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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".
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/- Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Mario Carneiro Binary representation of integers using inductive types. Note: Unlike in Coq, where this representation is preferred because of the reliance on kernel reduction, in Lean this representation is discouraged in favor of the "Peano" natural numbers `nat`, and the purpose of this collection of theorems is to show the equivalence of the different approaches. -/ import data.vector data.bitvec /-- The type of positive binary numbers. 13 = 1101(base 2) = bit1 (bit0 (bit1 one)) -/ @[derive has_reflect, derive decidable_eq] inductive pos_num : Type | one : pos_num | bit1 : pos_num → pos_num | bit0 : pos_num → pos_num instance : has_one pos_num := ⟨⟩ instance : inhabited pos_num := ⟨1⟩ /-- The type of nonnegative binary numbers, using `pos_num`. 13 = 1101(base 2) = pos (bit1 (bit0 (bit1 one))) -/ @[derive has_reflect, derive decidable_eq] inductive num : Type | zero : num | pos : pos_num → num instance : has_zero num := ⟨⟩ instance : has_one num := ⟨num.pos 1⟩ instance : inhabited num := ⟨0⟩ /-- Representation of integers using trichotomy around zero. 13 = 1101(base 2) = pos (bit1 (bit0 (bit1 one))) -13 = -1101(base 2) = neg (bit1 (bit0 (bit1 one))) -/ @[derive has_reflect, derive decidable_eq] inductive znum : Type | zero : znum | pos : pos_num → znum | neg : pos_num → znum instance : has_zero znum := ⟨⟩ instance : has_one znum := ⟨znum.pos 1⟩ instance : inhabited znum := ⟨0⟩ /-- See `snum`. -/ @[derive has_reflect, derive decidable_eq] inductive nzsnum : Type | msb : bool → nzsnum | bit : bool → nzsnum → nzsnum /-- Alternative representation of integers using a sign bit at the end. The convention on sign here is to have the argument to `msb` denote the sign of the MSB itself, with all higher bits set to the negation of this sign. The result is interpreted in two's complement. 13 = ..0001101(base 2) = nz (bit1 (bit0 (bit1 (msb tt)))) -13 = ..1110011(base 2) = nz (bit1 (bit1 (bit0 (msb ff)))) As with `num`, a special case must be added for zero, which has no msb, but by two's complement symmetry there is a second special case for -1. Here the `bool` field indicates the sign of the number. 0 = ..0000000(base 2) = zero ff -1 = ..1111111(base 2) = zero tt -/ @[derive has_reflect, derive decidable_eq] inductive snum : Type | zero : bool → snum | nz : nzsnum → snum instance : has_coe nzsnum snum := ⟨⟩ instance : has_zero snum := ⟨ ff⟩ instance : has_one nzsnum := ⟨nzsnum.msb tt⟩ instance : has_one snum := ⟨ 1⟩ instance : inhabited nzsnum := ⟨1⟩ instance : inhabited snum := ⟨0⟩ namespace pos_num def bit (b : bool) : pos_num → pos_num := cond b bit1 bit0 def succ : pos_num → pos_num | 1 := bit0 one | (bit1 n) := bit0 (succ n) | (bit0 n) := bit1 n def is_one : pos_num → bool | 1 := tt | _ := ff protected def add : pos_num → pos_num → pos_num | 1 b := succ b | a 1 := succ a | (bit0 a) (bit0 