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Copyright (c) 2019 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved.
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Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel

import geometry.manifold.smooth_manifold_with_corners linear_algebra.finite_dimensional

# Constructing examples of manifolds over ℝ

We introduce the necessary bits to be able to define manifolds modelled over ℝ^n, boundaryless
or with boundary or with corners. As a concrete example, we construct explicitly the manifold with
boundary structure on the real interval [x, y].

More specifically, we introduce
* `euclidean_space n` for a model vector space of dimension `n`.
* `model_with_corners ℝ (euclidean_space n) (euclidean_half_space n)` for the model space used
to define `n`-dimensional real manifolds with boundary
* `model_with_corners ℝ (euclidean_space n) (euclidean_quadrant n)` for the model space used
to define `n`-dimensional real manifolds with corners

## Implementation notes

The manifold structure on the interval [x, y] = Icc x y requires the assumption `x < y`. We
introduce a dummy class `lt_class x y` for this, to make such an assumption available to typeclass
search. This should hopefully not be necessary any more in Lean 4.

noncomputable theory
open set

The space ℝ^n. Note that the name is slightly misleading, as we only need a normed space
structure on ℝ^n, but the one we use here is the sup norm and not the euclidean one -- this is not
a problem for the manifold applications, but should probably be refactored at some point.
def euclidean_space (n : ℕ) : Type := (fin n → ℝ)

The half-space in ℝ^n, used to model manifolds with boundary. We only define it when `1 ≤ n`, as the
definition only makes sense in this case.
def euclidean_half_space (n : ℕ) [has_zero (fin n)] : Type :=
{x : euclidean_space n // 0 ≤ x 0}

The quadrant in ℝ^n, used to model manifolds with corners, made of all vectors with nonnegative
def euclidean_quadrant (n : ℕ) : Type := {x : euclidean_space n // ∀i:fin n, 0 ≤ x i}

/- Register class instances for euclidean space and half-space and quadrant -/
local attribute [reducible] euclidean_space euclidean_half_space euclidean_quadrant
variable {n : ℕ}

 -- short-circuit type class inference
instance : vector_space ℝ (euclidean_space n) := by apply_instance
instance : normed_group (euclidean_space n) := by apply_instance
instance : normed_space ℝ (euclidean_space n) := by apply_instance
instance [has_zero (fin n)] : topological_space (euclidean_half_space n) := by apply_instance
instance : topological_space (euclidean_quadrant n) := by apply_instance
instance : finite_dimensional ℝ (euclidean_space n) := by apply_instance

@[simp] lemma findim_euclidean_space : finite_dimensional.findim ℝ (euclidean_space n) = n :=
by simp

lemma range_half_space (n : ℕ) [has_zero (fin n)] :
  range (λx : euclidean_half_space n, x.val) = {y | 0 ≤ y 0 } :=
by simp

lemma range_quadrant (n : ℕ) :
  range (λx : euclidean_quadrant n, x.val) = {y | ∀i:fin n, 0 ≤ y i } :=
by simp


