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/- Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Jeremy Avigad Insertion sort and merge sort. -/ import data.list.perm open list.perm namespace list section sorted universe variable uu variables {α : Type uu} {r : α → α → Prop} /-- `sorted r l` is the same as `pairwise r l`, preferred in the case that `r` is a `<` or `≤`-like relation (transitive and antisymmetric or asymmetric) -/ def sorted := @pairwise @[simp] theorem sorted_nil : sorted r [] := pairwise.nil @[simp] theorem sorted_singleton (a : α) : sorted r [a] := pairwise_singleton _ _ theorem sorted_of_sorted_cons {a : α} {l : list α} : sorted r (a :: l) → sorted r l := pairwise_of_pairwise_cons theorem sorted.tail {r : α → α → Prop} : Π {l : list α}, sorted r l → sorted r l.tail | [] h := h | (hd :: tl) h := sorted_of_sorted_cons h theorem rel_of_sorted_cons {a : α} {l : list α} : sorted r (a :: l) → ∀ b ∈ l, r a b := rel_of_pairwise_cons @[simp] theorem sorted_cons {a : α} {l : list α} : sorted r (a :: l) ↔ (∀ b ∈ l, r a b) ∧ sorted r l := pairwise_cons theorem eq_of_sorted_of_perm [is_antisymm α r] {l₁ l₂ : list α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) (s₁ : sorted r l₁) (s₂ : sorted r l₂) : l₁ = l₂ := begin induction s₁ with a l₁ h₁ s₁ IH generalizing l₂, { rw eq_nil_of_perm_nil p }, { have : a ∈ l₂ := perm_subset p (mem_cons_self _ _), rcases mem_split this with ⟨u₂, v₂, rfl⟩, have p' := (perm_cons a).1 (p.trans perm_middle), have := IH p' (pairwise_of_sublist (by simp) s₂), subst l₁, change a::u₂ ++ v₂ = u₂ ++ ([a] ++ v₂), rw ← append_assoc, congr, have : ∀ (x : α) (h : x ∈ u₂), x = a := λ x m, antisymm ((pairwise_append.1 s₂).2.2 _ m a (mem_cons_self _ _)) (h₁ _ (by simp [m])), rw [(@eq_repeat _ a (length u₂ + 1) (a::u₂)).2, (@eq_repeat _ a (length u₂ + 1) (u₂++[a])).2]; split; simp [iff_true_intro this, or_comm] } end end sorted /- sorting procedures -/ section sort universe variable uu parameters {α : Type uu} (r : α → α → Prop) [decidable_rel r] local infix ` ≼ ` : 50 := r /- insertion sort -/ section insertion_sort /-- `ordered_insert a l` inserts `a` into `l` at such that `ordered_insert a l` is sorted if `l` is. -/ @[simp] def ordered_insert (a : α) : list α → list α | [] := [a] | (b :: l) := if a ≼ b then a :: b :: l else b :: ordered_insert l /-- `insertion_sort l` returns `l` sorted using the insertion sort algorithm. -/ @[simp] def insertion_sort : list α → list α | [] := [] | (b :: l) := ordered_insert b (insertion_sort l) @[simp] lemma ordered_insert_nil (a : α) : [].ordered_insert r a = [a] := rfl theorem ordered_insert_length : Π (L : list α) (a : α), (L.ordered_insert r a).length = L.length + 1 | [] a := rfl | (hd :: tl) a := by { dsimp [ordered_insert], split_ifs; simp [ordered_insert_length], } section correctness open perm theorem perm_ordered_insert (a) : ∀ l : list α, ordered_insert a l ~ a :: l | [] := perm.refl _ | (b :: l) := by by_cases a ≼ b; [simp [ordered_insert, h], simpa [ordered_insert, h] using (perm.skip _ (perm_ordered_insert l)).trans (perm.swap _ _ _)] theorem ordered_insert_count [decidable_eq α] (L : list α) (a b : α) : count a (L.ordered_insert r b) = count a L + if (a = b) then 1 else 0 := begin rw [perm_count (L.perm_ordered_insert r b), count_cons], split_ifs; simp only [nat.succ_eq_add_one, add_zero], end theorem perm_insertion_sort : ∀ l : list α, insertion_sort