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/- Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Mario Carneiro List permutations. -/ import data.list.basic logic.relation namespace list universe variables uu vv variables {α : Type uu} {β : Type vv} /-- `perm l₁ l₂` or `l₁ ~ l₂` asserts that `l₁` and `l₂` are permutations of each other. This is defined by induction using pairwise swaps. -/ inductive perm : list α → list α → Prop | nil : perm [] [] | skip : Π (x : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α}, perm l₁ l₂ → perm (x::l₁) (x::l₂) | swap : Π (x y : α) (l : list α), perm (y::x::l) (x::y::l) | trans : Π {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α}, perm l₁ l₂ → perm l₂ l₃ → perm l₁ l₃ open perm infix ~ := perm @[refl] protected theorem perm.refl : ∀ (l : list α), l ~ l | [] := perm.nil | (x::xs) := skip x (perm.refl xs) @[symm] protected theorem perm.symm {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₂ ~ l₁ := perm.rec_on p perm.nil (λ x l₁ l₂ p₁ r₁, skip x r₁) (λ x y l, swap y x l) (λ l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂, trans r₂ r₁) theorem perm.swap' (x y : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : y::x::l₁ ~ x::y::l₂ := trans (swap _ _ _) (skip _ $ skip _ p) attribute [trans] perm.trans theorem perm.eqv (α) : equivalence (@perm α) := mk_equivalence (@perm α) (@perm.refl α) (@perm.symm α) (@perm.trans α) instance is_setoid (α) : setoid (list α) := (@perm α) (perm.eqv α) theorem perm_subset {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁ ⊆ l₂ := λ a, perm.rec_on p (λ h, h) (λ x l₁ l₂ p₁ r₁ i, or.elim i (λ ax, by simp [ax]) (λ al₁, or.inr (r₁ al₁))) (λ x y l ayxl, or.elim ayxl (λ ay, by simp [ay]) (λ axl, or.elim axl (λ ax, by simp [ax]) (λ al, or.inr (or.inr al)))) (λ l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂ ainl₁, r₂ (r₁ ainl₁)) theorem mem_of_perm {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : a ∈ l₁ ↔ a ∈ l₂ := iff.intro (λ m, perm_subset h m) (λ m, perm_subset h.symm m) theorem perm_app_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} (t₁ : list α) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁++t₁ ~ l₂++t₁ := perm.rec_on p (perm.refl ([] ++ t₁)) (λ x l₁ l₂ p₁ r₁, skip x r₁) (λ x y l, swap x y _) (λ l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂, trans r₁ r₂) theorem perm_app_right {t₁ t₂ : list α} : ∀ (l : list α), t₁ ~ t₂ → l++t₁ ~ l++t₂ | [] p := p | (x::xs) p := skip x (perm_app_right xs p) theorem perm_app {l₁ l₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (p₁ : l₁ ~ l₂) (p₂ : t₁ ~ t₂) : l₁++t₁ ~ l₂++t₂ := trans (perm_app_left t₁ p₁) (perm_app_right l₂ p₂) theorem perm_app_cons (a : α) {h₁ h₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (p₁ : h₁ ~ h₂) (p₂ : t₁ ~ t₂) : h₁ ++ a::t₁ ~ h₂ ++ a::t₂ := perm_app p₁ (skip a p₂) @[simp] theorem perm_middle {a : α} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, l₁++a::l₂ ~ a::(l₁++l₂) | [] l₂ := perm.refl _ | (b::l₁) l₂ := (skip b (@perm_middle l₁ l₂)).trans (swap a b _) @[simp] theorem perm_cons_app (a : α) (l : list α) : l ++ [a] ~ a::l := by simpa using @perm_middle _ a l [] @[simp] theorem perm_app_comm : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, (l₁++l₂) ~ (l₂++l₁) | [] l₂ := by simp | (a::t) l₂ := (skip a perm_app_comm).trans perm_middle.symm theorem concat_perm (l : list α) (a : α) : concat l a ~ a :: l := by simp theorem perm_length {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : length l₁ = length l₂ := perm.rec_on p rfl (λ x l₁ l₂ p r, by simp[r]) (λ x y l, by simp) (λ l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂, eq.trans r₁ r₂) theorem eq_nil_of_perm_nil {l₁ : list α} (p : [] ~ l₁) : l₁ = [] := eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero (perm_length p).symm theorem perm_nil {l₁ : list α} : l₁ ~ [] ↔ l₁ = [] := ⟨λ p, eq_nil_of_perm_nil p.symm, λ e, e ▸ perm.refl _⟩ theorem not_perm_nil_cons (x : α) (l : list α) : ¬ [] ~ x::l | p := by injection eq_nil_of_perm_nil p theorem eq_singleton_of_perm {a b : α} (p : [a] ~ [b]) : a = b := by simpa using perm_subset p (by simp) theorem eq_singleton_of_perm_inv {a : α} {l : list α} (p : [a] ~ l) : l = [a] := match l, show 1 = _, from perm_length p, p with | [a'], rfl, p := by rw [eq_singleton_of_perm p] end @[simp] theorem reverse_perm : ∀ (l : list α), reverse l ~ l | [] := perm.nil | (a::l) := by rw reverse_cons; exact (perm_cons_app _ _).trans (skip a $ reverse_perm l) theorem perm_cons_app_cons {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (a : α) (p : l ~ l₁++l₂) : a::l ~ l₁++(a::l₂) := trans (skip a p) perm_middle.symm @[simp] theorem perm_repeat {a : α} {n : ℕ} {l : list α} : repeat a n ~ l ↔ repeat a n = l := ⟨λ p, (eq_repeat.2 $ by exact ⟨by simpa using (perm_length p).symm, λ b m, eq_of_mem_repeat $ perm_subset p.symm m⟩).symm, λ h, h ▸ perm.refl _⟩ theorem perm_erase [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l : list α} (h : a ∈ l) : l ~ a :: l.erase a := let ⟨l₁, l₂, _, e₁, e₂⟩ := exists_erase_eq h in e₂.symm ▸ e₁.symm ▸ perm_middle @[elab_as_eliminator] theorem perm_induction_on {P : list α → list α → Prop} {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) (h₁ : P [] []) (h₂ : ∀ x l₁ l₂, l₁ ~ l₂ → P l₁ l₂ → P (x::l₁) (x::l₂)) (h₃ : ∀ x y l₁ l₂, l₁ ~ l₂ → P l₁ l₂ → P (y::x::l₁) (x::y::l₂)) (h₄ : ∀ l₁ l₂ l₃, l₁ ~ l₂ → l₂ ~ l₃ → P l₁ l₂ → P l₂ l₃ → P l₁ l₃) : P l₁ l₂ := have P_refl : ∀ l, P l l, from assume l, list.rec_on l h₁ (λ x xs ih, h₂ x xs xs (perm.refl xs) ih), perm.rec_on p h₁ h₂ (λ x y l, h₃ x y l l (perm.refl l) (P_refl l)) h₄ @[congr] theorem perm_filter_map (f : α → option β) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : filter_map f l₁ ~ filter_map f l₂ := begin induction p with x l₂ l₂' p IH x y l₂ l₂ m₂ r₂ p₁ p₂ IH₁ IH₂, { simp }, { simp [filter_map], cases f x with a; simp [filter_map, IH, skip] }, { simp [filter_map], cases f x with a; cases f y with b; simp [filter_map, swap] }, { exact IH₁.trans IH₂ } end @[congr] theorem perm_map (f : α → β) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : map f l₁ ~ map f l₂ := by rw ← filter_map_eq_map; apply perm_filter_map _ p theorem perm_pmap {p : α → Prop} (f : Π a, p a → β) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) {H₁ H₂} : pmap f l₁ H₁ ~ pmap f l₂ H₂ := begin induction p with x l₂ l₂' p IH x y l₂ l₂ m₂ r₂ p₁ p₂ IH₁ IH₂, { simp }, { simp [IH, skip] }, { simp [swap] }, { refine IH₁.trans IH₂, exact λ a m, H₂ a (perm_subset p₂ m) } end theorem perm_filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ ~ l₂) : filter p l₁ ~ filter p l₂ := by rw ← filter_map_eq_filter; apply perm_filter_map _ s theorem exists_perm_sublist {l₁ l₂ l₂' : list α} (s : l₁ <+ l₂) (p : l₂ ~ l₂') : ∃ l₁' ~ l₁, l₁' <+ l₂' := begin induction p with x l₂ l₂' p IH x y l₂ l₂ m₂ r₂ p₁ p₂ IH₁ IH₂ generalizing l₁ s, { exact ⟨[], eq_nil_of_sublist_nil s ▸ perm.refl _, nil_sublist _⟩ }, { cases s with _ _ _ s l₁ _ _ s, { exact let ⟨l₁', p', s'⟩ := IH s in ⟨l₁', p', s'.cons _ _ _⟩ }, { exact let ⟨l₁', p', s'⟩ := IH s in ⟨x::l₁', skip x p', s'.cons2 _ _ _⟩ } }, { cases s with _ _ _ s l₁ _ _ s; cases s with _ _ _ s l₁ _ _ s, { exact ⟨l₁, perm.refl _, (s.cons _ _ _).cons _ _ _⟩ }, { exact ⟨x::l₁, perm.refl _, (s.cons _ _ _).cons2 _ _ _⟩ }, { exact ⟨y::l₁, perm.refl _, (s.cons2 _ _ _).cons _ _ _⟩ }, { exact ⟨x::y::l₁, perm.swap _ _ _, (s.cons2 _ _ _).cons2 _ _ _⟩ } }, { exact let ⟨m₁, pm, sm⟩ := IH₁ s, ⟨r₁, pr, sr⟩ := IH₂ sm in ⟨r₁, pr.trans pm, sr⟩ } end section rel open relator variables {γ : Type*} {δ : Type*} {r : α → β → Prop} {p : γ → δ → Prop} local infixr ` ∘r ` : 80 := relation.comp lemma perm_comp_perm : (perm ∘r perm : list α → list α → Prop) = perm := begin funext a c, apply propext, split, { exact assume ⟨b, hab, hba⟩, perm.trans hab hba }, { exact assume h, ⟨a, perm.refl a, h⟩ } end lemma perm_comp_forall₂ {l u v} (hlu : perm l u) (huv : forall₂ r u v) : (forall₂ r ∘r perm) l v := begin induction hlu generalizing v, case perm.nil { cases huv, exact ⟨[], forall₂.nil, perm.nil⟩ }, case perm.skip : a l u hlu ih { cases huv with _ b _ v hab huv', rcases ih huv' with ⟨l₂, h₁₂, h₂₃⟩, exact ⟨b::l₂, forall₂.cons hab h₁₂, perm.skip _ h₂₃⟩ }, case perm.swap : a₁ a₂ l₁ l₂ h₂₃ { cases h₂₃ with _ b₁ _ l₂ h₁ hr_₂₃, cases hr_₂₃ with _ b₂ _ l₂ h₂ h₁₂, exact ⟨b₂::b₁::l₂, forall₂.cons h₂ (forall₂.cons h₁ h₁₂), perm.swap _ _ _⟩ }, case perm.trans : la₁ la₂ la₃ _ _ ih₁ ih₂ { rcases ih₂ huv with ⟨lb₂, hab₂, h₂₃⟩, rcases ih₁ hab₂ with ⟨lb₁, hab₁, h₁₂⟩, exact ⟨lb₁, hab₁, perm.trans h₁₂ h₂₃⟩ } end lemma forall₂_comp_perm_eq_perm_comp_forall₂ : forall₂ r ∘r perm = perm ∘r forall₂ r := begin funext l₁ l₃, apply propext, split, { assume h, rcases h with ⟨l₂, h₁₂, h₂₃⟩, have : forall₂ (flip r) l₂ l₁, from h₁₂.flip , rcases perm_comp_forall₂ h₂₃.symm this with ⟨l', h₁, h₂⟩, exact ⟨l', h₂.symm, h₁.flip⟩ }, { exact assume ⟨l₂, h₁₂, h₂₃⟩, perm_comp_forall₂ h₁₂ h₂₃ } end lemma rel_perm_imp (hr : right_unique r) : (forall₂ r ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ implies) perm perm := assume a b h₁ c d h₂ h, have (flip (forall₂ r) ∘r (perm ∘r forall₂ r)) b d, from ⟨a, h₁, c, h, h₂⟩, have ((flip (forall₂ r) ∘r forall₂ r) ∘r perm) b d, by rwa [← forall₂_comp_perm_eq_perm_comp_forall₂, ← relation.comp_assoc] at this, let ⟨b', ⟨c', hbc, hcb⟩, hbd⟩ := this in have b' = b, from right_unique_forall₂ @hr hcb hbc, this ▸ hbd lemma rel_perm (hr : bi_unique r) : (forall₂ r ⇒ forall₂ r ⇒ (↔)) perm perm := assume a b hab c d hcd, iff.intro (rel_perm_imp hr.2 hab hcd) (rel_perm_imp (assume a b c, left_unique_flip hr.1) hab.flip hcd.flip) end rel section subperm /-- `subperm l₁ l₂`, denoted `l₁ <+~ l₂`, means that `l₁` is a sublist of a permutation of `l₂`. This is an analogue