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/- Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Floris van Doorn, Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Mario Carneiro -/ import logic.basic algebra.ordered_ring data.option.basic algebra.order_functions /-! # Basic operations on the natural numbers This files has some basic lemmas about natural numbers, definition of the `choice` function, and extra recursors: * `le_rec_on`, `le_induction`: recursion and induction principles starting at non-zero numbers. * `decreasing_induction` : recursion gowing downwards. * `strong_rec'` : recursion based on strong inequalities. -/ universes u v namespace nat variables {m n k : ℕ} -- Sometimes a bare `nat.add` or similar appears as a consequence of unfolding -- during pattern matching. These lemmas package them back up as typeclass -- mediated operations. @[simp] theorem add_def {a b : ℕ} : nat.add a b = a + b := rfl @[simp] theorem mul_def {a b : ℕ} : nat.mul a b = a * b := rfl attribute [simp] nat.add_sub_cancel nat.add_sub_cancel_left attribute [simp] nat.sub_self @[simp] lemma succ_pos' {n : ℕ} : 0 < succ n := succ_pos n theorem succ_inj' {n m : ℕ} : succ n = succ m ↔ n = m := ⟨succ_inj, congr_arg _⟩ theorem succ_le_succ_iff {m n : ℕ} : succ m ≤ succ n ↔ m ≤ n := ⟨le_of_succ_le_succ, succ_le_succ⟩ lemma zero_max {m : nat} : max 0 m = m := max_eq_right (zero_le _) theorem max_succ_succ {m n : ℕ} : max (succ m) (succ n) = succ (max m n) := begin by_cases h1 : m ≤ n, rw [max_eq_right h1, max_eq_right (succ_le_succ h1)], { rw not_le at h1, have h2 := le_of_lt h1, rw [max_eq_left h2, max_eq_left (succ_le_succ h2)] } end lemma not_succ_lt_self {n : ℕ} : ¬succ n < n := not_lt_of_ge (nat.le_succ _) theorem lt_succ_iff {m n : ℕ} : m < succ n ↔ m ≤ n := succ_le_succ_iff lemma succ_le_iff {m n : ℕ} : succ m ≤ n ↔ m < n := ⟨lt_of_succ_le, succ_le_of_lt⟩ lemma lt_iff_add_one_le {m n : ℕ} : m < n ↔ m + 1 ≤ n := by rw succ_le_iff -- Just a restatement of `nat.lt_succ_iff` using `+1`. lemma lt_add_one_iff {a b : ℕ} : a < b + 1 ↔ a ≤ b := nat.lt_succ_iff -- A flipped version of `lt_add_one_iff`. lemma lt_one_add_iff {a b : ℕ} : a < 1 + b ↔ a ≤ b := by simp only [add_comm, nat.lt_succ_iff] theorem of_le_succ {n m : ℕ} (H : n ≤ m.succ) : n ≤ m ∨ n = m.succ := (lt_or_eq_of_le H).imp le_of_lt_succ id /-- Recursion starting at a non-zero number: given a map `C k → C (k+1)` for each `k`, there is a map from `C n` to each `C m`, `n ≤ m`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator] def le_rec_on {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n : ℕ} : Π {m : ℕ}, n ≤ m → (Π {k}, C k → C (k+1)) → C n → C m | 0 H next x := eq.rec_on (eq_zero_of_le_zero H) x | (m+1) H next x := or.by_cases (of_le_succ H) (λ h : n ≤ m, next $ le_rec_on h @next x) (λ h : n = m + 1, eq.rec_on h x) theorem le_rec_on_self {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n} {h : n ≤ n} {next} (x : C n) : (le_rec_on h next x : C n) = x := by cases n; unfold le_rec_on or.by_cases; rw [dif_neg n.not_succ_le_self, dif_pos rfl] theorem le_rec_on_succ {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n m} (h1 : n ≤ m) {h2 : n ≤ m+1} {next} (x : C n) : (le_rec_on h2 @next x : C (m+1)) = next (le_rec_on h1 @next x : C m) := by conv { to_lhs, rw [le_rec_on, or.by_cases, dif_pos h1] } theorem le_rec_on_succ' {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n} {h : n ≤ n+1} {next} (x : C n) : (le_rec_on h next x : C (n+1)) = next x := by rw [le_rec_on_succ (le_refl n), le_rec_on_self] theorem le_rec_on_trans {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n m k} (hnm : n ≤ m) (hmk : m ≤ k) {next} (x : C n) : (le_rec_on (le_trans hnm hmk) @next x : C k) = le_rec_on hmk @next (le_rec_on hnm @next x) := begin induction hmk with k hmk ih, { rw le_rec_on_self }, rw [le_rec_on_succ (le_trans hnm hmk), ih, le_rec_on_succ] end theorem le_rec_on_succ_left {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n m} (h1 : n ≤ m) (h2 : n+1 ≤ m) {next : Π{{k}}, C k → C (k+1)} (x : C n) : (le_rec_on h2 next (next x) : C m) = (le_rec_on h1 next x : C m) := begin rw [subsingleton.elim h1 (le_trans (le_succ n) h2), le_rec_on_trans (le_succ n) h2, le_rec_on_succ'] end theorem le_rec_on_injective {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n m} (hnm : n ≤ m) (next : Π n, C n → C (n+1)) (Hnext : ∀ n, function.injective (next n)) : function.injective (le_rec_on hnm next) := begin induction hnm with m hnm ih, { intros x y H, rwa [le_rec_on_self, le_rec_on_self] at H }, intros x y H, rw [le_rec_on_succ hnm, le_rec_on_succ hnm] at H, exact ih (Hnext _ H) end theorem le_rec_on_surjective {C : ℕ → Sort u} {n m} (hnm : n ≤ m) (next : Π n, C n → C (n+1)) (Hnext : ∀ n, function.surjective (next n)) : function.surjective (le_rec_on hnm next) := begin induction hnm with m hnm ih, { intros x, use x, rw le_rec_on_self }, intros x, rcases Hnext _ x with ⟨w, rfl⟩, rcases ih w with ⟨x, rfl⟩, use x, rw le_rec_on_succ end theorem pred_eq_of_eq_succ {m n : ℕ} (H : m = n.succ) : m.pred = n := by simp [H] @[simp] lemma pred_eq_succ_iff {n m : ℕ} : pred n = succ m ↔ n = m + 2 := by cases n; split; rintro ⟨⟩; refl theorem pred_sub (n m : ℕ) : pred n - m = pred (n - m) := by rw [← sub_one, nat.sub_sub, one_add]; refl lemma pred_eq_sub_one (n : ℕ) : pred n = n - 1 := rfl lemma one_le_of_lt {n m : ℕ} (h : n < m) : 1 ≤ m := lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.zero_le _) h lemma le_pred_of_lt {n m : ℕ} (h : m < n) : m ≤ n - 1 := nat.sub_le_sub_right h 1 lemma le_of_pred_lt {m n : ℕ} : pred m < n → m ≤ n := match m with | 0 := le_of_lt | m+1 := id end /-- This ensures that `simp` succeeds on `pred (n + 1) = n`. -/ @[simp] lemma pred_one_add (n : ℕ) : pred (1 + n) = n := by rw [add_comm, add_one, pred_succ] theorem pos_iff_ne_zero : 0 < n ↔ n ≠ 0 := ⟨ne_of_gt, nat.pos_of_ne_zero⟩ lemma one_lt_iff_ne_zero_and_ne_one : ∀ {n : ℕ}, 1 < n ↔ n ≠ 0 ∧ n ≠ 1 | 0 := dec_trivial | 1 := dec_trivial | (n+2) := dec_trivial theorem eq_of_lt_succ_of_not_lt {a b : ℕ} (h1 : a < b + 1) (h2 : ¬ a < b) : a = b := have h3 : a ≤ b, from le_of_lt_succ h1, or.elim (eq_or_lt_of_not_lt h2) (λ h, h) (λ h, absurd h (not_lt_of_ge h3)) protected theorem le_sub_add (n m : ℕ) : n ≤ n - m + m := or.elim (le_total n m) (assume : n ≤ m, begin rw [sub_eq_zero_of_le this, zero_add], exact this end) (assume : m ≤ n, begin rw (nat.sub_add_cancel this) end) theorem sub_add_eq_max (n m : ℕ) : n - m + m = max n m := eq_max (nat.le_sub_add _ _) (le_add_left _ _) $ λ k h₁ h₂, by rw ← nat.sub_add_cancel h₂; exact add_le_add_right (nat.sub_le_sub_right h₁ _) _ theorem sub_add_min (n m : ℕ) : n - m + min n m = n := (le_total n m).elim (λ h, by rw [min_eq_left