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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Robert Y. Lewis -/ import data.real.cau_seq_completion import data.padics.padic_norm algebra.archimedean analysis.normed_space.basic import tactic.norm_cast /-! # p-adic numbers This file defines the p-adic numbers (rationals) ℚ_p as the completion of ℚ with respect to the p-adic norm. We show that the p-adic norm on ℚ extends to ℚ_p, that ℚ is embedded in ℚ_p, and that ℚ_p is Cauchy complete. ## Important definitions * `padic` : the type of p-adic numbers * `padic_norm_e` : the rational valued p-adic norm on ℚ_p ## Notation We introduce the notation ℚ_[p] for the p-adic numbers. ## Implementation notes Much, but not all, of this file assumes that `p` is prime. This assumption is inferred automatically by taking (prime p) as a type class argument. We use the same concrete Cauchy sequence construction that is used to construct ℝ. ℚ_p inherits a field structure from this construction. The extension of the norm on ℚ to ℚ_p is *not* analogous to extending the absolute value to ℝ, and hence the proof that ℚ_p is complete is different from the proof that ℝ is complete. A small special-purpose simplification tactic, `padic_index_simp`, is used to manipulate sequence indices in the proof that the norm extends. `padic_norm_e` is the rational-valued p-adic norm on ℚ_p. To instantiate ℚ_p as a normed field, we must cast this into a ℝ-valued norm. The ℝ-valued norm, using notation ∥ ∥ from normed spaces, is the canonical representation of this norm. Coercions from ℚ to ℚ_p are set up to work with the `norm_cast` tactic. ## References * [F. Q. Gouêva, *p-adic numbers*][gouvea1997] * [R. Y. Lewis, *A formal proof of Hensel's lemma over the p-adic integers*][lewis2019] * <> ## Tags p-adic, p adic, padic, norm, valuation, cauchy, completion, p-adic completion -/ noncomputable theory open_locale classical open nat multiplicity padic_norm cau_seq cau_seq.completion metric /-- The type of Cauchy sequences of rationals with respect to the p-adic norm. -/ @[reducible] def padic_seq (p : ℕ) [] := cau_seq _ (padic_norm p) namespace padic_seq section variables {p : ℕ} [ p] /-- The p-adic norm of the entries of a nonzero Cauchy sequence of rationals is eventually constant. -/ lemma stationary {f : cau_seq ℚ (padic_norm p)} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) : ∃ N, ∀ m n, N ≤ m → N ≤ n → padic_norm p (f n) = padic_norm p (f m) := have ∃ ε > 0, ∃ N1, ∀ j ≥ N1, ε ≤ padic_norm p (f j), from cau_seq.abv_pos_of_not_lim_zero $ not_lim_zero_of_not_congr_zero hf, let ⟨ε, hε, N1, hN1⟩ := this, ⟨N2, hN2⟩ := cau_seq.cauchy₂ f hε in ⟨ max N1 N2, λ n m hn hm, have padic_norm p (f n - f m) < ε, from hN2 _ _ (max_le_iff.1 hn).2 (max_le_iff.1 hm).2, have padic_norm p (f n - f m) < padic_norm p (f n), from lt_of_lt_of_le this $ hN1 _ (max_le_iff.1 hn).1, have padic_norm p (f n - f m) < max (padic_norm p (f n)) (padic_norm p (f m)), from lt_max_iff.2 (or.inl this), begin by_contradiction hne, rw ←padic_norm.neg p (f m) at hne, have hnam := add_eq_max_of_ne p hne, rw [padic_norm.neg, max_comm] at hnam, rw ←hnam at this, apply _root_.lt_irrefl _ (by simp at this; exact this) end ⟩ /-- For all n ≥ stationary_point f hf, the p-adic norm of f n is the same. -/ def stationary_point {f : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) : ℕ := classical.some $ stationary hf lemma stationary_point_spec {f : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) : ∀ {m n}, m ≥ stationary_point hf → n ≥ stationary_point hf → padic_norm p (f n) = padic_norm p (f m) := classical.some_spec $ stationary hf /-- Since the norm of the entries of a Cauchy sequence is eventually stationary, we can lift the norm to sequences. -/ def norm (f : padic_seq p) : ℚ := if hf : f ≈ 0 then 0 else padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) lemma norm_zero_iff (f : padic_seq p) : f.norm = 0 ↔ f ≈ 0 := begin constructor, { intro h, by_contradiction hf, unfold norm at h, split_ifs at h, apply hf, intros ε hε, existsi stationary_point hf, intros j hj, have heq := stationary_point_spec hf (le_refl _) hj, simpa [h, heq] }, { intro h, simp [norm, h] } end end section embedding open cau_seq variables {p : ℕ} [ p] lemma equiv_zero_of_val_eq_of_equiv_zero {f g : padic_seq p} (h : ∀ k, padic_norm p (f k) = padic_norm p (g k)) (hf : f ≈ 0) : g ≈ 0 := λ ε hε, let ⟨i, hi⟩ := hf _ hε in ⟨i, λ j hj, by simpa [h] using hi _ hj⟩ lemma norm_nonzero_of_not_equiv_zero {f : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) : f.norm ≠ 0 := hf ∘ f.norm_zero_iff.1 lemma norm_eq_norm_app_of_nonzero {f : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) : ∃ k, f.norm = padic_norm p k ∧ k ≠ 0 := have heq : f.norm = padic_norm p (f $ stationary_point hf), by simp [norm, hf], ⟨f $ stationary_point hf, heq, λ h, norm_nonzero_of_not_equiv_zero hf (by simpa [h] using heq)⟩ lemma not_lim_zero_const_of_nonzero {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) : ¬ lim_zero (const (padic_norm p) q) := λ h', hq $ const_lim_zero.1 h' lemma not_equiv_zero_const_of_nonzero {q : ℚ} (hq : q ≠ 0) : ¬ (const (padic_norm p) q) ≈ 0 := λ h : lim_zero (const (padic_norm p) q - 0), not_lim_zero_const_of_nonzero hq $ by simpa using h lemma norm_nonneg (f : padic_seq p) : f.norm ≥ 0 := if hf : f ≈ 0 then by simp [hf, norm] else by simp [norm, hf, padic_norm.nonneg] /-- An auxiliary lemma for manipulating sequence indices. -/ lemma lift_index_left_left {f : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) (v2 v3 : ℕ) : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) = padic_norm p (f (max (stationary_point hf) (max v2 v3))) := let i := max (stationary_point hf) (max v2 v3) in begin apply stationary_point_spec hf, { apply le_max_left }, { apply le_refl } end /-- An auxiliary lemma for manipulating sequence indices. -/ lemma lift_index_left {f : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) (v1 v3 : ℕ) : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) = padic_norm p (f (max v1 (max (stationary_point hf) v3))) := let i := max v1 (max (stationary_point hf) v3) in begin apply stationary_point_spec hf, { apply le_trans, { apply le_max_left _ v3 }, { apply le_max_right } }, { apply le_refl } end /-- An auxiliary lemma for manipulating sequence indices. -/ lemma lift_index_right {f : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) (v1 v2 : ℕ) : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) = padic_norm p (f (max v1 (max v2 (stationary_point hf)))) := let i := max v1 (max v2 (stationary_point hf)) in begin apply stationary_point_spec hf, { apply le_trans, { apply le_max_right v2 }, { apply le_max_right } }, { apply le_refl } end end embedding end padic_seq section open padic_seq private meta def index_simp_core (hh hf hg : expr) (at_ : interactive.loc := interactive.loc.ns [none]) : tactic unit := do [v1, v2, v3] ← [hh, hf, hg].mmap (λ n, tactic.mk_app ``stationary_point [n] <|> return n), e1 ← tactic.mk_app ``lift_index_left_left [hh, v2, v3] <|> return `(true), e2 ← tactic.mk_app ``lift_index_left [hf, v1, v3] <|> return `(true), e3 ← tactic.mk_app ``lift_index_right [hg, v1, v2] <|> return `(true), sl ← [e1, e2, e3].mfoldl (λ s e, simp_lemmas.add s e), when at_.include_goal (tactic.simp_target sl), hs ← at_.get_locals, hs.mmap' (tactic.simp_hyp sl []) /-- This is a special-purpose tactic that lifts padic_norm (f (stationary_point f)) to padic_norm (f (max _ _ _)). -/ meta def tactic.interactive.padic_index_simp (l : interactive.parse interactive.types.pexpr_list) (at_ : interactive.parse interactive.types.location) : tactic unit := do [h, f, g] ← l.mmap tactic.i_to_expr, index_simp_core h f g at_ end namespace padic_seq section embedding open cau_seq variables {p : ℕ} [hp : p] include hp lemma norm_mul (f g : padic_seq p) : (f * g).norm = f.norm * g.norm := if hf : f ≈ 0 then have hg : f * g ≈ 0, from mul_equiv_zero' _ hf, by simp [hf, hg, norm] else if hg : g ≈ 0 then have hf : f * g ≈ 0, from mul_equiv_zero _ hg, by simp [hf, hg, norm] else have hfg : ¬ f * g ≈ 0, by apply mul_not_equiv_zero; assumption, begin unfold norm, split_ifs, padic_index_simp [hfg, hf, hg], apply padic_norm.mul end lemma eq_zero_iff_equiv_zero (f : padic_seq p) : mk f = 0 ↔ f ≈ 0 := mk_eq lemma ne_zero_iff_nequiv_zero (f : padic_seq p) : mk f ≠ 0 ↔ ¬ f ≈ 0 := not_iff_not.2 (eq_zero_iff_equiv_zero _) lemma norm_const (q : ℚ) : norm (const (padic_norm p) q) = padic_norm p q := if hq : q = 0 then have (const (padic_norm p) q) ≈ 0, by simp [hq]; apply setoid.refl (const (padic_norm p) 0), by subst hq; simp [norm, this] else have ¬ (const (padic_norm p) q) ≈ 0, from not_equiv_zero_const_of_nonzero hq, by simp [norm, this] lemma norm_image (a : padic_seq p) (ha : ¬ a ≈ 0) : (∃ (n : ℤ), a.norm = ↑p ^ (-n)) := let ⟨k, hk, hk'⟩ := norm_eq_norm_app_of_nonzero ha in by simpa [hk] using padic_norm.image p hk' lemma norm_one : norm (1 : padic_seq p) = 1 := have h1 : ¬ (1 : padic_seq p) ≈ 0, from one_not_equiv_zero _, by simp [h1, norm, hp.one_lt] private lemma norm_eq_of_equiv_aux {f g : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) (hg : ¬ g ≈ 0) (hfg : f ≈ g) (h : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) ≠ padic_norm p (g (stationary_point hg))) (hgt : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) > padic_norm p (g (stationary_point hg))) : false := begin have hpn : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) - padic_norm p (g (stationary_point hg)) > 0, from sub_pos_of_lt hgt, cases hfg _ hpn with N hN, let i := max N (max (stationary_point hf) (stationary_point hg)), have hi : i ≥ N, from le_max_left _ _, have hN' := hN _ hi, padic_index_simp [N, hf, hg] at hN' h hgt, have hpne : padic_norm p (f i) ≠ padic_norm p (-(g i)), by rwa [ ←padic_norm.neg p (g i)] at h, let hpnem := add_eq_max_of_ne p hpne, have hpeq : padic_norm p ((f - g) i) = max (padic_norm p (f i)) (padic_norm p (g i)), { rwa padic_norm.neg at hpnem }, rw [hpeq, max_eq_left_of_lt hgt] at hN', have : padic_norm p (f i) < padic_norm p (f i), { apply lt_of_lt_of_le hN', apply sub_le_self, apply padic_norm.nonneg }, exact lt_irrefl _ this end private lemma norm_eq_of_equiv {f g : padic_seq p} (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) (hg : ¬ g ≈ 0) (hfg : f ≈ g) : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) = padic_norm p (g (stationary_point hg)) := begin by_contradiction h, cases (decidable.em (padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) > padic_norm p (g (stationary_point hg)))) with hgt hngt, { exact norm_eq_of_equiv_aux hf hg hfg h hgt }, { apply norm_eq_of_equiv_aux hg hf (setoid.symm hfg) (ne.symm h), apply lt_of_le_of_ne, apply le_of_not_gt hngt, apply h } end theorem norm_equiv {f g : padic_seq p} (hfg : f ≈ g) : f.norm = g.norm := if hf : f ≈ 0 then have hg : g ≈ 0, from setoid.trans (setoid.symm hfg) hf, by simp [norm, hf, hg] else have hg : ¬ g ≈ 0, from hf ∘ setoid.trans hfg, by unfold norm; split_ifs; exact norm_eq_of_equiv hf hg hfg private lemma norm_nonarchimedean_aux {f g : padic_seq p} (hfg : ¬ f + g ≈ 0) (hf : ¬ f ≈ 0) (hg : ¬ g ≈ 0) : (f + g).norm ≤ max (f.norm) (g.norm) := begin unfold norm, split_ifs, padic_index_simp [hfg, hf, hg], apply padic_norm.nonarchimedean end theorem norm_nonarchimedean (f g : padic_seq p) : (f + g).norm ≤ max (f.norm) (g.norm) := if hfg : f + g ≈ 0 then have 0 ≤ max (f.norm) (g.norm), from le_max_left_of_le (norm_nonneg _), by simpa [hfg, norm] else if hf : f ≈ 0 then have hfg' : f + g ≈ g, { change lim_zero (f - 0) at hf, show lim_zero (f + g - g), by simpa using hf }, have hcfg : (f + g).norm = g.norm, from norm_equiv hfg', have hcl : f.norm = 0, from (norm_zero_iff f).2 hf, have max (f.norm) (g.norm) = g.norm, by rw hcl; exact max_eq_right (norm_nonneg _), by rw [this, hcfg] else if hg : g ≈ 0 then have hfg' : f + g ≈ f, { change lim_zero (g - 0) at hg, show lim_zero (f + g - f), by simpa [add_sub_cancel'] using hg }, have hcfg : (f + g).norm = f.norm, from norm_equiv hfg', have hcl : g.norm = 0, from (norm_zero_iff g).2 hg, have max (f.norm) (g.norm) = f.norm, by rw hcl; exact max_eq_left (norm_nonneg _), by rw [this, hcfg] else norm_nonarchimedean_aux hfg hf hg lemma norm_eq {f g : padic_seq p} (h : ∀ k, padic_norm p (f k) = padic_norm p (g k)) : f.norm = g.norm := if hf : f ≈ 0 then have hg : g ≈ 0, from equiv_zero_of_val_eq_of_equiv_zero h hf, by simp [hf, hg, norm] else have hg : ¬ g ≈ 0, from λ hg, hf $ equiv_zero_of_val_eq_of_equiv_zero (by simp [h]) hg, begin simp [hg, hf, norm], let i := max (stationary_point hf) (stationary_point hg), have hpf : padic_norm p (f (stationary_point hf)) = padic_norm p (f i), { apply stationary_point_spec, apply le_max_left, apply le_refl }, have hpg : padic_norm p (g (stationary_point hg)) = padic_norm p (g i), { apply stationary_point_spec, apply le_max_right, apply le_refl }, rw [hpf, hpg, h] end lemma norm_neg (a : padic_seq p) : (-a).norm = a.norm := norm_eq $ by simp lemma norm_eq_of_add_equiv_zero {f g : padic_seq p} (h : f + g ≈ 0) : f.norm = g.norm := have lim_zero (f + g - 0), from h, have f ≈ -g, from show lim_zero (f - (-g)), by simpa, have f.norm = (-g).norm, from norm_equiv this, by simpa [norm_neg] using this lemma add_eq_max_of_ne {f g : padic_seq p} (hfgne : f.norm ≠ g.norm) : (f + g).norm = max f.norm g.norm := have hfg : ¬f + g ≈ 0, from mt norm_eq_of_add_equiv_zero hfgne, if hf : f ≈ 0 then have lim_zero (f - 0), from hf, have f + g ≈ g, from show lim_zero ((f + g) - g), by simpa, have h1 : (f+g).norm = g.norm, from norm_equiv this, have h2 : f.norm = 0, from (norm_zero_iff _).2 hf, by rw [h1, h2]; rw max_eq_right (norm_nonneg _) else if hg : g ≈ 0 then have lim_zero (g - 0), from hg, have f + g ≈ f, from show lim_zero ((f + g) - f), by rw [add_sub_cancel']; simpa, have h1 : (f+g).norm = f.norm, from norm_equiv this, have h2 : g.norm = 0, from (norm_zero_iff _).2 hg, by rw [h1, h2]; rw max_eq_left (norm_nonneg _) else begin unfold norm at ⊢ hfgne, split_ifs at ⊢ hfgne, padic_index_simp [hfg, hf, hg] at ⊢ hfgne, apply padic_norm.add_eq_max_of_ne, simpa [hf, hg, norm] using hfgne end end embedding end padic_seq /-- The p-adic numbers `Q_[p]` are the Cauchy completion of `ℚ` with respect to the p-adic norm. -/ def padic (p : ℕ) [ p] := @cau_seq.completion.Cauchy _ _ _ _ (padic_norm p) _ notation `ℚ_[` p `]` := padic p namespace padic section completion variables {p : ℕ} [ p] /-- The discrete field structure on ℚ_p is inherited from the Cauchy completion construction. -/ instance discrete_field : discrete_field (ℚ_[p]) := cau_seq.completion.discrete_field instance : inhabited ℚ_[p] := ⟨0⟩ -- short circuits instance : has_zero ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : has_one ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : has_add ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : has_mul ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : has_sub ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : has_neg ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : has_div ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : add_comm_group ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance instance : comm_ring ℚ_[p] := by apply_instance /-- Builds the equivalence class of a Cauchy sequence of rationals. -/ def mk : padic_seq p → ℚ_[p] := end completion section completion variables (p : ℕ) [ p] lemma mk_eq {f g : padic_seq p} : mk f = mk g ↔ f ≈ g := quotient.eq /-- Embeds the rational numbers in the p-adic numbers. -/ def of_rat : ℚ → ℚ_[p] := cau_seq.completion.of_rat @[simp] lemma of_rat_add : ∀ (x y : ℚ), of_rat p (x + y) = of_rat p x + of_rat p y := cau_seq.completion.of_rat_add @[simp] lemma of_rat_neg : ∀ (x : ℚ), of_rat p (-x) = -of_rat p x := cau_seq.completion.of_rat_neg @[simp] lemma of_rat_mul : ∀ (x y : ℚ), of_rat p (x * y) = of_rat p x * of_rat p y := cau_seq.completion.of_rat_mul @[simp] lemma of_rat_sub : ∀ (x y : ℚ), of_rat p (x - y) = of_rat p x - of_rat p y := cau_seq.completion.of_rat_sub @[simp] lemma of_rat_div : ∀ (x y : ℚ), of_rat p (x / y) = of_rat p x / of_rat p y := cau_seq.completion.of_rat_div @[simp] lemma of_rat_one : of_rat p 1 = 1 := rfl @[simp] lemma of_rat_zero : of_rat p 0 = 0 := rfl @[simp] lemma cast_eq_of_rat_of_nat (n : ℕ) : (↑n : ℚ_[p]) = of_rat p n := begin induction n with n ih, { refl }, { simpa using ih } end -- without short circuits, this needs an increase of class.instance_max_depth @[simp] lemma cast_eq_of_rat_of_int (n : ℤ) : ↑n = of_rat p n := by induction n; simp lemma cast_eq_of_rat : ∀ (q : ℚ), (↑q : ℚ_[p]) = of_rat p q | ⟨n, d, h1, h2⟩ := show ↑n / ↑d = _, from have (⟨n, d, h1, h2⟩ : ℚ) = n d, from rat.num_denom', by simp [this, rat.mk_eq_div, of_rat_div] @[move_cast] lemma coe_add : ∀ {x y : ℚ}, (↑(x + y) : ℚ_[p]) = ↑x + ↑y := by simp [cast_eq_of_rat] @[move_cast] lemma coe_neg : ∀ {x : ℚ}, (↑(-x) : ℚ_[p]) = -↑x := by simp [cast_eq_of_rat] @[move_cast] lemma coe_mul : ∀ {x y : ℚ}, (↑(x * y) : ℚ_[p]) = ↑x * ↑y := by simp [cast_eq_of_rat] @[move_cast] lemma coe_sub : ∀ {x y : ℚ}, (↑(x - y) : ℚ_[p]) = ↑x - ↑y := by simp [cast_eq_of_rat] @[move_cast] lemma coe_div : ∀ {x y : ℚ}, (↑(x / y) : ℚ_[p]) = ↑x / ↑y := by simp [cast_eq_of_rat] @[squash_cast] lemma coe_one : (↑1 : ℚ_[p]) = 1 := rfl @[squash_cast] lemma coe_zero : (↑0 : ℚ_[p]) = 0 := rfl lemma const_equiv {q r : ℚ} : const (padic_norm p) q ≈ const (padic_norm p) r ↔ q = r := ⟨ λ heq : lim_zero (const (padic_norm p) (q - r)), eq_of_sub_eq_zero $ const_lim_zero.1 heq, λ heq, by rw heq; apply setoid.refl _ ⟩ lemma of_rat_eq {q r : ℚ} : of_rat p q = of_rat p r ↔ q = r := ⟨(const_equiv p).1 ∘ quotient.eq.1, λ h, by rw h⟩ @[elim_cast] lemma coe_inj {q r : ℚ} : (↑q : ℚ_[p]) = ↑r ↔ q = r := by simp [cast_eq_of_rat, of_rat_eq] instance : char_zero ℚ_[p] := ⟨λ m n, by { rw ← rat.cast_coe_nat, norm_cast, exact id }⟩ end completion end padic /-- The rational-valued p-adic norm on ℚ_p is lifted from the norm on Cauchy sequences. The canonical form of this function is the normed space instance, with notation `∥ ∥`. -/ def padic_norm_e {p : ℕ} [hp : p] : ℚ_[p] → ℚ := quotient.lift padic_seq.norm $ @padic_seq.norm_equiv _ _ namespace padic_norm_e section embedding open padic_seq variables {p : ℕ} [ p] lemma defn (f : padic_seq p) {ε : ℚ} (hε : ε > 0) : ∃ N, ∀ i ≥ N, padic_norm_e (⟦f⟧ - f i) < ε := begin simp only [padic.cast_eq_of_rat], change ∃ N, ∀ i ≥ N, (f - const _ (f i)).norm < ε, by_contradiction h, cases cauchy₂ f hε with N hN, have : ∀ N, ∃ i ≥ N, (f - const _ (f i)).norm ≥ ε, by simpa [not_forall] using h, rcases this N with ⟨i, hi, hge⟩, have hne : ¬ (f - const (padic_norm p) (f i)) ≈ 0, { intro h, unfold padic_seq.norm at hge; split_ifs at hge, exact not_lt_of_ge hge hε }, unfold padic_seq.norm at hge; split_ifs at hge, apply not_le_of_gt _ hge, cases decidable.em ((stationary_point hne) ≥ N) with hgen hngen, { apply hN; assumption }, { have := stationary_point_spec hne (le_refl _) (le_of_not_le hngen), rw ←this, apply hN, apply le_refl, assumption } end protected lemma nonneg (q : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e q ≥ 0 := quotient.induction_on q $ norm_nonneg lemma zero_def : (0 : ℚ_[p]) = ⟦0⟧ := rfl lemma zero_iff (q : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e q = 0 ↔ q = 0 := quotient.induction_on q $ by simpa only [zero_def, quotient.eq] using norm_zero_iff @[simp] protected lemma zero : padic_norm_e (0 : ℚ_[p]) = 0 := (zero_iff _).2 rfl /-- Theorems about `padic_norm_e` are named with a `'` so the names do not conflict with the equivalent theorems about `norm` (`∥ ∥`). -/ @[simp] protected lemma one' : padic_norm_e (1 : ℚ_[p]) = 1 := norm_one @[simp] protected lemma neg (q : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e (-q) = padic_norm_e q := quotient.induction_on q $ norm_neg /-- Theorems about `padic_norm_e` are named with a `'` so the names do not conflict with the equivalent theorems about `norm` (`∥ ∥`). -/ theorem nonarchimedean' (q r : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e (q + r) ≤ max (padic_norm_e q) (padic_norm_e r) := quotient.induction_on₂ q r $ norm_nonarchimedean /-- Theorems about `padic_norm_e` are named with a `'` so the names do not conflict with the equivalent theorems about `norm` (`∥ ∥`). -/ theorem add_eq_max_of_ne' {q r : ℚ_[p]} : padic_norm_e q ≠ padic_norm_e r → padic_norm_e (q + r) = max (padic_norm_e q) (padic_norm_e r) := quotient.induction_on₂ q r $ λ _ _, padic_seq.add_eq_max_of_ne lemma triangle_ineq (x y z : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e (x - z) ≤ padic_norm_e (x - y) + padic_norm_e (y - z) := calc padic_norm_e (x - z) = padic_norm_e ((x - y) + (y - z)) : by rw sub_add_sub_cancel ... ≤ max (padic_norm_e (x - y)) (padic_norm_e (y - z)) : padic_norm_e.nonarchimedean' _ _ ... ≤ padic_norm_e (x - y) + padic_norm_e (y - z) : max_le_add_of_nonneg (padic_norm_e.nonneg _) (padic_norm_e.nonneg _) protected lemma add (q r : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e (q + r) ≤ (padic_norm_e q) + (padic_norm_e r) := calc padic_norm_e (q + r) ≤ max (padic_norm_e q) (padic_norm_e r) : nonarchimedean' _ _ ... ≤ (padic_norm_e q) + (padic_norm_e r) : max_le_add_of_nonneg (padic_norm_e.nonneg _) (padic_norm_e.nonneg _) protected lemma mul' (q r : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e (q * r) = (padic_norm_e q) * (padic_norm_e r) := quotient.induction_on₂ q r $ norm_mul instance : is_absolute_value (@padic_norm_e p _) := { abv_nonneg := padic_norm_e.nonneg, abv_eq_zero := zero_iff, abv_add := padic_norm_e.add, abv_mul := padic_norm_e.mul' } @[simp] lemma eq_padic_norm' (q : ℚ) : padic_norm_e (padic.of_rat p q) = padic_norm p q := norm_const _ protected theorem image' {q : ℚ_[p]} : q ≠ 0 → ∃ n : ℤ, padic_norm_e q = p ^ (-n) := quotient.induction_on q $ λ f hf, have ¬ f ≈ 0, from (ne_zero_iff_nequiv_zero f).1 hf, norm_image f this lemma sub_rev (q r : ℚ_[p]) : padic_norm_e (q - r) = padic_norm_e (r - q) := by rw ←(padic_norm_e.neg); simp end embedding end padic_norm_e namespace padic section complete open padic_seq padic theorem rat_dense' {p : ℕ} [ p] (q : ℚ_[p]) {ε : ℚ} (hε : ε > 0) : ∃ r : ℚ, padic_norm_e (q - r) < ε := quotient.induction_on q $ λ q', have ∃ N, ∀ m n ≥ N, padic_norm p (q' m - q' n) < ε, from cauchy₂ _ hε, let ⟨N, hN⟩ := this in ⟨q' N, begin simp only [padic.cast_eq_of_rat], change padic_seq.norm (q' - const _ (q' N)) < ε, cases decidable.em ((q' - const (padic_norm p) (q' N)) ≈ 0) with heq hne', { simpa only [heq, padic_seq.norm, dif_pos] }, { simp only [padic_seq.norm, dif_neg hne'], change padic_norm p (q' _ - q' _) < ε, have := stationary_point_spec hne', cases decidable.em (N ≥ stationary_point hne') with hle hle, { have := eq.symm (this (le_refl _) hle), simp at this, simpa [this] }, { apply hN, apply le_of_lt, apply lt_of_not_ge, apply hle, apply le_refl }} end⟩ variables {p : ℕ} [ p] (f : cau_seq _ (@padic_norm_e p _)) open classical private lemma