equiv (α hp) ⟨λ a _, a, λ f, f hp, λ _, rfl, λ _, rfl⟩ else ⟨singleton (λ h, (hp h).elim), by simp [hp, function.funext_iff]⟩ def quotient.fin_choice_aux {ι : Type*} [decidable_eq ι] {α : ι → Type*} [S : ∀ i, setoid (α i)] : ∀ (l : list ι), (∀ i ∈ l, quotient (S i)) → @quotient (Π i ∈ l, α i) (by apply_instance) | [] f := ⟦λ i, false.elim⟧ | (i::l) f := begin refine quotient.lift_on₂ (f i (list.mem_cons_self _ _)) (quotient.fin_choice_aux l (λ j h, f j (list.mem_cons_of_mem _ h))) _ _, exact λ a l, ⟦λ j h, if e : j = i then by rw e; exact a else l _ (h.resolve_left e)⟧, refine λ a₁ l₁ a₂ l₂ h₁ h₂, quotient.sound (λ j h, _), by_cases e : j = i; simp [e], { subst j, exact h₁ }, { exact h₂ _ _ } end theorem quotient.fin_choice_aux_eq {ι : Type*} [decidable_eq ι] {α : ι → Type*} [S : ∀ i, setoid (α i)] : ∀ (l : list ι) (f : ∀ i ∈ l, α i), quotient.fin_choice_aux l (λ i h, ⟦f i h⟧) = ⟦f⟧ | [] f := quotient.sound (λ i h, h.elim) | (i::l) f := begin simp [quotient.fin_choice_aux, quotient.fin_choice_aux_eq l], refine quotient.sound (λ j h, _), by_cases e : j = i; simp [e], subst j, refl end def quotient.fin_choice {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] {α : ι → Type*} [S : ∀ i, setoid (α i)] (f : ∀ i, quotient (S i)) : @quotient (Π i, α i) (by apply_instance) := quotient.lift_on (@quotient.rec_on _ _ (λ l : multiset ι, @quotient (Π i ∈ l, α i) (by apply_instance)) finset.univ.1 (λ l, quotient.fin_choice_aux l (λ i _, f i)) (λ a b h, begin have := λ a, quotient.fin_choice_aux_eq a (λ i h, quotient.out (f i)), simp [quotient.out_eq] at this, simp [this], let g := λ a:multiset ι, ⟦λ (i : ι) (h : i ∈ a), quotient.out (f i)⟧, refine eq_of_heq ((eq_rec_heq _ _).trans (_ : g a == g b)), congr' 1, exact quotient.sound h, end)) (λ f, ⟦λ i, f i (finset.mem_univ _)⟧) (λ a b h, quotient.sound $ λ i, h _ _) theorem quotient.fin_choice_eq {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] {α : ι → Type*} [∀ i, setoid (α i)] (f : ∀ i, α i) : quotient.fin_choice (λ i, ⟦f i⟧) = ⟦f⟧ := begin let q, swap, change quotient.lift_on q _ _ = _, have : q = ⟦λ i h, f i⟧, { dsimp [q], exact quotient.induction_on (@finset.univ ι _).1 (λ l, quotient.fin_choice_aux_eq _ _) }, simp [this], exact setoid.refl _ end @[simp, to_additive] lemma finset.prod_attach_univ [fintype α] [comm_monoid β] (f : {a : α // a ∈ @univ α _} → β) : (λ x, f x) = (λ x, f ⟨x, (mem_univ _)⟩) := prod_bij (λ x _, x.1) (λ _ _, mem_univ _) (λ _ _ , by simp) (by simp) (λ b _, ⟨⟨b, mem_univ _⟩, by simp⟩) @[to_additive] lemma finset.range_prod_eq_univ_prod [comm_monoid β] (n : ℕ) (f : ℕ → β) : (range n).prod f = (λ (k : fin n), f k) := begin symmetry, refine prod_bij (λ k hk, k) _ _ _ _, { rintro ⟨k, hk⟩ _, simp * }, { rintro ⟨k, hk⟩ _, simp * }, { intros, rwa fin.eq_iff_veq }, { intros k hk, rw mem_range at hk, exact ⟨⟨k, hk⟩, mem_univ _, rfl⟩ } end section equiv open list equiv equiv.perm variables [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] def perms_of_list : list α → list (perm α) | [] := [1] | (a :: l) := perms_of_list l ++ l.bind (λ b, (perms_of_list l).map (λ f, swap a b * f)) lemma length_perms_of_list : ∀ l : list α, length (perms_of_list l) = l.length.fact | [] := rfl | (a :: l) := by rw [length_cons, nat.fact_succ]; simp [perms_of_list, length_bind, length_perms_of_list, function.comp, nat.succ_mul] lemma mem_perms_of_list_of_mem : ∀ {l : list α} {f : perm α} (h : ∀ x, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l), f ∈ perms_of_list l | [] f h := list.mem_singleton.2 $ equiv.ext _ _$ λ x, by simp [imp_false, *] at * | (a::l) f h := if hfa : f a = a then mem_append_left _ $ mem_perms_of_list_of_mem (λ x hx, mem_of_ne_of_mem (λ h, by rw h at hx; exact hx hfa) (h x hx)) else have hfa' : f (f a) ≠ f a, from mt (λ h, f.injective h) hfa, have ∀ (x : α), (swap a (f a) * f) x ≠ x → x ∈ l, from λ x hx, have hxa : x ≠ a, from λ h, by simpa [h, mul_apply] using hx, have hfxa : f x ≠ f a, from mt (λ h, f.injective h) hxa, list.mem_of_ne_of_mem hxa (h x (λ h, by simp [h, mul_apply, swap_apply_def] at hx; split_ifs at hx; cc)), suffices f ∈ perms_of_list l ∨ ∃ (b : α), b ∈ l ∧ ∃ g : perm α, g ∈ perms_of_list l ∧ swap a b * g = f, by simpa [perms_of_list], (@or_iff_not_imp_left _ _ (classical.prop_decidable _)).2 (λ hfl, ⟨f a, if hffa : f (f a) = a then mem_of_ne_of_mem hfa (h _ (mt (λ h, f.injective h) hfa)) else this _ $ by simp [mul_apply, swap_apply_def]; split_ifs; cc, ⟨swap a (f a) * f, mem_perms_of_list_of_mem this, by rw [← mul_assoc, mul_def (swap a (f a)) (swap a (f a)), swap_swap, ← equiv.perm.one_def, one_mul]⟩⟩) lemma mem_of_mem_perms_of_list : ∀ {l : list α} {f : perm α}, f ∈ perms_of_list l → ∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l | [] f h := have f = 1 := by simpa [perms_of_list] using h, by rw this; simp | (a::l) f h := (mem_append.1 h).elim (λ h x hx, mem_cons_of_mem _ (mem_of_mem_perms_of_list h hx)) (λ h x hx, let ⟨y, hy, hy'⟩ := list.mem_bind.1 h in let ⟨g, hg₁, hg₂⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hy' in if hxa : x = a then by simp [hxa] else if hxy : x = y then mem_cons_of_mem _ $ by rwa hxy else mem_cons_of_mem _ $ mem_of_mem_perms_of_list hg₁ $ by rw [eq_inv_mul_iff_mul_eq.2 hg₂, mul_apply, swap_inv, swap_apply_def]; split_ifs; cc) lemma mem_perms_of_list_iff {l : list α} {f : perm α} : f ∈ perms_of_list l ↔ ∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l := ⟨mem_of_mem_perms_of_list, mem_perms_of_list_of_mem⟩ lemma nodup_perms_of_list : ∀ {l : list α} (hl : l.nodup), (perms_of_list l).nodup | [] hl := by simp [perms_of_list] | (a::l) hl := have hl' : l.nodup, from nodup_of_nodup_cons hl, have hln' : (perms_of_list l).nodup, from nodup_perms_of_list hl', have hmeml : ∀ {f : perm α}, f ∈ perms_of_list l → f a = a, from λ f hf, not_not.1 (mt (mem_of_mem_perms_of_list hf) (nodup_cons.1 hl).1), by rw [perms_of_list, list.nodup_append, list.nodup_bind, pairwise_iff_nth_le]; exact ⟨hln', ⟨λ _ _, nodup_map (λ _ _, (mul_left_inj _).1) hln', λ i j hj hij x hx₁ hx₂, let ⟨f, hf⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hx₁ in let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hx₂ in have hix : x a = nth_le l i (lt_trans hij hj), by rw [← hf.2, mul_apply, hmeml hf.1, swap_apply_left], have hiy : x a = nth_le l j hj, by rw [← hg.2, mul_apply, hmeml hg.1, swap_apply_left], absurd (hf.2.trans (hg.2.symm)) $ λ h, ne_of_lt hij $ nodup_iff_nth_le_inj.1 hl' i j (lt_trans hij hj) hj $ by rw [← hix, hiy]⟩, λ f hf₁ hf₂, let ⟨x, hx, hx'⟩ := list.mem_bind.1 hf₂ in let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hx' in have hgxa : g⁻¹ x = a, from f.injective $ by rw [hmeml hf₁, ← hg.2]; simp, have hxa : x ≠ a, from λ h, (list.nodup_cons.1 hl).1 (h ▸ hx), (list.nodup_cons.1 hl).1 $ hgxa ▸ mem_of_mem_perms_of_list hg.1 (by rwa [apply_inv_self, hgxa])⟩ def perms_of_finset (s : finset α) : finset (perm α) := quotient.hrec_on s.1 (λ l hl, ⟨perms_of_list l, nodup_perms_of_list hl⟩) (λ a b hab, hfunext (congr_arg _ (quotient.sound hab)) (λ ha hb _, heq_of_eq $ finset.ext.2 $ by simp [mem_perms_of_list_iff,mem_of_perm hab])) s.2 lemma mem_perms_of_finset_iff : ∀ {s : finset α} {f : perm α}, f ∈ perms_of_finset s ↔ ∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ s := by rintros ⟨⟨l⟩, hs⟩ f; exact mem_perms_of_list_iff lemma card_perms_of_finset : ∀ (s : finset α), (perms_of_finset s).card = s.card.fact := by rintros ⟨⟨l⟩, hs⟩; exact length_perms_of_list l def fintype_perm [fintype α] : fintype (perm α) := ⟨perms_of_finset (@finset.univ α _), by simp [mem_perms_of_finset_iff]⟩ instance [fintype α] [fintype β] : fintype (α ≃ β) := if h : fintype.card β = fintype.card α then trunc.rec_on_subsingleton (fintype.equiv_fin α) (λ eα, trunc.rec_on_subsingleton (fintype.equiv_fin β) (λ eβ, @fintype.of_equiv _ (perm α) fintype_perm (equiv_congr (equiv.refl α) (eα.trans (eq.rec_on h eβ.symm)) : (α ≃ α) ≃ (α ≃ β)))) else ⟨∅, λ x, false.elim (h (fintype.card_eq.2 ⟨x.symm⟩))⟩ lemma fintype.card_perm [fintype α] : fintype.card (perm α) = (fintype.card α).fact := subsingleton.elim (@fintype_perm α _ _) (@equiv.fintype α α _ _ _ _) ▸ card_perms_of_finset _ lemma fintype.card_equiv [fintype α] [fintype β] (e : α ≃ β) : fintype.card (α ≃ β) = (fintype.card α).fact := fintype.card_congr (equiv_congr (equiv.refl α) e) ▸ fintype.card_perm end equiv namespace fintype section choose open fintype open equiv variables [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] def choose_x (hp : ∃! a : α, p a) : {a // p a} := ⟨finset.choose p univ (by simp; exact hp), finset.choose_property _ _ _⟩ def choose (hp : ∃! a, p a) : α := choose_x p hp lemma choose_spec (hp : ∃! a, p a) : p (choose p hp) := (choose_x p hp).property end choose section bijection_inverse open function variables [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] variables [fintype β] [decidable_eq β] variables {f : α → β} /-- ` `bij_inv f` is the unique inverse to a bijection `f`. This acts as a computable alternative to `function.inv_fun`. -/ def bij_inv (f_bij : bijective f) (b : β) : α := fintype.choose (λ a, f a = b) begin rcases f_bij.right b with ⟨a', fa_eq_b⟩, rw ← fa_eq_b, exact ⟨a', ⟨rfl, (λ a h, f_bij.left h)⟩⟩ end lemma left_inverse_bij_inv (f_bij : bijective f) : left_inverse (bij_inv f_bij) f := λ a, f_bij.left (choose_spec (λ a', f a' = f a) _) lemma right_inverse_bij_inv (f_bij : bijective f) : right_inverse (bij_inv f_bij) f := λ b, choose_spec (λ a', f a' = b) _ lemma bijective_bij_inv (f_bij : bijective f) : bijective (bij_inv f_bij) := ⟨injective_of_left_inverse (right_inverse_bij_inv _), surjective_of_has_right_inverse ⟨f, left_inverse_bij_inv _⟩⟩ end bijection_inverse lemma well_founded_of_trans_of_irrefl [fintype α] (r : α → α → Prop) [is_trans α r] [is_irrefl α r] : well_founded r := by classical; exact have ∀ x y, r x y → (univ.filter (λ z, r z x)).card < (univ.filter (λ z, r z y)).card, from λ x y hxy, finset.card_lt_card $ by simp only [finset.lt_iff_ssubset.symm, lt_iff_le_not_le, finset.le_iff_subset, finset.subset_iff, mem_filter, true_and, mem_univ, hxy]; exact ⟨λ z hzx, trans hzx hxy, not_forall_of_exists_not ⟨x, not_imp.2 ⟨hxy, irrefl x⟩⟩⟩, this (measure_wf _) lemma preorder.well_founded [fintype α] [preorder α] : well_founded ((<) : α → α → Prop) := well_founded_of_trans_of_irrefl _ @[instance, priority 10] lemma linear_order.is_well_order [fintype α] [linear_order α] : is_well_order α (<) := { wf := preorder.well_founded } end fintype class infinite (α : Type*) : Prop := (not_fintype : fintype α → false) @[simp] lemma not_nonempty_fintype {α : Type*} : ¬nonempty (fintype α) ↔ infinite α := ⟨λf, ⟨λ x, f ⟨x⟩⟩, λ⟨f⟩ ⟨x⟩, f x⟩ namespace infinite lemma exists_not_mem_finset [infinite α] (s : finset α) : ∃ x, x ∉ s := classical.not_forall.1 $ λ h, not_fintype ⟨s, h⟩ @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance nonempty (α : Type*) [infinite α] : nonempty α := nonempty_of_exists (exists_not_mem_finset (∅ : finset α)) lemma of_injective [infinite β] (f : β → α) (hf : injective f) : infinite α := ⟨λ I, by exactI not_fintype (fintype.of_injective f hf)⟩ lemma of_surjective [infinite β] (f : α → β) (hf : surjective f) : infinite α := ⟨λ I, by classical; exactI not_fintype (fintype.of_surjective f hf)⟩ private noncomputable def nat_embedding_aux (α : Type*) [infinite α] : ℕ → α | n := by letI := classical.dec_eq α; exact classical.some (exists_not_mem_finset ((multiset.range n).pmap (λ m (hm : m < n), nat_embedding_aux m) (λ _, multiset.mem_range.1)).to_finset) private lemma nat_embedding_aux_injective (α : Type*) [infinite α] : function.injective (nat_embedding_aux α) := begin assume m n h, letI := classical.dec_eq α, wlog hmlen : m ≤ n using m n, by_contradiction hmn, have hmn : m < n, from lt_of_le_of_ne hmlen hmn, refine (classical.some_spec (exists_not_mem_finset ((multiset.range n).pmap (λ m (hm : m < n), nat_embedding_aux α m) (λ _, multiset.mem_range.1)).to_finset)) _, refine multiset.mem_to_finset.2 (multiset.mem_pmap.2 ⟨m, multiset.mem_range.2 hmn, _⟩), rw [h, nat_embedding_aux] end noncomputable def nat_embedding (α : Type*) [infinite α] : ℕ ↪ α := ⟨_, nat_embedding_aux_injective α⟩ end infinite lemma not_injective_infinite_fintype [infinite α] [fintype β] (f : α → β) : ¬ injective f := assume (hf : injective f), have H : fintype α := fintype.of_injective f hf, infinite.not_fintype H lemma not_surjective_fintype_infinite [fintype α] [infinite β] (f : α → β) : ¬ surjective f := assume (hf : surjective f), have H : infinite α := infinite.of_surjective f hf, @infinite.not_fintype _ H infer_instance instance nat.infinite : infinite ℕ := ⟨λ ⟨s, hs⟩, finset.not_mem_range_self $ s.subset_range_sup_succ (hs _)⟩ instance int.infinite : infinite ℤ := infinite.of_injective int.of_nat (λ _ _, int.of_nat_inj)