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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".

Project: Xena
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Author: Mario Carneiro

Properties of the binary representation of integers.
import data.num.basic data.num.bitwise algebra.ordered_ring
       tactic.interactive data.nat.gcd

namespace pos_num
  variables {α : Type*}

  @[simp] theorem cast_one [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] : ((1 : pos_num) : α) = 1 := rfl
  @[simp] theorem cast_one' [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] : ( : α) = 1 := rfl
  @[simp] theorem cast_bit0 [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] (n : pos_num) : (n.bit0 : α) = _root_.bit0 n := rfl
  @[simp] theorem cast_bit1 [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] (n : pos_num) : (n.bit1 : α) = _root_.bit1 n := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_nat [add_monoid α] [has_one α] : ∀ n : pos_num, ((n : ℕ) : α) = n
  | 1        := nat.cast_one
  | (bit0 p) := (nat.cast_bit0 _).trans $ congr_arg _root_.bit0 p.cast_to_nat
  | (bit1 p) := (nat.cast_bit1 _).trans $ congr_arg _root_.bit1 p.cast_to_nat

  @[simp] theorem to_nat_to_int (n : pos_num) : ((n : ℕ) : ℤ) = n :=
  by rw [← int.nat_cast_eq_coe_nat, cast_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_int [add_group α] [has_one α] (n : pos_num) : ((n : ℤ) : α) = n :=
  by rw [← to_nat_to_int, int.cast_coe_nat, cast_to_nat]

  theorem succ_to_nat : ∀ n, (succ n : ℕ) = n + 1
  | 1        := rfl
  | (bit0 p) := rfl
  | (bit1 p) := (congr_arg _root_.bit0 (succ_to_nat p)).trans $
    show ↑p + 1 + ↑p + 1 = ↑p + ↑p + 1 + 1, by simp

  theorem one_add (n : pos_num) : 1 + n = succ n := by cases n; refl
  theorem add_one (n : pos_num) : n + 1 = succ n := by cases n; refl

  @[simp] theorem add_to_nat : ∀ m n, ((m + n : pos_num) : ℕ) = m + n
  | 1        b        := by rw [one_add b, succ_to_nat, add_comm]; refl
  | a        1        := by rw [add_one a, succ_to_nat]; refl
  | (bit0 a) (bit0 b) := (congr_arg _root_.bit0 (add_to_nat a b)).trans $
    show ((a + b) + (a + b) : ℕ) = (a + a) + (b + b), by simp
  | (bit0 a) (bit1 b) := (congr_arg _root_.bit1 (add_to_nat a b)).trans $
    show ((a + b) + (a + b) + 1 : ℕ) = (a + a) + (b + b + 1), by simp
  | (bit1 a) (bit0 b) := (congr_arg _root_.bit1 (add_to_nat a b)).trans $
    show ((a + b) + (a + b) + 1 : ℕ) = (a + a + 1) + (b + b), by simp
  | (bit1 a) (bit1 b) :=
    show (succ (a + b) + succ (a + b) : ℕ) = (a + a + 1) + (b + b + 1),
    by rw [succ_to_nat, add_to_nat]; simp

  theorem add_succ : ∀ (m n : pos_num), m + succ n = succ (m + n)
  | 1        b        := by simp [one_add]
  | (bit0 a) 1        := congr_arg bit0 (add_one a)
  | (bit1 a) 1        := congr_arg bit1 (add_one a)
  | (bit0 a) (bit0 b) := rfl
  | (bit0 a) (bit1 b) := congr_arg bit0 (add_succ a b)
  | (bit1 a) (bit0 b) := rfl
  | (bit1 a) (bit1 b) := congr_arg bit1 (add_succ a b)

  theorem bit0_of_bit0 : Π n, _root_.bit0 n = bit0 n
  | 1        := rfl
  | (bit0 p) := congr_arg bit0 (bit0_of_bit0 p)
  | (bit1 p) := show bit0 (succ (_root_.bit0 p)) = _, by rw bit0_of_bit0; refl

  theorem bit1_of_bit1 (n : pos_num) : _root_.bit1 n = bit1 n :=
  show _root_.bit0 n + 1 = bit1 n, by rw [add_one, bit0_of_bit0]; refl

  @[simp] theorem mul_to_nat (m) : ∀ n, ((m * n : pos_num) : ℕ) = m * n
  | 1        := (mul_one _).symm
  | (bit0 p) := show (↑(m * p) + ↑(m * p) : ℕ) = ↑m * (p + p), by rw [mul_to_nat, left_distrib]
  | (bit1 p) := (add_to_nat (bit0 (m * p)) m).trans $
    show (↑(m * p) + ↑(m * p) + ↑m : ℕ) = ↑m * (p + p) + m, by rw [mul_to_nat, left_distrib]

  theorem to_nat_pos : ∀ n : pos_num, 0 < (n : ℕ)
  | 1        := zero_lt_one
  | (bit0 p) := let h := to_nat_pos p in add_pos h h
  | (bit1 p) := nat.succ_pos _

  theorem cmp_to_nat_lemma {m n : pos_num} : (m:ℕ) < n → (bit1 m : ℕ) < bit0 n :=
  show (m:ℕ) < n → (m + m + 1 + 1 : ℕ) ≤ n + n,
  by intro h; rw [nat.add_right_comm m m 1, add_assoc]; exact add_le_add h h

  theorem cmp_swap (m) : ∀n, (cmp m n).swap = cmp n m :=
  by induction m with m IH m IH; intro n;
     cases n with n n; try {unfold cmp}; try {refl}; rw ←IH; cases cmp m n; refl

  theorem cmp_to_nat : ∀ (m n), (ordering.cases_on (cmp m n) ((m:ℕ) < n) (m = n) ((m:ℕ) > n) : Prop)
  | 1        1        := rfl
  | (bit0 a) 1        := let h : (1:ℕ) ≤ a := to_nat_pos a in add_le_add h h
  | (bit1 a) 1        := nat.succ_lt_succ $ to_nat_pos $ bit0 a
  | 1        (bit0 b) := let h : (1:ℕ) ≤ b := to_nat_pos b in add_le_add h h
  | 1        (bit1 b) := nat.succ_lt_succ $ to_nat_pos $ bit0 b
  | (bit0 a) (bit0 b) := begin
      have := cmp_to_nat a b, revert this, cases cmp a b; dsimp; intro,
      { exact add_lt_add this this },
      { rw this },
      { exact add_lt_add this this }
  | (bit0 a) (bit1 b) := begin dsimp [cmp],
      have := cmp_to_nat a b, revert this, cases cmp a b; dsimp; intro,
      { exact nat.le_succ_of_le (add_lt_add this this) },
      { rw this, apply nat.lt_succ_self },
      { exact cmp_to_nat_lemma this }
  | (bit1 a) (bit0 b) := begin dsimp [cmp],
      have := cmp_to_nat a b, revert this, cases cmp a b; dsimp; intro,
      { exact cmp_to_nat_lemma this },
      { rw this, apply nat.lt_succ_self },
      { exact nat.le_succ_of_le (add_lt_add this this) },
  | (bit1 a) (bit1 b) := begin
      have := cmp_to_nat a b, revert this, cases cmp a b; dsimp; intro,
      { exact nat.succ_lt_succ (add_lt_add this this) },
      { rw this },
      { exact nat.succ_lt_succ (add_lt_add this this) }

  @[simp] theorem lt_to_nat {m n : pos_num} : (m:ℕ) < n ↔ m < n :=
  show (m:ℕ) < n ↔ cmp m n =, from
  match cmp m n, cmp_to_nat m n with
  |, h := by simp at h; simp [h]
  | ordering.eq, h := by simp at h; simp [h, lt_irrefl]; exact dec_trivial
  |, h := by simp [not_lt_of_gt h]; exact dec_trivial

