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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Chris Hughes -/ import data.fintype universes u v open equiv function fintype finset variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} namespace equiv.perm def subtype_perm (f : perm α) {p : α → Prop} (h : ∀ x, p x ↔ p (f x)) : perm {x // p x} := ⟨λ x, ⟨f x, (h _).1 x.2⟩, λ x, ⟨f⁻¹ x, (h (f⁻¹ x)).2 $ by simpa using x.2⟩, λ _, by simp, λ _, by simp⟩ @[simp] lemma subtype_perm_one (p : α → Prop) (h : ∀ x, p x ↔ p ((1 : perm α) x)) : @subtype_perm α 1 p h = 1 := equiv.ext _ _ $ λ ⟨_, _⟩, rfl def of_subtype {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (f : perm (subtype p)) : perm α := ⟨λ x, if h : p x then f ⟨x, h⟩ else x, λ x, if h : p x then f⁻¹ ⟨x, h⟩ else x, λ x, have h : ∀ h : p x, p (f ⟨x, h⟩), from λ h, (f ⟨x, h⟩).2, by simp; split_ifs at *; simp * at *, λ x, have h : ∀ h : p x, p (f⁻¹ ⟨x, h⟩), from λ h, (f⁻¹ ⟨x, h⟩).2, by simp; split_ifs at *; simp * at *⟩ instance of_subtype.is_group_hom {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] : is_group_hom (@of_subtype α p _) := { map_mul := λ f g, equiv.ext _ _ $ λ x, begin rw [of_subtype, of_subtype, of_subtype], by_cases h : p x, { have h₁ : p (f (g ⟨x, h⟩)), from (f (g ⟨x, h⟩)).2, have h₂ : p (g ⟨x, h⟩), from (g ⟨x, h⟩).2, simp [h, h₁, h₂] }, { simp [h] } end } @[simp] lemma of_subtype_one (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : @of_subtype α p _ 1 = 1 := is_group_hom.map_one of_subtype lemma eq_inv_iff_eq {f : perm α} {x y : α} : x = f⁻¹ y ↔ f x = y := by conv {to_lhs, rw [← injective.eq_iff f.injective, apply_inv_self]} lemma inv_eq_iff_eq {f : perm α} {x y : α} : f⁻¹ x = y ↔ x = f y := by rw [eq_comm, eq_inv_iff_eq, eq_comm] def disjoint (f g : perm α) := ∀ x, f x = x ∨ g x = x @[symm] lemma disjoint.symm {f g : perm α} : disjoint f g → disjoint g f := by simp [disjoint, or.comm] lemma disjoint_comm {f g : perm α} : disjoint f g ↔ disjoint g f := ⟨disjoint.symm, disjoint.symm⟩ lemma disjoint_mul_comm {f g : perm α} (h : disjoint f g) : f * g = g * f := equiv.ext _ _ $ λ x, (h x).elim (λ hf, (h (g x)).elim (λ hg, by simp [mul_apply, hf, hg]) (λ hg, by simp [mul_apply, hf, g.injective hg])) (λ hg, (h (f x)).elim (λ hf, by simp [mul_apply, f.injective hf, hg]) (λ hf, by simp [mul_apply, hf, hg])) @[simp] lemma disjoint_one_left (f : perm α) : disjoint 1 f := λ _, or.inl rfl @[simp] lemma disjoint_one_right (f : perm α) : disjoint f 1 := λ _, or.inr rfl lemma disjoint_mul_left {f g h : perm α} (H1 : disjoint f h) (H2 : disjoint g h) : disjoint (f * g) h := λ x, by cases H1 x; cases H2 x; simp * lemma disjoint_mul_right {f g h : perm α} (H1 : disjoint f g) (H2 : disjoint f h) : disjoint f (g * h) := by rw disjoint_comm; exact disjoint_mul_left H1.symm H2.symm lemma disjoint_prod_right {f : perm α} (l : list (perm α)) (h : ∀ g ∈ l, disjoint f g) : disjoint f := begin induction l with g l ih, { exact disjoint_one_right _ }, { rw list.prod_cons; exact disjoint_mul_right (h _ (list.mem_cons_self _ _)) (ih (λ g hg, h g (list.mem_cons_of_mem _ hg))) } end lemma disjoint_prod_perm {l₁ l₂ : list (perm α)} (hl : l₁.pairwise disjoint) (hp : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁.prod = l₂.prod := begin induction hp, { refl }, { rw [list.prod_cons, list.prod_cons, hp_ih (list.pairwise_cons.1 hl).2] }, { simp [list.prod_cons, disjoint_mul_comm, (mul_assoc _ _ _).symm, *, list.pairwise_cons] at * }, { rw [hp_ih_a hl, hp_ih_a_1 ((list.perm_pairwise (λ x y (h : disjoint x y), disjoint.symm h) hp_a).1 hl)] } end lemma of_subtype_subtype_perm {f : perm α} {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (h₁ : ∀ x, p x ↔ p (f x)) (h₂ : ∀ x, f x ≠ x → p x) : of_subtype (subtype_perm f h₁) = f := equiv.ext _ _ $ λ x, begin rw [of_subtype, subtype_perm], by_cases hx : p x, { simp [hx] }, { haveI := classical.prop_decidable, simp [hx, not_not.1 (mt (h₂ x) hx)] } end lemma of_subtype_apply_of_not_mem {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (f : perm (subtype p)) {x : α} (hx : ¬ p x) : of_subtype f x = x := dif_neg hx lemma mem_iff_of_subtype_apply_mem {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (f : perm (subtype p)) (x : α) : p x ↔ p ((of_subtype f : α → α) x) := if h : p x then by dsimp [of_subtype]; simpa [h] using (f ⟨x, h⟩).2 else by simp [h, of_subtype_apply_of_not_mem f h] @[simp] lemma subtype_perm_of_subtype {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (f : perm (subtype p)) : subtype_perm (of_subtype f) (mem_iff_of_subtype_apply_mem f) = f := equiv.ext _ _ $ λ ⟨x, hx⟩, by dsimp [subtype_perm, of_subtype]; simp [show p x, from hx] lemma pow_apply_eq_self_of_apply_eq_self {f : perm α} {x : α} (hfx : f x = x) : ∀ n : ℕ, (f ^ n) x = x | 0 := rfl | (n+1) := by rw [pow_succ', mul_apply, hfx, pow_apply_eq_self_of_apply_eq_self] lemma gpow_apply_eq_self_of_apply_eq_self {f : perm α} {x : α} (hfx : f x = x) : ∀ n : ℤ, (f ^ n) x = x | (n : ℕ) := pow_apply_eq_self_of_apply_eq_self hfx n | -[1+ n] := by rw [gpow_neg_succ, inv_eq_iff_eq, pow_apply_eq_self_of_apply_eq_self hfx] lemma pow_apply_eq_of_apply_apply_eq_self {f : perm α} {x : α} (hffx : f (f x) = x) : ∀ n : ℕ, (f ^ n) x = x ∨ (f ^ n) x = f x | 0 := or.inl rfl | (n+1) := (pow_apply_eq_of_apply_apply_eq_self n).elim (λ h, or.inr (by rw [pow_succ, mul_apply, h])) (λ h, or.inl (by rw [pow_succ, mul_apply, h, hffx])) lemma gpow_apply_eq_of_apply_apply_eq_self {f : perm α} {x : α} (hffx : f (f x) = x) : ∀ i : ℤ, (f ^ i) x = x ∨ (f ^ i) x = f x | (n : ℕ) := pow_apply_eq_of_apply_apply_eq_self hffx n | -[1+ n] := by rw [gpow_neg_succ, inv_eq_iff_eq, ← injective.eq_iff f.injective, ← mul_apply, ← pow_succ, eq_comm, inv_eq_iff_eq, ← mul_apply, ← pow_succ', @eq_comm _ x, or.comm]; exact pow_apply_eq_of_apply_apply_eq_self hffx _ variable [decidable_eq α] def support [fintype α] (f : perm α) := univ.filter (λ x, f x ≠ x) @[simp] lemma mem_support [fintype α] {f : perm α} {x : α} : x ∈ ↔ f x ≠ x := by simp [support] def is_swap (f : perm α) := ∃ x y, x ≠ y ∧ f = swap x y lemma swap_mul_eq_mul_swap (f : perm α) (x y : α) : swap x y * f = f * swap (f⁻¹ x) (f⁻¹ y) := equiv.ext _ _ $ λ z, begin simp [mul_apply, swap_apply_def], split_ifs; simp [*, eq_inv_iff_eq] at * <|> cc end lemma mul_swap_eq_swap_mul (f : perm α) (x y : α) : f * swap x y = swap (f x) (f y) * f := by rw [swap_mul_eq_mul_swap, inv_apply_self, inv_apply_self] @[simp] lemma swap_mul_self (i j : α) : equiv.swap i j * equiv.swap i j = 1 := equiv.swap_swap i j /-- Multiplying a permutation with `swap i j` twice gives the original permutation. This specialization of `swap_mul_self` is useful when using cosets of permutations. -/ @[simp] lemma swap_mul_self_mul (i j : α) (σ : perm α) : equiv.swap i j * (equiv.swap i j * σ) = σ := by rw [←mul_assoc (swap i j) (swap i j) σ, equiv.perm.swap_mul_self, one_mul] lemma swap_mul_eq_iff {i j : α} {σ : perm α} : swap i j * σ = σ ↔ i = j := ⟨(assume h, have swap_id : swap i j = 1 := mul_right_cancel (trans h (one_mul σ).symm), by {rw [←swap_apply_right i j, swap_id], refl}), (assume h, by erw [h, swap_self, one_mul])⟩ @[simp] lemma swap_swap_apply (i j k : α) : equiv.swap i j (equiv.swap i j k) = k := equiv.swap_core_swap_core k i j lemma is_swap_of_subtype {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] {f : perm (subtype p)} (h : is_swap f) : is_swap (of_subtype f) := let ⟨⟨x, hx⟩, ⟨y, hy⟩, hxy⟩ := h in ⟨x, y, by simp at hxy; tauto, equiv.ext _ _ $ λ z, begin rw [hxy.2, of_subtype], simp [swap_apply_def], split_ifs; cc <|> simp * at * end⟩ lemma ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self {f : perm α} {x y : α} (hy : (swap x (f x) * f) y ≠ y) : f y ≠ y ∧ y ≠ x := begin