of `l₁ ⊆ l₂` which respects multiplicities of elements, and is used for the `≤` relation on multisets. -/ def subperm (l₁ l₂ : list α) : Prop := ∃ l ~ l₁, l <+ l₂ infix ` <+~ `:50 := subperm theorem nil_subperm {l : list α} : [] <+~ l := ⟨[], perm.nil, by simp⟩ theorem perm.subperm_left {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l <+~ l₁ ↔ l <+~ l₂ := suffices ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, l₁ ~ l₂ → l <+~ l₁ → l <+~ l₂, from ⟨this p, this p.symm⟩, λ l₁ l₂ p ⟨u, pu, su⟩, let ⟨v, pv, sv⟩ := exists_perm_sublist su p in ⟨v, pv.trans pu, sv⟩ theorem perm.subperm_right {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁ <+~ l ↔ l₂ <+~ l := ⟨λ ⟨u, pu, su⟩, ⟨u, pu.trans p, su⟩, λ ⟨u, pu, su⟩, ⟨u, pu.trans p.symm, su⟩⟩ theorem subperm_of_sublist {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : l₁ <+~ l₂ := ⟨l₁, perm.refl _, s⟩ theorem subperm_of_perm {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁ <+~ l₂ := ⟨l₂, p.symm, sublist.refl _⟩ theorem subperm.refl (l : list α) : l <+~ l := subperm_of_perm (perm.refl _) theorem subperm.trans {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list α} : l₁ <+~ l₂ → l₂ <+~ l₃ → l₁ <+~ l₃ | s ⟨l₂', p₂, s₂⟩ := let ⟨l₁', p₁, s₁⟩ := p₂.subperm_left.2 s in ⟨l₁', p₁, s₁.trans s₂⟩ theorem length_le_of_subperm {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+~ l₂ → length l₁ ≤ length l₂ | ⟨l, p, s⟩ := perm_length p ▸ length_le_of_sublist s theorem subperm.perm_of_length_le {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+~ l₂ → length l₂ ≤ length l₁ → l₁ ~ l₂ | ⟨l, p, s⟩ h := suffices l = l₂, from this ▸ p.symm, eq_of_sublist_of_length_le s $ perm_length p.symm ▸ h theorem subperm.antisymm {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h₁ : l₁ <+~ l₂) (h₂ : l₂ <+~ l₁) : l₁ ~ l₂ := h₁.perm_of_length_le (length_le_of_subperm h₂) theorem subset_of_subperm {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+~ l₂ → l₁ ⊆ l₂ | ⟨l, p, s⟩ := subset.trans (perm_subset p.symm) (subset_of_sublist s) end subperm theorem exists_perm_append_of_sublist : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, l₁ <+ l₂ → ∃ l, l₂ ~ l₁ ++ l | ._ ._ sublist.slnil := ⟨nil, perm.refl _⟩ | ._ ._ (sublist.cons l₁ l₂ a s) := let ⟨l, p⟩ := exists_perm_append_of_sublist s in ⟨a::l, (skip a p).trans perm_middle.symm⟩ | ._ ._ (sublist.cons2 l₁ l₂ a s) := let ⟨l, p⟩ := exists_perm_append_of_sublist s in ⟨l, skip a p⟩ theorem perm_countp (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ ~ l₂) : countp p l₁ = countp p l₂ := by rw [countp_eq_length_filter, countp_eq_length_filter]; exact perm_length (perm_filter _ s) theorem countp_le_of_subperm (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+~ l₂ → countp p l₁ ≤ countp p l₂ | ⟨l, p', s⟩ := perm_countp p p' ▸ countp_le_of_sublist s theorem perm_count [decidable_eq α] {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) (a) : count a l₁ = count a l₂ := perm_countp _ p theorem count_le_of_subperm [decidable_eq α] {l₁ l₂ : list α} (s : l₁ <+~ l₂) (a) : count a l₁ ≤ count a l₂ := countp_le_of_subperm _ s theorem foldl_eq_of_perm {f : β → α → β} {l₁ l₂ : list α} (rcomm : right_commutative f) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : ∀ b, foldl f b l₁ = foldl f b l₂ := perm_induction_on p (λ b, rfl) (λ x t₁ t₂ p r b, r (f b x)) (λ x y t₁ t₂ p r b, by simp; rw rcomm; exact r (f (f b x) y)) (λ t₁ t₂ t₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂ b, eq.trans (r₁ b) (r₂ b)) theorem foldr_eq_of_perm {f : α → β → β} {l₁ l₂ : list α} (lcomm : left_commutative f) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : ∀ b, foldr f b l₁ = foldr f b l₂ := perm_induction_on p (λ b, rfl) (λ x t₁ t₂ p r b, by simp; rw [r b]) (λ x y t₁ t₂ p r b, by simp; rw [lcomm, r b]) (λ t₁ t₂ t₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂ a, eq.trans (r₁ a) (r₂ a)) lemma rec_heq_of_perm {β : list α → Sort*} {f : Πa l, β l → β (a::l)} {b : β []} {l l' : list α} (hl : perm l l') (f_congr : ∀{a l l' b b'}, perm l l' → b == b' → f a l b == f a l' b') (f_swap : ∀{a a' l b}, f a (a'::l) (f a' l b) == f a' (a::l) (f a l b)) : @list.rec α β b f l == @list.rec α β b f l' := begin induction hl, case list.perm.nil { refl }, case list.perm.skip : a l l' h ih { exact f_congr h ih }, case list.perm.swap : a a' l { exact f_swap }, case list.perm.trans : l₁ l₂ l₃ h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ { exact heq.trans ih₁ ih₂ } end section variables {op : α → α → α} [is_associative α op] [is_commutative α op] local notation a * b := op a b local notation l <*> a := foldl op a l lemma fold_op_eq_of_perm {l₁ l₂ : list α} {a : α} (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁ <*> a = l₂ <*> a := foldl_eq_of_perm (right_comm _ (is_commutative.comm _) (is_associative.assoc _)) h _ end section comm_monoid open list variable [comm_monoid