  @[simp] theorem le_to_nat {m n : pos_num} : (m:ℕ) ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n :=
  by rw ← not_lt; exact not_congr lt_to_nat

end pos_num

namespace num
  variables {α : Type*}
  open pos_num

  theorem add_zero (n : num) : n + 0 = n := by cases n; refl
  theorem zero_add (n : num) : 0 + n = n := by cases n; refl

  theorem add_one : ∀ n : num, n + 1 = succ n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := by cases p; refl

  theorem add_succ : ∀ (m n : num), m + succ n = succ (m + n)
  | 0       n       := by simp [zero_add]
  | (pos p) 0       := show pos (p + 1) = succ (pos p + 0),
                       by rw [pos_num.add_one, add_zero]; refl
  | (pos p) (pos q) := congr_arg pos (pos_num.add_succ _ _)

  @[simp] theorem add_of_nat (m) : ∀ n, ((m + n : ℕ) : num) = m + n
  | 0     := (add_zero _).symm
  | (n+1) := show ((m + n : ℕ) + 1 : num) = m + (↑ n + 1),
             by rw [add_one, add_one, add_succ, add_of_nat]

  theorem bit0_of_bit0 : ∀ n : num, bit0 n = n.bit0
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := congr_arg pos p.bit0_of_bit0

  theorem bit1_of_bit1 : ∀ n : num, bit1 n = n.bit1
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := congr_arg pos p.bit1_of_bit1

  @[simp] theorem cast_zero [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] :
    ((0 : num) : α) = 0 := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_zero' [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] :
    ( : α) = 0 := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_one [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] :
    ((1 : num) : α) = 1 := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_pos [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α]
    (n : pos_num) : (num.pos n : α) = n := rfl

  theorem succ'_to_nat : ∀ n, (succ' n : ℕ) = n + 1
  | 0       := (_root_.zero_add _).symm
  | (pos p) := pos_num.succ_to_nat _

  theorem succ_to_nat (n) : (succ n : ℕ) = n + 1 := succ'_to_nat n

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_nat [add_monoid α] [has_one α] : ∀ n : num, ((n : ℕ) : α) = n
  | 0       := nat.cast_zero
  | (pos p) := p.cast_to_nat

  @[simp] theorem to_nat_to_int (n : num) : ((n : ℕ) : ℤ) = n :=
  by rw [← int.nat_cast_eq_coe_nat, cast_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_int [add_group α] [has_one α] (n : num) : ((n : ℤ) : α) = n :=
  by rw [← to_nat_to_int, int.cast_coe_nat, cast_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem to_of_nat : Π (n : ℕ), ((n : num) : ℕ) = n
  | 0     := rfl
  | (n+1) := by rw [nat.cast_add_one, add_one, succ_to_nat, to_of_nat]

  @[simp] theorem of_nat_cast [add_monoid α] [has_one α] (n : ℕ) : ((n : num) : α) = n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat, to_of_nat]

  theorem of_nat_inj {m n : ℕ} : (m : num) = n ↔ m = n :=
  ⟨λ h, function.injective_of_left_inverse to_of_nat h, congr_arg _⟩

  @[simp] theorem add_to_nat : ∀ m n, ((m + n : num) : ℕ) = m + n
  | 0       0       := rfl
  | 0       (pos q) := (_root_.zero_add _).symm
  | (pos p) 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) (pos q) := pos_num.add_to_nat _ _

  @[simp] theorem mul_to_nat : ∀ m n, ((m * n : num) : ℕ) = m * n
  | 0       0       := rfl
  | 0       (pos q) := (zero_mul _).symm
  | (pos p) 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) (pos q) := pos_num.mul_to_nat _ _

  theorem cmp_to_nat : ∀ (m n), (ordering.cases_on (cmp m n) ((m:ℕ) < n) (m = n) ((m:ℕ) > n) : Prop)
  | 0       0       := rfl
  | 0       (pos b) := to_nat_pos _
  | (pos a) 0       := to_nat_pos _
  | (pos a) (pos b) :=
    by { have := pos_num.cmp_to_nat a b; revert this; dsimp [cmp];
         cases pos_num.cmp a b, exacts [id, congr_arg pos, id] }

  @[simp] theorem lt_to_nat {m n : num} : (m:ℕ) < n ↔ m < n :=
  show (m:ℕ) < n ↔ cmp m n =, from
  match cmp m n, cmp_to_nat m n with
  |, h := by simp at h; simp [h]
  | ordering.eq, h := by simp at h; simp [h, lt_irrefl]; exact dec_trivial
  |, h := by simp [not_lt_of_gt h]; exact dec_trivial

  @[simp] theorem le_to_nat {m n : num} : (m:ℕ) ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n :=
  by rw ← not_lt; exact not_congr lt_to_nat

end num

namespace pos_num
  @[simp] theorem of_to_nat : Π (n : pos_num), ((n : ℕ) : num) = num.pos n
  | 1        := rfl
  | (bit0 p) :=
    show ↑(p + p : ℕ) = num.pos p.bit0,
    by rw [num.add_of_nat, of_to_nat];
      exact congr_arg num.pos p.bit0_of_bit0
  | (bit1 p) :=
    show ((p + p : ℕ) : num) + 1 = num.pos p.bit1,
    by rw [num.add_of_nat, of_to_nat];
      exact congr_arg num.pos p.bit1_of_bit1
end pos_num

namespace num

  @[simp] theorem of_to_nat : Π (n : num), ((n : ℕ) : num) = n
  | 0           := rfl
  | (pos p) := p.of_to_nat

  theorem to_nat_inj {m n : num} : (m : ℕ) = n ↔ m = n :=
  ⟨λ h, function.injective_of_left_inverse of_to_nat h, congr_arg _⟩

  meta def transfer_rw : tactic unit :=
  `[repeat {rw ← to_nat_inj <|> rw ← lt_to_nat <|> rw ← le_to_nat},
    repeat {rw add_to_nat <|> rw mul_to_nat <|> rw cast_one <|> rw cast_zero}]

  meta def transfer : tactic unit := `[intros, transfer_rw, try {simp}]

  instance : comm_semiring num :=
  by refine {
    add      := (+),
    zero     := 0,
    zero_add := zero_add,
    add_zero := add_zero,
    mul      := (*),
    one      := 1, .. }; try {transfer}; simp [mul_add, mul_left_comm, mul_comm]

  instance : ordered_cancel_comm_monoid num :=
  { add_left_cancel            := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply add_left_cancel},
    add_right_cancel           := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply add_right_cancel},
    lt                         := (<),
    lt_iff_le_not_le           := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply lt_iff_le_not_le},
    le                         := (≤),
    le_refl                    := by transfer,
    le_trans                   := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply le_trans},
    le_antisymm                := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply le_antisymm},
    add_le_add_left            := by {intros a b h c, revert h, transfer_rw, exact λ h, add_le_add_left h c},
    le_of_add_le_add_left      := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply le_of_add_le_add_left},
    ..num.comm_semiring }

  instance : decidable_linear_ordered_semiring num :=
  { le_total                   := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply le_total},
    zero_lt_one                := dec_trivial,
    mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left  := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left},
    mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right},
    mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left     := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left},
    mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right    := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right},
    decidable_lt               := num.decidable_lt,
    decidable_le               := num.decidable_le,
    decidable_eq               := num.decidable_eq,
    ..num.comm_semiring, ..num.ordered_cancel_comm_monoid }

