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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".

Project: Xena
Views: 18536
License: APACHE
Copyright (c) 2014 Parikshit Khanna. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Parikshit Khanna, Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura, Floris van Doorn, Mario Carneiro

Basic properties of lists.
  tactic.interactive tactic.mk_iff_of_inductive_prop
  logic.basic logic.function logic.relator order.basic
  data.list.defs data.nat.basic data.option.basic
  data.bool data.fin
open function nat

namespace list
universes u v w x
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} {δ : Type x}

instance : is_left_id (list α) has_append.append [] :=
⟨ nil_append ⟩

instance : is_right_id (list α) has_append.append [] :=
⟨ append_nil ⟩

instance : is_associative (list α) has_append.append :=
⟨ append_assoc ⟩

@[simp] theorem cons_ne_nil (a : α) (l : list α) : a::l ≠ [].

theorem head_eq_of_cons_eq {h₁ h₂ : α} {t₁ t₂ : list α} :
      (h₁::t₁) = (h₂::t₂) → h₁ = h₂ :=
assume Peq, list.no_confusion Peq (assume Pheq Pteq, Pheq)

theorem tail_eq_of_cons_eq {h₁ h₂ : α} {t₁ t₂ : list α} :
      (h₁::t₁) = (h₂::t₂) → t₁ = t₂ :=
assume Peq, list.no_confusion Peq (assume Pheq Pteq, Pteq)

theorem cons_inj {a : α} : injective (cons a) :=
assume l₁ l₂, assume Pe, tail_eq_of_cons_eq Pe

@[simp] theorem cons_inj' (a : α) {l l' : list α} : a::l = a::l' ↔ l = l' :=
⟨λ e, cons_inj e, congr_arg _⟩

/- mem -/

theorem mem_singleton_self (a : α) : a ∈ [a] := mem_cons_self _ _

theorem eq_of_mem_singleton {a b : α} : a ∈ [b] → a = b :=
assume : a ∈ [b], or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons this)
  (assume : a = b, this)
  (assume : a ∈ [], absurd this (not_mem_nil a))

@[simp] theorem mem_singleton {a b : α} : a ∈ [b] ↔ a = b :=
⟨eq_of_mem_singleton, or.inl⟩

theorem mem_of_mem_cons_of_mem {a b : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ b::l → b ∈ l → a ∈ l :=
assume ainbl binl, or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons ainbl)
  (assume : a = b, begin subst a, exact binl end)
  (assume : a ∈ l, this)

theorem eq_or_ne_mem_of_mem {a b : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ b :: l) : a = b ∨ (a ≠ b ∧ a ∈ l) :=
classical.by_cases or.inl $ assume : a ≠ b, h.elim or.inl $ assume h, or.inr ⟨this, h⟩

theorem not_mem_append {a : α} {s t : list α} (h₁ : a ∉ s) (h₂ : a ∉ t) : a ∉ s ++ t :=
mt mem_append.1 $ not_or_distrib.2 ⟨h₁, h₂⟩

theorem ne_nil_of_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : l ≠ [] :=
by intro e; rw e at h; cases h

theorem mem_split {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : ∃ s t : list α, l = s ++ a :: t :=
  induction l with b l ih, {cases h}, rcases h with rfl | h,
  { exact ⟨[], l, rfl⟩ },
  { rcases ih h with ⟨s, t, rfl⟩,
    exact ⟨b::s, t, rfl⟩ }

theorem mem_of_ne_of_mem {a y : α} {l : list α} (h₁ : a ≠ y) (h₂ : a ∈ y :: l) : a ∈ l :=
or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons h₂) (λe, absurd e h₁) (λr, r)

theorem ne_of_not_mem_cons {a b : α} {l : list α} : a ∉ b::l → a ≠ b :=
assume nin aeqb, absurd (or.inl aeqb) nin

theorem not_mem_of_not_mem_cons {a b : α} {l : list α} : a ∉ b::l → a ∉ l :=
assume nin nainl, absurd (or.inr nainl) nin

theorem not_mem_cons_of_ne_of_not_mem {a y : α} {l : list α} : a ≠ y → a ∉ l → a ∉ y::l :=
assume p1 p2, not.intro (assume Pain, absurd (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons Pain) (not_or p1 p2))

theorem ne_and_not_mem_of_not_mem_cons {a y : α} {l : list α} : a ∉ y::l → a ≠ y ∧ a ∉ l :=
assume p, and.intro (ne_of_not_mem_cons p) (not_mem_of_not_mem_cons p)

theorem mem_map_of_mem (f : α → β) {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : f a ∈ map f l :=
  induction l with b l' ih,
  {cases h},
  {rcases h with rfl | h,
    {exact or.inl rfl},
    {exact or.inr (ih h)}}

theorem exists_of_mem_map {f : α → β} {b : β} {l : list α} (h : b ∈ map f l) : ∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ f a = b :=
  induction l with c l' ih,
  {cases h},
  {cases (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons h) with h h,
    {exact ⟨c, mem_cons_self _ _, h.symm⟩},
    {rcases ih h with ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩,
      exact ⟨a, mem_cons_of_mem _ ha₁, ha₂⟩ }}

@[simp] theorem mem_map {f : α → β} {b : β} {l : list α} : b ∈ map f l ↔ ∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ f a = b :=
⟨exists_of_mem_map, λ ⟨a, la, h⟩, by rw [← h]; exact mem_map_of_mem f la⟩

@[simp] theorem mem_map_of_inj {f : α → β} (H : injective f) {a : α} {l : list α} :
  f a ∈ map f l ↔ a ∈ l :=
⟨λ m, let ⟨a', m', e⟩ := exists_of_mem_map m in H e ▸ m', mem_map_of_mem _⟩

@[simp] lemma map_eq_nil {f : α → β} {l : list α} : f l = [] ↔ l = [] :=
⟨by cases l; simp only [forall_prop_of_true, map, forall_prop_of_false, not_false_iff],
  λ h, h.symm ▸ rfl⟩

@[simp] theorem mem_join {a : α} : ∀ {L : list (list α)}, a ∈ join L ↔ ∃ l, l ∈ L ∧ a ∈ l
| []       := ⟨false.elim, λ⟨_, h, _⟩, false.elim h⟩
| (c :: L) := by simp only [join, mem_append, @mem_join L, mem_cons_iff, or_and_distrib_right, exists_or_distrib, exists_eq_left]

theorem exists_of_mem_join {a : α} {L : list (list α)} : a ∈ join L → ∃ l, l ∈ L ∧ a ∈ l :=

theorem mem_join_of_mem {a : α} {L : list (list α)} {l} (lL : l ∈ L) (al : a ∈ l) : a ∈ join L :=
mem_join.2 ⟨l, lL, al⟩

@[simp] theorem mem_bind {b : β} {l : list α} {f : α → list β} : b ∈ list.bind l f ↔ ∃ a ∈ l, b ∈ f a :=
iff.trans mem_join
  ⟨λ ⟨l', h1, h2⟩, let ⟨a, al, fa⟩ := exists_of_mem_map h1 in ⟨a, al, fa.symm ▸ h2⟩,
  λ ⟨a, al, bfa⟩, ⟨f a, mem_map_of_mem _ al, bfa⟩⟩

theorem exists_of_mem_bind {b : β} {l : list α} {f : α → list β} : b ∈ list.bind l f → ∃ a ∈ l, b ∈ f a :=

theorem mem_bind_of_mem {b : β} {l : list α} {f : α → list β} {a} (al : a ∈ l) (h : b ∈ f a) : b ∈ list.bind l f :=
mem_bind.2 ⟨a, al, h⟩

lemma bind_map {g : α → list β} {f : β → γ} :
  ∀(l : list α), f (l.bind g) = l.bind (λa, (g a).map f)
| [] := rfl
| (a::l) := by simp only [cons_bind, map_append, bind_map l]

/- length -/

theorem length_eq_zero {l : list α} : length l = 0 ↔ l = [] :=
⟨eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero, λ h, h.symm ▸ rfl⟩

theorem length_pos_of_mem {a : α} : ∀ {l : list α}, a ∈ l → 0 < length l
| (b::l) _ := zero_lt_succ _

theorem exists_mem_of_length_pos : ∀ {l : list α}, 0 < length l → ∃ a, a ∈ l
| (b::l) _ := ⟨b, mem_cons_self _ _⟩

theorem length_pos_iff_exists_mem {l : list α} : 0 < length l ↔ ∃ a, a ∈ l :=
⟨exists_mem_of_length_pos, λ ⟨a, h⟩, length_pos_of_mem h⟩

theorem ne_nil_of_length_pos {l : list α} : 0 < length l → l ≠ [] :=
λ h1 h2, lt_irrefl 0 ((length_eq_zero.2 h2).subst h1)

theorem length_pos_of_ne_nil {l : list α} : l ≠ [] → 0 < length l :=
λ h, pos_iff_ne_zero.2 $ λ h0, h $ length_eq_zero.1 h0

theorem length_pos_iff_ne_nil {l : list α} : 0 < length l ↔ l ≠ [] :=
⟨ne_nil_of_length_pos, length_pos_of_ne_nil⟩

theorem length_eq_one {l : list α} : length l = 1 ↔ ∃ a, l = [a] :=
⟨match l with [a], _ := ⟨a, rfl⟩ end, λ ⟨a, e⟩, e.symm ▸ rfl⟩

lemma exists_of_length_succ {n} :
  ∀ l : list α, l.length = n + 1 → ∃ h t, l = h :: t
| [] H := absurd H.symm $ succ_ne_zero n
| (h :: t) H := ⟨h, t, rfl⟩

lemma injective_length_iff : injective (list.length : list α → ℕ) ↔ subsingleton α :=
  { intro h, refine ⟨λ x y, _⟩, suffices : [x] = [y], { simpa using this }, apply h, refl },
  { intros hα l1 l2 hl, induction l1 generalizing l2; cases l2,
    { refl }, { cases hl }, { cases hl },
    congr, exactI subsingleton.elim _ _, apply l1_ih, simpa using hl }

lemma injective_length [subsingleton α] : injective (length : list α → ℕ) :=
injective_length_iff.mpr $ by apply_instance

/- set-theoretic notation of lists -/

lemma empty_eq : (∅ : list α) = [] := by refl
lemma singleton_eq [decidable_eq α] (x : α) : ({x} : list α) = [x] := by refl
lemma insert_neg [decidable_eq α] {x : α} {l : list α} (h : x ∉ l) :
  has_insert.insert x l = x :: l :=
if_neg h
lemma insert_pos [decidable_eq α] {x : α} {l : list α} (h : x ∈ l) :
  has_insert.insert x l = l :=
if_pos h
lemma doubleton_eq [decidable_eq α] {x y : α} (h : x ≠ y) : ({x, y} : list α) = [y, x] :=
by { rw [insert_neg, singleton_eq], show y ∉ [x], rw [mem_singleton], exact h.symm }

/- bounded quantifiers over lists -/

theorem forall_mem_nil (p : α → Prop) : ∀ x ∈ @nil α, p x.

@[simp] theorem forall_mem_cons' {p : α → Prop} {a : α} {l : list α} :
  (∀ (x : α), x = a ∨ x ∈ l → p x) ↔ p a ∧ ∀ x ∈ l, p x :=
by simp only [or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib, forall_eq]

theorem forall_mem_cons {p : α → Prop} {a : α} {l : list α} :
  (∀ x ∈ a :: l, p x) ↔ p a ∧ ∀ x ∈ l, p x :=
by simp only [mem_cons_iff, forall_mem_cons']

theorem forall_mem_of_forall_mem_cons {p : α → Prop} {a : α} {l : list α}
    (h : ∀ x ∈ a :: l, p x) :
  ∀ x ∈ l, p x :=
(forall_mem_cons.1 h).2

theorem forall_mem_singleton {p : α → Prop} {a : α} : (∀ x ∈ [a], p x) ↔ p a :=
by simp only [mem_singleton, forall_eq]

theorem forall_mem_append {p : α → Prop} {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  (∀ x ∈ l₁ ++ l₂, p x) ↔ (∀ x ∈ l₁, p x) ∧ (∀ x ∈ l₂, p x) :=
by simp only [mem_append, or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib]

theorem not_exists_mem_nil (p : α → Prop) : ¬ ∃ x ∈ @nil α, p x.

theorem exists_mem_cons_of {p : α → Prop} {a : α} (l : list α) (h : p a) :
  ∃ x ∈ a :: l, p x :=
bex.intro a (mem_cons_self _ _) h

theorem exists_mem_cons_of_exists {p : α → Prop} {a : α} {l : list α} (h : ∃ x ∈ l, p x) :
  ∃ x ∈ a :: l, p x :=
bex.elim h (λ x xl px, bex.intro x (mem_cons_of_mem _ xl) px)

theorem or_exists_of_exists_mem_cons {p : α → Prop} {a : α} {l : list α} (h : ∃ x ∈ a :: l, p x) :
  p a ∨ ∃ x ∈ l, p x :=
bex.elim h (λ x xal px,
  or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons xal)
    (assume : x = a, begin rw ←this, left, exact px end)
    (assume : x ∈ l, or.inr (bex.intro x this px)))

@[simp] theorem exists_mem_cons_iff (p : α → Prop) (a : α) (l : list α) :
  (∃ x ∈ a :: l, p x) ↔ p a ∨ ∃ x ∈ l, p x :=
iff.intro or_exists_of_exists_mem_cons
  (assume h, or.elim h (exists_mem_cons_of l) exists_mem_cons_of_exists)

/- list subset -/

theorem subset_def {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ ⊆ l₂ ↔ ∀ ⦃a : α⦄, a ∈ l₁ → a ∈ l₂ := iff.rfl

theorem subset_append_of_subset_left (l l₁ l₂ : list α) : l ⊆ l₁ → l ⊆ l₁++l₂ :=
λ s, subset.trans s $ subset_append_left _ _

theorem subset_append_of_subset_right (l l₁ l₂ : list α) : l ⊆ l₂ → l ⊆ l₁++l₂ :=
λ s, subset.trans s $ subset_append_right _ _

@[simp] theorem cons_subset {a : α} {l m : list α} :
  a::l ⊆ m ↔ a ∈ m ∧ l ⊆ m :=
by simp only [subset_def, mem_cons_iff, or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib, forall_eq]

theorem cons_subset_of_subset_of_mem {a : α} {l m : list α}
  (ainm : a ∈ m) (lsubm : l ⊆ m) : a::l ⊆ m :=
cons_subset.2 ⟨ainm, lsubm⟩

theorem append_subset_of_subset_of_subset {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (l₁subl : l₁ ⊆ l) (l₂subl : l₂ ⊆ l) :
  l₁ ++ l₂ ⊆ l :=
λ a h, (mem_append.1 h).elim (@l₁subl _) (@l₂subl _)

@[simp] theorem append_subset_iff {l₁ l₂ l : list α} :
  l₁ ++ l₂ ⊆ l ↔ l₁ ⊆ l ∧ l₂ ⊆ l :=
  { intro h, simp only [subset_def] at *, split; intros; simp* },
  { rintro ⟨h1, h2⟩, apply append_subset_of_subset_of_subset h1 h2 }

theorem eq_nil_of_subset_nil : ∀ {l : list α}, l ⊆ [] → l = []
| []     s := rfl
| (a::l) s := false.elim $ s $ mem_cons_self a l

theorem eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem {l : list α} : l = [] ↔ ∀ a, a ∉ l :=
show l = [] ↔ l ⊆ [], from ⟨λ e, e ▸ subset.refl _, eq_nil_of_subset_nil⟩

theorem map_subset {l₁ l₂ : list α} (f : α → β) (H : l₁ ⊆ l₂) : map f l₁ ⊆ map f l₂ :=
λ x, by simp only [mem_map, not_and, exists_imp_distrib, and_imp]; exact λ a h e, ⟨a, H h, e⟩

theorem map_subset_iff {l₁ l₂ : list α} (f : α → β) (h : injective f) : map f l₁ ⊆ map f l₂ ↔ l₁ ⊆ l₂ :=
  refine ⟨_, map_subset f⟩, intros h2 x hx,
  rcases mem_map.1 (h2 (mem_map_of_mem f hx)) with ⟨x', hx', hxx'⟩,
  cases h hxx', exact hx'

/- append -/

lemma append_eq_has_append {L₁ L₂ : list α} : list.append L₁ L₂ = L₁ ++ L₂ := rfl

theorem append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_left (s t : list α) : s ≠ [] → s ++ t ≠ [] :=
by induction s; intros; contradiction

theorem append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right (s t : list α) : t ≠ [] → s ++ t ≠ [] :=
by induction s; intros; contradiction

theorem append_foldl (f : α → β → α) (a : α) (s t : list β) : foldl f a (s ++ t) = foldl f (foldl f a s) t :=
by {induction s with b s H generalizing a, refl, simp only [foldl, cons_append], rw H _}

theorem append_foldr (f : α → β → β) (a : β) (s t : list α) : foldr f a (s ++ t) = foldr f (foldr f a t) s :=
by {induction s with b s H generalizing a, refl, simp only [foldr, cons_append], rw H _}

@[simp] lemma append_eq_nil {p q : list α} : (p ++ q) = [] ↔ p = [] ∧ q = [] :=
by cases p; simp only [nil_append, cons_append, eq_self_iff_true, true_and, false_and]

@[simp] lemma nil_eq_append_iff {a b : list α} : [] = a ++ b ↔ a = [] ∧ b = [] :=
by rw [eq_comm, append_eq_nil]

lemma append_eq_cons_iff {a b c : list α} {x : α} :
  a ++ b = x :: c ↔ (a = [] ∧ b = x :: c) ∨ (∃a', a = x :: a' ∧ c = a' ++ b) :=
by cases a; simp only [and_assoc, @eq_comm _ c, nil_append, cons_append, eq_self_iff_true,
  true_and, false_and, exists_false, false_or, or_false, exists_and_distrib_left, exists_eq_left']

lemma cons_eq_append_iff {a b c : list α} {x : α} :
  (x :: c : list α) = a ++ b ↔ (a = [] ∧ b = x :: c) ∨ (∃a', a = x :: a' ∧ c = a' ++ b) :=
by rw [eq_comm, append_eq_cons_iff]

lemma append_eq_append_iff {a b c d : list α} :
  a ++ b = c ++ d ↔ (∃a', c = a ++ a' ∧ b = a' ++ d) ∨ (∃c', a = c ++ c' ∧ d = c' ++ b) :=
  induction a generalizing c,
  case nil { rw nil_append, split,
    { rintro rfl, left, exact ⟨_, rfl, rfl⟩ },
    { rintro (⟨a', rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨a', H, rfl⟩), {refl}, {rw [← append_assoc, ← H], refl} } },
  case cons : a as ih {
    cases c,
    { simp only [cons_append, nil_append, false_and, exists_false, false_or, exists_eq_left'], exact eq_comm },
    { simp only [cons_append, @eq_comm _ a, ih, and_assoc, and_or_distrib_left, exists_and_distrib_left] } }

@[simp] theorem split_at_eq_take_drop : ∀ (n : ℕ) (l : list α), split_at n l = (take n l, drop n l)
| 0        a         := rfl
| (succ n) []        := rfl
| (succ n) (x :: xs) := by simp only [split_at, split_at_eq_take_drop n xs, take, drop]

@[simp] theorem take_append_drop : ∀ (n : ℕ) (l : list α), take n l ++ drop n l = l
| 0        a         := rfl
| (succ n) []        := rfl
| (succ n) (x :: xs) := congr_arg (cons x) $ take_append_drop n xs

-- TODO(Leo): cleanup proof after arith dec proc
theorem append_inj : ∀ {s₁ s₂ t₁ t₂ : list α}, s₁ ++ t₁ = s₂ ++ t₂ → length s₁ = length s₂ → s₁ = s₂ ∧ t₁ = t₂
| []      []      t₁ t₂ h hl := ⟨rfl, h⟩
| (a::s₁) []      t₁ t₂ h hl := list.no_confusion $ eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero hl
| []      (b::s₂) t₁ t₂ h hl := list.no_confusion $ eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero hl.symm
| (a::s₁) (b::s₂) t₁ t₂ h hl := list.no_confusion h $ λab hap,
  let ⟨e1, e2⟩ := @append_inj s₁ s₂ t₁ t₂ hap (succ.inj hl) in
  by rw [ab, e1, e2]; exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩

theorem append_inj_left {s₁ s₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : s₁ ++ t₁ = s₂ ++ t₂) (hl : length s₁ = length s₂) : t₁ = t₂ :=
(append_inj h hl).right

theorem append_inj_right {s₁ s₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : s₁ ++ t₁ = s₂ ++ t₂) (hl : length s₁ = length s₂) : s₁ = s₂ :=
(append_inj h hl).left

theorem append_inj' {s₁ s₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : s₁ ++ t₁ = s₂ ++ t₂) (hl : length t₁ = length t₂) : s₁ = s₂ ∧ t₁ = t₂ :=
append_inj h $ @nat.add_right_cancel _ (length t₁) _ $
let hap := congr_arg length h in by simp only [length_append] at hap; rwa [← hl] at hap

theorem append_inj_left' {s₁ s₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : s₁ ++ t₁ = s₂ ++ t₂) (hl : length t₁ = length t₂) : t₁ = t₂ :=
(append_inj' h hl).right

theorem append_inj_right' {s₁ s₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : s₁ ++ t₁ = s₂ ++ t₂) (hl : length t₁ = length t₂) : s₁ = s₂ :=
(append_inj' h hl).left

theorem append_left_cancel {s t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : s ++ t₁ = s ++ t₂) : t₁ = t₂ :=
append_inj_left h rfl

theorem append_right_cancel {s₁ s₂ t : list α} (h : s₁ ++ t = s₂ ++ t) : s₁ = s₂ :=
append_inj_right' h rfl

theorem append_left_inj {t₁ t₂ : list α} (s) : s ++ t₁ = s ++ t₂ ↔ t₁ = t₂ :=
⟨append_left_cancel, congr_arg _⟩

theorem append_right_inj {s₁ s₂ : list α} (t) : s₁ ++ t = s₂ ++ t ↔ s₁ = s₂ :=
⟨append_right_cancel, congr_arg _⟩

theorem map_eq_append_split {f : α → β} {l : list α} {s₁ s₂ : list β}
  (h : map f l = s₁ ++ s₂) : ∃ l₁ l₂, l = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ map f l₁ = s₁ ∧ map f l₂ = s₂ :=
  have := h, rw [← take_append_drop (length s₁) l] at this ⊢,
  rw map_append at this,
  refine ⟨_, _, rfl, append_inj this _⟩,
  rw [length_map, length_take, min_eq_left],
  rw [← length_map f l, h, length_append],
  apply nat.le_add_right

/- join -/

attribute [simp] join

theorem join_eq_nil : ∀ {L : list (list α)}, join L = [] ↔ ∀ l ∈ L, l = []
| []     := iff_of_true rfl (forall_mem_nil _)
| (l::L) := by simp only [join, append_eq_nil, join_eq_nil, forall_mem_cons]

@[simp] theorem join_append (L₁ L₂ : list (list α)) : join (L₁ ++ L₂) = join L₁ ++ join L₂ :=
by induction L₁; [refl, simp only [*, join, cons_append, append_assoc]]

lemma join_join (l : list (list (list α))) : l.join.join = ( join).join :=
by { induction l, simp, simp [l_ih] }

/- repeat -/

@[simp] theorem repeat_succ (a : α) (n) : repeat a (n + 1) = a :: repeat a n := rfl

theorem eq_of_mem_repeat {a b : α} : ∀ {n}, b ∈ repeat a n → b = a
| (n+1) h := or.elim h id $ @eq_of_mem_repeat _

theorem eq_repeat_of_mem {a : α} : ∀ {l : list α}, (∀ b ∈ l, b = a) → l = repeat a l.length
| []     H := rfl
| (b::l) H := by cases forall_mem_cons.1 H with H₁ H₂;
  unfold length repeat; congr; [exact H₁, exact eq_repeat_of_mem H₂]

theorem eq_repeat' {a : α} {l : list α} : l = repeat a l.length ↔ ∀ b ∈ l, b = a :=
⟨λ h, h.symm ▸ λ b, eq_of_mem_repeat, eq_repeat_of_mem⟩

theorem eq_repeat {a : α} {n} {l : list α} : l = repeat a n ↔ length l = n ∧ ∀ b ∈ l, b = a :=
⟨λ h, h.symm ▸ ⟨length_repeat _ _, λ b, eq_of_mem_repeat⟩,
 λ ⟨e, al⟩, e ▸ eq_repeat_of_mem al⟩

theorem repeat_add (a : α) (m n) : repeat a (m + n) = repeat a m ++ repeat a n :=
by induction m; simp only [*, zero_add, succ_add, repeat]; split; refl

theorem repeat_subset_singleton (a : α) (n) : repeat a n ⊆ [a] :=
λ b h, mem_singleton.2 (eq_of_mem_repeat h)

@[simp] theorem map_const (l : list α) (b : β) : map (function.const α b) l = repeat b l.length :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, map]]; split; refl

theorem eq_of_mem_map_const {b₁ b₂ : β} {l : list α} (h : b₁ ∈ map (function.const α b₂) l) : b₁ = b₂ :=
by rw map_const at h; exact eq_of_mem_repeat h

@[simp] theorem map_repeat (f : α → β) (a : α) (n) : map f (repeat a n) = repeat (f a) n :=
by induction n; [refl, simp only [*, repeat, map]]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem tail_repeat (a : α) (n) : tail (repeat a n) = repeat a n.pred :=
by cases n; refl

@[simp] theorem join_repeat_nil (n : ℕ) : join (repeat [] n) = @nil α :=
by induction n; [refl, simp only [*, repeat, join, append_nil]]

/- bind -/

@[simp] theorem bind_eq_bind {α β} (f : α → list β) (l : list α) :
  l >>= f = l.bind f := rfl

@[simp] theorem bind_append (f : α → list β) (l₁ l₂ : list α) :
  (l₁ ++ l₂).bind f = l₁.bind f ++ l₂.bind f :=
append_bind _ _ _

/- concat -/

@[simp] theorem concat_nil (a : α) : concat [] a = [a] := rfl

@[simp] theorem concat_cons (a b : α) (l : list α) : concat (a :: l) b = a :: concat l b := rfl

@[simp] theorem concat_ne_nil (a : α) (l : list α) : concat l a ≠ [] :=
by induction l; intro h; contradiction

@[simp] theorem concat_append (a : α) (l₁ l₂ : list α) : concat l₁ a ++ l₂ = l₁ ++ a :: l₂ :=
by induction l₁; simp only [*, cons_append, concat]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem concat_eq_append (a : α) (l : list α) : concat l a = l ++ [a] :=
by induction l; simp only [*, concat]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem length_concat (a : α) (l : list α) : length (concat l a) = succ (length l) :=
by simp only [concat_eq_append, length_append, length]

theorem append_concat (a : α) (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₁ ++ concat l₂ a = concat (l₁ ++ l₂) a :=
by induction l₂ with b l₂ ih; simp only [concat_eq_append, nil_append, cons_append, append_assoc]

/- reverse -/

@[simp] theorem reverse_nil : reverse (@nil α) = [] := rfl

local attribute [simp] reverse_core

@[simp] theorem reverse_cons (a : α) (l : list α) : reverse (a::l) = reverse l ++ [a] :=
have aux : ∀ l₁ l₂, reverse_core l₁ l₂ ++ [a] = reverse_core l₁ (l₂ ++ [a]),
by intro l₁; induction l₁; intros; [refl, simp only [*, reverse_core, cons_append]],
(aux l nil).symm

theorem reverse_core_eq (l₁ l₂ : list α) : reverse_core l₁ l₂ = reverse l₁ ++ l₂ :=
by induction l₁ generalizing l₂; [refl, simp only [*, reverse_core, reverse_cons, append_assoc]]; refl

theorem reverse_cons' (a : α) (l : list α) : reverse (a::l) = concat (reverse l) a :=
by simp only [reverse_cons, concat_eq_append]

@[simp] theorem reverse_singleton (a : α) : reverse [a] = [a] := rfl

@[simp] theorem reverse_append (s t : list α) : reverse (s ++ t) = (reverse t) ++ (reverse s) :=
by induction s; [rw [nil_append, reverse_nil, append_nil],
simp only [*, cons_append, reverse_cons, append_assoc]]

@[simp] theorem reverse_reverse (l : list α) : reverse (reverse l) = l :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, reverse_cons, reverse_append]]; refl

theorem reverse_injective : injective (@reverse α) :=
injective_of_left_inverse reverse_reverse

@[simp] theorem reverse_inj {l₁ l₂ : list α} : reverse l₁ = reverse l₂ ↔ l₁ = l₂ :=

@[simp] theorem reverse_eq_nil {l : list α} : reverse l = [] ↔ l = [] :=
@reverse_inj _ l []

theorem concat_eq_reverse_cons (a : α) (l : list α) : concat l a = reverse (a :: reverse l) :=
by simp only [concat_eq_append, reverse_cons, reverse_reverse]

@[simp] theorem length_reverse (l : list α) : length (reverse l) = length l :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, reverse_cons, length_append, length]]

@[simp] theorem map_reverse (f : α → β) (l : list α) : map f (reverse l) = reverse (map f l) :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, map, reverse_cons, map_append]]

theorem map_reverse_core (f : α → β) (l₁ l₂ : list α) :
  map f (reverse_core l₁ l₂) = reverse_core (map f l₁) (map f l₂) :=
by simp only [reverse_core_eq, map_append, map_reverse]

@[simp] theorem mem_reverse {a : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ reverse l ↔ a ∈ l :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, reverse_cons, mem_append, mem_singleton, mem_cons_iff, not_mem_nil, false_or, or_false, or_comm]]

@[simp] theorem reverse_repeat (a : α) (n) : reverse (repeat a n) = repeat a n :=
eq_repeat.2 ⟨by simp only [length_reverse, length_repeat], λ b h, eq_of_mem_repeat (mem_reverse.1 h)⟩

@[elab_as_eliminator] def reverse_rec_on {C : list α → Sort*}
  (l : list α) (H0 : C [])
  (H1 : ∀ (l : list α) (a : α), C l → C (l ++ [a])) : C l :=
  rw ← reverse_reverse l,
  induction reverse l,
  { exact H0 },
  { rw reverse_cons, exact H1 _ _ ih }

/- last -/

@[simp] theorem last_cons {a : α} {l : list α} : ∀ (h₁ : a :: l ≠ nil) (h₂ : l ≠ nil), last (a :: l) h₁ = last l h₂ :=
by {induction l; intros, contradiction, reflexivity}

@[simp] theorem last_append {a : α} (l : list α) (h : l ++ [a] ≠ []) : last (l ++ [a]) h = a :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [cons_append, last_cons _ (λ H, cons_ne_nil _ _ (append_eq_nil.1 H).2), *]]

theorem last_concat {a : α} (l : list α) (h : concat l a ≠ []) : last (concat l a) h = a :=
by simp only [concat_eq_append, last_append]

@[simp] theorem last_singleton (a : α) (h : [a] ≠ []) : last [a] h = a := rfl

@[simp] theorem last_cons_cons (a₁ a₂ : α) (l : list α) (h : a₁::a₂::l ≠ []) :
  last (a₁::a₂::l) h = last (a₂::l) (cons_ne_nil a₂ l) := rfl

theorem last_congr {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h₁ : l₁ ≠ []) (h₂ : l₂ ≠ []) (h₃ : l₁ = l₂) :
  last l₁ h₁ = last l₂ h₂ :=
by subst l₁

/- head(') and tail -/

theorem head_eq_head' [inhabited α] (l : list α) : head l = (head' l).iget :=
by cases l; refl

@[simp] theorem head_cons [inhabited α] (a : α) (l : list α) : head (a::l) = a := rfl

@[simp] theorem tail_nil : tail (@nil α) = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem tail_cons (a : α) (l : list α) : tail (a::l) = l := rfl

@[simp] theorem head_append [inhabited α] (t : list α) {s : list α} (h : s ≠ []) : head (s ++ t) = head s :=
by {induction s, contradiction, refl}

theorem cons_head_tail [inhabited α] {l : list α} (h : l ≠ []) : (head l)::(tail l) = l :=
by {induction l, contradiction, refl}

/- sublists -/

@[simp] theorem nil_sublist : Π (l : list α), [] <+ l
| []       := sublist.slnil
| (a :: l) := sublist.cons _ _ a (nil_sublist l)

@[refl, simp] theorem sublist.refl : Π (l : list α), l <+ l
| []       := sublist.slnil
| (a :: l) := sublist.cons2 _ _ a (sublist.refl l)

@[trans] theorem sublist.trans {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α} (h₁ : l₁ <+ l₂) (h₂ : l₂ <+ l₃) : l₁ <+ l₃ :=
sublist.rec_on h₂ (λ_ s, s)
  (λl₂ l₃ a h₂ IH l₁ h₁, sublist.cons _ _ _ (IH l₁ h₁))
  (λl₂ l₃ a h₂ IH l₁ h₁, @sublist.cases_on _ (λl₁ l₂', l₂' = a :: l₂ → l₁ <+ a :: l₃) _ _ h₁
    (λ_, nil_sublist _)
    (λl₁ l₂' a' h₁' e, match a', l₂', e, h₁' with ._, ._, rfl, h₁ := sublist.cons _ _ _ (IH _ h₁) end)
    (λl₁ l₂' a' h₁' e, match a', l₂', e, h₁' with ._, ._, rfl, h₁ := sublist.cons2 _ _ _ (IH _ h₁) end) rfl)
  l₁ h₁

@[simp] theorem sublist_cons (a : α) (l : list α) : l <+ a::l :=
sublist.cons _ _ _ (sublist.refl l)

theorem sublist_of_cons_sublist {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} : a::l₁ <+ l₂ → l₁ <+ l₂ :=
sublist.trans (sublist_cons a l₁)

theorem cons_sublist_cons {l₁ l₂ : list α} (a : α) (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : a::l₁ <+ a::l₂ :=
sublist.cons2 _ _ _ s

@[simp] theorem sublist_append_left : Π (l₁ l₂ : list α), l₁ <+ l₁++l₂
| []      l₂ := nil_sublist _
| (a::l₁) l₂ := cons_sublist_cons _ (sublist_append_left l₁ l₂)

