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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Neil Strickland. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Neil Strickland This file sets up a version of the Euclidean algorithm that works only with natural numbers. Given a, b > 0, it computes the unique system (w, x, y, z, d) such that the following identities hold: w * z = x * y + 1 a = (w + x) d b = (y + z) d These equations force w, z, d > 0. They also imply that the integers a' = w + x = a / d and b' = y + z = b / d are coprime, and that d is the gcd of a and b. This story is closely related to the structure of SL₂(ℕ) (as a free monoid on two generators) and the theory of continued fractions. -/ import tactic.basic import data.pnat.basic import tactic.ring tactic.abel namespace pnat open nat pnat /-- A term of xgcd_type is a system of six naturals. They should be thought of as representing the matrix [[w, x], [y, z]] = [[wp + 1, x], [y, zp + 1]] together with the vector [a, b] = [ap + 1, bp + 1]. -/ @[derive inhabited] structure xgcd_type := (wp x y zp ap bp : ℕ) namespace xgcd_type variable (u : xgcd_type) instance : has_sizeof xgcd_type := ⟨λ u, u.bp⟩ /-- The has_repr instance converts terms to strings in a way that reflects the matrix/vector interpretation as above. -/ instance : has_repr xgcd_type := ⟨λ u, "[[[" ++ (repr (u.wp + 1)) ++ ", " ++ (repr u.x) ++ "], [" ++ (repr u.y) ++ ", " ++ (repr (u.zp + 1)) ++ "]], [" ++ (repr (u.ap + 1)) ++ ", " ++ (repr (u.bp + 1)) ++ "]]"⟩ def mk' (w : ℕ+) (x : ℕ) (y : ℕ) (z : ℕ+) (a : ℕ+) (b : ℕ+) : xgcd_type := mk w.val.pred x y z.val.pred a.val.pred b.val.pred def w : ℕ+ := succ_pnat u.wp def z : ℕ+ := succ_pnat u.zp def a : ℕ+ := succ_pnat u.ap def b : ℕ+ := succ_pnat u.bp def r : ℕ := (u.ap + 1) % (u.bp + 1) def q : ℕ := (u.ap + 1) / (u.bp + 1) def qp : ℕ := u.q - 1 /-- The map v gives the product of the matrix [[w, x], [y, z]] = [[wp + 1, x], [y, zp + 1]] and the vector [a, b] = [ap + 1, bp + 1]. The map vp gives [sp, tp] such that v = [sp + 1, tp + 1]. -/ def vp : ℕ × ℕ := ⟨ u.wp + u.x + u.ap + u.wp * u.ap + u.x * u.bp, u.y + u.zp + u.bp + u.y * u.ap + u.zp * u.bp ⟩ def v : ℕ × ℕ := ⟨u.w * u.a + u.x * u.b, u.y * u.a + u.z * u.b⟩ def succ₂ (t : ℕ × ℕ) : ℕ × ℕ := ⟨t.1.succ, t.2.succ⟩ theorem v_eq_succ_vp : u.v = succ₂ u.vp := by { ext; dsimp [v, vp, w, z, a, b, succ₂]; repeat { rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one] }; ring } /-- is_special holds if the matrix has determinant one. -/ def is_special : Prop := u.wp + u.zp + u.wp * u.zp = u.x * u.y def is_special' : Prop := u.w * u.z = succ_pnat (u.x * u.y) theorem is_special_iff : u.is_special ↔ u.is_special' := begin dsimp [is_special, is_special'], split; intro h, { apply eq, dsimp [w, z, succ_pnat], rw [← h], repeat { rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one] }, ring }, { apply nat.succ_inj, replace h := congr_arg (coe : ℕ+ → ℕ) h, rw [mul_coe, w, z] at h, repeat { rw [succ_pnat_coe, nat.succ_eq_add_one] at h }, repeat { rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one] }, rw [← h], ring } end /-- is_reduced holds if the two entries in the vector are the same. The reduction algorithm will produce a system with