l ~ l | [] := perm.nil | (b :: l) := by simpa [insertion_sort] using (perm_ordered_insert _ _ _).trans (perm.skip b (perm_insertion_sort l)) section total_and_transitive variables [is_total α r] [is_trans α r] theorem sorted_ordered_insert (a : α) : ∀ l, sorted r l → sorted r (ordered_insert a l) | [] h := sorted_singleton a | (b :: l) h := begin by_cases h' : a ≼ b, { simpa [ordered_insert, h', h] using λ b' bm, trans h' (rel_of_sorted_cons h _ bm) }, { suffices : ∀ (b' : α), b' ∈ ordered_insert r a l → r b b', { simpa [ordered_insert, h', sorted_ordered_insert l (sorted_of_sorted_cons h)] }, intros b' bm, cases (show b' = a ∨ b' ∈ l, by simpa using perm_subset (perm_ordered_insert _ _ _) bm) with be bm, { subst b', exact (total_of r _ _).resolve_left h' }, { exact rel_of_sorted_cons h _ bm } } end theorem sorted_insertion_sort : ∀ l, sorted r (insertion_sort l) | [] := sorted_nil | (a :: l) := sorted_ordered_insert a _ (sorted_insertion_sort l) end total_and_transitive end correctness end insertion_sort /- merge sort -/ section merge_sort -- TODO(Jeremy): observation: if instead we write (a :: (split l).1, b :: (split l).2), the -- equation compiler can't prove the third equation /-- Split `l` into two lists of approximately equal length. split [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] = ([1, 3, 5], [2, 4]) -/ @[simp] def split : list α → list α × list α | [] := ([], []) | (a :: l) := let (l₁, l₂) := split l in (a :: l₂, l₁) theorem split_cons_of_eq (a : α) {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : split l = (l₁, l₂)) : split (a :: l) = (a :: l₂, l₁) := by rw [split, h]; refl theorem length_split_le : ∀ {l l₁ l₂ : list α}, split l = (l₁, l₂) → length l₁ ≤ length l ∧ length l₂ ≤ length l | [] ._ ._ rfl := ⟨nat.le_refl 0, nat.le_refl 0⟩ | (a::l) l₁' l₂' h := begin cases e : split l with l₁ l₂, injection (split_cons_of_eq _ e).symm.trans h, substs l₁' l₂', cases length_split_le e with h₁ h₂, exact ⟨nat.succ_le_succ h₂, nat.le_succ_of_le h₁⟩ end theorem length_split_lt {a b} {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : split (a::b::l) = (l₁, l₂)) : length l₁ < length (a::b::l) ∧ length l₂ < length (a::b::l) := begin cases e : split l with l₁' l₂', injection (split_cons_of_eq _ (split_cons_of_eq _ e)).symm.trans h, substs l₁ l₂, cases length_split_le e with h₁ h₂, exact ⟨nat.succ_le_succ (nat.succ_le_succ h₁), nat.succ_le_succ (nat.succ_le_succ h₂)⟩ end theorem perm_split : ∀ {l l₁ l₂ : list α}, split l = (l₁, l₂) → l ~ l₁ ++ l₂ | [] ._ ._ rfl := perm.refl _ | (a::l) l₁' l₂' h := begin cases e : split l with l₁ l₂, injection (split_cons_of_eq _ e).symm.trans h, substs l₁' l₂', exact perm.skip a ((perm_split e).trans perm_app_comm), end /-- Merge two sorted lists into one in linear time. merge [1, 2, 4, 5] [0, 1, 3, 4] = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5] -/ def merge : list α → list α → list α | [] l' := l' | l [] := l | (a :: l) (b :: l') := if a ≼ b then a :: merge l (b :: l') else b :: merge (a :: l) l' using_well_founded wf_tacs include r /-- Implementation of a merge sort algorithm to sort a list. -/ def merge_sort : list α → list α | [] := [] | [a] := [a] | (a::b::l) := begin cases e : split (a::b::l) with l₁ l₂, cases length_split_lt e with h₁ h₂, exact merge r (merge_sort l₁) (merge_sort l₂) end using_well_founded { rel_tac := λ_ _, `[exact ⟨_, length nat.lt_wf⟩], dec_tac := tactic.assumption } theorem merge_sort_cons_cons {a b} {l l₁ l₂ : list α} (h : split (a::b::l) = (l₁, l₂)) : merge_sort (a::b::l) = merge (merge_sort l₁) (merge_sort l₂) := begin suffices : ∀ (L : list α) h1, @@and.rec (λ a a (_ : length l₁ < length l + 1 + 1 ∧ length l₂ < length l + 1 + 1), L) h1 h1 = L, { simp [merge_sort, h], apply this }, intros, cases h1, refl end section correctness theorem perm_merge : ∀ (l l' : list α), merge l l' ~ l ++ l' | [] [] := perm.nil | [] (b :: l') := by simp [merge] | (a :: l) [] := by simp [merge] | (a :: l) (b :: l') := begin by_cases a ≼ b, { simpa [merge, h] using skip _ (perm_merge _ _) }, { suffices : b :: merge r (a :: l) l' ~ a :: (l ++ b :: l'), {simpa [merge, h]}, exact (skip _ (perm_merge _ _)).trans ((swap _ _ _).trans (skip _ perm_middle.symm)) } end using_well_founded wf_tacs theorem perm_merge_sort : ∀ l : list α, merge_sort l ~ l | [] := perm.refl _ | [a] := perm.refl _ | (a::b::l) := begin cases e : split (a::b::l) with l₁ l₂, cases length_split_lt e with h₁ h₂, rw [merge_sort_cons_cons r e], apply (perm_merge r _ _).trans, exact (perm_app (perm_merge_sort l₁) (perm_merge_sort l₂)).trans (perm_split e).symm end using_well_founded { rel_tac := λ_ _, `[exact ⟨_, length nat.lt_wf⟩], dec_tac := tactic.assumption } @[simp] lemma length_merge_sort (l : list α) : (merge_sort l).length = l.length := perm_length (perm_merge_sort _) section total_and_transitive variables [is_total α r] [is_trans α r] theorem sorted_merge : ∀ {l l' : list α}, sorted r l → sorted r l' → sorted r (merge l l') | [] [] h₁ h₂ := sorted_nil | [] (b :: l') h₁ h₂ := by simpa [merge] using h₂ | (a :: l) [] h₁ h₂ := by simpa [merge] using h₁ | (a :: l) (b :: l') h₁ h₂ := begin by_cases a ≼ b, { suffices : ∀ (b' : α) (_ : b' ∈ merge r l (b :: l')), r a b', { simpa [merge, h, sorted_merge (sorted_of_sorted_cons h₁) h₂] }, intros b' bm, rcases (show b' = b ∨ b' ∈ l ∨ b' ∈ l', by simpa [or.left_comm] using perm_subset (perm_merge _ _ _) bm) with be | bl | bl', { subst b', assumption }, { exact rel_of_sorted_cons h₁ _ bl }, { exact trans h (rel_of_sorted_cons h₂ _ bl') } }, { suffices : ∀ (b' : α) (_ : b' ∈ merge r (a :: l) l'), r b b', { simpa [merge, h, sorted_merge h₁ (sorted_of_sorted_cons h₂)] }, intros b' bm, have ba : b ≼ a := (total_of r _ _).resolve_left h, rcases (show b' = a ∨ b' ∈ l ∨ b' ∈ l', by simpa using perm_subset (perm_merge _ _ _) bm) with be | bl | bl', { subst b', assumption }, { exact trans ba (rel_of_sorted_cons h₁ _ bl) }, { exact rel_of_sorted_cons h₂ _ bl' } } end using_well_founded wf_tacs theorem sorted_merge_sort : ∀ l : list α, sorted r (merge_sort l) | [] := sorted_nil | [a] := sorted_singleton _ | (a::b::l) := begin cases e : split (a::b::l) with l₁ l₂, cases length_split_lt e with h₁ h₂, rw [merge_sort_cons_cons r e], exact sorted_merge r (sorted_merge_sort l₁) (sorted_merge_sort l₂) end using_well_founded { rel_tac := λ_ _, `[exact ⟨_, length nat.lt_wf⟩], dec_tac := tactic.assumption } theorem merge_sort_eq_self [is_antisymm α r] {l : list α} : sorted r l → merge_sort l = l := eq_of_sorted_of_perm (perm_merge_sort _) (sorted_merge_sort _) end total_and_transitive end correctness end merge_sort end sort /- try them out! -/ --#eval insertion_sort (λ m n : ℕ, m ≤ n) [5, 27, 221, 95, 17, 43, 7, 2, 98, 567, 23, 12] --#eval merge_sort (λ m n : ℕ, m ≤ n) [5, 27, 221, 95, 17, 43, 7, 2, 98, 567, 23, 12] end list