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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Robert Y. Lewis -/ import data.rat algebra.gcd_domain algebra.field_power import ring_theory.multiplicity tactic.ring import data.real.cau_seq import tactic.norm_cast /-! # p-adic norm This file defines the p-adic valuation and the p-adic norm on ℚ. The p-adic valuation on ℚ is the difference of the multiplicities of `p` in the numerator and denominator of `q`. This function obeys the standard properties of a valuation, with the appropriate assumptions on p. The valuation induces a norm on ℚ. This norm is a nonarchimedean absolute value. It takes values in {0} ∪ {1/p^k | k ∈ ℤ}. ## Notations This file uses the local notation `/.` for ``. ## Implementation notes Much, but not all, of this file assumes that `p` is prime. This assumption is inferred automatically by taking (prime p) as a type class argument. ## References * [F. Q. Gouêva, *p-adic numbers*][gouvea1997] * [R. Y. Lewis, *A formal proof of Hensel's lemma over the p-adic integers*][lewis2019] * <> ## Tags p-adic, p adic, padic, norm, valuation -/ universe u open nat attribute [class] open_locale rat open multiplicity /-- For `p ≠ 1`, the p-adic valuation of an integer `z ≠ 0` is the largest natural number `n` such that p^n divides z. `padic_val_rat` defines the valuation of a rational `q` to be the valuation of `q.num` minus the valuation of `q.denom`. If `q = 0` or `p = 1`, then `padic_val_rat p q` defaults to 0. -/ def padic_val_rat (p : ℕ) (q : ℚ) : ℤ := if h : q ≠ 0 ∧ p ≠ 1 then (multiplicity (p : ℤ) q.num).get (multiplicity.finite_int_iff.2 ⟨h.2, rat.num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero h.1⟩) - (multiplicity (p : ℤ) q.denom).get (multiplicity.finite_int_iff.2 ⟨h.2, by exact_mod_cast rat.denom_ne_zero _⟩) else 0 /-- A simplification of the definition of `padic_val_rat p q` when `q ≠ 0` and `p` is prime. -/ lemma padic_val_rat_def (p : ℕ) [hp :] {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) : padic_val_rat p q = (multiplicity (p : ℤ) q.num).get (finite_int_iff.2 ⟨hp.ne_one, rat.num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hq⟩) - (multiplicity (p : ℤ) q.denom).get (finite_int_iff.2 ⟨hp.ne_one, by exact_mod_cast rat.denom_ne_zero _⟩) := dif_pos ⟨hq, hp.ne_one⟩ namespace padic_val_rat open multiplicity section padic_val_rat variables {p : ℕ} /-- `padic_val_rat p q` is symmetric in `q`. -/ @[simp] protected lemma neg (q : ℚ) : padic_val_rat p (-q) = padic_val_rat p q := begin unfold padic_val_rat, split_ifs, { simp [-add_comm]; refl }, { exfalso, simp * at * }, { exfalso, simp * at * }, { refl } end /-- `padic_val_rat p 1` is 0 for any `p`. -/ @[simp] protected lemma one : padic_val_rat p 1 = 0 := by unfold padic_val_rat; split_ifs; simp * /-- For `p ≠ 0, p ≠ 1, `padic_val_rat p p` is 1. -/ @[simp] lemma padic_val_rat_self (hp : 1 < p) : padic_val_rat p p = 1 := by unfold padic_val_rat; split_ifs; simp [*, nat.one_lt_iff_ne_zero_and_ne_one] at * /-- The p-adic value of an integer `z ≠ 0` is the multiplicity of `p` in `z`. -/ lemma padic_val_rat_of_int (z : ℤ) (hp : p ≠ 1) (hz : z ≠ 0) : padic_val_rat p (z : ℚ) = (multiplicity (p : ℤ) z).get (finite_int_iff.2 ⟨hp, hz⟩) := by rw [padic_val_rat, dif_pos]; simp *; refl end padic_val_rat section padic_val_rat open multiplicity variables (p : ℕ) [p_prime : p] include p_prime /-- The multiplicity of `p : ℕ` in `a : ℤ` is finite exactly when `a ≠ 0`. -/ lemma finite_int_prime_iff {p : ℕ} [p_prime :] {a : ℤ} : finite (p : ℤ) a ↔ a ≠ 0 := by simp [finite_int_iff, ne.symm (ne_of_lt (p_prime.one_lt))] /-- A rewrite lemma for `padic_val_rat p q` when `q` is expressed in terms of ``. -/ protected lemma defn {q : ℚ} {n d : ℤ} (hqz : q ≠ 0) (qdf : q = n /. d) : padic_val_rat p q = (multiplicity (p : ℤ) n).get (finite_int_iff.2 ⟨ne.symm $ ne_of_lt p_prime.one_lt, λ hn, by simp * at *⟩) - (multiplicity (p : ℤ) d).get (finite_int_iff.2 ⟨ne.symm $ ne_of_lt p_prime.one_lt, λ hd, by simp * at *⟩) := have hn : n ≠ 0, from rat.mk_num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hqz qdf, have hd : d ≠ 0, from rat.mk_denom_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hqz qdf, let ⟨c, hc1, hc2⟩ := rat.num_denom_mk hn hd qdf in by rw [padic_val_rat, dif_pos]; simp [hc1, hc2, multiplicity.mul' (nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 p_prime), (ne.symm (ne_of_lt p_prime.one_lt)), hqz] /-- A rewrite lemma for `padic_val_rat p (q * r)` with conditions `q ≠ 0`, `r ≠ 0`. -/ protected lemma mul {q r : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) (hr : r ≠ 0) : padic_val_rat p (q * r) = padic_val_rat p q + padic_val_rat p r := have q*r = (q.num * r.num) /. (↑q.denom * ↑r.denom), by rw_mod_cast rat.mul_num_denom, have hq' : q.num /. q.denom ≠ 0, by rw rat.num_denom; exact hq, have hr' : r.num /. r.denom ≠ 0, by rw rat.num_denom; exact hr, have hp' : (p : ℤ), from nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 p_prime, begin rw [padic_val_rat.defn p (mul_ne_zero hq hr) this], conv_rhs { rw [←(@rat.num_denom q), padic_val_rat.defn p hq', ←(@rat.num_denom r), padic_val_rat.defn p hr'] }, rw [multiplicity.mul' hp', multiplicity.mul' hp']; simp end /-- A rewrite lemma for `padic_val_rat p (q^k) with condition `q ≠ 0`. -/ protected lemma pow {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) {k : ℕ} : padic_val_rat p (q ^ k) = k * padic_val_rat p q := by induction k; simp [*, padic_val_rat.mul _ hq (pow_ne_zero _ hq), _root_.pow_succ, add_mul] /-- A rewrite lemma for `padic_val_rat p (q⁻¹)` with condition `q ≠ 0`. -/ protected lemma inv {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) : padic_val_rat p (q⁻¹) = -padic_val_rat p q := by rw [eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero, ← padic_val_rat.mul p (inv_ne_zero hq) hq, inv_mul_cancel hq,] /-- A rewrite lemma for `padic_val_rat p (q / r)` with conditions `q ≠ 0`, `r ≠ 0`. -/ protected lemma div {q r : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) (hr : r ≠ 0) : padic_val_rat p (q / r) = padic_val_rat p q - padic_val_rat p r := by rw [div_eq_mul_inv, padic_val_rat.mul p hq (inv_ne_zero hr), padic_val_rat.inv p hr, sub_eq_add_neg] /-- A condition for `padic_val_rat p (n₁ / d₁) ≤ padic_val_rat p (n₂ / d₂), in terms of divisibility by `p^n`. -/ lemma padic_val_rat_le_padic_val_rat_iff {n₁ n₂ d₁ d₂ : ℤ} (hn₁ : n₁ ≠ 0) (hn₂ : n₂ ≠ 0) (hd₁ : d₁ ≠ 0) (hd₂ : d₂ ≠ 0) : padic_val_rat p (n₁ /. d₁) ≤ padic_val_rat p (n₂ /. d₂) ↔ ∀ (n : ℕ), ↑p ^ n ∣ n₁ * d₂ → ↑p ^ n ∣ n₂ * d₁ := have hf1 : finite (p : ℤ) (n₁ * d₂), from finite_int_prime_iff.2 (mul_ne_zero hn₁ hd₂), have hf2 : finite (p : ℤ) (n₂ * d₁), from finite_int_prime_iff.2 (mul_ne_zero hn₂ hd₁), by conv { to_lhs, rw [padic_val_rat.defn p (rat.mk_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hn₁ hd₁) rfl, padic_val_rat.defn p (rat.mk_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hn₂ hd₂) rfl, sub_le_iff_le_add', ← add_sub_assoc, le_sub_iff_add_le], norm_cast, rw [← multiplicity.mul' (nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 p_prime) hf1, add_comm, ← multiplicity.mul' (nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 p_prime) hf2, enat.get_le_get, multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff] } /-- Sufficient conditions to show that the p-adic valuation of `q` is less than or equal to the p-adic vlauation of `q + r`. -/ theorem le_padic_val_rat_add_of_le {q r : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) (hr : r ≠ 0) (hqr : q + r ≠ 0) (h : padic_val_rat p q ≤ padic_val_rat p r) : padic_val_rat p q ≤ padic_val_rat p (q + r) := have hqn : q.num ≠ 0, from rat.num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hq, have hqd : (q.denom : ℤ) ≠ 0, by exact_mod_cast rat.denom_ne_zero _, have hrn : r.num ≠ 0, from rat.num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hr, have hrd : (r.denom : ℤ) ≠ 0, by exact_mod_cast rat.denom_ne_zero _, have hqdv : q.num /. q.denom ≠ 0, from rat.mk_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hqn hqd, have hrdv : r.num /. r.denom ≠ 0, from rat.mk_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hrn hrd, have hqreq : q + r = (((q.num * r.denom + q.denom * r.num : ℤ)) /. (↑q.denom * ↑r.denom : ℤ)), from rat.add_num_denom _ _, have hqrd : q.num * ↑(r.denom) + ↑(q.denom) * r.num ≠ 0, from rat.mk_num_ne_zero_of_ne_zero hqr hqreq, begin conv_lhs { rw ←(@rat.num_denom q) }, rw [hqreq, padic_val_rat_le_padic_val_rat_iff p hqn hqrd hqd (mul_ne_zero hqd hrd), ← multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff, mul_left_comm, multiplicity.mul (nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 p_prime), add_mul], rw [←(@rat.num_denom q), ←(@rat.num_denom r), padic_val_rat_le_padic_val_rat_iff p hqn hrn hqd hrd, ← multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff] at h, calc _ ≤ min (multiplicity ↑p (q.num * ↑(r.denom) * ↑(q.denom))) (multiplicity ↑p (↑(q.denom) * r.num * ↑(q.denom))) : (le_min (by rw [@multiplicity.mul _ _ _ _ (_ * _) _ (nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 p_prime), add_comm]) (by rw [mul_assoc, @multiplicity.mul _ _ _ _ (q.denom : ℤ) (_ * _) (nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 p_prime)]; exact add_le_add_left' h)) ... ≤ _ : min_le_multiplicity_add end /-- The minimum of the valuations of `q` and `r` is less than or equal to the valuation of `q + r`. -/ theorem min_le_padic_val_rat_add {q r : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) (hr : r ≠ 0) (hqr : q + r ≠ 0) : min (padic_val_rat p q) (padic_val_rat p r) ≤ padic_val_rat p (q + r) := (le_total (padic_val_rat p q) (padic_val_rat p r)).elim (λ h, by rw [min_eq_left h]; exact le_padic_val_rat_add_of_le _ hq hr hqr h) (λ h, by rw [min_eq_right h, add_comm]; exact le_padic_val_rat_add_of_le _ hr hq (by rwa add_comm) h) end padic_val_rat end padic_val_rat /-- If `q ≠ 0`, the p-adic norm of a rational `q` is `p ^ (-(padic_val_rat p q))`. If `q = 0`, the p-adic norm of `q` is 0. -/ def padic_norm (p : ℕ) (q : ℚ) : ℚ := if q = 0 then 0 else (↑p : ℚ) ^ (-(padic_val_rat p