this property, whose product vector is the same as for the original system. -/ def is_reduced : Prop := u.ap = u.bp def is_reduced' : Prop := u.a = u.b theorem is_reduced_iff : u.is_reduced ↔ u.is_reduced' := ⟨ congr_arg succ_pnat, succ_pnat_inj ⟩ def flip : xgcd_type := { wp := u.zp, x := u.y, y := u.x, zp := u.wp, ap := u.bp, bp := u.ap } @[simp] theorem flip_w : (flip u).w = u.z := rfl @[simp] theorem flip_x : (flip u).x = u.y := rfl @[simp] theorem flip_y : (flip u).y = u.x := rfl @[simp] theorem flip_z : (flip u).z = u.w := rfl @[simp] theorem flip_a : (flip u).a = u.b := rfl @[simp] theorem flip_b : (flip u).b = u.a := rfl theorem flip_is_reduced : (flip u).is_reduced ↔ u.is_reduced := by { dsimp [is_reduced, flip], split; intro h; exact h.symm } theorem flip_is_special : (flip u).is_special ↔ u.is_special := by { dsimp [is_special, flip], rw[mul_comm u.x, mul_comm u.zp, add_comm u.zp] } theorem flip_v : (flip u).v = (u.v).swap := by { dsimp [v], ext, { simp only [], ring }, { simp only [], ring } } /-- Properties of division with remainder for a / b. -/ theorem rq_eq : u.r + (u.bp + 1) * u.q = u.ap + 1 := nat.mod_add_div (u.ap + 1) (u.bp + 1) theorem qp_eq (hr : u.r = 0) : u.q = u.qp + 1 := begin by_cases hq : u.q = 0, { let h := u.rq_eq, rw [hr, hq, mul_zero, add_zero] at h, cases h }, { exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hq)).symm } end /-- The following function provides the starting point for our algorithm. We will apply an iterative reduction process to it, which will produce a system satisfying is_reduced. The gcd can be read off from this final system. -/ def start (a b : ℕ+) : xgcd_type := ⟨0, 0, 0, 0, a - 1, b - 1⟩ theorem start_is_special (a b : ℕ+) : (start a b).is_special := by { dsimp [start, is_special], refl } theorem start_v (a b : ℕ+) : (start a b).v = ⟨a, b⟩ := begin dsimp [start, v, xgcd_type.a, xgcd_type.b, w, z], rw [one_mul, one_mul, zero_mul, zero_mul, zero_add, add_zero], rw [← nat.pred_eq_sub_one, ← nat.pred_eq_sub_one], rw [nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos a.pos, nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos b.pos] end def finish : xgcd_type := u.wp ((u.wp + 1) * u.qp + u.x) u.y (u.y * u.qp + u.zp) u.bp u.bp theorem finish_is_reduced : u.finish.is_reduced := by { dsimp [is_reduced], refl } theorem finish_is_special (hs : u.is_special) : u.finish.is_special := begin dsimp [is_special, finish] at hs ⊢, rw [add_mul _ _ u.y, add_comm _ (u.x * u.y), ← hs], ring end theorem finish_v (hr : u.r = 0) : u.finish.v = u.v := begin let ha : u.r + u.b * u.q = u.a := u.rq_eq, rw [hr, zero_add] at ha, ext, { change (u.wp + 1) * u.b + ((u.wp + 1) * u.qp + u.x) * u.b = u.w * u.a + u.x * u.b, have : u.wp + 1 = u.w := rfl, rw [this, ← ha, u.qp_eq hr], ring }, { change u.y * u.b + (u.y * u.qp + u.z) * u.b = u.y * u.a + u.z * u.b, rw [← ha, u.qp_eq hr], ring } end /-- This is the main reduction step, which is used when u.r ≠ 0, or equivalently b does not divide a. -/ def step : xgcd_type := (u.y * u.q + u.zp) u.y ((u.wp + 1) * u.q + u.x) u.wp u.bp (u.r - 1) /-- We will apply the above step recursively. The following result is used to ensure that the process terminates. -/ theorem step_wf (hr : u.r ≠ 0) : sizeof