b) := bit0 (add a b) | (bit1 a) (bit1 b) := bit0 (succ (add a b)) | (bit0 a) (bit1 b) := bit1 (add a b) | (bit1 a) (bit0 b) := bit1 (add a b) instance : has_add pos_num := ⟨pos_num.add⟩ def pred' : pos_num → num | 1 := 0 | (bit0 n) := num.pos (num.cases_on (pred' n) 1 bit1) | (bit1 n) := num.pos (bit0 n) def pred (a : pos_num) : pos_num := num.cases_on (pred' a) 1 id def size : pos_num → pos_num | 1 := 1 | (bit0 n) := succ (size n) | (bit1 n) := succ (size n) def nat_size : pos_num → nat | 1 := 1 | (bit0 n) := nat.succ (nat_size n) | (bit1 n) := nat.succ (nat_size n) protected def mul (a : pos_num) : pos_num → pos_num | 1 := a | (bit0 b) := bit0 (mul b) | (bit1 b) := bit0 (mul b) + a instance : has_mul pos_num := ⟨pos_num.mul⟩ def of_nat_succ : ℕ → pos_num | 0 := 1 | (nat.succ n) := succ (of_nat_succ n) def of_nat (n : ℕ) : pos_num := of_nat_succ (nat.pred n) open ordering def cmp : pos_num → pos_num → ordering | 1 1 := eq | _ 1 := gt | 1 _ := lt | (bit0 a) (bit0 b) := cmp a b | (bit0 a) (bit1 b) := ordering.cases_on (cmp a b) lt lt gt | (bit1 a) (bit0 b) := ordering.cases_on (cmp a b) lt gt gt | (bit1 a) (bit1 b) := cmp a b instance : has_lt pos_num := ⟨λa b, cmp a b =⟩ instance : has_le pos_num := ⟨λa b, ¬ b < a⟩ instance decidable_lt : @decidable_rel pos_num (<) | a b := by dsimp [(<)]; apply_instance instance decidable_le : @decidable_rel pos_num (≤) | a b := by dsimp [(≤)]; apply_instance end pos_num section variables {α : Type*} [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] def cast_pos_num : pos_num → α | 1 := 1 | (pos_num.bit0 a) := bit0 (cast_pos_num a) | (pos_num.bit1 a) := bit1 (cast_pos_num a) def cast_num : num → α | 0 := 0 | (num.pos p) := cast_pos_num p @[priority 10] instance pos_num_coe : has_coe pos_num α := ⟨cast_pos_num⟩ @[priority 10] instance num_nat_coe : has_coe num α := ⟨cast_num⟩ instance : has_repr pos_num := ⟨λ n, repr (n : ℕ)⟩ instance : has_repr num := ⟨λ n, repr (n : ℕ)⟩ end namespace num open pos_num def succ' : num → pos_num | 0 := 1 | (pos p) := succ p def succ (n : num) : num := pos (succ' n) protected def add : num → num → num | 0 a := a | b 0 := b | (pos a) (pos b) := pos (a + b) instance : has_add num := ⟨num.add⟩ protected def bit0 : num → num | 0 := 0 | (pos n) := pos (pos_num.bit0 n) protected def bit1 : num → num | 0 := 1 | (pos n) := pos (pos_num.bit1 n) def bit (b : bool) : num → num := cond b num.bit1 num.bit0 def size : num → num | 0 := 0 | (pos n) := pos (pos_num.size n) def nat_size : num → nat | 0 := 0 | (pos n) := pos_num.nat_size n protected def mul : num → num → num | 0 _ := 0 | _ 0 := 0 | (pos a) (pos b) := pos (a * b) instance : has_mul num := ⟨num.mul⟩ open ordering def cmp : num → num → ordering | 0 0 := eq | _ 0 := gt | 0 _ := lt | (pos a) (pos b) := pos_num.cmp a b instance : has_lt num := ⟨λa b, cmp a b =⟩ instance : has_le num := ⟨λa b, ¬ b < a⟩ instance decidable_lt : @decidable_rel num (<) | a b := by dsimp [(<)]; apply_instance instance decidable_le : @decidable_rel num (≤) | a b := by dsimp [(≤)]; apply_instance def to_znum : num → znum | 0 := 0 | (pos a) := znum.pos a def to_znum_neg : num → znum | 0 := 0 | (pos a) := znum.neg a def of_nat' : ℕ → num := nat.binary_rec 0 (λ b n, cond b num.bit1 num.bit0) end num namespace znum open pos_num def zneg : znum → znum | 0 := 0 | (pos a) := neg a | (neg a) := pos a instance : has_neg znum := ⟨zneg⟩ def abs : znum → num | 0 := 0 | (pos a) := num.pos a | (neg a) := num.pos a def succ : znum → znum | 0 := 1 | (pos a) := pos (pos_num.succ a) | (neg a) := (pos_num.pred' a).to_znum_neg def pred : znum → znum | 0 := neg 1 | (pos a) := (pos_num.pred' a).to_znum | (neg a) := neg (pos_num.succ a) protected def bit0 : znum → znum | 0 := 0 | (pos n) := pos (pos_num.bit0 n) | (neg n) := neg (pos_num.bit0 n) protected def bit1 : znum → znum | 0 := 1 | (pos n) := pos (pos_num.bit1 n) | (neg n) := neg (num.cases_on (pred' n) 1 pos_num.bit1) protected def bitm1 : znum → znum | 0 := neg 1 | (pos n) := pos (num.cases_on (pred' n) 1 pos_num.bit1) | (neg n) := neg (pos_num.bit1 n) def of_int' : ℤ → znum | (n : ℕ) := num.to_znum (num.of_nat' n) | -[1+ n] := num.to_znum_neg (num.of_nat' (n+1)) end znum namespace pos_num open znum def sub' : pos_num → pos_num → znum | a 1 := (pred' a).to_znum | 1 b := (pred' b).to_znum_neg | (bit0 a) (bit0 b) := (sub' a b).bit0 | (bit0 a) (bit1 b) := (sub' a b).bitm1 | (bit1 a) (bit0 b) := (sub' a b).bit1 | (bit1 a) (bit1 b) := (sub' a b).bit0 def of_znum' : znum → option pos_num | (znum.pos p) := some p | _ := none def of_znum : znum → pos_num | (znum.pos p) := p | _ := 1 protected def sub (a b : pos_num) : pos_num := match sub' a b with | (znum.pos p) := p | _ := 1 end instance : has_sub pos_num := ⟨pos_num.sub⟩ end pos_num namespace num def ppred : num → option num | 0 := none | (pos p) := some p.pred' def pred : num → num | 0 := 0 | (pos p) := p.pred' def div2 : num → num | 0 := 0 | 1 := 0 | (pos (pos_num.bit0 p)) := pos p | (pos (pos_num.bit1 p)) := pos p def of_znum' : znum → option num | 0 := some 0 | (znum.pos p) := some (pos p) | (znum.neg p) := none def of_znum : znum → num | (znum.pos p) := pos p | _ := 0 def sub' : num → num → znum | 0 0 := 0 | (pos a) 0 := znum.pos a | 0 (pos b) := znum.neg b | (pos a) (pos b) := a.sub' b def psub (a b : num) : option num := of_znum' (sub' a b) protected def sub (a b : num) : num := of_znum (sub' a b) instance : has_sub num := ⟨num.sub⟩ end num namespace znum open pos_num protected def add : znum → znum → znum | 0 a := a | b 0 := b | (pos a) (pos b) := pos (a + b) | (pos a) (neg b) := sub' a b | (neg a) (pos b) := sub' b a | (neg a) (neg b) := neg (a + b) instance : has_add znum := ⟨znum.add⟩ protected def mul : znum → znum → znum | 0 a := 0 | b 0 := 0 | (pos a) (pos b) := pos (a * b) | (pos a) (neg b) := neg (a * b) | (neg a) (pos b) := neg (a * b) | (neg a) (neg b) := pos (a * b) instance : has_mul znum := ⟨znum.mul⟩ open ordering def cmp : znum → znum → ordering | 0 0 := eq | (pos a) (pos b) := pos_num.cmp a b | (neg a) (neg b) := pos_num.cmp b a | (pos _) _ := gt | (neg _) _ := lt | _ (pos _) := lt | _ (neg _) := gt instance : has_lt