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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Mario Carneiro, Sean Leather Functions on lists of sigma types. -/ import data.list.perm data.sigma universes u v namespace list variables {α : Type u} {β : α → Type v} /- keys -/ /-- List of keys from a list of key-value pairs -/ def keys : list (sigma β) → list α := map sigma.fst @[simp] theorem keys_nil : @keys α β [] = [] := rfl @[simp] theorem keys_cons {s} {l : list (sigma β)} : (s :: l).keys = s.1 :: l.keys := rfl theorem mem_keys_of_mem {s : sigma β} {l : list (sigma β)} : s ∈ l → s.1 ∈ l.keys := mem_map_of_mem sigma.fst theorem exists_of_mem_keys {a} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a ∈ l.keys) : ∃ (b : β a), a b ∈ l := let ⟨⟨a', b'⟩, m, e⟩ := exists_of_mem_map h in eq.rec_on e (exists.intro b' m) theorem mem_keys {a} {l : list (sigma β)} : a ∈ l.keys ↔ ∃ (b : β a), a b ∈ l := ⟨exists_of_mem_keys, λ ⟨b, h⟩, mem_keys_of_mem h⟩ theorem not_mem_keys {a} {l : list (sigma β)} : a ∉ l.keys ↔ ∀ b : β a, a b ∉ l := (not_iff_not_of_iff mem_keys).trans not_exists theorem not_eq_key {a} {l : list (sigma β)} : a ∉ l.keys ↔ ∀ s : sigma β, s ∈ l → a ≠ s.1 := iff.intro (λ h₁ s h₂ e, absurd (mem_keys_of_mem h₂) (by rwa e at h₁)) (λ f h₁, let ⟨b, h₂⟩ := exists_of_mem_keys h₁ in f _ h₂ rfl) /- nodupkeys -/ def nodupkeys (l : list (sigma β)) : Prop := l.keys.nodup theorem nodupkeys_iff_pairwise {l} : nodupkeys l ↔ pairwise (λ s s' : sigma β, s.1 ≠ s'.1) l := pairwise_map _ @[simp] theorem nodupkeys_nil : @nodupkeys α β [] := pairwise.nil @[simp] theorem nodupkeys_cons {s : sigma β} {l : list (sigma β)} : nodupkeys (s::l) ↔ s.1 ∉ l.keys ∧ nodupkeys l := by simp [keys, nodupkeys] theorem nodupkeys.eq_of_fst_eq {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : nodupkeys l) {s s' : sigma β} (h : s ∈ l) (h' : s' ∈ l) : s.1 = s'.1 → s = s' := @forall_of_forall_of_pairwise _ (λ s s' : sigma β, s.1 = s'.1 → s = s') (λ s s' H h, (H h.symm).symm) _ (λ x h _, rfl) ((nodupkeys_iff_pairwise.1 nd).imp (λ s s' h h', (h h').elim)) _ h _ h' theorem nodupkeys.eq_of_mk_mem {a : α} {b b' : β a} {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : nodupkeys l) (h : a b ∈ l) (h' : a b' ∈ l) : b = b' := by cases nd.eq_of_fst_eq h h' rfl; refl theorem nodupkeys_singleton (s : sigma β) : nodupkeys [s] := nodup_singleton _ theorem nodupkeys_of_sublist {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (h : l₁ <+ l₂) : nodupkeys l₂ → nodupkeys l₁ := nodup_of_sublist (map_sublist_map _ h) theorem nodup_of_nodupkeys {l : list (sigma β)} : nodupkeys l → nodup l := nodup_of_nodup_map _ theorem perm_nodupkeys {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : nodupkeys l₁ ↔ nodupkeys l₂ := perm_nodup $ perm_map _ h theorem nodupkeys_join {L : list (list (sigma β))} : nodupkeys (join L) ↔ (∀ l ∈ L, nodupkeys l) ∧ pairwise disjoint ( keys) := begin rw [nodupkeys_iff_pairwise, pairwise_join, pairwise_map], refine and_congr (ball_congr $ λ l h, by simp [nodupkeys_iff_pairwise]) _, apply iff_of_eq, congr', ext l₁ l₂, simp [keys, disjoint_iff_ne] end theorem nodup_enum_map_fst (l : list α) : ( prod.fst).nodup := by simp [list.nodup_range] variables [decidable_eq α] /- lookup -/ /-- `lookup a l` is the first value in `l` corresponding to the key `a`, or `none` if no such element exists. -/ def lookup (a : α) : list (sigma β) → option (β a) | [] := none | (⟨a', b⟩ :: l) := if h : a' = a then some (eq.rec_on h b) else lookup l @[simp] theorem lookup_nil (a : α) : lookup a [] = @none (β a) := rfl @[simp] theorem lookup_cons_eq (l) (a : α) (b : β a) : lookup a (⟨a, b⟩::l) = some b := dif_pos rfl @[simp] theorem lookup_cons_ne (l) {a} : ∀ s : sigma β, a ≠ s.1 → lookup a (s::l) = lookup a l | ⟨a', b⟩ h := dif_neg h.symm theorem lookup_is_some {a : α} : ∀ {l : list (sigma β)}, (lookup a l).is_some ↔ a ∈ l.keys | [] := by simp | (⟨a', b⟩ :: l) := begin by_cases h : a = a', { subst a', simp }, { simp [h, lookup_is_some] }, end theorem lookup_eq_none {a : α} {l : list (sigma β)} : lookup a l = none ↔ a ∉ l.keys := begin have := not_congr (@lookup_is_some _ _ _ a l), simp at this, refine iff.trans _ this, cases lookup a l; exact dec_trivial end theorem of_mem_lookup {a : α} {b : β a} : ∀ {l : list (sigma β)}, b ∈ lookup a l → a b ∈ l | (⟨a', b'⟩ :: l) H := begin by_cases h : a = a', { subst a', simp at H, simp [H] }, { simp [h] at H, exact or.inr (of_mem_lookup H) } end theorem mem_lookup {a} {b : β a} {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : l.nodupkeys) (h : a b ∈ l) : b ∈ lookup a l := begin cases (lookup_is_some.mpr (mem_keys_of_mem h)) with b' h', cases nd.eq_of_mk_mem h (of_mem_lookup h'), exact h' end theorem map_lookup_eq_find (a : α) : ∀ l : list (sigma β), (lookup a l).map ( a) = find (λ s, a = s.1) l | [] := rfl | (⟨a', b'⟩ :: l) := begin by_cases h : a = a', { subst a', simp }, { simp [h, map_lookup_eq_find] } end theorem mem_lookup_iff {a : α} {b : β a} {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : l.nodupkeys) : b ∈ lookup a l ↔ a b ∈ l := ⟨of_mem_lookup, mem_lookup nd⟩ theorem perm_lookup (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (nd₁ : l₁.nodupkeys) (nd₂ : l₂.nodupkeys) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : lookup a l₁ = lookup a l₂ := by ext b; simp [mem_lookup_iff, nd₁, nd₂]; exact mem_of_perm p lemma mem_ext {l₀ l₁ : list (sigma β)} (nd₀ : l₀.nodup) (nd₁ : l₁.nodup) (h : ∀ x, x ∈ l₀ ↔ x ∈ l₁) : l₀ ~ l₁ := begin induction l₀ with x xs generalizing l₁; cases l₁ with x ys, { constructor }, iterate 2 { specialize h x, simp at h, cases h }, simp at nd₀ nd₁, rename x y, classical, cases nd₀, cases nd₁, by_cases h' : x = y, { subst y, constructor, apply l₀_ih ‹ _ › ‹ nodup ys ›, intro a, specialize h a, simp at h, by_cases h' : a = x, { subst a, rw ← not_iff_not, split; intro; assumption }, { simp [h'] at h, exact h } }, { transitivity x :: y :: ys.erase x, { constructor, apply l₀_ih ‹ _ ›, { simp, split, { intro, apply nd₁_left, apply mem_of_mem_erase a }, apply nodup_erase_of_nodup; assumption }, { intro a, specialize h a, simp at h, by_cases h' : a = x, { subst a, rw ← not_iff_not, split; intro, simp [mem_erase_of_nodup,*], assumption }, { simp [h'] at h, simp [h], apply or_congr, refl, simp [mem_erase_of_ne,*] } } }, transitivity y :: x :: ys.erase x, { constructor }, { constructor, symmetry, apply perm_erase, specialize h x, simp [h'] at h, exact h } } end lemma lookup_ext {l₀ l₁ : list (sigma β)} (nd₀ : l₀.nodupkeys) (nd₁ : l₁.nodupkeys) (h : ∀ x y, y ∈ l₀.lookup x ↔ y ∈ l₁.lookup x) : l₀ ~ l₁ := mem_ext (nodup_of_nodupkeys nd₀) (nodup_of_nodupkeys nd₁) (λ ⟨a,b⟩, by rw [← mem_lookup_iff, ← mem_lookup_iff, h]; assumption) /- lookup_all -/ /-- `lookup_all a l` is the list of all values in `l` corresponding to the key `a`. -/ def lookup_all (a : α) : list (sigma β) → list (β a) | [] := [] | (⟨a', b⟩ :: l) := if h : a' = a then eq.rec_on h b :: lookup_all l else lookup_all l @[simp] theorem lookup_all_nil (a : α) : lookup_all a [] = @nil (β a) := rfl @[simp] theorem lookup_all_cons_eq (l) (a : α) (b : β a) : lookup_all a (⟨a, b⟩::l) = b :: lookup_all a l := dif_pos rfl @[simp] theorem lookup_all_cons_ne (l) {a} : ∀ s : sigma β, a ≠ s.1 → lookup_all a (s::l) = lookup_all a l | ⟨a', b⟩ h := dif_neg h.symm theorem lookup_all_eq_nil {a : α} : ∀ {l : list (sigma β)}, lookup_all a l = [] ↔ ∀ b : β a, a b ∉ l | [] := by simp | (⟨a', b⟩ :: l) := begin by_cases h : a = a', { subst a', simp, exact λ H, H b (or.inl rfl) }, { simp [h, lookup_all_eq_nil] }, end theorem head_lookup_all (a : α) : ∀ l : list (sigma β), head' (lookup_all a l) = lookup a l | [] := by simp | (⟨a', b⟩ :: l) := by by_cases h : a = a'; [{subst h, simp}, simp *] theorem mem_lookup_all {a : α} {b : β a} : ∀ {l : list (sigma β)}, b ∈ lookup_all a l ↔ a b ∈ l | [] := by simp | (⟨a', b'⟩ :: l) := by by_cases h : a = a'; [{subst h, simp *}, simp *] theorem lookup_all_sublist (a : α) : ∀ l : list (sigma β), (lookup_all a l).map ( a) <+ l | [] := by simp | (⟨a', b'⟩ :: l) := begin by_cases h : a = a', { subst h, simp, exact (lookup_all_sublist l).cons2 _ _ _ }, { simp [h], exact (lookup_all_sublist l).cons _ _ _ } end theorem lookup_all_length_le_one (a : α) {l : list (sigma β)} (h : l.nodupkeys) : length (lookup_all a l) ≤ 1 := by have := nodup_of_sublist (map_sublist_map _ $ lookup_all_sublist a l) h; rw map_map at this; rwa [← nodup_repeat, ← map_const _ a] theorem lookup_all_eq_lookup (a : α) {l : list (sigma β)} (h : l.nodupkeys) : lookup_all a l = (lookup a l).to_list := begin rw ← head_lookup_all, have := lookup_all_length_le_one a h, revert this, rcases lookup_all a l with _|⟨b, _|⟨c, l⟩⟩; intro; try {refl}, exact absurd this dec_trivial end theorem lookup_all_nodup (a : α) {l : list (sigma β)} (h : l.nodupkeys) : (lookup_all a l).nodup := by rw lookup_all_eq_lookup a h; apply option.to_list_nodup theorem perm_lookup_all (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (nd₁ : l₁.nodupkeys) (nd₂ : l₂.nodupkeys) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : lookup_all a l₁ = lookup_all a l₂ := by simp [lookup_all_eq_lookup, nd₁, nd₂, perm_lookup a nd₁ nd₂ p] /- kreplace -/ def kreplace (a : α) (b : β a) : list (sigma β) → list (sigma β) := lookmap $ λ s, if h : a = s.1 then some ⟨a, b⟩ else none theorem kreplace_of_forall_not (a : α) (b : β a) {l : list (sigma β)} (H : ∀ b : β a, a b ∉ l) : kreplace a b l = l := lookmap_of_forall_not _ $ begin rintro ⟨a', b'⟩ h, dsimp, split_ifs, { subst a', exact H _ h }, {refl} end