@[simp] theorem sublist_append_right : Π (l₁ l₂ : list α), l₂ <+ l₁++l₂
| []      l₂ := sublist.refl _
| (a::l₁) l₂ := sublist.cons _ _ _ (sublist_append_right l₁ l₂)

theorem sublist_cons_of_sublist (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+ l₂ → l₁ <+ a::l₂ :=
sublist.cons _ _ _

theorem sublist_append_of_sublist_left {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l <+ l₁) : l <+ l₁++l₂ :=
s.trans $ sublist_append_left _ _

theorem sublist_append_of_sublist_right {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l <+ l₂) : l <+ l₁++l₂ :=
s.trans $ sublist_append_right _ _

theorem sublist_of_cons_sublist_cons {l₁ l₂ : list α} : ∀ {a : α}, a::l₁ <+ a::l₂ → l₁ <+ l₂
| ._ (sublist.cons  ._ ._ a s) := sublist_of_cons_sublist s
| ._ (sublist.cons2 ._ ._ a s) := s

theorem cons_sublist_cons_iff {l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α} : a::l₁ <+ a::l₂ ↔ l₁ <+ l₂ :=
⟨sublist_of_cons_sublist_cons, cons_sublist_cons _⟩

@[simp] theorem append_sublist_append_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} : ∀ l, l++l₁ <+ l++l₂ ↔ l₁ <+ l₂
| []     := iff.rfl
| (a::l) := cons_sublist_cons_iff.trans (append_sublist_append_left l)

theorem append_sublist_append_of_sublist_right {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : l₁ <+ l₂) (l) : l₁++l <+ l₂++l :=
  induction h with _ _ a _ ih _ _ a _ ih,
  { refl },
  { apply sublist_cons_of_sublist a ih },
  { apply cons_sublist_cons a ih }

theorem sublist_or_mem_of_sublist {l l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α} (h : l <+ l₁ ++ a::l₂) : l <+ l₁ ++ l₂ ∨ a ∈ l :=
  induction l₁ with b l₁ IH generalizing l,
  { cases h, { left, exact ‹l <+ l₂› }, { right, apply mem_cons_self } },
  { cases h with _ _ _ h _ _ _ h,
    { exact or.imp_left (sublist_cons_of_sublist _) (IH h) },
    { exact (IH h).imp (cons_sublist_cons _) (mem_cons_of_mem _) } }

theorem reverse_sublist {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : l₁ <+ l₂) : l₁.reverse <+ l₂.reverse :=
  induction h with _ _ _ _ ih _ _ a _ ih, {refl},
  { rw reverse_cons, exact sublist_append_of_sublist_left ih },
  { rw [reverse_cons, reverse_cons], exact append_sublist_append_of_sublist_right ih [a] }

@[simp] theorem reverse_sublist_iff {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁.reverse <+ l₂.reverse ↔ l₁ <+ l₂ :=
⟨λ h, by have := reverse_sublist h; simp only [reverse_reverse] at this; assumption, reverse_sublist⟩

@[simp] theorem append_sublist_append_right {l₁ l₂ : list α} (l) : l₁++l <+ l₂++l ↔ l₁ <+ l₂ :=
⟨λ h, by have := reverse_sublist h; simp only [reverse_append, append_sublist_append_left, reverse_sublist_iff] at this; assumption,
 λ h, append_sublist_append_of_sublist_right h l⟩

theorem append_sublist_append {l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : list α}
  (hl : l₁ <+ l₂) (hr : r₁ <+ r₂) : l₁ ++ r₁ <+ l₂ ++ r₂ :=
(append_sublist_append_of_sublist_right hl _).trans
  ((append_sublist_append_left _).2 hr)

theorem subset_of_sublist : Π {l₁ l₂ : list α}, l₁ <+ l₂ → l₁ ⊆ l₂
| ._ ._ sublist.slnil             b h := h
| ._ ._ (sublist.cons  l₁ l₂ a s) b h := mem_cons_of_mem _ (subset_of_sublist s h)
| ._ ._ (sublist.cons2 l₁ l₂ a s) b h :=
  match eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons h with
  | or.inl h := h ▸ mem_cons_self _ _
  | or.inr h := mem_cons_of_mem _ (subset_of_sublist s h)

theorem singleton_sublist {a : α} {l} : [a] <+ l ↔ a ∈ l :=
⟨λ h, subset_of_sublist h (mem_singleton_self _), λ h,
let ⟨s, t, e⟩ := mem_split h in e.symm ▸
  (cons_sublist_cons _ (nil_sublist _)).trans (sublist_append_right _ _)⟩

theorem eq_nil_of_sublist_nil {l : list α} (s : l <+ []) : l = [] :=
eq_nil_of_subset_nil $ subset_of_sublist s

theorem repeat_sublist_repeat (a : α) {m n} : repeat a m <+ repeat a n ↔ m ≤ n :=
⟨λ h, by simpa only [length_repeat] using length_le_of_sublist h,
 λ h, by induction h; [refl, simp only [*, repeat_succ, sublist.cons]] ⟩

theorem eq_of_sublist_of_length_eq : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, l₁ <+ l₂ → length l₁ = length l₂ → l₁ = l₂
| ._ ._ sublist.slnil             h := rfl
| ._ ._ (sublist.cons  l₁ l₂ a s) h :=
  absurd (length_le_of_sublist s) $ not_le_of_gt $ by rw h; apply lt_succ_self
| ._ ._ (sublist.cons2 l₁ l₂ a s) h :=
  by rw [length, length] at h; injection h with h; rw eq_of_sublist_of_length_eq s h

theorem eq_of_sublist_of_length_le {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <+ l₂) (h : length l₂ ≤ length l₁) : l₁ = l₂ :=
eq_of_sublist_of_length_eq s (le_antisymm (length_le_of_sublist s) h)

theorem sublist_antisymm {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s₁ : l₁ <+ l₂) (s₂ : l₂ <+ l₁) : l₁ = l₂ :=
eq_of_sublist_of_length_le s₁ (length_le_of_sublist s₂)

instance decidable_sublist [decidable_eq α] : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α), decidable (l₁ <+ l₂)
| []      l₂      := is_true $ nil_sublist _
| (a::l₁) []      := is_false $ λh, list.no_confusion $ eq_nil_of_sublist_nil h
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) :=
  if h : a = b then
    decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (decidable_sublist l₁ l₂) $
      by rw [← h]; exact ⟨cons_sublist_cons _, sublist_of_cons_sublist_cons⟩
  else decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (decidable_sublist (a::l₁) l₂)
    ⟨sublist_cons_of_sublist _, λs, match a, l₁, s, h with
    | a, l₁, sublist.cons ._ ._ ._ s', h := s'
    | ._, ._, sublist.cons2 t ._ ._ s', h := absurd rfl h

/- index_of -/

section index_of
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem index_of_nil (a : α) : index_of a [] = 0 := rfl

theorem index_of_cons (a b : α) (l : list α) : index_of a (b::l) = if a = b then 0 else succ (index_of a l) := rfl

theorem index_of_cons_eq {a b : α} (l : list α) : a = b → index_of a (b::l) = 0 :=
assume e, if_pos e

@[simp] theorem index_of_cons_self (a : α) (l : list α) : index_of a (a::l) = 0 :=
index_of_cons_eq _ rfl

@[simp] theorem index_of_cons_ne {a b : α} (l : list α) : a ≠ b → index_of a (b::l) = succ (index_of a l) :=
assume n, if_neg n

theorem index_of_eq_length {a : α} {l : list α} : index_of a l = length l ↔ a ∉ l :=
  induction l with b l ih,
  { exact iff_of_true rfl (not_mem_nil _) },
  simp only [length, mem_cons_iff, index_of_cons], split_ifs,
  { exact iff_of_false (by rintro ⟨⟩) (λ H, H $ or.inl h) },
  { simp only [h, false_or], rw ← ih, exact succ_inj' }

@[simp] theorem index_of_of_not_mem {l : list α} {a : α} : a ∉ l → index_of a l = length l :=

theorem index_of_le_length {a : α} {l : list α} : index_of a l ≤ length l :=
  induction l with b l ih, {refl},
  simp only [length, index_of_cons],
  by_cases h : a = b, {rw if_pos h, exact nat.zero_le _},
  rw if_neg h, exact succ_le_succ ih

theorem index_of_lt_length {a} {l : list α} : index_of a l < length l ↔ a ∈ l :=
⟨λh, by_contradiction $ λ al, ne_of_lt h $ index_of_eq_length.2 al,
λal, lt_of_le_of_ne index_of_le_length $ λ h, index_of_eq_length.1 h al⟩

end index_of

/- nth element -/

theorem nth_le_of_mem : ∀ {a} {l : list α}, a ∈ l → ∃ n h, nth_le l n h = a
| a (_ :: l) (or.inl rfl) := ⟨0, succ_pos _, rfl⟩
| a (b :: l) (or.inr m)   :=
  let ⟨n, h, e⟩ := nth_le_of_mem m in ⟨n+1, succ_lt_succ h, e⟩

theorem nth_le_nth : ∀ {l : list α} {n} h, nth l n = some (nth_le l n h)
| (a :: l) 0     h := rfl
| (a :: l) (n+1) h := @nth_le_nth l n _

theorem nth_len_le : ∀ {l : list α} {n}, length l ≤ n → nth l n = none
| []       n     h := rfl
| (a :: l) (n+1) h := nth_len_le (le_of_succ_le_succ h)

theorem nth_eq_some {l : list α} {n a} : nth l n = some a ↔ ∃ h, nth_le l n h = a :=
⟨λ e,
  have h : n < length l, from lt_of_not_ge $ λ hn,
    by rw nth_len_le hn at e; contradiction,
  ⟨h, by rw nth_le_nth h at e;
    injection e with e; apply nth_le_mem⟩,
λ ⟨h, e⟩, e ▸ nth_le_nth _⟩

theorem nth_of_mem {a} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : ∃ n, nth l n = some a :=
let ⟨n, h, e⟩ := nth_le_of_mem h in ⟨n, by rw [nth_le_nth, e]⟩

theorem nth_le_mem : ∀ (l : list α) n h, nth_le l n h ∈ l
| (a :: l) 0     h := mem_cons_self _ _
| (a :: l) (n+1) h := mem_cons_of_mem _ (nth_le_mem l _ _)

theorem nth_mem {l : list α} {n a} (e : nth l n = some a) : a ∈ l :=
let ⟨h, e⟩ := nth_eq_some.1 e in e ▸ nth_le_mem _ _ _

theorem mem_iff_nth_le {a} {l : list α} : a ∈ l ↔ ∃ n h, nth_le l n h = a :=
⟨nth_le_of_mem, λ ⟨n, h, e⟩, e ▸ nth_le_mem _ _ _⟩

theorem mem_iff_nth {a} {l : list α} : a ∈ l ↔ ∃ n, nth l n = some a :=
mem_iff_nth_le.trans $ exists_congr $ λ n, nth_eq_some.symm

@[simp] theorem nth_map (f : α → β) : ∀ l n, nth (map f l) n = (nth l n).map f
| []       n     := rfl
| (a :: l) 0     := rfl
| (a :: l) (n+1) := nth_map l n

theorem nth_le_map (f : α → β) {l n} (H1 H2) : nth_le (map f l) n H1 = f (nth_le l n H2) :=
option.some.inj $ by rw [← nth_le_nth, nth_map, nth_le_nth]; refl

/-- A version of `nth_le_map` that can be used for rewriting. -/
theorem nth_le_map_rev (f : α → β) {l n} (H) :
  f (nth_le l n H) = nth_le (map f l) n ((length_map f l).symm ▸ H) :=
(nth_le_map f _ _).symm

@[simp] theorem nth_le_map' (f : α → β) {l n} (H) :
  nth_le (map f l) n H = f (nth_le l n (length_map f l ▸ H)) :=
nth_le_map f _ _

@[simp] lemma nth_le_singleton (a : α) {n : ℕ} (hn : n < 1) :
  nth_le [a] n hn = a :=
have hn0 : n = 0 := le_zero_iff.1 (le_of_lt_succ hn),
by subst hn0; refl

lemma nth_le_append : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n : ℕ} (hn₁) (hn₂),
  (l₁ ++ l₂).nth_le n hn₁ = l₁.nth_le n hn₂
| []     _ n     hn₁ hn₂  := (not_lt_zero _ hn₂).elim
| (a::l) _ 0     hn₁ hn₂ := rfl
| (a::l) _ (n+1) hn₁ hn₂ := by simp only [nth_le, cons_append];
                         exact nth_le_append _ _

lemma nth_le_append_right_aux {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n : ℕ}
  (h₁ : l₁.length ≤ n) (h₂ : n < (l₁ ++ l₂).length) : n - l₁.length < l₂.length :=
  rw list.length_append at h₂,
  convert (nat.sub_lt_sub_right_iff h₁).mpr h₂,

lemma nth_le_append_right : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n : ℕ} (h₁ : l₁.length ≤ n) (h₂),
  (l₁ ++ l₂).nth_le n h₂ = l₂.nth_le (n - l₁.length) (nth_le_append_right_aux h₁ h₂)
| []       _ n     h₁ h₂ := rfl
| (a :: l) _ (n+1) h₁ h₂ :=
    conv { to_rhs, congr, skip, rw [←nat.sub_sub, nat.sub.right_comm, nat.add_sub_cancel], },
    rw nth_le_append_right ( h₁),

@[simp] lemma nth_le_repeat (a : α) {n m : ℕ} (h : m < n) :
  (list.repeat a n).nth_le m (by rwa list.length_repeat) = a :=
eq_of_mem_repeat (nth_le_mem _ _ _)

lemma nth_append  {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n : ℕ} (hn : n < l₁.length) :
  (l₁ ++ l₂).nth n = l₁.nth n :=
have hn' : n < (l₁ ++ l₂).length := lt_of_lt_of_le hn
  (by rw length_append; exact le_add_right _ _),
by rw [nth_le_nth hn, nth_le_nth hn', nth_le_append]

lemma last_eq_nth_le : ∀ (l : list α) (h : l ≠ []),
  last l h = l.nth_le (l.length - 1) (sub_lt (length_pos_of_ne_nil h) one_pos)
| [] h := rfl
| [a] h := by rw [last_singleton, nth_le_singleton]
| (a :: b :: l) h := by { rw [last_cons, last_eq_nth_le (b :: l)],
                          refl, exact cons_ne_nil b l }

@[simp] lemma nth_concat_length: ∀ (l : list α) (a : α), (l ++ [a]).nth l.length = a
| []     a := rfl
| (b::l) a := by rw [cons_append, length_cons, nth, nth_concat_length]

theorem ext : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, (∀n, nth l₁ n = nth l₂ n) → l₁ = l₂
| []      []       h := rfl
| (a::l₁) []       h := by have h0 := h 0; contradiction
| []      (a'::l₂) h := by have h0 := h 0; contradiction
| (a::l₁) (a'::l₂) h := by have h0 : some a = some a' := h 0; injection h0 with aa;
    simp only [aa, ext (λn, h (n+1))]; split; refl

theorem ext_le {l₁ l₂ : list α} (hl : length l₁ = length l₂) (h : ∀n h₁ h₂, nth_le l₁ n h₁ = nth_le l₂ n h₂) : l₁ = l₂ :=
ext $ λn, if h₁ : n < length l₁
  then by rw [nth_le_nth, nth_le_nth, h n h₁ (by rwa [← hl])]
  else let h₁ := le_of_not_gt h₁ in by { rw [nth_len_le h₁, nth_len_le], rwa [←hl], }

@[simp] theorem index_of_nth_le [decidable_eq α] {a : α} : ∀ {l : list α} h, nth_le l (index_of a l) h = a
| (b::l) h := by by_cases h' : a = b; simp only [h', if_pos, if_false, index_of_cons, nth_le, @index_of_nth_le l]

@[simp] theorem index_of_nth [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : nth l (index_of a l) = some a :=
by rw [nth_le_nth, index_of_nth_le (index_of_lt_length.2 h)]

theorem nth_le_reverse_aux1 : ∀ (l r : list α) (i h1 h2), nth_le (reverse_core l r) (i + length l) h1 = nth_le r i h2
| []       r i := λh1 h2, rfl
| (a :: l) r i := by rw (show i + length (a :: l) = i + 1 + length l, from add_right_comm i (length l) 1); exact
  λh1 h2, nth_le_reverse_aux1 l (a :: r) (i+1) h1 (succ_lt_succ h2)

lemma index_of_inj [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} {x y : α}
  (hx : x ∈ l) (hy : y ∈ l) : index_of x l = index_of y l ↔ x = y :=
⟨λ h, have nth_le l (index_of x l) (index_of_lt_length.2 hx) =
        nth_le l (index_of y l) (index_of_lt_length.2 hy),
      by simp only [h],
    by simpa only [index_of_nth_le],
  λ h, by subst h⟩

theorem nth_le_reverse_aux2 : ∀ (l r : list α) (i : nat) (h1) (h2),
  nth_le (reverse_core l r) (length l - 1 - i) h1 = nth_le l i h2
| []       r i     h1 h2 := absurd h2 (not_lt_zero _)
| (a :: l) r 0     h1 h2 := begin
    have aux := nth_le_reverse_aux1 l (a :: r) 0,
    rw zero_add at aux,
    exact aux _ (zero_lt_succ _)
| (a :: l) r (i+1) h1 h2 := begin
    have aux := nth_le_reverse_aux2 l (a :: r) i,
    have heq := calc length (a :: l) - 1 - (i + 1)
          = length l - (1 + i) : by rw add_comm; refl
      ... = length l - 1 - i   : by rw nat.sub_sub,
    rw [← heq] at aux,
    apply aux

@[simp] theorem nth_le_reverse (l : list α) (i : nat) (h1 h2) :
  nth_le (reverse l) (length l - 1 - i) h1 = nth_le l i h2 :=
nth_le_reverse_aux2 _ _ _ _ _

lemma modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail {f g : list α → list α} (m : ℕ) :
  ∀n (l:list α), (l.modify_nth_tail f n).modify_nth_tail g (m + n) =
    l.modify_nth_tail (λl, (f l).modify_nth_tail g m) n
| 0     l      := rfl
| (n+1) []     := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) := congr_arg (list.cons a) (modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail n l)

lemma modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail_le
  {f g : list α → list α} (m n : ℕ) (l : list α) (h : n ≤ m) :
  (l.modify_nth_tail f n).modify_nth_tail g m =
    l.modify_nth_tail (λl, (f l).modify_nth_tail g (m - n)) n :=
  rcases le_iff_exists_add.1 h with ⟨m, rfl⟩,
  rw [nat.add_sub_cancel_left, add_comm, modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail]

lemma modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail_same {f g : list α → list α} (n : ℕ) (l:list α) :
  (l.modify_nth_tail f n).modify_nth_tail g n = l.modify_nth_tail (g ∘ f) n :=
by rw [modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail_le n n l (le_refl n), nat.sub_self]; refl

lemma modify_nth_tail_id :
  ∀n (l:list α), l.modify_nth_tail id n = l
| 0     l      := rfl
| (n+1) []     := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) := congr_arg (list.cons a) (modify_nth_tail_id n l)

theorem remove_nth_eq_nth_tail : ∀ n (l : list α), remove_nth l n = modify_nth_tail tail n l
| 0     l      := by cases l; refl
| (n+1) []     := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) := congr_arg (cons _) (remove_nth_eq_nth_tail _ _)

theorem update_nth_eq_modify_nth (a : α) : ∀ n (l : list α),
  update_nth l n a = modify_nth (λ _, a) n l
| 0     l      := by cases l; refl
| (n+1) []     := rfl
| (n+1) (b::l) := congr_arg (cons _) (update_nth_eq_modify_nth _ _)

theorem modify_nth_eq_update_nth (f : α → α) : ∀ n (l : list α),
  modify_nth f n l = ((λ a, update_nth l n (f a)) <$> nth l n).get_or_else l
| 0     l      := by cases l; refl
| (n+1) []     := rfl
| (n+1) (b::l) := (congr_arg (cons b)
  (modify_nth_eq_update_nth n l)).trans $ by cases nth l n; refl

theorem nth_modify_nth (f : α → α) : ∀ n (l : list α) m,
  nth (modify_nth f n l) m = (λ a, if n = m then f a else a) <$> nth l m
| n     l      0     := by cases l; cases n; refl
| n     []     (m+1) := by cases n; refl
| 0     (a::l) (m+1) := by cases nth l m; refl
| (n+1) (a::l) (m+1) := (nth_modify_nth n l m).trans $
  by cases nth l m with b; by_cases n = m;
  simp only [h, if_pos, if_true, if_false, option.map_none, option.map_some, mt succ_inj, not_false_iff]

theorem modify_nth_tail_length (f : list α → list α) (H : ∀ l, length (f l) = length l) :
  ∀ n l, length (modify_nth_tail f n l) = length l
| 0     l      := H _
| (n+1) []     := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) := @congr_arg _ _ _ _ (+1) (modify_nth_tail_length _ _)

@[simp] theorem modify_nth_length (f : α → α) :
  ∀ n l, length (modify_nth f n l) = length l :=
modify_nth_tail_length _ (λ l, by cases l; refl)

@[simp] theorem update_nth_length (l : list α) (n) (a : α) :
  length (update_nth l n a) = length l :=
by simp only [update_nth_eq_modify_nth, modify_nth_length]

@[simp] theorem nth_modify_nth_eq (f : α → α) (n) (l : list α) :
  nth (modify_nth f n l) n = f <$> nth l n :=
by simp only [nth_modify_nth, if_pos]

@[simp] theorem nth_modify_nth_ne (f : α → α) {m n} (l : list α) (h : m ≠ n) :
  nth (modify_nth f m l) n = nth l n :=
by simp only [nth_modify_nth, if_neg h, id_map']

theorem nth_update_nth_eq (a : α) (n) (l : list α) :
  nth (update_nth l n a) n = (λ _, a) <$> nth l n :=
by simp only [update_nth_eq_modify_nth, nth_modify_nth_eq]

theorem nth_update_nth_of_lt (a : α) {n} {l : list α} (h : n < length l) :
  nth (update_nth l n a) n = some a :=
by rw [nth_update_nth_eq, nth_le_nth h]; refl

theorem nth_update_nth_ne (a : α) {m n} (l : list α) (h : m ≠ n) :
  nth (update_nth l m a) n = nth l n :=
by simp only [update_nth_eq_modify_nth, nth_modify_nth_ne _ _ h]

@[simp] lemma nth_le_update_nth_eq (l : list α) (i : ℕ) (a : α)
  (h : i < (l.update_nth i a).length) : (l.update_nth i a).nth_le i h = a :=
by rw [← option.some_inj, ← nth_le_nth, nth_update_nth_eq, nth_le_nth]; simp * at *

@[simp] lemma nth_le_update_nth_of_ne {l : list α} {i j : ℕ} (h : i ≠ j) (a : α)
  (hj : j < (l.update_nth i a).length) :
  (l.update_nth i a).nth_le j hj = l.nth_le j (by simpa using hj) :=
by rw [← option.some_inj, ← list.nth_le_nth, list.nth_update_nth_ne _ _ h, list.nth_le_nth]

lemma mem_or_eq_of_mem_update_nth : ∀ {l : list α} {n : ℕ} {a b : α}
  (h : a ∈ l.update_nth n b), a ∈ l ∨ a = b
| []     n     a b h := false.elim h
| (c::l) 0     a b h := ((mem_cons_iff _ _ _).1 h).elim
  or.inr (or.inl ∘ mem_cons_of_mem _)
| (c::l) (n+1) a b h := ((mem_cons_iff _ _ _).1 h).elim
  (λ h, h ▸ or.inl (mem_cons_self _ _))
  (λ h, (mem_or_eq_of_mem_update_nth h).elim
    (or.inl ∘ mem_cons_of_mem _) or.inr)

section insert_nth
variable {a : α}

@[simp] lemma insert_nth_nil (a : α) : insert_nth 0 a [] = [a] := rfl

lemma length_insert_nth : ∀n as, n ≤ length as → length (insert_nth n a as) = length as + 1
| 0     as       h := rfl
| (n+1) []       h := (nat.not_succ_le_zero _ h).elim
| (n+1) (a'::as) h := congr_arg nat.succ $ length_insert_nth n as (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h)

lemma remove_nth_insert_nth (n:ℕ) (l : list α) : (l.insert_nth n a).remove_nth n = l :=
by rw [remove_nth_eq_nth_tail, insert_nth, modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail_same];
from modify_nth_tail_id _ _

lemma insert_nth_remove_nth_of_ge : ∀n m as, n < length as → m ≥ n →
  insert_nth m a (as.remove_nth n) = (as.insert_nth (m + 1) a).remove_nth n
| 0     0     []      has _   := (lt_irrefl _ has).elim
| 0     0     (a::as) has hmn := by simp [remove_nth, insert_nth]
| 0     (m+1) (a::as) has hmn := rfl
| (n+1) (m+1) (a::as) has hmn :=
  congr_arg (cons a) $
    insert_nth_remove_nth_of_ge n m as (nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ has) (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ hmn)

lemma insert_nth_remove_nth_of_le : ∀n m as, n < length as → m ≤ n →
  insert_nth m a (as.remove_nth n) = (as.insert_nth m a).remove_nth (n + 1)
| n       0       (a :: as) has hmn := rfl
| (n + 1) (m + 1) (a :: as) has hmn :=
  congr_arg (cons a) $
    insert_nth_remove_nth_of_le n m as (nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ has) (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ hmn)

lemma insert_nth_comm (a b : α) :
  ∀(i j : ℕ) (l : list α) (h : i ≤ j) (hj : j ≤ length l),
    (l.insert_nth i a).insert_nth (j + 1) b = (l.insert_nth j b).insert_nth i a
| 0       j     l      := by simp [insert_nth]
| (i + 1) 0     l      := assume h, (nat.not_lt_zero _ h).elim
| (i + 1) (j+1) []     := by simp
| (i + 1) (j+1) (c::l) :=
  assume h₀ h₁,
  by simp [insert_nth]; exact insert_nth_comm i j l (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h₀) (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h₁)

lemma mem_insert_nth {a b : α} : ∀ {n : ℕ} {l : list α} (hi : n ≤ l.length),
  a ∈ l.insert_nth n b ↔ a = b ∨ a ∈ l
| 0     as       h := iff.rfl
| (n+1) []       h := (nat.not_succ_le_zero _ h).elim
| (n+1) (a'::as) h := begin
  dsimp [list.insert_nth],
  erw [list.mem_cons_iff, mem_insert_nth (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h), list.mem_cons_iff,
    ← or.assoc, or_comm (a = a'), or.assoc]

end insert_nth

/- map -/

lemma map_congr {f g : α → β} : ∀ {l : list α}, (∀ x ∈ l, f x = g x) → map f l = map g l
| []     _ := rfl
| (a::l) h := let ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ := forall_mem_cons.1 h in
  by rw [map, map, h₁, map_congr h₂]

lemma map_eq_map_iff {f g : α → β} {l : list α} : map f l = map g l ↔ (∀ x ∈ l, f x = g x) :=
  refine ⟨_, map_congr⟩, intros h x hx,
  rw [mem_iff_nth_le] at hx, rcases hx with ⟨n, hn, rfl⟩,
  rw [nth_le_map_rev f, nth_le_map_rev g], congr, exact h

theorem map_concat (f : α → β) (a : α) (l : list α) : map f (concat l a) = concat (map f l) (f a) :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, concat_eq_append, cons_append, map, map_append]]; split; refl

theorem map_id' {f : α → α} (h : ∀ x, f x = x) (l : list α) : map f l = l :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, map]]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem foldl_map (g : β → γ) (f : α → γ → α) (a : α) (l : list β) :
  foldl f a (map g l) = foldl (λx y, f x (g y)) a l :=
by revert a; induction l; intros; [refl, simp only [*, map, foldl]]

@[simp] theorem foldr_map (g : β → γ) (f : γ → α → α) (a : α) (l : list β) :
  foldr f a (map g l) = foldr (f ∘ g) a l :=
by revert a; induction l; intros; [refl, simp only [*, map, foldr]]

theorem foldl_hom (l : list γ) (f : α → β) (op : α → γ → α) (op' : β → γ → β) (a : α)
  (h : ∀a x, f (op a x) = op' (f a) x) : foldl op' (f a) l = f (foldl op a l) :=
eq.symm $ by { revert a, induction l; intros; [refl, simp only [*, foldl]] }

theorem foldr_hom (l : list γ) (f : α → β) (op : γ → α → α) (op' : γ → β → β) (a : α)
  (h : ∀x a, f (op x a) = op' x (f a)) : foldr op' (f a) l = f (foldr op a l) :=
by { revert a, induction l; intros; [refl, simp only [*, foldr]] }

theorem eq_nil_of_map_eq_nil {f : α → β} {l : list α} (h : map f l = nil) : l = nil :=
eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero $ by rw [← length_map f l, h]; refl

@[simp] theorem map_join (f : α → β) (L : list (list α)) :
  map f (join L) = join (map (map f) L) :=
by induction L; [refl, simp only [*, join, map, map_append]]

theorem bind_ret_eq_map (f : α → β) (l : list α) :
  l.bind (list.ret ∘ f) = map f l :=
by unfold list.bind; induction l; simp only [map, join, list.ret, cons_append, nil_append, *]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem map_eq_map {α β} (f : α → β) (l : list α) : f <$> l = map f l := rfl

@[simp] theorem map_tail (f : α → β) (l) : map f (tail l) = tail (map f l) :=
by cases l; refl

@[simp] theorem injective_map_iff {f : α → β} : injective (map f) ↔ injective f :=
  split; intros h x y hxy,
  { suffices : [x] = [y], { simpa using this }, apply h, simp [hxy] },
  { induction y generalizing x, simpa using hxy,
    cases x, simpa using hxy, simp at hxy, simp [y_ih hxy.2, h hxy.1] }

/- map₂ -/

theorem nil_map₂ (f : α → β → γ) (l : list β) : map₂ f [] l = [] :=
by cases l; refl

theorem map₂_nil (f : α → β → γ) (l : list α) : map₂ f l [] = [] :=
by cases l; refl

/- take, drop -/
@[simp] theorem take_zero (l : list α) : take 0 l = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem take_nil : ∀ n, take n [] = ([] : list α)
| 0     := rfl
| (n+1) := rfl

theorem take_cons (n) (a : α) (l : list α) : take (succ n) (a::l) = a :: take n l := rfl

@[simp] theorem take_all : ∀ (l : list α), take (length l) l = l
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := begin change a :: (take (length l) l) = a :: l, rw take_all end

theorem take_all_of_le : ∀ {n} {l : list α}, length l ≤ n → take n l = l
| 0     []     h := rfl
| 0     (a::l) h := absurd h (not_le_of_gt (zero_lt_succ _))
| (n+1) []     h := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) h :=
    change a :: take n l = a :: l,
    rw [take_all_of_le (le_of_succ_le_succ h)]

@[simp] theorem take_left : ∀ l₁ l₂ : list α, take (length l₁) (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁
| []      l₂ := rfl
| (a::l₁) l₂ := congr_arg (cons a) (take_left l₁ l₂)

theorem take_left' {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n} (h : length l₁ = n) :
  take n (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁ :=
by rw ← h; apply take_left

theorem take_take : ∀ (n m) (l : list α), take n (take m l) = take (min n m) l
| n         0        l      := by rw [min_zero, take_zero, take_nil]
| 0         m        l      := by rw [zero_min, take_zero, take_zero]
| (succ n)  (succ m) nil    := by simp only [take_nil]
| (succ n)  (succ m) (a::l) := by simp only [take, min_succ_succ, take_take n m l]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem drop_nil : ∀ n, drop n [] = ([] : list α)
| 0     := rfl
| (n+1) := rfl

@[simp] theorem drop_one : ∀ l : list α, drop 1 l = tail l
| []       := rfl
| (a :: l) := rfl

theorem drop_add : ∀ m n (l : list α), drop (m + n) l = drop m (drop n l)
| m 0     l      := rfl
| m (n+1) []     := (drop_nil _).symm
| m (n+1) (a::l) := drop_add m n _

@[simp] theorem drop_left : ∀ l₁ l₂ : list α, drop (length l₁) (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₂
| []      l₂ := rfl
| (a::l₁) l₂ := drop_left l₁ l₂

theorem drop_left' {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n} (h : length l₁ = n) :
  drop n (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₂ :=
by rw ← h; apply drop_left

theorem drop_eq_nth_le_cons : ∀ {n} {l : list α} h,
  drop n l = nth_le l n h :: drop (n+1) l
| 0     (a::l) h := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) h := @drop_eq_nth_le_cons n _ _

@[simp] lemma drop_all (l : list α) : l.drop l.length = [] :=
calc l.drop l.length = (l ++ []).drop l.length : by simp
                 ... = [] : drop_left _ _

lemma drop_append_of_le_length : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n : ℕ}, n ≤ l₁.length →
  (l₁ ++ l₂).drop n = l₁.drop n ++ l₂
| l₁      l₂ 0     hn := by simp
| []      l₂ (n+1) hn := absurd hn dec_trivial
| (a::l₁) l₂ (n+1) hn :=
by rw [drop, cons_append, drop, drop_append_of_le_length (le_of_succ_le_succ hn)]

lemma take_append_of_le_length : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n : ℕ},
  n ≤ l₁.length → (l₁ ++ l₂).take n = l₁.take n
| l₁      l₂ 0     hn := by simp
| []      l₂ (n+1) hn := absurd hn dec_trivial
| (a::l₁) l₂ (n+1) hn :=
by rw [list.take, list.cons_append, list.take, take_append_of_le_length (le_of_succ_le_succ hn)]

@[simp] theorem drop_drop (n : ℕ) : ∀ (m) (l : list α), drop n (drop m l) = drop (n + m) l
| m     []     := by simp
| 0     l      := by simp
| (m+1) (a::l) :=
  calc drop n (drop (m + 1) (a :: l)) = drop n (drop m l) : rfl
    ... = drop (n + m) l : drop_drop m l
    ... = drop (n + (m + 1)) (a :: l) : rfl

theorem drop_take : ∀ (m : ℕ) (n : ℕ) (l : list α),
  drop m (take (m + n) l) = take n (drop m l)
| 0     n _      := by simp
| (m+1) n nil    := by simp
| (m+1) n (_::l) :=
  have h: m + 1 + n = (m+n) + 1, by simp,
  by simpa [take_cons, h] using drop_take m n l

theorem modify_nth_tail_eq_take_drop (f : list α → list α) (H : f [] = []) :
  ∀ n l, modify_nth_tail f n l = take n l ++ f (drop n l)
| 0     l      := rfl
| (n+1) []     := H.symm
| (n+1) (b::l) := congr_arg (cons b) (modify_nth_tail_eq_take_drop n l)

theorem modify_nth_eq_take_drop (f : α → α) :
  ∀ n l, modify_nth f n l = take n l ++ modify_head f (drop n l) :=
modify_nth_tail_eq_take_drop _ rfl

theorem modify_nth_eq_take_cons_drop (f : α → α) {n l} (h) :
  modify_nth f n l = take n l ++ f (nth_le l n h) :: drop (n+1) l :=
by rw [modify_nth_eq_take_drop, drop_eq_nth_le_cons h]; refl

theorem update_nth_eq_take_cons_drop (a : α) {n l} (h : n < length l) :
  update_nth l n a = take n l ++ a :: drop (n+1) l :=
by rw [update_nth_eq_modify_nth, modify_nth_eq_take_cons_drop _ h]

