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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro -/ import data.rat.order /-! # Casts for Rational Numbers ## Summary We define the canonical injection from ℚ into an arbitrary division ring and prove various casting lemmas showing the well-behavedness of this injection. ## Notations - `/.` is infix notation for ``. ## Tags rat, rationals, field, ℚ, numerator, denominator, num, denom, cast, coercion, casting -/ namespace rat variable {α : Type*} open_locale rat section with_div_ring variable [division_ring α] /-- Construct the canonical injection from `ℚ` into an arbitrary division ring. If the field has positive characteristic `p`, we define `1 / p = 1 / 0 = 0` for consistency with our division by zero convention. -/ protected def cast : ℚ → α | ⟨n, d, h, c⟩ := n / d @[priority 10] instance cast_coe : has_coe ℚ α := ⟨rat.cast⟩ @[simp] theorem cast_of_int (n : ℤ) : (of_int n : α) = n := show (n / (1:ℕ) : α) = n, by rw [nat.cast_one, div_one] @[simp, squash_cast] theorem cast_coe_int (n : ℤ) : ((n : ℚ) : α) = n := by rw [coe_int_eq_of_int, cast_of_int] @[simp, squash_cast] theorem cast_coe_nat (n : ℕ) : ((n : ℚ) : α) = n := cast_coe_int n @[simp, squash_cast] theorem cast_zero : ((0 : ℚ) : α) = 0 := (cast_of_int _).trans int.cast_zero @[simp, squash_cast] theorem cast_one : ((1 : ℚ) : α) = 1 := (cast_of_int _).trans int.cast_one theorem mul_cast_comm (a : α) : ∀ (n : ℚ), (n.denom : α) ≠ 0 → a * n = n * a | ⟨n, d, h, c⟩ h₂ := show a * (n * d⁻¹) = n * d⁻¹ * a, by rw [← mul_assoc, int.mul_cast_comm, mul_assoc, mul_assoc, ← show (d:α)⁻¹ * a = a * d⁻¹, from division_ring.inv_comm_of_comm h₂ (int.mul_cast_comm a d).symm] @[move_cast] theorem cast_mk_of_ne_zero (a b : ℤ) (b0 : (b:α) ≠ 0) : (a /. b : α) = a / b := begin have b0' : b ≠ 0, { refine mt _ b0, simp {contextual := tt} }, cases e : a /. b with n d h c, have d0 : (d:α) ≠ 0, { intro d0, have dd := denom_dvd a b, cases (show (d:ℤ) ∣ b, by rwa e at dd) with k ke, have : (b:α) = (d:α) * (k:α), {rw [ke, int.cast_mul], refl}, rw [d0, zero_mul] at this, contradiction }, rw [num_denom'] at e, have := congr_arg (coe : ℤ → α) ((mk_eq b0' $ ne_of_gt $ int.coe_nat_pos.2 h).1 e), rw [int.cast_mul, int.cast_mul, int.cast_coe_nat] at this, symmetry, change (a * b⁻¹ : α) = n / d, rw [eq_div_iff_mul_eq _ _ d0, mul_assoc, nat.mul_cast_comm, ← mul_assoc, this, mul_assoc, mul_inv_cancel b0, mul_one] end @[move_cast] theorem cast_add_of_ne_zero : ∀ {m n : ℚ}, (m.denom : α) ≠ 0 → (n.denom : α) ≠ 0 → ((m + n : ℚ) : α) = m + n | ⟨n₁, d₁, h₁, c₁⟩ ⟨n₂, d₂, h₂, c₂⟩ := λ (d₁0 : (d₁:α) ≠ 0) (d₂0 : (d₂:α) ≠ 0), begin have d₁0' : (d₁:ℤ) ≠ 0 := int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 (λ e, by rw e at d₁0; exact d₁0 rfl), have d₂0' : (d₂:ℤ) ≠ 0 := int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 (λ e, by rw e at d₂0; exact d₂0 rfl), rw [num_denom', num_denom', add_def d₁0' d₂0'], suffices : (n₁ * (d₂ * (d₂⁻¹ * d₁⁻¹)) + n₂ * (d₁ * d₂⁻¹) * d₁⁻¹ : α) = n₁ * d₁⁻¹ + n₂ * d₂⁻¹, { rw [cast_mk_of_ne_zero, cast_mk_of_ne_zero, cast_mk_of_ne_zero], { simpa [division_def, left_distrib, right_distrib, mul_inv_eq, d₁0, d₂0, division_ring.mul_ne_zero d₁0 d₂0, mul_assoc] }, all_goals {simp [d₁0, d₂0, division_ring.mul_ne_zero d₁0 d₂0]} }, rw [← mul_assoc (d₂:α), mul_inv_cancel d₂0, one_mul, ← nat.mul_cast_comm], simp [d₁0, mul_assoc] end @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_neg : ∀ n, ((-n : ℚ) : α) = -n | ⟨n, d, h, c⟩ := show (↑-n * d⁻¹ : α) = -(n * d⁻¹), by rw [int.cast_neg, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] @[move_cast] theorem cast_sub_of_ne_zero {m n : ℚ} (m0 : (m.denom : α) ≠ 0) (n0 : (n.denom : α) ≠ 0) : ((m - n : ℚ) : α) = m - n := have ((-n).denom : α) ≠ 0, by cases n; exact n0, by simp [(cast_add_of_ne_zero m0 this)] @[move_cast] theorem cast_mul_of_ne_zero : ∀ {m n : ℚ}, (m.denom : α) ≠ 0 → (n.denom : α) ≠ 0 → ((m * n : ℚ) : α) = m * n | ⟨n₁, d₁, h₁, c₁⟩ ⟨n₂, d₂, h₂, c₂⟩ := λ (d₁0 : (d₁:α) ≠ 0) (d₂0 : (d₂:α) ≠ 0), begin have d₁0' : (d₁:ℤ) ≠ 0 := int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 (λ e, by rw e at d₁0; exact d₁0 rfl), have d₂0' : (d₂:ℤ) ≠ 0 := int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 (λ e, by rw e at d₂0; exact d₂0 rfl), rw [num_denom', num_denom', mul_def d₁0' d₂0'], suffices : (n₁ * ((n₂ * d₂⁻¹) * d₁⁻¹) : α) = n₁ * (d₁⁻¹ * (n₂ * d₂⁻¹)), { rw [cast_mk_of_ne_zero, cast_mk_of_ne_zero, cast_mk_of_ne_zero], { simpa [division_def, mul_inv_eq, d₁0, d₂0, division_ring.mul_ne_zero d₁0 d₂0, mul_assoc] }, all_goals {simp [d₁0, d₂0, division_ring.mul_ne_zero d₁0 d₂0]} }, rw [division_ring.inv_comm_of_comm d₁0 (nat.mul_cast_comm _ _).symm] end @[move_cast] theorem cast_inv_of_ne_zero : ∀ {n : ℚ}, (n.num : α) ≠ 0 → (n.denom : α) ≠ 0 → ((n⁻¹ : ℚ) : α) = n⁻¹ | ⟨n, d, h, c⟩ := λ (n0 : (n:α) ≠ 0) (d0 : (d:α) ≠ 0), begin have n0' : (n:ℤ) ≠ 0 := λ e, by rw e at n0; exact n0 rfl, have d0' : (d:ℤ) ≠ 0 := int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 (λ e, by rw e at d0; exact d0 rfl), rw [num_denom', inv_def], rw [cast_mk_of_ne_zero, cast_mk_of_ne_zero, inv_div]; simp [n0, d0] end @[move_cast] theorem cast_div_of_ne_zero {m n : ℚ} (md : (m.denom : α) ≠ 0) (nn : (n.num : α) ≠ 0) (nd : (n.denom : α) ≠ 0) : ((m / n : ℚ) : α) = m / n := have (n⁻¹.denom : ℤ) ∣ n.num, by conv in n⁻¹.denom { rw [←(@num_denom n), inv_def] }; apply denom_dvd, have (n⁻¹.denom : α) = 0 → (n.num : α) = 0, from λ h, let ⟨k, e⟩ := this in by have := congr_arg (coe : ℤ → α) e; rwa [int.cast_mul, int.cast_coe_nat, h, zero_mul] at this, by rw [division_def, cast_mul_of_ne_zero md (mt this nn), cast_inv_of_ne_zero nn