simp only [swap_apply_def, mul_apply, injective.eq_iff f.injective] at *, by_cases h : f y = x, { split; intro; simp * at * }, { split_ifs at hy; cc } end lemma support_swap_mul_eq [fintype α] {f : perm α} {x : α} (hffx : f (f x) ≠ x) : (swap x (f x) * f).support = x := have hfx : f x ≠ x, from λ hfx, by simpa [hfx] using hffx, finset.ext.2 $ λ y, ⟨λ hy, have hy' : (swap x (f x) * f) y ≠ y, from mem_support.1 hy, mem_erase.2 ⟨λ hyx, by simp [hyx, mul_apply, *] at *, mem_support.2 $ λ hfy, by simp only [mul_apply, swap_apply_def, hfy] at hy'; split_ifs at hy'; simp * at *⟩, λ hy, by simp only [mem_erase, mem_support, swap_apply_def, mul_apply] at *; intro; split_ifs at *; simp * at *⟩ lemma card_support_swap_mul [fintype α] {f : perm α} {x : α} (hx : f x ≠ x) : (swap x (f x) * f).support.card < := finset.card_lt_card ⟨λ z hz, mem_support.2 (ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self (mem_support.1 hz)).1, λ h, absurd (h (mem_support.2 hx)) (mt mem_support.1 (by simp))⟩ def swap_factors_aux : Π (l : list α) (f : perm α), (∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l) → {l : list (perm α) // = f ∧ ∀ g ∈ l, is_swap g} | [] := λ f h, ⟨[], equiv.ext _ _ $ λ x, by rw [list.prod_nil]; exact eq.symm (not_not.1 (mt h (list.not_mem_nil _))), by simp⟩ | (x :: l) := λ f h, if hfx : x = f x then swap_factors_aux l f (λ y hy, list.mem_of_ne_of_mem (λ h : y = x, by simpa [h, hfx.symm] using hy) (h hy)) else let m := swap_factors_aux l (swap x (f x) * f) (λ y hy, have f y ≠ y ∧ y ≠ x, from ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self hy, list.mem_of_ne_of_mem this.2 (h this.1)) in ⟨swap x (f x) :: m.1, by rw [list.prod_cons, m.2.1, ← mul_assoc, mul_def (swap x (f x)), swap_swap, ← one_def, one_mul], λ g hg, ((list.mem_cons_iff _ _ _).1 hg).elim (λ h, ⟨x, f x, hfx, h⟩) (m.2.2 _)⟩ /-- `swap_factors` represents a permutation as a product of a list of transpositions. The representation is non unique and depends on the linear order structure. For types without linear order `trunc_swap_factors` can be used -/ def swap_factors [fintype α] [decidable_linear_order α] (f : perm α) : {l : list (perm α) // = f ∧ ∀ g ∈ l, is_swap g} := swap_factors_aux ((@univ α _).sort (≤)) f (λ _ _, (mem_sort _).2 (mem_univ _)) def trunc_swap_factors [fintype α] (f : perm α) : trunc {l : list (perm α) // = f ∧ ∀ g ∈ l, is_swap g} := quotient.rec_on_subsingleton (@univ α _).1 (λ l h, (swap_factors_aux l f h)) (show ∀ x, f x ≠ x → x ∈ (@univ α _).1, from λ _ _, mem_univ _) @[elab_as_eliminator] lemma swap_induction_on [fintype α] {P : perm α → Prop} (f : perm α) : P 1 → (∀ f x y, x ≠ y → P f → P (swap x y * f)) → P f := begin cases trunc.out (trunc_swap_factors f) with l hl, induction l with g l ih generalizing f, { simp [hl.1.symm] {contextual := tt} }, { assume h1 hmul_swap, rcases hl.2 g (by simp) with ⟨x, y, hxy⟩, rw [← hl.1, list.prod_cons, hxy.2], exact hmul_swap _ _ _ hxy.1 (ih _ ⟨rfl, λ v hv, hl.2 _ (list.mem_cons_of_mem _ hv)⟩ h1 hmul_swap) } end lemma swap_mul_swap_mul_swap {x y z : α} (hwz: x ≠ y) (hxz : x ≠ z) : swap y z * swap x y * swap y z = swap z x := equiv.ext _ _ $ λ n, by simp only [swap_apply_def, mul_apply]; split_ifs; cc lemma is_conj_swap {w x y z : α} (hwx : w ≠ x) (hyz : y ≠ z) : is_conj (swap w x) (swap y z) := have h : ∀ {y z : α}, y ≠ z → w ≠ z → (swap w y * swap x z) * swap w x * (swap w y * swap x z)⁻¹ = swap y z := λ y z hyz hwz, by rw [mul_inv_rev, swap_inv, swap_inv, mul_assoc (swap w y), mul_assoc (swap w y), ← mul_assoc _ (swap x z), swap_mul_swap_mul_swap hwx hwz, ← mul_assoc, swap_mul_swap_mul_swap hwz.symm hyz.symm], if hwz : w = z then have hwy : w ≠ y, by cc, ⟨swap w z * swap x y, by rw [swap_comm y z, h hyz.symm hwy]⟩ else ⟨swap w y * swap x z, h hyz hwz⟩ /-- set of all pairs (⟨a, b⟩ : Σ a : fin n, fin n) such that b < a -/ def fin_pairs_lt (n : ℕ) : finset (Σ a : fin n, fin n) := (univ : finset (fin n)).sigma (λ a, (range a.1).attach_fin (λ m hm, lt_trans (mem_range.1 hm) a.2)) lemma mem_fin_pairs_lt {n : ℕ} {a : Σ a : fin n, fin n} : a ∈ fin_pairs_lt n ↔ a.2 < a.1 := by simp [fin_pairs_lt, fin.lt_def] def sign_aux {n : ℕ} (a : perm (fin n)) : units ℤ := (fin_pairs_lt n).prod (λ x, if a x.1 ≤ a x.2 then -1 else 1) @[simp] lemma sign_aux_one (n : ℕ) : sign_aux (1 : perm (fin n)) = 1 := begin unfold sign_aux, conv { to_rhs, rw ← @finset.prod_const_one _ (units ℤ) (fin_pairs_lt n) }, exact finset.prod_congr rfl (λ a ha, if_neg (not_le_of_gt (mem_fin_pairs_lt.1 ha))) end def sign_bij_aux {n : ℕ} (f : perm (fin n)) (a : Σ a : fin n, fin n) : Σ a : fin n, fin n := if hxa : f a.2 < f a.1 then ⟨f a.1, f a.2⟩ else ⟨f a.2, f a.1⟩ lemma sign_bij_aux_inj {n : ℕ} {f : perm (fin n)} : ∀ a b : Σ a : fin n, fin n, a ∈ fin_pairs_lt n → b ∈ fin_pairs_lt n → sign_bij_aux f a = sign_bij_aux f b → a = b := λ ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ⟨b₁, b₂⟩ ha hb h, begin unfold sign_bij_aux at h, rw mem_fin_pairs_lt at *, have : ¬b₁ < b₂ := not_lt_of_ge (le_of_lt hb), split_ifs at h; simp [*, injective.eq_iff f.injective,] at * end lemma sign_bij_aux_surj {n : ℕ} {f : perm (fin n)} : ∀ a ∈ fin_pairs_lt n, ∃ b ∈ fin_pairs_lt n, a = sign_bij_aux f b := λ ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ha, if hxa : f⁻¹ a₂ < f⁻¹ a₁ then ⟨⟨f⁻¹ a₁, f⁻¹ a₂⟩, mem_fin_pairs_lt.2 hxa, by dsimp [sign_bij_aux]; rw [apply_inv_self, apply_inv_self, dif_pos (mem_fin_pairs_lt.1 ha)]⟩ else ⟨⟨f⁻¹ a₂, f⁻¹ a₁⟩, mem_fin_pairs_lt.2 $ lt_of_le_of_ne (le_of_not_gt hxa) $ λ h, by simpa [mem_fin_pairs_lt, (f⁻¹).injective h, lt_irrefl] using ha, by dsimp [sign_bij_aux]; rw [apply_inv_self, apply_inv_self, dif_neg (not_lt_of_ge (le_of_lt (mem_fin_pairs_lt.1 ha)))]⟩ lemma sign_bij_aux_mem {n : ℕ} {f : perm (fin n)}: ∀ a : Σ a : fin n, fin n, a ∈ fin_pairs_lt n → sign_bij_aux f a ∈ fin_pairs_lt n := λ ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ha, begin unfold sign_bij_aux, split_ifs with h, { exact mem_fin_pairs_lt.2 h }, { exact mem_fin_pairs_lt.2 (lt_of_le_of_ne (le_of_not_gt h) (λ h, ne_of_lt (mem_fin_pairs_lt.1 ha) (f.injective h.symm))) } end @[simp] lemma sign_aux_inv {n : ℕ} (f : perm (fin n)) : sign_aux f⁻¹ = sign_aux f := prod_bij (λ a ha, sign_bij_aux f⁻¹ a) sign_bij_aux_mem (λ ⟨a, b⟩ hab, if h : f⁻¹ b < f⁻¹ a then by rw [sign_bij_aux, dif_pos h, if_neg (not_le_of_gt h), apply_inv_self, apply_inv_self, if_neg (not_le_of_gt $ mem_fin_pairs_lt.1 hab)] else by rw [sign_bij_aux, if_pos (le_of_not_gt h), dif_neg h, apply_inv_self, apply_inv_self, if_pos (le_of_lt $ mem_fin_pairs_lt.1 hab)]) sign_bij_aux_inj sign_bij_aux_surj lemma sign_aux_mul {n : ℕ} (f g : perm (fin n)) : sign_aux (f * g) = sign_aux f * sign_aux g := begin rw ← sign_aux_inv g, unfold sign_aux, rw ← prod_mul_distrib, refine prod_bij (λ a ha, sign_bij_aux g a) sign_bij_aux_mem _ sign_bij_aux_inj sign_bij_aux_surj, rintros ⟨a, b⟩ hab, rw [sign_bij_aux, mul_apply, mul_apply], rw mem_fin_pairs_lt at hab, by_cases h : g b < g a, { rw dif_pos h, simp [not_le_of_gt hab]; congr }, { rw [dif_neg h, inv_apply_self, inv_apply_self, if_pos (le_of_lt hab)], by_cases h₁ : f (g b) ≤ f (g a), { have : f (g b) ≠ f (g a), { rw [ne.def, injective.eq_iff f.injective, injective.eq_iff g.injective]; exact ne_of_lt hab }, rw [if_pos h₁, if_neg (not_le_of_gt (lt_of_le_of_ne h₁ this))], refl }, { rw [if_neg h₁, if_pos (le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge h₁))], refl } } end instance sign_aux.is_group_hom {n : ℕ} : is_group_hom (@sign_aux n) := { map_mul := sign_aux_mul } private lemma sign_aux_swap_zero_one {n : ℕ} (hn : 2 ≤ n) : sign_aux (swap (⟨0, lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial hn⟩ : fin n) ⟨1, lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial