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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Robert Y. Lewis . All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Robert Y. Lewis -/ import data.rat.basic /-! # Meta operations on ℚ This file defines functions for dealing with rational numbers as expressions. They are not defined earlier in the hierarchy, in the `tactic` or `meta` folders, since we do not want to import `data.rat.basic` there. ## Main definitions * `rat.mk_numeral` embeds a rational `q` as a numeral expression into a type supporting the needed operations. It does not need a tactic state. * `rat.reflect` specializes `rat.mk_numeral` to `ℚ`. * `expr.of_rat` behaves like `rat.mk_numeral`, but uses the tactic state to infer the needed structure on the target type. * `expr.to_rat` evaluates a normal numeral expression as a rat. * `expr.eval_rat` evaluates a numeral expression with arithmetic operations as a rat. -/ /-- `rat.mk_numeral q` embeds `q` as a numeral expression inside a type with 0, 1, +, -, and / `type`: an expression representing the target type. This must live in Type 0. `has_zero`, `has_one`, `has_add`: expressions of the type `has_zero %%type`, etc. This function is similar to `expr.of_rat` but takes more hypotheses and is not tactic valued. -/ meta def rat.mk_numeral (type has_zero has_one has_add has_neg has_div : expr) : ℚ → expr | ⟨num, denom, _, _⟩ := let nume := num.mk_numeral type has_zero has_one has_add has_neg in if denom = 1 then nume else let dene := denom.mk_numeral type has_zero has_one has_add in `(@has_div.div.{0} %%type %%has_div %%nume %%dene) /-- `rat.reflect q` represents the rational number `q` as a numeral expression of type `ℚ`. -/ protected meta def rat.reflect : ℚ → expr := rat.mk_numeral `(ℚ) `((by apply_instance : has_zero ℚ)) `((by apply_instance : has_one ℚ))`((by apply_instance : has_add ℚ)) `((by apply_instance : has_neg ℚ)) `(by apply_instance : has_div ℚ) section local attribute [semireducible] reflected meta instance : has_reflect ℚ := rat.reflect end /-- Evaluates an expression as a rational number, if that expression represents a numeral or the quotient of two numerals. -/ protected meta def expr.to_nonneg_rat : expr → option ℚ | `(%%e₁ / %%e₂) := do m ← e₁.to_nat, n ← e₂.to_nat, some ( m n) | e := do n ← e.to_nat, return (rat.of_int n) /-- Evaluates an expression as a rational number, if that expression represents a numeral, the quotient of two numerals, the negation of a numeral, or the negation of the quotient of two numerals. -/ protected meta def expr.to_rat : expr → option ℚ | `(has_neg.neg %%e) := do q ← e.to_nonneg_rat, some (-q) | e := e.to_nonneg_rat /-- Evaluates an expression into a rational number, if that expression is built up from numerals, +, -, *, /, ⁻¹ -/ protected meta def expr.eval_rat : expr → option ℚ | `( _) := some 0 | `( _) := some 1 | `(bit0 %%q) := (*) 2 <$> q.eval_rat | `(bit1 %%q) := (+) 1 <$> (*) 2 <$> q.eval_rat | `(%%a + %%b) := (+) <$> a.eval_rat <*> b.eval_rat | `(%%a - %%b) := has_sub.sub <$> a.eval_rat <*> b.eval_rat | `(%%a * %%b) := (*) <$> a.eval_rat <*> b.eval_rat | `(%%a / %%b) := (/) <$> a.eval_rat <*> b.eval_rat | `(-(%%a)) := has_neg.neg <$> a.eval_rat | `((%%a)⁻¹) := has_inv.inv <$> a.eval_rat | _ := none /-- `expr.of_rat α q` embeds `q` as a numeral expression inside the type `α`. Lean will try to infer the correct type classes on `α`, and the tactic will fail if it cannot. This function is similar to `rat.mk_numeral` but it takes fewer hypotheses and is tactic valued. -/ protected meta def expr.of_rat (α : expr) : ℚ → tactic expr | ⟨(n:ℕ), d, h, c⟩ := do e₁ ← expr.of_nat α n, if d = 1 then return e₁ else do e₂ ← expr.of_nat α d, tactic.mk_app ``has_div.div [e₁, e₂] | ⟨-[1+n], d, h, c⟩ := do e₁ ← expr.of_nat α (n+1), e ← (if d = 1 then return e₁ else do e₂ ← expr.of_nat α d, tactic.mk_app ``has_div.div [e₁, e₂]), tactic.mk_app ``has_neg.neg [e]