nd, division_def] @[simp, elim_cast] theorem cast_inj [char_zero α] : ∀ {m n : ℚ}, (m : α) = n ↔ m = n | ⟨n₁, d₁, h₁, c₁⟩ ⟨n₂, d₂, h₂, c₂⟩ := begin refine ⟨λ h, _, congr_arg _⟩, have d₁0 : d₁ ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h₁, have d₂0 : d₂ ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h₂, have d₁a : (d₁:α) ≠ 0 := nat.cast_ne_zero.2 d₁0, have d₂a : (d₂:α) ≠ 0 := nat.cast_ne_zero.2 d₂0, rw [num_denom', num_denom'] at h ⊢, rw [cast_mk_of_ne_zero, cast_mk_of_ne_zero] at h; simp [d₁0, d₂0] at h ⊢, rwa [eq_div_iff_mul_eq _ _ d₂a, division_def, mul_assoc, division_ring.inv_comm_of_comm d₁a (nat.mul_cast_comm _ _), ← mul_assoc, ← division_def, eq_comm, eq_div_iff_mul_eq _ _ d₁a, eq_comm, ← int.cast_coe_nat, ← int.cast_mul, ← int.cast_coe_nat, ← int.cast_mul, int.cast_inj, ← mk_eq (int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 d₁0) (int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 d₂0)] at h end theorem cast_injective [char_zero α] : function.injective (coe : ℚ → α) | m n := cast_inj.1 @[simp] theorem cast_eq_zero [char_zero α] {n : ℚ} : (n : α) = 0 ↔ n = 0 := by rw [← cast_zero, cast_inj] @[simp] theorem cast_ne_zero [char_zero α] {n : ℚ} : (n : α) ≠ 0 ↔ n ≠ 0 := not_congr cast_eq_zero theorem eq_cast_of_ne_zero (f : ℚ → α) (H1 : f 1 = 1) (Hadd : ∀ x y, f (x + y) = f x + f y) (Hmul : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : ∀ n : ℚ, (n.denom : α) ≠ 0 → f n = n | ⟨n, d, h, c⟩ := λ (h₂ : ((d:ℤ):α) ≠ 0), show _ = (n / (d:ℤ) : α), begin rw [num_denom', mk_eq_div, eq_div_iff_mul_eq _ _ h₂], have : ∀ n : ℤ, f n = n, { apply int.eq_cast; simp [H1, Hadd] }, rw [← this, ← this, ← Hmul, div_mul_cancel], exact int.cast_ne_zero.2 (int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt h), end theorem eq_cast [char_zero α] (f : ℚ → α) (H1 : f 1 = 1) (Hadd : ∀ x y, f (x + y) = f x + f y) (Hmul : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) (n : ℚ) : f n = n := eq_cast_of_ne_zero _ H1 Hadd Hmul _ $ nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt n.pos @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_add [char_zero α] (m n) : ((m + n : ℚ) : α) = m + n := cast_add_of_ne_zero (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt m.pos) (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt n.pos) @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_sub [char_zero α] (m n) : ((m - n : ℚ) : α) = m - n := cast_sub_of_ne_zero (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt m.pos) (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt n.pos) @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_mul [char_zero α] (m n) : ((m * n : ℚ) : α) = m * n := cast_mul_of_ne_zero (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt m.pos) (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt n.pos) @[simp, squash_cast, move_cast] theorem