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Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Mario Carneiro -/ import data.list.basic data.pnat.basic data.array.lemmas logic.basic data.list.defs data.nat.basic data.option.basic data.bool import tactic.finish data.sigma.basic universes u v w /-- `bucket_array α β` is the underlying data type for `hash_map α β`, an array of linked lists of key-value pairs. -/ def bucket_array (α : Type u) (β : α → Type v) (n : ℕ+) := array n.1 (list Σ a, β a) /-- Make a hash_map index from a `nat` hash value and a (positive) buffer size -/ def hash_map.mk_idx (n : ℕ+) (i : nat) : fin n.1 := ⟨i % n.1, nat.mod_lt _ n.2⟩ namespace bucket_array section parameters {α : Type u} {β : α → Type v} (hash_fn : α → nat) variables {n : ℕ+} (data : bucket_array α β n) instance : inhabited (bucket_array α β n) := ⟨mk_array _ []⟩ /-- Read the bucket corresponding to an element -/ def read (a : α) : list Σ a, β a := let bidx := hash_map.mk_idx n (hash_fn a) in bidx /-- Write the bucket corresponding to an element -/ def write (a : α) (l : list Σ a, β a) : bucket_array α β n := let bidx := hash_map.mk_idx n (hash_fn a) in data.write bidx l /-- Modify (read, apply `f`, and write) the bucket corresponding to an element -/ def modify (a : α) (f : list (Σ a, β a) → list (Σ a, β a)) : bucket_array α β n := let bidx := hash_map.mk_idx n (hash_fn a) in array.write data bidx (f ( data bidx)) /-- The list of all key-value pairs in the bucket list -/ def as_list : list Σ a, β a := data.to_list.join theorem mem_as_list {a : Σ a, β a} : a ∈ data.as_list ↔ ∃i, a ∈ data i := have (∃ (l : list (Σ (a : α), β a)) (i : fin (n.val)), a ∈ l ∧ data i = l) ↔ ∃ (i : fin (n.val)), a ∈ data i, by rw exists_swap; exact exists_congr (λ i, by simp), by simp [as_list]; simpa [array.mem.def, and_comm] /-- Fold a function `f` over the key-value pairs in the bucket list -/ def foldl {δ : Type w} (d : δ) (f : δ → Π a, β a → δ) : δ := data.foldl d (λ b d, b.foldl (λ r a, f r a.1 a.2) d) theorem foldl_eq {δ : Type w} (d : δ) (f : δ → Π a, β a → δ) : data.foldl d f = data.as_list.foldl (λ r a, f r a.1 a.2) d := by rw [foldl, as_list, list.foldl_join, ← array.to_list_foldl] end end bucket_array namespace hash_map section parameters {α : Type u} {β : α → Type v} (hash_fn : α → nat) /-- Insert the pair `⟨a, b⟩` into the correct location in the bucket array (without checking for duplication) -/ def reinsert_aux {n} (data : bucket_array α β n) (a : α) (b : β a) : bucket_array α β n := data.modify hash_fn a (λl, ⟨a, b⟩ :: l) parameter [decidable_eq α] /-- Search a bucket for a key `a` and return the value -/ def find_aux (a : α) : list (Σ a, β a) → option (β a) | [] := none | (⟨a',b⟩::t) := if h : a' = a then some (eq.rec_on h b) else find_aux t theorem find_aux_iff {a : α} {b : β a} : Π {l : list Σ a, β a}, ( sigma.fst).nodup → (find_aux a l = some b ↔ a b ∈ l) | [] nd := ⟨λn, by injection n, false.elim⟩ | (⟨a',b'⟩::t) nd := begin by_cases a' = a, { clear find_aux_iff, subst h, suffices : b' = b ↔ b' = b ∨ a' b ∈ t, {simpa [find_aux, eq_comm]}, refine (or_iff_left_of_imp (λ m, _)).symm, have : a' ∉ sigma.fst, from list.not_mem_of_nodup_cons nd, exact this.elim (list.mem_map_of_mem sigma.fst m) }, { have : a b ≠ ⟨a', b'⟩, { intro e, injection e with e, exact h e.symm }, simp at nd, simp [find_aux, h, ne.symm h, find_aux_iff, nd] } end /-- Returns `tt` if the bucket `l` contains the key `a` -/ def contains_aux (a : α) (l : list Σ a, β a) : bool := (find_aux a l).is_some theorem contains_aux_iff {a : α} {l : list Σ a, β a} (nd : ( sigma.fst).nodup) : contains_aux a l ↔ a ∈ sigma.fst := begin unfold contains_aux, cases h : find_aux a l with b; simp, { assume (b : β a) (m : a b ∈ l), rw (find_aux_iff nd).2 m at h, contradiction }, { show ∃ (b : β a), a b ∈ l, exact ⟨_, (find_aux_iff nd).1 h⟩ }, end /-- Modify a bucket to replace a value in the list. Leaves the list unchanged if the key is not found. -/ def replace_aux (a : α) (b : β a) : list (Σ a, β a) → list (Σ a, β a) | [] := [] | (⟨a', b'⟩::t) := if a' = a then ⟨a, b⟩::t else ⟨a', b'⟩ :: replace_aux t /-- Modify a bucket to remove a key, if it exists. -/ def erase_aux (a : α) : list (Σ a, β a) → list (Σ a, β a) | [] := [] | (⟨a', b'⟩::t) := if a' = a then t else ⟨a', b'⟩ :: erase_aux t /-- The predicate `valid bkts sz` means that `bkts` satisfies the `hash_map` invariants: There are exactly `sz` elements in it, every pair is in the bucket determined by its key and the hash function, and no key appears multiple times in the list. -/ structure valid {n} (bkts : bucket_array α β n) (sz : nat) : Prop := (len : bkts.as_list.length = sz) (idx : ∀ {i} {a : Σ a, β a}, a ∈ bkts i → mk_idx n (hash_fn a.1) = i) (nodup : ∀i, (( bkts i).map sigma.fst).nodup) theorem valid.idx_enum {n} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz : nat} (v : valid bkts sz) {i l} (he : (i, l) ∈ bkts.to_list.enum) {a} {b : β a} (hl : a b ∈ l) : ∃ h, mk_idx n (hash_fn a) = ⟨i, h⟩ := ( he).imp (λ h e, by subst e; exact v.idx hl) theorem valid.idx_enum_1 {n} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz : nat} (v : valid bkts sz) {i l} (he : (i, l) ∈ bkts.to_list.enum) {a} {b : β a} (hl : a b ∈ l) : (mk_idx n (hash_fn a)).1 = i := let ⟨h, e⟩ := v.idx_enum _ he hl in by rw e; refl theorem valid.as_list_nodup {n} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz : nat} (v : valid bkts sz) : ( sigma.fst).nodup := begin suffices : ( ( sigma.fst)).pairwise list.disjoint, { simp [bucket_array.as_list, list.nodup_join, this], change ∀ l s, array.mem s bkts → sigma.fst s = l → l.nodup, introv m e, subst e, cases m with i e, subst e, apply v.nodup }, rw [← list.enum_map_snd bkts.to_list, list.pairwise_map, list.pairwise_map], have : ( prod.fst).nodup := by simp [list.nodup_range], refine list.pairwise.imp_of_mem _ ((list.pairwise_map _).1 this), rw prod.forall, intros i l₁, rw prod.forall, intros j l₂ me₁ me₂ ij, simp [list.disjoint], intros a b ml₁ b' ml₂, apply ij, rwa [← v.idx_enum_1 _ me₁ ml₁, ← v.idx_enum_1 _ me₂ ml₂] end theorem mk_as_list (n : ℕ+) : bucket_array.as_list (mk_array n.1 [] : bucket_array α β n) = [] := list.eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem.mpr $ λ x m, let ⟨i, h⟩ := (bucket_array.mem_as_list _).1 m in h theorem mk_valid (n : ℕ+) : @valid n (mk_array n.1 []) 0 := ⟨by simp [mk_as_list], λ i a h, by cases h, λ i, list.nodup_nil⟩ theorem valid.find_aux_iff {n} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz : nat} (v : valid bkts sz) {a : α} {b : β a} : find_aux a ( hash_fn a) = some b ↔ a b ∈ bkts.as_list := (find_aux_iff (v.nodup _)).trans $ by rw bkts.mem_as_list; exact ⟨λ h, ⟨_, h⟩, λ ⟨i, h⟩, (v.idx h).symm ▸ h⟩ theorem valid.contains_aux_iff {n} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz : nat} (v : valid bkts sz) (a : α) : contains_aux a ( hash_fn a) ↔ a ∈ sigma.fst := by simp [contains_aux, option.is_some_iff_exists, v.find_aux_iff hash_fn] section parameters {n : ℕ+} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {bidx : fin n.1} {f : list (Σ a, β a) → list (Σ a, β a)} (u v1 v2 w : list Σ a, β a) local notation `L` := bkts bidx private def bkts' : bucket_array α β n := array.write bkts bidx (f L) variables (hl : L = u ++ v1 ++ w) (hfl : f L = u ++ v2 ++ w) include hl hfl theorem append_of_modify : ∃ u' w', bkts.as_list = u' ++ v1 ++ w' ∧ bkts'.as_list = u' ++ v2 ++ w' := begin unfold bucket_array.as_list, have h : bidx.1 < bkts.to_list.length, {simp [bidx.2]}, refine ⟨(bkts.to_list.take bidx.1).join ++ u, w ++ (bkts.to_list.drop (bidx.1+1)).join, _, _⟩, { conv { to_lhs, rw [← list.take_append_drop bidx.1 bkts.to_list, list.drop_eq_nth_le_cons h], simp [hl] }, simp }, { conv { to_lhs, rw [bkts', array.write_to_list, list.update_nth_eq_take_cons_drop _ h], simp [hfl] }, simp } end variables (hvnd : ( sigma.fst).nodup) (hal : ∀ (a : Σ a, β a), a ∈ v2 → mk_idx n (hash_fn a.1) = bidx) (djuv : ( sigma.fst).disjoint ( sigma.fst)) (djwv : ( sigma.fst).disjoint ( sigma.fst)) include hvnd hal djuv djwv theorem valid.modify {sz : ℕ} (v : valid bkts sz) : sz + v2.length ≥ v1.length ∧ valid bkts' (sz + v2.length - v1.length) := begin rcases append_of_modify u v1 v2 w hl hfl with ⟨u', w', e₁, e₂⟩, rw [← v.len, e₁], suffices : valid bkts' (u' ++ v2 ++ w').length, { simpa [ge, nat.le_add_right, nat.add_sub_cancel_left] }, refine ⟨congr_arg _ e₂, λ i a, _, λ i, _⟩, { by_cases bidx = i, { subst i, rw [bkts', array.read_write, hfl], have := @valid.idx _ _ _ v bidx a, simp only [hl, list.mem_append, or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib] at this ⊢, exact ⟨⟨this.1.1, hal _⟩, this.2⟩ }, { rw [bkts', array.read_write_of_ne _ _ h], apply v.idx } }, { by_cases bidx = i, { subst i, rw [bkts', array.read_write, hfl], have := @valid.nodup _ _ _ v bidx, simp [hl, list.nodup_append] at this, simp [list.nodup_append, this, hvnd, djuv, djwv.symm] }, { rw [bkts', array.read_write_of_ne _ _ h], apply v.nodup } } end end theorem valid.replace_aux (a : α) (b : β a) : Π (l : list (Σ a, β a)), a ∈ sigma.fst → ∃ (u w : list Σ a, β a) b', l = u ++ [⟨a, b'⟩] ++ w ∧ replace_aux a b l = u ++ [⟨a, b⟩] ++ w | [] := false.elim | (⟨a', b'⟩::t) := begin by_cases e : a' = a, { subst a', suffices : ∃ (u w : list Σ a, β a) (b'' : β a), ( a b') :: t = u ++ ⟨a, b''⟩ :: w ∧ replace_aux a b (⟨a, b'⟩ :: t) = u ++ ⟨a, b⟩ :: w, {simpa}, refine ⟨[], t, b', _⟩, simp [replace_aux] }, { suffices : ∀ (x : β a) (_ : a x ∈ t), ∃ u w (b'' : β a), ( a' b') :: t = u ++ ⟨a, b''⟩ :: w ∧ ( a' b') :: (replace_aux a b t) = u ++ ⟨a, b⟩ :: w, { simpa [replace_aux, ne.symm e, e] }, intros x m, have IH : ∀ (x : β a) (_ : a x ∈ t), ∃ u w (b'' : β a), t = u ++ ⟨a, b''⟩ :: w ∧ replace_aux a b t = u ++ ⟨a, b⟩ :: w, { simpa using valid.replace_aux t }, rcases IH x m with ⟨u, w, b'', hl, hfl⟩, exact ⟨⟨a', b'⟩ :: u, w, b'', by simp [hl, hfl.symm, ne.symm e]⟩ } end theorem valid.replace {n : ℕ+} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz : ℕ} (a : α) (b : β a) (Hc : contains_aux a ( hash_fn a)) (v : valid bkts sz) : valid (bkts.modify hash_fn a (replace_aux a b)) sz := begin have nd := v.nodup (mk_idx n (hash_fn a)), rcases hash_map.valid.replace_aux a b ( bkts (mk_idx n (hash_fn a))) ((contains_aux_iff nd).1 Hc) with ⟨u, w, b', hl, hfl⟩, simp [hl, list.nodup_append] at nd, refine (v.modify hash_fn u [⟨a, b'⟩] [⟨a, b⟩] w hl hfl (list.nodup_singleton _) (λa' e, by simp at e; rw e) (λa' e1 e2, _) (λa' e1 e2, _)).2; { revert e1, simp [-sigma.exists] at e2, subst a', simp [nd] } end theorem valid.insert {n : ℕ+} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz : ℕ} (a : α) (b : β a) (Hnc : ¬ contains_aux a ( hash_fn a)) (v : valid bkts sz) : valid (reinsert_aux bkts a b) (sz+1) := begin have nd := v.nodup (mk_idx n (hash_fn a)), refine (v.modify hash_fn [] [] [⟨a, b⟩] ( hash_fn a) rfl rfl (list.nodup_singleton _) (λa' e, by simp at e; rw e) (λa', false.elim) (λa' e1 e2, _)).2, simp [-sigma.exists] at e2, subst a', exact Hnc ((contains_aux_iff nd).2 e1) end theorem valid.erase_aux (a : α) : Π (l : list (Σ a, β a)), a ∈ sigma.fst → ∃ (u w : list Σ a, β a) b, l = u ++ [⟨a, b⟩] ++ w ∧ erase_aux a l = u ++ [] ++ w | [] := false.elim | (⟨a', b'⟩::t) := begin by_cases e : a' = a, { subst a', simpa [erase_aux, and_comm] using show ∃ u w (x : β a), t = u ++ w ∧ ( a b') :: t = u ++ ⟨a, x⟩ :: w, from ⟨[], t, b', by simp⟩ }, { simp [erase_aux, e, ne.symm e], suffices : ∀ (b : β a) (_ : a b ∈ t), ∃ u w (x : β a), ( a' b') :: t = u ++ ⟨a, x⟩ :: w ∧ ( a' b') :: (erase_aux a t) = u ++ w, { simpa [replace_aux, ne.symm e, e] }, intros b m, have IH : ∀ (x : β a) (_ : a x ∈ t), ∃ u w (x : β a), t = u ++ ⟨a, x⟩ :: w ∧ erase_aux a t = u ++ w, { simpa using valid.erase_aux t }, rcases IH b m with ⟨u, w, b'', hl, hfl⟩, exact ⟨⟨a', b'⟩ :: u, w, b'', by simp [hl, hfl.symm]⟩ } end theorem valid.erase {n} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz} (a : α) (Hc : contains_aux a ( hash_fn a)) (v : valid bkts sz) : valid (bkts.modify hash_fn a (erase_aux a)) (sz-1) := begin have nd := v.nodup (mk_idx n (hash_fn a)), rcases hash_map.valid.erase_aux a ( bkts (mk_idx n (hash_fn a))) ((contains_aux_iff nd).1 Hc) with ⟨u, w, b, hl, hfl⟩, refine (v.modify hash_fn u [⟨a, b⟩] [] w hl hfl list.nodup_nil _ _ _).2; { intros, simp at *; contradiction } end end end hash_map /-- A hash map data structure, representing a finite key-value map with key type `α` and value type `β` (which may depend on `α`). -/ structure hash_map (α : Type u) [decidable_eq α] (β : α → Type v) := (hash_fn : α → nat) (size : ℕ) (nbuckets : ℕ+) (buckets : bucket_array α β nbuckets) (is_valid : hash_map.valid hash_fn buckets size) /-- Construct an empty hash map with buffer size `nbuckets` (default 8). -/ def mk_hash_map {α : Type u} [decidable_eq α] {β : α → Type v} (hash_fn : α → nat) (nbuckets := 8) : hash_map α β := let n := if nbuckets = 0 then 8 else nbuckets in let nz : n > 0 := by abstract { cases nbuckets; simp [if_pos, nat.succ_ne_zero] } in { hash_fn := hash_fn, size := 0, nbuckets := ⟨n, nz⟩, buckets := mk_array n [], is_valid := hash_map.mk_valid _ _ } namespace hash_map variables {α : Type u} {β : α → Type v} [decidable_eq α] /-- Return the value corresponding to a key, or `none` if not found -/ def find (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) : option (β a) := find_aux a ( m.hash_fn a) /-- Return `tt` if the key exists in the map -/ def contains (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) : bool := (m.find a).is_some instance : has_mem α (hash_map α β) := ⟨λa m, m.contains a⟩ /-- Fold a function over the key-value pairs in the map -/ def fold {δ : Type w} (m : hash_map α β) (d : δ) (f : δ → Π a, β a → δ) : δ := m.buckets.foldl d f /-- The list of key-value pairs in the map -/ def entries (m : hash_map α β) : list Σ a, β a := m.buckets.as_list /-- The list of keys in the map -/ def keys (m : hash_map α β) : list α := sigma.fst theorem find_iff (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) (b : β a) : m.find a = some b ↔ a b ∈ m.entries := m.is_valid.find_aux_iff _ theorem contains_iff (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) : m.contains a ↔ a ∈ m.keys := m.is_valid.contains_aux_iff _ _ theorem entries_empty (hash_fn : α → nat) (n) : (@mk_hash_map α _ β hash_fn n).entries = [] := by dsimp [entries, mk_hash_map]; rw mk_as_list theorem keys_empty (hash_fn : α → nat) (n) : (@mk_hash_map α _ β hash_fn n).keys = [] := by dsimp [keys]; rw entries_empty; refl theorem find_empty (hash_fn : α → nat) (n a) : (@mk_hash_map α _ β hash_fn n).find a = none := by induction h : (@mk_hash_map α _ β hash_fn n).find a; [refl, { have := (find_iff _ _ _).1 h, rw entries_empty at this, contradiction }] theorem not_contains_empty (hash_fn : α → nat) (n a) : ¬ (@mk_hash_map α _ β hash_fn n).contains a := by apply bool_iff_false.2; dsimp [contains]; rw [find_empty]; refl theorem insert_lemma (hash_fn : α → nat) {n n'} {bkts : bucket_array α β n} {sz} (v : valid hash_fn bkts sz) : valid hash_fn (bkts.foldl (mk_array _ [] : bucket_array α β n') (reinsert_aux hash_fn)) sz := begin suffices : ∀ (l : list Σ a, β a) (t : bucket_array α β n') sz, valid hash_fn t sz → ((l ++ t.as_list).map sigma.fst).nodup → valid hash_fn (l.foldl (λr (a : Σ a, β a), reinsert_aux hash_fn r a.1 a.2) t) (sz + l.length), { have p := this bkts.as_list _ _ (mk_valid _ _), rw [mk_as_list, list.append_nil, zero_add, v.len] at p, rw bucket_array.foldl_eq, exact p (v.as_list_nodup _) }, intro l, induction l with c l IH; intros t sz v nd, {exact v}, rw show sz + (c :: l).length = sz + 1 + l.length, by