@[simp] lemma update_nth_eq_nil (l : list α) (n : ℕ) (a : α) : l.update_nth n a = [] ↔ l = [] :=
by cases l; cases n; simp only [update_nth]

section take'
variable [inhabited α]

@[simp] theorem take'_length : ∀ n l, length (@take' α _ n l) = n
| 0     l := rfl
| (n+1) l := congr_arg succ (take'_length _ _)

@[simp] theorem take'_nil : ∀ n, take' n (@nil α) = repeat (default _) n
| 0     := rfl
| (n+1) := congr_arg (cons _) (take'_nil _)

theorem take'_eq_take : ∀ {n} {l : list α},
  n ≤ length l → take' n l = take n l
| 0     l      h := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) h := congr_arg (cons _) $
  take'_eq_take $ le_of_succ_le_succ h

@[simp] theorem take'_left (l₁ l₂ : list α) : take' (length l₁) (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁ :=
(take'_eq_take (by simp only [length_append, nat.le_add_right])).trans (take_left _ _)

theorem take'_left' {l₁ l₂ : list α} {n} (h : length l₁ = n) :
  take' n (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁ :=
by rw ← h; apply take'_left

end take'

/- foldl, foldr -/

lemma foldl_ext (f g : α → β → α) (a : α)
  {l : list β} (H : ∀ a : α, ∀ b ∈ l, f a b = g a b) :
  foldl f a l = foldl g a l :=
  induction l with hd tl ih generalizing a, {refl},
  unfold foldl,
  rw [ih (λ a b bin, H a b $ mem_cons_of_mem _ bin), H a hd (mem_cons_self _ _)]

lemma foldr_ext (f g : α → β → β) (b : β)
  {l : list α} (H : ∀ a ∈ l, ∀ b : β, f a b = g a b) :
  foldr f b l = foldr g b l :=
  induction l with hd tl ih, {refl},
  simp only [mem_cons_iff, or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib, forall_eq] at H,
  simp only [foldr, ih H.2, H.1]

@[simp] theorem foldl_nil (f : α → β → α) (a : α) : foldl f a [] = a := rfl

@[simp] theorem foldl_cons (f : α → β → α) (a : α) (b : β) (l : list β) :
  foldl f a (b::l) = foldl f (f a b) l := rfl

@[simp] theorem foldr_nil (f : α → β → β) (b : β) : foldr f b [] = b := rfl

@[simp] theorem foldr_cons (f : α → β → β) (b : β) (a : α) (l : list α) :
  foldr f b (a::l) = f a (foldr f b l) := rfl

@[simp] theorem foldl_append (f : α → β → α) :
  ∀ (a : α) (l₁ l₂ : list β), foldl f a (l₁++l₂) = foldl f (foldl f a l₁) l₂
| a []      l₂ := rfl
| a (b::l₁) l₂ := by simp only [cons_append, foldl_cons, foldl_append (f a b) l₁ l₂]

@[simp] theorem foldr_append (f : α → β → β) :
  ∀ (b : β) (l₁ l₂ : list α), foldr f b (l₁++l₂) = foldr f (foldr f b l₂) l₁
| b []      l₂ := rfl
| b (a::l₁) l₂ := by simp only [cons_append, foldr_cons, foldr_append b l₁ l₂]

@[simp] theorem foldl_join (f : α → β → α) :
  ∀ (a : α) (L : list (list β)), foldl f a (join L) = foldl (foldl f) a L
| a []     := rfl
| a (l::L) := by simp only [join, foldl_append, foldl_cons, foldl_join (foldl f a l) L]

@[simp] theorem foldr_join (f : α → β → β) :
  ∀ (b : β) (L : list (list α)), foldr f b (join L) = foldr (λ l b, foldr f b l) b L
| a []     := rfl
| a (l::L) := by simp only [join, foldr_append, foldr_join a L, foldr_cons]

theorem foldl_reverse (f : α → β → α) (a : α) (l : list β) : foldl f a (reverse l) = foldr (λx y, f y x) a l :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, reverse_cons, foldl_append, foldl_cons, foldl_nil, foldr]]

theorem foldr_reverse (f : α → β → β) (a : β) (l : list α) : foldr f a (reverse l) = foldl (λx y, f y x) a l :=
let t := foldl_reverse (λx y, f y x) a (reverse l) in
by rw reverse_reverse l at t; rwa t

@[simp] theorem foldr_eta : ∀ (l : list α), foldr cons [] l = l
| []     := rfl
| (x::l) := by simp only [foldr_cons, foldr_eta l]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem reverse_foldl {l : list α} : reverse (foldl (λ t h, h :: t) [] l) = l :=
by rw ←foldr_reverse; simp

/- scanl -/

lemma length_scanl {β : Type*} {f : α → β → α} :
  ∀ a l, length (scanl f a l) = l.length + 1
| a [] := rfl
| a (x :: l) := by erw [length_cons, length_cons, length_scanl]

/- scanr -/

@[simp] theorem scanr_nil (f : α → β → β) (b : β) : scanr f b [] = [b] := rfl

@[simp] theorem scanr_aux_cons (f : α → β → β) (b : β) : ∀ (a : α) (l : list α),
  scanr_aux f b (a::l) = (foldr f b (a::l), scanr f b l)
| a []     := rfl
| a (x::l) := let t := scanr_aux_cons x l in
  by simp only [scanr, scanr_aux, t, foldr_cons]

@[simp] theorem scanr_cons (f : α → β → β) (b : β) (a : α) (l : list α) :
  scanr f b (a::l) = foldr f b (a::l) :: scanr f b l :=
by simp only [scanr, scanr_aux_cons, foldr_cons]; split; refl

section foldl_eq_foldr
  -- foldl and foldr coincide when f is commutative and associative
  variables {f : α → α → α} (hcomm : commutative f) (hassoc : associative f)

  include hassoc
  theorem foldl1_eq_foldr1 : ∀ a b l, foldl f a (l++[b]) = foldr f b (a::l)
  | a b nil      := rfl
  | a b (c :: l) := by simp only [cons_append, foldl_cons, foldr_cons, foldl1_eq_foldr1 _ _ l]; rw hassoc

  include hcomm
  theorem foldl_eq_of_comm_of_assoc : ∀ a b l, foldl f a (b::l) = f b (foldl f a l)
  | a b  nil    := hcomm a b
  | a b  (c::l) := by simp only [foldl_cons];
    rw [← foldl_eq_of_comm_of_assoc, right_comm _ hcomm hassoc]; refl

  theorem foldl_eq_foldr : ∀ a l, foldl f a l = foldr f a l
  | a nil      := rfl
  | a (b :: l) :=
    by simp only [foldr_cons, foldl_eq_of_comm_of_assoc hcomm hassoc]; rw (foldl_eq_foldr a l)

end foldl_eq_foldr

section foldl_eq_foldlr'

  variables {f : α → β → α}
  variables hf : ∀ a b c, f (f a b) c = f (f a c) b
  include hf

  theorem foldl_eq_of_comm' : ∀ a b l, foldl f a (b::l) = f (foldl f a l) b
  | a b [] := rfl
  | a b (c :: l) := by rw [foldl,foldl,foldl,← foldl_eq_of_comm',foldl,hf]

  theorem foldl_eq_foldr' : ∀ a l, foldl f a l = foldr (flip f) a l
  | a [] := rfl
  | a (b :: l) := by rw [foldl_eq_of_comm' hf,foldr,foldl_eq_foldr']; refl

end foldl_eq_foldlr'

section foldl_eq_foldlr'

  variables {f : α → β → β}
  variables hf : ∀ a b c, f a (f b c) = f b (f a c)
  include hf

  theorem foldr_eq_of_comm' : ∀ a b l, foldr f a (b::l) = foldr f (f b a) l
  | a b [] := rfl
  | a b (c :: l) := by rw [foldr,foldr,foldr,hf,← foldr_eq_of_comm']; refl

end foldl_eq_foldlr'

variables {op : α → α → α} [ha : is_associative α op] [hc : is_commutative α op]
local notation a * b := op a b
local notation l <*> a := foldl op a l

include ha

lemma foldl_assoc : ∀ {l : list α} {a₁ a₂}, l <*> (a₁ * a₂) = a₁ * (l <*> a₂)
| [] a₁ a₂ := rfl
| (a :: l) a₁ a₂ :=
  calc a::l <*> (a₁ * a₂) = l <*> (a₁ * (a₂ * a)) : by simp only [foldl_cons, ha.assoc]
    ... = a₁ * (a::l <*> a₂) : by rw [foldl_assoc, foldl_cons]

lemma foldl_op_eq_op_foldr_assoc : ∀{l : list α} {a₁ a₂}, (l <*> a₁) * a₂ = a₁ * l.foldr (*) a₂
| [] a₁ a₂ := rfl
| (a :: l) a₁ a₂ := by simp only [foldl_cons, foldr_cons, foldl_assoc, ha.assoc]; rw [foldl_op_eq_op_foldr_assoc]

include hc

lemma foldl_assoc_comm_cons {l : list α} {a₁ a₂} : (a₁ :: l) <*> a₂ = a₁ * (l <*> a₂) :=
by rw [foldl_cons, hc.comm, foldl_assoc]


/- mfoldl, mfoldr -/

section mfoldl_mfoldr
variables {m : Type v → Type w} [monad m]

@[simp] theorem mfoldl_nil (f : β → α → m β) {b} : mfoldl f b [] = pure b := rfl

@[simp] theorem mfoldr_nil (f : α → β → m β) {b} : mfoldr f b [] = pure b := rfl

@[simp] theorem mfoldl_cons {f : β → α → m β} {b a l} :
  mfoldl f b (a :: l) = f b a >>= λ b', mfoldl f b' l := rfl

@[simp] theorem mfoldr_cons {f : α → β → m β} {b a l} :
  mfoldr f b (a :: l) = mfoldr f b l >>= f a := rfl

variables [is_lawful_monad m]

@[simp] theorem mfoldl_append {f : β → α → m β} : ∀ {b l₁ l₂},
  mfoldl f b (l₁ ++ l₂) = mfoldl f b l₁ >>= λ x, mfoldl f x l₂
| _ []     _ := by simp only [nil_append, mfoldl_nil, pure_bind]
| _ (_::_) _ := by simp only [cons_append, mfoldl_cons, mfoldl_append, bind_assoc]

@[simp] theorem mfoldr_append {f : α → β → m β} : ∀ {b l₁ l₂},
  mfoldr f b (l₁ ++ l₂) = mfoldr f b l₂ >>= λ x, mfoldr f x l₁
| _ []     _ := by simp only [nil_append, mfoldr_nil, bind_pure]
| _ (_::_) _ := by simp only [mfoldr_cons, cons_append, mfoldr_append, bind_assoc]

end mfoldl_mfoldr

/- prod and sum -/

-- list.sum was already defined in defs.lean, but we couldn't tag it with `to_additive` yet.
attribute [to_additive]

section monoid
variables [monoid α] {l l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α}

@[simp, to_additive]
theorem prod_nil : ([] : list α).prod = 1 := rfl

@[simp, to_additive]
theorem prod_cons : (a::l).prod = a * :=
calc (a::l).prod = foldl (*) (a * 1) l : by simp only [, foldl_cons, one_mul, mul_one]
  ... = _ : foldl_assoc

@[simp, to_additive]
theorem prod_append : (l₁ ++ l₂).prod = l₁.prod * l₂.prod :=
calc (l₁ ++ l₂).prod = foldl (*) (foldl (*) 1 l₁ * 1) l₂ : by simp []
  ... = l₁.prod * l₂.prod : foldl_assoc

@[simp, to_additive]
theorem prod_join {l : list (list α)} : = ( :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, list.join, map, prod_append, prod_cons]]

theorem prod_hom_rel {α β γ : Type*} [monoid β] [monoid γ] (l : list α) {r : β → γ → Prop}
  {f : α → β} {g : α → γ} (h₁ : r 1 1) (h₂ : ∀⦃a b c⦄, r b c → r (f a * b) (g a * c)) :
  r ( f).prod ( g).prod :=
list.rec_on l h₁ (λ a l hl, by simp only [map_cons, prod_cons, h₂ hl])

theorem prod_hom [monoid β] (l : list α) (f : α → β) [is_monoid_hom f] :
  ( f).prod = f :=
by { simp only [prod, foldl_map, (is_monoid_hom.map_one f).symm],
  exact l.foldl_hom _ _ _ 1 (is_monoid_hom.map_mul f) }

end monoid

@[simp, to_additive]
theorem prod_erase [decidable_eq α] [comm_monoid α] {a} :
  Π {l : list α}, a ∈ l → a * (l.erase a).prod =
| (b::l) h :=
    rcases eq_or_ne_mem_of_mem h with rfl | ⟨ne, h⟩,
    { simp only [list.erase, if_pos, prod_cons] },
    { simp only [list.erase, if_neg (mt eq.symm ne), prod_cons, prod_erase h, mul_left_comm a b] }

lemma dvd_prod [comm_semiring α] {a} {l : list α} (ha : a ∈ l) : a ∣ :=
let ⟨s, t, h⟩ := mem_split ha in
by rw [h, prod_append, prod_cons, mul_left_comm]; exact dvd_mul_right _ _

@[simp] theorem sum_const_nat (m n : ℕ) : sum (list.repeat m n) = m * n :=
by induction n; [refl, simp only [*, repeat_succ, sum_cons, nat.mul_succ, add_comm]]

theorem dvd_sum [comm_semiring α] {a} {l : list α} (h : ∀ x ∈ l, a ∣ x) : a ∣ l.sum :=
  induction l with x l ih,
  { exact dvd_zero _ },
  { rw [list.sum_cons],
    exact dvd_add (h _ (mem_cons_self _ _)) (ih (λ x hx, h x (mem_cons_of_mem _ hx))) }

@[simp] theorem length_join (L : list (list α)) : length (join L) = sum (map length L) :=
by induction L; [refl, simp only [*, join, map, sum_cons, length_append]]

@[simp] theorem length_bind (l : list α) (f : α → list β) : length (list.bind l f) = sum (map (length ∘ f) l) :=
by rw [list.bind, length_join, map_map]

lemma exists_lt_of_sum_lt [decidable_linear_ordered_cancel_comm_monoid β] {l : list α}
  (f g : α → β) (h : ( f).sum < ( g).sum) : ∃ x ∈ l, f x < g x :=
  induction l with x l,
  { exfalso, exact lt_irrefl _ h },
  { by_cases h' : f x < g x, exact ⟨x, mem_cons_self _ _, h'⟩,
    rcases l_ih _ with ⟨y, h1y, h2y⟩, refine ⟨y, mem_cons_of_mem x h1y, h2y⟩, simp at h,
    exact lt_of_add_lt_add_left' (lt_of_lt_of_le h $ add_le_add_right (le_of_not_gt h') _) }

lemma exists_le_of_sum_le [decidable_linear_ordered_cancel_comm_monoid β] {l : list α}
  (hl : l ≠ []) (f g : α → β) (h : ( f).sum ≤ ( g).sum) : ∃ x ∈ l, f x ≤ g x :=
  cases l with x l,
  { contradiction },
  { by_cases h' : f x ≤ g x, exact ⟨x, mem_cons_self _ _, h'⟩,
    rcases exists_lt_of_sum_lt f g _ with ⟨y, h1y, h2y⟩,
    exact ⟨y, mem_cons_of_mem x h1y, le_of_lt h2y⟩, simp at h,
    exact lt_of_add_lt_add_left' (lt_of_le_of_lt h $ add_lt_add_right (lt_of_not_ge h') _) }

/- lexicographic ordering -/

inductive lex (r : α → α → Prop) : list α → list α → Prop
| nil {} {a l} : lex [] (a :: l)
| cons {a l₁ l₂} (h : lex l₁ l₂) : lex (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂)
| rel {a₁ l₁ a₂ l₂} (h : r a₁ a₂) : lex (a₁ :: l₁) (a₂ :: l₂)

namespace lex
theorem cons_iff {r : α → α → Prop} [is_irrefl α r] {a l₁ l₂} :
  lex r (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂) ↔ lex r l₁ l₂ :=
⟨λ h, by cases h with _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ h;
  [exact h, exact (irrefl_of r a h).elim], lex.cons⟩
@[simp] theorem not_nil_right (r : α → α → Prop) (l : list α) : ¬ lex r l [].

instance is_order_connected (r : α → α → Prop)
  [is_order_connected α r] [is_trichotomous α r] :
  is_order_connected (list α) (lex r) :=
⟨λ l₁, match l₁ with
| _,     [],    c::l₃, nil    := or.inr nil
| _,     [],    c::l₃, rel _ := or.inr nil
| _,     [],    c::l₃, cons _ := or.inr nil
| _,     b::l₂, c::l₃, nil := or.inl nil
| a::l₁, b::l₂, c::l₃, rel h :=
  (is_order_connected.conn _ b _ h).imp rel rel
| a::l₁, b::l₂, _::l₃, cons h := begin
    rcases trichotomous_of r a b with ab | rfl | ab,
    { exact or.inl (rel ab) },
    { exact (_match _ l₂ _ h).imp cons cons },
    { exact or.inr (rel ab) }

instance is_trichotomous (r : α → α → Prop) [is_trichotomous α r] :
  is_trichotomous (list α) (lex r) :=
⟨λ l₁, match l₁ with
| [], [] := or.inr (or.inl rfl)
| [], b::l₂ := or.inl nil
| a::l₁, [] := or.inr (or.inr nil)
| a::l₁, b::l₂ := begin
    rcases trichotomous_of r a b with ab | rfl | ab,
    { exact or.inl (rel ab) },
    { exact (_match l₁ l₂).imp cons
      (or.imp (congr_arg _) cons) },
    { exact or.inr (or.inr (rel ab)) }

instance is_asymm (r : α → α → Prop)
  [is_asymm α r] : is_asymm (list α) (lex r) :=
⟨λ l₁, match l₁ with
| a::l₁, b::l₂, lex.rel h₁, lex.rel h₂ := asymm h₁ h₂
| a::l₁, b::l₂, lex.rel h₁, lex.cons h₂ := asymm h₁ h₁
| a::l₁, b::l₂, lex.cons h₁, lex.rel h₂ := asymm h₂ h₂
| a::l₁, b::l₂, lex.cons h₁, lex.cons h₂ :=
  by exact _match _ _ h₁ h₂

instance is_strict_total_order (r : α → α → Prop)
  [is_strict_total_order' α r] : is_strict_total_order' (list α) (lex r) :=

instance decidable_rel [decidable_eq α] (r : α → α → Prop)
  [decidable_rel r] : decidable_rel (lex r)
| l₁ [] := is_false $ λ h, by cases h
| [] (b::l₂) := is_true lex.nil
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) := begin
  haveI := decidable_rel l₁ l₂,
  refine decidable_of_iff (r a b ∨ a = b ∧ lex r l₁ l₂) ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
  { rcases h with h | ⟨rfl, h⟩,
    { exact lex.rel h },
    { exact lex.cons h } },
  { rcases h with _|⟨_,_,_,h⟩|⟨_,_,_,_,h⟩,
    { exact or.inr ⟨rfl, h⟩ },
    { exact or.inl h } }

theorem append_right (r : α → α → Prop) :
  ∀ {s₁ s₂} t, lex r s₁ s₂ → lex r s₁ (s₂ ++ t)
| _ _ t nil      := nil
| _ _ t (cons h) := cons (append_right _ h)
| _ _ t (rel r)  := rel r

theorem append_left (R : α → α → Prop) {t₁ t₂} (h : lex R t₁ t₂) :
  ∀ s, lex R (s ++ t₁) (s ++ t₂)
| []      := h
| (a::l) := cons (append_left l)

theorem imp {r s : α → α → Prop} (H : ∀ a b, r a b → s a b) :
  ∀ l₁ l₂, lex r l₁ l₂ → lex s l₁ l₂
| _ _ nil      := nil
| _ _ (cons h) := cons (imp _ _ h)
| _ _ (rel r)  := rel (H _ _ r)

theorem to_ne : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, lex (≠) l₁ l₂ → l₁ ≠ l₂
| _ _ (cons h) e := to_ne h (list.cons.inj e).2
| _ _ (rel r)  e := r (list.cons.inj e).1

theorem ne_iff {l₁ l₂ : list α} (H : length l₁ ≤ length l₂) :
  lex (≠) l₁ l₂ ↔ l₁ ≠ l₂ :=
⟨to_ne, λ h, begin
  induction l₁ with a l₁ IH generalizing l₂; cases l₂ with b l₂,
  { contradiction },
  { apply nil },
  { exact (not_lt_of_ge H).elim (succ_pos _) },
  { cases classical.em (a = b) with ab ab,
    { subst b, apply cons,
      exact IH (le_of_succ_le_succ H) (mt (congr_arg _) h) },
    { exact rel ab } }

end lex

--Note: this overrides an instance in core lean
instance has_lt' [has_lt α] : has_lt (list α) := ⟨lex (<)⟩

theorem nil_lt_cons [has_lt α] (a : α) (l : list α) : [] < a :: l :=

instance [linear_order α] : linear_order (list α) :=
linear_order_of_STO' (lex (<))

--Note: this overrides an instance in core lean
instance has_le' [linear_order α] : has_le (list α) :=
preorder.to_has_le _

instance [decidable_linear_order α] : decidable_linear_order (list α) :=
decidable_linear_order_of_STO' (lex (<))

/- all & any -/

@[simp] theorem all_nil (p : α → bool) : all [] p = tt := rfl

@[simp] theorem all_cons (p : α → bool) (a : α) (l : list α) : all (a::l) p = (p a && all l p) := rfl

theorem all_iff_forall {p : α → bool} {l : list α} : all l p ↔ ∀ a ∈ l, p a :=
  induction l with a l ih,
  { exact iff_of_true rfl (forall_mem_nil _) },
  simp only [all_cons, band_coe_iff, ih, forall_mem_cons]

theorem all_iff_forall_prop {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p]
  {l : list α} : all l (λ a, p a) ↔ ∀ a ∈ l, p a :=
by simp only [all_iff_forall, bool.of_to_bool_iff]

@[simp] theorem any_nil (p : α → bool) : any [] p = ff := rfl

@[simp] theorem any_cons (p : α → bool) (a : α) (l : list α) : any (a::l) p = (p a || any l p) := rfl

theorem any_iff_exists {p : α → bool} {l : list α} : any l p ↔ ∃ a ∈ l, p a :=
  induction l with a l ih,
  { exact iff_of_false bool.not_ff (not_exists_mem_nil _) },
  simp only [any_cons, bor_coe_iff, ih, exists_mem_cons_iff]

theorem any_iff_exists_prop {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p]
  {l : list α} : any l (λ a, p a) ↔ ∃ a ∈ l, p a :=
by simp [any_iff_exists]

theorem any_of_mem {p : α → bool} {a : α} {l : list α} (h₁ : a ∈ l) (h₂ : p a) : any l p :=
any_iff_exists.2 ⟨_, h₁, h₂⟩

@[priority 500] instance decidable_forall_mem {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (l : list α) :
  decidable (∀ x ∈ l, p x) :=
decidable_of_iff _ all_iff_forall_prop

instance decidable_exists_mem {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (l : list α) :
  decidable (∃ x ∈ l, p x) :=
decidable_of_iff _ any_iff_exists_prop

/- map for partial functions -/

/-- Partial map. If `f : Π a, p a → β` is a partial function defined on
  `a : α` satisfying `p`, then `pmap f l h` is essentially the same as `map f l`
  but is defined only when all members of `l` satisfy `p`, using the proof
  to apply `f`. -/
@[simp] def pmap {p : α → Prop} (f : Π a, p a → β) : Π l : list α, (∀ a ∈ l, p a) → list β
| []     H := []
| (a::l) H := f a (forall_mem_cons.1 H).1 :: pmap l (forall_mem_cons.1 H).2

/-- "Attach" the proof that the elements of `l` are in `l` to produce a new list
  with the same elements but in the type `{x // x ∈ l}`. -/
def attach (l : list α) : list {x // x ∈ l} := pmap l (λ a, id)

theorem pmap_eq_map (p : α → Prop) (f : α → β) (l : list α) (H) :
  @pmap _ _ p (λ a _, f a) l H = map f l :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, pmap, map]]; split; refl

theorem pmap_congr {p q : α → Prop} {f : Π a, p a → β} {g : Π a, q a → β}
  (l : list α) {H₁ H₂} (h : ∀ a h₁ h₂, f a h₁ = g a h₂) :
  pmap f l H₁ = pmap g l H₂ :=
by induction l with _ _ ih; [refl, rw [pmap, pmap, h, ih]]

theorem map_pmap {p : α → Prop} (g : β → γ) (f : Π a, p a → β)
  (l H) : map g (pmap f l H) = pmap (λ a h, g (f a h)) l H :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, pmap, map]]; split; refl

theorem pmap_eq_map_attach {p : α → Prop} (f : Π a, p a → β)
  (l H) : pmap f l H = (λ x, f x.1 (H _ x.2)) :=
by rw [attach, map_pmap]; exact pmap_congr l (λ a h₁ h₂, rfl)

theorem attach_map_val (l : list α) : subtype.val = l :=
by rw [attach, map_pmap]; exact (pmap_eq_map _ _ _ _).trans (map_id l)

@[simp] theorem mem_attach (l : list α) : ∀ x, x ∈ l.attach | ⟨a, h⟩ :=
by have := mem_map.1 (by rw [attach_map_val]; exact h);
   { rcases this with ⟨⟨_, _⟩, m, rfl⟩, exact m }

@[simp] theorem mem_pmap {p : α → Prop} {f : Π a, p a → β}
  {l H b} : b ∈ pmap f l H ↔ ∃ a (h : a ∈ l), f a (H a h) = b :=
by simp only [pmap_eq_map_attach, mem_map, mem_attach, true_and, subtype.exists]

@[simp] theorem length_pmap {p : α → Prop} {f : Π a, p a → β}
  {l H} : length (pmap f l H) = length l :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, pmap, length]]

@[simp] lemma length_attach (L : list α) : L.attach.length = L.length := length_pmap

/- find -/

section find
variables {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] {l : list α} {a : α}

@[simp] theorem find_nil (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : find p [] = none :=

@[simp] theorem find_cons_of_pos (l) (h : p a) : find p (a::l) = some a :=
if_pos h

@[simp] theorem find_cons_of_neg (l) (h : ¬ p a) : find p (a::l) = find p l :=
if_neg h

@[simp] theorem find_eq_none : find p l = none ↔ ∀ x ∈ l, ¬ p x :=
  induction l with a l IH,
  { exact iff_of_true rfl (forall_mem_nil _) },
  rw forall_mem_cons, by_cases h : p a,
  { simp only [find_cons_of_pos _ h, h, not_true, false_and] },
  { rwa [find_cons_of_neg _ h, iff_true_intro h, true_and] }

@[simp] theorem find_some (H : find p l = some a) : p a :=
  induction l with b l IH, {contradiction},
  by_cases h : p b,
  { rw find_cons_of_pos _ h at H, cases H, exact h },
  { rw find_cons_of_neg _ h at H, exact IH H }

@[simp] theorem find_mem (H : find p l = some a) : a ∈ l :=
  induction l with b l IH, {contradiction},
  by_cases h : p b,
  { rw find_cons_of_pos _ h at H, cases H, apply mem_cons_self },
  { rw find_cons_of_neg _ h at H, exact mem_cons_of_mem _ (IH H) }

end find

/- lookmap -/
section lookmap
variables (f : α → option α)

@[simp] theorem lookmap_nil : [].lookmap f = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem lookmap_cons_none {a : α} (l : list α) (h : f a = none) :
  (a :: l).lookmap f = a :: l.lookmap f :=
by simp [lookmap, h]

@[simp] theorem lookmap_cons_some {a b : α} (l : list α) (h : f a = some b) :
  (a :: l).lookmap f = b :: l :=
by simp [lookmap, h]

theorem lookmap_some : ∀ l : list α, l.lookmap some = l
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := rfl

theorem lookmap_none : ∀ l : list α, l.lookmap (λ _, none) = l
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := congr_arg (cons a) (lookmap_none l)

theorem lookmap_congr {f g : α → option α} :
  ∀ {l : list α}, (∀ a ∈ l, f a = g a) → l.lookmap f = l.lookmap g
| []     H := rfl
| (a::l) H := begin
  cases forall_mem_cons.1 H with H₁ H₂,
  cases h : g a with b,
  { simp [h, H₁.trans h, lookmap_congr H₂] },
  { simp [lookmap_cons_some _ _ h, lookmap_cons_some _ _ (H₁.trans h)] }

theorem lookmap_of_forall_not {l : list α} (H : ∀ a ∈ l, f a = none) : l.lookmap f = l :=
(lookmap_congr H).trans (lookmap_none l)

theorem lookmap_map_eq (g : α → β) (h : ∀ a (b ∈ f a), g a = g b) :
  ∀ l : list α, map g (l.lookmap f) = map g l
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := begin
  cases h' : f a with b,
  { simp [h', lookmap_map_eq] },
  { simp [lookmap_cons_some _ _ h', h _ _ h'] }

theorem lookmap_id' (h : ∀ a (b ∈ f a), a = b) (l : list α) : l.lookmap f = l :=
by rw [← map_id (l.lookmap f), lookmap_map_eq, map_id]; exact h

theorem length_lookmap (l : list α) : length (l.lookmap f) = length l :=
by rw [← length_map, lookmap_map_eq _ (λ _, ()), length_map]; simp

end lookmap

/- filter_map -/

@[simp] theorem filter_map_nil (f : α → option β) : filter_map f [] = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem filter_map_cons_none {f : α → option β} (a : α) (l : list α) (h : f a = none) :
  filter_map f (a :: l) = filter_map f l :=
by simp only [filter_map, h]

@[simp] theorem filter_map_cons_some (f : α → option β)
  (a : α) (l : list α) {b : β} (h : f a = some b) :
  filter_map f (a :: l) = b :: filter_map f l :=
by simp only [filter_map, h]; split; refl

theorem filter_map_eq_map (f : α → β) : filter_map (some ∘ f) = map f :=
  funext l,
  induction l with a l IH, {refl},
  simp only [filter_map_cons_some (some ∘ f) _ _ rfl, IH, map_cons], split; refl

theorem filter_map_eq_filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] :
  filter_map (option.guard p) = filter p :=
  funext l,
  induction l with a l IH, {refl},
  by_cases pa : p a,
  { simp only [filter_map, option.guard, IH, if_pos pa, filter_cons_of_pos _ pa], split; refl },
  { simp only [filter_map, option.guard, IH, if_neg pa, filter_cons_of_neg _ pa] }

theorem filter_map_filter_map (f : α → option β) (g : β → option γ) (l : list α) :
  filter_map g (filter_map f l) = filter_map (λ x, (f x).bind g) l :=
  induction l with a l IH, {refl},
  cases h : f a with b,
  { rw [filter_map_cons_none _ _ h, filter_map_cons_none, IH],
    simp only [h, option.none_bind'] },
  rw filter_map_cons_some _ _ _ h,
  cases h' : g b with c;
  [ rw [filter_map_cons_none _ _ h', filter_map_cons_none, IH],
    rw [filter_map_cons_some _ _ _ h', filter_map_cons_some, IH] ];
  simp only [h, h', option.some_bind']

theorem map_filter_map (f : α → option β) (g : β → γ) (l : list α) :
  map g (filter_map f l) = filter_map (λ x, (f x).map g) l :=
by rw [← filter_map_eq_map, filter_map_filter_map]; refl

theorem filter_map_map (f : α → β) (g : β → option γ) (l : list α) :
  filter_map g (map f l) = filter_map (g ∘ f) l :=
by rw [← filter_map_eq_map, filter_map_filter_map]; refl

theorem filter_filter_map (f : α → option β) (p : β → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (l : list α) :
  filter p (filter_map f l) = filter_map (λ x, (f x).filter p) l :=
by rw [← filter_map_eq_filter, filter_map_filter_map]; refl

theorem filter_map_filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (f : α → option β) (l : list α) :
  filter_map f (filter p l) = filter_map (λ x, if p x then f x else none) l :=
  rw [← filter_map_eq_filter, filter_map_filter_map], congr,
  funext x,
  show (option.guard p x).bind f = ite (p x) (f x) none,
  by_cases h : p x,
  { simp only [option.guard, if_pos h, option.some_bind'] },
  { simp only [option.guard, if_neg h, option.none_bind'] }

@[simp] theorem filter_map_some (l : list α) : filter_map some l = l :=
by rw filter_map_eq_map; apply map_id

@[simp] theorem mem_filter_map (f : α → option β) (l : list α) {b : β} :
  b ∈ filter_map f l ↔ ∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ f a = some b :=
  induction l with a l IH,
  { split, { intro H, cases H }, { rintro ⟨_, H, _⟩, cases H } },
  cases h : f a with b',
  { have : f a ≠ some b, {rw h, intro, contradiction},
    simp only [filter_map_cons_none _ _ h, IH, mem_cons_iff,
      or_and_distrib_right, exists_or_distrib, exists_eq_left, this, false_or] },
  { have : f a = some b ↔ b = b',
    { split; intro t, {rw t at h; injection h}, {exact t.symm ▸ h} },
      simp only [filter_map_cons_some _ _ _ h, IH, mem_cons_iff,
        or_and_distrib_right, exists_or_distrib, this, exists_eq_left] }

theorem map_filter_map_of_inv (f : α → option β) (g : β → α)
  (H : ∀ x : α, (f x).map g = some x) (l : list α) :
  map g (filter_map f l) = l :=
by simp only [map_filter_map, H, filter_map_some]

theorem filter_map_sublist_filter_map (f : α → option β) {l₁ l₂ : list α}
  (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : filter_map f l₁ <+ filter_map f l₂ :=
by induction s with l₁ l₂ a s IH l₁ l₂ a s IH;
   simp only [filter_map]; cases f a with b;
   simp only [filter_map, IH, sublist.cons, sublist.cons2]

theorem map_sublist_map (f : α → β) {l₁ l₂ : list α}
  (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : map f l₁ <+ map f l₂ :=
by rw ← filter_map_eq_map; exact filter_map_sublist_filter_map _ s