  @[simp] theorem dvd_to_nat (m n : num) : (m : ℕ) ∣ n ↔ m ∣ n :=
  ⟨λ ⟨k, e⟩, ⟨k, by rw [← of_to_nat n, e]; simp⟩,
   λ ⟨k, e⟩, ⟨k, by simp [e]⟩⟩

end num

namespace pos_num
  variables {α : Type*}
  open num

  theorem to_nat_inj {m n : pos_num} : (m : ℕ) = n ↔ m = n :=
  ⟨λ h, num.pos.inj $ by rw [← pos_num.of_to_nat, ← pos_num.of_to_nat, h],
   congr_arg _⟩

  theorem pred'_to_nat : ∀ n, (pred' n : ℕ) = nat.pred n
  | 1        := rfl
  | (bit0 n) :=
    have nat.succ ↑(pred' n) = ↑n,
    by rw [pred'_to_nat n, nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (to_nat_pos n)],
    match pred' n, this : ∀ k : num, nat.succ ↑k = ↑n →
      ↑(num.cases_on k 1 bit1 : pos_num) = nat.pred (_root_.bit0 n) with
    | 0, (h : ((1:num):ℕ) = n) := by rw ← to_nat_inj.1 h; refl
    | num.pos p, (h : nat.succ ↑p = n) :=
      by rw ← h; exact (nat.succ_add p p).symm
  | (bit1 n) := rfl

  @[simp] theorem pred'_succ' (n) : pred' (succ' n) = n :=
  num.to_nat_inj.1 $ by rw [pred'_to_nat, succ'_to_nat,
    nat.add_one, nat.pred_succ]

  @[simp] theorem succ'_pred' (n) : succ' (pred' n) = n :=
  to_nat_inj.1 $ by rw [succ'_to_nat, pred'_to_nat,
    nat.add_one, nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (to_nat_pos _)]

  theorem size_to_nat : ∀ n, (size n : ℕ) = nat.size n
  | 1        := nat.size_one.symm
  | (bit0 n) := by rw [size, succ_to_nat, size_to_nat, cast_bit0,
                       nat.size_bit0 $ ne_of_gt $ to_nat_pos n]
  | (bit1 n) := by rw [size, succ_to_nat, size_to_nat, cast_bit1,

  theorem size_eq_nat_size : ∀ n, (size n : ℕ) = nat_size n
  | 1        := rfl
  | (bit0 n) := by rw [size, succ_to_nat, nat_size, size_eq_nat_size]
  | (bit1 n) := by rw [size, succ_to_nat, nat_size, size_eq_nat_size]

  theorem nat_size_to_nat (n) : nat_size n = nat.size n :=
  by rw [← size_eq_nat_size, size_to_nat]

  theorem nat_size_pos (n) : 0 < nat_size n :=
  by cases n; apply nat.succ_pos

  meta def transfer_rw : tactic unit :=
  `[repeat {rw ← to_nat_inj <|> rw ← lt_to_nat <|> rw ← le_to_nat},
    repeat {rw add_to_nat <|> rw mul_to_nat <|> rw cast_one <|> rw cast_zero}]

  meta def transfer : tactic unit := `[intros, transfer_rw, try {simp [mul_comm, mul_left_comm]}]

  instance : add_comm_semigroup pos_num :=
  by refine {add := (+), ..}; transfer

  instance : comm_monoid pos_num :=
  by refine {mul := (*), one := 1, ..}; transfer

  instance : distrib pos_num :=
  by refine {add := (+), mul := (*), ..}; {transfer, simp [mul_add, mul_comm]}

  instance : decidable_linear_order pos_num :=
  { lt              := (<),
    lt_iff_le_not_le := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply lt_iff_le_not_le},
    le              := (≤),
    le_refl         := by transfer,
    le_trans        := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply le_trans},
    le_antisymm     := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply le_antisymm},
    le_total        := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply le_total},
    decidable_lt    := by apply_instance,
    decidable_le    := by apply_instance,
    decidable_eq    := by apply_instance }

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_num (n : pos_num) : ↑n = num.pos n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat, ← of_to_nat n]

  theorem bit_to_nat (b n) : (bit b n : ℕ) = nat.bit b n :=
  by cases b; refl

  @[simp] theorem cast_add [add_monoid α] [has_one α] (m n) : ((m + n : pos_num) : α) = m + n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat, add_to_nat, nat.cast_add, cast_to_nat, cast_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem cast_succ [add_monoid α] [has_one α] (n : pos_num) : (succ n : α) = n + 1 :=
  by rw [← add_one, cast_add, cast_one]

  @[simp] theorem cast_inj [add_monoid α] [has_one α] [char_zero α] {m n : pos_num} : (m:α) = n ↔ m = n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat m, ← cast_to_nat n, nat.cast_inj, to_nat_inj]

  theorem one_le_cast [linear_ordered_semiring α] (n : pos_num) : (1 : α) ≤ n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat, ← nat.cast_one, nat.cast_le]; apply to_nat_pos

  theorem cast_pos [linear_ordered_semiring α] (n : pos_num) : 0 < (n : α) :=
  lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one (one_le_cast n)

  @[simp] theorem cast_mul [semiring α] (m n) : ((m * n : pos_num) : α) = m * n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat, mul_to_nat, nat.cast_mul, cast_to_nat, cast_to_nat]

  theorem cmp_eq (m n) : cmp m n = ordering.eq ↔ m = n :=
    have := cmp_to_nat m n,
    cases cmp m n; simp at this ⊢; try {exact this};
    { simp [show m ≠ n, from λ e, by rw e at this; exact lt_irrefl _ this] }

  @[simp] theorem cast_lt [linear_ordered_semiring α] {m n : pos_num} : (m:α) < n ↔ m < n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat m, ← cast_to_nat n, nat.cast_lt, lt_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem cast_le [linear_ordered_semiring α] {m n : pos_num} : (m:α) ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n :=
  by rw ← not_lt; exact not_congr cast_lt

end pos_num

namespace num
  variables {α : Type*}
  open pos_num

  theorem bit_to_nat (b n) : (bit b n : ℕ) = nat.bit b n :=
  by cases b; cases n; refl

  theorem cast_succ' [add_monoid α] [has_one α] (n) : (succ' n : α) = n + 1 :=
  by rw [← pos_num.cast_to_nat, succ'_to_nat, nat.cast_add_one, cast_to_nat]

  theorem cast_succ [add_monoid α] [has_one α] (n) : (succ n : α) = n + 1 := cast_succ' n

  @[simp] theorem cast_add [semiring α] (m n) : ((m + n : num) : α) = m + n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat, add_to_nat, nat.cast_add, cast_to_nat, cast_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem cast_bit0 [semiring α] (n : num) : (n.bit0 : α) = _root_.bit0 n :=
  by rw [← bit0_of_bit0, _root_.bit0, cast_add]; refl

  @[simp] theorem cast_bit1 [semiring α] (n : num) : (n.bit1 : α) = _root_.bit1 n :=
  by rw [← bit1_of_bit1, _root_.bit1, bit0_of_bit0, cast_add, cast_bit0]; refl

  @[simp] theorem cast_mul [semiring α] : ∀ m n, ((m * n : num) : α) = m * n
  | 0       0       := (zero_mul _).symm
  | 0       (pos q) := (zero_mul _).symm
  | (pos p) 0       := (mul_zero _).symm
  | (pos p) (pos q) := pos_num.cast_mul _ _

  theorem size_to_nat : ∀ n, (size n : ℕ) = nat.size n
  | 0       := nat.size_zero.symm
  | (pos p) := p.size_to_nat

  theorem size_eq_nat_size : ∀ n, (size n : ℕ) = nat_size n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := p.size_eq_nat_size

  theorem nat_size_to_nat (n) : nat_size n = nat.size n :=
  by rw [← size_eq_nat_size, size_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem of_nat'_eq : ∀ n, num.of_nat' n = n :=
  nat.binary_rec rfl $ λ b n IH, begin
    rw of_nat' at IH ⊢,
    rw [nat.binary_rec_eq, IH],
    { cases b; simp [nat.bit, bit0_of_bit0, bit1_of_bit1] },
    { refl }

  theorem zneg_to_znum (n : num) : -n.to_znum = n.to_znum_neg := by cases n; refl
  theorem zneg_to_znum_neg (n : num) : -n.to_znum_neg = n.to_znum := by cases n; refl

  theorem to_znum_inj {m n : num} : m.to_znum = n.to_znum ↔ m = n :=
  ⟨λ h, by cases m; cases n; cases h; refl, congr_arg _⟩