h, sub_eq_zero_of_le h, zero_add]) (λ h, by rw [min_eq_right h, nat.sub_add_cancel h]) protected theorem add_sub_cancel' {n m : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) : m + (n - m) = n := by rw [add_comm, nat.sub_add_cancel h] protected theorem sub_eq_of_eq_add (h : k = m + n) : k - m = n := begin rw [h, nat.add_sub_cancel_left] end theorem sub_cancel {a b c : ℕ} (h₁ : a ≤ b) (h₂ : a ≤ c) (w : b - a = c - a) : b = c := by rw [←nat.sub_add_cancel h₁, ←nat.sub_add_cancel h₂, w] lemma sub_sub_sub_cancel_right {a b c : ℕ} (h₂ : c ≤ b) : (a - c) - (b - c) = a - b := by rw [nat.sub_sub, ←nat.add_sub_assoc h₂, nat.add_sub_cancel_left] lemma add_sub_cancel_right (n m k : ℕ) : n + (m + k) - k = n + m := by { rw [nat.add_sub_assoc, nat.add_sub_cancel], apply k.le_add_left } protected lemma sub_add_eq_add_sub {a b c : ℕ} (h : b ≤ a) : (a - b) + c = (a + c) - b := by rw [add_comm a, nat.add_sub_assoc h, add_comm] theorem sub_min (n m : ℕ) : n - min n m = n - m := nat.sub_eq_of_eq_add $ by rw [add_comm, sub_add_min] theorem sub_sub_assoc {a b c : ℕ} (h₁ : b ≤ a) (h₂ : c ≤ b) : a - (b - c) = a - b + c := (nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add (le_trans (nat.sub_le _ _) h₁)).2 $ by rw [add_right_comm, add_assoc, nat.sub_add_cancel h₂, nat.sub_add_cancel h₁] protected theorem lt_of_sub_pos (h : 0 < n - m) : m < n := lt_of_not_ge (assume : n ≤ m, have n - m = 0, from sub_eq_zero_of_le this, begin rw this at h, exact lt_irrefl _ h end) protected theorem lt_of_sub_lt_sub_right : m - k < n - k → m < n := lt_imp_lt_of_le_imp_le (λ h, nat.sub_le_sub_right h _) protected theorem lt_of_sub_lt_sub_left : m - n < m - k → k < n := lt_imp_lt_of_le_imp_le (nat.sub_le_sub_left _) protected theorem sub_lt_self (h₁ : 0 < m) (h₂ : 0 < n) : m - n < m := calc m - n = succ (pred m) - succ (pred n) : by rw [succ_pred_eq_of_pos h₁, succ_pred_eq_of_pos h₂] ... = pred m - pred n : by rw succ_sub_succ ... ≤ pred m : sub_le _ _ ... < succ (pred m) : lt_succ_self _ ... = m : succ_pred_eq_of_pos h₁ protected theorem le_sub_right_of_add_le (h : m + k ≤ n) : m ≤ n - k := by rw ← nat.add_sub_cancel m k; exact nat.sub_le_sub_right h k protected theorem le_sub_left_of_add_le (h : k + m ≤ n) : m ≤ n - k := nat.le_sub_right_of_add_le (by rwa add_comm at h) protected theorem lt_sub_right_of_add_lt (h : m + k < n) : m < n - k := lt_of_succ_le $ nat.le_sub_right_of_add_le $ by rw succ_add; exact succ_le_of_lt h protected theorem lt_sub_left_of_add_lt (h : k + m < n) : m < n - k := nat.lt_sub_right_of_add_lt (by rwa add_comm at h) protected theorem add_lt_of_lt_sub_right (h : m < n - k) : m + k < n := @nat.lt_of_sub_lt_sub_right _ _ k (by rwa nat.add_sub_cancel) protected theorem add_lt_of_lt_sub_left (h : m < n - k) : k + m < n := by rw add_comm; exact nat.add_lt_of_lt_sub_right h protected theorem le_add_of_sub_le_right : n - k ≤ m → n ≤ m + k := le_imp_le_of_lt_imp_lt nat.lt_sub_right_of_add_lt protected theorem le_add_of_sub_le_left : n - k ≤ m → n ≤ k + m := le_imp_le_of_lt_imp_lt nat.lt_sub_left_of_add_lt protected theorem lt_add_of_sub_lt_right : n - k < m → n < m + k := lt_imp_lt_of_le_imp_le nat.le_sub_right_of_add_le protected theorem lt_add_of_sub_lt_left : n - k < m → n < k + m := lt_imp_lt_of_le_imp_le nat.le_sub_left_of_add_le protected theorem sub_le_left_of_le_add : n ≤ k + m → n - k ≤ m := le_imp_le_of_lt_imp_lt nat.add_lt_of_lt_sub_left protected theorem sub_le_right_of_le_add : n ≤ m + k → n - k ≤ m := le_imp_le_of_lt_imp_lt nat.add_lt_of_lt_sub_right protected theorem sub_lt_left_iff_lt_add (H : n ≤ k) : k - n < m ↔ k < n + m := ⟨nat.lt_add_of_sub_lt_left, λ h₁, have succ k ≤ n + m, from succ_le_of_lt h₁, have succ (k - n) ≤ m, from calc succ (k - n) = succ k - n : by rw (succ_sub H) ... ≤ n + m - n : nat.sub_le_sub_right this n ... = m : by rw nat.add_sub_cancel_left, lt_of_succ_le this⟩ protected theorem le_sub_left_iff_add_le (H : m ≤ k) : n ≤ k - m ↔ m + n ≤ k := le_iff_le_iff_lt_iff_lt.2 (nat.sub_lt_left_iff_lt_add H) protected theorem le_sub_right_iff_add_le (H : n ≤ k) : m ≤ k - n ↔ m + n ≤ k := by rw [nat.le_sub_left_iff_add_le H, add_comm] protected theorem lt_sub_left_iff_add_lt : n < k - m ↔ m + n < k := ⟨nat.add_lt_of_lt_sub_left, nat.lt_sub_left_of_add_lt⟩ protected theorem lt_sub_right_iff_add_lt : m < k - n ↔ m + n < k := by rw [nat.lt_sub_left_iff_add_lt, add_comm] theorem sub_le_left_iff_le_add : m - n ≤ k ↔ m ≤ n + k := le_iff_le_iff_lt_iff_lt.2 nat.lt_sub_left_iff_add_lt theorem sub_le_right_iff_le_add : m - k ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n + k := by rw [nat.sub_le_left_iff_le_add, add_comm] protected theorem sub_lt_right_iff_lt_add (H : k ≤ m) : m - k < n ↔ m < n + k := by rw [nat.sub_lt_left_iff_lt_add H, add_comm] protected theorem sub_le_sub_left_iff (H : k ≤ m) : m - n ≤ m - k ↔ k ≤ n := ⟨λ h, have k + (m - k) - n ≤ m - k, by rwa nat.add_sub_cancel' H, nat.le_of_add_le_add_right (nat.le_add_of_sub_le_left this), nat.sub_le_sub_left _⟩ protected theorem sub_lt_sub_right_iff (H : k ≤ m) : m - k < n - k ↔ m < n := lt_iff_lt_of_le_iff_le (nat.sub_le_sub_right_iff _ _ _ H) protected theorem sub_lt_sub_left_iff (H : n ≤ m) : m - n < m - k ↔ k < n := lt_iff_lt_of_le_iff_le (nat.sub_le_sub_left_iff H) protected theorem sub_le_iff : m - n ≤ k ↔ m - k ≤ n := nat.sub_le_left_iff_le_add.trans nat.sub_le_right_iff_le_add.symm protected lemma sub_le_self (n m : ℕ) : n - m ≤ n := nat.sub_le_left_of_le_add (nat.le_add_left _ _) protected theorem sub_lt_iff (h₁ : n ≤ m) (h₂ : k ≤ m) : m - n < k ↔ m - k < n := (nat.sub_lt_left_iff_lt_add h₁).trans (nat.sub_lt_right_iff_lt_add h₂).symm lemma pred_le_iff {n m : ℕ} : pred n ≤ m ↔ n ≤ succ m := @nat.sub_le_right_iff_le_add n m 1 lemma lt_pred_iff {n m : ℕ} : n < pred m ↔ succ n < m := @nat.lt_sub_right_iff_add_lt n 1 m protected theorem mul_ne_zero {n m : ℕ} (n0 : n ≠ 0) (m0 : m ≠ 0) : n * m ≠ 0 | nm := (eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero nm).elim n0 m0 @[simp] protected theorem mul_eq_zero {a b : ℕ} : a * b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∨ b = 0 := iff.intro eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero (by simp [or_imp_distrib] {contextual := tt}) @[simp] protected theorem zero_eq_mul {a b : ℕ} : 0 = a * b ↔ a = 0 ∨ b = 0 := by rw [eq_comm, nat.mul_eq_zero] lemma eq_zero_of_double_le {a : ℕ} (h : 2 * a ≤ a) : a = 0 := nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero $ by rwa [two_mul, nat.add_le_to_le_sub, nat.sub_self] at h; refl lemma eq_zero_of_mul_le {a b : ℕ} (hb : 2 ≤ b) (h : b * a ≤ a) : a = 0 := eq_zero_of_double_le $ le_trans (nat.mul_le_mul_right _ hb) h lemma le_mul_of_pos_left {m n : ℕ} (h : 0 < n) : m ≤ n * m := begin conv {to_lhs, rw [← one_mul(m)]}, exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (nat.succ_le_of_lt h) dec_trivial, end lemma le_mul_of_pos_right {m n : ℕ} (h : 0 < n) : m ≤ m * n := begin conv {to_lhs, rw [← mul_one(m)]}, exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (nat.succ_le_of_lt h) dec_trivial, end theorem two_mul_ne_two_mul_add_one {n m} : 2 * n ≠ 2 * m + 1 := mt (congr_arg (%2)) (by rw [add_comm, add_mul_mod_self_left, mul_mod_right]; exact dec_trivial) /-- Recursion principle based on `<`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator] protected def strong_rec' {p : ℕ → Sort u} (H : ∀ n, (∀ m, m < n → p m) → p n) : ∀ (n : ℕ), p n | n := H n (λ m hm, strong_rec' m) attribute [simp] nat.div_self protected lemma div_le_of_le_mul' {m n : ℕ} {k} (h : m ≤ k * n) : m / k ≤ n := (eq_zero_or_pos k).elim (λ k0, by rw [k0, nat.div_zero]; apply zero_le) (λ k0, (decidable.mul_le_mul_left k0).1 $ calc k * (m / k) ≤ m % k + k * (m / k) : le_add_left _ _ ... = m : mod_add_div _ _ ... ≤ k * n : h) protected lemma div_le_self' (m n : ℕ) : m / n ≤ m := (eq_zero_or_pos n).elim (λ n0, by rw [n0, nat.div_zero]; apply zero_le) (λ n0, nat.div_le_of_le_mul' $ calc m = 1 * m : (one_mul _).symm ... ≤ n * m : mul_le_mul_right _ n0) theorem le_div_iff_mul_le' {x y : ℕ} {k : ℕ} (k0 : 0 < k) : x ≤ y / k ↔ x * k ≤ y := begin revert x, refine nat.strong_rec' _ y, clear y, intros y IH x, cases decidable.lt_or_le y k with h h, { rw [div_eq_of_lt h], cases x with x, { simp [zero_mul, zero_le] }, { rw succ_mul, exact iff_of_false (not_succ_le_zero _) (not_le_of_lt $ lt_of_lt_of_le h (le_add_left _ _)) } }, { rw [div_eq_sub_div k0 h], cases x with x, { simp [zero_mul, zero_le] }, { rw [← add_one, nat.add_le_add_iff_le_right, succ_mul, IH _ (sub_lt_of_pos_le _ _ k0 h), add_le_to_le_sub _ h] } } end theorem div_mul_le_self' (m n : ℕ) : m / n * n ≤ m := (nat.eq_zero_or_pos n).elim (λ n0, by simp [n0, zero_le]) $ λ n0, (le_div_iff_mul_le' n0).1 (le_refl _) theorem div_lt_iff_lt_mul' {x y : ℕ} {k : ℕ} (k0 : 0 < k) : x / k < y ↔ x < y * k := lt_iff_lt_of_le_iff_le $ le_div_iff_mul_le' k0 protected theorem div_le_div_right {n m : ℕ} (h : n ≤ m) {k : ℕ} : n / k ≤ m / k := (nat.eq_zero_or_pos k).elim (λ k0, by simp [k0]) $ λ hk, (le_div_iff_mul_le' hk).2 $ le_trans (nat.div_mul_le_self' _ _) h lemma lt_of_div_lt_div {m n k : ℕ} (h : m / k < n / k) : m < n := by_contradiction $ λ h₁, absurd h (not_lt_of_ge (nat.div_le_div_right (not_lt.1 h₁))) protected theorem eq_mul_of_div_eq_right {a b c : ℕ} (H1 : b ∣ a) (H2 : a / b = c) : a = b * c := by rw [← H2, nat.mul_div_cancel' H1] protected theorem div_eq_iff_eq_mul_right {a b c : ℕ} (H : 0 < b) (H' : b ∣ a) : a / b = c ↔ a = b * c := ⟨nat.eq_mul_of_div_eq_right H', nat.div_eq_of_eq_mul_right H⟩ protected theorem div_eq_iff_eq_mul_left {a b c : ℕ} (H : 0 < b) (H' : b ∣ a) : a / b = c ↔ a = c * b := by rw mul_comm; exact nat.div_eq_iff_eq_mul_right H H' protected theorem eq_mul_of_div_eq_left {a b c : ℕ} (H1 : b ∣ a) (H2 : a / b = c) : a = c * b := by rw [mul_comm, nat.eq_mul_of_div_eq_right H1 H2] protected theorem mul_div_cancel_left' {a b : ℕ} (Hd : a ∣ b) : a * (b / a) = b := by rw [mul_comm,nat.div_mul_cancel Hd] protected theorem div_mod_unique {n k m d : ℕ} (h : 0 < k) : n / k = d ∧ n % k = m ↔ m + k * d = n ∧ m < k := ⟨λ ⟨e₁, e₂⟩, e₁ ▸ e₂ ▸ ⟨mod_add_div _ _, mod_lt _ h⟩, λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, h₁ ▸ by rw [add_mul_div_left _ _ h, add_mul_mod_self_left]; simp [div_eq_of_lt, mod_eq_of_lt, h₂]⟩ lemma two_mul_odd_div_two {n : ℕ} (hn : n % 2 = 1) : 2 * (n / 2) = n - 1 := by conv {to_rhs, rw [← nat.mod_add_div n 2, hn, nat.add_sub_cancel_left]} lemma div_dvd_of_dvd {a b : ℕ} (h : b ∣ a) : (a / b) ∣ a := ⟨b, (nat.div_mul_cancel h).symm⟩ protected lemma div_pos {a b : ℕ} (hba : b ≤ a) (hb : 0 < b) : 0 < a / b := nat.pos_of_ne_zero (λ h, lt_irrefl a (calc a = a % b : by simpa [h] using (mod_add_div a b).symm ... < b : nat.mod_lt a hb ... ≤ a : hba)) protected theorem mul_right_inj {a b c : ℕ} (ha : 0 < a) : b * a = c * a ↔ b = c := ⟨nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_right ha, λ e, e ▸ rfl⟩ protected theorem mul_left_inj {a b c : ℕ} (ha : 0 < a) : a * b = a * c ↔ b = c := ⟨nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left ha, λ e, e ▸ rfl⟩ protected lemma div_div_self : ∀ {a b : ℕ}, b ∣ a → 0 < a → a / (a / b) = b | a 0 h₁ h₂ := by rw eq_zero_of_zero_dvd h₁; refl | 0 b h₁ h₂ := absurd h₂ dec_trivial | (a+1) (b+1) h₁ h₂ := (nat.mul_right_inj (nat.div_pos (le_of_dvd (succ_pos a) h₁) (succ_pos b))).1 $ by rw [nat.div_mul_cancel (div_dvd_of_dvd h₁), nat.mul_div_cancel' h₁] protected lemma div_lt_of_lt_mul {m n k : ℕ} (h : m < n * k) : m / n < k := lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left (calc n * (m / n) ≤ m % n + n * (m / n) : nat.le_add_left _ _ ... = m : mod_add_div _ _ ... < n * k : h) (nat.zero_le n) lemma lt_mul_of_div_lt {a b c : ℕ} (h : a / c < b) (w : 0 < c) : a < b * c := lt_of_not_ge $ not_le_of_gt h ∘ (nat.le_div_iff_mul_le _ _ w).2 protected lemma div_eq_zero_iff {a b : ℕ} (hb : 0 < b) : a / b = 0 ↔ a < b := ⟨λ h, by rw [← mod_add_div a b, h, mul_zero, add_zero]; exact mod_lt _ hb, λ h, by rw [← nat.mul_left_inj hb, ← @add_left_cancel_iff _ _ (a % b), mod_add_div, mod_eq_of_lt h, mul_zero, add_zero]⟩ lemma eq_zero_of_le_div {a b : ℕ} (hb : 2 ≤ b) (h : a ≤ a / b) : a = 0 := eq_zero_of_mul_le hb $ by rw mul_comm; exact (nat.le_div_iff_mul_le' (lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial hb)).1 h lemma mul_div_le_mul_div_assoc (a b c : ℕ) : a * (b / c) ≤ (a * b) / c := if hc0 : c = 0 then by simp [hc0] else (nat.le_div_iff_mul_le _ _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hc0)).2 (by rw [mul_assoc]; exact mul_le_mul_left _ (nat.div_mul_le_self _ _)) lemma div_mul_div_le_div (a b c : ℕ) : ((a / c) * b) / a ≤ b / c := if ha0 : a = 0 then by simp [ha0] else calc a / c * b / a ≤ b * a / c / a : nat.div_le_div_right (by rw [mul_comm]; exact mul_div_le_mul_div_assoc _ _ _) ... = b / c : by rw [nat.div_div_eq_div_mul, mul_comm b, mul_comm c, nat.mul_div_mul _ _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero ha0)] lemma eq_zero_of_le_half {a : ℕ} (h : a ≤ a / 2) : a = 0 := eq_zero_of_le_div (le_refl _) h lemma mod_mul_right_div_self (a b c : ℕ) : a % (b * c) / b = (a / b) % c := if hb : b = 0 then by simp [hb] else if hc : c = 0 then by simp [hc] else by conv {to_rhs, rw ← mod_add_div a (b * c)}; rw [mul_assoc, nat.add_mul_div_left _ _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hb), add_mul_mod_self_left, mod_eq_of_lt (nat.div_lt_of_lt_mul (mod_lt _ (mul_pos (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hb) (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hc))))] lemma mod_mul_left_div_self (a b c : ℕ) : a % (c * b) / b = (a / b) % c := by rw [mul_comm c, mod_mul_right_div_self] /- The `n+1`-st triangle number is `n` more than the `n`-th triangle number -/ lemma triangle_succ (n : ℕ) : (n + 1) * ((n + 1) - 1) / 2 = n * (n - 1) / 2 + n := begin rw [← add_mul_div_left, mul_comm 2 n, ← mul_add, nat.add_sub_cancel, mul_comm], cases n; refl, apply zero_lt_succ end @[simp] protected theorem dvd_one {n : ℕ} : n ∣ 1 ↔ n = 1 := ⟨eq_one_of_dvd_one, λ e, e.symm ▸ dvd_refl _⟩ protected theorem dvd_add_left {k m n : ℕ} (h : k ∣ n) : k ∣ m + n ↔ k ∣ m := (nat.dvd_add_iff_left h).symm protected theorem dvd_add_right {k m n : ℕ} (h : k ∣ m) : k ∣ m + n ↔ k ∣ n := (nat.dvd_add_iff_right h).symm /-- A natural number m divides the sum m + n if and only if m divides b.