q)) namespace padic_norm section padic_norm open padic_val_rat variables (p : ℕ) /-- Unfolds the definition of the p-adic norm of `q` when `q ≠ 0`. -/ @[simp] protected lemma eq_fpow_of_nonzero {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) : padic_norm p q = p ^ (-(padic_val_rat p q)) := by simp [hq, padic_norm] /-- The p-adic norm is nonnegative. -/ protected lemma nonneg (q : ℚ) : 0 ≤ padic_norm p q := if hq : q = 0 then by simp [hq] else begin unfold padic_norm; split_ifs, apply fpow_nonneg_of_nonneg, exact_mod_cast nat.zero_le _ end /-- The p-adic norm of 0 is 0. -/ @[simp] protected lemma zero : padic_norm p 0 = 0 := by simp [padic_norm] /-- The p-adic norm of 1 is 1. -/ @[simp] protected lemma one : padic_norm p 1 = 1 := by simp [padic_norm] /-- The image of `padic_norm p` is {0} ∪ {p^(-n) | n ∈ ℤ}. -/ protected theorem image {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) : ∃ n : ℤ, padic_norm p q = p ^ (-n) := ⟨ (padic_val_rat p q), by simp [padic_norm, hq] ⟩ variable [hp :] include hp /-- If `q ≠ 0`, then `padic_norm p q ≠ 0`. -/ protected lemma nonzero {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) : padic_norm p q ≠ 0 := begin rw padic_norm.eq_fpow_of_nonzero p hq, apply fpow_ne_zero_of_ne_zero, exact_mod_cast ne_of_gt hp.pos end /-- `padic_norm p` is symmetric. -/ @[simp] protected lemma neg (q : ℚ) : padic_norm p (-q) = padic_norm p q := if hq : q = 0 then by simp [hq] else by simp [padic_norm, hq, hp.one_lt] /-- If the p-adic norm of `q` is 0, then `q` is 0. -/ lemma zero_of_padic_norm_eq_zero {q : ℚ} (h : padic_norm p q = 0) : q = 0 := begin apply by_contradiction, intro hq, unfold padic_norm at h, rw if_neg hq at h, apply absurd h, apply fpow_ne_zero_of_ne_zero, exact_mod_cast hp.ne_zero end /-- The p-adic norm is multiplicative. -/ @[simp] protected theorem mul (q r : ℚ) : padic_norm p (q*r) = padic_norm p q * padic_norm p r := if hq : q = 0 then by simp [hq] else if hr : r = 0 then by simp [hr] else have q*r ≠ 0, from mul_ne_zero hq hr, have (↑p : ℚ) ≠ 0, by simp [hp.ne_zero], by simp [padic_norm, *, padic_val_rat.mul, fpow_add this] /-- The p-adic norm respects division. -/ @[simp] protected theorem div (q r : ℚ) : padic_norm p (q / r) = padic_norm p q / padic_norm p r := if hr : r = 0 then by simp [hr] else eq_div_of_mul_eq _ _ (padic_norm.nonzero _ hr) (by rw [←padic_norm.mul, div_mul_cancel _ hr]) /-- The p-adic norm of an integer is at most 1. -/ protected theorem of_int (z : ℤ) : padic_norm p ↑z ≤ 1 := if hz : z = 0 then by simp [hz] else begin unfold padic_norm, rw [if_neg _], { refine fpow_le_one_of_nonpos _ _, { exact_mod_cast le_of_lt hp.one_lt, }, { rw [padic_val_rat_of_int _ hp.ne_one hz, neg_nonpos], norm_cast, simp }}, exact_mod_cast hz end private lemma nonarchimedean_aux {q r : ℚ} (h : padic_val_rat p q ≤ padic_val_rat p r) : padic_norm p (q + r) ≤ max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r) := have hnqp : padic_norm p q ≥ 0, from padic_norm.nonneg _ _, have hnrp : padic_norm p r ≥ 0, from padic_norm.nonneg _ _, if hq : q = 0 then by simp [hq, max_eq_right hnrp, le_max_right] else if hr : r = 0 then by simp [hr, max_eq_left hnqp, le_max_left] else if hqr : q + r = 0 then le_trans (by simpa [hqr] using hnqp) (le_max_left _ _) else begin unfold padic_norm, split_ifs, apply le_max_iff.2, left, apply fpow_le_of_le, { exact_mod_cast