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_znum [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] [has_neg α] :
    ∀ n : num, (n.to_znum : α) = n
  | 0           := rfl
  | (num.pos p) := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_znum_neg [add_group α] [has_one α] :
    ∀ n : num, (n.to_znum_neg : α) = -n
  | 0           := neg_zero.symm
  | (num.pos p) := rfl

  @[simp] theorem add_to_znum (m n : num) : num.to_znum (m + n) = m.to_znum + n.to_znum :=
  by cases m; cases n; refl

end num

namespace pos_num
  open num

  theorem pred_to_nat {n : pos_num} (h : n > 1) : (pred n : ℕ) = nat.pred n :=
    unfold pred,
    have := pred'_to_nat n,
    cases e : pred' n,
    { have : (1:ℕ) ≤ nat.pred n :=
        nat.pred_le_pred ((@cast_lt ℕ _ _ _).2 h),
      rw [← pred'_to_nat, e] at this,
      exact absurd this dec_trivial },
    { rw [← pred'_to_nat, e], refl }

  theorem sub'_one (a : pos_num) : sub' a 1 = (pred' a).to_znum :=
  by cases a; refl

  theorem one_sub' (a : pos_num) : sub' 1 a = (pred' a).to_znum_neg :=
  by cases a; refl

  theorem lt_iff_cmp {m n} : m < n ↔ cmp m n = := iff.rfl

  theorem le_iff_cmp {m n} : m ≤ n ↔ cmp m n ≠ :=
  not_congr $ lt_iff_cmp.trans $
  by rw ← cmp_swap; cases cmp m n; exact dec_trivial

end pos_num

namespace num
  variables {α : Type*}
  open pos_num

  theorem pred_to_nat : ∀ (n : num), (pred n : ℕ) = nat.pred n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := by rw [pred, pos_num.pred'_to_nat]; refl

  theorem ppred_to_nat : ∀ (n : num), coe <$> ppred n = nat.ppred n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := by rw [ppred, option.map_some, nat.ppred_eq_some.2];
    rw [pos_num.pred'_to_nat, nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (pos_num.to_nat_pos _)]; refl

  theorem cmp_swap (m n) : (cmp m n).swap = cmp n m :=
  by cases m; cases n; try {unfold cmp}; try {refl}; apply pos_num.cmp_swap

  theorem cmp_eq (m n) : cmp m n = ordering.eq ↔ m = n :=
    have := cmp_to_nat m n,
    cases cmp m n; simp at this ⊢; try {exact this};
    { simp [show m ≠ n, from λ e, by rw e at this; exact lt_irrefl _ this] }

  @[simp] theorem cast_lt [linear_ordered_semiring α] {m n : num} : (m:α) < n ↔ m < n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat m, ← cast_to_nat n, nat.cast_lt, lt_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem cast_le [linear_ordered_semiring α] {m n : num} : (m:α) ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n :=
  by rw ← not_lt; exact not_congr cast_lt

  @[simp] theorem cast_inj [linear_ordered_semiring α] {m n : num} : (m:α) = n ↔ m = n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat m, ← cast_to_nat n, nat.cast_inj, to_nat_inj]

  theorem lt_iff_cmp {m n} : m < n ↔ cmp m n = := iff.rfl

  theorem le_iff_cmp {m n} : m ≤ n ↔ cmp m n ≠ :=
  not_congr $ lt_iff_cmp.trans $
  by rw ← cmp_swap; cases cmp m n; exact dec_trivial

  theorem bitwise_to_nat {f : num → num → num} {g : bool → bool → bool}
    (p : pos_num → pos_num → num)
    (gff : g ff ff = ff)
    (f00 : f 0 0 = 0)
    (f0n : ∀ n, f 0 (pos n) = cond (g ff tt) (pos n) 0)
    (fn0 : ∀ n, f (pos n) 0 = cond (g tt ff) (pos n) 0)
    (fnn : ∀ m n, f (pos m) (pos n) = p m n)
    (p11 : p 1 1 = cond (g tt tt) 1 0)
    (p1b : ∀ b n, p 1 (pos_num.bit b n) = bit (g tt b) (cond (g ff tt) (pos n) 0))
    (pb1 : ∀ a m, p (pos_num.bit a m) 1 = bit (g a tt) (cond (g tt ff) (pos m) 0))
    (pbb : ∀ a b m n, p (pos_num.bit a m) (pos_num.bit b n) = bit (g a b) (p m n))
    : ∀ m n : num, (f m n : ℕ) = nat.bitwise g m n :=
    intros, cases m with m; cases n with n;
    try { change zero with 0 };
    try { change ((0:num):ℕ) with 0 },
    { rw [f00, nat.bitwise_zero]; refl },
    { unfold nat.bitwise, rw [f0n, nat.binary_rec_zero],
      cases g ff tt; refl },
    { unfold nat.bitwise,
      generalize h : (pos m : ℕ) = m', revert h,
      apply nat.bit_cases_on m' _, intros b m' h,
      rw [fn0, nat.binary_rec_eq, nat.binary_rec_zero, ←h],
      cases g tt ff; refl,
      apply nat.bitwise_bit_aux gff },
    { rw fnn,
      have : ∀b (n : pos_num), (cond b ↑n 0 : ℕ) = ↑(cond b (pos n) 0 : num) :=
        by intros; cases b; refl,
      induction m with m IH m IH generalizing n; cases n with n n,
      any_goals { change one with 1 },
      any_goals { change pos 1 with 1 },
      any_goals { change pos_num.bit0 with pos_num.bit ff },
      any_goals { change pos_num.bit1 with pos_num.bit tt },
      any_goals { change ((1:num):ℕ) with nat.bit tt 0 },
      all_goals {
        repeat {
          rw show ∀ b n, (pos (pos_num.bit b n) : ℕ) = nat.bit b ↑n,
             by intros; cases b; refl },
        rw nat.bitwise_bit },
      any_goals { assumption },
      any_goals { rw [nat.bitwise_zero, p11], cases g tt tt; refl },
      any_goals { rw [nat.bitwise_zero_left, this, ← bit_to_nat, p1b] },
      any_goals { rw [nat.bitwise_zero_right _ gff, this, ← bit_to_nat, pb1] },
      all_goals { rw [← show ∀ n, ↑(p m n) = nat.bitwise g ↑m ↑n, from IH],
        rw [← bit_to_nat, pbb] } }

  @[simp] theorem lor_to_nat   : ∀ m n, (lor    m n : ℕ) = nat.lor    m n :=
  by apply bitwise_to_nat (λx y, pos (pos_num.lor x y)); intros; try {cases a}; try {cases b}; refl
  @[simp] theorem land_to_nat  : ∀ m n, (land   m n : ℕ) =   m n :=
  by apply bitwise_to_nat; intros; try {cases a}; try {cases b}; refl
  @[simp] theorem ldiff_to_nat : ∀ m n, (ldiff  m n : ℕ) = nat.ldiff  m n :=
  by apply bitwise_to_nat pos_num.ldiff; intros; try {cases a}; try {cases b}; refl
  @[simp] theorem lxor_to_nat  : ∀ m n, (lxor   m n : ℕ) = nat.lxor   m n :=
  by apply bitwise_to_nat pos_num.lxor; intros; try {cases a}; try {cases b}; refl

  @[simp] theorem shiftl_to_nat (m n) : (shiftl m n : ℕ) = nat.shiftl m n :=
    cases m; dunfold shiftl, {symmetry, apply nat.zero_shiftl},
    simp, induction n with n IH, {refl},
    simp [pos_num.shiftl, nat.shiftl_succ], rw ←IH