-/ @[simp] protected lemma dvd_add_self_left {m n : ℕ} : m ∣ m + n ↔ m ∣ n := nat.dvd_add_right (dvd_refl m) /-- A natural number m divides the sum n + m if and only if m divides b.-/ @[simp] protected lemma dvd_add_self_right {m n : ℕ} : m ∣ n + m ↔ m ∣ n := nat.dvd_add_left (dvd_refl m) protected theorem mul_dvd_mul_iff_left {a b c : ℕ} (ha : 0 < a) : a * b ∣ a * c ↔ b ∣ c := exists_congr $ λ d, by rw [mul_assoc, nat.mul_left_inj ha] protected theorem mul_dvd_mul_iff_right {a b c : ℕ} (hc : 0 < c) : a * c ∣ b * c ↔ a ∣ b := exists_congr $ λ d, by rw [mul_right_comm, nat.mul_right_inj hc] lemma succ_div : ∀ (a b : ℕ), (a + 1) / b = a / b + if b ∣ a + 1 then 1 else 0 | a 0 := by simp | 0 1 := rfl | 0 (b+2) := have hb2 : b + 2 > 1, from dec_trivial, by simp [ne_of_gt hb2, div_eq_of_lt hb2] | (a+1) (b+1) := begin rw [nat.div_def], conv_rhs { rw nat.div_def }, by_cases hb_eq_a : b = a + 1, { simp [hb_eq_a, le_refl] }, by_cases hb_le_a1 : b ≤ a + 1, { have hb_le_a : b ≤ a, from le_of_lt_succ (lt_of_le_of_ne hb_le_a1 hb_eq_a), have h₁ : (0 < b + 1 ∧ b + 1 ≤ a + 1 + 1), from ⟨succ_pos _, (add_le_add_iff_right _).2 hb_le_a1⟩, have h₂ : (0 < b + 1 ∧ b + 1 ≤ a + 1), from ⟨succ_pos _, (add_le_add_iff_right _).2 hb_le_a⟩, have dvd_iff : b + 1 ∣ a - b + 1 ↔ b + 1 ∣ a + 1 + 1, { rw [nat.dvd_add_iff_left (dvd_refl (b + 1)), ← nat.add_sub_add_right a 1 b, add_comm (_ - _), add_assoc, nat.sub_add_cancel (succ_le_succ hb_le_a)], simp }, have wf : a - b < a + 1, from lt_succ_of_le (nat.sub_le_self _ _), rw [if_pos h₁, if_pos h₂, nat.add_sub_add_right, nat.sub_add_comm hb_le_a, by exact have _ := wf, succ_div (a - b), nat.add_sub_add_right], simp [dvd_iff, succ_eq_add_one], congr }, { have hba : ¬ b ≤ a, from not_le_of_gt (lt_trans (lt_succ_self a) (lt_of_not_ge hb_le_a1)), have hb_dvd_a : ¬ b + 1 ∣ a + 2, from λ h, hb_le_a1 (le_of_succ_le_succ (le_of_dvd (succ_pos _) h)), simp [hba, hb_le_a1, hb_dvd_a], } end lemma succ_div_of_dvd {a b : ℕ} (hba : b ∣ a + 1) : (a + 1) / b = a / b + 1 := by rw [succ_div, if_pos hba] lemma succ_div_of_not_dvd {a b : ℕ} (hba : ¬ b ∣ a + 1) : (a + 1) / b = a / b := by rw [succ_div, if_neg hba, add_zero] @[simp] theorem mod_mod (a n : ℕ) : (a % n) % n = a % n := (eq_zero_or_pos n).elim (λ n0, by simp [n0]) (λ npos, mod_eq_of_lt (mod_lt _ npos)) @[simp] theorem mod_mod_of_dvd (n : nat) {m k : nat} (h : m ∣ k) : n % k % m = n % m := begin conv { to_rhs, rw ←mod_add_div n k }, rcases h with ⟨t, rfl⟩, rw [mul_assoc, add_mul_mod_self_left] end theorem add_pos_left {m : ℕ} (h : 0 < m) (n : ℕ) : 0 < m + n := calc m + n > 0 + n : nat.add_lt_add_right h n ... = n : nat.zero_add n ... ≥ 0 : zero_le n theorem add_pos_right (m : ℕ) {n : ℕ} (h : 0 < n) : 0 < m + n := begin rw add_comm, exact add_pos_left h m end theorem add_pos_iff_pos_or_pos (m n : ℕ) : 0 < m + n ↔ 0 < m ∨ 0 < n := iff.intro begin intro h, cases m with m, {simp [zero_add] at h, exact or.inr h}, exact or.inl (succ_pos _) end begin intro h, cases h with mpos npos, { apply add_pos_left mpos }, apply add_pos_right _ npos end lemma add_eq_one_iff : ∀ {a b : ℕ}, a + b = 1 ↔ (a = 0 ∧ b = 1) ∨ (a = 1 ∧ b = 0) | 0 0 := dec_trivial | 0 1 := dec_trivial | 1 0 := dec_trivial | 1 1 := dec_trivial | (a+2) _ := by rw add_right_comm; exact dec_trivial | _ (b+2) := by rw [← add_assoc]; simp only [nat.succ_inj', nat.succ_ne_zero]; simp lemma mul_eq_one_iff : ∀ {a b : ℕ}, a * b = 1 ↔ a = 1 ∧ b = 1 | 0 0 := dec_trivial | 0 1 := dec_trivial | 1 0 := dec_trivial | (a+2) 0 := by simp | 0 (b+2) := by simp | (a+1) (b+1) := ⟨λ h, by simp only [add_mul, mul_add, mul_add, one_mul, mul_one, (add_assoc _ _ _).symm, nat.succ_inj', add_eq_zero_iff] at h; simp [h.1.2, h.2], by clear_aux_decl; finish⟩ lemma mul_right_eq_self_iff {a b : ℕ} (ha : 0 < a) : a * b = a ↔ b = 1 := suffices a * b = a * 1 ↔ b = 1, by rwa mul_one at this, nat.mul_left_inj ha lemma mul_left_eq_self_iff {a b : ℕ} (hb : 0 < b) : a * b = b ↔ a = 1 := by rw [mul_comm, nat.mul_right_eq_self_iff hb] lemma lt_succ_iff_lt_or_eq {n i : ℕ} : n < i.succ ↔ (n < i ∨ n = i) := lt_succ_iff.trans le_iff_lt_or_eq theorem le_zero_iff {i : ℕ} : i ≤ 0 ↔ i = 0 := ⟨nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero, assume h, h ▸ le_refl i⟩ theorem le_add_one_iff {i j : ℕ} : i ≤ j + 1 ↔ (i ≤ j ∨ i = j + 1) := ⟨assume h, match nat.eq_or_lt_of_le h with | or.inl h := or.inr h | or.inr h := or.inl $ nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h end, or.rec (assume h, le_trans h $ nat.le_add_right _ _) le_of_eq⟩ theorem mul_self_inj {n m : ℕ} : n * n = m * m ↔ n = m := le_antisymm_iff.trans (le_antisymm_iff.trans (and_congr mul_self_le_mul_self_iff mul_self_le_mul_self_iff)).symm instance decidable_ball_lt (n : nat) (P : Π k < n, Prop) : ∀ [H : ∀ n h, decidable (P n h)], decidable (∀ n h, P n h) := begin induction n with n IH; intro; resetI, { exact is_true (λ n, dec_trivial) }, cases IH (λ k h, P k (lt_succ_of_lt h)) with h, { refine is_false (mt _ h), intros hn k h, apply hn }, by_cases p : P n (lt_succ_self n), { exact is_true (λ k h', (lt_or_eq_of_le $ le_of_lt_succ h').elim (h _) (λ e, match k, e, h' with _, rfl, h := p end)) }, { exact is_false (mt (λ hn, hn _ _) p) } end instance decidable_forall_fin {n : ℕ} (P : fin n → Prop) [H : decidable_pred P] : decidable (∀ i, P i) := decidable_of_iff (∀ k h, P ⟨k, h⟩) ⟨λ a ⟨k, h⟩, a k h, λ a k h, a ⟨k, h⟩⟩ instance decidable_ball_le (n : ℕ) (P : Π k ≤ n, Prop) [H : ∀ n h, decidable (P n h)] : decidable (∀ n h, P n h) := decidable_of_iff (∀ k (h : k < succ n), P k (le_of_lt_succ h)) ⟨λ a k h, a k (lt_succ_of_le h), λ a k h, a k _⟩ instance decidable_lo_hi (lo hi : ℕ) (P : ℕ → Prop) [H : decidable_pred P] : decidable (∀x, lo ≤ x → x < hi → P x) := decidable_of_iff (∀ x < hi - lo, P (lo + x)) ⟨λal x hl hh, by have := al (x - lo) (lt_of_not_ge $ (not_congr (nat.sub_le_sub_right_iff _ _ _ hl)).2 $ not_le_of_gt hh); rwa [nat.add_sub_of_le hl] at this, λal x h, al _ (nat.le_add_right _ _) (nat.add_lt_of_lt_sub_left h)⟩ instance decidable_lo_hi_le (lo hi : ℕ) (P : ℕ → Prop) [H : decidable_pred P] : decidable (∀x, lo ≤ x → x ≤ hi → P x) := decidable_of_iff (∀x, lo ≤ x → x < hi + 1 → P x) $ ball_congr $ λ x hl, imp_congr lt_succ_iff iff.rfl protected theorem bit0_le {n m : ℕ} (h : n ≤ m) : bit0 n ≤ bit0 m := add_le_add h h protected theorem bit1_le {n m : ℕ} (h : n ≤ m) : bit1 n ≤ bit1 m := succ_le_succ (add_le_add h h) theorem bit_le : ∀ (b : bool) {n m : ℕ}, n ≤ m → bit b n ≤ bit b m | tt n m h := nat.bit1_le h | ff n m h := nat.bit0_le h theorem bit_ne_zero (b) {n} (h : n ≠ 0) : bit b n ≠ 0 := by cases b; [exact nat.bit0_ne_zero h, exact nat.bit1_ne_zero _] theorem bit0_le_bit : ∀ (b) {m n : ℕ}, m ≤ n → bit0 m ≤ bit b n | tt m n h := le_of_lt $ nat.bit0_lt_bit1 h | ff m n h := nat.bit0_le h theorem bit_le_bit1 : ∀ (b) {m n : ℕ}, m ≤ n → bit b m ≤ bit1 n | ff m n h := le_of_lt $ nat.bit0_lt_bit1 h | tt m n h := nat.bit1_le h theorem bit_lt_bit0 : ∀ (b) {n m : ℕ}, n < m → bit b n < bit0 m | tt n m h := nat.bit1_lt_bit0 h | ff n m h := nat.bit0_lt h theorem bit_lt_bit (a b) {n m : ℕ} (h : n < m) : bit a n < bit b m := lt_of_lt_of_le (bit_lt_bit0 _ h) (bit0_le_bit _ (le_refl _)) /- partial subtraction -/ /-- Partial predecessor operation. Returns `ppred n = some m` if `n = m + 1`, otherwise `none`. -/ @[simp] def ppred : ℕ → option ℕ | 0 := none | (n+1) := some n /-- Partial subtraction operation. Returns `psub m n = some k` if `m = n + k`, otherwise `none`. -/ @[simp] def psub (m : ℕ) : ℕ → option ℕ | 0 := some m | (n+1) := psub n >>= ppred theorem pred_eq_ppred (n : ℕ) : pred n = (ppred n).get_or_else 0 := by cases n; refl theorem sub_eq_psub (m : ℕ) : ∀ n, m - n = (psub m n).get_or_else 0 | 0 := rfl | (n+1) := (pred_eq_ppred (m-n)).trans $ by rw [sub_eq_psub, psub]; cases psub m n; refl @[simp] theorem ppred_eq_some {m : ℕ} : ∀ {n}, ppred n = some m ↔ succ m = n | 0 := by split; intro h; contradiction | (n+1) := by dsimp; split; intro h; injection h; subst n @[simp] theorem ppred_eq_none : ∀ {n : ℕ}, ppred n = none ↔ n = 0 | 0 := by simp | (n+1) := by dsimp; split; contradiction theorem psub_eq_some {m : ℕ} : ∀ {n k}, psub m n = some k ↔ k + n = m | 0 k := by simp [eq_comm] | (n+1) k := by dsimp; apply option.bind_eq_some.trans; simp [psub_eq_some] theorem psub_eq_none (m n : ℕ) : psub m n = none ↔ m < n := begin cases s : psub m n; simp [eq_comm], { show m < n, refine lt_of_not_ge (λ h, _), cases le.dest h with k e, injection s.symm.trans (psub_eq_some.2 $ (add_comm _ _).trans e) }, { show n ≤ m, rw ← psub_eq_some.1 s, apply le_add_left } end theorem ppred_eq_pred {n} (h : 0 < n) : ppred n = some (pred n) := ppred_eq_some.2 $ succ_pred_eq_of_pos h theorem psub_eq_sub {m n} (h : n ≤ m) : psub m n = some (m - n) := psub_eq_some.2 $ nat.sub_add_cancel h theorem psub_add (m n k) : psub m (n + k) = do x ← psub m n, psub x k := by induction k; simp [*, add_succ, bind_assoc] /- pow -/ attribute [simp] nat.pow_zero nat.pow_one @[simp] lemma one_pow : ∀ n : ℕ, 1 ^ n = 1 | 0 := rfl | (k+1) := show 1^k * 1 = 1, by rw [mul_one, one_pow] theorem pow_add (a m n : ℕ) : a^(m + n) = a^m * a^n := by induction n; simp [*, pow_succ, mul_assoc] theorem pow_two (a : ℕ) : a ^ 2 = a * a := show (1 * a) * a = _, by rw one_mul theorem pow_dvd_pow (a : ℕ) {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) : a^m ∣ a^n := by rw [← nat.add_sub_cancel' h, pow_add]; apply dvd_mul_right theorem pow_dvd_pow_of_dvd {a b : ℕ} (h : a ∣ b) : ∀ n:ℕ, a^n ∣ b^n | 0 := dvd_refl _ | (n+1) := mul_dvd_mul (pow_dvd_pow_of_dvd n) h theorem mul_pow (a b n : ℕ) : (a * b) ^ n = a ^ n * b ^ n := by induction n; simp [*, nat.pow_succ, mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm] protected theorem pow_mul (a b n : ℕ) : n ^ (a * b) = (n ^ a) ^ b := by induction b; simp [*, nat.succ_eq_add_one, nat.pow_add, mul_add, mul_comm] theorem pow_pos {p : ℕ} (hp : 0 < p) : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 < p ^ n | 0 := by simp | (k+1) := mul_pos (pow_pos _) hp lemma pow_eq_mul_pow_sub (p : ℕ) {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) : p ^ m * p ^ (n - m) = p ^ n := by rw [←nat.pow_add, nat.add_sub_cancel' h] lemma pow_lt_pow_succ {p : ℕ} (h : 1 < p) (n : ℕ) : p^n < p^(n+1) := suffices p^n*1 < p^n*p, by simpa, nat.mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left h (nat.pow_pos (lt_of_succ_lt h) n) lemma lt_pow_self {p : ℕ} (h : 1 < p) : ∀ n : ℕ, n < p ^ n | 0 := by simp [zero_lt_one] | (n+1) := calc n + 1 < p^n + 1 : nat.add_lt_add_right (lt_pow_self _) _ ... ≤ p ^ (n+1) : pow_lt_pow_succ h _ lemma pow_right_strict_mono {x : ℕ} (k : 2 ≤ x) : strict_mono (nat.pow x) := λ _ _, pow_lt_pow_of_lt_right k lemma pow_le_iff_le_right {x m n : ℕ} (k : 2 ≤ x) : x^m ≤ x^n ↔ m ≤ n := strict_mono.le_iff_le (pow_right_strict_mono k) lemma pow_lt_iff_lt_right {x m n : ℕ} (k : 2 ≤ x) : x^m < x^n ↔ m < n := strict_mono.lt_iff_lt (pow_right_strict_mono k) lemma pow_right_injective {x : ℕ} (k : 2 ≤ x) : function.injective (nat.pow x) := strict_mono.injective (pow_right_strict_mono k) lemma pow_left_strict_mono {m : ℕ} (k : 1 ≤ m) : strict_mono (λ (x : ℕ), x^m) := λ _ _ h, pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left h k lemma pow_le_iff_le_left {m x y : ℕ} (k : 1 ≤ m) : x^m ≤ y^m ↔ x ≤ y := strict_mono.le_iff_le (pow_left_strict_mono k) lemma pow_lt_iff_lt_left {m x y : ℕ} (k : 1 ≤ m) : x^m < y^m ↔ x < y := strict_mono.lt_iff_lt (pow_left_strict_mono k) lemma pow_left_injective {m : ℕ} (k : 1 ≤ m) : function.injective (λ (x : ℕ), x^m) := strict_mono.injective (pow_left_strict_mono k) lemma not_pos_pow_dvd : ∀ {p k : ℕ} (hp : 1 < p) (hk : 1 < k), ¬ p^k ∣ p | (succ p) (succ k) hp hk h := have (succ p)^k * succ p ∣ 1 * succ p, by simpa, have (succ p) ^ k ∣ 1, from dvd_of_mul_dvd_mul_right (succ_pos _) this, have he : (succ p) ^ k = 1, from eq_one_of_dvd_one this, have k < (succ p) ^ k, from lt_pow_self hp k, have k < 1, by rwa [he] at this, have k = 0, from eq_zero_of_le_zero $ le_of_lt_succ this, have 1 < 1, by rwa [this] at hk, absurd this dec_trivial @[simp] theorem bodd_div2_eq (n : ℕ) : bodd_div2 n = (bodd n, div2 n) := by unfold bodd div2; cases bodd_div2 n; refl @[simp] lemma bodd_bit0 (n) : bodd (bit0 n) = ff := bodd_bit ff n @[simp] lemma bodd_bit1 (n) : bodd (bit1 n) = tt := bodd_bit tt n @[simp] lemma div2_bit0 (n) : div2 (bit0 n) = n := div2_bit ff n @[simp] lemma div2_bit1 (n) : div2 (bit1 n) = n := div2_bit tt n /- iterate -/ section variables {α : Sort*} (op : α → α) @[simp] theorem iterate_zero (a : α) : op^[0] a = a := rfl @[simp] theorem iterate_succ (n : ℕ) (a : α) : op^[succ n] a = (op^[n]) (op