/- filter -/

section filter
variables {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p]

lemma filter_congr {p q : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] [decidable_pred q]
  : ∀ {l : list α}, (∀ x ∈ l, p x ↔ q x) → filter p l = filter q l
| [] _     := rfl
| (a::l) h := by rw forall_mem_cons at h; by_cases pa : p a;
  [simp only [filter_cons_of_pos _ pa, filter_cons_of_pos _ (h.1.1 pa), filter_congr h.2],
   simp only [filter_cons_of_neg _ pa, filter_cons_of_neg _ (mt h.1.2 pa), filter_congr h.2]]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem filter_subset (l : list α) : filter p l ⊆ l :=
subset_of_sublist $ filter_sublist l

theorem of_mem_filter {a : α} : ∀ {l}, a ∈ filter p l → p a
| (b::l) ain :=
  if pb : p b then
    have a ∈ b :: filter p l, by simpa only [filter_cons_of_pos _ pb] using ain,
    or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons this)
      (assume : a = b, begin rw [← this] at pb, exact pb end)
      (assume : a ∈ filter p l, of_mem_filter this)
    begin simp only [filter_cons_of_neg _ pb] at ain, exact (of_mem_filter ain) end

theorem mem_of_mem_filter {a : α} {l} (h : a ∈ filter p l) : a ∈ l :=
filter_subset l h

theorem mem_filter_of_mem {a : α} : ∀ {l}, a ∈ l → p a → a ∈ filter p l
| (_::l) (or.inl rfl) pa := by rw filter_cons_of_pos _ pa; apply mem_cons_self
| (b::l) (or.inr ain) pa := if pb : p b
    then by rw [filter_cons_of_pos _ pb]; apply mem_cons_of_mem; apply mem_filter_of_mem ain pa
    else by rw [filter_cons_of_neg _ pb]; apply mem_filter_of_mem ain pa

@[simp] theorem mem_filter {a : α} {l} : a ∈ filter p l ↔ a ∈ l ∧ p a :=
⟨λ h, ⟨mem_of_mem_filter h, of_mem_filter h⟩, λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, mem_filter_of_mem h₁ h₂⟩

theorem filter_eq_self {l} : filter p l = l ↔ ∀ a ∈ l, p a :=
  induction l with a l ih,
  { exact iff_of_true rfl (forall_mem_nil _) },
  rw forall_mem_cons, by_cases p a,
  { rw [filter_cons_of_pos _ h, cons_inj', ih, and_iff_right h] },
  { rw [filter_cons_of_neg _ h],
    refine iff_of_false _ (mt and.left h), intro e,
    have := filter_sublist l, rw e at this,
    exact not_lt_of_ge (length_le_of_sublist this) (lt_succ_self _) }

theorem filter_eq_nil {l} : filter p l = [] ↔ ∀ a ∈ l, ¬p a :=
by simp only [eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem, mem_filter, not_and]

theorem filter_sublist_filter {l₁ l₂} (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : filter p l₁ <+ filter p l₂ :=
by rw ← filter_map_eq_filter; exact filter_map_sublist_filter_map _ s

theorem filter_of_map (f : β → α) (l) : filter p (map f l) = map f (filter (p ∘ f) l) :=
by rw [← filter_map_eq_map, filter_filter_map, filter_map_filter]; refl

@[simp] theorem filter_filter {q} [decidable_pred q] : ∀ l,
  filter p (filter q l) = filter (λ a, p a ∧ q a) l
| [] := rfl
| (a :: l) := by by_cases hp : p a; by_cases hq : q a; simp only [hp, hq, filter, if_true, if_false,
    true_and, false_and, filter_filter l, eq_self_iff_true]

@[simp] lemma filter_true {h : decidable_pred (λ a : α, true)} (l : list α) : @filter α (λ _, true) h l = l :=
by convert filter_eq_self.2 (λ _ _, trivial)

@[simp] lemma filter_false {h : decidable_pred (λ a : α, false)} (l : list α) : @filter α (λ _, false) h l = [] :=
by convert filter_eq_nil.2 (λ _ _, id)

@[simp] theorem span_eq_take_drop (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : ∀ (l : list α), span p l = (take_while p l, drop_while p l)
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := if pa : p a then by simp only [span, if_pos pa, span_eq_take_drop l, take_while, drop_while]
    else by simp only [span, take_while, drop_while, if_neg pa]

@[simp] theorem take_while_append_drop (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : ∀ (l : list α), take_while p l ++ drop_while p l = l
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := if pa : p a then by rw [take_while, drop_while, if_pos pa, if_pos pa, cons_append, take_while_append_drop l]
    else by rw [take_while, drop_while, if_neg pa, if_neg pa, nil_append]

@[simp] theorem countp_nil (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : countp p [] = 0 := rfl

@[simp] theorem countp_cons_of_pos {a : α} (l) (pa : p a) : countp p (a::l) = countp p l + 1 :=
if_pos pa

@[simp] theorem countp_cons_of_neg {a : α} (l) (pa : ¬ p a) : countp p (a::l) = countp p l :=
if_neg pa

theorem countp_eq_length_filter (l) : countp p l = length (filter p l) :=
by induction l with x l ih; [refl, by_cases (p x)]; [simp only [filter_cons_of_pos _ h, countp, ih, if_pos h],
  simp only [countp_cons_of_neg _ h, ih, filter_cons_of_neg _ h]]; refl
local attribute [simp] countp_eq_length_filter

@[simp] theorem countp_append (l₁ l₂) : countp p (l₁ ++ l₂) = countp p l₁ + countp p l₂ :=
by simp only [countp_eq_length_filter, filter_append, length_append]

theorem countp_pos {l} : 0 < countp p l ↔ ∃ a ∈ l, p a :=
by simp only [countp_eq_length_filter, length_pos_iff_exists_mem, mem_filter, exists_prop]

theorem countp_le_of_sublist {l₁ l₂} (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : countp p l₁ ≤ countp p l₂ :=
by simpa only [countp_eq_length_filter] using length_le_of_sublist (filter_sublist_filter s)

@[simp] theorem countp_filter {q} [decidable_pred q] (l : list α) :
  countp p (filter q l) = countp (λ a, p a ∧ q a) l :=
by simp only [countp_eq_length_filter, filter_filter]

end filter

/- count -/

section count
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem count_nil (a : α) : count a [] = 0 := rfl

theorem count_cons (a b : α) (l : list α) :
  count a (b :: l) = if a = b then succ (count a l) else count a l := rfl

theorem count_cons' (a b : α) (l : list α) :
  count a (b :: l) = count a l + (if a = b then 1 else 0) :=
begin rw count_cons, split_ifs; refl end

@[simp] theorem count_cons_self (a : α) (l : list α) : count a (a::l) = succ (count a l) :=
if_pos rfl

@[simp] theorem count_cons_of_ne {a b : α} (h : a ≠ b) (l : list α) : count a (b::l) = count a l :=
if_neg h

theorem count_tail : Π (l : list α) (a : α) (h : 0 < l.length),
  l.tail.count a = l.count a - ite (a = list.nth_le l 0 h) 1 0
| (_ :: _) a h := by { rw [count_cons], split_ifs; simp }

theorem count_le_of_sublist (a : α) {l₁ l₂} : l₁ <+ l₂ → count a l₁ ≤ count a l₂ :=

theorem count_le_count_cons (a b : α) (l : list α) : count a l ≤ count a (b :: l) :=
count_le_of_sublist _ (sublist_cons _ _)

theorem count_singleton (a : α) : count a [a] = 1 := if_pos rfl

@[simp] theorem count_append (a : α) : ∀ l₁ l₂, count a (l₁ ++ l₂) = count a l₁ + count a l₂ :=

@[simp] theorem count_concat (a : α) (l : list α) : count a (concat l a) = succ (count a l) :=
by rw [concat_eq_append, count_append, count_singleton]

theorem count_pos {a : α} {l : list α} : 0 < count a l ↔ a ∈ l :=
by simp only [count, countp_pos, exists_prop, exists_eq_right']

@[simp] theorem count_eq_zero_of_not_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∉ l) : count a l = 0 :=
by_contradiction $ λ h', h $ count_pos.1 (nat.pos_of_ne_zero h')

theorem not_mem_of_count_eq_zero {a : α} {l : list α} (h : count a l = 0) : a ∉ l :=
λ h', ne_of_gt (count_pos.2 h') h

@[simp] theorem count_repeat (a : α) (n : ℕ) : count a (repeat a n) = n :=
by rw [count, countp_eq_length_filter, filter_eq_self.2, length_repeat];
   exact λ b m, (eq_of_mem_repeat m).symm

theorem le_count_iff_repeat_sublist {a : α} {l : list α} {n : ℕ} : n ≤ count a l ↔ repeat a n <+ l :=
⟨λ h, ((repeat_sublist_repeat a).2 h).trans $
  have filter (eq a) l = repeat a (count a l), from eq_repeat.2
    ⟨by simp only [count, countp_eq_length_filter], λ b m, (of_mem_filter m).symm⟩,
  by rw ← this; apply filter_sublist,
 λ h, by simpa only [count_repeat] using count_le_of_sublist a h⟩

@[simp] theorem count_filter {p} [decidable_pred p]
  {a} {l : list α} (h : p a) : count a (filter p l) = count a l :=
by simp only [count, countp_filter]; congr; exact
set.ext (λ b, and_iff_left_of_imp (λ e, e ▸ h))

end count

/- prefix, suffix, infix -/

@[simp] theorem prefix_append (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₁ <+: l₁ ++ l₂ := ⟨l₂, rfl⟩

@[simp] theorem suffix_append (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₂ <:+ l₁ ++ l₂ := ⟨l₁, rfl⟩

@[simp] theorem infix_append (l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α) : l₂ <:+: l₁ ++ l₂ ++ l₃ := ⟨l₁, l₃, rfl⟩

theorem nil_prefix (l : list α) : [] <+: l := ⟨l, rfl⟩

theorem nil_suffix (l : list α) : [] <:+ l := ⟨l, append_nil _⟩

@[refl] theorem prefix_refl (l : list α) : l <+: l := ⟨[], append_nil _⟩

@[refl] theorem suffix_refl (l : list α) : l <:+ l := ⟨[], rfl⟩

@[simp] theorem suffix_cons (a : α) : ∀ l, l <:+ a :: l := suffix_append [a]

@[simp] theorem prefix_concat (a : α) (l) : l <+: concat l a :=
by simp only [concat_eq_append, prefix_append]

theorem infix_of_prefix {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+: l₂ → l₁ <:+: l₂ :=
λ⟨t, h⟩, ⟨[], t, h⟩

theorem infix_of_suffix {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <:+ l₂ → l₁ <:+: l₂ :=
λ⟨t, h⟩, ⟨t, [], by simp only [h, append_nil]⟩

@[refl] theorem infix_refl (l : list α) : l <:+: l := infix_of_prefix $ prefix_refl l

theorem nil_infix (l : list α) : [] <:+: l := infix_of_prefix $ nil_prefix l

theorem infix_cons {L₁ L₂ : list α} {x : α} : L₁ <:+: L₂ → L₁ <:+: x :: L₂ :=
λ⟨LP, LS, H⟩, ⟨x :: LP, LS, H ▸ rfl⟩

@[trans] theorem is_prefix.trans : ∀ {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α}, l₁ <+: l₂ → l₂ <+: l₃ → l₁ <+: l₃
| l ._ ._ ⟨r₁, rfl⟩ ⟨r₂, rfl⟩ := ⟨r₁ ++ r₂, (append_assoc _ _ _).symm⟩

@[trans] theorem is_suffix.trans : ∀ {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α}, l₁ <:+ l₂ → l₂ <:+ l₃ → l₁ <:+ l₃
| l ._ ._ ⟨l₁, rfl⟩ ⟨l₂, rfl⟩ := ⟨l₂ ++ l₁, append_assoc _ _ _⟩

@[trans] theorem is_infix.trans : ∀ {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α}, l₁ <:+: l₂ → l₂ <:+: l₃ → l₁ <:+: l₃
| l ._ ._ ⟨l₁, r₁, rfl⟩ ⟨l₂, r₂, rfl⟩ := ⟨l₂ ++ l₁, r₁ ++ r₂, by simp only [append_assoc]⟩

theorem sublist_of_infix {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <:+: l₂ → l₁ <+ l₂ :=
λ⟨s, t, h⟩, by rw [← h]; exact (sublist_append_right _ _).trans (sublist_append_left _ _)

theorem sublist_of_prefix {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+: l₂ → l₁ <+ l₂ :=
sublist_of_infix ∘ infix_of_prefix

theorem sublist_of_suffix {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <:+ l₂ → l₁ <+ l₂ :=
sublist_of_infix ∘ infix_of_suffix

theorem reverse_suffix {l₁ l₂ : list α} : reverse l₁ <:+ reverse l₂ ↔ l₁ <+: l₂ :=
⟨λ ⟨r, e⟩, ⟨reverse r,
  by rw [← reverse_reverse l₁, ← reverse_append, e, reverse_reverse]⟩,
 λ ⟨r, e⟩, ⟨reverse r, by rw [← reverse_append, e]⟩⟩

theorem reverse_prefix {l₁ l₂ : list α} : reverse l₁ <+: reverse l₂ ↔ l₁ <:+ l₂ :=
by rw ← reverse_suffix; simp only [reverse_reverse]

theorem length_le_of_infix {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <:+: l₂) : length l₁ ≤ length l₂ :=
length_le_of_sublist $ sublist_of_infix s

theorem eq_nil_of_infix_nil {l : list α} (s : l <:+: []) : l = [] :=
eq_nil_of_sublist_nil $ sublist_of_infix s

theorem eq_nil_of_prefix_nil {l : list α} (s : l <+: []) : l = [] :=
eq_nil_of_infix_nil $ infix_of_prefix s

theorem eq_nil_of_suffix_nil {l : list α} (s : l <:+ []) : l = [] :=
eq_nil_of_infix_nil $ infix_of_suffix s

theorem infix_iff_prefix_suffix (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₁ <:+: l₂ ↔ ∃ t, l₁ <+: t ∧ t <:+ l₂ :=
⟨λ⟨s, t, e⟩, ⟨l₁ ++ t, ⟨_, rfl⟩, by rw [← e, append_assoc]; exact ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩,
λ⟨._, ⟨t, rfl⟩, ⟨s, e⟩⟩, ⟨s, t, by rw append_assoc; exact e⟩⟩

theorem eq_of_infix_of_length_eq {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <:+: l₂) : length l₁ = length l₂ → l₁ = l₂ :=
eq_of_sublist_of_length_eq $ sublist_of_infix s

theorem eq_of_prefix_of_length_eq {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <+: l₂) : length l₁ = length l₂ → l₁ = l₂ :=
eq_of_sublist_of_length_eq $ sublist_of_prefix s

theorem eq_of_suffix_of_length_eq {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <:+ l₂) : length l₁ = length l₂ → l₁ = l₂ :=
eq_of_sublist_of_length_eq $ sublist_of_suffix s

theorem prefix_of_prefix_length_le : ∀ {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α},
 l₁ <+: l₃ → l₂ <+: l₃ → length l₁ ≤ length l₂ → l₁ <+: l₂
| []      l₂ l₃ h₁ h₂ _ := nil_prefix _
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) _ ⟨r₁, rfl⟩ ⟨r₂, e⟩ ll := begin
  injection e with _ e', subst b,
  rcases prefix_of_prefix_length_le ⟨_, rfl⟩ ⟨_, e'⟩
    (le_of_succ_le_succ ll) with ⟨r₃, rfl⟩,
  exact ⟨r₃, rfl⟩

theorem prefix_or_prefix_of_prefix {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α}
 (h₁ : l₁ <+: l₃) (h₂ : l₂ <+: l₃) : l₁ <+: l₂ ∨ l₂ <+: l₁ :=
(le_total (length l₁) (length l₂)).imp
  (prefix_of_prefix_length_le h₁ h₂)
  (prefix_of_prefix_length_le h₂ h₁)

theorem suffix_of_suffix_length_le {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α}
 (h₁ : l₁ <:+ l₃) (h₂ : l₂ <:+ l₃) (ll : length l₁ ≤ length l₂) : l₁ <:+ l₂ :=
reverse_prefix.1 $ prefix_of_prefix_length_le
  (reverse_prefix.2 h₁) (reverse_prefix.2 h₂) (by simp [ll])

theorem suffix_or_suffix_of_suffix {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α}
 (h₁ : l₁ <:+ l₃) (h₂ : l₂ <:+ l₃) : l₁ <:+ l₂ ∨ l₂ <:+ l₁ :=
(prefix_or_prefix_of_prefix (reverse_prefix.2 h₁) (reverse_prefix.2 h₂)).imp
  reverse_prefix.1 reverse_prefix.1

theorem infix_of_mem_join : ∀ {L : list (list α)} {l}, l ∈ L → l <:+: join L
| (_  :: L) l (or.inl rfl) := infix_append [] _ _
| (l' :: L) l (or.inr h)   :=
  is_infix.trans (infix_of_mem_join h) $ infix_of_suffix $ suffix_append _ _

theorem prefix_append_left_inj {l₁ l₂ : list α} (l) : l ++ l₁ <+: l ++ l₂ ↔ l₁ <+: l₂ :=
exists_congr $ λ r, by rw [append_assoc, append_left_inj]

theorem prefix_cons_inj {l₁ l₂ : list α} (a) : a :: l₁ <+: a :: l₂ ↔ l₁ <+: l₂ :=
prefix_append_left_inj [a]

theorem take_prefix (n) (l : list α) : take n l <+: l := ⟨_, take_append_drop _ _⟩

theorem drop_suffix (n) (l : list α) : drop n l <:+ l := ⟨_, take_append_drop _ _⟩

theorem prefix_iff_eq_append {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+: l₂ ↔ l₁ ++ drop (length l₁) l₂ = l₂ :=
⟨by rintros ⟨r, rfl⟩; rw drop_left, λ e, ⟨_, e⟩⟩

theorem suffix_iff_eq_append {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <:+ l₂ ↔ take (length l₂ - length l₁) l₂ ++ l₁ = l₂ :=
⟨by rintros ⟨r, rfl⟩; simp only [length_append, nat.add_sub_cancel, take_left], λ e, ⟨_, e⟩⟩

theorem prefix_iff_eq_take {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+: l₂ ↔ l₁ = take (length l₁) l₂ :=
⟨λ h, append_right_cancel $
  (prefix_iff_eq_append.1 h).trans (take_append_drop _ _).symm,
 λ e, e.symm ▸ take_prefix _ _⟩

theorem suffix_iff_eq_drop {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <:+ l₂ ↔ l₁ = drop (length l₂ - length l₁) l₂ :=
⟨λ h, append_left_cancel $
  (suffix_iff_eq_append.1 h).trans (take_append_drop _ _).symm,
 λ e, e.symm ▸ drop_suffix _ _⟩

instance decidable_prefix [decidable_eq α] : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α), decidable (l₁ <+: l₂)
| []      l₂ := is_true ⟨l₂, rfl⟩
| (a::l₁) [] := is_false $ λ ⟨t, te⟩, list.no_confusion te
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) :=
  if h : a = b then
    @decidable_of_iff _ _ (by rw [← h, prefix_cons_inj])
      (decidable_prefix l₁ l₂)
    is_false $ λ ⟨t, te⟩, h $ by injection te

-- Alternatively, use mem_tails
instance decidable_suffix [decidable_eq α] : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α), decidable (l₁ <:+ l₂)
| []      l₂ := is_true ⟨l₂, append_nil _⟩
| (a::l₁) [] := is_false $ mt (length_le_of_sublist ∘ sublist_of_suffix) dec_trivial
| l₁      l₂ := let len1 := length l₁, len2 := length l₂ in
  if hl : len1 ≤ len2 then
    decidable_of_iff' (l₁ = drop (len2-len1) l₂) suffix_iff_eq_drop
  else is_false $ λ h, hl $ length_le_of_sublist $ sublist_of_suffix h

@[simp] theorem mem_inits : ∀ (s t : list α), s ∈ inits t ↔ s <+: t
| s []     := suffices s = nil ↔ s <+: nil, by simpa only [inits, mem_singleton],
  ⟨λh, h.symm ▸ prefix_refl [], eq_nil_of_prefix_nil⟩
| s (a::t) :=
  suffices (s = nil ∨ ∃ l ∈ inits t, a :: l = s) ↔ s <+: a :: t, by simpa,
  ⟨λo, match s, o with
  | ._, or.inl rfl := ⟨_, rfl⟩
  | s, or.inr ⟨r, hr, hs⟩ := let ⟨s, ht⟩ := (mem_inits _ _).1 hr in
    by rw [← hs, ← ht]; exact ⟨s, rfl⟩
  end, λmi, match s, mi with
  | [], ⟨._, rfl⟩ := or.inl rfl
  | (b::s), ⟨r, hr⟩ := list.no_confusion hr $ λba (st : s++r = t), or.inr $
    by rw ba; exact ⟨_, (mem_inits _ _).2 ⟨_, st⟩, rfl⟩

@[simp] theorem mem_tails : ∀ (s t : list α), s ∈ tails t ↔ s <:+ t
| s []     := by simp only [tails, mem_singleton]; exact ⟨λh, by rw h; exact suffix_refl [], eq_nil_of_suffix_nil⟩
| s (a::t) := by simp only [tails, mem_cons_iff, mem_tails s t]; exact show s = a :: t ∨ s <:+ t ↔ s <:+ a :: t, from
  ⟨λo, match s, t, o with
  | ._, t, or.inl rfl := suffix_refl _
  | s, ._, or.inr ⟨l, rfl⟩ := ⟨a::l, rfl⟩
  end, λe, match s, t, e with
  | ._, t, ⟨[], rfl⟩ := or.inl rfl
  | s, t, ⟨b::l, he⟩ := list.no_confusion he (λab lt, or.inr ⟨l, lt⟩)

instance decidable_infix [decidable_eq α] : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α), decidable (l₁ <:+: l₂)
| []      l₂ := is_true ⟨[], l₂, rfl⟩
| (a::l₁) [] := is_false $ λ⟨s, t, te⟩, absurd te $ append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_left _ _ $
                append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right _ _ $ λh, list.no_confusion h
| l₁      l₂ := decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (list.decidable_bex (λt, l₁ <+: t) (tails l₂)) $
  by refine (exists_congr (λt, _)).trans (infix_iff_prefix_suffix _ _).symm;
     exact ⟨λ⟨h1, h2⟩, ⟨h2, (mem_tails _ _).1 h1⟩, λ⟨h2, h1⟩, ⟨(mem_tails _ _).2 h1, h2⟩⟩

/- sublists -/

@[simp] theorem sublists'_nil : sublists' (@nil α) = [[]] := rfl

@[simp] theorem sublists'_singleton (a : α) : sublists' [a] = [[], [a]] := rfl

theorem map_sublists'_aux (g : list β → list γ) (l : list α) (f r) :
  map g (sublists'_aux l f r) = sublists'_aux l (g ∘ f) (map g r) :=
by induction l generalizing f r; [refl, simp only [*, sublists'_aux]]

theorem sublists'_aux_append (r' : list (list β)) (l : list α) (f r) :
  sublists'_aux l f (r ++ r') = sublists'_aux l f r ++ r' :=
by induction l generalizing f r; [refl, simp only [*, sublists'_aux]]

theorem sublists'_aux_eq_sublists' (l f r) :
  @sublists'_aux α β l f r = map f (sublists' l) ++ r :=
by rw [sublists', map_sublists'_aux, ← sublists'_aux_append]; refl

@[simp] theorem sublists'_cons (a : α) (l : list α) :
  sublists' (a :: l) = sublists' l ++ map (cons a) (sublists' l) :=
by rw [sublists', sublists'_aux]; simp only [sublists'_aux_eq_sublists', map_id, append_nil]; refl

@[simp] theorem mem_sublists' {s t : list α} : s ∈ sublists' t ↔ s <+ t :=
  induction t with a t IH generalizing s,
  { simp only [sublists'_nil, mem_singleton],
    exact ⟨λ h, by rw h, eq_nil_of_sublist_nil⟩ },
  simp only [sublists'_cons, mem_append, IH, mem_map],
  split; intro h, rcases h with h | ⟨s, h, rfl⟩,
  { exact sublist_cons_of_sublist _ h },
  { exact cons_sublist_cons _ h },
  { cases h with _ _ _ h s _ _ h,
    { exact or.inl h },
    { exact or.inr ⟨s, h, rfl⟩ } }

@[simp] theorem length_sublists' : ∀ l : list α, length (sublists' l) = 2 ^ length l
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := by simp only [sublists'_cons, length_append, length_sublists' l, length_map,
    length, pow_succ, mul_succ, mul_zero, zero_add]

@[simp] theorem sublists_nil : sublists (@nil α) = [[]] := rfl

@[simp] theorem sublists_singleton (a : α) : sublists [a] = [[], [a]] := rfl

theorem sublists_aux₁_eq_sublists_aux : ∀ l (f : list α → list β),
  sublists_aux₁ l f = sublists_aux l (λ ys r, f ys ++ r)
| []     f := rfl
| (a::l) f := by rw [sublists_aux₁, sublists_aux]; simp only [*, append_assoc]

theorem sublists_aux_cons_eq_sublists_aux₁ (l : list α) :
  sublists_aux l cons = sublists_aux₁ l (λ x, [x]) :=
by rw [sublists_aux₁_eq_sublists_aux]; refl

theorem sublists_aux_eq_foldr.aux {a : α} {l : list α}
  (IH₁ : ∀ (f : list α → list β → list β), sublists_aux l f = foldr f [] (sublists_aux l cons))
  (IH₂ : ∀ (f : list α → list (list α) → list (list α)),
      sublists_aux l f = foldr f [] (sublists_aux l cons))
  (f : list α → list β → list β) : sublists_aux (a::l) f = foldr f [] (sublists_aux (a::l) cons) :=
  simp only [sublists_aux, foldr_cons], rw [IH₂, IH₁], congr' 1,
  induction sublists_aux l cons with _ _ ih, {refl},
  simp only [ih, foldr_cons]

theorem sublists_aux_eq_foldr (l : list α) : ∀ (f : list α → list β → list β),
  sublists_aux l f = foldr f [] (sublists_aux l cons) :=
suffices _ ∧ ∀ f : list α → list (list α) → list (list α),
    sublists_aux l f = foldr f [] (sublists_aux l cons),
  from this.1,
  induction l with a l IH, {split; intro; refl},
  exact ⟨sublists_aux_eq_foldr.aux IH.1 IH.2,
         sublists_aux_eq_foldr.aux IH.2 IH.2⟩

theorem sublists_aux_cons_cons (l : list α) (a : α) :
  sublists_aux (a::l) cons = [a] :: foldr (λys r, ys :: (a :: ys) :: r) [] (sublists_aux l cons) :=
by rw [← sublists_aux_eq_foldr]; refl

theorem sublists_aux₁_append : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α) (f : list α → list β),
  sublists_aux₁ (l₁ ++ l₂) f = sublists_aux₁ l₁ f ++
    sublists_aux₁ l₂ (λ x, f x ++ sublists_aux₁ l₁ (f ∘ (++ x)))
| []      l₂ f := by simp only [sublists_aux₁, nil_append, append_nil]
| (a::l₁) l₂ f := by simp only [sublists_aux₁, cons_append, sublists_aux₁_append l₁, append_assoc]; refl

theorem sublists_aux₁_concat (l : list α) (a : α) (f : list α → list β) :
  sublists_aux₁ (l ++ [a]) f = sublists_aux₁ l f ++
    f [a] ++ sublists_aux₁ l (λ x, f (x ++ [a])) :=
by simp only [sublists_aux₁_append, sublists_aux₁, append_assoc, append_nil]

theorem sublists_aux₁_bind : ∀ (l : list α)
  (f : list α → list β) (g : β → list γ),
  (sublists_aux₁ l f).bind g = sublists_aux₁ l (λ x, (f x).bind g)
| []     f g := rfl
| (a::l) f g := by simp only [sublists_aux₁, bind_append, sublists_aux₁_bind l]

theorem sublists_aux_cons_append (l₁ l₂ : list α) :
  sublists_aux (l₁ ++ l₂) cons = sublists_aux l₁ cons ++
    (do x ← sublists_aux l₂ cons, (++ x) <$> sublists l₁) :=
  simp only [sublists, sublists_aux_cons_eq_sublists_aux₁, sublists_aux₁_append, bind_eq_bind, sublists_aux₁_bind],
  congr, funext x, apply congr_arg _,
  rw [← bind_ret_eq_map, sublists_aux₁_bind], exact (append_nil _).symm

theorem sublists_append (l₁ l₂ : list α) :
  sublists (l₁ ++ l₂) = (do x ← sublists l₂, (++ x) <$> sublists l₁) :=
by simp only [map, sublists, sublists_aux_cons_append, map_eq_map, bind_eq_bind,
  cons_bind, map_id', append_nil, cons_append, map_id' (λ _, rfl)]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem sublists_concat (l : list α) (a : α) :
  sublists (l ++ [a]) = sublists l ++ map (λ x, x ++ [a]) (sublists l) :=
by rw [sublists_append, sublists_singleton, bind_eq_bind, cons_bind, cons_bind, nil_bind,
  map_eq_map, map_eq_map, map_id' (append_nil), append_nil]

theorem sublists_reverse (l : list α) : sublists (reverse l) = map reverse (sublists' l) :=
by induction l with hd tl ih; [refl,
simp only [reverse_cons, sublists_append, sublists'_cons, map_append, ih, sublists_singleton,
  map_eq_map, bind_eq_bind, map_map, cons_bind, append_nil, nil_bind, (∘)]]

theorem sublists_eq_sublists' (l : list α) : sublists l = map reverse (sublists' (reverse l)) :=
by rw [← sublists_reverse, reverse_reverse]

theorem sublists'_reverse (l : list α) : sublists' (reverse l) = map reverse (sublists l) :=
by simp only [sublists_eq_sublists', map_map, map_id' (reverse_reverse)]

theorem sublists'_eq_sublists (l : list α) : sublists' l = map reverse (sublists (reverse l)) :=
by rw [← sublists'_reverse, reverse_reverse]

theorem sublists_aux_ne_nil : ∀ (l : list α), [] ∉ sublists_aux l cons
| [] := id
| (a::l) := begin
  rw [sublists_aux_cons_cons],
  refine not_mem_cons_of_ne_of_not_mem (cons_ne_nil _ _).symm _,
  have := sublists_aux_ne_nil l, revert this,
  induction sublists_aux l cons; intro, {rwa foldr},
  simp only [foldr, mem_cons_iff, false_or, not_or_distrib],
  exact ⟨ne_of_not_mem_cons this, ih (not_mem_of_not_mem_cons this)⟩

@[simp] theorem mem_sublists {s t : list α} : s ∈ sublists t ↔ s <+ t :=
by rw [← reverse_sublist_iff, ← mem_sublists',
       sublists'_reverse, mem_map_of_inj reverse_injective]

@[simp] theorem length_sublists (l : list α) : length (sublists l) = 2 ^ length l :=
by simp only [sublists_eq_sublists', length_map, length_sublists', length_reverse]

theorem map_ret_sublist_sublists (l : list α) : map list.ret l <+ sublists l :=
reverse_rec_on l (nil_sublist _) $
λ l a IH, by simp only [map, map_append, sublists_concat]; exact
((append_sublist_append_left _).2 $ singleton_sublist.2 $
  mem_map.2 ⟨[], mem_sublists.2 (nil_sublist _), by refl⟩).trans
((append_sublist_append_right _).2 IH)

/- sublists_len -/

def sublists_len_aux {α β : Type*} : ℕ → list α → (list α → β) → list β → list β
| 0     l      f r := f [] :: r
| (n+1) []     f r := r
| (n+1) (a::l) f r := sublists_len_aux (n + 1) l f
  (sublists_len_aux n l (f ∘ list.cons a) r)

def sublists_len {α : Type*} (n : ℕ) (l : list α) : list (list α) :=
sublists_len_aux n l id []

lemma sublists_len_aux_append {α β γ : Type*} :
  ∀ (n : ℕ) (l : list α) (f : list α → β) (g : β → γ) (r : list β) (s : list γ),
  sublists_len_aux n l (g ∘ f) ( g ++ s) =
  (sublists_len_aux n l f r).map g ++ s
| 0     l      f g r s := rfl
| (n+1) []     f g r s := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) f g r s := begin
  unfold sublists_len_aux,
  rw [show ((g ∘ f) ∘ list.cons a) = (g ∘ f ∘ list.cons a), by refl,
    sublists_len_aux_append, sublists_len_aux_append]

lemma sublists_len_aux_eq {α β : Type*} (l : list α) (n) (f : list α → β) (r) :
  sublists_len_aux n l f r = (sublists_len n l).map f ++ r :=
by rw [sublists_len, ← sublists_len_aux_append]; refl

lemma sublists_len_aux_zero {α : Type*} (l : list α) (f : list α → β) (r) :
  sublists_len_aux 0 l f r = f [] :: r := by cases l; refl

@[simp] lemma sublists_len_zero {α : Type*} (l : list α) :
  sublists_len 0 l = [[]] := sublists_len_aux_zero _ _ _

@[simp] lemma sublists_len_succ_nil {α : Type*} (n) :
  sublists_len (n+1) (@nil α) = [] := rfl

@[simp] lemma sublists_len_succ_cons {α : Type*} (n) (a : α) (l) :
  sublists_len (n + 1) (a::l) =
  sublists_len (n + 1) l ++ (sublists_len n l).map (cons a) :=
by rw [sublists_len, sublists_len_aux, sublists_len_aux_eq,
  sublists_len_aux_eq, map_id, append_nil]; refl