hn⟩) = -1 := let zero : fin n := ⟨0, lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial hn⟩ in let one : fin n := ⟨1, lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial hn⟩ in have hzo : zero < one := dec_trivial, show _ = (finset.singleton (⟨one, zero⟩ : Σ a : fin n, fin n)).prod (λ x : Σ a : fin n, fin n, if (equiv.swap zero one) x.1 ≤ swap zero one x.2 then (-1 : units ℤ) else 1), begin refine eq.symm (prod_subset (λ ⟨x₁, x₂⟩, by simp [mem_fin_pairs_lt, hzo] {contextual := tt}) (λ a ha₁ ha₂, _)), rcases a with ⟨⟨a₁, ha₁⟩, ⟨a₂, ha₂⟩⟩, replace ha₁ : a₂ < a₁ := mem_fin_pairs_lt.1 ha₁, simp only [swap_apply_def], have : ¬ 1 ≤ a₂ → a₂ = 0, from λ h, nat.le_zero_iff.1 (nat.le_of_lt_succ (lt_of_not_ge h)), have : a₁ ≤ 1 → a₁ = 0 ∨ a₁ = 1, from nat.cases_on a₁ (λ _, or.inl rfl) (λ a₁, nat.cases_on a₁ (λ _, or.inr rfl) (λ _ h, absurd h dec_trivial)), split_ifs; simp [*, lt_irrefl, -not_lt, not_le.symm, -not_le, le_refl, fin.lt_def, fin.le_def, nat.zero_le, zero, one, iff.intro fin.veq_of_eq fin.eq_of_veq, nat.le_zero_iff] at *, end lemma sign_aux_swap : ∀ {n : ℕ} {x y : fin n} (hxy : x ≠ y), sign_aux (swap x y) = -1 | 0 := dec_trivial | 1 := dec_trivial | (n+2) := λ x y hxy, have h2n : 2 ≤ n + 2 := dec_trivial, by rw [← is_conj_iff_eq, ← sign_aux_swap_zero_one h2n]; exact is_group_hom.is_conj _ (is_conj_swap hxy dec_trivial) def sign_aux2 : list α → perm α → units ℤ | [] f := 1 | (x::l) f := if x = f x then sign_aux2 l f else -sign_aux2 l (swap x (f x) * f) lemma sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 {n : ℕ} : ∀ (l : list α) (f : perm α) (e : α ≃ fin n) (h : ∀ x, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l), sign_aux ((e.symm.trans f).trans e) = sign_aux2 l f | [] f e h := have f = 1, from equiv.ext _ _ $ λ y, not_not.1 (mt (h y) (list.not_mem_nil _)), by rw [this, one_def, equiv.trans_refl, equiv.symm_trans, ← one_def, sign_aux_one, sign_aux2] | (x::l) f e h := begin rw sign_aux2, by_cases hfx : x = f x, { rw if_pos hfx, exact sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 l f _ (λ y (hy : f y ≠ y), list.mem_of_ne_of_mem (λ h : y = x, by simpa [h, hfx.symm] using hy) (h y hy) ) }, { have hy : ∀ y : α, (swap x (f x) * f) y ≠ y → y ∈ l, from λ y hy, have f y ≠ y ∧ y ≠ x, from ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self hy, list.mem_of_ne_of_mem this.2 (h _ this.1), have : (e.symm.trans (swap x (f x) * f)).trans e = (swap (e x) (e (f x))) * (e.symm.trans f).trans e, from equiv.ext _ _ (λ z, by rw ← equiv.symm_trans_swap_trans; simp [mul_def]), have hefx : e x ≠ e (f x), from mt (injective.eq_iff e.injective).1 hfx, rw [if_neg hfx, ← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ e hy, this, sign_aux_mul, sign_aux_swap hefx], simp } end def sign_aux3 [fintype α] (f : perm α) {s : multiset α} : (∀ x, x ∈ s) → units ℤ := quotient.hrec_on s (λ l h, sign_aux2 l f) (trunc.induction_on (equiv_fin α) (λ e l₁ l₂ h, function.hfunext (show (∀ x, x ∈ l₁) = ∀ x, x ∈ l₂, by simp [list.mem_of_perm h]) (λ h₁ h₂ _, by rw [← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ e (λ _ _, h₁ _), ← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ e (λ _ _, h₂ _)]))) lemma sign_aux3_mul_and_swap [fintype α] (f g : perm α) (s : multiset α) (hs : ∀ x, x ∈ s) : sign_aux3 (f * g) hs = sign_aux3 f hs * sign_aux3 g hs ∧ ∀ x y, x ≠ y → sign_aux3 (swap x y) hs = -1 := let ⟨l, hl⟩ := quotient.exists_rep s in let ⟨e, _⟩ := trunc.exists_rep (equiv_fin α) in begin clear _let_match _let_match, subst hl, show sign_aux2 l (f * g) = sign_aux2 l f * sign_aux2 l g ∧ ∀ x y, x ≠ y → sign_aux2 l (swap x y) = -1, have hfg : (e.symm.trans (f * g)).trans e = (e.symm.trans f).trans e * (e.symm.trans g).trans e, from equiv.ext _ _ (λ h, by simp [mul_apply]), split, { rw [← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ e (λ _ _, hs _), ← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ e (λ _ _, hs _), ← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ e (λ _ _, hs _), hfg, sign_aux_mul] }, { assume x y hxy, have hexy : e x ≠ e y, from mt (injective.eq_iff e.injective).1 hxy, rw [← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ e (λ _ _, hs _), equiv.symm_trans_swap_trans, sign_aux_swap hexy] } end /-- `sign` of a permutation returns the signature or parity of a permutation, `1` for even permutations, `-1` for odd permutations. It is the unique surjective group homomorphism from `perm α` to the group with two elements.-/ def sign [fintype α] (f : perm α) := sign_aux3 f mem_univ instance sign.is_group_hom [fintype α] : is_group_hom (@sign α _ _) := { map_mul := λ f g, (sign_aux3_mul_and_swap f g _ mem_univ).1 } section sign variable [fintype α] @[simp] lemma sign_mul (f g : perm α) : sign (f * g) = sign f * sign g := is_mul_hom.map_mul sign _ _ @[simp] lemma sign_one : (sign (1 : perm α)) = 1 := is_group_hom.map_one sign @[simp] lemma sign_refl : sign (equiv.refl α) = 1 := is_group_hom.map_one sign @[simp] lemma sign_inv (f : perm α) : sign f⁻¹ = sign f := by rw [is_group_hom.map_inv sign, int.units_inv_eq_self]; apply_instance lemma sign_swap {x y : α} (h : x ≠ y) : sign (swap x y) = -1 := (sign_aux3_mul_and_swap 1 1 _ mem_univ).2 x y h @[simp] lemma sign_swap' {x y : α} : (swap x y).sign = if x = y then 1 else -1 := if H : x = y then by simp [H, swap_self] else by simp [sign_swap H, H] lemma sign_eq_of_is_swap {f : perm α} (h : is_swap f) : sign f = -1 := let ⟨x, y, hxy⟩ := h in hxy.2.symm ▸ sign_swap hxy.1 lemma sign_aux3_symm_trans_trans [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] (f : perm α) (e : α ≃ β) {s : multiset α} {t : multiset β} (hs : ∀ x, x ∈ s) (ht : ∀ x, x ∈ t) : sign_aux3 ((e.symm.trans f).trans e) ht = sign_aux3 f hs := quotient.induction_on₂ t s (λ l₁ l₂ h₁ h₂, show sign_aux2 _ _ = sign_aux2 _ _, from let n := trunc.out (equiv_fin β) in by rw [← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ n (λ _ _, h₁ _), ← sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 _ _ (e.trans n) (λ _ _, h₂ _)]; exact congr_arg sign_aux (equiv.ext _ _ (λ x, by simp))) ht hs lemma sign_symm_trans_trans [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] (f : perm α) (e : α ≃ β) : sign ((e.symm.trans f).trans e) = sign f := sign_aux3_symm_trans_trans f e mem_univ mem_univ lemma sign_prod_list_swap {l : list (perm α)} (hl : ∀ g ∈ l, is_swap g) : sign = -1 ^ l.length := have h₁ : sign = list.repeat (-1) l.length := list.eq_repeat.2 ⟨by simp, λ u hu, let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hu in hg.2 ▸ sign_eq_of_is_swap (hl _ hg.1)⟩, by rw [← list.prod_repeat, ← h₁, list.prod_hom _ (@sign α _ _)] lemma sign_surjective (hα : 1 < fintype.card α) : function.surjective (sign : perm α → units ℤ) := λ a, (int.units_eq_one_or a).elim (λ h, ⟨1, by simp [h]⟩) (λ h, let ⟨x⟩ := fintype.card_pos_iff.1 (lt_trans zero_lt_one hα) in let ⟨y, hxy⟩ := fintype.exists_ne_of_one_lt_card hα x in ⟨swap y x, by rw [sign_swap hxy, h]⟩ ) lemma eq_sign_of_surjective_hom {s : perm α → units ℤ} [is_group_hom s] (hs : surjective s) : s = sign := have ∀ {f}, is_swap f → s f = -1 := λ f ⟨x, y, hxy, hxy'⟩, hxy'.symm ▸ by_contradiction (λ h, have ∀ f, is_swap f → s f = 1 := λ f ⟨a, b, hab, hab'⟩, by rw [← is_conj_iff_eq, ← or.resolve_right (int.units_eq_one_or _) h, hab']; exact is_group_hom.is_conj _ (is_conj_swap hab hxy), let ⟨g, hg⟩ := hs (-1) in let ⟨l, hl⟩ := trunc.out (trunc_swap_factors g) in have ∀ a ∈ s, a = (1 : units ℤ) := λ a ha, let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 ha in hg.2 ▸ this _ (hl.2 _ hg.1), have s = 1, by rw [← l.prod_hom s, list.eq_repeat'.2 this, list.prod_repeat, one_pow], by rw [hl.1, hg] at this; exact absurd this dec_trivial), funext $ λ f, let ⟨l, hl₁, hl₂⟩ := trunc.out (trunc_swap_factors f) in have hsl : ∀ a ∈ s, a = (-1 : units ℤ) := λ a ha, let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 ha in hg.2 ▸ this (hl₂ _ hg.1), by rw [← hl₁, ← l.prod_hom s, list.eq_repeat'.2 hsl, list.length_map, list.prod_repeat, sign_prod_list_swap hl₂] lemma sign_subtype_perm (f : perm α) {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (h₁ : ∀ x, p x ↔ p (f x)) (h₂ : ∀ x, f x ≠ x → p x) : sign (subtype_perm f h₁) = sign f := let l := trunc.out (trunc_swap_factors (subtype_perm f h₁)) in have hl' : ∀ g' ∈ of_subtype, is_swap g' := λ g' hg', let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hg' in hg.2 ▸ is_swap_of_subtype (l.2.2 _ hg.1), have hl'₂ : ( of_subtype).prod = f, by rw [l.1.prod_hom of_subtype, l.2.1, of_subtype_subtype_perm _ h₂], by conv {congr, rw ← l.2.1, skip, rw ← hl'₂}; rw [sign_prod_list_swap l.2.2, sign_prod_list_swap hl', list.length_map] @[simp] lemma sign_of_subtype {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] (f : perm (subtype p)) : sign (of_subtype f) = sign f := have ∀ x, of_subtype f x ≠ x → p x, from λ x, not_imp_comm.1 (of_subtype_apply_of_not_mem f), by conv {to_rhs, rw [← subtype_perm_of_subtype f, sign_subtype_perm _ _ this]} lemma sign_eq_sign_of_equiv [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] (f : perm α) (g : perm β) (e : α ≃ β) (h : ∀ x, e (f x) = g (e x)) : sign f = sign g := have hg : g = (e.symm.trans f).trans e, from equiv.ext _ _ $ by simp [h], by rw [hg, sign_symm_trans_trans] lemma sign_bij [decidable_eq β] [fintype β] {f : perm α} {g : perm β} (i : Π x : α, f x ≠ x → β) (h : ∀ x hx hx', i (f x) hx' = g (i x hx)) (hi : ∀ x₁ x₂ hx₁ hx₂, i x₁ hx₁ = i x₂ hx₂ → x₁ = x₂) (hg : ∀ y, g y ≠ y → ∃ x hx, i x hx = y) : sign f = sign g := calc sign f = sign (@subtype_perm _ f (λ x, f x ≠ x) (by simp)) : eq.symm (sign_subtype_perm _ _ (λ _, id)) ... = sign (@subtype_perm _ g (λ x, g x ≠ x) (by simp)) : sign_eq_sign_of_equiv _ _ (equiv.of_bijective (show function.bijective (λ x : {x // f x ≠ x}, (⟨i x.1 x.2, have f (f x) ≠ f x, from mt (λ h, f.injective h) x.2, by rw [← h _ x.2 this]; exact mt (hi _ _ this x.2) x.2⟩ : {y // g y ≠ y})), from ⟨λ ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩ h, subtype.eq (hi _ _ _ _ ( h)), λ ⟨y, hy⟩, let ⟨x, hfx, hx⟩ := hg y hy in ⟨⟨x, hfx⟩, subtype.eq hx⟩⟩)) (λ ⟨x, _⟩, subtype.eq (h x _ _)) ... = sign g : sign_subtype_perm _ _ (λ _, id) def is_cycle (f : perm β) := ∃ x, f x ≠ x ∧ ∀ y, f y ≠ y → ∃ i : ℤ, (f ^ i) x = y lemma is_cycle_swap {x y : α} (hxy : x ≠ y) : is_cycle (swap x y) := ⟨y, by rwa swap_apply_right, λ a (ha : ite (a = x) y (ite (a = y) x a) ≠ a), if hya : y = a then ⟨0, hya⟩ else ⟨1, by rw [gpow_one, swap_apply_def]; split_ifs at *; cc⟩⟩ lemma is_cycle_inv {f : perm β} (hf : is_cycle f) : is_cycle (f⁻¹) := let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hf in ⟨x, by simp [eq_inv_iff_eq, inv_eq_iff_eq, *] at *; cc, λ y hy, let ⟨i, hi⟩ := hx.2 y (by simp [eq_inv_iff_eq, inv_eq_iff_eq, *] at *; cc) in ⟨-i, by rwa [gpow_neg, inv_gpow, inv_inv]⟩⟩ lemma exists_gpow_eq_of_is_cycle {f : perm β} (hf : is_cycle f) {x y : β} (hx : f x ≠ x) (hy : f y ≠ y) : ∃ i : ℤ, (f ^ i) x = y := let ⟨g, hg⟩ := hf in let ⟨a, ha⟩ := hg.2 x hx in let ⟨b, hb⟩ := hg.2 y hy in ⟨b - a, by rw [← ha, ← mul_apply, ← gpow_add, sub_add_cancel, hb]⟩ lemma is_cycle_swap_mul_aux₁ : ∀ (n : ℕ) {b x : α} {f : perm α} (hb : (swap x (f x) * f) b ≠ b) (h : (f ^ n) (f x) = b), ∃ i : ℤ, ((swap x (f x) * f) ^ i) (f x) = b | 0 := λ b x f hb h, ⟨0, h⟩ | (n+1 : ℕ) := λ b x f hb h, if hfbx : f x = b then ⟨0, hfbx⟩ else have f b ≠ b ∧ b ≠ x, from ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self hb, have hb' : (swap x (f x) * f) (f⁻¹ b) ≠ f⁻¹ b, by rw [mul_apply, apply_inv_self, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne this.2 (ne.symm hfbx), ne.def, ← injective.eq_iff