  @[simp] theorem shiftr_to_nat (m n) : (shiftr m n : ℕ) = nat.shiftr m n :=
    cases m with m; dunfold shiftr, {symmetry, apply nat.zero_shiftr},
    induction n with n IH generalizing m, {cases m; refl},
    cases m with m m; dunfold pos_num.shiftr,
    { rw [nat.shiftr_eq_div_pow], symmetry, apply nat.div_eq_of_lt,
      exact @nat.pow_lt_pow_of_lt_right 2 dec_trivial 0 (n+1) (nat.succ_pos _) },
    { transitivity, apply IH,
      change nat.shiftr m n = nat.shiftr (bit1 m) (n+1),
      rw [add_comm n 1, nat.shiftr_add],
      apply congr_arg (λx, nat.shiftr x n), unfold nat.shiftr,
      change (bit1 ↑m : ℕ) with nat.bit tt m,
      rw nat.div2_bit },
    { transitivity, apply IH,
      change nat.shiftr m n = nat.shiftr (bit0 m) (n + 1),
      rw [add_comm n 1, nat.shiftr_add],
      apply congr_arg (λx, nat.shiftr x n), unfold nat.shiftr,
      change (bit0 ↑m : ℕ) with nat.bit ff m,
      rw nat.div2_bit }

  @[simp] theorem test_bit_to_nat (m n) : test_bit m n = nat.test_bit m n :=
    cases m with m; unfold test_bit nat.test_bit,
    { change (zero : nat) with 0, rw nat.zero_shiftr, refl },
    induction n with n IH generalizing m;
    cases m; dunfold pos_num.test_bit, {refl},
    { exact (nat.bodd_bit _ _).symm },
    { exact (nat.bodd_bit _ _).symm },
    { change ff = nat.bodd (nat.shiftr 1 (n + 1)),
      rw [add_comm, nat.shiftr_add], change nat.shiftr 1 1 with 0,
      rw nat.zero_shiftr; refl },
    { change pos_num.test_bit m n = nat.bodd (nat.shiftr (nat.bit tt m) (n + 1)),
      rw [add_comm, nat.shiftr_add], unfold nat.shiftr,
      rw nat.div2_bit, apply IH },
    { change pos_num.test_bit m n = nat.bodd (nat.shiftr (nat.bit ff m) (n + 1)),
      rw [add_comm, nat.shiftr_add], unfold nat.shiftr,
      rw nat.div2_bit, apply IH },

end num

namespace znum
  variables {α : Type*}
  open pos_num

  @[simp] theorem cast_zero [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] [has_neg α] :
    ((0 : znum) : α) = 0 := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_zero' [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] [has_neg α] :
    ( : α) = 0 := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_one [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] [has_neg α] :
    ((1 : znum) : α) = 1 := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_pos [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] [has_neg α]
    (n : pos_num) : (pos n : α) = n := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_neg [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α] [has_neg α]
    (n : pos_num) : (neg n : α) = -n := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_zneg [add_group α] [has_one α] : ∀ n, ((-n : znum) : α) = -n
  | 0       := neg_zero.symm
  | (pos p) := rfl
  | (neg p) := (neg_neg _).symm

  theorem neg_zero : (-0 : znum) = 0 := rfl
  theorem zneg_pos (n : pos_num) : -pos n = neg n := rfl
  theorem zneg_neg (n : pos_num) : -neg n = pos n := rfl
  theorem zneg_zneg (n : znum) : - -n = n := by cases n; refl
  theorem zneg_bit1 (n : znum) : -n.bit1 = (-n).bitm1 := by cases n; refl
  theorem zneg_bitm1 (n : znum) : -n.bitm1 = (-n).bit1 := by cases n; refl

  theorem zneg_succ (n : znum) : -n.succ = (-n).pred :=
  by cases n; try {refl}; rw [succ, num.zneg_to_znum_neg]; refl

  theorem zneg_pred (n : znum) : -n.pred = (-n).succ :=
  by rw [← zneg_zneg (succ (-n)), zneg_succ, zneg_zneg]

  @[simp] theorem neg_of_int : ∀ n, ((-n : ℤ) : znum) = -n
  | (n+1:ℕ) := rfl
  | 0       := rfl
  | -[1+n]  := (zneg_zneg _).symm

  @[simp] theorem abs_to_nat : ∀ n, (abs n : ℕ) = int.nat_abs n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := congr_arg int.nat_abs p.to_nat_to_int
  | (neg p) := show int.nat_abs ((p:ℕ):ℤ) = int.nat_abs (- p),
    by rw [p.to_nat_to_int, int.nat_abs_neg]

  @[simp] theorem abs_to_znum : ∀ n : num, abs n.to_znum = n
  | 0           := rfl
  | (num.pos p) := rfl

  @[simp] theorem cast_to_int [add_group α] [has_one α] : ∀ n : znum, ((n : ℤ) : α) = n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := by rw [cast_pos, cast_pos, pos_num.cast_to_int]
  | (neg p) := by rw [cast_neg, cast_neg, int.cast_neg, pos_num.cast_to_int]

  theorem bit0_of_bit0 : ∀ n : znum, _root_.bit0 n = n.bit0
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos a) := congr_arg pos a.bit0_of_bit0
  | (neg a) := congr_arg neg a.bit0_of_bit0

  theorem bit1_of_bit1 : ∀ n : znum, _root_.bit1 n = n.bit1
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos a) := congr_arg pos a.bit1_of_bit1
  | (neg a) := show pos_num.sub' 1 (_root_.bit0 a) = _,
    by rw [pos_num.one_sub', a.bit0_of_bit0]; refl

  @[simp] theorem cast_bit0 [add_group α] [has_one α] :
    ∀ n : znum, (n.bit0 : α) = bit0 n
  | 0       := (add_zero _).symm
  | (pos p) := by rw [znum.bit0, cast_pos, cast_pos]; refl
  | (neg p) := by rw [znum.bit0, cast_neg, cast_neg, pos_num.cast_bit0,
                      _root_.bit0, _root_.bit0, neg_add_rev]

  @[simp] theorem cast_bit1 [add_group α] [has_one α] :
    ∀ n : znum, (n.bit1 : α) = bit1 n
  | 0       := by simp [znum.bit1, _root_.bit1, _root_.bit0]
  | (pos p) := by rw [znum.bit1, cast_pos, cast_pos]; refl
  | (neg p) := begin
      rw [znum.bit1, cast_neg, cast_neg],
      cases e : pred' p;
      have : p = _ := (succ'_pred' p).symm.trans
        (congr_arg num.succ' e),
      { change p=1 at this, subst p,
        simp [_root_.bit1, _root_.bit0] },
      { rw [num.succ'] at this, subst p,
        have : (↑(-↑a:ℤ) : α) = -1 + ↑(-↑a + 1 : ℤ), {simp},
        simpa [_root_.bit1, _root_.bit0, -add_comm] },