a) := rfl theorem iterate_add : ∀ (m n : ℕ) (a : α), op^[m + n] a = (op^[m]) (op^[n] a) | m 0 a := rfl | m (succ n) a := iterate_add m n _ theorem iterate_succ' (n : ℕ) (a : α) : op^[succ n] a = op (op^[n] a) := by rw [← one_add, iterate_add]; refl theorem iterate₀ {α : Type u} {op : α → α} {x : α} (H : op x = x) {n : ℕ} : op^[n] x = x := by induction n; [simp only [iterate_zero], simp only [iterate_succ', H, *]] theorem iterate₁ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {op : α → α} {op' : β → β} {op'' : α → β} (H : ∀ x, op' (op'' x) = op'' (op x)) {n : ℕ} {x : α} : op'^[n] (op'' x) = op'' (op^[n] x) := by induction n; [simp only [iterate_zero], simp only [iterate_succ', H, *]] theorem iterate₂ {α : Type u} {op : α → α} {op' : α → α → α} (H : ∀ x y, op (op' x y) = op' (op x) (op y)) {n : ℕ} {x y : α} : op^[n] (op' x y) = op' (op^[n] x) (op^[n] y) := by induction n; [simp only [iterate_zero], simp only [iterate_succ', H, *]] theorem iterate_cancel {α : Type u} {op op' : α → α} (H : ∀ x, op (op' x) = x) {n : ℕ} {x : α} : op^[n] (op'^[n] x) = x := by induction n; [refl, rwa [iterate_succ, iterate_succ', H]] theorem iterate_inj {α : Type u} {op : α → α} (Hinj : function.injective op) (n : ℕ) (x y : α) (H : (op^[n] x) = (op^[n] y)) : x = y := by induction n with n ih; simp only [iterate_zero, iterate_succ'] at H; [exact H, exact ih (Hinj H)] end /- size and shift -/ theorem shiftl'_ne_zero_left (b) {m} (h : m ≠ 0) (n) : shiftl' b m n ≠ 0 := by induction n; simp [shiftl', bit_ne_zero, *] theorem shiftl'_tt_ne_zero (m) : ∀ {n} (h : n ≠ 0), shiftl' tt m n ≠ 0 | 0 h := absurd rfl h | (succ n) _ := nat.bit1_ne_zero _ @[simp] theorem size_zero : size 0 = 0 := rfl @[simp] theorem size_bit {b n} (h : bit b n ≠ 0) : size (bit b n) = succ (size n) := begin rw size, conv { to_lhs, rw [binary_rec], simp [h] }, rw div2_bit, refl end @[simp] theorem size_bit0 {n} (h : n ≠ 0) : size (bit0 n) = succ (size n) := @size_bit ff n (nat.bit0_ne_zero h) @[simp] theorem size_bit1 (n) : size (bit1 n) = succ (size n) := @size_bit tt n (nat.bit1_ne_zero n) @[simp] theorem size_one : size 1 = 1 := by apply size_bit1 0 @[simp] theorem size_shiftl' {b m n} (h : shiftl' b m n ≠ 0) : size (shiftl' b m n) = size m + n := begin induction n with n IH; simp [shiftl'] at h ⊢, rw [size_bit h, nat.add_succ], by_cases s0 : shiftl' b m n = 0; [skip, rw [IH s0]], rw s0 at h ⊢, cases b, {exact absurd rfl h}, have : shiftl' tt m n + 1 = 1 := congr_arg (+1) s0, rw [shiftl'_tt_eq_mul_pow] at this, have m0 := succ_inj (eq_one_of_dvd_one ⟨_, this.symm⟩), subst m0, simp at this, have : n = 0 := eq_zero_of_le_zero (le_of_not_gt $ λ hn, ne_of_gt (pow_lt_pow_of_lt_right dec_trivial hn) this), subst n, refl end @[simp] theorem size_shiftl {m} (h : m ≠ 0) (n) : size (shiftl m n) = size m + n := size_shiftl' (shiftl'_ne_zero_left _ h _) theorem lt_size_self (n : ℕ) : n < 2^size n := begin rw [← one_shiftl], have : ∀ {n}, n = 0 → n < shiftl 1 (size n) := λ n e, by subst e; exact dec_trivial, apply binary_rec _ _ n, {apply this rfl}, intros b n IH, by_cases bit b n = 0, {apply this h}, rw [size_bit h, shiftl_succ], exact bit_lt_bit0 _ IH end theorem size_le {m n : ℕ} : size m ≤ n ↔ m < 2^n := ⟨λ h, lt_of_lt_of_le (lt_size_self _) (pow_le_pow_of_le_right dec_trivial h), begin rw [← one_shiftl], revert n, apply binary_rec _ _ m, { intros n h, apply zero_le }, { intros b m IH n h, by_cases e : bit b m = 0, { rw e, apply zero_le }, rw [size_bit e], cases n with n, { exact e.elim (eq_zero_of_le_zero (le_of_lt_succ h)) }, { apply succ_le_succ (IH _), apply lt_imp_lt_of_le_imp_le (λ h', bit0_le_bit _ h') h } } end⟩ theorem lt_size {m n : ℕ} : m < size n ↔ 2^m ≤ n := by rw [← not_lt, iff_not_comm, not_lt, size_le] theorem size_pos {n : ℕ} : 0 < size n ↔ 0 < n := by rw lt_size; refl theorem size_eq_zero {n : ℕ} : size n = 0 ↔ n = 0 := by have := @size_pos n; simp [pos_iff_ne_zero] at this; exact not_iff_not.1 this theorem size_pow {n : ℕ} : size (2^n) = n+1 := le_antisymm (size_le.2 $ pow_lt_pow_of_lt_right dec_trivial (lt_succ_self _)) (lt_size.2 $ le_refl _) theorem size_le_size {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) : size m ≤ size n := size_le.2 $ lt_of_le_of_lt h (lt_size_self _) /- factorial -/ /-- `fact n` is the factorial of `n`. -/ @[simp] def fact : nat → nat | 0 := 1 | (succ n) := succ n * fact n @[simp] theorem fact_zero : fact 0 = 1 := rfl @[simp] theorem fact_one : fact 1 = 1 := rfl @[simp] theorem fact_succ (n) : fact (succ n) = succ n * fact n := rfl theorem fact_pos : ∀ n, 0 < fact n | 0 := zero_lt_one | (succ n) := mul_pos (succ_pos _) (fact_pos n) theorem fact_ne_zero (n : ℕ) : fact n ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt (fact_pos _) theorem fact_dvd_fact {m n} (h : m ≤ n) : fact m ∣ fact n := begin induction n with n IH; simp, { have := eq_zero_of_le_zero h, subst m, simp }, { cases eq_or_lt_of_le h with he hl, { subst m, simp }, { apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_right (IH (le_of_lt_succ hl)) } } end theorem dvd_fact : ∀ {m n}, 0 < m → m ≤ n → m ∣ fact n | (succ m) n _ h := dvd_of_mul_right_dvd (fact_dvd_fact h) theorem fact_le {m n} (h : m ≤ n) : fact m ≤ fact n := le_of_dvd (fact_pos _) (fact_dvd_fact h) lemma fact_mul_pow_le_fact : ∀ {m n : ℕ}, m.fact * m.succ ^ n ≤ (m + n).fact | m 0 := by simp | m (n+1) := by rw [← add_assoc, nat.fact_succ, mul_comm (nat.succ _), nat.pow_succ, ← mul_assoc]; exact mul_le_mul fact_mul_pow_le_fact (nat.succ_le_succ (nat.le_add_right _ _)) (nat.zero_le _) (nat.zero_le _) lemma monotone_fact : monotone fact := λ n m, fact_le lemma fact_lt (h0 : 0 < n) : n.fact < m.fact ↔ n < m := begin split; intro h, { rw [← not_le], intro hmn, apply not_le_of_lt h (fact_le hmn) }, { have : ∀(n : ℕ), 0 < n → n.fact < n.succ.fact, { intros k hk, rw [fact_succ, succ_mul, lt_add_iff_pos_left], apply mul_pos hk (fact_pos k) }, induction h generalizing h0, { exact this _ h0, }, { refine lt_trans (h_ih h0) (this _ _), exact lt_trans h0 (lt_of_succ_le h_a) }} end lemma one_lt_fact : 1 < n.fact ↔ 1 < n := by { convert fact_lt _, refl, exact one_pos } lemma fact_eq_one : n.fact = 1 ↔ n ≤ 1 := begin split; intro h, { rw [← not_lt, ← one_lt_fact, h], apply lt_irrefl }, { cases h with h h, refl, cases h, refl } end lemma fact_inj (h0 : 1 < n.fact) : n.fact = m.fact ↔ n = m := begin split; intro h, { rcases lt_trichotomy n m with hnm|hnm|hnm, { exfalso, rw [← fact_lt, h] at hnm, exact lt_irrefl _ hnm, rw [one_lt_fact] at h0, exact lt_trans one_pos h0 }, { exact hnm }, { exfalso, rw [← fact_lt, h] at hnm, exact lt_irrefl _ hnm, rw [h, one_lt_fact] at h0, exact lt_trans one_pos h0 }}, { rw h } end /- choose -/ /-- `choose n k` is the number of `k`-element subsets