@[simp] lemma length_sublists_len {α : Type*} : ∀ n (l : list α),
  length (sublists_len n l) = nat.choose (length l) n
| 0     l      := by simp
| (n+1) []     := by simp
| (n+1) (a::l) := by simp [-add_comm, nat.choose, *]; apply add_comm

lemma sublists_len_sublist_sublists' {α : Type*} : ∀ n (l : list α),
  sublists_len n l <+ sublists' l
| 0     l      := singleton_sublist.2 (mem_sublists'.2 (nil_sublist _))
| (n+1) []     := nil_sublist _
| (n+1) (a::l) := begin
  rw [sublists_len_succ_cons, sublists'_cons],
  exact append_sublist_append
    (sublists_len_sublist_sublists' _ _)
    (map_sublist_map _ (sublists_len_sublist_sublists' _ _))

lemma sublists_len_sublist_of_sublist
  {α : Type*} (n) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : l₁ <+ l₂) : sublists_len n l₁ <+ sublists_len n l₂ :=
  induction n with n IHn generalizing l₁ l₂, {simp},
  induction h with l₁ l₂ a s IH l₁ l₂ a s IH, {refl},
  { refine IH.trans _,
    rw sublists_len_succ_cons,
    apply sublist_append_left },
  { simp [sublists_len_succ_cons],
    exact append_sublist_append IH (map_sublist_map _ (IHn s)) }

lemma length_of_sublists_len {α : Type*} : ∀ {n} {l l' : list α},
  l' ∈ sublists_len n l → length l' = n
| 0     l      l' (or.inl rfl) := rfl
| (n+1) (a::l) l' h := begin
  rw [sublists_len_succ_cons, mem_append, mem_map] at h,
  rcases h with h | ⟨l', h, rfl⟩,
  { exact length_of_sublists_len h },
  { exact congr_arg (+1) (length_of_sublists_len h) },

lemma mem_sublists_len_self {α : Type*} {l l' : list α}
  (h : l' <+ l) : l' ∈ sublists_len (length l') l :=
  induction h with l₁ l₂ a s IH l₁ l₂ a s IH,
  { exact or.inl rfl },
  { cases l₁ with b l₁,
    { exact or.inl rfl },
    { rw [length, sublists_len_succ_cons],
      exact mem_append_left _ IH } },
  { rw [length, sublists_len_succ_cons],
    exact mem_append_right _ (mem_map.2 ⟨_, IH, rfl⟩) }

@[simp] lemma mem_sublists_len {α : Type*} {n} {l l' : list α} :
  l' ∈ sublists_len n l ↔ l' <+ l ∧ length l' = n :=
⟨λ h, ⟨mem_sublists'.1
    (subset_of_sublist (sublists_len_sublist_sublists' _ _) h),
  length_of_sublists_len h⟩,
λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, h₂ ▸ mem_sublists_len_self h₁⟩

/- forall₂ -/

section forall₂
variables {r : α → β → Prop} {p : γ → δ → Prop}
open relator

run_cmd tactic.mk_iff_of_inductive_prop `list.forall₂ `list.forall₂_iff

@[simp] theorem forall₂_cons {R : α → β → Prop} {a b l₁ l₂} :
  forall₂ R (a::l₁) (b::l₂) ↔ R a b ∧ forall₂ R l₁ l₂ :=
⟨λ h, by cases h with h₁ h₂; split; assumption, λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, forall₂.cons h₁ h₂⟩

theorem forall₂.imp {R S : α → β → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b → S a b) {l₁ l₂}
  (h : forall₂ R l₁ l₂) : forall₂ S l₁ l₂ :=
by induction h; constructor; solve_by_elim

lemma forall₂.mp {r q s : α → β → Prop} (h : ∀a b, r a b → q a b → s a b) :
  ∀{l₁ l₂}, forall₂ r l₁ l₂ → forall₂ q l₁ l₂ → forall₂ s l₁ l₂
| []      []      forall₂.nil           forall₂.nil           := forall₂.nil
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) (forall₂.cons hr hrs) (forall₂.cons hq hqs) :=
  forall₂.cons (h a b hr hq) (forall₂.mp hrs hqs)

lemma forall₂.flip : ∀{a b}, forall₂ (flip r) b a → forall₂ r a b
| _ _                 forall₂.nil          := forall₂.nil
| (a :: as) (b :: bs) (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) := forall₂.cons h₁ h₂.flip

lemma forall₂_same {r : α → α → Prop} : ∀{l}, (∀x∈l, r x x) → forall₂ r l l
| []      _ := forall₂.nil
| (a::as) h := forall₂.cons
    (h _ (mem_cons_self _ _))
    (forall₂_same $ assume a ha, h a $ mem_cons_of_mem _ ha)

lemma forall₂_refl {r} [is_refl α r] (l : list α) : forall₂ r l l :=
forall₂_same $ assume a h, is_refl.refl _ _

lemma forall₂_eq_eq_eq : forall₂ ((=) : α → α → Prop) = (=) :=
  funext a b, apply propext,
  { assume h, induction h, {refl}, simp only [*]; split; refl },
  { assume h, subst h, exact forall₂_refl _ }

@[simp] lemma forall₂_nil_left_iff {l} : forall₂ r nil l ↔ l = nil :=
⟨λ H, by cases H; refl, by rintro rfl; exact forall₂.nil⟩

@[simp] lemma forall₂_nil_right_iff {l} : forall₂ r l nil ↔ l = nil :=
⟨λ H, by cases H; refl, by rintro rfl; exact forall₂.nil⟩

lemma forall₂_cons_left_iff {a l u} : forall₂ r (a::l) u ↔ (∃b u', r a b ∧ forall₂ r l u' ∧ u = b :: u') :=
  (assume h, match u, h with (b :: u'), forall₂.cons h₁ h₂ := ⟨b, u', h₁, h₂, rfl⟩ end)
  (assume h, match u, h with _, ⟨b, u', h₁, h₂, rfl⟩ := forall₂.cons h₁ h₂ end)

lemma forall₂_cons_right_iff {b l u} :
  forall₂ r u (b::l) ↔ (∃a u', r a b ∧ forall₂ r u' l ∧ u = a :: u') :=
  (assume h, match u, h with (b :: u'), forall₂.cons h₁ h₂ := ⟨b, u', h₁, h₂, rfl⟩ end)
  (assume h, match u, h with _, ⟨b, u', h₁, h₂, rfl⟩ := forall₂.cons h₁ h₂ end)

lemma forall₂_and_left {r : α → β → Prop} {p : α → Prop} :
  ∀l u, forall₂ (λa b, p a ∧ r a b) l u ↔ (∀a∈l, p a) ∧ forall₂ r l u
| []     u := by simp only [forall₂_nil_left_iff, forall_prop_of_false (not_mem_nil _), imp_true_iff, true_and]
| (a::l) u := by simp only [forall₂_and_left l, forall₂_cons_left_iff, forall_mem_cons,
    and_assoc, and_comm, and.left_comm, exists_and_distrib_left.symm]

@[simp] lemma forall₂_map_left_iff {f : γ → α} :
  ∀{l u}, forall₂ r (map f l) u ↔ forall₂ (λc b, r (f c) b) l u
| []     _ := by simp only [map, forall₂_nil_left_iff]
| (a::l) _ := by simp only [map, forall₂_cons_left_iff, forall₂_map_left_iff]

@[simp] lemma forall₂_map_right_iff {f : γ → β} :
  ∀{l u}, forall₂ r l (map f u) ↔ forall₂ (λa c, r a (f c)) l u
| _ []     := by simp only [map, forall₂_nil_right_iff]
| _ (b::u) := by simp only [map, forall₂_cons_right_iff, forall₂_map_right_iff]

lemma left_unique_forall₂ (hr : left_unique r) : left_unique (forall₂ r)
| a₀ nil a₁ forall₂.nil forall₂.nil := rfl
| (a₀::l₀) (b::l) (a₁::l₁) (forall₂.cons ha₀ h₀) (forall₂.cons ha₁ h₁) :=
  hr ha₀ ha₁ ▸ left_unique_forall₂ h₀ h₁ ▸ rfl

lemma right_unique_forall₂ (hr : right_unique r) : right_unique (forall₂ r)
| nil a₀ a₁ forall₂.nil forall₂.nil := rfl
| (b::l) (a₀::l₀) (a₁::l₁) (forall₂.cons ha₀ h₀) (forall₂.cons ha₁ h₁) :=
  hr ha₀ ha₁ ▸ right_unique_forall₂ h₀ h₁ ▸ rfl

lemma bi_unique_forall₂ (hr : bi_unique r) : bi_unique (forall₂ r) :=
⟨assume a b c, left_unique_forall₂ hr.1, assume a b c, right_unique_forall₂ hr.2⟩

theorem forall₂_length_eq {R : α → β → Prop} :
  ∀ {l₁ l₂}, forall₂ R l₁ l₂ → length l₁ = length l₂
| _ _ forall₂.nil          := rfl
| _ _ (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) := congr_arg succ (forall₂_length_eq h₂)

theorem forall₂_zip {R : α → β → Prop} :
  ∀ {l₁ l₂}, forall₂ R l₁ l₂ → ∀ {a b}, (a, b) ∈ zip l₁ l₂ → R a b
| _ _ (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) x y (or.inl rfl) := h₁
| _ _ (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) x y (or.inr h₃) := forall₂_zip h₂ h₃

theorem forall₂_iff_zip {R : α → β → Prop} {l₁ l₂} : forall₂ R l₁ l₂ ↔
  length l₁ = length l₂ ∧ ∀ {a b}, (a, b) ∈ zip l₁ l₂ → R a b :=
⟨λ h, ⟨forall₂_length_eq h, @forall₂_zip _ _ _ _ _ h⟩,
 λ h, begin
  cases h with h₁ h₂,
  induction l₁ with a l₁ IH generalizing l₂,
  { cases length_eq_zero.1 h₁.symm, constructor },
  { cases l₂ with b l₂; injection h₁ with h₁,
    exact forall₂.cons (h₂ $ or.inl rfl) (IH h₁ $ λ a b h, h₂ $ or.inr h) }

theorem forall₂_take {R : α → β → Prop} :
  ∀ n {l₁ l₂}, forall₂ R l₁ l₂ → forall₂ R (take n l₁) (take n l₂)
| 0 _ _ _ := by simp only [forall₂.nil, take]
| (n+1) _ _ (forall₂.nil) := by simp only [forall₂.nil, take]
| (n+1) _ _ (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) := by simp [and.intro h₁ h₂, forall₂_take n]

theorem forall₂_drop {R : α → β → Prop} :
  ∀ n {l₁ l₂}, forall₂ R l₁ l₂ → forall₂ R (drop n l₁) (drop n l₂)
| 0 _ _ h := by simp only [drop, h]
| (n+1) _ _ (forall₂.nil) := by simp only [forall₂.nil, drop]
| (n+1) _ _ (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) := by simp [and.intro h₁ h₂, forall₂_drop n]

theorem forall₂_take_append {R : α → β → Prop} (l : list α) (l₁ : list β) (l₂ : list β)
  (h : forall₂ R l (l₁ ++ l₂)) : forall₂ R (list.take (length l₁) l) l₁ :=
have h': forall₂ R (take (length l₁) l) (take (length l₁) (l₁ ++ l₂)), from forall₂_take (length l₁) h,
by rwa [take_left] at h'

theorem forall₂_drop_append {R : α → β → Prop} (l : list α) (l₁ : list β) (l₂ : list β)
  (h : forall₂ R l (l₁ ++ l₂)) : forall₂ R (list.drop (length l₁) l) l₂ :=
have h': forall₂ R (drop (length l₁) l) (drop (length l₁) (l₁ ++ l₂)), from forall₂_drop (length l₁) h,
by rwa [drop_left] at h'

lemma rel_mem (hr : bi_unique r) : (r ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ iff) (∈) (∈)
| a b h [] [] forall₂.nil := by simp only [not_mem_nil]
| a b h (a'::as) (b'::bs) (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) := rel_or (rel_eq hr h h₁) (rel_mem h h₂)

lemma rel_map : ((r ⇒ p) ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ forall₂ p) map map
| f g h [] [] forall₂.nil := forall₂.nil
| f g h (a::as) (b::bs) (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) := forall₂.cons (h h₁) (rel_map @h h₂)

lemma rel_append : (forall₂ r ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ forall₂ r) append append
| [] [] h l₁ l₂ hl := hl
| (a::as) (b::bs) (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) l₁ l₂ hl := forall₂.cons h₁ (rel_append h₂ hl)

lemma rel_join : (forall₂ (forall₂ r) ⇒ forall₂ r) join join
| [] [] forall₂.nil := forall₂.nil
| (a::as) (b::bs) (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) := rel_append h₁ (rel_join h₂)

lemma rel_bind : (forall₂ r ⇒ (r ⇒ forall₂ p) ⇒ forall₂ p) list.bind list.bind :=
assume a b h₁ f g h₂, rel_join (rel_map @h₂ h₁)

lemma rel_foldl : ((p ⇒ r ⇒ p) ⇒ p ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ p) foldl foldl
| f g hfg _ _ h _ _ forall₂.nil := h
| f g hfg x y hxy _ _ (forall₂.cons hab hs) := rel_foldl @hfg (hfg hxy hab) hs

lemma rel_foldr : ((r ⇒ p ⇒ p) ⇒ p ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ p) foldr foldr
| f g hfg _ _ h _ _ forall₂.nil := h
| f g hfg x y hxy _ _ (forall₂.cons hab hs) := hfg hab (rel_foldr @hfg hxy hs)

lemma rel_filter {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} [decidable_pred p] [decidable_pred q]
  (hpq : (r ⇒ (↔)) p q) :
  (forall₂ r ⇒ forall₂ r) (filter p) (filter q)
| _ _ forall₂.nil := forall₂.nil
| (a::as) (b::bs) (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) :=
    by_cases p a,
    { have : q b, { rwa [← hpq h₁] },
      simp only [filter_cons_of_pos _ h, filter_cons_of_pos _ this, forall₂_cons, h₁, rel_filter h₂, and_true], },
    { have : ¬ q b, { rwa [← hpq h₁] },
      simp only [filter_cons_of_neg _ h, filter_cons_of_neg _ this, rel_filter h₂], },

theorem filter_map_cons (f : α → option β) (a : α) (l : list α) :
  filter_map f (a :: l) = option.cases_on (f a) (filter_map f l) (λb, b :: filter_map f l) :=
  generalize eq : f a = b,
  cases b,
  { rw filter_map_cons_none _ _ eq },
  { rw filter_map_cons_some _ _ _ eq },

lemma rel_filter_map : ((r ⇒ option.rel p) ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ forall₂ p) filter_map filter_map
| f g hfg _ _ forall₂.nil := forall₂.nil
| f g hfg (a::as) (b::bs) (forall₂.cons h₁ h₂) :=
  by rw [filter_map_cons, filter_map_cons];
  from match f a, g b, hfg h₁ with
  | _, _, option.rel.none := rel_filter_map @hfg h₂
  | _, _, option.rel.some h := forall₂.cons h (rel_filter_map @hfg h₂)

lemma rel_prod [monoid α] [monoid β]
  (h : r 1 1) (hf : (r ⇒ r ⇒ r) (*) (*)) : (forall₂ r ⇒ r) prod prod :=
rel_foldl hf h

end forall₂

/- sections -/

theorem mem_sections {L : list (list α)} {f} : f ∈ sections L ↔ forall₂ (∈) f L :=
  refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
  { induction L generalizing f, {cases mem_singleton.1 h, exact forall₂.nil},
    simp only [sections, bind_eq_bind, mem_bind, mem_map] at h,
    rcases h with ⟨_, _, _, _, rfl⟩,
    simp only [*, forall₂_cons, true_and] },
  { induction h with a l f L al fL fs, {exact or.inl rfl},
    simp only [sections, bind_eq_bind, mem_bind, mem_map],
    exact ⟨_, fs, _, al, rfl, rfl⟩ }

theorem mem_sections_length {L : list (list α)} {f} (h : f ∈ sections L) : length f = length L :=
forall₂_length_eq (mem_sections.1 h)

lemma rel_sections {r : α → β → Prop} : (forall₂ (forall₂ r) ⇒ forall₂ (forall₂ r)) sections sections
| _ _ forall₂.nil := forall₂.cons forall₂.nil forall₂.nil
| _ _ (forall₂.cons h₀ h₁) :=
  rel_bind (rel_sections h₁) (assume _ _ hl, rel_map (assume _ _ ha, forall₂.cons ha hl) h₀)

/- permutations -/

section permutations

@[simp] theorem permutations_aux_nil (is : list α) : permutations_aux [] is = [] :=
by rw [permutations_aux, permutations_aux.rec]

@[simp] theorem permutations_aux_cons (t : α) (ts is : list α) :
  permutations_aux (t :: ts) is = foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2)
    (permutations_aux ts (t::is)) (permutations is) :=
by rw [permutations_aux, permutations_aux.rec]; refl

end permutations

/- insert -/
section insert
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem insert_nil (a : α) : insert a nil = [a] := rfl

theorem insert.def (a : α) (l : list α) : insert a l = if a ∈ l then l else a :: l := rfl

@[simp] theorem insert_of_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : insert a l = l :=
by simp only [insert.def, if_pos h]

@[simp] theorem insert_of_not_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∉ l) : insert a l = a :: l :=
by simp only [insert.def, if_neg h]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem mem_insert_iff {a b : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ insert b l ↔ a = b ∨ a ∈ l :=
  by_cases h' : b ∈ l,
  { simp only [insert_of_mem h'],
    apply (or_iff_right_of_imp _).symm,
    exact λ e, e.symm ▸ h' },
  simp only [insert_of_not_mem h', mem_cons_iff]

@[simp] theorem suffix_insert (a : α) (l : list α) : l <:+ insert a l :=
by by_cases a ∈ l; [simp only [insert_of_mem h], simp only [insert_of_not_mem h, suffix_cons]]

@[simp] theorem mem_insert_self (a : α) (l : list α) : a ∈ insert a l :=
mem_insert_iff.2 (or.inl rfl)

@[simp] theorem mem_insert_of_mem {a b : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : a ∈ insert b l :=
mem_insert_iff.2 (or.inr h)

theorem eq_or_mem_of_mem_insert {a b : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ insert b l) : a = b ∨ a ∈ l :=
mem_insert_iff.1 h

@[simp] theorem length_insert_of_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) :
  length (insert a l) = length l :=
by rw insert_of_mem h

@[simp] theorem length_insert_of_not_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∉ l) :
  length (insert a l) = length l + 1 :=
by rw insert_of_not_mem h; refl

end insert

/- erasep -/
section erasep
variables {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p]

@[simp] theorem erasep_nil : [].erasep p = [] := rfl

theorem erasep_cons (a : α) (l : list α) : (a :: l).erasep p = if p a then l else a :: l.erasep p := rfl

@[simp] theorem erasep_cons_of_pos {a : α} {l : list α} (h : p a) : (a :: l).erasep p = l :=
by simp [erasep_cons, h]

@[simp] theorem erasep_cons_of_neg {a : α} {l : list α} (h : ¬ p a) : (a::l).erasep p = a :: l.erasep p :=
by simp [erasep_cons, h]

theorem erasep_of_forall_not {l : list α}
  (h : ∀ a ∈ l, ¬ p a) : l.erasep p = l :=
by induction l with _ _ ih; [refl,
  simp [h _ (or.inl rfl), ih (forall_mem_of_forall_mem_cons h)]]

theorem exists_of_erasep {l : list α} {a} (al : a ∈ l) (pa : p a) :
  ∃ a l₁ l₂, (∀ b ∈ l₁, ¬ p b) ∧ p a ∧ l = l₁ ++ a :: l₂ ∧ l.erasep p = l₁ ++ l₂ :=
  induction l with b l IH, {cases al},
  by_cases pb : p b,
  { exact ⟨b, [], l, forall_mem_nil _, pb, by simp [pb]⟩ },
  { rcases al with rfl | al, {exact pb.elim pa},
    rcases IH al with ⟨c, l₁, l₂, h₁, h₂, h₃, h₄⟩,
    exact ⟨c, b::l₁, l₂, forall_mem_cons.2 ⟨pb, h₁⟩,
      h₂, by rw h₃; refl, by simp [pb, h₄]⟩ }

theorem exists_or_eq_self_of_erasep (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (l : list α) :
  l.erasep p = l ∨ ∃ a l₁ l₂, (∀ b ∈ l₁, ¬ p b) ∧ p a ∧ l = l₁ ++ a :: l₂ ∧ l.erasep p = l₁ ++ l₂ :=
  by_cases h : ∃ a ∈ l, p a,
  { rcases h with ⟨a, ha, pa⟩,
    exact or.inr (exists_of_erasep ha pa) },
  { simp at h, exact or.inl (erasep_of_forall_not h) }

@[simp] theorem length_erasep_of_mem {l : list α} {a} (al : a ∈ l) (pa : p a) :
 length (l.erasep p) = pred (length l) :=
by rcases exists_of_erasep al pa with ⟨_, l₁, l₂, _, _, e₁, e₂⟩;
   rw e₂; simp [-add_comm, e₁]; refl

theorem erasep_append_left {a : α} (pa : p a) :
  ∀ {l₁ : list α} (l₂), a ∈ l₁ → (l₁++l₂).erasep p = l₁.erasep p ++ l₂
| (x::xs) l₂ h := begin
  by_cases h' : p x; simp [h'],
  rw erasep_append_left l₂ (mem_of_ne_of_mem (mt _ h') h),
  rintro rfl, exact pa

theorem erasep_append_right : ∀ {l₁ : list α} (l₂), (∀ b ∈ l₁, ¬ p b) → (l₁++l₂).erasep p = l₁ ++ l₂.erasep p
| []      l₂ h := rfl
| (x::xs) l₂ h := by simp [(forall_mem_cons.1 h).1,
  erasep_append_right _ (forall_mem_cons.1 h).2]

theorem erasep_sublist (l : list α) : l.erasep p <+ l :=
by rcases exists_or_eq_self_of_erasep p l with h | ⟨c, l₁, l₂, h₁, h₂, h₃, h₄⟩;
   [rw h, {rw [h₄, h₃], simp}]

theorem erasep_subset (l : list α) : l.erasep p ⊆ l :=
subset_of_sublist (erasep_sublist l)

theorem erasep_sublist_erasep {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : l₁.erasep p <+ l₂.erasep p :=
  induction s,
  case list.sublist.slnil { refl },
  case list.sublist.cons : l₁ l₂ a s IH {
    by_cases h : p a; simp [h],
    exacts [IH.trans (erasep_sublist _), IH.cons _ _ _] },
  case list.sublist.cons2 : l₁ l₂ a s IH {
    by_cases h : p a; simp [h],
    exacts [s, IH.cons2 _ _ _] }

theorem mem_of_mem_erasep {a : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ l.erasep p → a ∈ l :=
@erasep_subset _ _ _ _ _

@[simp] theorem mem_erasep_of_neg {a : α} {l : list α} (pa : ¬ p a) : a ∈ l.erasep p ↔ a ∈ l :=
⟨mem_of_mem_erasep, λ al, begin
  rcases exists_or_eq_self_of_erasep p l with h | ⟨c, l₁, l₂, h₁, h₂, h₃, h₄⟩,
  { rwa h },
  { rw h₄, rw h₃ at al,
    have : a ≠ c, {rintro rfl, exact pa.elim h₂},
    simpa [this] using al }

theorem erasep_map (f : β → α) :
  ∀ (l : list β), (map f l).erasep p = map f (l.erasep (p ∘ f))
| []     := rfl
| (b::l) := by by_cases p (f b); simp [h, erasep_map l]

@[simp] theorem extractp_eq_find_erasep :
  ∀ l : list α, extractp p l = (find p l, erasep p l)
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := by by_cases pa : p a; simp [extractp, pa, extractp_eq_find_erasep l]

end erasep

/- erase -/
section erase
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem erase_nil (a : α) : [].erase a = [] := rfl

theorem erase_cons (a b : α) (l : list α) : (b :: l).erase a = if b = a then l else b :: l.erase a := rfl

@[simp] theorem erase_cons_head (a : α) (l : list α) : (a :: l).erase a = l :=
by simp only [erase_cons, if_pos rfl]

@[simp] theorem erase_cons_tail {a b : α} (l : list α) (h : b ≠ a) : (b::l).erase a = b :: l.erase a :=
by simp only [erase_cons, if_neg h]; split; refl

theorem erase_eq_erasep (a : α) (l : list α) : l.erase a = l.erasep (eq a) :=
by { induction l with b l, {refl},
  by_cases a = b; [simp [h], simp [h, ne.symm h, *]] }

@[simp] theorem erase_of_not_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∉ l) : l.erase a = l :=
by rw [erase_eq_erasep, erasep_of_forall_not]; rintro b h' rfl; exact h h'

theorem exists_erase_eq {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) :
  ∃ l₁ l₂, a ∉ l₁ ∧ l = l₁ ++ a :: l₂ ∧ l.erase a = l₁ ++ l₂ :=
by rcases exists_of_erasep h rfl with ⟨_, l₁, l₂, h₁, rfl, h₂, h₃⟩;
   rw erase_eq_erasep; exact ⟨l₁, l₂, λ h, h₁ _ h rfl, h₂, h₃⟩

@[simp] theorem length_erase_of_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : length (l.erase a) = pred (length l) :=
by rw erase_eq_erasep; exact length_erasep_of_mem h rfl

theorem erase_append_left {a : α} {l₁ : list α} (l₂) (h : a ∈ l₁) :
  (l₁++l₂).erase a = l₁.erase a ++ l₂ :=
by simp [erase_eq_erasep]; exact erasep_append_left (by refl) l₂ h

theorem erase_append_right {a : α} {l₁ : list α} (l₂) (h : a ∉ l₁) :
  (l₁++l₂).erase a = l₁ ++ l₂.erase a :=
by rw [erase_eq_erasep, erase_eq_erasep, erasep_append_right];
   rintro b h' rfl; exact h h'

theorem erase_sublist (a : α) (l : list α) : l.erase a <+ l :=
by rw erase_eq_erasep; apply erasep_sublist

theorem erase_subset (a : α) (l : list α) : l.erase a ⊆ l :=
subset_of_sublist (erase_sublist a l)

theorem erase_sublist_erase (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : l₁ <+ l₂) : l₁.erase a <+ l₂.erase a :=
by simp [erase_eq_erasep]; exact erasep_sublist_erasep h

theorem mem_of_mem_erase {a b : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ l.erase b → a ∈ l :=
@erase_subset _ _ _ _ _

@[simp] theorem mem_erase_of_ne {a b : α} {l : list α} (ab : a ≠ b) : a ∈ l.erase b ↔ a ∈ l :=
by rw erase_eq_erasep; exact mem_erasep_of_neg ab.symm

theorem erase_comm (a b : α) (l : list α) : (l.erase a).erase b = (l.erase b).erase a :=
if ab : a = b then by rw ab else
if ha : a ∈ l then
if hb : b ∈ l then match l, l.erase a, exists_erase_eq ha, hb with
| ._, ._, ⟨l₁, l₂, ha', rfl, rfl⟩, hb :=
  if h₁ : b ∈ l₁ then
    by rw [erase_append_left _ h₁, erase_append_left _ h₁,
           erase_append_right _ (mt mem_of_mem_erase ha'), erase_cons_head]
    by rw [erase_append_right _ h₁, erase_append_right _ h₁, erase_append_right _ ha',
           erase_cons_tail _ ab, erase_cons_head]
else by simp only [erase_of_not_mem hb, erase_of_not_mem (mt mem_of_mem_erase hb)]
else by simp only [erase_of_not_mem ha, erase_of_not_mem (mt mem_of_mem_erase ha)]

theorem map_erase [decidable_eq β] {f : α → β} (finj : injective f) {a : α}
  (l : list α) : map f (l.erase a) = (map f l).erase (f a) :=
by rw [erase_eq_erasep, erase_eq_erasep, erasep_map]; congr;
   ext b; simp [finj.eq_iff]

theorem map_foldl_erase [decidable_eq β] {f : α → β} (finj : injective f) {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  map f (foldl list.erase l₁ l₂) = foldl (λ l a, l.erase (f a)) (map f l₁) l₂ :=
by induction l₂ generalizing l₁; [refl,
simp only [foldl_cons, map_erase finj, *]]

@[simp] theorem count_erase_self (a : α) : ∀ (s : list α), count a (list.erase s a) = pred (count a s)
| [] := by simp
| (h :: t) :=
  rw erase_cons,
  by_cases p : h = a,
  { rw [if_pos p, count_cons', if_pos p.symm], simp },
  { rw [if_neg p, count_cons', count_cons', if_neg (λ x : a = h, p x.symm), count_erase_self],
    simp, }

@[simp] theorem count_erase_of_ne {a b : α} (ab : a ≠ b) : ∀ (s : list α), count a (list.erase s b) = count a s
| [] := by simp
| (x :: xs) :=
  rw erase_cons,
  split_ifs with h,
  { rw [count_cons', h, if_neg ab], simp },
  { rw [count_cons', count_cons', count_erase_of_ne] }

end erase

/- diff -/
section diff
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem diff_nil (l : list α) : l.diff [] = l := rfl

@[simp] theorem diff_cons (l₁ l₂ : list α) (a : α) : l₁.diff (a::l₂) = (l₁.erase a).diff l₂ :=
if h : a ∈ l₁ then by simp only [list.diff, if_pos h]
else by simp only [list.diff, if_neg h, erase_of_not_mem h]

@[simp] theorem nil_diff (l : list α) : [].diff l = [] :=
by induction l; [refl, simp only [*, diff_cons, erase_of_not_mem (not_mem_nil _)]]

theorem diff_eq_foldl : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α), l₁.diff l₂ = foldl list.erase l₁ l₂
| l₁ []      := rfl
| l₁ (a::l₂) := (diff_cons l₁ l₂ a).trans (diff_eq_foldl _ _)

@[simp] theorem diff_append (l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α) : l₁.diff (l₂ ++ l₃) = (l₁.diff l₂).diff l₃ :=
by simp only [diff_eq_foldl, foldl_append]

@[simp] theorem map_diff [decidable_eq β] {f : α → β} (finj : injective f) {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  map f (l₁.diff l₂) = (map f l₁).diff (map f l₂) :=
by simp only [diff_eq_foldl, foldl_map, map_foldl_erase finj]

theorem diff_sublist : ∀ l₁ l₂ : list α, l₁.diff l₂ <+ l₁
| l₁ []      := sublist.refl _
| l₁ (a::l₂) := calc l₁.diff (a :: l₂) = (l₁.erase a).diff l₂ : diff_cons _ _ _
  ... <+ l₁.erase a : diff_sublist _ _
  ... <+ l₁ : list.erase_sublist _ _

theorem diff_subset (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₁.diff l₂ ⊆ l₁ :=
subset_of_sublist $ diff_sublist _ _

theorem mem_diff_of_mem {a : α} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, a ∈ l₁ → a ∉ l₂ → a ∈ l₁.diff l₂
| l₁ []      h₁ h₂ := h₁
| l₁ (b::l₂) h₁ h₂ := by rw diff_cons; exact
  mem_diff_of_mem ((mem_erase_of_ne (ne_of_not_mem_cons h₂)).2 h₁) (not_mem_of_not_mem_cons h₂)

theorem diff_sublist_of_sublist : ∀ {l₁ l₂ l₃: list α}, l₁ <+ l₂ → l₁.diff l₃ <+ l₂.diff l₃
| l₁ l₂ [] h      := h
| l₁ l₂ (a::l₃) h := by simp only
  [diff_cons, diff_sublist_of_sublist (erase_sublist_erase _ h)]

theorem erase_diff_erase_sublist_of_sublist {a : α} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α},
  l₁ <+ l₂ → (l₂.erase a).diff (l₁.erase a) <+ l₂.diff l₁
| []      l₂ h := erase_sublist _ _
| (b::l₁) l₂ h := if heq : b = a then by simp only [heq, erase_cons_head, diff_cons]
                  else by simpa only [erase_cons_head, erase_cons_tail _ heq, diff_cons, erase_comm a b l₂]
                  using erase_diff_erase_sublist_of_sublist (erase_sublist_erase b h)
using_well_founded wf_tacs

end diff

/- zip & unzip -/

@[simp] theorem zip_cons_cons (a : α) (b : β) (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β) :
  zip (a :: l₁) (b :: l₂) = (a, b) :: zip l₁ l₂ := rfl

@[simp] theorem zip_nil_left (l : list α) : zip ([] : list β) l = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem zip_nil_right (l : list α) : zip l ([] : list β) = [] :=
by cases l; refl

@[simp] theorem zip_swap : ∀ (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β),
  (zip l₁ l₂).map prod.swap = zip l₂ l₁
| []      l₂      := (zip_nil_right _).symm
| l₁      []      := by rw zip_nil_right; refl
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) := by simp only [zip_cons_cons, map_cons, zip_swap l₁ l₂, prod.swap_prod_mk]; split; refl

@[simp] theorem length_zip : ∀ (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β),
   length (zip l₁ l₂) = min (length l₁) (length l₂)
| []      l₂      := rfl
| l₁      []      := by simp only [length, zip_nil_right, min_zero]
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) := by by simp only [length, zip_cons_cons, length_zip l₁ l₂, min_add_add_right]

theorem zip_append : ∀ {l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : list α} (h : length l₁ = length l₂),
   zip (l₁ ++ r₁) (l₂ ++ r₂) = zip l₁ l₂ ++ zip r₁ r₂
| []      l₂      r₁ r₂ h := by simp only [eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero h.symm]; refl
| l₁      []      r₁ r₂ h := by simp only [eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero h]; refl
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) r₁ r₂ h := by simp only [cons_append, zip_cons_cons, zip_append (succ_inj h)]; split; refl

theorem zip_map (f : α → γ) (g : β → δ) : ∀ (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β),
   zip (l₁.map f) (l₂.map g) = (zip l₁ l₂).map ( f g)
| []      l₂      := rfl
| l₁      []      := by simp only [map, zip_nil_right]
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) := by simp only [map, zip_cons_cons, zip_map l₁ l₂,]; split; refl

theorem zip_map_left (f : α → γ) (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β) :
   zip (l₁.map f) l₂ = (zip l₁ l₂).map ( f id) :=
by rw [← zip_map, map_id]

theorem zip_map_right (f : β → γ) (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β) :
   zip l₁ (l₂.map f) = (zip l₁ l₂).map ( id f) :=
by rw [← zip_map, map_id]

theorem zip_map' (f : α → β) (g : α → γ) : ∀ (l : list α),
   zip ( f) ( g) = (λ a, (f a, g a))
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := by simp only [map, zip_cons_cons, zip_map' l]; split; refl

theorem mem_zip {a b} : ∀ {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β},
   (a, b) ∈ zip l₁ l₂ → a ∈ l₁ ∧ b ∈ l₂
| (_::l₁) (_::l₂) (or.inl rfl) := ⟨or.inl rfl, or.inl rfl⟩
| (a'::l₁) (b'::l₂) (or.inr h) := by split; simp only [mem_cons_iff, or_true, mem_zip h]