  @[simp] theorem cast_bitm1 [add_group α] [has_one α]
    (n : znum) : (n.bitm1 : α) = bit0 n - 1 :=
    conv { to_lhs, rw ← zneg_zneg n },
    rw [← zneg_bit1, cast_zneg, cast_bit1],
    have : ((-1 + n + n : ℤ) : α) = (n + n + -1 : ℤ), {simp},
    simpa [_root_.bit1, _root_.bit0, -add_comm]

  theorem add_zero (n : znum) : n + 0 = n := by cases n; refl
  theorem zero_add (n : znum) : 0 + n = n := by cases n; refl

  theorem add_one : ∀ n : znum, n + 1 = succ n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos p) := congr_arg pos p.add_one
  | (neg p) := by cases p; refl

end znum

namespace pos_num
  variables {α : Type*}

  theorem cast_to_znum : ∀ n : pos_num, (n : znum) = znum.pos n
  | 1        := rfl
  | (bit0 p) := (znum.bit0_of_bit0 p).trans $ congr_arg _ (cast_to_znum p)
  | (bit1 p) := (znum.bit1_of_bit1 p).trans $ congr_arg _ (cast_to_znum p)

  theorem cast_sub' [add_group α] [has_one α] : ∀ m n : pos_num, (sub' m n : α) = m - n
  | a        1        := by rw [sub'_one, num.cast_to_znum,
                                ← num.cast_to_nat, pred'_to_nat, ← nat.sub_one];
                            simp [pos_num.cast_pos]
  | 1        b        := by rw [one_sub', num.cast_to_znum_neg, ← neg_sub, neg_inj',
                                ← num.cast_to_nat, pred'_to_nat, ← nat.sub_one];
                            simp [pos_num.cast_pos]
  | (bit0 a) (bit0 b) := begin
      rw [sub', znum.cast_bit0, cast_sub'],
      have : ((a + -b + (a + -b) : ℤ) : α) = a + a + (-b + -b), {simp},
      simpa [_root_.bit0, -add_left_comm]
  | (bit0 a) (bit1 b) := begin
      rw [sub', znum.cast_bitm1, cast_sub'],
      have : ((-b + (a + (-b + -1)) : ℤ) : α) = (a + -1 + (-b + -b):ℤ), {simp},
      simpa [_root_.bit1, _root_.bit0, -add_left_comm, -add_comm]
  | (bit1 a) (bit0 b) := begin
      rw [sub', znum.cast_bit1, cast_sub'],
      have : ((-b + (a + (-b + 1)) : ℤ) : α) = (a + 1 + (-b + -b):ℤ), {simp},
      simpa [_root_.bit1, _root_.bit0, -add_left_comm, -add_comm]
  | (bit1 a) (bit1 b) := begin
      rw [sub', znum.cast_bit0, cast_sub'],
      have : ((-b + (a + -b) : ℤ) : α) = a + (-b + -b), {simp},
      simpa [_root_.bit1, _root_.bit0, -add_left_comm, add_neg_cancel_left]

  theorem to_nat_eq_succ_pred (n : pos_num) : (n:ℕ) = n.pred' + 1 :=
  by rw [← num.succ'_to_nat, n.succ'_pred']

  theorem to_int_eq_succ_pred (n : pos_num) : (n:ℤ) = (n.pred' : ℕ) + 1 :=
  by rw [← n.to_nat_to_int, to_nat_eq_succ_pred]; refl

end pos_num

namespace num
  variables {α : Type*}

  @[simp] theorem cast_sub' [add_group α] [has_one α] : ∀ m n : num, (sub' m n : α) = m - n
  | 0       0       := (sub_zero _).symm
  | (pos a) 0       := (sub_zero _).symm
  | 0       (pos b) := (zero_sub _).symm
  | (pos a) (pos b) := pos_num.cast_sub' _ _

  @[simp] theorem of_nat_to_znum : ∀ n : ℕ, to_znum n = n
  | 0     := rfl
  | (n+1) := by rw [nat.cast_add_one, nat.cast_add_one,
    znum.add_one, add_one, ← of_nat_to_znum]; cases (n:num); refl

  @[simp] theorem of_nat_to_znum_neg (n : ℕ) : to_znum_neg n = -n :=
  by rw [← of_nat_to_znum, zneg_to_znum]

  theorem mem_of_znum' : ∀ {m : num} {n : znum}, m ∈ of_znum' n ↔ n = to_znum m
  | 0       0      := ⟨λ _, rfl, λ _, rfl⟩
  | (pos m) 0      := ⟨λ h, by cases h, λ h, by cases h⟩
  | m (znum.pos p) := option.some_inj.trans $
    by cases m; split; intro h; try {cases h}; refl
  | m (znum.neg p) := ⟨λ h, by cases h, λ h, by cases m; cases h⟩

  theorem of_znum'_to_nat : ∀ (n : znum), coe <$> of_znum' n = int.to_nat' n
  | 0            := rfl
  | (znum.pos p) := show _ = int.to_nat' p, by rw [← pos_num.to_nat_to_int p]; refl
  | (znum.neg p) := congr_arg (λ x, int.to_nat' (-x)) $
    show ((p.pred' + 1 : ℕ) : ℤ) = p, by rw ← succ'_to_nat; simp

  @[simp] theorem of_znum_to_nat : ∀ (n : znum), (of_znum n : ℕ) = int.to_nat n
  | 0            := rfl
  | (znum.pos p) := show _ = int.to_nat p, by rw [← pos_num.to_nat_to_int p]; refl
  | (znum.neg p) := congr_arg (λ x, int.to_nat (-x)) $
    show ((p.pred' + 1 : ℕ) : ℤ) = p, by rw ← succ'_to_nat; simp

  @[simp] theorem cast_of_znum [add_group α] [has_one α] (n : znum) :
    (of_znum n : α) = int.to_nat n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_nat, of_znum_to_nat]

  @[simp] theorem sub_to_nat (m n) : ((m - n : num) : ℕ) = m - n :=
  show (of_znum _ : ℕ) = _, by rw [of_znum_to_nat, cast_sub',
    ← to_nat_to_int, ← to_nat_to_int, int.to_nat_sub]

end num

namespace znum
  variables {α : Type*}

  @[simp] theorem cast_add [add_group α] [has_one α] : ∀ m n, ((m + n : znum) : α) = m + n
  | 0       a       := by cases a; exact (_root_.zero_add _).symm
  | b       0       := by cases b; exact (_root_.add_zero _).symm
  | (pos a) (pos b) := pos_num.cast_add _ _
  | (pos a) (neg b) := pos_num.cast_sub' _ _
  | (neg a) (pos b) := (pos_num.cast_sub' _ _).trans $
    show ↑b + -↑a = -↑a + ↑b, by rw [← pos_num.cast_to_int a, ← pos_num.cast_to_int b,
      ← int.cast_neg, ← int.cast_add (-a)]; simp
  | (neg a) (neg b) := show -(↑(a + b) : α) = -a + -b, by rw [
    pos_num.cast_add, neg_eq_iff_neg_eq, neg_add_rev, neg_neg, neg_neg,
    ← pos_num.cast_to_int a, ← pos_num.cast_to_int b, ← int.cast_add]; simp

  @[simp] theorem cast_succ [add_group α] [has_one α] (n) : ((succ n : znum) : α) = n + 1 :=
  by rw [← add_one, cast_add, cast_one]

  @[simp] theorem mul_to_int : ∀ m n, ((m * n : znum) : ℤ) = m * n
  | 0       a       := by cases a; exact (_root_.zero_mul _).symm
  | b       0       := by cases b; exact (_root_.mul_zero _).symm
  | (pos a) (pos b) := pos_num.cast_mul a b
  | (pos a) (neg b) := show -↑(a * b) = ↑a * -↑b, by rw [pos_num.cast_mul, neg_mul_eq_mul_neg]
  | (neg a) (pos b) := show -↑(a * b) = -↑a * ↑b, by rw [pos_num.cast_mul, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul]
  | (neg a) (neg b) := show ↑(a * b) = -↑a * -↑b, by rw [pos_num.cast_mul, neg_mul_neg]

  theorem cast_mul [ring α] (m n) : ((m * n : znum) : α) = m * n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_int, mul_to_int, int.cast_mul, cast_to_int, cast_to_int]

  @[simp] theorem of_to_int : Π (n : znum), ((n : ℤ) : znum) = n
  | 0       := rfl
  | (pos a) := by rw [cast_pos, ← pos_num.cast_to_nat,
    int.cast_coe_nat', ← num.of_nat_to_znum, pos_num.of_to_nat]; refl
  | (neg a) := by rw [cast_neg, neg_of_int, ← pos_num.cast_to_nat,
    int.cast_coe_nat', ← num.of_nat_to_znum_neg, pos_num.of_to_nat]; refl