Definition of the model with corners (euclidean_space n, euclidean_half_space n), used as a
model for manifolds with boundary.
def model_with_corners_euclidean_half_space (n : ℕ) [has_zero (fin n)] :
  model_with_corners ℝ (euclidean_space n) (euclidean_half_space n) :=
{ to_fun     := λx, x.val,
  inv_fun    := λx, ⟨λi, if h : i = 0 then max (x i) 0 else x i, by simp [le_refl]⟩,
  source     := univ,
  target     := range (λx : euclidean_half_space n, x.val),
  map_source := λx hx, by simpa [-mem_range, mem_range_self] using,
  map_target := λx hx, mem_univ _,
  left_inv   := λ⟨xval, xprop⟩ hx, begin
    rw subtype.mk_eq_mk,
    ext1 i,
    by_cases hi : i = 0;
    simp [hi, xprop]
  right_inv := λx hx, begin
    simp [range_half_space] at hx,
    ext1 i,
    by_cases hi : i = 0;
    simp [hi, hx]
  source_eq   := rfl,
  unique_diff := begin
    /- To check that the half-space has the unique differentiability property, we use the criterion
    `unique_diff_on_convex`: it suffices to check that it is convex and with nonempty interior. -/
    rw range_half_space,
    apply unique_diff_on_convex,
    show convex {y : euclidean_space n | 0 ≤ y 0},
    { assume x y hx hy a b ha hb hab,
      simpa using add_le_add (mul_nonneg' ha hx) (mul_nonneg' hb hy) },
    show (interior {y : euclidean_space n | 0 ≤ y 0}).nonempty,
    { use (λi, 1),
      rw mem_interior,
      refine ⟨(pi (univ : set (fin n)) (λi, (Ioi 0 : set ℝ))), _,
        is_open_set_pi finite_univ (λa ha, is_open_Ioi), _⟩,
      { assume x hx,
        simp [pi] at hx,
        exact le_of_lt (hx 0) },
      { simp only [pi, forall_prop_of_true, mem_univ, mem_Ioi],
        assume i,
        exact zero_lt_one } }
  continuous_to_fun  := continuous_subtype_val,
  continuous_inv_fun := begin
    apply continuous_subtype_mk,
    apply continuous_pi,
    assume i,
    by_cases h : i = 0,
    { simp only [h, dif_pos],
      have : continuous (λx:ℝ, max x 0) := continuous_id.max continuous_const,
      exact this.comp (continuous_apply 0) },
    { simp [h],
      exact continuous_apply i }
  end }

Definition of the model with corners (euclidean_space n, euclidean_quadrant n), used as a
model for manifolds with corners -/
def model_with_corners_euclidean_quadrant (n : ℕ) :
  model_with_corners ℝ (euclidean_space n) (euclidean_quadrant n) :=
{ to_fun     := λx, x.val,
  inv_fun    := λx, ⟨λi, max (x i) 0,
                    λi, by simp [le_refl]⟩,
  source     := univ,
  target     := range (λx : euclidean_quadrant n, x.val),
  map_source := λx hx, by simpa [-mem_range, mem_range_self] using,
  map_target := λx hx, mem_univ _,
  left_inv   := λ⟨xval, xprop⟩ hx, begin
    rw subtype.mk_eq_mk,
    ext1 i,
    simp [xprop i]
  right_inv := λx hx, begin
    rw range_quadrant at hx,
    ext1 i,
    simp [hx i]
  source_eq   := rfl,
  unique_diff := begin
    /- To check that the quadrant has the unique differentiability property, we use the criterion
    `unique_diff_on_convex`: it suffices to check that it is convex and with nonempty interior. -/
    rw range_quadrant,
    apply unique_diff_on_convex,
    show convex {y : euclidean_space n | ∀ (i : fin n), 0 ≤ y i},
    { assume x y hx hy a b ha hb hab i,
      simpa using add_le_add (mul_nonneg' ha (hx i)) (mul_nonneg' hb (hy i)) },
    show (interior {y : euclidean_space n | ∀ (i : fin n), 0 ≤ y i}).nonempty,
    { use (λi, 1),
      rw mem_interior,
      refine ⟨(pi (univ : set (fin n)) (λi, (Ioi 0 : set ℝ))), _,
        is_open_set_pi finite_univ (λa ha, is_open_Ioi), _⟩,
      { assume x hx i,
        simp [pi] at hx,
        exact le_of_lt (hx i) },
      { simp only [pi, forall_prop_of_true, mem_univ, mem_Ioi],
        assume i,
        exact zero_lt_one } }
  continuous_to_fun  := continuous_subtype_val,
  continuous_inv_fun := begin
    apply continuous_subtype_mk,
    apply continuous_pi,
    assume i,
    have : continuous (λx:ℝ, max x 0) := continuous.max continuous_id continuous_const,
    exact this.comp (continuous_apply i)
  end }

Dummy class to make an assumption such as `x < y` available to typeclass search. Such an
assumption is used to define a manifold structure on [x, y] when `x < y`. Should be fixed in Lean 4.
def lt_class {α : Type*} [has_lt α] (x y : α) : Prop := x < y
attribute [class] lt_class