@[simp] theorem unzip_nil : unzip (@nil (α × β)) = ([], []) := rfl

@[simp] theorem unzip_cons (a : α) (b : β) (l : list (α × β)) :
   unzip ((a, b) :: l) = (a :: (unzip l).1, b :: (unzip l).2) :=
by rw unzip; cases unzip l; refl

theorem unzip_eq_map : ∀ (l : list (α × β)), unzip l = ( prod.fst, prod.snd)
| []            := rfl
| ((a, b) :: l) := by simp only [unzip_cons, map_cons, unzip_eq_map l]

theorem unzip_left (l : list (α × β)) : (unzip l).1 = prod.fst :=
by simp only [unzip_eq_map]

theorem unzip_right (l : list (α × β)) : (unzip l).2 = prod.snd :=
by simp only [unzip_eq_map]

theorem unzip_swap (l : list (α × β)) : unzip ( prod.swap) = (unzip l).swap :=
by simp only [unzip_eq_map, map_map]; split; refl

theorem zip_unzip : ∀ (l : list (α × β)), zip (unzip l).1 (unzip l).2 = l
| []            := rfl
| ((a, b) :: l) := by simp only [unzip_cons, zip_cons_cons, zip_unzip l]; split; refl

theorem unzip_zip_left : ∀ {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β}, length l₁ ≤ length l₂ →
  (unzip (zip l₁ l₂)).1 = l₁
| []      l₂      h := rfl
| l₁      []      h := by rw eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero (eq_zero_of_le_zero h); refl
| (a::l₁) (b::l₂) h := by simp only [zip_cons_cons, unzip_cons, unzip_zip_left (le_of_succ_le_succ h)]; split; refl

theorem unzip_zip_right {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β} (h : length l₂ ≤ length l₁) :
  (unzip (zip l₁ l₂)).2 = l₂ :=
by rw [← zip_swap, unzip_swap]; exact unzip_zip_left h

theorem unzip_zip {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β} (h : length l₁ = length l₂) :
  unzip (zip l₁ l₂) = (l₁, l₂) :=
by rw [← _ _ (unzip (zip l₁ l₂)),
  unzip_zip_left (le_of_eq h), unzip_zip_right (ge_of_eq h)]

@[simp] theorem length_revzip (l : list α) : length (revzip l) = length l :=
by simp only [revzip, length_zip, length_reverse, min_self]

@[simp] theorem unzip_revzip (l : list α) : (revzip l).unzip = (l, l.reverse) :=
unzip_zip (length_reverse l).symm

@[simp] theorem revzip_map_fst (l : list α) : (revzip l).map prod.fst = l :=
by rw [← unzip_left, unzip_revzip]

@[simp] theorem revzip_map_snd (l : list α) : (revzip l).map prod.snd = l.reverse :=
by rw [← unzip_right, unzip_revzip]

theorem reverse_revzip (l : list α) : reverse l.revzip = revzip l.reverse :=
by rw [← zip_unzip.{u u} (revzip l).reverse, unzip_eq_map]; simp; simp [revzip]

theorem revzip_swap (l : list α) : (revzip l).map prod.swap = revzip l.reverse :=
by simp [revzip]

/- enum -/

theorem length_enum_from : ∀ n (l : list α), length (enum_from n l) = length l
| n []     := rfl
| n (a::l) := congr_arg nat.succ (length_enum_from _ _)

theorem length_enum : ∀ (l : list α), length (enum l) = length l := length_enum_from _

@[simp] theorem enum_from_nth : ∀ n (l : list α) m,
  nth (enum_from n l) m = (λ a, (n + m, a)) <$> nth l m
| n []       m     := rfl
| n (a :: l) 0     := rfl
| n (a :: l) (m+1) := (enum_from_nth (n+1) l m).trans $
  by rw [add_right_comm]; refl

@[simp] theorem enum_nth : ∀ (l : list α) n,
  nth (enum l) n = (λ a, (n, a)) <$> nth l n :=
by simp only [enum, enum_from_nth, zero_add]; intros; refl

@[simp] theorem enum_from_map_snd : ∀ n (l : list α),
  map prod.snd (enum_from n l) = l
| n []       := rfl
| n (a :: l) := congr_arg (cons _) (enum_from_map_snd _ _)

@[simp] theorem enum_map_snd : ∀ (l : list α),
  map prod.snd (enum l) = l := enum_from_map_snd _

theorem mem_enum_from {x : α} {i : ℕ} : Π {j : ℕ} (xs : list α), (i, x) ∈ xs.enum_from j → j ≤ i ∧ i < j + xs.length ∧ x ∈ xs
| j [] := by simp [enum_from]
| j (y :: ys) := by { simp [enum_from,mem_enum_from ys],
                      rintro (h|h),
                      { refine ⟨le_of_eq h.1.symm,h.1 ▸ _,or.inl h.2⟩,
                        apply lt_of_lt_of_le (nat.lt_add_of_pos_right zero_lt_one),
                        apply nat.add_le_add_left, apply nat.le_add_right },
                      { replace h := mem_enum_from _ h,
                        simp at h, revert h, apply and_implies _ (and_implies id or.inr),
                        intro h, transitivity j+1, apply nat.le_add_right, exact h } }

/- product -/

@[simp] theorem nil_product (l : list β) : product (@nil α) l = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem product_cons (a : α) (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β)
        : product (a::l₁) l₂ = map (λ b, (a, b)) l₂ ++ product l₁ l₂ := rfl

@[simp] theorem product_nil : ∀ (l : list α), product l (@nil β) = []
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := by rw [product_cons, product_nil]; refl

@[simp] theorem mem_product {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β} {a : α} {b : β} :
  (a, b) ∈ product l₁ l₂ ↔ a ∈ l₁ ∧ b ∈ l₂ :=
by simp only [product, mem_bind, mem_map, prod.ext_iff, exists_prop,
  and.left_comm, exists_and_distrib_left, exists_eq_left, exists_eq_right]

theorem length_product (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β) :
  length (product l₁ l₂) = length l₁ * length l₂ :=
by induction l₁ with x l₁ IH; [exact (zero_mul _).symm,
  simp only [length, product_cons, length_append, IH,
    right_distrib, one_mul, length_map, add_comm]]

/- sigma -/
variable {σ : α → Type*}

@[simp] theorem nil_sigma (l : Π a, list (σ a)) : (@nil α).sigma l = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem sigma_cons (a : α) (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : Π a, list (σ a))
        : (a::l₁).sigma l₂ = map ( a) (l₂ a) ++ l₁.sigma l₂ := rfl

@[simp] theorem sigma_nil : ∀ (l : list α), l.sigma (λ a, @nil (σ a)) = []
| []     := rfl
| (a::l) := by rw [sigma_cons, sigma_nil]; refl

@[simp] theorem mem_sigma {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : Π a, list (σ a)} {a : α} {b : σ a} : a b ∈ l₁.sigma l₂ ↔ a ∈ l₁ ∧ b ∈ l₂ a :=
by simp only [list.sigma, mem_bind, mem_map, exists_prop, exists_and_distrib_left,
  and.left_comm, exists_eq_left, heq_iff_eq, exists_eq_right]

theorem length_sigma (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : Π a, list (σ a)) :
  length (l₁.sigma l₂) = (l₁.map (λ a, length (l₂ a))).sum :=
by induction l₁ with x l₁ IH; [refl,
simp only [map, sigma_cons, length_append, length_map, IH, sum_cons]]

/- of_fn -/

theorem length_of_fn_aux {n} (f : fin n → α) :
  ∀ m h l, length (of_fn_aux f m h l) = length l + m
| 0        h l := rfl
| (succ m) h l := (length_of_fn_aux m _ _).trans (succ_add _ _)

@[simp] theorem length_of_fn {n} (f : fin n → α) : length (of_fn f) = n :=
(length_of_fn_aux f _ _ _).trans (zero_add _)

theorem nth_of_fn_aux {n} (f : fin n → α) (i) :
  ∀ m h l,
    (∀ i, nth l i = of_fn_nth_val f (i + m)) →
     nth (of_fn_aux f m h l) i = of_fn_nth_val f i
| 0        h l H := H i
| (succ m) h l H := nth_of_fn_aux m _ _ begin
  intro j, cases j with j,
  { simp only [nth, of_fn_nth_val, zero_add, dif_pos (show m < n, from h)] },
  { simp only [nth, H, succ_add] }

@[simp] theorem nth_of_fn {n} (f : fin n → α) (i) :
  nth (of_fn f) i = of_fn_nth_val f i :=
nth_of_fn_aux f _ _ _ _ $ λ i,
by simp only [of_fn_nth_val, dif_neg (not_lt.2 (le_add_left n i))]; refl

@[simp] theorem nth_le_of_fn {n} (f : fin n → α) (i : fin n) :
  nth_le (of_fn f) i.1 ((length_of_fn f).symm ▸ i.2) = f i :=
option.some.inj $ by rw [← nth_le_nth];
  simp only [list.nth_of_fn, of_fn_nth_val, fin.eta, dif_pos i.2]

theorem array_eq_of_fn {n} (a : array n α) : a.to_list = of_fn :=
suffices ∀ {m h l}, d_array.rev_iterate_aux a
  (λ i, cons) m h l = of_fn_aux ( a) m h l, from this,
  intros, induction m with m IH generalizing l, {refl},
  simp only [d_array.rev_iterate_aux, of_fn_aux, IH]

theorem of_fn_zero (f : fin 0 → α) : of_fn f = [] := rfl

theorem of_fn_succ {n} (f : fin (succ n) → α) :
  of_fn f = f 0 :: of_fn (λ i, f i.succ) :=
suffices ∀ {m h l}, of_fn_aux f (succ m) (succ_le_succ h) l =
  f 0 :: of_fn_aux (λ i, f i.succ) m h l, from this,
  intros, induction m with m IH generalizing l, {refl},
  rw [of_fn_aux, IH], refl

theorem of_fn_nth_le : ∀ l : list α, of_fn (λ i, nth_le l i.1 i.2) = l
| [] := rfl
| (a::l) := by rw of_fn_succ; congr; simp only [fin.succ_val]; exact of_fn_nth_le l

/- disjoint -/
section disjoint

theorem disjoint.symm {l₁ l₂ : list α} (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) : disjoint l₂ l₁
| a i₂ i₁ := d i₁ i₂

@[simp] theorem disjoint_comm {l₁ l₂ : list α} : disjoint l₁ l₂ ↔ disjoint l₂ l₁ :=
⟨disjoint.symm, disjoint.symm⟩

theorem disjoint_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} : disjoint l₁ l₂ ↔ ∀ {a}, a ∈ l₁ → a ∉ l₂ := iff.rfl

theorem disjoint_right {l₁ l₂ : list α} : disjoint l₁ l₂ ↔ ∀ {a}, a ∈ l₂ → a ∉ l₁ :=

theorem disjoint_iff_ne {l₁ l₂ : list α} : disjoint l₁ l₂ ↔ ∀ a ∈ l₁, ∀ b ∈ l₂, a ≠ b :=
by simp only [disjoint_left, imp_not_comm, forall_eq']

theorem disjoint_of_subset_left {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (ss : l₁ ⊆ l) (d : disjoint l l₂) : disjoint l₁ l₂
| x m₁ := d (ss m₁)

theorem disjoint_of_subset_right {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (ss : l₂ ⊆ l) (d : disjoint l₁ l) : disjoint l₁ l₂
| x m m₁ := d m (ss m₁)

theorem disjoint_of_disjoint_cons_left {a : α} {l₁ l₂} : disjoint (a::l₁) l₂ → disjoint l₁ l₂ :=
disjoint_of_subset_left (list.subset_cons _ _)

theorem disjoint_of_disjoint_cons_right {a : α} {l₁ l₂} : disjoint l₁ (a::l₂) → disjoint l₁ l₂ :=
disjoint_of_subset_right (list.subset_cons _ _)

@[simp] theorem disjoint_nil_left (l : list α) : disjoint [] l
| a := (not_mem_nil a).elim

@[simp] theorem singleton_disjoint {l : list α} {a : α} : disjoint [a] l ↔ a ∉ l :=
by simp only [disjoint, mem_singleton, forall_eq]; refl

@[simp] theorem disjoint_singleton {l : list α} {a : α} : disjoint l [a] ↔ a ∉ l :=
by rw disjoint_comm; simp only [singleton_disjoint]

@[simp] theorem disjoint_append_left {l₁ l₂ l : list α} :
  disjoint (l₁++l₂) l ↔ disjoint l₁ l ∧ disjoint l₂ l :=
by simp only [disjoint, mem_append, or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib]

@[simp] theorem disjoint_append_right {l₁ l₂ l : list α} :
  disjoint l (l₁++l₂) ↔ disjoint l l₁ ∧ disjoint l l₂ :=
disjoint_comm.trans $ by simp only [disjoint_comm, disjoint_append_left]

@[simp] theorem disjoint_cons_left {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  disjoint (a::l₁) l₂ ↔ a ∉ l₂ ∧ disjoint l₁ l₂ :=
(@disjoint_append_left _ [a] l₁ l₂).trans $ by simp only [singleton_disjoint]

@[simp] theorem disjoint_cons_right {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  disjoint l₁ (a::l₂) ↔ a ∉ l₁ ∧ disjoint l₁ l₂ :=
disjoint_comm.trans $ by simp only [disjoint_comm, disjoint_cons_left]

theorem disjoint_of_disjoint_append_left_left {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (d : disjoint (l₁++l₂) l) : disjoint l₁ l :=
(disjoint_append_left.1 d).1

theorem disjoint_of_disjoint_append_left_right {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (d : disjoint (l₁++l₂) l) : disjoint l₂ l :=
(disjoint_append_left.1 d).2

theorem disjoint_of_disjoint_append_right_left {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (d : disjoint l (l₁++l₂)) : disjoint l l₁ :=
(disjoint_append_right.1 d).1

theorem disjoint_of_disjoint_append_right_right {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (d : disjoint l (l₁++l₂)) : disjoint l l₂ :=
(disjoint_append_right.1 d).2

end disjoint

/- union -/
section union
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem nil_union (l : list α) : [] ∪ l = l := rfl

@[simp] theorem cons_union (l₁ l₂ : list α) (a : α) : a :: l₁ ∪ l₂ = insert a (l₁ ∪ l₂) := rfl

@[simp] theorem mem_union {l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α} : a ∈ l₁ ∪ l₂ ↔ a ∈ l₁ ∨ a ∈ l₂ :=
by induction l₁; simp only [nil_union, not_mem_nil, false_or, cons_union, mem_insert_iff, mem_cons_iff, or_assoc, *]

theorem mem_union_left {a : α} {l₁ : list α} (h : a ∈ l₁) (l₂ : list α) : a ∈ l₁ ∪ l₂ :=
mem_union.2 (or.inl h)

theorem mem_union_right {a : α} (l₁ : list α) {l₂ : list α} (h : a ∈ l₂) : a ∈ l₁ ∪ l₂ :=
mem_union.2 (or.inr h)

theorem sublist_suffix_of_union : ∀ l₁ l₂ : list α, ∃ t, t <+ l₁ ∧ t ++ l₂ = l₁ ∪ l₂
| [] l₂ := ⟨[], by refl, rfl⟩
| (a::l₁) l₂ := let ⟨t, s, e⟩ := sublist_suffix_of_union l₁ l₂ in
  if h : a ∈ l₁ ∪ l₂
  then ⟨t, sublist_cons_of_sublist _ s, by simp only [e, cons_union, insert_of_mem h]⟩
  else ⟨a::t, cons_sublist_cons _ s, by simp only [cons_append, cons_union, e, insert_of_not_mem h]; split; refl⟩

theorem suffix_union_right (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₂ <:+ l₁ ∪ l₂ :=
(sublist_suffix_of_union l₁ l₂).imp (λ a, and.right)

theorem union_sublist_append (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₁ ∪ l₂ <+ l₁ ++ l₂ :=
let ⟨t, s, e⟩ := sublist_suffix_of_union l₁ l₂ in
e ▸ (append_sublist_append_right _).2 s

theorem forall_mem_union {p : α → Prop} {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  (∀ x ∈ l₁ ∪ l₂, p x) ↔ (∀ x ∈ l₁, p x) ∧ (∀ x ∈ l₂, p x) :=
by simp only [mem_union, or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib]

theorem forall_mem_of_forall_mem_union_left {p : α → Prop} {l₁ l₂ : list α}
   (h : ∀ x ∈ l₁ ∪ l₂, p x) : ∀ x ∈ l₁, p x :=
(forall_mem_union.1 h).1

theorem forall_mem_of_forall_mem_union_right {p : α → Prop} {l₁ l₂ : list α}
   (h : ∀ x ∈ l₁ ∪ l₂, p x) : ∀ x ∈ l₂, p x :=
(forall_mem_union.1 h).2

end union

/- inter -/
section inter
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem inter_nil (l : list α) : [] ∩ l = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem inter_cons_of_mem {a : α} (l₁ : list α) {l₂ : list α} (h : a ∈ l₂) :
  (a::l₁) ∩ l₂ = a :: (l₁ ∩ l₂) :=
if_pos h

@[simp] theorem inter_cons_of_not_mem {a : α} (l₁ : list α) {l₂ : list α} (h : a ∉ l₂) :
  (a::l₁) ∩ l₂ = l₁ ∩ l₂ :=
if_neg h

theorem mem_of_mem_inter_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α} : a ∈ l₁ ∩ l₂ → a ∈ l₁ :=

theorem mem_of_mem_inter_right {l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α} : a ∈ l₁ ∩ l₂ → a ∈ l₂ :=

theorem mem_inter_of_mem_of_mem {l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α} : a ∈ l₁ → a ∈ l₂ → a ∈ l₁ ∩ l₂ :=

@[simp] theorem mem_inter {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} : a ∈ l₁ ∩ l₂ ↔ a ∈ l₁ ∧ a ∈ l₂ :=

theorem inter_subset_left (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₁ ∩ l₂ ⊆ l₁ :=
filter_subset _

theorem inter_subset_right (l₁ l₂ : list α) : l₁ ∩ l₂ ⊆ l₂ :=
λ a, mem_of_mem_inter_right

theorem subset_inter {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (h₁ : l ⊆ l₁) (h₂ : l ⊆ l₂) : l ⊆ l₁ ∩ l₂ :=
λ a h, mem_inter.2 ⟨h₁ h, h₂ h⟩

theorem inter_eq_nil_iff_disjoint {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ ∩ l₂ = [] ↔ disjoint l₁ l₂ :=
by simp only [eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem, mem_inter, not_and]; refl

theorem forall_mem_inter_of_forall_left {p : α → Prop} {l₁ : list α} (h : ∀ x ∈ l₁, p x)
     (l₂ : list α) :
  ∀ x, x ∈ l₁ ∩ l₂ → p x :=
ball.imp_left (λ x, mem_of_mem_inter_left) h

theorem forall_mem_inter_of_forall_right {p : α → Prop} (l₁ : list α) {l₂ : list α}
    (h : ∀ x ∈ l₂, p x) :
  ∀ x, x ∈ l₁ ∩ l₂ → p x :=
ball.imp_left (λ x, mem_of_mem_inter_right) h

end inter

/- bag_inter -/
section bag_inter
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem nil_bag_inter (l : list α) : [].bag_inter l = [] :=
by cases l; refl

@[simp] theorem bag_inter_nil (l : list α) : l.bag_inter [] = [] :=
by cases l; refl

@[simp] theorem cons_bag_inter_of_pos {a} (l₁ : list α) {l₂} (h : a ∈ l₂) :
  (a :: l₁).bag_inter l₂ = a :: l₁.bag_inter (l₂.erase a) :=
by cases l₂; exact if_pos h

@[simp] theorem cons_bag_inter_of_neg {a} (l₁ : list α) {l₂} (h : a ∉ l₂) :
  (a :: l₁).bag_inter l₂ = l₁.bag_inter l₂ :=
  cases l₂, {simp only [bag_inter_nil]},
  simp only [erase_of_not_mem h, list.bag_inter, if_neg h]

@[simp] theorem mem_bag_inter {a : α} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, a ∈ l₁.bag_inter l₂ ↔ a ∈ l₁ ∧ a ∈ l₂
| []      l₂ := by simp only [nil_bag_inter, not_mem_nil, false_and]
| (b::l₁) l₂ := begin
    by_cases b ∈ l₂,
    { rw [cons_bag_inter_of_pos _ h, mem_cons_iff, mem_cons_iff, mem_bag_inter],
      by_cases ba : a = b,
      { simp only [ba, h, eq_self_iff_true, true_or, true_and] },
      { simp only [mem_erase_of_ne ba, ba, false_or] } },
    { rw [cons_bag_inter_of_neg _ h, mem_bag_inter, mem_cons_iff, or_and_distrib_right],
      symmetry, apply or_iff_right_of_imp,
      rintro ⟨rfl, h'⟩, exact h.elim h' }

@[simp] theorem count_bag_inter {a : α} :
  ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, count a (l₁.bag_inter l₂) = min (count a l₁) (count a l₂)
| []         l₂ := by simp
| l₁         [] := by simp
| (h₁ :: l₁) (h₂ :: l₂) :=
  simp only [list.bag_inter, list.mem_cons_iff],
  by_cases p₁ : h₂ = h₁; by_cases p₂ : h₁ = a,
  { simp only [p₁, p₂, count_bag_inter, min_succ_succ, erase_cons_head, if_true, mem_cons_iff,
               count_cons_self, true_or, eq_self_iff_true] },
  { simp only [p₁, ne.symm p₂, count_bag_inter, count_cons, erase_cons_head, if_true, mem_cons_iff,
               true_or, eq_self_iff_true, if_false] },
  { rw p₂ at p₁,
    by_cases p₃ : a ∈ l₂,
    { simp only [p₁, ne.symm p₁, p₂, p₃, erase_cons, count_bag_inter, eq.symm (min_succ_succ _ _),
                 succ_pred_eq_of_pos (count_pos.2 p₃), if_true, mem_cons_iff, false_or,
                 count_cons_self, eq_self_iff_true, if_false, ne.def, not_false_iff,
                 count_erase_self, list.count_cons_of_ne] },
    { simp [ne.symm p₁, p₂, p₃] } },
  { by_cases p₄ : h₁ ∈ l₂; simp only [ne.symm p₁, ne.symm p₂, p₄, count_bag_inter, if_true, if_false,
      mem_cons_iff, false_or, eq_self_iff_true, ne.def, not_false_iff,count_erase_of_ne, count_cons_of_ne] }

theorem bag_inter_sublist_left : ∀ l₁ l₂ : list α, l₁.bag_inter l₂ <+ l₁
| []      l₂ := by simp [nil_sublist]
| (b::l₁) l₂ := begin
  by_cases b ∈ l₂; simp [h],
  { apply cons_sublist_cons, apply bag_inter_sublist_left },
  { apply sublist_cons_of_sublist, apply bag_inter_sublist_left }

theorem bag_inter_nil_iff_inter_nil : ∀ l₁ l₂ : list α, l₁.bag_inter l₂ = [] ↔ l₁ ∩ l₂ = []
| []      l₂ := by simp
| (b::l₁) l₂ :=
  by_cases h : b ∈ l₂; simp [h],
  exact bag_inter_nil_iff_inter_nil l₁ l₂

end bag_inter

/- pairwise relation (generalized no duplicate) -/

section pairwise

run_cmd tactic.mk_iff_of_inductive_prop `list.pairwise `list.pairwise_iff

variable {R : α → α → Prop}

theorem rel_of_pairwise_cons {a : α} {l : list α}
  (p : pairwise R (a::l)) : ∀ {a'}, a' ∈ l → R a a' :=
(pairwise_cons.1 p).1

theorem pairwise_of_pairwise_cons {a : α} {l : list α}
  (p : pairwise R (a::l)) : pairwise R l :=
(pairwise_cons.1 p).2

theorem pairwise.imp_of_mem {S : α → α → Prop} {l : list α}
  (H : ∀ {a b}, a ∈ l → b ∈ l → R a b → S a b) (p : pairwise R l) : pairwise S l :=
  induction p with a l r p IH generalizing H; constructor,
  { exact ball.imp_right
      (λ x h, H (mem_cons_self _ _) (mem_cons_of_mem _ h)) r },
  { exact IH (λ a b m m', H
      (mem_cons_of_mem _ m) (mem_cons_of_mem _ m')) }

theorem pairwise.imp {S : α → α → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b → S a b) {l : list α} : pairwise R l → pairwise S l :=
pairwise.imp_of_mem (λ a b _ _, H a b)

theorem pairwise.and {S : α → α → Prop} {l : list α} :
  pairwise (λ a b, R a b ∧ S a b) l ↔ pairwise R l ∧ pairwise S l :=
⟨λ h, ⟨h.imp (λ a b h, h.1), h.imp (λ a b h, h.2)⟩,
 λ ⟨hR, hS⟩, begin
  clear_, induction hR with a l R1 R2 IH;
  simp only [pairwise.nil, pairwise_cons] at *,
  exact ⟨λ b bl, ⟨R1 b bl, hS.1 b bl⟩, IH hS.2⟩

theorem pairwise.imp₂ {S : α → α → Prop} {T : α → α → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b → S a b → T a b) {l : list α}
  (hR : pairwise R l) (hS : pairwise S l) : pairwise T l :=
(pairwise.and.2 ⟨hR, hS⟩).imp $ λ a b, and.rec (H a b)

theorem pairwise.iff_of_mem {S : α → α → Prop} {l : list α}
  (H : ∀ {a b}, a ∈ l → b ∈ l → (R a b ↔ S a b)) : pairwise R l ↔ pairwise S l :=
⟨pairwise.imp_of_mem (λ a b m m', (H m m').1),
 pairwise.imp_of_mem (λ a b m m', (H m m').2)⟩

theorem pairwise.iff {S : α → α → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b ↔ S a b) {l : list α} : pairwise R l ↔ pairwise S l :=
pairwise.iff_of_mem (λ a b _ _, H a b)

theorem pairwise_of_forall {l : list α} (H : ∀ x y, R x y) : pairwise R l :=
by induction l; [exact pairwise.nil,
simp only [*, pairwise_cons, forall_2_true_iff, and_true]]

theorem pairwise.and_mem {l : list α} :
  pairwise R l ↔ pairwise (λ x y, x ∈ l ∧ y ∈ l ∧ R x y) l :=
pairwise.iff_of_mem (by simp only [true_and, iff_self, forall_2_true_iff] {contextual := tt})

theorem pairwise.imp_mem {l : list α} :
  pairwise R l ↔ pairwise (λ x y, x ∈ l → y ∈ l → R x y) l :=
pairwise.iff_of_mem (by simp only [forall_prop_of_true, iff_self, forall_2_true_iff] {contextual := tt})

theorem pairwise_of_sublist : Π {l₁ l₂ : list α}, l₁ <+ l₂ → pairwise R l₂ → pairwise R l₁
| ._ ._ sublist.slnil h := h
| ._ ._ (sublist.cons l₁ l₂ a s) (pairwise.cons i n) := pairwise_of_sublist s n
| ._ ._ (sublist.cons2 l₁ l₂ a s) (pairwise.cons i n) :=
  (pairwise_of_sublist s n).cons (ball.imp_left (subset_of_sublist s) i)

theorem forall_of_forall_of_pairwise (H : symmetric R)
  {l : list α} (H₁ : ∀ x ∈ l, R x x) (H₂ : pairwise R l) :
  ∀ (x ∈ l) (y ∈ l), R x y :=
  induction l with a l IH, { exact forall_mem_nil _ },
  cases forall_mem_cons.1 H₁ with H₁₁ H₁₂,
  cases pairwise_cons.1 H₂ with H₂₁ H₂₂,
  rintro x (rfl | hx) y (rfl | hy),
  exacts [H₁₁, H₂₁ _ hy, H (H₂₁ _ hx), IH H₁₂ H₂₂ _ hx _ hy]

lemma forall_of_pairwise (H : symmetric R) {l : list α}
   (hl : pairwise R l) : (∀a∈l, ∀b∈l, a ≠ b → R a b) :=
  (λ a b h hne, H (h hne.symm))
  (λ _ _ h, (h rfl).elim)
  (pairwise.imp (λ _ _ h _, h) hl)

theorem pairwise_singleton (R) (a : α) : pairwise R [a] :=
by simp only [pairwise_cons, mem_singleton, forall_prop_of_false (not_mem_nil _), forall_true_iff, pairwise.nil, and_true]

theorem pairwise_pair {a b : α} : pairwise R [a, b] ↔ R a b :=
by simp only [pairwise_cons, mem_singleton, forall_eq, forall_prop_of_false (not_mem_nil _), forall_true_iff, pairwise.nil, and_true]

theorem pairwise_append {l₁ l₂ : list α} : pairwise R (l₁++l₂) ↔
  pairwise R l₁ ∧ pairwise R l₂ ∧ ∀ x ∈ l₁, ∀ y ∈ l₂, R x y :=
by induction l₁ with x l₁ IH; [simp only [list.pairwise.nil, forall_prop_of_false (not_mem_nil _), forall_true_iff, and_true, true_and, nil_append],
simp only [cons_append, pairwise_cons, forall_mem_append, IH, forall_mem_cons, forall_and_distrib, and_assoc, and.left_comm]]

theorem pairwise_append_comm (s : symmetric R) {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  pairwise R (l₁++l₂) ↔ pairwise R (l₂++l₁) :=
have ∀ l₁ l₂ : list α,
  (∀ (x : α), x ∈ l₁ → ∀ (y : α), y ∈ l₂ → R x y) →
  (∀ (x : α), x ∈ l₂ → ∀ (y : α), y ∈ l₁ → R x y),
from λ l₁ l₂ a x xm y ym, s (a y ym x xm),
by simp only [pairwise_append, and.left_comm]; rw iff.intro (this l₁ l₂) (this l₂ l₁)

theorem pairwise_middle (s : symmetric R) {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} :
  pairwise R (l₁ ++ a::l₂) ↔ pairwise R (a::(l₁++l₂)) :=
show pairwise R (l₁ ++ ([a] ++ l₂)) ↔ pairwise R ([a] ++ l₁ ++ l₂),
by rw [← append_assoc, pairwise_append, @pairwise_append _ _ ([a] ++ l₁), pairwise_append_comm s];
   simp only [mem_append, or_comm]

theorem pairwise_map (f : β → α) :
  ∀ {l : list β}, pairwise R (map f l) ↔ pairwise (λ a b : β, R (f a) (f b)) l
| []     := by simp only [map, pairwise.nil]
| (b::l) :=
  have (∀ a b', b' ∈ l → f b' = a → R (f b) a) ↔ ∀ (b' : β), b' ∈ l → R (f b) (f b'), from
  forall_swap.trans $ forall_congr $ λ a, forall_swap.trans $ by simp only [forall_eq'],
  by simp only [map, pairwise_cons, mem_map, exists_imp_distrib, and_imp, this, pairwise_map]

theorem pairwise_of_pairwise_map {S : β → β → Prop} (f : α → β)
  (H : ∀ a b : α, S (f a) (f b) → R a b) {l : list α}
  (p : pairwise S (map f l)) : pairwise R l :=
((pairwise_map f).1 p).imp H

theorem pairwise_map_of_pairwise {S : β → β → Prop} (f : α → β)
  (H : ∀ a b : α, R a b → S (f a) (f b)) {l : list α}
  (p : pairwise R l) : pairwise S (map f l) :=
(pairwise_map f).2 $ p.imp H

theorem pairwise_filter_map (f : β → option α) {l : list β} :
  pairwise R (filter_map f l) ↔ pairwise (λ a a' : β, ∀ (b ∈ f a) (b' ∈ f a'), R b b') l :=
let S (a a' : β) := ∀ (b ∈ f a) (b' ∈ f a'), R b b' in
  simp only [option.mem_def], induction l with a l IH,
  { simp only [filter_map, pairwise.nil] },
  cases e : f a with b,
  { rw [filter_map_cons_none _ _ e, IH, pairwise_cons],
    simp only [e, forall_prop_of_false not_false, forall_3_true_iff, true_and] },
  rw [filter_map_cons_some _ _ _ e],
  simp only [pairwise_cons, mem_filter_map, exists_imp_distrib, and_imp, IH, e, forall_eq'],
  show (∀ (a' : α) (x : β), x ∈ l → f x = some a' → R b a') ∧ pairwise S l ↔
        (∀ (a' : β), a' ∈ l → ∀ (b' : α), f a' = some b' → R b b') ∧ pairwise S l,
  from and_congr ⟨λ h b mb a ma, h a b mb ma, λ h a b mb ma, h b mb a ma⟩ iff.rfl

theorem pairwise_filter_map_of_pairwise {S : β → β → Prop} (f : α → option β)
  (H : ∀ (a a' : α), R a a' → ∀ (b ∈ f a) (b' ∈ f a'), S b b') {l : list α}
  (p : pairwise R l) : pairwise S (filter_map f l) :=
(pairwise_filter_map _).2 $ p.imp H

theorem pairwise_filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] {l : list α} :
  pairwise R (filter p l) ↔ pairwise (λ x y, p x → p y → R x y) l :=
  rw [← filter_map_eq_filter, pairwise_filter_map],
  apply pairwise.iff, intros, simp only [option.mem_def, option.guard_eq_some, and_imp, forall_eq'],

theorem pairwise_filter_of_pairwise (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] {l : list α}
  : pairwise R l → pairwise R (filter p l) :=
pairwise_of_sublist (filter_sublist _)

theorem pairwise_join {L : list (list α)} : pairwise R (join L) ↔
  (∀ l ∈ L, pairwise R l) ∧ pairwise (λ l₁ l₂, ∀ (x ∈ l₁) (y ∈ l₂), R x y) L :=
  induction L with l L IH, {simp only [join, pairwise.nil, forall_prop_of_false (not_mem_nil _), forall_const, and_self]},
  have : (∀ (x : α), x ∈ l → ∀ (y : α) (x_1 : list α), x_1 ∈ L → y ∈ x_1 → R x y) ↔
          ∀ (a' : list α), a' ∈ L → ∀ (x : α), x ∈ l → ∀ (y : α), y ∈ a' → R x y :=
    ⟨λ h a b c d e, h c d e a b, λ h c d e a b, h a b c d e⟩,
  simp only [join, pairwise_append, IH, mem_join, exists_imp_distrib, and_imp, this, forall_mem_cons, pairwise_cons],
  simp only [and_assoc, and_comm, and.left_comm],