  @[simp] theorem to_of_int : Π (n : ℤ), ((n : znum) : ℤ) = n
  | (n : ℕ) := by rw [int.cast_coe_nat,
    ← num.of_nat_to_znum, num.cast_to_znum, ← num.cast_to_nat,
    int.nat_cast_eq_coe_nat, num.to_of_nat]
  | -[1+ n] := by rw [int.cast_neg_succ_of_nat, cast_zneg,
    add_one, cast_succ, int.neg_succ_of_nat_eq,
    ← num.of_nat_to_znum, num.cast_to_znum, ← num.cast_to_nat,
    int.nat_cast_eq_coe_nat, num.to_of_nat]

  theorem to_int_inj {m n : znum} : (m : ℤ) = n ↔ m = n :=
  ⟨λ h, function.injective_of_left_inverse of_to_int h, congr_arg _⟩

  @[simp] theorem of_int_cast [add_group α] [has_one α] (n : ℤ) : ((n : znum) : α) = n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_int, to_of_int]

  @[simp] theorem of_nat_cast [add_group α] [has_one α] (n : ℕ) : ((n : znum) : α) = n :=
  of_int_cast n

  @[simp] theorem of_int'_eq : ∀ n, znum.of_int' n = n
  | (n : ℕ) := to_int_inj.1 $ by simp [znum.of_int']
  | -[1+ n] := to_int_inj.1 $ by simp [znum.of_int']

  theorem cmp_to_int : ∀ (m n), (ordering.cases_on (cmp m n) ((m:ℤ) < n) (m = n) ((m:ℤ) > n) : Prop)
  | 0       0       := rfl
  | (pos a) (pos b) := begin
      have := pos_num.cmp_to_nat a b; revert this; dsimp [cmp];
      cases pos_num.cmp a b; dsimp;
      [simp, exact congr_arg pos, simp [gt]]
  | (neg a) (neg b) := begin
      have := pos_num.cmp_to_nat b a; revert this; dsimp [cmp];
      cases pos_num.cmp b a; dsimp;
      [simp, simp {contextual := tt}, simp [gt]]
  | (pos a) 0       := pos_num.cast_pos _
  | (pos a) (neg b) := lt_trans (neg_lt_zero.2 $ pos_num.cast_pos _) (pos_num.cast_pos _)
  | 0       (neg b) := neg_lt_zero.2 $ pos_num.cast_pos _
  | (neg a) 0       := neg_lt_zero.2 $ pos_num.cast_pos _
  | (neg a) (pos b) := lt_trans (neg_lt_zero.2 $ pos_num.cast_pos _) (pos_num.cast_pos _)
  | 0       (pos b) := pos_num.cast_pos _

  @[simp] theorem lt_to_int {m n : znum} : (m:ℤ) < n ↔ m < n :=
  show (m:ℤ) < n ↔ cmp m n =, from
  match cmp m n, cmp_to_int m n with
  |, h := by simp at h; simp [h]
  | ordering.eq, h := by simp at h; simp [h, lt_irrefl]; exact dec_trivial
  |, h := by simp [not_lt_of_gt h]; exact dec_trivial

  @[simp] theorem le_to_int {m n : znum} : (m:ℤ) ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n :=
  by rw ← not_lt; exact not_congr lt_to_int

  @[simp] theorem cast_lt [linear_ordered_ring α] {m n : znum} : (m:α) < n ↔ m < n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_int m, ← cast_to_int n, int.cast_lt, lt_to_int]

  @[simp] theorem cast_le [linear_ordered_ring α] {m n : znum} : (m:α) ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n :=
  by rw ← not_lt; exact not_congr cast_lt

  @[simp] theorem cast_inj [linear_ordered_ring α] {m n : znum} : (m:α) = n ↔ m = n :=
  by rw [← cast_to_int m, ← cast_to_int n, int.cast_inj, to_int_inj]

  meta def transfer_rw : tactic unit :=
  `[repeat {rw ← to_int_inj <|> rw ← lt_to_int <|> rw ← le_to_int},
    repeat {rw cast_add <|> rw mul_to_int <|> rw cast_one <|> rw cast_zero}]

  meta def transfer : tactic unit := `[intros, transfer_rw, try {simp [mul_comm, mul_left_comm]}]

  instance : decidable_linear_order znum :=
  { lt               := (<),
    lt_iff_le_not_le := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply lt_iff_le_not_le},
    le               := (≤),
    le_refl          := by transfer,
    le_trans         := by {intros a b c, transfer_rw, apply le_trans},
    le_antisymm      := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply le_antisymm},
    le_total         := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply le_total},
    decidable_eq     := znum.decidable_eq,
    decidable_le     := znum.decidable_le,
    decidable_lt     := znum.decidable_lt }

  instance : add_comm_group znum :=
  { add              := (+),
    add_assoc        := by transfer,
    zero             := 0,
    zero_add         := zero_add,
    add_zero         := add_zero,
    add_comm         := by transfer,
    neg              := has_neg.neg,
    add_left_neg     := by transfer }

  instance : decidable_linear_ordered_comm_ring znum :=
  { mul              := (*),
    mul_assoc        := by transfer,
    one              := 1,
    one_mul          := by transfer,
    mul_one          := by transfer,
    left_distrib     := by {transfer, simp [mul_add]},
    right_distrib    := by {transfer, simp [mul_add, mul_comm]},
    mul_comm         := by transfer,
    zero_ne_one      := dec_trivial,
    add_le_add_left  := by {intros a b h c, revert h, transfer_rw, exact λ h, add_le_add_left h c},
    add_lt_add_left  := by {intros a b h c, revert h, transfer_rw, exact λ h, add_lt_add_left h c},
    mul_pos          := by {intros a b, transfer_rw, apply mul_pos},
    mul_nonneg       := by {intros x y,
      change 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → 0 ≤ x * y,
      transfer_rw, apply mul_nonneg},
    zero_lt_one      := dec_trivial,
    ..znum.decidable_linear_order, ..znum.add_comm_group }

  @[simp] theorem dvd_to_int (m n : znum) : (m : ℤ) ∣ n ↔ m ∣ n :=
  ⟨λ ⟨k, e⟩, ⟨k, by rw [← of_to_int n, e]; simp⟩,
   λ ⟨k, e⟩, ⟨k, by simp [e]⟩⟩

end znum

namespace pos_num

  theorem divmod_to_nat_aux {n d : pos_num} {q r : num}
    (h₁ : (r:ℕ) + d * _root_.bit0 q = n)
    (h₂ : (r:ℕ) < 2 * d) :
    ((divmod_aux d q r).2 + d * (divmod_aux d q r).1 : ℕ) = ↑n ∧
    ((divmod_aux d q r).2 : ℕ) < d :=
    unfold divmod_aux,
    have : ∀ {r₂}, num.of_znum' (num.sub' r (num.pos d)) = some r₂ ↔ (r : ℕ) = r₂ + d,
    { intro r₂,
      apply num.mem_of_znum'.trans,
      rw [← znum.to_int_inj, num.cast_to_znum,
        num.cast_sub', sub_eq_iff_eq_add, ← int.coe_nat_inj'],
      simp },
    cases e : num.of_znum' (num.sub' r (num.pos d)) with r₂;
      simp [divmod_aux],
    { refine ⟨h₁, lt_of_not_ge (λ h, _)⟩,
      cases nat.le.dest h with r₂ e',
      rw [← num.to_of_nat r₂, add_comm] at e',
      cases e.symm.trans (this.2 e'.symm) },
    { have := this.1 e,
      { rwa [_root_.bit1, add_comm _ 1, mul_add, mul_one,
          ← add_assoc, ← this] },
      { rwa [this, two_mul, add_lt_add_iff_right] at h₂ } }