znum := ⟨λa b, cmp a b =⟩ instance : has_le znum := ⟨λa b, ¬ b < a⟩ instance decidable_lt : @decidable_rel znum (<) | a b := by dsimp [(<)]; apply_instance instance decidable_le : @decidable_rel znum (≤) | a b := by dsimp [(≤)]; apply_instance end znum namespace pos_num def divmod_aux (d : pos_num) (q r : num) : num × num := match num.of_znum' (num.sub' r (num.pos d)) with | some r' := (num.bit1 q, r') | none := (num.bit0 q, r) end def divmod (d : pos_num) : pos_num → num × num | (bit0 n) := let (q, r₁) := divmod n in divmod_aux d q (num.bit0 r₁) | (bit1 n) := let (q, r₁) := divmod n in divmod_aux d q (num.bit1 r₁) | 1 := divmod_aux d 0 1 def div' (n d : pos_num) : num := (divmod d n).1 def mod' (n d : pos_num) : num := (divmod d n).2 def sqrt_aux1 (b : pos_num) (r n : num) : num × num := match num.of_znum' (n.sub' (r + num.pos b)) with | some n' := (r.div2 + num.pos b, n') | none := (r.div2, n) end def sqrt_aux : pos_num → num → num → num | b@(bit0 b') r n := let (r', n') := sqrt_aux1 b r n in sqrt_aux b' r' n' | b@(bit1 b') r n := let (r', n') := sqrt_aux1 b r n in sqrt_aux b' r' n' | 1 r n := (sqrt_aux1 1 r n).1 /- def sqrt_aux : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ | b r n := if b0 : b = 0 then r else let b' := shiftr b 2 in have b' < b, from sqrt_aux_dec b0, match (n - (r + b : ℕ) : ℤ) with | (n' : ℕ) := sqrt_aux b' (div2 r + b) n' | _ := sqrt_aux b' (div2 r) n end /-- `sqrt n` is the square root of a natural number `n`. If `n` is not a perfect square, it returns the largest `k:ℕ` such that `k*k ≤ n`. -/ def sqrt (n : ℕ) : ℕ := match size n with | 0 := 0 | succ s := sqrt_aux (shiftl 1 (bit0 (div2 s))) 0 n end -/ end pos_num namespace num def div : num → num → num | 0 _ := 0 | _ 0 := 0 | (pos n) (pos d) := pos_num.div' n d def mod : num → num → num | 0 _ := 0 | n 0 := n | (pos n) (pos d) := pos_num.mod' n d instance : has_div num := ⟨num.div⟩ instance : has_mod num := ⟨num.mod⟩ def gcd_aux : nat → num → num → num | 0 a b := b | (nat.succ n) 0 b := b | (nat.succ n) a b := gcd_aux n (b % a) a def gcd (a b : num) : num := if a ≤ b then gcd_aux (a.nat_size + b.nat_size) a b else gcd_aux (b.nat_size + a.nat_size) b a end num namespace znum def div : znum → znum → znum | 0 _ := 0 | _ 0 := 0 | (pos n) (pos d) := num.to_znum (pos_num.div' n d) | (pos n) (neg d) := num.to_znum_neg (pos_num.div' n d) | (neg n) (pos d) := neg (pos_num.pred' n / num.pos d).succ' | (neg n) (neg d) := pos (pos_num.pred' n / num.pos d).succ' def mod : znum → znum → znum | 0 d := 0 | (pos n) d := num.to_znum (num.pos n % d.abs) | (neg n) d := d.abs.sub' (pos_num.pred' n % d.abs).succ instance : has_div znum := ⟨znum.div⟩ instance : has_mod znum := ⟨znum.mod⟩ def gcd (a b : znum) : num := a.abs.gcd b.abs end znum section variables {α : Type*} [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] [has_neg α] def cast_znum : znum → α | 0 := 0 | (znum.pos p) := p | (znum.neg p) := -p @[priority 10] instance znum_coe : has_coe znum α := ⟨cast_znum⟩ instance : has_repr znum := ⟨λ n, repr (n : ℤ)⟩ end /- The snum