@[simp] theorem pairwise_reverse : ∀ {R} {l : list α},
  pairwise R (reverse l) ↔ pairwise (λ x y, R y x) l :=
suffices ∀ {R l}, @pairwise α R l → pairwise (λ x y, R y x) (reverse l),
from λ R l, ⟨λ p, reverse_reverse l ▸ this p, this⟩,
λ R l p, by induction p with a l h p IH;
  [apply pairwise.nil, simpa only [reverse_cons, pairwise_append, IH,
    pairwise_cons, forall_prop_of_false (not_mem_nil _), forall_true_iff,
    pairwise.nil, mem_reverse, mem_singleton, forall_eq, true_and] using h]

theorem pairwise_iff_nth_le {R} : ∀ {l : list α},
  pairwise R l ↔ ∀ i j (h₁ : j < length l) (h₂ : i < j), R (nth_le l i (lt_trans h₂ h₁)) (nth_le l j h₁)
| [] := by simp only [pairwise.nil, true_iff]; exact λ i j h, (not_lt_zero j).elim h
| (a::l) := begin
  rw [pairwise_cons, pairwise_iff_nth_le],
  refine ⟨λ H i j h₁ h₂, _, λ H, ⟨λ a' m, _,
    λ i j h₁ h₂, H _ _ (succ_lt_succ h₁) (succ_lt_succ h₂)⟩⟩,
  { cases j with j, {exact (not_lt_zero _).elim h₂},
    cases i with i,
    { exact H.1 _ (nth_le_mem l _ _) },
    { exact H.2 _ _ (lt_of_succ_lt_succ h₁) (lt_of_succ_lt_succ h₂) } },
  { rcases nth_le_of_mem m with ⟨n, h, rfl⟩,
    exact H _ _ (succ_lt_succ h) (succ_pos _) }

theorem pairwise_sublists' {R} : ∀ {l : list α}, pairwise R l →
  pairwise (lex (swap R)) (sublists' l)
| _ pairwise.nil := pairwise_singleton _ _
| _ (@pairwise.cons _ _ a l H₁ H₂) :=
    simp only [sublists'_cons, pairwise_append, pairwise_map, mem_sublists', mem_map, exists_imp_distrib, and_imp],
    have IH := pairwise_sublists' H₂,
    refine ⟨IH, IH.imp (λ l₁ l₂, lex.cons), _⟩,
    intros l₁ sl₁ x l₂ sl₂ e, subst e,
    cases l₁ with b l₁, {constructor},
    exact lex.rel (H₁ _ $ subset_of_sublist sl₁ $ mem_cons_self _ _)

theorem pairwise_sublists {R} {l : list α} (H : pairwise R l) :
  pairwise (λ l₁ l₂, lex R (reverse l₁) (reverse l₂)) (sublists l) :=
by have := pairwise_sublists' (pairwise_reverse.2 H);
   rwa [sublists'_reverse, pairwise_map] at this

/- pairwise reduct -/

variable [decidable_rel R]

@[simp] theorem pw_filter_nil : pw_filter R [] = [] := rfl

@[simp] theorem pw_filter_cons_of_pos {a : α} {l : list α} (h : ∀ b ∈ pw_filter R l, R a b) :
  pw_filter R (a::l) = a :: pw_filter R l := if_pos h

@[simp] theorem pw_filter_cons_of_neg {a : α} {l : list α} (h : ¬ ∀ b ∈ pw_filter R l, R a b) :
  pw_filter R (a::l) = pw_filter R l := if_neg h

theorem pw_filter_map (f : β → α) : Π (l : list β), pw_filter R (map f l) = map f (pw_filter (λ x y, R (f x) (f y)) l)
| [] := rfl
| (x :: xs) :=
  if h : ∀ b ∈ pw_filter R (map f xs), R (f x) b
    then have h' : ∀ (b : β), b ∈ pw_filter (λ (x y : β), R (f x) (f y)) xs → R (f x) (f b),
           from λ b hb, h _ (by rw [pw_filter_map]; apply mem_map_of_mem _ hb),
         by rw [map,pw_filter_cons_of_pos h,pw_filter_cons_of_pos h',pw_filter_map,map]
    else have h' : ¬∀ (b : β), b ∈ pw_filter (λ (x y : β), R (f x) (f y)) xs → R (f x) (f b),
           from λ hh, h $ λ a ha,
           by { rw [pw_filter_map,mem_map] at ha, rcases ha with ⟨b,hb₀,hb₁⟩,
                subst a, exact hh _ hb₀, },
         by rw [map,pw_filter_cons_of_neg h,pw_filter_cons_of_neg h',pw_filter_map]

theorem pw_filter_sublist : ∀ (l : list α), pw_filter R l <+ l
| []     := nil_sublist _
| (x::l) := begin
  by_cases (∀ y ∈ pw_filter R l, R x y),
  { rw [pw_filter_cons_of_pos h],
    exact cons_sublist_cons _ (pw_filter_sublist l) },
  { rw [pw_filter_cons_of_neg h],
    exact sublist_cons_of_sublist _ (pw_filter_sublist l) },

theorem pw_filter_subset (l : list α) : pw_filter R l ⊆ l :=
subset_of_sublist (pw_filter_sublist _)

theorem pairwise_pw_filter : ∀ (l : list α), pairwise R (pw_filter R l)
| []     := pairwise.nil
| (x::l) := begin
  by_cases (∀ y ∈ pw_filter R l, R x y),
  { rw [pw_filter_cons_of_pos h],
    exact pairwise_cons.2 ⟨h, pairwise_pw_filter l⟩ },
  { rw [pw_filter_cons_of_neg h],
    exact pairwise_pw_filter l },

theorem pw_filter_eq_self {l : list α} : pw_filter R l = l ↔ pairwise R l :=
⟨λ e, e ▸ pairwise_pw_filter l, λ p, begin
  induction l with x l IH, {refl},
  cases pairwise_cons.1 p with al p,
  rw [pw_filter_cons_of_pos (ball.imp_left (pw_filter_subset l) al), IH p],

@[simp] theorem pw_filter_idempotent {l : list α} :
  pw_filter R (pw_filter R l) = pw_filter R l :=
pw_filter_eq_self.mpr (pairwise_pw_filter l)

theorem forall_mem_pw_filter (neg_trans : ∀ {x y z}, R x z → R x y ∨ R y z)
  (a : α) (l : list α) : (∀ b ∈ pw_filter R l, R a b) ↔ (∀ b ∈ l, R a b) :=
  induction l with x l IH, { exact λ _ _, false.elim },
  simp only [forall_mem_cons],
  by_cases (∀ y ∈ pw_filter R l, R x y); dsimp at h,
  { simp only [pw_filter_cons_of_pos h, forall_mem_cons, and_imp],
    exact λ r H, ⟨r, IH H⟩ },
  { rw [pw_filter_cons_of_neg h],
    refine λ H, ⟨_, IH H⟩,
    cases e : find (λ y, ¬ R x y) (pw_filter R l) with k,
    { refine h.elim (ball.imp_right _ (find_eq_none.1 e)),
      exact λ y _, not_not.1 },
    { have := find_some e,
      exact (neg_trans (H k (find_mem e))).resolve_right this } }
end, ball.imp_left (pw_filter_subset l)⟩

end pairwise

/- chain relation (conjunction of R a b ∧ R b c ∧ R c d ...) -/

section chain

run_cmd tactic.mk_iff_of_inductive_prop `list.chain `list.chain_iff

variable {R : α → α → Prop}

theorem rel_of_chain_cons {a b : α} {l : list α}
  (p : chain R a (b::l)) : R a b :=
(chain_cons.1 p).1

theorem chain_of_chain_cons {a b : α} {l : list α}
  (p : chain R a (b::l)) : chain R b l :=
(chain_cons.1 p).2

theorem chain.imp {S : α → α → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b → S a b) {a : α} {l : list α} (p : chain R a l) : chain S a l :=
by induction p with _ a b l r p IH; constructor;
   [exact H _ _ r, exact IH]

theorem chain.iff {S : α → α → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b ↔ S a b) {a : α} {l : list α} : chain R a l ↔ chain S a l :=
⟨chain.imp (λ a b, (H a b).1), chain.imp (λ a b, (H a b).2)⟩

theorem chain.iff_mem {a : α} {l : list α} :
  chain R a l ↔ chain (λ x y, x ∈ a :: l ∧ y ∈ l ∧ R x y) a l :=
⟨λ p, by induction p with _ a b l r p IH; constructor;
  [exact ⟨mem_cons_self _ _, mem_cons_self _ _, r⟩,
   exact IH.imp (λ a b ⟨am, bm, h⟩,
    ⟨mem_cons_of_mem _ am, mem_cons_of_mem _ bm, h⟩)],
 chain.imp (λ a b h, h.2.2)⟩

theorem chain_singleton {a b : α} : chain R a [b] ↔ R a b :=
by simp only [chain_cons, chain.nil, and_true]

theorem chain_split {a b : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} : chain R a (l₁++b::l₂) ↔
  chain R a (l₁++[b]) ∧ chain R b l₂ :=
by induction l₁ with x l₁ IH generalizing a;
simp only [*, nil_append, cons_append, chain.nil, chain_cons, and_true, and_assoc]

theorem chain_map (f : β → α) {b : β} {l : list β} :
  chain R (f b) (map f l) ↔ chain (λ a b : β, R (f a) (f b)) b l :=
by induction l generalizing b; simp only [map, chain.nil, chain_cons, *]

theorem chain_of_chain_map {S : β → β → Prop} (f : α → β)
  (H : ∀ a b : α, S (f a) (f b) → R a b) {a : α} {l : list α}
  (p : chain S (f a) (map f l)) : chain R a l :=
((chain_map f).1 p).imp H

theorem chain_map_of_chain {S : β → β → Prop} (f : α → β)
  (H : ∀ a b : α, R a b → S (f a) (f b)) {a : α} {l : list α}
  (p : chain R a l) : chain S (f a) (map f l) :=
(chain_map f).2 $ p.imp H

theorem chain_of_pairwise {a : α} {l : list α} (p : pairwise R (a::l)) : chain R a l :=
  cases pairwise_cons.1 p with r p', clear p,
  induction p' with b l r' p IH generalizing a, {exact chain.nil},
  simp only [chain_cons, forall_mem_cons] at r,
  exact chain_cons.2 ⟨r.1, IH r'⟩

theorem chain_iff_pairwise (tr : transitive R) {a : α} {l : list α} :
  chain R a l ↔ pairwise R (a::l) :=
⟨λ c, begin
  induction c with b b c l r p IH, {exact pairwise_singleton _ _},
  apply IH.cons _, simp only [mem_cons_iff, forall_mem_cons', r, true_and],
  show ∀ x ∈ l, R b x, from λ x m, (tr r (rel_of_pairwise_cons IH m)),
end, chain_of_pairwise⟩

theorem chain'.imp {S : α → α → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b → S a b) {l : list α} (p : chain' R l) : chain' S l :=
by cases l; [trivial, exact p.imp H]

theorem chain'.iff {S : α → α → Prop}
  (H : ∀ a b, R a b ↔ S a b) {l : list α} : chain' R l ↔ chain' S l :=
⟨chain'.imp (λ a b, (H a b).1), chain'.imp (λ a b, (H a b).2)⟩

theorem chain'.iff_mem : ∀ {l : list α}, chain' R l ↔ chain' (λ x y, x ∈ l ∧ y ∈ l ∧ R x y) l
| [] := iff.rfl
| (x::l) :=
  ⟨λ h, (chain.iff_mem.1 h).imp $ λ a b ⟨h₁, h₂, h₃⟩, ⟨h₁, or.inr h₂, h₃⟩,
   chain'.imp $ λ a b h, h.2.2⟩

theorem chain'_singleton (a : α) : chain' R [a] := chain.nil

theorem chain'_split {a : α} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, chain' R (l₁++a::l₂) ↔
  chain' R (l₁++[a]) ∧ chain' R (a::l₂)
| []      l₂ := (and_iff_right (chain'_singleton a)).symm
| (b::l₁) l₂ := chain_split

theorem chain'_map (f : β → α) {l : list β} :
  chain' R (map f l) ↔ chain' (λ a b : β, R (f a) (f b)) l :=
by cases l; [refl, exact chain_map _]

theorem chain'_of_chain'_map {S : β → β → Prop} (f : α → β)
  (H : ∀ a b : α, S (f a) (f b) → R a b) {l : list α}
  (p : chain' S (map f l)) : chain' R l :=
((chain'_map f).1 p).imp H

theorem chain'_map_of_chain' {S : β → β → Prop} (f : α → β)
  (H : ∀ a b : α, R a b → S (f a) (f b)) {l : list α}
  (p : chain' R l) : chain' S (map f l) :=
(chain'_map f).2 $ p.imp H

theorem chain'_of_pairwise : ∀ {l : list α}, pairwise R l → chain' R l
| [] _ := trivial
| (a::l) h := chain_of_pairwise h

theorem chain'_iff_pairwise (tr : transitive R) : ∀ {l : list α},
  chain' R l ↔ pairwise R l
| [] := (iff_true_intro pairwise.nil).symm
| (a::l) := chain_iff_pairwise tr

end chain

/- no duplicates predicate -/

section nodup

@[simp] theorem forall_mem_ne {a : α} {l : list α} : (∀ (a' : α), a' ∈ l → ¬a = a') ↔ a ∉ l :=
⟨λ h m, h _ m rfl, λ h a' m e, h (e.symm ▸ m)⟩

@[simp] theorem nodup_nil : @nodup α [] := pairwise.nil

@[simp] theorem nodup_cons {a : α} {l : list α} : nodup (a::l) ↔ a ∉ l ∧ nodup l :=
by simp only [nodup, pairwise_cons, forall_mem_ne]

lemma rel_nodup {r : α → β → Prop} (hr : relator.bi_unique r) : (forall₂ r ⇒ (↔)) nodup nodup
| _ _ forall₂.nil      := by simp only [nodup_nil]
| _ _ (forall₂.cons hab h) :=
  by simpa only [nodup_cons] using relator.rel_and (relator.rel_not (rel_mem hr hab h)) (rel_nodup h)

theorem nodup_cons_of_nodup {a : α} {l : list α} (m : a ∉ l) (n : nodup l) : nodup (a::l) :=
nodup_cons.2 ⟨m, n⟩

theorem nodup_singleton (a : α) : nodup [a] :=
nodup_cons_of_nodup (not_mem_nil a) nodup_nil

theorem nodup_of_nodup_cons {a : α} {l : list α} (h : nodup (a::l)) : nodup l :=
(nodup_cons.1 h).2

theorem not_mem_of_nodup_cons {a : α} {l : list α} (h : nodup (a::l)) : a ∉ l :=
(nodup_cons.1 h).1

theorem not_nodup_cons_of_mem {a : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ l → ¬ nodup (a :: l) :=
imp_not_comm.1 not_mem_of_nodup_cons

theorem nodup_of_sublist {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+ l₂ → nodup l₂ → nodup l₁ :=

theorem not_nodup_pair (a : α) : ¬ nodup [a, a] :=
not_nodup_cons_of_mem $ mem_singleton_self _

theorem nodup_iff_sublist {l : list α} : nodup l ↔ ∀ a, ¬ [a, a] <+ l :=
⟨λ d a h, not_nodup_pair a (nodup_of_sublist h d), begin
  induction l with a l IH; intro h, {exact nodup_nil},
  exact nodup_cons_of_nodup
    (λ al, h a $ cons_sublist_cons _ $ singleton_sublist.2 al)
    (IH $ λ a s, h a $ sublist_cons_of_sublist _ s)

theorem nodup_iff_nth_le_inj {l : list α} :
  nodup l ↔ ∀ i j h₁ h₂, nth_le l i h₁ = nth_le l j h₂ → i = j :=
⟨λ H i j h₁ h₂ h, ((lt_trichotomy _ _)
  .resolve_left (λ h', H _ _ h₂ h' h))
  .resolve_right (λ h', H _ _ h₁ h' h.symm),
 λ H i j h₁ h₂ h, ne_of_lt h₂ (H _ _ _ _ h)⟩

@[simp] theorem nth_le_index_of [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} (H : nodup l) (n h) : index_of (nth_le l n h) l = n :=
nodup_iff_nth_le_inj.1 H _ _ _ h $
index_of_nth_le $ index_of_lt_length.2 $ nth_le_mem _ _ _

theorem nodup_iff_count_le_one [decidable_eq α] {l : list α} : nodup l ↔ ∀ a, count a l ≤ 1 :=
nodup_iff_sublist.trans $ forall_congr $ λ a,
have [a, a] <+ l ↔ 1 < count a l, from (@le_count_iff_repeat_sublist _ _ a l 2).symm,
(not_congr this).trans not_lt

theorem nodup_repeat (a : α) : ∀ {n : ℕ}, nodup (repeat a n) ↔ n ≤ 1
| 0 := by simp [nat.zero_le]
| 1 := by simp
| (n+2) := iff_of_false
  (λ H, nodup_iff_sublist.1 H a ((repeat_sublist_repeat _).2 (le_add_left 2 n)))
  (not_le_of_lt $ le_add_left 2 n)

@[simp] theorem count_eq_one_of_mem [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l : list α}
  (d : nodup l) (h : a ∈ l) : count a l = 1 :=
le_antisymm (nodup_iff_count_le_one.1 d a) (count_pos.2 h)

theorem nodup_of_nodup_append_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} : nodup (l₁++l₂) → nodup l₁ :=
nodup_of_sublist (sublist_append_left l₁ l₂)

theorem nodup_of_nodup_append_right {l₁ l₂ : list α} : nodup (l₁++l₂) → nodup l₂ :=
nodup_of_sublist (sublist_append_right l₁ l₂)

theorem nodup_append {l₁ l₂ : list α} : nodup (l₁++l₂) ↔ nodup l₁ ∧ nodup l₂ ∧ disjoint l₁ l₂ :=
by simp only [nodup, pairwise_append, disjoint_iff_ne]

theorem disjoint_of_nodup_append {l₁ l₂ : list α} (d : nodup (l₁++l₂)) : disjoint l₁ l₂ :=
(nodup_append.1 d).2.2

theorem nodup_append_of_nodup {l₁ l₂ : list α} (d₁ : nodup l₁) (d₂ : nodup l₂)
  (dj : disjoint l₁ l₂) : nodup (l₁++l₂) :=
nodup_append.2 ⟨d₁, d₂, dj⟩

theorem nodup_append_comm {l₁ l₂ : list α} : nodup (l₁++l₂) ↔ nodup (l₂++l₁) :=
by simp only [nodup_append, and.left_comm, disjoint_comm]

theorem nodup_middle {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} : nodup (l₁ ++ a::l₂) ↔ nodup (a::(l₁++l₂)) :=
by simp only [nodup_append, not_or_distrib, and.left_comm, and_assoc, nodup_cons, mem_append, disjoint_cons_right]

theorem nodup_of_nodup_map (f : α → β) {l : list α} : nodup (map f l) → nodup l :=
pairwise_of_pairwise_map f $ λ a b, mt $ congr_arg f

theorem nodup_map_on {f : α → β} {l : list α} (H : ∀x∈l, ∀y∈l, f x = f y → x = y)
  (d : nodup l) : nodup (map f l) :=
pairwise_map_of_pairwise _ (by exact λ a b ⟨ma, mb, n⟩ e, n (H a ma b mb e)) (pairwise.and_mem.1 d)

theorem nodup_map {f : α → β} {l : list α} (hf : injective f) : nodup l → nodup (map f l) :=
nodup_map_on (assume x _ y _ h, hf h)

theorem nodup_map_iff {f : α → β} {l : list α} (hf : injective f) : nodup (map f l) ↔ nodup l :=
⟨nodup_of_nodup_map _, nodup_map hf⟩

@[simp] theorem nodup_attach {l : list α} : nodup (attach l) ↔ nodup l :=
⟨λ h, attach_map_val l ▸ nodup_map (λ a b, subtype.eq) h,
 λ h, nodup_of_nodup_map subtype.val ((attach_map_val l).symm ▸ h)⟩

theorem nodup_pmap {p : α → Prop} {f : Π a, p a → β} {l : list α} {H}
  (hf : ∀ a ha b hb, f a ha = f b hb → a = b) (h : nodup l) : nodup (pmap f l H) :=
by rw [pmap_eq_map_attach]; exact nodup_map
  (λ ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩ h, by congr; exact hf a (H _ ha) b (H _ hb) h)
  (nodup_attach.2 h)

theorem nodup_filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] {l} : nodup l → nodup (filter p l) :=
pairwise_filter_of_pairwise p

@[simp] theorem nodup_reverse {l : list α} : nodup (reverse l) ↔ nodup l :=
pairwise_reverse.trans $ by simp only [nodup, ne.def, eq_comm]

theorem nodup_erase_eq_filter [decidable_eq α] (a : α) {l} (d : nodup l) : l.erase a = filter (≠ a) l :=
  induction d with b l m d IH, {refl},
  by_cases b = a,
  { subst h, rw [erase_cons_head, filter_cons_of_neg],
    symmetry, rw filter_eq_self, simpa only [ne.def, eq_comm] using m, exact not_not_intro rfl },
  { rw [erase_cons_tail _ h, filter_cons_of_pos, IH], exact h }

theorem nodup_erase_of_nodup [decidable_eq α] (a : α) {l} : nodup l → nodup (l.erase a) :=
nodup_of_sublist (erase_sublist _ _)

theorem nodup_diff [decidable_eq α] : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : l₁.nodup), (l₁.diff l₂).nodup
| l₁ []      h := h
| l₁ (a::l₂) h := by rw diff_cons; exact nodup_diff (nodup_erase_of_nodup _ h)

theorem mem_erase_iff_of_nodup [decidable_eq α] {a b : α} {l} (d : nodup l) :
  a ∈ l.erase b ↔ a ≠ b ∧ a ∈ l :=
by rw nodup_erase_eq_filter b d; simp only [mem_filter, and_comm]

theorem mem_erase_of_nodup [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l} (h : nodup l) : a ∉ l.erase a :=
λ H, ((mem_erase_iff_of_nodup h).1 H).1 rfl

theorem nodup_join {L : list (list α)} : nodup (join L) ↔ (∀ l ∈ L, nodup l) ∧ pairwise disjoint L :=
by simp only [nodup, pairwise_join, disjoint_left.symm, forall_mem_ne]

theorem nodup_bind {l₁ : list α} {f : α → list β} : nodup (l₁.bind f) ↔
  (∀ x ∈ l₁, nodup (f x)) ∧ pairwise (λ (a b : α), disjoint (f a) (f b)) l₁ :=
by simp only [list.bind, nodup_join, pairwise_map, and_comm, and.left_comm, mem_map, exists_imp_distrib, and_imp];
   rw [show (∀ (l : list β) (x : α), f x = l → x ∈ l₁ → nodup l) ↔
            (∀ (x : α), x ∈ l₁ → nodup (f x)),
       from forall_swap.trans $ forall_congr $ λ_, forall_eq']

theorem nodup_product {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : list β} (d₁ : nodup l₁) (d₂ : nodup l₂) :
  nodup (product l₁ l₂) :=
  ⟨λ a ma, nodup_map (injective_of_left_inverse (λ b, (rfl : (a,b).2 = b))) d₂,
  d₁.imp $ λ a₁ a₂ n x h₁ h₂, begin
    rcases mem_map.1 h₁ with ⟨b₁, mb₁, rfl⟩,
    rcases mem_map.1 h₂ with ⟨b₂, mb₂, ⟨⟩⟩,
    exact n rfl

theorem nodup_sigma {σ : α → Type*} {l₁ : list α} {l₂ : Π a, list (σ a)}
  (d₁ : nodup l₁) (d₂ : ∀ a, nodup (l₂ a)) : nodup (l₁.sigma l₂) :=
  ⟨λ a ma, nodup_map (λ b b' h, by injection h with _ h; exact eq_of_heq h) (d₂ a),
  d₁.imp $ λ a₁ a₂ n x h₁ h₂, begin
    rcases mem_map.1 h₁ with ⟨b₁, mb₁, rfl⟩,
    rcases mem_map.1 h₂ with ⟨b₂, mb₂, ⟨⟩⟩,
    exact n rfl

theorem nodup_filter_map {f : α → option β} {l : list α}
  (H : ∀ (a a' : α) (b : β), b ∈ f a → b ∈ f a' → a = a') :
  nodup l → nodup (filter_map f l) :=
pairwise_filter_map_of_pairwise f $ λ a a' n b bm b' bm' e, n $ H a a' b' (e ▸ bm) bm'

theorem nodup_concat {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∉ l) (h' : nodup l) : nodup (concat l a) :=
by rw concat_eq_append; exact nodup_append_of_nodup h' (nodup_singleton _) (disjoint_singleton.2 h)

theorem nodup_insert [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l : list α} (h : nodup l) : nodup (insert a l) :=
if h' : a ∈ l then by rw [insert_of_mem h']; exact h
else by rw [insert_of_not_mem h', nodup_cons]; split; assumption

theorem nodup_union [decidable_eq α] (l₁ : list α) {l₂ : list α} (h : nodup l₂) :
  nodup (l₁ ∪ l₂) :=
  induction l₁ with a l₁ ih generalizing l₂,
  { exact h },
  apply nodup_insert,
  exact ih h

theorem nodup_inter_of_nodup [decidable_eq α] {l₁ : list α} (l₂) : nodup l₁ → nodup (l₁ ∩ l₂) :=
nodup_filter _

@[simp] theorem nodup_sublists {l : list α} : nodup (sublists l) ↔ nodup l :=
⟨λ h, nodup_of_nodup_map _ (nodup_of_sublist (map_ret_sublist_sublists _) h),
 λ h, (pairwise_sublists h).imp (λ _ _ h, mt reverse_inj.2 h.to_ne)⟩

@[simp] theorem nodup_sublists' {l : list α} : nodup (sublists' l) ↔ nodup l :=
by rw [sublists'_eq_sublists, nodup_map_iff reverse_injective,
       nodup_sublists, nodup_reverse]

lemma nodup_sublists_len {α : Type*} (n) {l : list α}
  (nd : nodup l) : (sublists_len n l).nodup :=
nodup_of_sublist (sublists_len_sublist_sublists' _ _) (nodup_sublists'.2 nd)

lemma diff_eq_filter_of_nodup [decidable_eq α] :
  ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α} (hl₁ : l₁.nodup), l₁.diff l₂ = l₁.filter (∉ l₂)
| l₁ []      hl₁ := by simp
| l₁ (a::l₂) hl₁ :=
  rw [diff_cons, diff_eq_filter_of_nodup (nodup_erase_of_nodup _ hl₁),
    nodup_erase_eq_filter _ hl₁, filter_filter],
  simp only [mem_cons_iff, not_or_distrib, and.comm],

lemma mem_diff_iff_of_nodup [decidable_eq α] {l₁ l₂ : list α} (hl₁ : l₁.nodup) {a : α} :
  a ∈ l₁.diff l₂ ↔ a ∈ l₁ ∧ a ∉ l₂ :=
by rw [diff_eq_filter_of_nodup hl₁, mem_filter]

lemma nodup_update_nth : ∀ {l : list α} {n : ℕ} {a : α} (hl : l.nodup) (ha : a ∉ l),
  (l.update_nth n a).nodup
| []     n     a hl ha := nodup_nil
| (b::l) 0     a hl ha := nodup_cons.2 ⟨mt (mem_cons_of_mem _) ha, (nodup_cons.1 hl).2⟩
| (b::l) (n+1) a hl ha := nodup_cons.2
  ⟨λ h, (mem_or_eq_of_mem_update_nth h).elim
      (nodup_cons.1 hl).1
      (λ hba, ha (hba ▸ mem_cons_self _ _)),
    nodup_update_nth (nodup_cons.1 hl).2 (mt (mem_cons_of_mem _) ha)⟩

end nodup

/- erase duplicates function -/

section erase_dup
variable [decidable_eq α]

@[simp] theorem erase_dup_nil : erase_dup [] = ([] : list α) := rfl

theorem erase_dup_cons_of_mem' {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ erase_dup l) :
  erase_dup (a::l) = erase_dup l :=
pw_filter_cons_of_neg $ by simpa only [forall_mem_ne] using h

theorem erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem' {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∉ erase_dup l) :
  erase_dup (a::l) = a :: erase_dup l :=
pw_filter_cons_of_pos $ by simpa only [forall_mem_ne] using h

@[simp] theorem mem_erase_dup {a : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ erase_dup l ↔ a ∈ l :=
by simpa only [erase_dup, forall_mem_ne, not_not] using not_congr (@forall_mem_pw_filter α (≠) _
  (λ x y z xz, not_and_distrib.1 $ mt (and.rec eq.trans) xz) a l)

@[simp] theorem erase_dup_cons_of_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) :
  erase_dup (a::l) = erase_dup l :=
erase_dup_cons_of_mem' $ mem_erase_dup.2 h

@[simp] theorem erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∉ l) :
  erase_dup (a::l) = a :: erase_dup l :=
erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem' $ mt mem_erase_dup.1 h

theorem erase_dup_sublist : ∀ (l : list α), erase_dup l <+ l := pw_filter_sublist

theorem erase_dup_subset : ∀ (l : list α), erase_dup l ⊆ l := pw_filter_subset

theorem subset_erase_dup (l : list α) : l ⊆ erase_dup l :=
λ a, mem_erase_dup.2

theorem nodup_erase_dup : ∀ l : list α, nodup (erase_dup l) := pairwise_pw_filter

theorem erase_dup_eq_self {l : list α} : erase_dup l = l ↔ nodup l := pw_filter_eq_self

@[simp] theorem erase_dup_idempotent {l : list α} : erase_dup (erase_dup l) = erase_dup l :=

theorem erase_dup_append (l₁ l₂ : list α) : erase_dup (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁ ∪ erase_dup l₂ :=
  induction l₁ with a l₁ IH, {refl}, rw [cons_union, ← IH],
  show erase_dup (a :: (l₁ ++ l₂)) = insert a (erase_dup (l₁ ++ l₂)),
  by_cases a ∈ erase_dup (l₁ ++ l₂);
  [ rw [erase_dup_cons_of_mem' h, insert_of_mem h],
    rw [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem' h, insert_of_not_mem h]]

end erase_dup

/- iota and range(') -/

@[simp] theorem length_range' : ∀ (s n : ℕ), length (range' s n) = n
| s 0     := rfl
| s (n+1) := congr_arg succ (length_range' _ _)

@[simp] theorem mem_range' {m : ℕ} : ∀ {s n : ℕ}, m ∈ range' s n ↔ s ≤ m ∧ m < s + n
| s 0     := (false_iff _).2 $ λ ⟨H1, H2⟩, not_le_of_lt H2 H1
| s (succ n) :=
  have m = s → m < s + n + 1,
    from λ e, e ▸ lt_succ_of_le (le_add_right _ _),
  have l : m = s ∨ s + 1 ≤ m ↔ s ≤ m,
    by simpa only [eq_comm] using (@le_iff_eq_or_lt _ _ s m).symm,
  (mem_cons_iff _ _ _).trans $ by simp only [mem_range',
    or_and_distrib_left, or_iff_right_of_imp this, l, add_right_comm]; refl

theorem map_add_range' (a) : ∀ s n : ℕ, map ((+) a) (range' s n) = range' (a + s) n
| s 0     := rfl
| s (n+1) := congr_arg (cons _) (map_add_range' (s+1) n)

theorem map_sub_range' (a) : ∀ (s n : ℕ) (h : a ≤ s), map (λ x, x - a) (range' s n) = range' (s - a) n
| s 0     _ := rfl
| s (n+1) h :=
  convert congr_arg (cons (s-a)) (map_sub_range' (s+1) n (nat.le_succ_of_le h)),
  rw nat.succ_sub h,

theorem chain_succ_range' : ∀ s n : ℕ, chain (λ a b, b = succ a) s (range' (s+1) n)
| s 0     := chain.nil
| s (n+1) := (chain_succ_range' (s+1) n).cons rfl

theorem chain_lt_range' (s n : ℕ) : chain (<) s (range' (s+1) n) :=
(chain_succ_range' s n).imp (λ a b e, e.symm ▸ lt_succ_self _)

theorem pairwise_lt_range' : ∀ s n : ℕ, pairwise (<) (range' s n)
| s 0     := pairwise.nil
| s (n+1) := (chain_iff_pairwise (by exact λ a b c, lt_trans)).1 (chain_lt_range' s n)

theorem nodup_range' (s n : ℕ) : nodup (range' s n) :=
(pairwise_lt_range' s n).imp (λ a b, ne_of_lt)

@[simp] theorem range'_append : ∀ s m n : ℕ, range' s m ++ range' (s+m) n = range' s (n+m)
| s 0     n := rfl
| s (m+1) n := show s :: (range' (s+1) m ++ range' (s+m+1) n) = s :: range' (s+1) (n+m),
               by rw [add_right_comm, range'_append]

theorem range'_sublist_right {s m n : ℕ} : range' s m <+ range' s n ↔ m ≤ n :=
⟨λ h, by simpa only [length_range'] using length_le_of_sublist h,
 λ h, by rw [← nat.sub_add_cancel h, ← range'_append]; apply sublist_append_left⟩

theorem range'_subset_right {s m n : ℕ} : range' s m ⊆ range' s n ↔ m ≤ n :=
⟨λ h, le_of_not_lt $ λ hn, lt_irrefl (s+n) $
  (mem_range'.1 $ h $ mem_range'.2 ⟨le_add_right _ _, nat.add_lt_add_left hn s⟩).2,
 λ h, subset_of_sublist (range'_sublist_right.2 h)⟩

theorem nth_range' : ∀ s {m n : ℕ}, m < n → nth (range' s n) m = some (s + m)
| s 0     (n+1) _ := rfl
| s (m+1) (n+1) h := (nth_range' (s+1) (lt_of_add_lt_add_right h)).trans $ by rw add_right_comm; refl

theorem range'_concat (s n : ℕ) : range' s (n + 1) = range' s n ++ [s+n] :=
by rw add_comm n 1; exact (range'_append s n 1).symm

theorem range_core_range' : ∀ s n : ℕ, range_core s (range' s n) = range' 0 (n + s)
| 0     n := rfl
| (s+1) n := by rw [show n+(s+1) = n+1+s, from add_right_comm n s 1]; exact range_core_range' s (n+1)

theorem range_eq_range' (n : ℕ) : range n = range' 0 n :=
(range_core_range' n 0).trans $ by rw zero_add

theorem range_succ_eq_map (n : ℕ) : range (n + 1) = 0 :: map succ (range n) :=
by rw [range_eq_range', range_eq_range', range',
       add_comm, ← map_add_range'];
   congr; exact funext one_add

theorem range'_eq_map_range (s n : ℕ) : range' s n = map ((+) s) (range n) :=
by rw [range_eq_range', map_add_range']; refl

@[simp] theorem length_range (n : ℕ) : length (range n) = n :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', length_range']

theorem pairwise_lt_range (n : ℕ) : pairwise (<) (range n) :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', pairwise_lt_range']

theorem nodup_range (n : ℕ) : nodup (range n) :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', nodup_range']

theorem range_sublist {m n : ℕ} : range m <+ range n ↔ m ≤ n :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', range'_sublist_right]

theorem range_subset {m n : ℕ} : range m ⊆ range n ↔ m ≤ n :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', range'_subset_right]

@[simp] theorem mem_range {m n : ℕ} : m ∈ range n ↔ m < n :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', mem_range', nat.zero_le, true_and, zero_add]

@[simp] theorem not_mem_range_self {n : ℕ} : n ∉ range n :=
mt mem_range.1 $ lt_irrefl _

theorem nth_range {m n : ℕ} (h : m < n) : nth (range n) m = some m :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', nth_range' _ h, zero_add]

theorem range_concat (n : ℕ) : range (succ n) = range n ++ [n] :=
by simp only [range_eq_range', range'_concat, zero_add]

theorem iota_eq_reverse_range' : ∀ n : ℕ, iota n = reverse (range' 1 n)
| 0     := rfl
| (n+1) := by simp only [iota, range'_concat, iota_eq_reverse_range' n, reverse_append, add_comm]; refl

@[simp] theorem length_iota (n : ℕ) : length (iota n) = n :=
by simp only [iota_eq_reverse_range', length_reverse, length_range']

theorem pairwise_gt_iota (n : ℕ) : pairwise (>) (iota n) :=
by simp only [iota_eq_reverse_range', pairwise_reverse, pairwise_lt_range']

theorem nodup_iota (n : ℕ) : nodup (iota n) :=
by simp only [iota_eq_reverse_range', nodup_reverse, nodup_range']

theorem mem_iota {m n : ℕ} : m ∈ iota n ↔ 1 ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n :=
by simp only [iota_eq_reverse_range', mem_reverse, mem_range', add_comm, lt_succ_iff]

theorem reverse_range' : ∀ s n : ℕ,
  reverse (range' s n) = map (λ i, s + n - 1 - i) (range n)
| s 0     := rfl
| s (n+1) := by rw [range'_concat, reverse_append, range_succ_eq_map];
  simpa only [show s + (n + 1) - 1 = s + n, from rfl, (∘),
    λ a i, show a - 1 - i = a - succ i, from pred_sub _ _,
    reverse_singleton, map_cons, nat.sub_zero, cons_append,
    nil_append, eq_self_iff_true, true_and, map_map]
  using reverse_range' s n

/-- All elements of `fin n`, from `0` to `n-1`. -/
def fin_range (n : ℕ) : list (fin n) :=
(range n).pmap (λ _, list.mem_range.1)

@[simp] lemma mem_fin_range {n : ℕ} (a : fin n) : a ∈ fin_range n :=
mem_pmap.2 ⟨a.1, mem_range.2 a.2, fin.eta _ _⟩

lemma nodup_fin_range (n : ℕ) : (fin_range n).nodup :=
nodup_pmap (λ _ _ _ _, fin.veq_of_eq) (nodup_range _)

@[simp] lemma length_fin_range (n : ℕ) : (fin_range n).length = n :=
by rw [fin_range, length_pmap, length_range]

theorem prod_range_succ {α : Type u} [monoid α] (f : ℕ → α) (n : ℕ) :
  ((range n.succ).map f).prod = ((range n).map f).prod * f n :=
by rw [range_concat, map_append, map_singleton,
  prod_append, prod_cons, prod_nil, mul_one]

`Ico n m` is the list of natural numbers `n ≤ x < m`.
(Ico stands for "interval, closed-open".)