cast_bit0 [char_zero α] (n : ℚ) : ((bit0 n : ℚ) : α) = bit0 n := cast_add _ _ @[simp, squash_cast, move_cast] theorem cast_bit1 [char_zero α] (n : ℚ) : ((bit1 n : ℚ) : α) = bit1 n := by rw [bit1, cast_add, cast_one, cast_bit0]; refl instance is_ring_hom_cast [char_zero α] : is_ring_hom (rat.cast : ℚ → α) := ⟨rat.cast_one, rat.cast_mul, rat.cast_add⟩ end with_div_ring @[move_cast] theorem cast_mk [discrete_field α] [char_zero α] (a b : ℤ) : ((a /. b) : α) = a / b := if b0 : b = 0 then by simp [b0, div_zero] else cast_mk_of_ne_zero a b (int.cast_ne_zero.2 b0) @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_inv [discrete_field α] [char_zero α] (n) : ((n⁻¹ : ℚ) : α) = n⁻¹ := if n0 : n.num = 0 then by simp [show n = 0, by rw [←(@num_denom n), n0]; simp, inv_zero] else cast_inv_of_ne_zero (int.cast_ne_zero.2 n0) (nat.cast_ne_zero.2 $ ne_of_gt n.pos) @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_div [discrete_field α] [char_zero α] (m n) : ((m / n : ℚ) : α) = m / n := by rw [division_def, cast_mul, cast_inv, division_def] @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_pow [discrete_field α] [char_zero α] (q) (k : ℕ) : ((q ^ k : ℚ) : α) = q ^ k := by induction k; simp only [*, cast_one, cast_mul, pow_zero, pow_succ] @[simp] theorem cast_nonneg [linear_ordered_field α] : ∀ {n : ℚ}, 0 ≤ (n : α) ↔ 0 ≤ n | ⟨n, d, h, c⟩ := show 0 ≤ (n * d⁻¹ : α) ↔ 0 ≤ (⟨n, d, h, c⟩ : ℚ), by rw [num_denom', ← nonneg_iff_zero_le, mk_nonneg _ (int.coe_nat_pos.2 h), mul_nonneg_iff_right_nonneg_of_pos (@inv_pos α _ _ (nat.cast_pos.2 h)), int.cast_nonneg] @[simp, elim_cast] theorem cast_le [linear_ordered_field α] {m n : ℚ} : (m : α) ≤ n ↔ m ≤ n := by rw [← sub_nonneg, ← cast_sub, cast_nonneg, sub_nonneg] @[simp, elim_cast] theorem cast_lt [linear_ordered_field α] {m n : ℚ} : (m : α) < n ↔ m < n := by simpa [-cast_le] using not_congr (@cast_le α _ n m) @[simp] theorem cast_nonpos [linear_ordered_field α] {n : ℚ} : (n : α) ≤ 0 ↔ n ≤ 0 := by rw [← cast_zero, cast_le] @[simp] theorem cast_pos [linear_ordered_field α] {n : ℚ} : (0 : α) < n ↔ 0 < n := by rw [← cast_zero, cast_lt] @[simp] theorem cast_lt_zero [linear_ordered_field α] {n : ℚ} : (n : α) < 0 ↔ n < 0 := by rw [← cast_zero, cast_lt] @[simp, squash_cast] theorem cast_id : ∀ n : ℚ, ↑n = n | ⟨n, d, h, c⟩ := show (n / (d : ℤ) : ℚ) = _, by rw [num_denom', mk_eq_div] @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_min [discrete_linear_ordered_field α] {a b : ℚ} : (↑(min a b) : α) = min a b := by by_cases a ≤ b; simp [h, min] @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_max [discrete_linear_ordered_field α] {a b : ℚ} : (↑(max a b) : α) = max a b := by by_cases a ≤ b; simp [h, max] @[simp, move_cast] theorem cast_abs [discrete_linear_ordered_field α] {q : ℚ} : ((abs q : ℚ) : α) = abs q := by simp [abs] end rat