le_of_lt hp.one_lt }, { apply neg_le_neg, have : padic_val_rat p q = min (padic_val_rat p q) (padic_val_rat p r), from (min_eq_left h).symm, rw this, apply min_le_padic_val_rat_add; assumption } end /-- The p-adic norm is nonarchimedean: the norm of `p + q` is at most the max of the norm of `p` and the norm of `q`. -/ protected theorem nonarchimedean {q r : ℚ} : padic_norm p (q + r) ≤ max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r) := begin wlog hle := le_total (padic_val_rat p q) (padic_val_rat p r) using [q r], exact nonarchimedean_aux p hle end /-- The p-adic norm respects the triangle inequality: the norm of `p + q` is at most the norm of `p` plus the norm of `q`. -/ theorem triangle_ineq (q r : ℚ) : padic_norm p (q + r) ≤ padic_norm p q + padic_norm p r := calc padic_norm p (q + r) ≤ max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r) : padic_norm.nonarchimedean p ... ≤ padic_norm p q + padic_norm p r : max_le_add_of_nonneg (padic_norm.nonneg p _) (padic_norm.nonneg p _) /-- The p-adic norm of a difference is at most the max of each component. Restates the archimedean property of the p-adic norm. -/ protected theorem sub {q r : ℚ} : padic_norm p (q - r) ≤ max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r) := by rw [sub_eq_add_neg, ←padic_norm.neg p r]; apply padic_norm.nonarchimedean /-- If the p-adic norms of `q` and `r` are different, then the norm of `q + r` is equal to the max of the norms of `q` and `r`. -/ lemma add_eq_max_of_ne {q r : ℚ} (hne : padic_norm p q ≠ padic_norm p r) : padic_norm p (q + r) = max (padic_norm p q) (padic_norm p r) := begin wlog hle := le_total (padic_norm p r) (padic_norm p q) using [q r], have hlt : padic_norm p r < padic_norm p q, from lt_of_le_of_ne hle hne.symm, have : padic_norm p q ≤ max (padic_norm p (q + r)) (padic_norm p r), from calc padic_norm p q = padic_norm p (q + r - r) : by congr; ring ... ≤ max (padic_norm p (q + r)) (padic_norm p (-r)) : padic_norm.nonarchimedean p ... = max (padic_norm p (q + r)) (padic_norm p r) : by simp, have hnge : padic_norm p r ≤ padic_norm p (q + r), { apply le_of_not_gt, intro hgt, rw max_eq_right_of_lt hgt at this, apply not_lt_of_ge this, assumption }, have : padic_norm p q ≤ padic_norm p (q + r), by rwa [max_eq_left hnge] at this, apply _root_.le_antisymm, { apply padic_norm.nonarchimedean p }, { rw max_eq_left_of_lt hlt, assumption } end /-- The p-adic norm is an absolute value: positive-definite and multiplicative, satisfying the triangle inequality. -/ instance : is_absolute_value (padic_norm p) := { abv_nonneg := padic_norm.nonneg p, abv_eq_zero := begin intros, constructor; intro, { apply zero_of_padic_norm_eq_zero p, assumption }, { simp [*] } end, abv_add := padic_norm.triangle_ineq p, abv_mul := padic_norm.mul p } /-- If `p^n` divides an integer `z`, then the p-adic norm of `z` is at most `p^(-n)`. -/ lemma le_of_dvd {n : ℕ} {z : ℤ} (hd : ↑(p^n) ∣ z) : padic_norm p z ≤ ↑p ^ (-n : ℤ) := begin unfold padic_norm, split_ifs with hz hz, { apply fpow_nonneg_of_nonneg, exact_mod_cast le_of_lt hp.pos }, { apply fpow_le_of_le, exact_mod_cast le_of_lt hp.one_lt, apply neg_le_neg, rw padic_val_rat_of_int _ hp.ne_one _, { norm_cast, rw [← enat.coe_le_coe, enat.coe_get], apply multiplicity.le_multiplicity_of_pow_dvd, exact_mod_cast hd }, { exact_mod_cast hz }} end end padic_norm end padic_norm