u.step < sizeof u := begin change u.r - 1 < u.bp, have h₀ : (u.r - 1) + 1 = u.r := nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hr), have h₁ : u.r < u.bp + 1 := nat.mod_lt (u.ap + 1) u.bp.succ_pos, rw[← h₀] at h₁, exact lt_of_succ_lt_succ h₁, end theorem step_is_special (hs : u.is_special) : u.step.is_special := begin dsimp [is_special, step] at hs ⊢, rw [mul_add, mul_comm u.y u.x, ← hs], ring end /-- The reduction step does not change the product vector. -/ theorem step_v (hr : u.r ≠ 0) : u.step.v = (u.v).swap := begin let ha : u.r + u.b * u.q = u.a := u.rq_eq, let hr : (u.r - 1) + 1 = u.r := (add_comm _ 1).trans (nat.add_sub_of_le (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hr)), ext, { change ((u.y * u.q + u.z) * u.b + u.y * (u.r - 1 + 1) : ℕ) = u.y * u.a + u.z * u.b, rw [← ha, hr], ring }, { change ((u.w * u.q + u.x) * u.b + u.w * (u.r - 1 + 1) : ℕ) = u.w * u.a + u.x * u.b, rw [← ha, hr], ring } end /-- We can now define the full reduction function, which applies step as long as possible, and then applies finish. Note that the "have" statement puts a fact in the local context, and the equation compiler uses this fact to help construct the full definition in terms of well-founded recursion. The same fact needs to be introduced in all the inductive proofs of properties given below. -/ def reduce : xgcd_type → xgcd_type | u := dite (u.r = 0) (λ h, u.finish) (λ h, have sizeof u.step < sizeof u, from u.step_wf h, flip (reduce u.step)) theorem reduce_a {u : xgcd_type} (h : u.r = 0) : u.reduce = u.finish := by { rw [reduce], simp only [], rw [if_pos h] } theorem reduce_b {u : xgcd_type} (h : u.r ≠ 0) : u.reduce = u.step.reduce.flip := by { rw [reduce], simp only [], rw [if_neg h, step] } theorem reduce_reduced : ∀ (u : xgcd_type), u.reduce.is_reduced | u := dite (u.r = 0) (λ h, by { rw [reduce_a h], exact u.finish_is_reduced }) (λ h, have sizeof u.step < sizeof u, from u.step_wf h, by { rw [reduce_b h, flip_is_reduced], apply reduce_reduced }) theorem reduce_reduced' (u : xgcd_type) : u.reduce.is_reduced' := (is_reduced_iff _).mp u.reduce_reduced theorem reduce_special : ∀ (u : xgcd_type), u.is_special → u.reduce.is_special | u := dite (u.r = 0) (λ h hs, by { rw [reduce_a h], exact u.finish_is_special hs }) (λ h hs, have sizeof u.step < sizeof u, from u.step_wf h, by { rw [reduce_b h], let u' := u.step.reduce, have : u'.is_special := reduce_special u.step (u.step_is_special hs), exact (flip_is_special _).mpr (reduce_special _ (u.step_is_special hs)) }) theorem reduce_special' (u : xgcd_type) (hs : u.is_special) : u.reduce.is_special' := (is_special_iff _).mp (u.reduce_special hs) theorem reduce_v : ∀ (u : xgcd_type), u.reduce.v = u.v | u := dite (u.r = 0) (λ h, by {rw[reduce_a h, finish_v u h]}) (λ h, have sizeof u.step < sizeof u, from u.step_wf h, by { rw[reduce_b h, flip_v, reduce_v (step u), step_v u h, prod.swap_swap] }) end xgcd_type section gcd variables (a b : ℕ+) def xgcd: xgcd_type := (xgcd_type.start a b).reduce def gcd_d : ℕ+ := (xgcd a b).a def gcd_w : ℕ+ := (xgcd a b).w def gcd_x : ℕ := (xgcd a b).x def gcd_y : ℕ := (xgcd a b).y def gcd_z : ℕ+ := (xgcd a b).z def gcd_a' : ℕ+ := succ_pnat ((xgcd a b).wp + (xgcd a b).x) def gcd_b' : ℕ+ := succ_pnat ((xgcd a b).y + (xgcd a b).zp) theorem gcd_a'_coe : ((gcd_a' a b) : ℕ) = (gcd_w a b) + (gcd_x a b) := by { dsimp [gcd_a', gcd_w, xgcd_type.w], rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one, nat.succ_eq_add_one], ring } theorem gcd_b'_coe : ((gcd_b' a b) : ℕ) = (gcd_y a b) + (gcd_z a b) := by { dsimp [gcd_b', gcd_z, xgcd_type.z], rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one, nat.succ_eq_add_one], ring } theorem gcd_props : let d := gcd_d a b, w := gcd_w a b, x := gcd_x a b, y := gcd_y a b, z := gcd_z a b, a' := gcd_a' a b, b' := gcd_b' a b in (w * z = succ_pnat (x * y) ∧ (a = a' * d) ∧ (b = b' * d) ∧ z * a' = succ_pnat (x * b') ∧ w * b' = succ_pnat (y * a') ∧ (z * a : ℕ) = x * b + d ∧ (w * b : ℕ) = y * a + d ) := begin intros, let u := (xgcd_type.start a b), let ur := u.reduce, have ha : d = ur.a := rfl, have hb : d = ur.b := u.reduce_reduced', have ha' : (a' : ℕ) = w + x := gcd_a'_coe a b, have hb' : (b' : ℕ) = y + z := gcd_b'_coe a b, have hdet : w * z = succ_pnat (x * y) := u.reduce_special' rfl, split, exact hdet, have hdet' : ((w * z) : ℕ) = x * y + 1 := by { rw [← mul_coe, hdet, succ_pnat_coe] }, have huv : u.v = ⟨a, b⟩ := (xgcd_type.start_v a b), let hv : (w * d + x * ur.b : ℕ) (y * d + z * ur.b : ℕ) = ⟨a, b⟩ := u.reduce_v.trans (xgcd_type.start_v a b), rw [← hb, ← add_mul, ← add_mul, ← ha', ← hb'] at hv, have ha'' : (a : ℕ) = a' * d := (congr_arg prod.fst hv).symm, have hb'' : (b : ℕ) = b' * d := (congr_arg prod.snd hv).symm, split, exact eq ha'', split, exact eq hb'', have hza' : (z * a' : ℕ) = x * b' + 1, by { rw [ha', hb', mul_add, mul_add, mul_comm (z : ℕ), hdet'], ring }, have hwb' : (w * b' : ℕ) = y * a' + 1, by { rw [ha', hb', mul_add, mul_add, hdet'], ring }, split, { apply eq, rw [succ_pnat_coe, nat.succ_eq_add_one, mul_coe, hza'] }, split, { apply eq, rw [succ_pnat_coe, nat.succ_eq_add_one, mul_coe, hwb'] }, rw [ha'', hb''], repeat { rw [← mul_assoc] }, rw [hza', hwb'], split; ring, end theorem gcd_eq : gcd_d a b = gcd a b := begin rcases gcd_props a b with ⟨h₀, h₁, h₂, h₃, h₄, h₅, h₆⟩, apply dvd_antisymm, { apply dvd_gcd, exact dvd_intro (gcd_a' a b) (h₁.trans (mul_comm _ _)).symm, exact dvd_intro (gcd_b' a b) (h₂.trans (mul_comm _ _)).symm}, { have h₇ := calc ((gcd a b) : ℕ) ∣ a : nat.gcd_dvd_left a b ... ∣ (gcd_z a b) * a : dvd_mul_left _ _, have h₈ := calc ((gcd a b) : ℕ) ∣ b : nat.gcd_dvd_right a b ... ∣ (gcd_x a b) * b : dvd_mul_left _ _, rw[h₅] at h₇, exact (nat.dvd_add_iff_right h₈).mpr h₇} end theorem gcd_det_eq : (gcd_w a b) * (gcd_z a b) = succ_pnat ((gcd_x a b) * (gcd_y a b)) := (gcd_props a b).1 theorem gcd_a_eq : a = (gcd_a' a b) * (gcd a b) := (gcd_eq a b) ▸ (gcd_props a b).2.1 theorem gcd_b_eq : b = (gcd_b' a b) * (gcd a b) := (gcd_eq a b) ▸ (gcd_props a b).2.2.1 theorem gcd_rel_left' : (gcd_z a b) * (gcd_a' a b) = succ_pnat ((gcd_x a b) * (gcd_b' a b)) := (gcd_props a b). theorem gcd_rel_right' : (gcd_w a b) * (gcd_b' a b) = succ_pnat ((gcd_y a b) * (gcd_a' a b)) := (gcd_props a b). theorem gcd_rel_left : ((gcd_z a b) * a : ℕ) = (gcd_x a b) * b + (gcd a b) := (gcd_eq a b) ▸ (gcd_props a b). theorem gcd_rel_right : ((gcd_w a b) * b : ℕ) = (gcd_y a b) * a + (gcd a b) := (gcd_eq a b) ▸ (gcd_props a b). end gcd end pnat