div_nat_pos (n : ℕ) : (1 / ((n + 1): ℚ)) > 0 := div_pos zero_lt_one (by exact_mod_cast succ_pos _) def lim_seq : ℕ → ℚ := λ n, classical.some (rat_dense' (f n) (div_nat_pos n)) lemma exi_rat_seq_conv {ε : ℚ} (hε : 0 < ε) : ∃ N, ∀ i ≥ N, padic_norm_e (f i - ((lim_seq f) i : ℚ_[p])) < ε := begin refine (exists_nat_gt (1/ε)).imp (λ N hN i hi, _), have h := classical.some_spec (rat_dense' (f i) (div_nat_pos i)), refine lt_of_lt_of_le h (div_le_of_le_mul (by exact_mod_cast succ_pos _) _), rw right_distrib, apply le_add_of_le_of_nonneg, { exact le_mul_of_div_le hε (le_trans (le_of_lt hN) (by exact_mod_cast hi)) }, { apply le_of_lt, simpa } end lemma exi_rat_seq_conv_cauchy : is_cau_seq (padic_norm p) (lim_seq f) := assume ε hε, have hε3 : ε / 3 > 0, from div_pos hε (by norm_num), let ⟨N, hN⟩ := exi_rat_seq_conv f hε3, ⟨N2, hN2⟩ := f.cauchy₂ hε3 in begin existsi max N N2, intros j hj, suffices : padic_norm_e ((↑(lim_seq f j) - f (max N N2)) + (f (max N N2) - lim_seq f (max N N2))) < ε, { ring at this ⊢, rw [← padic_norm_e.eq_padic_norm', ← padic.cast_eq_of_rat], exact_mod_cast this }, { apply lt_of_le_of_lt, { apply padic_norm_e.add }, { have : (3 : ℚ) ≠ 0, by norm_num, have : ε = ε / 3 + ε / 3 + ε / 3, { apply eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left this, simp [left_distrib, mul_div_cancel' _ this ], ring }, rw this, apply add_lt_add, { suffices : padic_norm_e ((↑(lim_seq f j) - f j) + (f j - f (max N N2))) < ε / 3 + ε / 3, by simpa, apply lt_of_le_of_lt, { apply padic_norm_e.add }, { apply add_lt_add, { rw [padic_norm_e.sub_rev], apply_mod_cast hN, exact le_of_max_le_left hj }, { apply hN2, exact le_of_max_le_right hj, apply le_max_right }}}, { apply_mod_cast hN, apply le_max_left }}} end private def lim' : padic_seq p := ⟨_, exi_rat_seq_conv_cauchy f⟩ private def lim : ℚ_[p] := ⟦lim' f⟧ theorem complete' : ∃ q : ℚ_[p], ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ i ≥ N, padic_norm_e (q - f i) < ε := ⟨ lim f, λ ε hε, let ⟨N, hN⟩ := exi_rat_seq_conv f (show ε / 2 > 0, from div_pos hε (by norm_num)), ⟨N2, hN2⟩ := padic_norm_e.defn (lim' f) (show ε / 2 > 0, from div_pos hε (by norm_num)) in begin existsi max N N2, intros i hi, suffices : padic_norm_e ((lim f - lim' f i) + (lim' f i - f i)) < ε, { ring at this; exact this }, { apply lt_of_le_of_lt, { apply padic_norm_e.add }, { have : ε = ε / 2 + ε / 2, by rw ←(add_self_div_two ε); simp, rw this, apply add_lt_add, { apply hN2, exact le_of_max_le_right hi }, { rw_mod_cast [padic_norm_e.sub_rev], apply hN, exact le_of_max_le_left hi }}} end ⟩ end complete section normed_space variables (p : ℕ) [ p] instance : has_dist ℚ_[p] := ⟨λ x y, padic_norm_e (x - y)⟩ instance : metric_space ℚ_[p] := { dist_self := by simp [dist], dist_comm := λ x y, by unfold dist; rw ←padic_norm_e.neg (x - y); simp, dist_triangle := begin intros, unfold dist, exact_mod_cast padic_norm_e.triangle_ineq _ _ _, end, eq_of_dist_eq_zero := begin unfold dist, intros _ _ h, apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, apply (padic_norm_e.zero_iff _).1, exact_mod_cast h end } instance : has_norm ℚ_[p] := ⟨λ x, padic_norm_e x⟩ instance : normed_field ℚ_[p] := { dist_eq := λ _ _, rfl, norm_mul' := by simp [has_norm.norm, padic_norm_e.mul'] } instance : is_absolute_value (λ a : ℚ_[p], ∥a∥) := { abv_nonneg := norm_nonneg, abv_eq_zero := norm_eq_zero, abv_add := norm_add_le, abv_mul := by simp [has_norm.norm, padic_norm_e.mul'] } theorem rat_dense {p : ℕ} {hp :} (q : ℚ_[p]) {ε : ℝ} (hε : ε > 0) : ∃ r : ℚ, ∥q - r∥ < ε := let ⟨ε', hε'l, hε'r⟩ := exists_rat_btwn hε, ⟨r, hr⟩ := rat_dense' q (by simpa using hε'l) in ⟨r, lt.trans (by simpa [has_norm.norm] using hr) hε'r⟩ end normed_space end padic namespace padic_norm_e section normed_space variables {p : ℕ} [hp :] include hp @[simp] protected lemma mul (q r : ℚ_[p]) : ∥q * r∥ = ∥q∥ * ∥r∥ := by simp [has_norm.norm, padic_norm_e.mul'] protected lemma is_norm (q : ℚ_[p]) : ↑(padic_norm_e q) = ∥q∥ := rfl theorem nonarchimedean (q r : ℚ_[p]) : ∥q + r∥ ≤ max (∥q∥) (∥r∥) := begin unfold has_norm.norm, exact_mod_cast nonarchimedean' _ _ end theorem add_eq_max_of_ne {q r : ℚ_[p]} (h : ∥q∥ ≠ ∥r∥) : ∥q+r∥ = max (∥q∥) (∥r∥) := begin unfold has_norm.norm, apply_mod_cast add_eq_max_of_ne', intro h', apply h, unfold has_norm.norm, exact_mod_cast h' end @[simp] lemma eq_padic_norm (q : ℚ) : ∥(↑q : ℚ_[p])∥ = padic_norm p q := begin unfold has_norm.norm, rw [← padic_norm_e.eq_padic_norm', ← padic.cast_eq_of_rat] end instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℚ_[p] := { non_trivial := ⟨padic.of_rat p (p⁻¹), begin have h0 : p ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt (hp.pos), have h1 : 1 < p := hp.one_lt, rw [← padic.cast_eq_of_rat, eq_padic_norm], simp only [padic_norm, inv_eq_zero], simp only [if_neg] {discharger := `[exact_mod_cast h0]}, norm_cast, simp only [padic_val_rat.inv] {discharger := `[exact_mod_cast h0]}, rw [neg_neg, padic_val_rat.padic_val_rat_self h1], erw _root_.pow_one, exact_mod_cast h1, end⟩ } protected theorem image {q : ℚ_[p]} : q ≠ 0 → ∃ n : ℤ, ∥q∥ = ↑((↑p : ℚ) ^ (-n)) := quotient.induction_on q $ λ f hf, have ¬ f ≈ 0, from (padic_seq.ne_zero_iff_nequiv_zero f).1 hf, let ⟨n, hn⟩ := padic_seq.norm_image f this in ⟨n, congr_arg rat.cast hn⟩ protected lemma is_rat (q : ℚ_[p]) : ∃ q' : ℚ, ∥q∥ = ↑q' := if h : q = 0 then ⟨0, by simp [h]⟩ else let ⟨n, hn⟩ := padic_norm_e.image h in ⟨_, hn⟩ def rat_norm (q : ℚ_[p]) : ℚ := classical.some (padic_norm_e.is_rat q) lemma eq_rat_norm (q : ℚ_[p]) : ∥q∥ = rat_norm q := classical.some_spec (padic_norm_e.is_rat q) theorem norm_rat_le_one : ∀ {q : ℚ} (hq : ¬ p ∣ q.denom), ∥(q : ℚ_[p])∥ ≤ 1 | ⟨n, d, hn, hd⟩ := λ hq : ¬ p ∣ d, if hnz : n = 0 then have (⟨n, d, hn, hd⟩ : ℚ) = 0, from rat.zero_iff_num_zero.mpr hnz, by norm_num [this] else begin have hnz' : {rat . num := n, denom := d, pos := hn, cop := hd} ≠ 0, from mt rat.zero_iff_num_zero.1 hnz, rw [padic_norm_e.eq_padic_norm], norm_cast, rw [padic_norm.eq_fpow_of_nonzero p hnz', padic_val_rat_def p hnz'], have h : (multiplicity p d).get _ = 0, by simp [multiplicity_eq_zero_of_not_dvd, hq], rw_mod_cast [h, sub_zero], apply fpow_le_one_of_nonpos, { exact_mod_cast le_of_lt hp.one_lt, }, { apply neg_nonpos_of_nonneg, norm_cast, simp, } end lemma eq_of_norm_add_lt_right {p : ℕ} {hp :} {z1 z2 : ℚ_[p]} (h : ∥z1 + z2∥ < ∥z2∥) : ∥z1∥ = ∥z2∥ := by_contradiction $ λ hne, not_lt_of_ge (by rw padic_norm_e.add_eq_max_of_ne hne; apply le_max_right) h lemma eq_of_norm_add_lt_left {p : ℕ} {hp :} {z1 z2 : ℚ_[p]} (h : ∥z1 + z2∥ < ∥z1∥) : ∥z1∥ = ∥z2∥ := by_contradiction $ λ hne, not_lt_of_ge (by rw padic_norm_e.add_eq_max_of_ne hne; apply le_max_left) h end normed_space end padic_norm_e namespace padic variables {p : ℕ} [ p] set_option eqn_compiler.zeta true instance complete : cau_seq.is_complete ℚ_[p] norm := begin split, intro f, have cau_seq_norm_e : is_cau_seq padic_norm_e f, { intros ε hε, let h := is_cau f ε (by exact_mod_cast hε), unfold norm at h, apply_mod_cast h }, cases padic.complete' ⟨f, cau_seq_norm_e⟩ with q hq, existsi q, intros ε hε, cases exists_rat_btwn hε with ε' hε', norm_cast at hε', cases hq ε' hε'.1 with N hN, existsi N, intros i hi, let h := hN i hi, unfold norm, rw_mod_cast [cau_seq.sub_apply, padic_norm_e.sub_rev], refine lt.trans _ hε'.2, exact_mod_cast hN i hi end lemma padic_norm_e_lim_le {f : cau_seq ℚ_[p] norm} {a : ℝ} (ha : a > 0) (hf : ∀ i, ∥f i∥ ≤ a) : ∥f.lim∥ ≤ a := let ⟨N, hN⟩ := setoid.symm (cau_seq.equiv_lim f) _ ha in calc ∥f.lim∥ = ∥f.lim - f N + f N∥ : by simp ... ≤ max (∥f.lim - f N∥) (∥f N∥) : padic_norm_e.nonarchimedean _ _ ... ≤ a : max_le (le_of_lt (hN _ (le_refl _))) (hf _) end padic