in an `n`-element set. Also known as binomial coefficients. -/ def choose : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ | _ 0 := 1 | 0 (k + 1) := 0 | (n + 1) (k + 1) := choose n k + choose n (succ k) @[simp] lemma choose_zero_right (n : ℕ) : choose n 0 = 1 := by cases n; refl @[simp] lemma choose_zero_succ (k : ℕ) : choose 0 (succ k) = 0 := rfl lemma choose_succ_succ (n k : ℕ) : choose (succ n) (succ k) = choose n k + choose n (succ k) := rfl lemma choose_eq_zero_of_lt : ∀ {n k}, n < k → choose n k = 0 | _ 0 hk := absurd hk dec_trivial | 0 (k + 1) hk := choose_zero_succ _ | (n + 1) (k + 1) hk := have hnk : n < k, from lt_of_succ_lt_succ hk, have hnk1 : n < k + 1, from lt_of_succ_lt hk, by rw [choose_succ_succ, choose_eq_zero_of_lt hnk, choose_eq_zero_of_lt hnk1] @[simp] lemma choose_self (n : ℕ) : choose n n = 1 := by induction n; simp [*, choose, choose_eq_zero_of_lt (lt_succ_self _)] @[simp] lemma choose_succ_self (n : ℕ) : choose n (succ n) = 0 := choose_eq_zero_of_lt (lt_succ_self _) @[simp] lemma choose_one_right (n : ℕ) : choose n 1 = n := by induction n; simp [*, choose] /-- `choose n 2` is the `n`-th triangle number. -/ lemma choose_two_right (n : ℕ) : choose n 2 = n * (n - 1) / 2 := by { induction n, simp, simpa [n_ih, choose, add_one] using (triangle_succ n_n).symm } lemma choose_pos : ∀ {n k}, k ≤ n → 0 < choose n k | 0 _ hk := by rw [eq_zero_of_le_zero hk]; exact dec_trivial | (n + 1) 0 hk := by simp; exact dec_trivial | (n + 1) (k + 1) hk := by rw choose_succ_succ; exact add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg (choose_pos (le_of_succ_le_succ hk)) (nat.zero_le _) lemma succ_mul_choose_eq : ∀ n k, succ n * choose n k = choose (succ n) (succ k) * succ k | 0 0 := dec_trivial | 0 (k + 1) := by simp [choose] | (n + 1) 0 := by simp | (n + 1) (k + 1) := by rw [choose_succ_succ (succ n) (succ k), add_mul, ←succ_mul_choose_eq, mul_succ, ←succ_mul_choose_eq, add_right_comm, ←mul_add, ←choose_succ_succ, ←succ_mul] lemma choose_mul_fact_mul_fact : ∀ {n k}, k ≤ n → choose n k * fact k * fact (n - k) = fact n | 0 _ hk := by simp [eq_zero_of_le_zero hk] | (n + 1) 0 hk := by simp | (n + 1) (succ k) hk := begin cases lt_or_eq_of_le hk with hk₁ hk₁, { have h : choose n k * fact (succ k) * fact (n - k) = succ k * fact n := by rw ← choose_mul_fact_mul_fact (le_of_succ_le_succ hk); simp [fact_succ, mul_comm, mul_left_comm], have h₁ : fact (n - k) = (n - k) * fact (n - succ k) := by rw [← succ_sub_succ, succ_sub (le_of_lt_succ hk₁), fact_succ], have h₂ : choose n (succ k) * fact (succ k) * ((n - k) * fact (n - succ k)) = (n - k) * fact n := by rw ← choose_mul_fact_mul_fact (le_of_lt_succ hk₁); simp [fact_succ, mul_comm, mul_left_comm, mul_assoc], have h₃ : k * fact n ≤ n * fact n := mul_le_mul_right _ (le_of_succ_le_succ hk), rw [choose_succ_succ, add_mul, add_mul, succ_sub_succ, h, h₁, h₂, ← add_one, add_mul, nat.mul_sub_right_distrib, fact_succ, ← nat.add_sub_assoc h₃, add_assoc, ← add_mul, nat.add_sub_cancel_left, add_comm] }, { simp [hk₁, mul_comm, choose, nat.sub_self] } end theorem choose_eq_fact_div_fact {n k : ℕ} (hk : k ≤ n) : choose n k = fact n / (fact k * fact (n - k)) := begin have : fact n = choose n k * (fact k * fact (n - k)) := by rw ← mul_assoc; exact (choose_mul_fact_mul_fact hk).symm, exact (nat.div_eq_of_eq_mul_left (mul_pos (fact_pos _) (fact_pos _)) this).symm end theorem fact_mul_fact_dvd_fact {n k : ℕ} (hk : k ≤ n) : fact k * fact (n - k) ∣ fact n := by rw [←choose_mul_fact_mul_fact hk, mul_assoc]; exact dvd_mul_left _ _ @[simp] lemma choose_symm {n k : ℕ} (hk : k ≤ n) : choose n (n-k) = choose n k := by rw [choose_eq_fact_div_fact hk, choose_eq_fact_div_fact (sub_le _ _), nat.sub_sub_self hk, mul_comm] lemma choose_succ_right_eq (n k : ℕ) : choose n (k + 1) * (k + 1) = choose n k * (n - k) := begin have e : (n+1) * choose n k = choose n k * (k+1) + choose n (k+1) * (k+1), rw [← right_distrib, ← choose_succ_succ, succ_mul_choose_eq], rw [← nat.sub_eq_of_eq_add e, mul_comm, ← nat.mul_sub_left_distrib, nat.add_sub_add_right] end @[simp] lemma choose_succ_self_right : ∀ (n:ℕ), (n+1).choose n = n+1 | 0 := rfl | (n+1) := by rw [choose_succ_succ, choose_succ_self_right, choose_self] lemma choose_mul_succ_eq (n k : ℕ) : (n.choose k) * (n + 1) = ((n+1).choose k) * (n + 1 - k) := begin induction k with k ih, { simp }, by_cases hk : n < k + 1, { rw [choose_eq_zero_of_lt hk, sub_eq_zero_of_le hk, zero_mul, mul_zero] }, push_neg at hk, replace hk : k + 1 ≤ n + 1 := _root_.le_add_right hk, rw [choose_succ_succ], rw [add_mul, succ_sub_succ], rw [← choose_succ_right_eq], rw [← succ_sub_succ, nat.mul_sub_left_distrib], symmetry, apply nat.add_sub_cancel', exact mul_le_mul_left _ hk, end section find_greatest /-- `find_greatest P b` is the largest `i ≤ bound` such that `P i` holds, or `0` if no such `i` exists -/ protected def find_greatest (P : ℕ → Prop) [decidable_pred P] : ℕ → ℕ | 0 := 0 | (n + 1) := if P (n + 1) then n + 1 else find_greatest n variables {P : ℕ → Prop} [decidable_pred P] @[simp] lemma find_greatest_zero : nat.find_greatest P 0 = 0 := rfl @[simp] lemma find_greatest_eq : ∀{b}, P b → nat.find_greatest P b = b | 0 h := rfl | (n + 1) h := by simp [nat.find_greatest, h] @[simp] lemma find_greatest_of_not {b} (h : ¬ P (b + 1)) : nat.find_greatest P (b + 1) = nat.find_greatest P b := by simp [nat.find_greatest, h] lemma find_greatest_spec_and_le : ∀{b m}, m ≤ b → P m → P (nat.find_greatest P b) ∧ m ≤ nat.find_greatest P b | 0 m hm hP := have m = 0, from le_antisymm hm (nat.zero_le _), show P 0 ∧ m ≤ 0, from this ▸ ⟨hP, le_refl _⟩ | (b + 1) m hm hP := begin by_cases h : P (b + 1), { simp [h, hm] }, { have : m ≠ b + 1 := assume this, h $ this ▸ hP, have : m ≤ b := (le_of_not_gt $ assume h : b + 1 ≤ m, this $ le_antisymm hm h), have : P (nat.find_greatest P b) ∧ m ≤ nat.find_greatest P b := find_greatest_spec_and_le this hP, simp [h, this] } end lemma find_greatest_spec {b} : (∃m, m ≤ b ∧ P m) → P (nat.find_greatest P b) | ⟨m, hmb, hm⟩ := (find_greatest_spec_and_le hmb hm).1 lemma find_greatest_le : ∀ {b}, nat.find_greatest P b ≤ b | 0 := le_refl _ | (b + 1) := have nat.find_greatest P b ≤ b + 1, from le_trans find_greatest_le (nat.le_succ b), by by_cases P (b + 1); simp [h, this] lemma le_find_greatest {b m} (hmb : m ≤ b) (hm : P m) : m ≤ nat.find_greatest P b := (find_greatest_spec_and_le hmb hm).2 lemma find_greatest_is_greatest {P : ℕ → Prop} [decidable_pred P] {b} : (∃ m, m ≤ b ∧ P m) → ∀ k, nat.find_greatest P b < k ∧ k ≤ b → ¬ P k | ⟨m, hmb, hP⟩ k ⟨hk, hkb⟩ hPk := lt_irrefl k $ lt_of_le_of_lt (le_find_greatest hkb hPk) hk lemma find_greatest_eq_zero {P : ℕ → Prop} [decidable_pred P] : ∀ {b}, (∀ n ≤ b, ¬ P n) → nat.find_greatest P b = 0 | 0 