theorem kreplace_self {a : α} {b : β a} {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : nodupkeys l) (h : a b ∈ l) : kreplace a b l = l := begin refine (lookmap_congr _).trans (lookmap_id' (option.guard (λ s, a = s.1)) _ _), { rintro ⟨a', b'⟩ h', dsimp [option.guard], split_ifs, { subst a', exact ⟨rfl, heq_of_eq $ nd.eq_of_mk_mem h h'⟩ }, { refl } }, { rintro ⟨a₁, b₁⟩ ⟨a₂, b₂⟩, dsimp [option.guard], split_ifs, { subst a₁, rintro ⟨⟩, simp }, { rintro ⟨⟩ } }, end theorem keys_kreplace (a : α) (b : β a) : ∀ l : list (sigma β), (kreplace a b l).keys = l.keys := lookmap_map_eq _ _ $ by rintro ⟨a₁, b₂⟩ ⟨a₂, b₂⟩; dsimp; split_ifs; simp [h] {contextual := tt} theorem kreplace_nodupkeys (a : α) (b : β a) {l : list (sigma β)} : (kreplace a b l).nodupkeys ↔ l.nodupkeys := by simp [nodupkeys, keys_kreplace] theorem perm_kreplace {a : α} {b : β a} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (nd : l₁.nodupkeys) : l₁ ~ l₂ → kreplace a b l₁ ~ kreplace a b l₂ := perm_lookmap _ $ begin refine (nodupkeys_iff_pairwise.1 nd).imp _, intros x y h z h₁ w h₂, split_ifs at h₁ h₂; cases h₁; cases h₂, exact (h (h_2.symm.trans h_1)).elim end /- kerase -/ /-- Remove the first pair with the key `a`. -/ def kerase (a : α) : list (sigma β) → list (sigma β) := erasep $ λ s, a = s.1 @[simp] theorem kerase_nil {a} : @kerase _ β _ a [] = [] := rfl @[simp] theorem kerase_cons_eq {a} {s : sigma β} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a = s.1) : kerase a (s :: l) = l := by simp [kerase, h] @[simp] theorem kerase_cons_ne {a} {s : sigma β} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a ≠ s.1) : kerase a (s :: l) = s :: kerase a l := by simp [kerase, h] @[simp] theorem kerase_of_not_mem_keys {a} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a ∉ l.keys) : kerase a l = l := by induction l with _ _ ih; [refl, { simp [not_or_distrib] at h, simp [h.1, ih h.2] }] theorem kerase_sublist (a : α) (l : list (sigma β)) : kerase a l <+ l := erasep_sublist _ theorem kerase_keys_subset (a) (l : list (sigma β)) : (kerase a l).keys ⊆ l.keys := subset_of_sublist (map_sublist_map _ (kerase_sublist a l)) theorem mem_keys_of_mem_keys_kerase {a₁ a₂} {l : list (sigma β)} : a₁ ∈ (kerase a₂ l).keys → a₁ ∈ l.keys := @kerase_keys_subset _ _ _ _ _ _ theorem exists_of_kerase {a : α} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a ∈ l.keys) : ∃ (b : β a) (l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)), a ∉ l₁.keys ∧ l = l₁ ++ ⟨a, b⟩ :: l₂ ∧ kerase a l = l₁ ++ l₂ := begin induction l, case list.nil { cases h }, case list.cons : hd tl ih { by_cases e : a = hd.1, { subst e, exact ⟨hd.2, [], tl, by simp, by cases hd; refl, by simp⟩ }, { simp at h, cases h, case or.inl : h { exact absurd h e }, case or.inr : h { rcases ih h with ⟨b, tl₁, tl₂, h₁, h₂, h₃⟩, exact ⟨b, hd :: tl₁, tl₂, not_mem_cons_of_ne_of_not_mem e h₁, by rw h₂; refl, by simp [e, h₃]⟩ } } } end @[simp] theorem mem_keys_kerase_of_ne {a₁ a₂} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a₁ ≠ a₂) : a₁ ∈ (kerase a₂ l).keys ↔ a₁ ∈ l.keys := iff.intro mem_keys_of_mem_keys_kerase $ λ p, if q : a₂ ∈ l.keys then match l, kerase a₂ l, exists_of_kerase q, p with | _, _, ⟨_, _, _, _, rfl, rfl⟩, p := by simpa [keys, h] using p end else by simp [q, p] theorem keys_kerase {a} {l : list (sigma β)} : (kerase a l).keys = l.keys.erase a := by rw [keys, kerase, ←erasep_map sigma.fst l, erase_eq_erasep] theorem kerase_kerase {a a'} {l : list (sigma β)} : (kerase a' l).kerase a = (kerase a l).kerase a' := begin by_cases a = a', { subst a' }, induction l with x xs, { refl }, { by_cases a' = x.1, { subst a', simp [kerase_cons_ne h,kerase_cons_eq rfl] }, by_cases h' : a = x.1, { subst a, simp [kerase_cons_eq rfl,kerase_cons_ne (ne.symm h)] }, { simp [kerase_cons_ne,*] } } end theorem kerase_nodupkeys (a : α) {l : list (sigma β)} : nodupkeys l → (kerase a l).nodupkeys := nodupkeys_of_sublist $ kerase_sublist _ _ theorem perm_kerase {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (nd : l₁.nodupkeys) : l₁ ~ l₂ → kerase a l₁ ~ kerase a l₂ := perm_erasep _ $ (nodupkeys_iff_pairwise.1 nd).imp $ by rintro x y h rfl; exact h @[simp] theorem not_mem_keys_kerase (a) {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : l.nodupkeys) : a ∉ (kerase a l).keys := begin induction l, case list.nil { simp }, case list.cons : hd tl ih { simp at nd, by_cases h : a = hd.1, { subst h, simp [nd.1] }, { simp [h, ih nd.2] } } end @[simp] theorem lookup_kerase (a) {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : l.nodupkeys) : lookup a (kerase a l) = none := lookup_eq_none.mpr (not_mem_keys_kerase a nd) @[simp] theorem lookup_kerase_ne {a a'} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a ≠ a') : lookup a (kerase a' l) = lookup a l := begin induction l, case list.nil { refl }, case list.cons : hd tl ih { cases hd with ah bh, by_cases h₁ : a = ah; by_cases h₂ : a' = ah, { substs h₁ h₂, cases ne.irrefl h }, { subst h₁, simp [h₂] }, { subst h₂, simp [h] }, { simp [h₁, h₂, ih] } } end theorem kerase_append_left {a} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)}, a ∈ l₁.keys → kerase a (l₁ ++ l₂) = kerase a l₁ ++ l₂ | [] _ h := by cases h | (s :: l₁) l₂ h₁ := if h₂ : a = s.1 then by simp [h₂] else by simp at h₁; cases h₁; [exact absurd h₁ h₂, simp [h₂, kerase_append_left h₁]] theorem kerase_append_right {a} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)}, a ∉ l₁.keys → kerase a (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁ ++ kerase a l₂ | [] _ h := rfl | (_ :: l₁) l₂ h := by simp [not_or_distrib] at h; simp [h.1, kerase_append_right h.2] theorem kerase_comm (a₁ a₂) (l : list (sigma β)) : kerase a₂ (kerase a₁ l) = kerase a₁ (kerase a₂ l) := if h : a₁ = a₂ then by simp [h] else if ha₁ : a₁ ∈ l.keys then if ha₂ : a₂ ∈ l.keys then match l, kerase a₁ l, exists_of_kerase ha₁, ha₂ with | _, _, ⟨b₁, l₁, l₂, a₁_nin_l₁, rfl, rfl⟩, a₂_in_l₁_app_l₂ := if h' : a₂ ∈ l₁.keys then by simp [kerase_append_left h', kerase_append_right (mt (mem_keys_kerase_of_ne h).mp a₁_nin_l₁)] else by simp [kerase_append_right h', kerase_append_right a₁_nin_l₁, @kerase_cons_ne _ _ _ a₂ ⟨a₁, b₁⟩ _ (ne.symm h)] end else by simp [ha₂, mt mem_keys_of_mem_keys_kerase ha₂] else by simp [ha₁, mt mem_keys_of_mem_keys_kerase ha₁] /- kinsert -/ /-- Insert the pair `⟨a, b⟩` and erase the first pair with the key `a`. -/ def kinsert (a : α) (b : β a) (l : list (sigma β)) : list (sigma β) := ⟨a, b⟩ :: kerase a l @[simp] theorem kinsert_def {a} {b : β a} {l : list (sigma β)} : kinsert a b l = ⟨a, b⟩ :: kerase a l := rfl @[simp] theorem mem_keys_kinsert {a a'} {b' : β a'} {l : list (sigma β)} : a ∈ (kinsert a' b' l).keys ↔ a = a' ∨ a ∈ l.keys := by by_cases h : a = a'; simp [h] theorem kinsert_nodupkeys (a) (b : β a) {l : list (sigma β)} (nd : l.nodupkeys) : (kinsert a b l).nodupkeys := nodupkeys_cons.mpr ⟨not_mem_keys_kerase a nd, kerase_nodupkeys a nd⟩ theorem perm_kinsert {a} {b : β a} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (nd₁ : l₁.nodupkeys) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : kinsert a b l₁ ~ kinsert a b l₂ := perm.skip ⟨a, b⟩ $ perm_kerase nd₁ p @[simp] theorem lookup_kinsert {a} {b : β a} (l : list (sigma β)) : lookup a (kinsert a b l) = some b := by simp only [kinsert, lookup_cons_eq] @[simp] theorem lookup_kinsert_ne {a a'} {b' : β a'} {l : list (sigma β)} (h : a ≠ a') : lookup a (kinsert a' b' l) = lookup a l := by simp [h, lookup_cons_ne _ ⟨a', b'⟩ h] /- kextract -/ def kextract (a : α) : list (sigma β) → option (β a) × list (sigma β) | [] := (none, []) | (s::l) := if h : s.1 = a then (some (eq.rec_on h s.2), l) else let (b', l') := kextract l in (b', s :: l') @[simp] theorem kextract_eq_lookup_kerase (a : α) : ∀ l : list (sigma β), kextract a l = (lookup a l, kerase a l) | [] := rfl | (⟨a', b⟩::l) := begin simp [kextract], dsimp, split_ifs, { subst a', simp [kerase] }, { simp [kextract, ne.symm h, kextract_eq_lookup_kerase l, kerase] } end /- erase_dupkeys -/ def erase_dupkeys : list (sigma β) → list (sigma β) := list.foldr (λ ⟨x,y⟩, kinsert x y) [] lemma erase_dupkeys_cons {x : α} {y : β x} (l : list (sigma β)) : erase_dupkeys (⟨x,y⟩ :: l) = kinsert x y (erase_dupkeys l) := rfl lemma nodupkeys_erase_dupkeys (l : list (sigma β)) : nodupkeys (erase_dupkeys l) := begin dsimp [erase_dupkeys], generalize hl : nil = l', have : nodupkeys l', { rw ← hl, apply nodup_nil }, clear hl, induction l with x xs, { apply this }, { cases x, simp [erase_dupkeys], split, { simp [keys_kerase], apply mem_erase_of_nodup l_ih }, apply kerase_nodupkeys _ l_ih, } end lemma lookup_erase_dupkeys (a : α) (l : list (sigma β)) : lookup a (erase_dupkeys l) = lookup a l := begin induction l, refl, cases l_hd with a' b, by_cases a = a', { subst a', rw [erase_dupkeys_cons,lookup_kinsert,lookup_cons_eq] }, { rw [erase_dupkeys_cons,lookup_kinsert_ne h,l_ih,lookup_cons_ne], exact h }, end /- kunion -/ /-- `kunion l₁ l₂` is the append to l₁ of l₂ after, for each key in l₁, the first matching pair in l₂ is erased. -/ def kunion : list (sigma β) → list (sigma β) → list (sigma β) | [] l₂ := l₂ | (s :: l₁) l₂ := s :: kunion l₁ (kerase s.1 l₂) @[simp] theorem nil_kunion {l : list (sigma β)} : kunion [] l = l := rfl @[simp] theorem kunion_nil : ∀ {l : list (sigma β)}, kunion l [] = l | [] := rfl | (_ :: l) := by rw [kunion, kerase_nil, kunion_nil] @[simp] theorem kunion_cons {s} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} : kunion (s :: l₁) l₂ = s :: kunion l₁ (kerase s.1 l₂) := rfl @[simp] theorem mem_keys_kunion {a} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} : a ∈ (kunion l₁ l₂).keys ↔ a ∈ l₁.keys ∨ a ∈ l₂.keys := begin induction l₁ generalizing l₂, case list.nil { simp }, case list.cons : s l₁ ih { by_cases h : a = s.1; [simp [h], simp [h, ih]] } end @[simp] theorem kunion_kerase {a} : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)}, kunion (kerase a l₁) (kerase a l₂) = kerase a (kunion l₁ l₂) | [] _ := rfl | (s :: _) l := by by_cases h : a = s.1; simp [h, kerase_comm a s.1 l, kunion_kerase] theorem kunion_nodupkeys {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (nd₁ : l₁.nodupkeys) (nd₂ : l₂.nodupkeys) : (kunion l₁ l₂).nodupkeys := begin induction l₁ generalizing l₂, case list.nil { simp only [nil_kunion, nd₂] }, case list.cons : s l₁ ih { simp at nd₁, simp [not_or_distrib, nd₁.1, nd₂, ih nd₁.2 (kerase_nodupkeys s.1 nd₂)] } end theorem perm_kunion_left {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) (l) : kunion l₁ l ~ kunion l₂ l := begin induction p generalizing l, case list.perm.nil { refl }, case list.perm.skip : hd tl₁ tl₂ p ih { simp [ih (kerase hd.1 l), perm.skip] }, case list.perm.swap : s₁ s₂ l { simp [kerase_comm, perm.swap] }, case list.perm.trans : l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁₂ p₂₃ ih₁₂ ih₂₃ { exact perm.trans (ih₁₂ l) (ih₂₃ l) } end theorem perm_kunion_right : ∀ l {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)}, l₁.nodupkeys → l₁ ~ l₂ → kunion l l₁ ~ kunion l l₂ | [] _ _ _ p := p | (s :: l) l₁ l₂ nd₁ p := by simp [perm.skip s (perm_kunion_right l (kerase_nodupkeys s.1 nd₁) (perm_kerase nd₁ p))] theorem perm_kunion {l₁ l₂ l₃ l₄ : list (sigma β)} (nd₃ : l₃.nodupkeys) (p₁₂ : l₁ ~ l₂) (p₃₄ : l₃ ~ l₄) : kunion l₁ l₃ ~ kunion l₂ l₄ := perm.trans (perm_kunion_left p₁₂ l₃) (perm_kunion_right l₂ nd₃ p₃₄) @[simp] theorem lookup_kunion_left {a} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (h : a ∈ l₁.keys) : lookup a (kunion l₁ l₂) = lookup a l₁ := begin induction l₁ with s _ ih generalizing l₂; simp at h; cases h; cases s with a', { subst h, simp }, { rw kunion_cons, by_cases h' : a = a', { subst h', simp }, { simp [h', ih h] } } end @[simp] theorem lookup_kunion_right {a} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} (h : a ∉ l₁.keys) : lookup a (kunion l₁ l₂) = lookup a l₂ := begin induction l₁ generalizing l₂, case list.nil { simp }, case list.cons : _ _ ih { simp [not_or_distrib] at h, simp [h.1, ih h.2] } end @[simp] theorem mem_lookup_kunion {a} {b : β a} {l₁ l₂ : list (sigma β)} : b ∈ lookup a (kunion l₁ l₂) ↔ b ∈ lookup a l₁ ∨ a ∉ l₁.keys ∧ b ∈ lookup a l₂ := begin induction l₁ generalizing l₂, case list.nil { simp }, case list.cons : s _ ih { cases s with a', by_cases h₁ : a = a', { subst h₁, simp }, { let h₂ := @ih (kerase a' l₂), simp [h₁] at h₂, simp [h₁, h₂] } } end theorem mem_lookup_kunion_middle {a} {b : β a} {l₁ l₂ l₃ : list (sigma β)} (h₁ : b ∈ lookup a (kunion l₁ l₃)) (h₂ : a ∉ keys l₂) : b ∈ lookup a (kunion (kunion l₁ l₂) l₃) := match h₁ with | or.inl h := mem_lookup_kunion.mpr (or.inl (mem_lookup_kunion.mpr (or.inl h))) | or.inr h := mem_lookup_kunion.mpr $ or.inr ⟨mt (not_or_distrib.mpr ⟨h.1, h₂⟩), h.2⟩ end end list