  theorem divmod_to_nat (d n : pos_num) :
    (n / d : ℕ) = (divmod d n).1 ∧
    (n % d : ℕ) = (divmod d n).2 :=
    rw nat.div_mod_unique (pos_num.cast_pos _),
    induction n with n IH n IH,
    { exact divmod_to_nat_aux (by simp; refl)
        (nat.mul_le_mul_left 2
          (pos_num.cast_pos d : (0 : ℕ) < d)) },
    { unfold divmod,
      cases divmod d n with q r, simp only [divmod] at IH ⊢,
      apply divmod_to_nat_aux; simp,
      { rw [_root_.bit1, _root_.bit1, add_right_comm,
          bit0_eq_two_mul ↑n, ← IH.1,
          mul_add, ← bit0_eq_two_mul,
          mul_left_comm, ← bit0_eq_two_mul] },
      { rw ← bit0_eq_two_mul,
        exact nat.bit1_lt_bit0 IH.2 } },
    { unfold divmod,
      cases divmod d n with q r, simp only [divmod] at IH ⊢,
      apply divmod_to_nat_aux; simp,
      { rw [bit0_eq_two_mul ↑n, ← IH.1,
          mul_add, ← bit0_eq_two_mul,
          mul_left_comm, ← bit0_eq_two_mul] },
      { rw ← bit0_eq_two_mul,
        exact nat.bit0_lt IH.2 } }

  @[simp] theorem div'_to_nat (n d) : (div' n d : ℕ) = n / d :=
  (divmod_to_nat _ _).1.symm

  @[simp] theorem mod'_to_nat (n d) : (mod' n d : ℕ) = n % d :=
  (divmod_to_nat _ _).2.symm

end pos_num

namespace num

  @[simp] theorem div_to_nat : ∀ n d, ((n / d : num) : ℕ) = n / d
  | 0       0       := rfl
  | 0       (pos d) := (nat.zero_div _).symm
  | (pos n) 0       := (nat.div_zero _).symm
  | (pos n) (pos d) := pos_num.div'_to_nat _ _

  @[simp] theorem mod_to_nat : ∀ n d, ((n % d : num) : ℕ) = n % d
  | 0       0       := rfl
  | 0       (pos d) := (nat.zero_mod _).symm
  | (pos n) 0       := (nat.mod_zero _).symm
  | (pos n) (pos d) := pos_num.mod'_to_nat _ _

  theorem gcd_to_nat_aux : ∀ {n} {a b : num},
    a ≤ b → (a * b).nat_size ≤ n → (gcd_aux n a b : ℕ) = nat.gcd a b
  | 0            0       b       ab h := (nat.gcd_zero_left _).symm
  | 0            (pos a) 0       ab h := (not_lt_of_ge ab).elim rfl
  | 0            (pos a) (pos b) ab h :=
    (not_lt_of_le h).elim $ pos_num.nat_size_pos _
  | (nat.succ n) 0       b       ab h := (nat.gcd_zero_left _).symm
  | (nat.succ n) (pos a) b       ab h := begin
    simp [gcd_aux],
    rw [nat.gcd_rec, gcd_to_nat_aux, mod_to_nat], {refl},
    { rw [← le_to_nat, mod_to_nat],
      exact le_of_lt (nat.mod_lt _ (pos_num.cast_pos _)) },
    rw [nat_size_to_nat, mul_to_nat, nat.size_le] at h ⊢,
    rw [mod_to_nat, mul_comm],
    rw [nat.pow_succ, ← nat.mod_add_div b (pos a)] at h,
    refine lt_of_mul_lt_mul_right (lt_of_le_of_lt _ h) (nat.zero_le 2),
    rw [mul_two, mul_add],
    refine add_le_add_left (nat.mul_le_mul_left _
      (le_trans (le_of_lt (nat.mod_lt _ (pos_num.cast_pos _))) _)) _,
    suffices : 1 ≤ _, simpa using nat.mul_le_mul_left (pos a) this,
    rw [nat.le_div_iff_mul_le _ _ a.cast_pos, one_mul],
    exact le_to_nat.2 ab

  @[simp] theorem gcd_to_nat : ∀ a b, (gcd a b : ℕ) = nat.gcd a b :=
  have ∀ a b : num, (a * b).nat_size ≤ a.nat_size + b.nat_size,
    simp [nat_size_to_nat],
    rw [nat.size_le, nat.pow_add],
    exact mul_lt_mul'' (nat.lt_size_self _)
      (nat.lt_size_self _) (nat.zero_le _) (nat.zero_le _)
    intros, unfold gcd, split_ifs,
    { exact gcd_to_nat_aux h (this _ _) },
    { rw nat.gcd_comm,
      exact gcd_to_nat_aux (le_of_not_le h) (this _ _) }

  theorem dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero {m n : num} : m ∣ n ↔ n % m = 0 :=
  by rw [← dvd_to_nat, nat.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero,
    ← to_nat_inj, mod_to_nat]; refl

  instance : decidable_rel ((∣) : num → num → Prop)
  | a b := decidable_of_iff' _ dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero

end num

namespace znum

  @[simp] theorem div_to_int : ∀ n d, ((n / d : znum) : ℤ) = n / d
  | 0       0       := rfl
  | 0       (pos d) := (int.zero_div _).symm
  | 0       (neg d) := (int.zero_div _).symm
  | (pos n) 0       := (int.div_zero _).symm
  | (neg n) 0       := (int.div_zero _).symm
  | (pos n) (pos d) := (num.cast_to_znum _).trans $
    by rw ← num.to_nat_to_int; simp
  | (pos n) (neg d) := (num.cast_to_znum_neg _).trans $
    by rw ← num.to_nat_to_int; simp
  | (neg n) (pos d) := show - _ = (-_/↑d), begin
      rw [n.to_int_eq_succ_pred, d.to_int_eq_succ_pred,
        ← pos_num.to_nat_to_int, num.succ'_to_nat,
      change -[1+ n.pred' / ↑d] = -[1+ n.pred' / (d.pred' + 1)],
      rw d.to_nat_eq_succ_pred
  | (neg n) (neg d) := show ↑(pos_num.pred' n / num.pos d).succ' = (-_ / -↑d), begin
      rw [n.to_int_eq_succ_pred, d.to_int_eq_succ_pred,
        ← pos_num.to_nat_to_int, num.succ'_to_nat,
      change (nat.succ (_/d) : ℤ) = nat.succ (n.pred'/(d.pred' + 1)),
      rw d.to_nat_eq_succ_pred

  @[simp] theorem mod_to_int : ∀ n d, ((n % d : znum) : ℤ) = n % d
  | 0       d := (int.zero_mod _).symm
  | (pos n) d := (num.cast_to_znum _).trans $
    by rw [← num.to_nat_to_int, cast_pos, num.mod_to_nat,
      ← pos_num.to_nat_to_int, abs_to_nat]; refl
  | (neg n) d := (num.cast_sub' _ _).trans $
    by rw [← num.to_nat_to_int, cast_neg, ← num.to_nat_to_int,
      num.succ_to_nat, num.mod_to_nat, abs_to_nat,
      ← int.sub_nat_nat_eq_coe, n.to_int_eq_succ_pred]; refl

  @[simp] theorem gcd_to_nat (a b) : (gcd a b : ℕ) = int.gcd a b :=
  (num.gcd_to_nat _ _).trans $ by simpa

  theorem dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero {m n : znum} : m ∣ n ↔ n % m = 0 :=
  by rw [← dvd_to_int, int.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero,
    ← to_int_inj, mod_to_int]; refl

  instance : decidable_rel ((∣) : znum → znum → Prop)
  | a b := decidable_of_iff' _ dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero

end znum