The left chart for the topological space [x, y], defined on [x,y) and sending x to 0 in
`euclidean_half_space 1`.
def Icc_left_chart (x y : ℝ) [h : lt_class x y] :
  local_homeomorph (Icc x y) (euclidean_half_space 1) :=
{ source := {z : Icc x y | z.val < y},
  target := {z : euclidean_half_space 1 | z.val 0 < y - x},
  to_fun := λ(z : Icc x y), ⟨λi, z.val - x, sub_nonneg.mpr⟩,
  inv_fun := λz, ⟨min (z.val 0 + x) y, by simp [le_refl,, le_of_lt h]⟩,
  map_source := by simp,
  map_target := by { simp, assume z hz, left, linarith },
  left_inv := by { rintros ⟨z, hz⟩ h'z, simp at hz h'z, simp [hz, h'z] },
  right_inv := begin
    rintros ⟨z, hz⟩ h'z,
    rw subtype.mk_eq_mk,
    simp at hz h'z,
    have A : x + z 0 ≤ y, by linarith,
    rw subsingleton.elim i 0,
    simp [A],
  open_source := begin
    have : is_open {z : ℝ | z < y} := is_open_Iio,
    exact continuous_subtype_val _ this
  open_target := begin
    have : is_open {z : ℝ | z < y - x} := is_open_Iio,
    have : is_open {z : fin 1 → ℝ | z 0 < y - x} :=
      (continuous_apply 0) _ this,
    exact continuous_subtype_val _ this
  continuous_to_fun := begin
    apply continuous.continuous_on,
    apply continuous_subtype_mk,
    have : continuous (λ (z : ℝ) (i : fin 1), z - x) :=
      continuous.sub (continuous_pi $ λi, continuous_id) continuous_const,
    exact this.comp continuous_subtype_val,
  continuous_inv_fun := begin
    apply continuous.continuous_on,
    apply continuous_subtype_mk,
    have A : continuous (λ z : ℝ, min (z + x) y) :=
      (continuous_id.add continuous_const).min continuous_const,
    have B : continuous (λz : fin 1 → ℝ, z 0) := continuous_apply 0,
    exact (A.comp B).comp continuous_subtype_val
  end }

The right chart for the topological space [x, y], defined on (x,y] and sending y to 0 in
`euclidean_half_space 1`.
def Icc_right_chart (x y : ℝ) [h : lt_class x y] :
  local_homeomorph (Icc x y) (euclidean_half_space 1) :=
{ source := {z : Icc x y | x < z.val},
  target := {z : euclidean_half_space 1 | z.val 0 < y - x},
  to_fun := λ(z : Icc x y), ⟨λi, y - z.val, sub_nonneg.mpr⟩,
  inv_fun := λz, ⟨max (y - z.val 0) x, by simp [le_refl,, le_of_lt h]⟩,
  map_source := by simp,
  map_target := by { simp, assume z hz, left, linarith },
  left_inv := by { rintros ⟨z, hz⟩ h'z, simp at hz h'z, simp [hz, h'z] },
  right_inv := begin
    rintros ⟨z, hz⟩ h'z,
    rw subtype.mk_eq_mk,
    simp at hz h'z,
    have A : x ≤ y + -z 0, by linarith,
    rw subsingleton.elim i 0,
    simp [A],
  open_source := begin
    have : is_open {z : ℝ | x < z} := is_open_Ioi,
    exact continuous_subtype_val _ this
  open_target := begin
    have : is_open {z : ℝ | z < y - x} := is_open_Iio,
    have : is_open {z : fin 1 → ℝ | z 0 < y - x} :=
      (continuous_apply 0) _ this,
    exact continuous_subtype_val _ this
  continuous_to_fun := begin
    apply continuous.continuous_on,
    apply continuous_subtype_mk,
    have : continuous (λ (z : ℝ) (i : fin 1), y - z) :=
      continuous_const.sub (continuous_pi (λi, continuous_id)),
    exact this.comp continuous_subtype_val,
  continuous_inv_fun := begin
    apply continuous.continuous_on,
    apply continuous_subtype_mk,
    have A : continuous (λ z : ℝ, max (y - z) x) :=
      (continuous_const.sub continuous_id).max continuous_const,
    have B : continuous (λz : fin 1 → ℝ, z 0) := continuous_apply 0,
    exact (A.comp B).comp continuous_subtype_val
  end }