representation uses a bit string, essentially a list of 0 (ff) and 1 (tt) bits, and the negation of the MSB is sign-extended to all higher bits. -/ namespace nzsnum notation a :: b := bit a b def sign : nzsnum → bool | (msb b) := bnot b | (b :: p) := sign p @[pattern] def not : nzsnum → nzsnum | (msb b) := msb (bnot b) | (b :: p) := bnot b :: not p prefix ~ := not def bit0 : nzsnum → nzsnum := bit ff def bit1 : nzsnum → nzsnum := bit tt def head : nzsnum → bool | (msb b) := b | (b :: p) := b def tail : nzsnum → snum | (msb b) := (bnot b) | (b :: p) := p end nzsnum namespace snum open nzsnum def sign : snum → bool | (zero z) := z | (nz p) := p.sign @[pattern] def not : snum → snum | (zero z) := zero (bnot z) | (nz p) := ~p prefix ~ := not @[pattern] def bit : bool → snum → snum | b (zero z) := if b = z then zero b else msb b | b (nz p) := p.bit b notation a :: b := bit a b def bit0 : snum → snum := bit ff def bit1 : snum → snum := bit tt theorem bit_zero (b) : b :: zero b = zero b := by cases b; refl theorem bit_one (b) : b :: zero (bnot b) = msb b := by cases b; refl end snum namespace nzsnum open snum def drec' {C : snum → Sort*} (z : Π b, C ( b)) (s : Π b p, C p → C (b :: p)) : Π p : nzsnum, C p | (msb b) := by rw ←bit_one; exact s b ( (bnot b)) (z (bnot b)) | (bit b p) := s b p (drec' p) end nzsnum namespace snum open nzsnum def head : snum → bool | (zero z) := z | (nz p) := p.head def tail : snum → snum | (zero z) := zero z | (nz p) := p.tail def drec' {C : snum → Sort*} (z : Π b, C ( b)) (s : Π b p, C p → C (b :: p)) : Π p, C p | (zero b) := z b | (nz p) := p.drec' z s def rec' {α} (z : bool → α) (s : bool → snum → α → α) : snum → α := drec' z s def bits : snum → Π n, vector bool n | p 0 := vector.nil | p (n+1) := head p :: bits (tail p) n def test_bit : nat → snum → bool | 0 p := head p | (n+1) p := test_bit n (tail p) def succ : snum → snum := rec' (λ b, cond b 0 1) (λb p succp, cond b (ff :: succp) (tt :: p)) def pred : snum → snum := rec' (λ b, cond b (~1) ~0) (λb p predp, cond b (ff :: p) (tt :: predp)) protected def neg (n : snum) : snum := succ ~n instance : has_neg snum := ⟨snum.neg⟩ -- First bit is 0 or 1 (tt), second bit is 0 or -1 (tt) def czadd : bool → bool → snum → snum | ff ff p := p | ff tt p := pred p | tt ff p := succ p | tt tt p := p def cadd : snum → snum → bool → snum := rec' (λ a p c, czadd c a p) $ λa p IH, rec' (λb c, czadd c b (a :: p)) $ λb q _ c, bitvec.xor3 a b c :: IH q (bitvec.carry a b c) protected def add (a b : snum) : snum := cadd a b ff instance : has_add snum := ⟨snum.add⟩ protected def sub (a b : snum) : snum := a + -b instance : has_sub snum := ⟨snum.sub⟩ protected def mul (a : snum) : snum → snum := rec' (λ b, cond b (-a) 0) $ λb q IH, cond b (bit0 IH + a) (bit0 IH) instance : has_mul snum := ⟨snum.mul⟩ end snum namespace int def of_snum : snum → ℤ := snum.rec' (λ a, cond a (-1) 0) (λa p IH, cond a (bit1 IH) (bit0 IH)) instance snum_coe : has_coe snum ℤ := ⟨of_snum⟩ end int instance : has_lt snum := ⟨λa b, (a : ℤ) < b⟩ instance : has_le snum := ⟨λa b, (a : ℤ) ≤ b⟩