α] @[to_additive] lemma prod_eq_of_perm {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : perm l₁ l₂) : prod l₁ = prod l₂ := by induction h; simp [*, mul_left_comm] @[to_additive] lemma prod_reverse (l : list α) : prod l.reverse = prod l := prod_eq_of_perm $ reverse_perm l end comm_monoid theorem perm_inv_core {a : α} {l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : list α} : l₁++a::r₁ ~ l₂++a::r₂ → l₁++r₁ ~ l₂++r₂ := begin generalize e₁ : l₁++a::r₁ = s₁, generalize e₂ : l₂++a::r₂ = s₂, intro p, revert l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ e₁ e₂, refine perm_induction_on p _ (λ x t₁ t₂ p IH, _) (λ x y t₁ t₂ p IH, _) (λ t₁ t₂ t₃ p₁ p₂ IH₁ IH₂, _); intros l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ e₁ e₂, { apply (not_mem_nil a).elim, rw ← e₁, simp }, { cases l₁ with y l₁; cases l₂ with z l₂; dsimp at e₁ e₂; injections; subst x, { substs t₁ t₂, exact p }, { substs z t₁ t₂, exact p.trans perm_middle }, { substs y t₁ t₂, exact perm_middle.symm.trans p }, { substs z t₁ t₂, exact skip y (IH rfl rfl) } }, { rcases l₁ with _|⟨y, _|⟨z, l₁⟩⟩; rcases l₂ with _|⟨u, _|⟨v, l₂⟩⟩; dsimp at e₁ e₂; injections; substs x y, { substs r₁ r₂, exact skip a p }, { substs r₁ r₂, exact skip u p }, { substs r₁ v t₂, exact skip u (p.trans perm_middle) }, { substs r₁ r₂, exact skip y p }, { substs r₁ r₂ y u, exact skip a p }, { substs r₁ u v t₂, exact (skip y $ p.trans perm_middle).trans (swap _ _ _) }, { substs r₂ z t₁, exact skip y (perm_middle.symm.trans p) }, { substs r₂ y z t₁, exact (swap _ _ _).trans (skip u $ perm_middle.symm.trans p) }, { substs u v t₁ t₂, exact (IH rfl rfl).swap' _ _ } }, { substs t₁ t₃, have : a ∈ t₂ := perm_subset p₁ (by simp), rcases mem_split this with ⟨l₂, r₂, e₂⟩, subst t₂, exact (IH₁ rfl rfl).trans (IH₂ rfl rfl) } end theorem perm_cons_inv {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} : a::l₁ ~ a::l₂ → l₁ ~ l₂ := @perm_inv_core _ _ [] [] _ _ theorem perm_cons (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} : a::l₁ ~ a::l₂ ↔ l₁ ~ l₂ := ⟨perm_cons_inv, skip a⟩ theorem perm_app_left_iff {l₁ l₂ : list α} : ∀ l, l++l₁ ~ l++l₂ ↔ l₁ ~ l₂ | [] := iff.rfl | (a::l) := (perm_cons a).trans (perm_app_left_iff l) theorem perm_app_right_iff {l₁ l₂ : list α} (l) : l₁++l ~ l₂++l ↔ l₁ ~ l₂ := ⟨λ p, (perm_app_left_iff _).1 $ trans perm_app_comm $ trans p perm_app_comm, perm_app_left _⟩ theorem perm_option_to_list {o₁ o₂ : option α} : o₁.to_list ~ o₂.to_list ↔ o₁ = o₂ := begin refine ⟨λ p, _, λ e, e ▸ perm.refl _⟩, cases o₁ with a; cases o₂ with b, {refl}, { cases (perm_length p) }, { cases (perm_length p) }, { exact option.mem_to_list.1 ((mem_of_perm p).2 $ by simp) } end theorem subperm_cons (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} : a::l₁ <+~ a::l₂ ↔ l₁ <+~ l₂ := ⟨λ ⟨l, p, s⟩, begin cases s with _ _ _ s' u _ _ s', { exact (p.subperm_left.2 $ subperm_of_sublist $ sublist_cons _ _).trans (subperm_of_sublist s') }, { exact ⟨u, perm_cons_inv p, s'⟩ } end, λ ⟨l, p, s⟩, ⟨a::l, skip a p, s.cons2 _ _ _⟩⟩ theorem cons_subperm_of_mem {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} (d₁ : nodup l₁) (h₁ : a ∉ l₁) (h₂ : a ∈ l₂) (s : l₁ <+~ l₂) : a :: l₁ <+~ l₂ := begin rcases s with ⟨l, p, s⟩, induction s generalizing l₁, case list.sublist.slnil { cases h₂ }, case list.sublist.cons : r₁ r₂ b s' ih { simp at h₂, cases h₂ with e m, { subst b, exact ⟨a::r₁, skip a p, s'.cons2 _ _ _⟩ }, { rcases ih m d₁ h₁ p with ⟨t, p', s'⟩, exact ⟨t, p', s'.cons _ _ _⟩ } }, case list.sublist.cons2 : r₁ r₂ b s' ih { have bm : b ∈ l₁ := (perm_subset p $ mem_cons_self _ _), have am : a ∈ r₂ := h₂.resolve_left (λ e, h₁ $ e.symm ▸ bm), rcases mem_split bm with ⟨t₁, t₂, rfl⟩, have st : t₁ ++ t₂ <+ t₁ ++ b :: t₂ := by simp, rcases ih am (nodup_of_sublist st d₁) (mt (λ x, subset_of_sublist st x) h₁) (perm_cons_inv $ p.trans perm_middle) with ⟨t, p', s'⟩, exact ⟨b::t, (skip b p').trans $ (swap _ _ _).trans (skip a perm_middle.symm), s'.cons2 _ _ _⟩ } end theorem subperm_app_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} : ∀ l, l++l₁ <+~ l++l₂ ↔ l₁ <+~ l₂ | [] := iff.rfl | (a::l) := (subperm_cons a).trans (subperm_app_left l) theorem subperm_app_right {l₁ l₂ : list α} (l) : l₁++l <+~ l₂++l ↔ l₁ <+~ l₂ := (perm_app_comm.subperm_left.trans perm_app_comm.subperm_right).trans (subperm_app_left l) theorem subperm.exists_of_length_lt {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ <+~ l₂ → length l₁ < length l₂ → ∃ a, a :: l₁ <+~ l₂ | ⟨l, p, s⟩ h := suffices length l < length l₂ → ∃ (a : α), a :: l <+~ l₂, from (this $ perm_length p.symm ▸ h).imp (λ a, (skip a p).subperm_right.1), begin clear subperm.exists_of_length_lt p h l₁, rename l₂ u, induction s with l₁ l₂ a s IH _ _ b s IH; intro h, { cases h }, { cases lt_or_eq_of_le (nat.le_of_lt_succ h : length l₁ ≤ length l₂) with h h, { exact (IH h).imp (λ a s, s.trans (subperm_of_sublist $ sublist_cons _ _)) }, { exact ⟨a, eq_of_sublist_of_length_eq s h ▸ subperm.refl _⟩ } }, { exact (IH $ nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ h).imp (λ a s, (swap _ _ _).subperm_right.1 $ (subperm_cons _).2 s) } end theorem subperm_of_subset_nodup {l₁ l₂ : list α} (d : nodup l₁) (H : l₁ ⊆ l₂) : l₁ <+~ l₂ := begin induction d with a l₁' h d IH, { exact ⟨nil, perm.nil, nil_sublist _⟩ }, { cases forall_mem_cons.1 H with H₁ H₂, simp at h, exact cons_subperm_of_mem d h H₁ (IH H₂) } end theorem perm_ext {l₁ l₂ : list α} (d₁ : nodup l₁) (d₂ : nodup l₂) : l₁ ~ l₂ ↔ ∀a, a ∈ l₁ ↔ a ∈ l₂ := ⟨λ p a, mem_of_perm p, λ H, subperm.antisymm (subperm_of_subset_nodup d₁ (λ a, (H a).1)) (subperm_of_subset_nodup d₂ (λ a, (H a).2))⟩ theorem perm_ext_sublist_nodup {l₁ l₂ l : list α} (d : nodup l) (s₁ : l₁ <+ l) (s₂ : l₂ <+ l) : l₁ ~ l₂ ↔ l₁ = l₂ := ⟨λ h, begin induction s₂ with l₂ l a s₂ IH l₂ l a s₂ IH generalizing l₁, { exact eq_nil_of_perm_nil h.symm }, { simp at d, cases s₁ with _ _ _ s₁ l₁ _ _ s₁, { exact IH d.2 s₁ h }, { apply d.1.elim, exact subset_of_subperm ⟨_, h.symm, s₂⟩ (mem_cons_self _ _) } }, { simp at d, cases s₁ with _ _ _ s₁ l₁ _ _ s₁, { apply d.1.elim, exact subset_of_subperm ⟨_, h, s₁⟩ (mem_cons_self _ _) }, { rw IH d.2 s₁ (perm_cons_inv h) } } end, λ h, by rw h⟩ section variable [decidable_eq α] -- attribute [congr] theorem erase_perm_erase (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁.erase a ~ l₂.erase a := if h₁ : a ∈ l₁ then have h₂ : a ∈ l₂, from perm_subset p h₁, perm_cons_inv $ trans (perm_erase h₁).symm $ trans p (perm_erase h₂) else have h₂ : a ∉ l₂, from mt (mem_of_perm p).2 h₁, by rw [erase_of_not_mem h₁, erase_of_not_mem h₂]; exact p theorem erase_subperm (a : α) (l : list α) : l.erase a <+~ l := ⟨l.erase a, perm.refl _, erase_sublist _ _⟩ theorem erase_subperm_erase {l₁ l₂ : list α} (a : α) (h : l₁ <+~ l₂) : l₁.erase a <+~ l₂.erase a := let ⟨l, hp, hs⟩ := h in ⟨l.erase a, erase_perm_erase _ hp, erase_sublist_erase _ hs⟩ theorem perm_diff_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} (t : list α) (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁.diff t ~ l₂.diff t := by induction t generalizing l₁ l₂ h; simp [*, erase_perm_erase] theorem perm_diff_right (l : list α) {t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : t₁ ~ t₂) : l.diff t₁ = l.diff t₂ := by induction h generalizing l; simp [*, erase_perm_erase, erase_comm] <|> exact (ih_1 _).trans (ih_2 _) theorem subperm_cons_diff {a : α} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α}, (a :: l₁).diff l₂ <+~ a :: l₁.diff l₂ | l₁ [] := ⟨a::l₁, by simp⟩ | l₁ (b::l₂) := begin repeat {rw diff_cons}, by_cases heq : a = b, { by_cases b ∈ l₁, { rw perm.subperm_right, apply subperm_cons_diff, simp [perm_diff_left, heq, perm_erase h] }, { simp [subperm_of_sublist, sublist.cons, h, heq] } }, { simp [heq, subperm_cons_diff] } end theorem subset_cons_diff {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} : (a :: l₁).diff l₂ ⊆ a :: l₁.diff l₂ := subset_of_subperm subperm_cons_diff theorem perm_bag_inter_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} (t : list α) (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁.bag_inter t ~ l₂.bag_inter t := begin induction h with x _ _ _ _ x y _ _ _ _ _ _ ih_1 ih_2 generalizing t, {simp}, { by_cases x ∈ t; simp [*, skip] }, { by_cases x = y, {simp [h]}, by_cases xt : x ∈ t; by_cases yt : y ∈ t, { simp [xt, yt, mem_erase_of_ne h, mem_erase_of_ne (ne.symm h), erase_comm, swap] }, { simp [xt, yt, mt mem_of_mem_erase, skip] }, { simp [xt, yt, mt mem_of_mem_erase, skip] }, { simp [xt, yt] } }, { exact (ih_1 _).trans (ih_2 _) } end theorem perm_bag_inter_right (l : list α) {t₁ t₂ : list α} (p : t₁ ~ t₂) : l.bag_inter t₁ = l.bag_inter t₂ := begin induction l with a l IH generalizing t₁ t₂ p, {simp}, by_cases a ∈ t₁, { simp [h, (mem_of_perm p).1 h, IH (erase_perm_erase _ p)] }, { simp [h, mt (mem_of_perm p).2 h, IH p] } end theorem cons_perm_iff_perm_erase {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list α} : a::l₁ ~ l₂ ↔ a ∈ l₂ ∧ l₁ ~ l₂.erase a := ⟨λ h, have a ∈ l₂, from perm_subset h (mem_cons_self a l₁), ⟨this, perm_cons_inv $ h.trans $ perm_erase this⟩, λ ⟨m, h⟩, trans (skip a h) (perm_erase m).symm⟩ theorem perm_iff_count {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ ~ l₂ ↔ ∀ a, count a l₁ = count a l₂ := ⟨perm_count, λ H, begin induction l₁ with a l₁ IH generalizing l₂, { cases l₂ with b l₂, {refl}, specialize H b, simp at H, contradiction }, { have : a ∈ l₂ := count_pos.1 (by rw ← H; simp; apply nat.succ_pos), refine trans (skip a $ IH $ λ b, _) (perm_erase this).symm, specialize H b, rw perm_count (perm_erase this) at H, by_cases b = a; simp [h] at H ⊢; assumption } end⟩ instance decidable_perm : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α), decidable (l₁ ~ l₂) | [] [] := is_true $ perm.refl _ | [] (b::l₂) := is_false $ λ h, by have := eq_nil_of_perm_nil h; contradiction | (a::l₁) l₂ := by haveI := decidable_perm l₁ (l₂.erase a); exact decidable_of_iff' _ cons_perm_iff_perm_erase -- @[congr] theorem perm_erase_dup_of_perm {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : erase_dup l₁ ~ erase_dup l₂ := perm_iff_count.2 $ λ a, if h : a ∈ l₁ then by simp [nodup_erase_dup, h, perm_subset p h] else by simp [h, mt (mem_of_perm p).2 h] -- attribute [congr] theorem perm_insert (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : insert a l₁ ~ insert a l₂ := if h : a ∈ l₁ then by simpa [h, perm_subset p h] using p else by simpa [h, mt (mem_of_perm p).2 h] using skip a p theorem perm_insert_swap (x y : α) (l : list α) : insert x (insert y l) ~ insert y (insert x l) := begin by_cases xl : x ∈ l; by_cases yl : y ∈ l; simp [xl, yl], by_cases xy : x = y, { simp [xy] }, simp [not_mem_cons_of_ne_of_not_mem xy xl, not_mem_cons_of_ne_of_not_mem (ne.symm xy) yl], constructor end theorem perm_union_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} (t₁ : list α) (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁ ∪ t₁ ~ l₂ ∪ t₁ := begin induction h with a _ _ _ ih _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ih_1 ih_2; try {simp}, { exact perm_insert a ih }, { apply perm_insert_swap }, { exact ih_1.trans ih_2 } end theorem perm_union_right (l : list α) {t₁ t₂ : list α} (h : t₁ ~ t₂) : l ∪ t₁ ~ l ∪ t₂ := by induction l; simp [*, perm_insert] -- @[congr] theorem perm_union {l₁ l₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (p₁ : l₁ ~ l₂) (p₂ : t₁ ~ t₂) : l₁ ∪ t₁ ~ l₂ ∪ t₂ := trans (perm_union_left t₁ p₁) (perm_union_right l₂ p₂) theorem perm_inter_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} (t₁ : list α) : l₁ ~ l₂ → l₁ ∩ t₁ ~ l₂ ∩ t₁ := perm_filter _ theorem perm_inter_right (l : list α) {t₁ t₂ : list α} (p : t₁ ~ t₂) : l ∩ t₁ = l ∩ t₂ := by dsimp [(∩), list.inter]; congr; funext a; rw [mem_of_perm p] -- @[congr] theorem perm_inter {l₁ l₂ t₁ t₂ : list α} (p₁ : l₁ ~ l₂) (p₂ : t₁ ~ t₂) : l₁ ∩ t₁ ~ l₂ ∩ t₂ := perm_inter_right l₂ p₂ ▸ perm_inter_left t₁ p₁ end theorem perm_pairwise {R : α → α → Prop} (S : symmetric R) : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂), pairwise R l₁ ↔ pairwise R l₂ := suffices ∀ {l₁ l₂}, l₁ ~ l₂ → pairwise R l₁ → pairwise R l₂, from λ l₁ l₂ p, ⟨this p, this p.symm⟩, λ l₁ l₂ p d, begin induction d with a l₁ h d IH generalizing l₂, { rw eq_nil_of_perm_nil p, constructor }, { have : a ∈ l₂ := perm_subset p (mem_cons_self _ _), rcases mem_split this with ⟨s₂, t₂, rfl⟩, have p' := perm_cons_inv (p.trans perm_middle), refine (pairwise_middle S).2 (pairwise_cons.2 ⟨λ b m, _, IH _ p'⟩), exact h _ (perm_subset p'.symm m) } end theorem perm_nodup {l₁ l₂ : list α} : l₁ ~ l₂ → (nodup l₁ ↔ nodup l₂) := perm_pairwise $ @ne.symm α theorem perm_bind_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} (f : α → list β) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁.bind f ~ l₂.bind f := begin induction p with a l₁ l₂ p IH a b l l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ IH₁ IH₂, {simp}, { simp, exact perm_app_right _ IH }, { simp, rw [← append_assoc, ← append_assoc], exact perm_app_left _ perm_app_comm }, { exact trans IH₁ IH₂ } end theorem perm_bind_right (l : list α) {f g : α → list β} (h : ∀ a, f a ~ g a) : l.bind f ~ l.bind g := by induction l with a l IH; simp; exact perm_app (h a) IH theorem perm_product_left {l₁ l₂ : list α} (t₁ : list β) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : product l₁ t₁ ~ product l₂ t₁ := perm_bind_left _ p theorem perm_product_right (l : list α) {t₁ t₂ : list β} (p : t₁ ~ t₂) : product l t₁ ~ product l t₂ := perm_bind_right _ $ λ a, perm_map _ p @[congr] theorem perm_product {l₁ l₂ : list α} {t₁ t₂ : list β} (p₁ : l₁ ~ l₂) (p₂ : t₁ ~ t₂) : product l₁ t₁ ~ product l₂ t₂ := trans (perm_product_left t₁ p₁) (perm_product_right l₂ p₂) theorem sublists_cons_perm_append (a : α) (l : list α) : sublists (a :: l) ~ sublists l ++ map (cons a) (sublists l) := begin simp [sublists, sublists_aux_cons_cons], refine skip _ ((skip _ _).trans perm_middle.symm), induction sublists_aux l cons with b l IH; simp, exact skip b ((skip _ IH).trans perm_middle.symm) end theorem sublists_perm_sublists' : ∀ l : list α, sublists l ~ sublists' l | [] := perm.refl _ | (a::l) := let IH := sublists_perm_sublists' l in by rw sublists'_cons; exact (sublists_cons_perm_append _ _).trans (perm_app IH (perm_map _ IH)) theorem revzip_sublists (l : list α) : ∀ l₁ l₂, (l₁, l₂) ∈ revzip l.sublists → l₁ ++ l₂ ~ l := begin rw revzip, apply list.reverse_rec_on l, { intros l₁ l₂ h, simp at h, simp [h] }, { intros l a IH l₁ l₂ h, rw [sublists_concat, reverse_append, zip_append, ← map_reverse, zip_map_right, zip_map_left] at h; [simp at h, simp], rcases h with ⟨l₁, l₂', h, rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨l₁', l₂, h, rfl, rfl⟩, { rw ← append_assoc, exact perm_app_left _ (IH _ _ h) }, { rw append_assoc, apply (perm_app_right _ perm_app_comm).trans, rw ← append_assoc, exact perm_app_left _ (IH _ _ h) } } end theorem revzip_sublists' (l : list α) : ∀ l₁ l₂, (l₁, l₂) ∈ revzip l.sublists' → l₁ ++ l₂ ~ l := begin rw revzip, induction l with a l IH; intros l₁ l₂ h, { simp at h, simp [h] }, { rw [sublists'_cons, reverse_append, zip_append, ← map_reverse, zip_map_right, zip_map_left] at h; [simp at h, simp], rcases h with ⟨l₁, l₂', h, rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨l₁', l₂, h, rfl, rfl⟩, { exact perm_middle.trans (skip _ (IH _ _ h)) }, { exact skip _ (IH _ _ h) } } end theorem perm_lookmap (f : α → option α) {l₁ l₂ : list α} (H : pairwise (λ a b, ∀ (c ∈ f a) (d ∈ f b), a = b ∧ c = d) l₁) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : lookmap f l₁ ~ lookmap f l₂ := begin let F := λ a b, ∀ (c ∈ f a) (d ∈ f b), a = b ∧ c = d, change pairwise F l₁ at H, induction p with a l₁ l₂ p IH a b l l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ IH₁ IH₂, {simp}, { cases h : f a, { simp [h], exact (IH (pairwise_cons.1 H).2).skip _ }, { simp [lookmap_cons_some _ _ h], exact p.skip _ } }, { cases h₁ : f a with c; cases h₂ : f b with d, { simp [h₁, h₂], apply swap }, { simp [h₁, lookmap_cons_some _ _ h₂], apply swap }, { simp [lookmap_cons_some _ _ h₁, h₂], apply swap }, { simp [lookmap_cons_some _ _ h₁, lookmap_cons_some _ _ h₂], rcases (pairwise_cons.1 H).1 _ (or.inl rfl) _ h₂ _ h₁ with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, refl } }, { refine (IH₁ H).trans (IH₂ ((perm_pairwise _ p₁).1 H)), exact λ a b h c h₁ d h₂, (h d h₂ c h₁).imp eq.symm eq.symm } end theorem perm_erasep (f : α → Prop) [decidable_pred f] {l₁ l₂ : list α} (H : pairwise (λ a b, f a → f b → false) l₁) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : erasep f l₁ ~ erasep f l₂ := begin let F := λ a b, f a → f b → false, change pairwise F l₁ at H, induction p with a l₁ l₂ p IH a b l l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ IH₁ IH₂, {simp}, { by_cases h : f a, { simp [h, p] }, { simp [h], exact (IH (pairwise_cons.1 H).2).skip _ } }, { by_cases h₁ : f a; by_cases h₂ : f b; simp [h₁, h₂], { cases (pairwise_cons.1 H).1 _ (or.inl rfl) h₂ h₁ }, { apply swap } }, { refine (IH₁ H).trans (IH₂ ((perm_pairwise _ p₁).1 H)), exact λ a b h h₁ h₂, h h₂ h₁ } end /- enumerating permutations -/ section permutations theorem permutations_aux2_fst (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) : ∀ (ys : list α) (f : list α → β), (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f).1 = ys ++ ts | [] f := rfl | (y::ys) f := match _, permutations_aux2_fst ys _ : ∀ o : list α × list β, o.1 = ys ++ ts → (permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f o).1 = y :: ys ++ ts with | ⟨_, zs⟩, rfl := rfl end @[simp] theorem permutations_aux2_snd_nil (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (f : list α → β) : (permutations_aux2 t ts r [] f).2 = r := rfl @[simp] theorem permutations_aux2_snd_cons (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (y : α) (ys : list α) (f : list α → β) : (permutations_aux2 t ts r (y::ys) f).2 = f (t :: y :: ys ++ ts) :: (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys (λx : list α, f (y::x))).2 := match _, permutations_aux2_fst t ts r _ _ : ∀ o : list α × list β, o.1 = ys ++ ts → (permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f o).2 = f (t :: y :: ys ++ ts) :: o.2 with | ⟨_, zs⟩, rfl := rfl end theorem permutations_aux2_append (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (ys : list α) (f : list α → β) : (permutations_aux2 t ts nil ys f).2 ++ r = (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f).2 := by induction ys generalizing f; simp * theorem mem_permutations_aux2 {t : α} {ts : list α} {ys : list α} {l l' : list α} : l' ∈ (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys (append l)).2 ↔ ∃ l₁ l₂, l₂ ≠ [] ∧ ys = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l' = l ++ l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := begin induction ys with y ys ih generalizing l, { simp {contextual := tt} }, { rw [permutations_aux2_snd_cons, show (λ (x : list α), l ++ y :: x) = append (l ++ [y]), by funext; simp, mem_cons_iff, ih], split; intro h, { rcases h with e | ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, ye, _⟩, { subst l', exact ⟨[], y::ys, by simp⟩ }, { substs l' ys, exact ⟨y::l₁, l₂, l0, by simp⟩ } }, { rcases h with ⟨_ | ⟨y', l₁⟩, l₂, l0, ye, rfl⟩, { simp [ye] }, { simp at ye, rcases ye with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, exact or.inr ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, by simp⟩ } } } end theorem mem_permutations_aux2' {t : α} {ts : list α} {ys : list α} {l : list α} : l ∈ (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys id).2 ↔ ∃ l₁ l₂, l₂ ≠ [] ∧ ys = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l = l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := by rw [show @id (list α) = append nil, by funext; refl]; apply mem_permutations_aux2 theorem length_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (ys : list α) (f : list α → β) : length (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys f).2 = length ys := by induction ys generalizing f; simp * theorem foldr_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) : foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L = L.bind (λ y, (permutations_aux2 t ts [] y id).2) ++ r := by induction L with l L ih; [refl, {simp [ih], rw ← permutations_aux2_append}] theorem mem_foldr_permutations_aux2 {t : α} {ts : list α} {r L : list (list α)} {l' : list α} : l' ∈ foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L ↔ l' ∈ r ∨ ∃ l₁ l₂, l₁ ++ l₂ ∈ L ∧ l₂ ≠ [] ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := have (∃ (a : list α), a ∈ L ∧ ∃ (l₁ l₂ : list α), ¬l₂ = nil ∧ a = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: (l₂ ++ ts)) ↔ ∃ (l₁ l₂ : list α), ¬l₂ = nil ∧ l₁ ++ l₂ ∈ L ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: (l₂ ++ ts), from ⟨λ ⟨a, aL, l₁, l₂, l0, e, h⟩, ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, e ▸ aL, h⟩, λ ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, aL, h⟩, ⟨_, aL, l₁, l₂, l0, rfl, h⟩⟩, by rw foldr_permutations_aux2; simp [mem_permutations_aux2', this, or.comm, or.left_comm, or.assoc, and.comm, and.left_comm, and.assoc] theorem length_foldr_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) : length (foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L) = sum (map length L) + length r := by simp [foldr_permutations_aux2, (∘), length_permutations_aux2] theorem length_foldr_permutations_aux2' (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) (n) (H : ∀ l ∈ L, length l = n) : length (foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L) = n * length L + length r := begin rw [length_foldr_permutations_aux2, (_ : sum (map length L) = n * length L)], induction L with l L ih, {simp}, simp [ih (λ l m, H l (mem_cons_of_mem _ m)), H l (mem_cons_self _ _), mul_add] end theorem perm_of_mem_permutations_aux : ∀ {ts is l : list α}, l ∈ permutations_aux ts is → l ~ ts ++ is := begin refine permutations_aux.rec (by simp) _, introv IH1 IH2 m, rw [permutations_aux_cons, permutations, mem_foldr_permutations_aux2] at m, rcases m with m | ⟨l₁, l₂, m, _, e⟩, { exact (IH1 m).trans perm_middle }, { subst e, have p : l₁ ++ l₂ ~ is, { simp [permutations] at m, cases m with e m, {simp [e]}, exact is.append_nil ▸ IH2 m }, exact (perm_app_left _ (perm_middle.trans (skip _ p))).trans (skip _ perm_app_comm) } end theorem perm_of_mem_permutations {l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : l₁ ∈ permutations l₂) : l₁ ~ l₂ := (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons h).elim (λ e, e ▸ perm.refl _) (λ m, append_nil l₂ ▸ perm_of_mem_permutations_aux m) theorem length_permutations_aux : ∀ ts is : list α, length (permutations_aux ts is) + is.length.fact = (length ts + length is).fact := begin refine permutations_aux.rec (by simp) _, intros t ts is IH1 IH2, have IH2 : length (permutations_aux is nil) + 1 = is.length.fact, { simpa using IH2 }, simp [-add_comm, nat.fact, nat.add_succ, mul_comm] at IH1, rw [permutations_aux_cons, length_foldr_permutations_aux2' _ _ _ _ _ (λ l m, perm_length (perm_of_mem_permutations m)), permutations, length, length, IH2, nat.succ_add, nat.fact_succ, mul_comm (nat.succ _), ← IH1, add_comm (_*_), add_assoc, nat.mul_succ, mul_comm] end theorem length_permutations (l : list α) : length (permutations l) = (length l).fact := length_permutations_aux l [] theorem mem_permutations_of_perm_lemma {is l : list α} (H : l ~ [] ++ is → (∃ ts' ~ [], l = ts' ++ is) ∨ l ∈ permutations_aux is []) : l ~ is → l ∈ permutations is := by simpa [permutations, perm_nil] using H theorem mem_permutations_aux_of_perm : ∀ {ts is l : list α}, l ~ is ++ ts → (∃ is' ~ is, l = is' ++ ts) ∨ l ∈ permutations_aux ts is := begin refine permutations_aux.rec (by simp) _, intros t ts is IH1 IH2 l p, rw [permutations_aux_cons, mem_foldr_permutations_aux2], rcases IH1 (p.trans perm_middle) with ⟨is', p', e⟩ | m, { clear p, subst e, rcases mem_split (perm_subset p'.symm (mem_cons_self _ _)) with ⟨l₁, l₂, e⟩, subst is', have p := perm_cons_inv (perm_middle.symm.trans p'), cases l₂ with a l₂', { exact or.inl ⟨l₁, by simpa using p⟩ }, { exact or.inr (or.inr ⟨l₁, a::l₂', mem_permutations_of_perm_lemma IH2 p, by simp⟩) } }, { exact or.inr (or.inl m) } end @[simp] theorem mem_permutations (s t : list α) : s ∈ permutations t ↔ s ~ t := ⟨perm_of_mem_permutations, mem_permutations_of_perm_lemma mem_permutations_aux_of_perm⟩ end permutations end list