Manifold with boundary structure on [x, y], using only two charts.
instance Icc_manifold (x y : ℝ) [h : lt_class x y] : manifold (euclidean_half_space 1) (Icc x y) :=
{ atlas := {Icc_left_chart x y, Icc_right_chart x y},
  chart_at := λz, if z.val < y then Icc_left_chart x y else Icc_right_chart x y,
  mem_chart_source := λz, begin
    by_cases h' : z.val < y,
    { simp only [h', if_true],
      exact h' },
    { simp only [h', if_false],
      apply lt_of_lt_of_le h,
      simpa using h' }
  chart_mem_atlas := λz, by { by_cases h' : z.val < y; simp [h'] } }

The manifold structure on [x, y] is smooth.
instance Icc_smooth_manifold (x y : ℝ) [lt_class x y] :
  smooth_manifold_with_corners (model_with_corners_euclidean_half_space 1) (Icc x y) :=
  have M : times_cont_diff_on ℝ ⊤ (λz : fin 1 → ℝ, (λi : fin 1, y - x) - z) univ,
  { rw times_cont_diff_on_univ,
    exact times_cont_diff.sub times_cont_diff_const times_cont_diff_id },
  haveI : has_groupoid (Icc x y)
          (times_cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ (model_with_corners_euclidean_half_space 1)) :=
    apply has_groupoid_of_pregroupoid,
    assume e e' he he',
    simp [atlas] at he he',
    /- We need to check that any composition of two charts gives a C^∞ function. Each chart can be
    either the left chart or the right chart, leaving 4 possibilities that we handle successively.
    rcases he with rfl | rfl; rcases he' with rfl | rfl,
    { -- e = right chart, e' = right chart
      refine ((mem_groupoid_of_pregroupoid _ _).mpr _).1,
      exact symm_trans_mem_times_cont_diff_groupoid _ _ _ },
    { -- e = right chart, e' = left chart
      apply M.congr_mono _ _ (subset_univ _),
      { rw inter_comm,
        refine unique_diff_on.inter (model_with_corners.unique_diff _) _,
        exact model_with_corners.continuous_inv_fun _ _ (local_homeomorph.open_source _) },
      { assume z hz,
        simp [-mem_range, range_half_space, model_with_corners_euclidean_half_space,
              local_equiv.trans_source, Icc_left_chart, Icc_right_chart] at hz,
        have A : 0 ≤ z 0 := hz.2,
        have B : x ≤ y + -z 0, by { have := hz.1.1.1, linarith },
        have C : y + (-x + -z 0) = ((λ (i : fin 1), y + -x) + -z) 0,
          by { change y + (-x - z 0) = (y - x) - z 0, ring },
        ext i,
        rw subsingleton.elim i 0,
        simpa [model_with_corners_euclidean_half_space, Icc_left_chart, Icc_right_chart, A, B] } },
    { -- e = left chart, e' = right chart
      apply M.congr_mono _ _ (subset_univ _),
      { rw inter_comm,
        refine unique_diff_on.inter (model_with_corners.unique_diff _) _,
        exact model_with_corners.continuous_inv_fun _ _ (local_homeomorph.open_source _) },
      { assume z hz,
        simp [-mem_range, range_half_space, model_with_corners_euclidean_half_space,
              local_equiv.trans_source, Icc_left_chart, Icc_right_chart] at hz,
        have A : 0 ≤ z 0 := hz.2,
        have B : x + z 0 ≤ y, by { have := hz.1.1.1, linarith },
        have C : y + (-x + -z 0) = ((λ (i : fin 1), y + -x) + -z) 0,
          by { change y + (-x - z 0) = (y - x) - z 0, ring },
        ext i,
        rw subsingleton.elim i 0,
        simpa [model_with_corners_euclidean_half_space, Icc_left_chart, Icc_right_chart, A, B] } },
    { -- e = left chart, e' = left chart
      refine ((mem_groupoid_of_pregroupoid _ _).mpr _).1,
      exact symm_trans_mem_times_cont_diff_groupoid _ _ _ }