See also `data/set/intervals.lean` for `set.Ico`, modelling intervals in general preorders, and
`multiset.Ico` and `finset.Ico` for `n ≤ x < m` as a multiset or as a finset.

@TODO (anyone): Define `Ioo` and `Icc`, state basic lemmas about them.
@TODO (anyone): Prove that `finset.Ico` and `set.Ico` agree.
@TODO (anyone): Also do the versions for integers?
@TODO (anyone): One could generalise even further, defining
'locally finite partial orders', for which `set.Ico a b` is `[finite]`, and
'locally finite total orders', for which there is a list model.
def Ico (n m : ℕ) : list ℕ := range' n (m - n)

namespace Ico

theorem zero_bot (n : ℕ) : Ico 0 n = range n :=
by rw [Ico, nat.sub_zero, range_eq_range']

@[simp] theorem length (n m : ℕ) : length (Ico n m) = m - n :=
by dsimp [Ico]; simp only [length_range']

theorem pairwise_lt (n m : ℕ) : pairwise (<) (Ico n m) :=
by dsimp [Ico]; simp only [pairwise_lt_range']

theorem nodup (n m : ℕ) : nodup (Ico n m) :=
by dsimp [Ico]; simp only [nodup_range']

@[simp] theorem mem {n m l : ℕ} : l ∈ Ico n m ↔ n ≤ l ∧ l < m :=
suffices n ≤ l ∧ l < n + (m - n) ↔ n ≤ l ∧ l < m, by simp [Ico, this],
  cases le_total n m with hnm hmn,
  { rw [nat.add_sub_of_le hnm] },
  { rw [nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le hmn, add_zero],
    exact and_congr_right (assume hnl, iff.intro
      (assume hln, (not_le_of_gt hln hnl).elim)
      (assume hlm, lt_of_lt_of_le hlm hmn)) }

theorem eq_nil_of_le {n m : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) : Ico n m = [] :=
by simp [Ico, nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le h]

theorem map_add (n m k : ℕ) : (Ico n m).map ((+) k) = Ico (n + k) (m + k) :=
by rw [Ico, Ico, map_add_range', nat.add_sub_add_right, add_comm n k]

theorem map_sub (n m k : ℕ) (h₁ : k ≤ n) : (Ico n m).map (λ x, x - k) = Ico (n - k) (m - k) :=
  by_cases h₂ : n < m,
  { rw [Ico, Ico],
    rw nat.sub_sub_sub_cancel_right h₁,
    rw [map_sub_range' _ _ _ h₁] },
  { simp at h₂,
    rw [eq_nil_of_le h₂],
    rw [eq_nil_of_le (nat.sub_le_sub_right h₂ _)],
    refl }

@[simp] theorem self_empty {n : ℕ} : Ico n n = [] :=
eq_nil_of_le (le_refl n)

@[simp] theorem eq_empty_iff {n m : ℕ} : Ico n m = [] ↔ m ≤ n :=
iff.intro (assume h, nat.le_of_sub_eq_zero $ by rw [← length, h]; refl) eq_nil_of_le

lemma append_consecutive {n m l : ℕ} (hnm : n ≤ m) (hml : m ≤ l) :
  Ico n m ++ Ico m l = Ico n l :=
  dunfold Ico,
  convert range'_append _ _ _,
  { exact (nat.add_sub_of_le hnm).symm },
  { rwa [← nat.add_sub_assoc hnm, nat.sub_add_cancel] }

@[simp] lemma inter_consecutive (n m l : ℕ) : Ico n m ∩ Ico m l = [] :=
  apply eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem.2,
  intro a,
  simp only [and_imp, not_and, not_lt, list.mem_inter, list.Ico.mem],
  intros h₁ h₂ h₃,
  exact not_lt_of_ge h₃ h₂

@[simp] lemma bag_inter_consecutive (n m l : ℕ) : list.bag_inter (Ico n m) (Ico m l) = [] :=
(bag_inter_nil_iff_inter_nil _ _).2 (inter_consecutive n m l)

@[simp] theorem succ_singleton {n : ℕ} : Ico n (n+1) = [n] :=
by dsimp [Ico]; simp [nat.add_sub_cancel_left]

theorem succ_top {n m : ℕ} (h : n ≤ m) : Ico n (m + 1) = Ico n m ++ [m] :=
by rwa [← succ_singleton, append_consecutive]; exact nat.le_succ _

theorem eq_cons {n m : ℕ} (h : n < m) : Ico n m = n :: Ico (n + 1) m :=
by rw [← append_consecutive (nat.le_succ n) h, succ_singleton]; refl

@[simp] theorem pred_singleton {m : ℕ} (h : 0 < m) : Ico (m - 1) m = [m - 1] :=
by dsimp [Ico]; rw nat.sub_sub_self h; simp

theorem chain'_succ (n m : ℕ) : chain' (λa b, b = succ a) (Ico n m) :=
  by_cases n < m,
  { rw [eq_cons h], exact chain_succ_range' _ _ },
  { rw [eq_nil_of_le (le_of_not_gt h)], trivial }

@[simp] theorem not_mem_top {n m : ℕ} : m ∉ Ico n m :=
by simp; intros; refl

lemma filter_lt_of_top_le {n m l : ℕ} (hml : m ≤ l) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, x < l) = Ico n m :=
filter_eq_self.2 $ assume k hk, lt_of_lt_of_le (mem.1 hk).2 hml

lemma filter_lt_of_le_bot {n m l : ℕ} (hln : l ≤ n) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, x < l) = [] :=
filter_eq_nil.2 $ assume k hk, not_lt_of_le $ le_trans hln $ (mem.1 hk).1

lemma filter_lt_of_ge {n m l : ℕ} (hlm : l ≤ m) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, x < l) = Ico n l :=
  cases le_total n l with hnl hln,
  { rw [← append_consecutive hnl hlm, filter_append,
      filter_lt_of_top_le (le_refl l), filter_lt_of_le_bot (le_refl l), append_nil] },
  { rw [eq_nil_of_le hln, filter_lt_of_le_bot hln] }

@[simp] lemma filter_lt (n m l : ℕ) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, x < l) = Ico n (min m l) :=
  cases le_total m l with hml hlm,
  { rw [min_eq_left hml, filter_lt_of_top_le hml] },
  { rw [min_eq_right hlm, filter_lt_of_ge hlm] }

lemma filter_le_of_le_bot {n m l : ℕ} (hln : l ≤ n) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, l ≤ x) = Ico n m :=
filter_eq_self.2 $ assume k hk, le_trans hln (mem.1 hk).1

lemma filter_le_of_top_le {n m l : ℕ} (hml : m ≤ l) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, l ≤ x) = [] :=
filter_eq_nil.2 $ assume k hk, not_le_of_gt (lt_of_lt_of_le (mem.1 hk).2 hml)

lemma filter_le_of_le {n m l : ℕ} (hnl : n ≤ l) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, l ≤ x) = Ico l m :=
  cases le_total l m with hlm hml,
  { rw [← append_consecutive hnl hlm, filter_append,
      filter_le_of_top_le (le_refl l), filter_le_of_le_bot (le_refl l), nil_append] },
  { rw [eq_nil_of_le hml, filter_le_of_top_le hml] }

@[simp] lemma filter_le (n m l : ℕ) : (Ico n m).filter (λ x, l ≤ x) = Ico (_root_.max n l) m :=
  cases le_total n l with hnl hln,
  { rw [max_eq_right hnl, filter_le_of_le hnl] },
  { rw [max_eq_left hln, filter_le_of_le_bot hln] }

end Ico

@[simp] theorem enum_from_map_fst : ∀ n (l : list α),
  map prod.fst (enum_from n l) = range' n l.length
| n []       := rfl
| n (a :: l) := congr_arg (cons _) (enum_from_map_fst _ _)

@[simp] theorem enum_map_fst (l : list α) :
  map prod.fst (enum l) = range l.length :=
by simp only [enum, enum_from_map_fst, range_eq_range']

theorem ilast'_mem : ∀ a l, @ilast' α a l ∈ a :: l
| a []     := or.inl rfl
| a (b::l) := or.inr (ilast'_mem b l)

@[simp] lemma nth_le_attach (L : list α) (i) (H : i < L.attach.length) :
  (L.attach.nth_le i H).1 = L.nth_le i (length_attach L ▸ H) :=
calc  (L.attach.nth_le i H).1
    = ( subtype.val).nth_le i (by simpa using H) : by rw nth_le_map'
... = L.nth_le i _ : by congr; apply attach_map_val

@[simp] lemma nth_le_range {n} (i) (H : i < (range n).length) :
  nth_le (range n) i H = i :=
option.some.inj $ by rw [← nth_le_nth _, nth_range (by simpa using H)]

theorem of_fn_eq_pmap {α n} {f : fin n → α} :
  of_fn f = pmap (λ i hi, f ⟨i, hi⟩) (range n) (λ _, mem_range.1) :=
by rw [pmap_eq_map_attach]; from ext_le (by simp)
  (λ i hi1 hi2, by simp at hi1; simp [nth_le_of_fn f ⟨i, hi1⟩])

theorem nodup_of_fn {α n} {f : fin n → α} (hf : function.injective f) :
  nodup (of_fn f) :=
by rw of_fn_eq_pmap; from nodup_pmap
  (λ _ _ _ _ H, fin.veq_of_eq $ hf H) (nodup_range n)

section tfae

/- tfae: The Following (propositions) Are Equivalent -/

theorem tfae_nil : tfae [] := forall_mem_nil _
theorem tfae_singleton (p) : tfae [p] := by simp [tfae, -eq_iff_iff]

theorem tfae_cons_of_mem {a b} {l : list Prop} (h : b ∈ l) :
  tfae (a::l) ↔ (a ↔ b) ∧ tfae l :=
⟨λ H, ⟨H a (by simp) b (or.inr h), λ p hp q hq, H _ (or.inr hp) _ (or.inr hq)⟩,
   rintro ⟨ab, H⟩ p (rfl | hp) q (rfl | hq),
   { refl },
   { exact ab.trans (H _ h _ hq) },
   { exact (ab.trans (H _ h _ hp)).symm },
   { exact H _ hp _ hq }

theorem tfae_cons_cons {a b} {l : list Prop} : tfae (a::b::l) ↔ (a ↔ b) ∧ tfae (b::l) :=
tfae_cons_of_mem (or.inl rfl)

theorem tfae_of_forall (b : Prop) (l : list Prop) (h : ∀ a ∈ l, a ↔ b) : tfae l :=
λ a₁ h₁ a₂ h₂, (h _ h₁).trans (h _ h₂).symm

theorem tfae_of_cycle {a b} {l : list Prop} :
  list.chain (→) a (b::l) → (ilast' b l → a) → tfae (a::b::l) :=
  induction l with c l IH generalizing a b; simp only [tfae_cons_cons, tfae_singleton, and_true, chain_cons, chain.nil] at *,
  { intros a b, exact iff.intro a b },
  rintros ⟨ab,⟨bc,ch⟩⟩ la,
  have := IH ⟨bc,ch⟩ (ab ∘ la),
  exact ⟨⟨ab, la ∘ (this.2 c (or.inl rfl) _ (ilast'_mem _ _)).1 ∘ bc⟩, this⟩

theorem tfae.out {l} (h : tfae l) (n₁ n₂)
 (h₁ : n₁ < list.length l . tactic.exact_dec_trivial)
 (h₂ : n₂ < list.length l . tactic.exact_dec_trivial) :
  list.nth_le l n₁ h₁ ↔ list.nth_le l n₂ h₂ :=
h _ (list.nth_le_mem _ _ _) _ (list.nth_le_mem _ _ _)

end tfae

lemma rotate_mod (l : list α) (n : ℕ) : l.rotate (n % l.length) = l.rotate n :=
by simp [rotate]

@[simp] lemma rotate_nil (n : ℕ) : ([] : list α).rotate n = [] := by cases n; refl

@[simp] lemma rotate_zero (l : list α) : l.rotate 0 = l := by simp [rotate]

@[simp] lemma rotate'_nil (n : ℕ) : ([] : list α).rotate' n = [] := by cases n; refl

@[simp] lemma rotate'_zero (l : list α) : l.rotate' 0 = l := by cases l; refl

lemma rotate'_cons_succ (l : list α) (a : α) (n : ℕ) :
  (a :: l : list α).rotate' n.succ = (l ++ [a]).rotate' n := by simp [rotate']

@[simp] lemma length_rotate' : ∀ (l : list α) (n : ℕ), (l.rotate' n).length = l.length
| []     n     := rfl
| (a::l) 0     := rfl
| (a::l) (n+1) := by rw [list.rotate', length_rotate' (l ++ [a]) n]; simp

lemma rotate'_eq_take_append_drop : ∀ {l : list α} {n : ℕ}, n ≤ l.length →
  l.rotate' n = l.drop n ++ l.take n
| []     n     h := by simp [drop_append_of_le_length h]
| l      0     h := by simp [take_append_of_le_length h]
| (a::l) (n+1) h :=
have hnl : n ≤ l.length, from le_of_succ_le_succ h,
have hnl' : n ≤ (l ++ [a]).length,
  by rw [length_append, length_cons, list.length, zero_add];
    exact (le_of_succ_le h),
by rw [rotate'_cons_succ, rotate'_eq_take_append_drop hnl', drop, take,
     drop_append_of_le_length hnl, take_append_of_le_length hnl];

lemma rotate'_rotate' : ∀ (l : list α) (n m : ℕ), (l.rotate' n).rotate' m = l.rotate' (n + m)
| (a::l) 0     m := by simp
| []     n     m := by simp
| (a::l) (n+1) m := by rw [rotate'_cons_succ, rotate'_rotate', add_right_comm, rotate'_cons_succ]

@[simp] lemma rotate'_length (l : list α) : rotate' l l.length = l :=
by rw rotate'_eq_take_append_drop (le_refl _); simp

@[simp] lemma rotate'_length_mul (l : list α) : ∀ n : ℕ, l.rotate' (l.length * n) = l
| 0     := by simp
| (n+1) :=
calc l.rotate' (l.length * (n + 1)) =
  (l.rotate' (l.length * n)).rotate' (l.rotate' (l.length * n)).length :
    by simp [-rotate'_length, nat.mul_succ, rotate'_rotate']
... = l : by rw [rotate'_length, rotate'_length_mul]

lemma rotate'_mod (l : list α) (n : ℕ) : l.rotate' (n % l.length) = l.rotate' n :=
calc l.rotate' (n % l.length) = (l.rotate' (n % l.length)).rotate'
    ((l.rotate' (n % l.length)).length * (n / l.length)) : by rw rotate'_length_mul
... = l.rotate' n : by rw [rotate'_rotate', length_rotate', nat.mod_add_div]

lemma rotate_eq_rotate' (l : list α) (n : ℕ) : l.rotate n = l.rotate' n :=
if h : l.length = 0 then by simp [length_eq_zero, *] at *
else by
  rw [← rotate'_mod, rotate'_eq_take_append_drop (le_of_lt (nat.mod_lt _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero h)))];
  simp [rotate]

lemma rotate_cons_succ (l : list α) (a : α) (n : ℕ) :
  (a :: l : list α).rotate n.succ = (l ++ [a]).rotate n :=
by rw [rotate_eq_rotate', rotate_eq_rotate', rotate'_cons_succ]

@[simp] lemma mem_rotate : ∀ {l : list α} {a : α} {n : ℕ}, a ∈ l.rotate n ↔ a ∈ l
| []     _ n     := by simp
| (a::l) _ 0     := by simp
| (a::l) _ (n+1) := by simp [rotate_cons_succ, mem_rotate, or.comm]

@[simp] lemma length_rotate (l : list α) (n : ℕ) : (l.rotate n).length = l.length :=
by rw [rotate_eq_rotate', length_rotate']

lemma rotate_eq_take_append_drop {l : list α} {n : ℕ} : n ≤ l.length →
  l.rotate n = l.drop n ++ l.take n :=
by rw rotate_eq_rotate'; exact rotate'_eq_take_append_drop

lemma rotate_rotate (l : list α) (n m : ℕ) : (l.rotate n).rotate m = l.rotate (n + m) :=
by rw [rotate_eq_rotate', rotate_eq_rotate', rotate_eq_rotate', rotate'_rotate']

@[simp] lemma rotate_length (l : list α) : rotate l l.length = l :=
by rw [rotate_eq_rotate', rotate'_length]

@[simp] lemma rotate_length_mul (l : list α) (n : ℕ) : l.rotate (l.length * n) = l :=
by rw [rotate_eq_rotate', rotate'_length_mul]

lemma prod_rotate_eq_one_of_prod_eq_one [group α] : ∀ {l : list α} (hl : = 1) (n : ℕ),
  (l.rotate n).prod = 1
| []     _  _ := by simp
| (a::l) hl n :=
have n % list.length (a :: l) ≤ list.length (a :: l), from le_of_lt (nat.mod_lt _ dec_trivial),
by rw ← list.take_append_drop (n % list.length (a :: l)) (a :: l) at hl;
  rw [← rotate_mod, rotate_eq_take_append_drop this, list.prod_append, mul_eq_one_iff_inv_eq,
    ← one_mul ( _)⁻¹, ← hl, list.prod_append, mul_assoc, mul_inv_self, mul_one]

section choose
variables (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (l : list α)

lemma choose_spec (hp : ∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ p a) : choose p l hp ∈ l ∧ p (choose p l hp) :=
(choose_x p l hp).property

lemma choose_mem (hp : ∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ p a) : choose p l hp ∈ l := (choose_spec _ _ _).1

lemma choose_property (hp : ∃ a, a ∈ l ∧ p a) : p (choose p l hp) := (choose_spec _ _ _).2

end choose

namespace func

variables {a : α}
variables {as as1 as2 as3 : list α}

localized "notation as ` {` m ` ↦ ` a `}` := list.func.set a as m" in list.func

/- set -/

lemma length_set [inhabited α] : ∀ {m : ℕ} {as : list α},
  (as {m ↦ a}).length = _root_.max as.length (m+1)
| 0 []          := rfl
| 0 (a::as)     := by {rw max_eq_left, refl, simp [nat.le_add_right]}
| (m+1) []      := by simp only [set, nat.zero_max, length, @length_set m]
| (m+1) (a::as) := by simp only [set, nat.max_succ_succ, length, @length_set m]

@[simp] lemma get_nil [inhabited α] {k : ℕ} : get k [] = default α :=
by {cases k; refl}

lemma get_eq_default_of_le [inhabited α] :
  ∀ (k : ℕ) {as : list α}, as.length ≤ k → get k as = default α
| 0     []      h1 := rfl
| 0     (a::as) h1 := by cases h1
| (k+1) []      h1 := rfl
| (k+1) (a::as) h1 :=
    apply get_eq_default_of_le k,
    rw ← nat.succ_le_succ_iff, apply h1,

@[simp] lemma get_set [inhabited α] {a : α} :
  ∀ {k : ℕ} {as : list α}, get k (as {k ↦ a}) = a
| 0 as     := by {cases as; refl, }
| (k+1) as := by {cases as; simp [get_set]}

lemma eq_get_of_mem [inhabited α] {a : α} :
  ∀ {as : list α}, a ∈ as → ∃ n : nat, ∀ d : α, a = (get n as)
| [] h := by cases h
| (b::as) h :=
    rw mem_cons_iff at h, cases h,
    { existsi 0, intro d, apply h },
    { cases eq_get_of_mem h with n h2,
      existsi (n+1), apply h2 }

lemma mem_get_of_le [inhabited α] :
  ∀ {n : ℕ} {as : list α}, n < as.length → get n as ∈ as
| _ [] h1 := by cases h1
| 0 (a::as) _ := or.inl rfl
| (n+1) (a::as) h1 :=
    apply or.inr, unfold get,
    apply mem_get_of_le,
    apply nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ h1,

lemma mem_get_of_ne_zero [inhabited α] :
  ∀ {n : ℕ} {as : list α},
  get n as ≠ default α → get n as ∈ as
| _ [] h1 := begin exfalso, apply h1, rw get_nil end
| 0 (a::as) h1 := or.inl rfl
| (n+1) (a::as) h1 :=
    unfold get,
    apply (or.inr (mem_get_of_ne_zero _)),
    apply h1

lemma get_set_eq_of_ne [inhabited α] {a : α} :
  ∀ {as : list α} (k : ℕ) (m : ℕ),
  m ≠ k → get m (as {k ↦ a}) = get m as
| as 0 m h1 :=
  by { cases m, contradiction, cases as;
       simp only [set, get, get_nil] }
| as (k+1) m h1 :=
    cases as; cases m,
    simp only [set, get],
    { have h3 : get m (nil {k ↦ a}) = default α,
      { rw [get_set_eq_of_ne k m, get_nil],
        intro hc, apply h1, simp [hc] },
      apply h3 },
    simp only [set, get],
    { apply get_set_eq_of_ne k m,
      intro hc, apply h1, simp [hc], }

lemma get_map [inhabited α] [inhabited β] {f : α → β} :
  ∀ {n : ℕ} {as : list α}, n < as.length →
  get n ( f) = f (get n as)
| _ [] h := by cases h
| 0 (a::as) h := rfl
| (n+1) (a::as) h1 :=
    have h2 : n < length as,
    { rw [← nat.succ_le_iff, ← nat.lt_succ_iff],
      apply h1 },
    apply get_map h2,

lemma get_map' [inhabited α] [inhabited β]
  {f : α → β} {n : ℕ} {as : list α} :
  f (default α) = (default β) →
  get n ( f) = f (get n as) :=
  intro h1, by_cases h2 : n < as.length,
  { apply get_map h2, },
  { rw not_lt at h2,
    rw [get_eq_default_of_le _ h2, get_eq_default_of_le, h1],
    rw [length_map], apply h2 }

lemma forall_val_of_forall_mem [inhabited α]
  {as : list α} {p : α → Prop} :
  p (default α) → (∀ x ∈ as, p x) → (∀ n, p (get n as)) :=
  intros h1 h2 n,
  by_cases h3 : n < as.length,
  { apply h2 _ (mem_get_of_le h3) },
  { rw not_lt at h3,
    rw get_eq_default_of_le _ h3, apply h1 }

/- equiv -/

lemma equiv_refl [inhabited α] : equiv as as := λ k, rfl

lemma equiv_symm [inhabited α] : equiv as1 as2 → equiv as2 as1 :=
λ h1 k, (h1 k).symm

lemma equiv_trans [inhabited α] :
  equiv as1 as2 → equiv as2 as3 → equiv as1 as3 :=
λ h1 h2 k, eq.trans (h1 k) (h2 k)

lemma equiv_of_eq [inhabited α] : as1 = as2 → equiv as1 as2 :=
begin intro h1, rw h1, apply equiv_refl end

lemma eq_of_equiv [inhabited α] :
  ∀ {as1 as2 : list α}, as1.length = as2.length →
  equiv as1 as2 → as1 = as2
| []     [] h1 h2 := rfl
| (_::_) [] h1 h2 := by cases h1
| [] (_::_) h1 h2 := by cases h1
| (a1::as1) (a2::as2) h1 h2 :=
    { apply h2 0 },
    have h3 : as1.length = as2.length,
    { simpa [add_left_inj, add_comm, length] using h1 },
    apply eq_of_equiv h3,
    intro m, apply h2 (m+1)

/- neg -/

@[simp] lemma get_neg [inhabited α] [add_group α]
  {k : ℕ} {as : list α} : @get α ⟨0⟩ k (neg as) = -(@get α ⟨0⟩ k as) :=
by {unfold neg, rw (@get_map' α α ⟨0⟩), apply neg_zero}

@[simp] lemma length_neg
  [inhabited α] [has_neg α] (as : list α) :
  (neg as).length = as.length :=
by simp only [neg, length_map]

/- pointwise -/

lemma nil_pointwise [inhabited α] [inhabited β] {f : α → β → γ} :
  ∀ bs : list β, pointwise f [] bs = (f $ default α)
| []      := rfl
| (b::bs) :=
  by simp only [nil_pointwise bs, pointwise,
     eq_self_iff_true, and_self, map]

lemma pointwise_nil [inhabited α] [inhabited β] {f : α → β → γ} :
  ∀ as : list α, pointwise f as [] = (λ a, f a $ default β)
| []      := rfl
| (a::as) :=
  by simp only [pointwise_nil as, pointwise,
     eq_self_iff_true, and_self,]

lemma get_pointwise [inhabited α] [inhabited β] [inhabited γ]
  {f : α → β → γ} (h1 : f (default α) (default β) = default γ) :
  ∀ (k : nat) (as : list α) (bs : list β),
  get k (pointwise f as bs) = f (get k as) (get k bs)
| k [] [] := by simp only [h1, get_nil, pointwise, get]
| 0 [] (b::bs) :=
  by simp only [get_pointwise, get_nil,
      pointwise, get, nat.nat_zero_eq_zero, map]
| (k+1) [] (b::bs) :=
  by { have : get k (map (f $ default α) bs) = f (default α) (get k bs),
       { simpa [nil_pointwise, get_nil] using (get_pointwise k [] bs) },
       simpa [get, get_nil, pointwise, map] }
| 0 (a::as) [] :=
  by simp only [get_pointwise, get_nil,
     pointwise, get, nat.nat_zero_eq_zero, map]
| (k+1) (a::as) [] :=
  by simpa [get, get_nil, pointwise, map, pointwise_nil, get_nil]
     using get_pointwise k as []
| 0 (a::as) (b::bs) := by simp only [pointwise, get]
| (k+1) (a::as) (b::bs) :=
  by simp only [pointwise, get, get_pointwise k]

lemma length_pointwise [inhabited α] [inhabited β] {f : α → β → γ} :
  ∀ {as : list α} {bs : list β},
  (pointwise f as bs).length = _root_.max as.length bs.length
| []      []      := rfl
| []      (b::bs) :=
  by simp only [pointwise, length, length_map,
     max_eq_right (nat.zero_le (length bs + 1))]
| (a::as) []      :=
  by simp only [pointwise, length, length_map,
     max_eq_left (nat.zero_le (length as + 1))]
| (a::as) (b::bs) :=
  by simp only [pointwise, length,
     nat.max_succ_succ, @length_pointwise as bs]

/- add -/

@[simp] lemma get_add {α : Type u} [add_monoid α] {k : ℕ} {xs ys : list α} :
  @get α ⟨0⟩ k (add xs ys) = ( @get α ⟨0⟩ k xs + @get α ⟨0⟩ k ys) :=
by {apply get_pointwise, apply zero_add}

@[simp] lemma length_add {α : Type u}
  [has_zero α] [has_add α] {xs ys : list α} :
  (add xs ys).length = _root_.max xs.length ys.length :=
@length_pointwise α α α ⟨0⟩ ⟨0⟩ _ _ _

@[simp] lemma nil_add {α : Type u} [add_monoid α]
  (as : list α) : add [] as = as :=
  rw [add, @nil_pointwise α α α ⟨0⟩ ⟨0⟩],
  apply eq.trans _ (map_id as),
  congr, ext,
  have : @default α ⟨0⟩ = 0 := rfl,
  rw [this, zero_add], refl

@[simp] lemma add_nil {α : Type u} [add_monoid α]
  (as : list α) : add as [] = as :=
  rw [add, @pointwise_nil α α α ⟨0⟩ ⟨0⟩],
  apply eq.trans _ (map_id as),
  congr, ext,
  have : @default α ⟨0⟩ = 0 := rfl,
  rw [this, add_zero], refl

lemma map_add_map {α : Type u} [add_monoid α] (f g : α → α) {as : list α} :
  add ( f) ( g) = (λ x, f x + g x) :=
  apply @eq_of_equiv _ (⟨0⟩ : inhabited α),
  { rw [length_map, length_add, max_eq_left, length_map],
    apply le_of_eq,
    rw [length_map, length_map] },
  intros m,
  rw [get_add],
  by_cases h : m < length as,
  { repeat {rw [@get_map α α ⟨0⟩ ⟨0⟩ _ _ _ h]} },
  rw not_lt at h,
  repeat {rw [get_eq_default_of_le m]};
  try {rw length_map, apply h},
  apply zero_add

/- sub -/

@[simp] lemma get_sub {α : Type u}
  [add_group α] {k : ℕ} {xs ys : list α} :
  @get α ⟨0⟩ k (sub xs ys) = (@get α ⟨0⟩ k xs - @get α ⟨0⟩ k ys) :=
by {apply get_pointwise, apply sub_zero}

@[simp] lemma length_sub [has_zero α] [has_sub α] {xs ys : list α} :
  (sub xs ys).length = _root_.max xs.length ys.length :=
@length_pointwise α α α ⟨0⟩ ⟨0⟩ _ _ _

@[simp] lemma nil_sub {α : Type} [add_group α]
  (as : list α) : sub [] as = neg as :=
  rw [sub, nil_pointwise],
  congr, ext,
  have : @default α ⟨0⟩ = 0 := rfl,
  rw [this, zero_sub]

@[simp] lemma sub_nil {α : Type} [add_group α]
  (as : list α) : sub as [] = as :=
  rw [sub, pointwise_nil],
  apply eq.trans _ (map_id as),
  congr, ext,
  have : @default α ⟨0⟩ = 0 := rfl,
  rw [this, sub_zero], refl

end func

namespace nat

/-- The antidiagonal of a natural number `n` is the list of pairs `(i,j)` such that `i+j = n`. -/
def antidiagonal (n : ℕ) : list (ℕ × ℕ) :=
(range (n+1)).map (λ i, (i, n - i))

/-- A pair (i,j) is contained in the antidiagonal of `n` if and only if `i+j=n`. -/
@[simp] lemma mem_antidiagonal {n : ℕ} {x : ℕ × ℕ} :
  x ∈ antidiagonal n ↔ x.1 + x.2 = n :=
  rw [antidiagonal, mem_map], split,
  { rintros ⟨i, hi, rfl⟩, rw [mem_range, lt_succ_iff] at hi, exact add_sub_of_le hi },
  { rintro rfl, refine ⟨x.fst, _, _⟩,
    { rw [mem_range, add_assoc, lt_add_iff_pos_right], exact zero_lt_succ _ },
    { exact prod.ext rfl (nat.add_sub_cancel_left _ _) } }

/-- The length of the antidiagonal of `n` is `n+1`. -/
@[simp] lemma length_antidiagonal (n : ℕ) : (antidiagonal n).length = n+1 :=
by rw [antidiagonal, length_map, length_range]

/-- The antidiagonal of `0` is the list `[(0,0)]` -/
@[simp] lemma antidiagonal_zero : antidiagonal 0 = [(0, 0)] :=
ext_le (length_antidiagonal 0) $ λ n h₁ h₂,
  rw [length_antidiagonal, lt_succ_iff, le_zero_iff] at h₁,
  subst n, simp [antidiagonal]

/-- The antidiagonal of `n` does not contain duplicate entries. -/
lemma nodup_antidiagonal (n : ℕ) : nodup (antidiagonal n) :=
nodup_map (@injective_of_left_inverse ℕ (ℕ × ℕ) prod.fst (λ i, (i, n-i)) $ λ i, rfl) (nodup_range _)

end nat

end list

theorem option.to_list_nodup {α} : ∀ o : option α, o.to_list.nodup
| none     := list.nodup_nil
| (some x) := list.nodup_singleton x

theorem monoid_hom.map_list_prod {α β : Type*} [monoid α] [monoid β] (f : α →* β) (l : list α) :
  f = ( f).prod :=
(l.prod_hom f).symm