h := find_greatest_zero | (n + 1) h := begin have := nat.find_greatest_of_not (h (n + 1) (le_refl _)), rw this, exact find_greatest_eq_zero (assume k hk, h k (le_trans hk $ nat.le_succ _)) end lemma find_greatest_of_ne_zero {P : ℕ → Prop} [decidable_pred P] : ∀ {b m}, nat.find_greatest P b = m → m ≠ 0 → P m | 0 m rfl h := by { have := @find_greatest_zero P _, contradiction } | (b + 1) m rfl h := decidable.by_cases (assume hb : P (b + 1), by { have := find_greatest_eq hb, rw this, exact hb }) (assume hb : ¬ P (b + 1), find_greatest_of_ne_zero (find_greatest_of_not hb).symm h) end find_greatest section div lemma dvd_div_of_mul_dvd {a b c : ℕ} (h : a * b ∣ c) : b ∣ c / a := if ha : a = 0 then by simp [ha] else have ha : 0 < a, from nat.pos_of_ne_zero ha, have h1 : ∃ d, c = a * b * d, from h, let ⟨d, hd⟩ := h1 in have hac : a ∣ c, from dvd_of_mul_right_dvd h, have h2 : c / a = b * d, from nat.div_eq_of_eq_mul_right ha (by simpa [mul_assoc] using hd), show ∃ d, c / a = b * d, from ⟨d, h2⟩ lemma mul_dvd_of_dvd_div {a b c : ℕ} (hab : c ∣ b) (h : a ∣ b / c) : c * a ∣ b := have h1 : ∃ d, b / c = a * d, from h, have h2 : ∃ e, b = c * e, from hab, let ⟨d, hd⟩ := h1, ⟨e, he⟩ := h2 in have h3 : b = a * d * c, from nat.eq_mul_of_div_eq_left hab hd, show ∃ d, b = c * a * d, from ⟨d, by cc⟩ lemma div_mul_div {a b c d : ℕ} (hab : b ∣ a) (hcd : d ∣ c) : (a / b) * (c / d) = (a * c) / (b * d) := have exi1 : ∃ x, a = b * x, from hab, have exi2 : ∃ y, c = d * y, from hcd, if hb : b = 0 then by simp [hb] else have 0 < b, from nat.pos_of_ne_zero hb, if hd : d = 0 then by simp [hd] else have 0 < d, from nat.pos_of_ne_zero hd, begin cases exi1 with x hx, cases exi2 with y hy, rw [hx, hy, nat.mul_div_cancel_left, nat.mul_div_cancel_left], symmetry, apply nat.div_eq_of_eq_mul_left, apply mul_pos, repeat {assumption}, cc end lemma pow_dvd_of_le_of_pow_dvd {p m n k : ℕ} (hmn : m ≤ n) (hdiv : p ^ n ∣ k) : p ^ m ∣ k := have p ^ m ∣ p ^ n, from pow_dvd_pow _ hmn, dvd_trans this hdiv lemma dvd_of_pow_dvd {p k m : ℕ} (hk : 1 ≤ k) (hpk : p^k ∣ m) : p ∣ m := by rw ←nat.pow_one p; exact pow_dvd_of_le_of_pow_dvd hk hpk lemma eq_of_dvd_of_div_eq_one {a b : ℕ} (w : a ∣ b) (h : b / a = 1) : a = b := by rw [←nat.div_mul_cancel w, h, one_mul] lemma eq_zero_of_dvd_of_div_eq_zero {a b : ℕ} (w : a ∣ b) (h : b / a = 0) : b = 0 := by rw [←nat.div_mul_cancel w, h, zero_mul] lemma div_le_div_left {a b c : ℕ} (h₁ : c ≤ b) (h₂ : 0 < c) : a / b ≤ a / c := (nat.le_div_iff_mul_le _ _ h₂).2 $ le_trans (mul_le_mul_left _ h₁) (div_mul_le_self _ _) lemma div_eq_self {a b : ℕ} : a / b = a ↔ a = 0 ∨ b = 1 := begin split, { intro, cases b, { simp * at * }, { cases b, { right, refl }, { left, have : a / (b + 2) ≤ a / 2 := div_le_div_left (by simp) dec_trivial, refine eq_zero_of_le_half _, simp * at * } } }, { rintros (rfl|rfl); simp } end end div lemma exists_eq_add_of_le : ∀ {m n : ℕ}, m ≤ n → ∃ k : ℕ, n = m + k | 0 0 h := ⟨0, by simp⟩ | 0 (n+1) h := ⟨n+1, by simp⟩ | (m+1) (n+1) h := let ⟨k, hk⟩ := exists_eq_add_of_le (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h) in ⟨k, by simp [hk]⟩ lemma exists_eq_add_of_lt : ∀ {m n : ℕ}, m < n → ∃ k : ℕ, n = m + k + 1 | 0 0 h := false.elim $ lt_irrefl _ h | 0 (n+1) h := ⟨n, by simp⟩ | (m+1) (n+1) h := let ⟨k, hk⟩ := exists_eq_add_of_le (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h) in ⟨k, by simp [hk]⟩ lemma with_bot.add_eq_zero_iff : ∀ {n m : with_bot ℕ}, n + m = 0 ↔ n = 0 ∧ m = 0 | none m := iff_of_false dec_trivial (λ h, absurd h.1 dec_trivial) | n none := iff_of_false (by cases n; exact dec_trivial) (λ h, absurd h.2 dec_trivial) | (some n) (some m) := show (n + m : with_bot ℕ) = (0 : ℕ) ↔ (n : with_bot ℕ) = (0 : ℕ) ∧ (m : with_bot ℕ) = (0 : ℕ), by rw [← with_bot.coe_add, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, add_eq_zero_iff' (nat.zero_le _) (nat.zero_le _)] lemma with_bot.add_eq_one_iff : ∀ {n m : with_bot ℕ}, n + m = 1 ↔ (n = 0 ∧ m = 1) ∨ (n = 1 ∧ m = 0) | none none := dec_trivial | none (some m) := dec_trivial | (some n) none := iff_of_false dec_trivial (λ h, h.elim (λ h, absurd h.2 dec_trivial) (λ h, absurd h.2 dec_trivial)) | (some n) (some 0) := by erw [with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe]; simp | (some n) (some (m + 1)) := by erw [with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe, with_bot.coe_eq_coe]; simp [nat.add_succ, nat.succ_inj', nat.succ_ne_zero] -- induction /-- Induction principle starting at a non-zero number. For maps to a `Sort*` see `le_rec_on`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator] lemma le_induction {P : nat → Prop} {m} (h0 : P m) (h1 : ∀ n, m ≤ n → P n → P (n + 1)) : ∀ n, m ≤ n → P n := by apply nat.less_than_or_equal.rec h0; exact h1 /-- Decreasing induction: if `P (k+1)` implies `P k`, then `P n` implies `P m` for all `m ≤ n`. Also works for functions to `Sort*`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator] def decreasing_induction {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h : ∀n, P (n+1) → P n) {m n : ℕ} (mn : m ≤ n) (hP : P n) : P m := le_rec_on mn (λ k ih hsk, ih $ h k hsk) (λ h, h) hP @[simp] lemma decreasing_induction_self {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h : ∀n, P (n+1) → P n) {n : ℕ} (nn : n ≤ n) (hP : P n) : (decreasing_induction h nn hP : P n) = hP := by { dunfold decreasing_induction, rw [le_rec_on_self] } lemma decreasing_induction_succ {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h : ∀n, P (n+1) → P n) {m n : ℕ} (mn : m ≤ n) (msn : m ≤ n + 1) (hP : P (n+1)) : (decreasing_induction h msn hP : P m) = decreasing_induction h mn (h n hP) := by { dunfold decreasing_induction, rw [le_rec_on_succ] } @[simp] lemma decreasing_induction_succ' {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h : ∀n, P (n+1) → P n) {m : ℕ} (msm : m ≤ m + 1) (hP : P (m+1)) : (decreasing_induction h msm hP : P m) = h m hP := by { dunfold decreasing_induction, rw [le_rec_on_succ'] } lemma decreasing_induction_trans {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h : ∀n, P (n+1) → P n) {m n k : ℕ} (mn : m ≤ n) (nk : n ≤ k) (hP : P k) : (decreasing_induction h (le_trans mn nk) hP : P m) = decreasing_induction h mn (decreasing_induction h nk hP) := by { induction nk with k nk ih, rw [decreasing_induction_self], rw [decreasing_induction_succ h (le_trans mn nk), ih, decreasing_induction_succ] } lemma decreasing_induction_succ_left {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h : ∀n, P (n+1) → P n) {m n : ℕ} (smn : m + 1 ≤ n) (mn : m ≤ n) (hP : P n) : (decreasing_induction h mn hP : P m) = h m (decreasing_induction h smn hP) := by { rw [subsingleton.elim mn (le_trans (le_succ m) smn), decreasing_induction_trans, decreasing_induction_succ'] } end nat