simp, rcases (show ( sigma.fst).nodup ∧ ((bucket_array.as_list t).map sigma.fst).nodup ∧ c.fst ∉ sigma.fst ∧ c.fst ∉ (bucket_array.as_list t).map sigma.fst ∧ ( sigma.fst).disjoint ((bucket_array.as_list t).map sigma.fst), by simpa [list.nodup_append, not_or_distrib, and_comm, and.left_comm] using nd) with ⟨nd1, nd2, nm1, nm2, dj⟩, have v' := v.insert _ _ c.2 (λHc, nm2 $ (v.contains_aux_iff _ c.1).1 Hc), apply IH _ _ v', suffices : ∀ ⦃a : α⦄ (b : β a), a b ∈ l → ∀ (b' : β a), a b' ∈ (reinsert_aux hash_fn t c.1 c.2).as_list → false, { simpa [list.nodup_append, nd1, v'.as_list_nodup _, list.disjoint] }, intros a b m1 b' m2, rcases (reinsert_aux hash_fn t c.1 c.2).mem_as_list.1 m2 with ⟨i, im⟩, have : a b' ∉ t i, { intro m3, have : a ∈ sigma.fst t.as_list := list.mem_map_of_mem sigma.fst (t.mem_as_list.2 ⟨_, m3⟩), exact dj (list.mem_map_of_mem sigma.fst m1) this }, by_cases h : mk_idx n' (hash_fn c.1) = i, { subst h, have e : a b' = ⟨c.1, c.2⟩, { simpa [reinsert_aux, bucket_array.modify, array.read_write, this] using im }, injection e with e, subst a, exact nm1.elim (@list.mem_map_of_mem _ _ sigma.fst _ _ m1) }, { apply this, simpa [reinsert_aux, bucket_array.modify, array.read_write_of_ne _ _ h] using im } end /-- Insert a key-value pair into the map. (Modifies `m` in-place when applicable) -/ def insert : Π (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) (b : β a), hash_map α β | ⟨hash_fn, size, n, buckets, v⟩ a b := let bkt := hash_fn a in if hc : contains_aux a bkt then { hash_fn := hash_fn, size := size, nbuckets := n, buckets := buckets.modify hash_fn a (replace_aux a b), is_valid := v.replace _ a b hc } else let size' := size + 1, buckets' := buckets.modify hash_fn a (λl, ⟨a, b⟩::l), valid' := v.insert _ a b hc in if size' ≤ n.1 then { hash_fn := hash_fn, size := size', nbuckets := n, buckets := buckets', is_valid := valid' } else let n' : ℕ+ := ⟨n.1 * 2, mul_pos n.2 dec_trivial⟩, buckets'' : bucket_array α β n' := buckets'.foldl (mk_array _ []) (reinsert_aux hash_fn) in { hash_fn := hash_fn, size := size', nbuckets := n', buckets := buckets'', is_valid := insert_lemma _ valid' } theorem mem_insert : Π (m : hash_map α β) (a b a' b'), ( a' b' : sigma β) ∈ (m.insert a b).entries ↔ if a = a' then b == b' else a' b' ∈ m.entries | ⟨hash_fn, size, n, bkts, v⟩ a b a' b' := begin let bkt := hash_fn a, have nd : ( sigma.fst).nodup := v.nodup (mk_idx n (hash_fn a)), have lem : Π (bkts' : bucket_array α β n) (v1 u w) (hl : bucket_array.as_list bkts = u ++ v1 ++ w) (hfl : bucket_array.as_list bkts' = u ++ [⟨a, b⟩] ++ w) (veq : (v1 = [] ∧ ¬ contains_aux a bkt) ∨ ∃b'', v1 = [⟨a, b''⟩]), a' b' ∈ bkts'.as_list ↔ if a = a' then b == b' else a' b' ∈ bkts.as_list, { intros bkts' v1 u w hl hfl veq, rw [hl, hfl], by_cases h : a = a', { subst a', suffices : b = b' ∨ a b' ∈ u ∨ a b' ∈ w ↔ b = b', { simpa [eq_comm, or.left_comm] }, refine or_iff_left_of_imp (not.elim $ not_or_distrib.2 _), rcases veq with ⟨rfl, Hnc⟩ | ⟨b'', rfl⟩, { have na := (not_iff_not_of_iff $ v.contains_aux_iff _ _).1 Hnc, simp [hl, not_or_distrib] at na, simp [na] }, { have nd' := v.as_list_nodup _, simp [hl, list.nodup_append] at nd', simp [nd'] } }, { suffices : a' b' ∉ v1, {simp [h, ne.symm h, this]}, rcases veq with ⟨rfl, Hnc⟩ | ⟨b'', rfl⟩; simp [ne.symm h] } }, by_cases Hc : (contains_aux a bkt : Prop), { rcases hash_map.valid.replace_aux a b ( bkts (mk_idx n (hash_fn a))) ((contains_aux_iff nd).1 Hc) with ⟨u', w', b'', hl', hfl'⟩, rcases (append_of_modify u' [⟨a, b''⟩] [⟨a, b⟩] w' hl' hfl') with ⟨u, w, hl, hfl⟩, simpa [insert, @dif_pos (contains_aux a bkt) _ Hc] using lem _ _ u w hl hfl (or.inr ⟨b'', rfl⟩) }, { let size' := size + 1, let bkts' := bkts.modify hash_fn a (λl, ⟨a, b⟩::l), have mi : a' b' ∈ bkts'.as_list ↔ if a = a' then b == b' else a' b' ∈ bkts.as_list := let ⟨u, w, hl, hfl⟩ := append_of_modify [] [] [⟨a, b⟩] _ rfl rfl in lem bkts' _ u w hl hfl $ or.inl ⟨rfl, Hc⟩, simp [insert, @dif_neg (contains_aux a bkt) _ Hc], by_cases h : size' ≤ n.1, -- TODO(Mario): Why does the by_cases assumption look different than the stated one? { simpa [show size' ≤ n.1, from h] using mi }, { let n' : ℕ+ := ⟨n.1 * 2, mul_pos n.2 dec_trivial⟩, let bkts'' : bucket_array α β n' := bkts'.foldl (mk_array _ []) (reinsert_aux hash_fn), suffices : a' b' ∈ bkts''.as_list ↔ a' b' ∈ bkts'.as_list.reverse, { simpa [show ¬ size' ≤ n.1, from h, mi] }, rw [show bkts'' = bkts'.as_list.foldl _ _, from bkts'.foldl_eq _ _, ← list.foldr_reverse], induction bkts'.as_list.reverse with a l IH, { simp [mk_as_list] }, { cases a with a'' b'', let B := l.foldr (λ (y : sigma β) (x : bucket_array α β n'), reinsert_aux hash_fn x y.1 y.2) (mk_array n'.1 []), rcases append_of_modify [] [] [⟨a'', b''⟩] _ rfl rfl with ⟨u, w, hl, hfl⟩, simp [IH.symm, or.left_comm, show B.as_list = _, from hl, show (reinsert_aux hash_fn B a'' b'').as_list = _, from hfl] } } } end theorem find_insert_eq (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) (b : β a) : (m.insert a b).find a = some b := (find_iff (m.insert a b) a b).2 $ (mem_insert m a b a b).2 $ by rw if_pos rfl theorem find_insert_ne (m : hash_map α β) (a a' : α) (b : β a) (h : a ≠ a') : (m.insert a b).find a' = m.find a' := option.eq_of_eq_some $ λb', let t := mem_insert m a b a' b' in (find_iff _ _ _).trans $ iff.trans (by rwa if_neg h at t) (find_iff _ _ _).symm theorem find_insert (m : hash_map α β) (a' a : α) (b : β a) : (m.insert a b).find a' = if h : a = a' then some (eq.rec_on h b) else m.find a' := if h : a = a' then by rw dif_pos h; exact match a', h with ._, rfl := find_insert_eq m a b end else by rw dif_neg h; exact find_insert_ne m a a' b h /-- Insert a list of key-value pairs into the map. (Modifies `m` in-place when applicable) -/ def insert_all (l : list (Σ a, β a)) (m : hash_map α β) : hash_map α β := l.foldl (λ m ⟨a, b⟩, insert m a b) m /-- Construct a hash map from a list of key-value pairs. -/ def of_list (l : list (Σ a, β a)) (hash_fn) : hash_map α β := insert_all l (mk_hash_map hash_fn (2 * l.length)) /-- Remove a key from the map. (Modifies `m` in-place when applicable) -/ def erase (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) : hash_map α β := match m with ⟨hash_fn, size, n, buckets, v⟩ := if hc : contains_aux a ( hash_fn a) then { hash_fn := hash_fn, size := size - 1, nbuckets := n, buckets := buckets.modify hash_fn a (erase_aux a), is_valid := v.erase _ a hc } else m end theorem mem_erase : Π (m : hash_map α β) (a a' b'), ( a' b' : sigma β) ∈ (m.erase a).entries ↔ a ≠ a' ∧ a' b' ∈ m.entries | ⟨hash_fn, size, n, bkts, v⟩ a a' b' := begin let bkt := hash_fn a, by_cases Hc : (contains_aux a bkt : Prop), { let bkts' := bkts.modify hash_fn a (erase_aux a), suffices : a' b' ∈ bkts'.as_list ↔ a ≠ a' ∧ a' b' ∈ bkts.as_list, { simpa [erase, @dif_pos (contains_aux a bkt) _ Hc] }, have nd := v.nodup (mk_idx n (hash_fn a)), rcases valid.erase_aux a bkt ((contains_aux_iff nd).1 Hc) with ⟨u', w', b, hl', hfl'⟩, rcases append_of_modify u' [⟨a, b⟩] [] _ hl' hfl' with ⟨u, w, hl, hfl⟩, suffices : ∀ a' b' ∈ u ∨ a' b' ∈ w, a ≠ a', { have : a' b' ∈ u ∨ a' b' ∈ w ↔ (¬a = a' ∧ a' = a) ∧ b' == b ∨ ¬a = a' ∧ ( a' b' ∈ u ∨ a' b' ∈ w), { simp [eq_comm, not_and_self_iff, and_iff_right_of_imp this] }, simpa [hl, show bkts'.as_list = _, from hfl, and_or_distrib_left, and_comm, and.left_comm, or.left_comm] }, intros m e, subst a', revert m, apply not_or_distrib.2, have nd' := v.as_list_nodup _, simp [hl, list.nodup_append] at nd', simp [nd'] }, { suffices : ∀ a' b' ∈ bucket_array.as_list bkts, a ≠ a', { simp [erase, @dif_neg (contains_aux a bkt) _ Hc, entries, and_iff_right_of_imp this] }, intros m e, subst a', exact Hc ((v.contains_aux_iff _ _).2 (list.mem_map_of_mem sigma.fst m)) } end theorem find_erase_eq (m : hash_map α β) (a : α) : (m.erase a).find a = none := begin cases h : (m.erase a).find a with b, {refl}, exact absurd rfl ((mem_erase m a a b).1 ((find_iff (m.erase a) a b).1 h)).left end theorem find_erase_ne (m : hash_map α β) (a a' : α) (h : a ≠ a') : (m.erase a).find a' = m.find a' := option.eq_of_eq_some $ λb', (find_iff _ _ _).trans $ (mem_erase m a a' b').trans $ (and_iff_right h).trans (find_iff _ _ _).symm theorem find_erase (m : hash_map α β) (a' a : α) : (m.erase a).find a' = if a = a' then none else m.find a' := if h : a = a' then by subst a'; simp [find_erase_eq m a] else by rw if_neg h; exact find_erase_ne m a a' h section string variables [has_to_string α] [∀ a, has_to_string (β a)] open prod private def key_data_to_string (a : α) (b : β a) (first : bool) : string := (if first then "" else ", ") ++ sformat!"{a} ← {b}" private def to_string (m : hash_map α β) : string := "⟨" ++ (fst (fold m ("", tt) (λ p a b, (fst p ++ key_data_to_string a b (snd p), ff)))) ++ "⟩" instance : has_to_string (hash_map α β) := ⟨to_string⟩ end string section format open format prod variables [has_to_format α] [∀ a, has_to_format (β a)] private meta def format_key_data (a : α) (b : β a) (first : bool) : format := (if first then to_fmt "" else to_fmt "," ++ line) ++ to_fmt a ++ space ++ to_fmt "←" ++ space ++ to_fmt b private meta def to_format (m : hash_map α β) : format := group $ to_fmt "⟨" ++ nest 1 (fst (fold m (to_fmt "", tt) (λ p a b, (fst p ++ format_key_data a b (snd p), ff)))) ++ to_fmt "⟩" meta instance : has_to_format (hash_map α β) := ⟨to_format⟩ end format end hash_map