f.injective, apply_inv_self]; exact this.1, let ⟨i, hi⟩ := is_cycle_swap_mul_aux₁ n hb' (f.injective $ by rw [apply_inv_self]; rwa [pow_succ, mul_apply] at h) in ⟨i + 1, by rw [add_comm, gpow_add, mul_apply, hi, gpow_one, mul_apply, apply_inv_self, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne (ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self hb).2 (ne.symm hfbx)]⟩ lemma is_cycle_swap_mul_aux₂ : ∀ (n : ℤ) {b x : α} {f : perm α} (hb : (swap x (f x) * f) b ≠ b) (h : (f ^ n) (f x) = b), ∃ i : ℤ, ((swap x (f x) * f) ^ i) (f x) = b | (n : ℕ) := λ b x f, is_cycle_swap_mul_aux₁ n | -[1+ n] := λ b x f hb h, if hfbx : f⁻¹ x = b then ⟨-1, by rwa [gpow_neg, gpow_one, mul_inv_rev, mul_apply, swap_inv, swap_apply_right]⟩ else if hfbx' : f x = b then ⟨0, hfbx'⟩ else have f b ≠ b ∧ b ≠ x := ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self hb, have hb : (swap x (f⁻¹ x) * f⁻¹) (f⁻¹ b) ≠ f⁻¹ b, by rw [mul_apply, swap_apply_def]; split_ifs; simp [inv_eq_iff_eq, eq_inv_iff_eq] at *; cc, let ⟨i, hi⟩ := is_cycle_swap_mul_aux₁ n hb (show (f⁻¹ ^ n) (f⁻¹ x) = f⁻¹ b, by rw [← gpow_coe_nat, ← h, ← mul_apply, ← mul_apply, ← mul_apply, gpow_neg_succ, ← inv_pow, pow_succ', mul_assoc, mul_assoc, inv_mul_self, mul_one, gpow_coe_nat, ← pow_succ', ← pow_succ]) in have h : (swap x (f⁻¹ x) * f⁻¹) (f x) = f⁻¹ x, by rw [mul_apply, inv_apply_self, swap_apply_left], ⟨-i, by rw [← add_sub_cancel i 1, neg_sub, sub_eq_add_neg, gpow_add, gpow_one, gpow_neg, ← inv_gpow, mul_inv_rev, swap_inv, mul_swap_eq_swap_mul, inv_apply_self, swap_comm _ x, gpow_add, gpow_one, mul_apply, mul_apply (_ ^ i), h, hi, mul_apply, apply_inv_self, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne this.2 (ne.symm hfbx')]⟩ lemma eq_swap_of_is_cycle_of_apply_apply_eq_self {f : perm α} (hf : is_cycle f) {x : α} (hfx : f x ≠ x) (hffx : f (f x) = x) : f = swap x (f x) := equiv.ext _ _ $ λ y, let ⟨z, hz⟩ := hf in let ⟨i, hi⟩ := hz.2 x hfx in if hyx : y = x then by simp [hyx] else if hfyx : y = f x then by simp [hfyx, hffx] else begin rw [swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne hyx hfyx], refine by_contradiction (λ hy, _), cases hz.2 y hy with j hj, rw [← sub_add_cancel j i, gpow_add, mul_apply, hi] at hj, cases gpow_apply_eq_of_apply_apply_eq_self hffx (j - i) with hji hji, { rw [← hj, hji] at hyx, cc }, { rw [← hj, hji] at hfyx, cc } end lemma is_cycle_swap_mul {f : perm α} (hf : is_cycle f) {x : α} (hx : f x ≠ x) (hffx : f (f x) ≠ x) : is_cycle (swap x (f x) * f) := ⟨f x, by simp only [swap_apply_def, mul_apply]; split_ifs; simp [injective.eq_iff f.injective] at *; cc, λ y hy, let ⟨i, hi⟩ := exists_gpow_eq_of_is_cycle hf hx (ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self hy).1 in have hi : (f ^ (i - 1)) (f x) = y, from calc (f ^ (i - 1)) (f x) = (f ^ (i - 1) * f ^ (1 : ℤ)) x : by rw [gpow_one, mul_apply] ... = y : by rwa [← gpow_add, sub_add_cancel], is_cycle_swap_mul_aux₂ (i - 1) hy hi⟩ @[simp] lemma support_swap [fintype α] {x y : α} (hxy : x ≠ y) : (swap x y).support = {x, y} := finset.ext.2 $ λ a, by simp [swap_apply_def]; split_ifs; cc lemma card_support_swap [fintype α] {x y : α} (hxy : x ≠ y) : (swap x y).support.card = 2 := show (swap x y).support.card = finset.card ⟨x::y::0, by simp [hxy]⟩, from congr_arg card $ by rw [support_swap hxy]; simp [*, finset.ext]; cc lemma sign_cycle [fintype α] : ∀ {f : perm α} (hf : is_cycle f), sign f = -(-1 ^ | f := λ hf, let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hf in calc sign f = sign (swap x (f x) * (swap x (f x) * f)) : by rw [← mul_assoc, mul_def, mul_def, swap_swap, trans_refl] ... = -(-1 ^ : if h1 : f (f x) = x then have h : swap x (f x) * f = 1, by conv in (f) {rw eq_swap_of_is_cycle_of_apply_apply_eq_self hf hx.1 h1 }; simp [mul_def, one_def], by rw [sign_mul, sign_swap hx.1.symm, h, sign_one, eq_swap_of_is_cycle_of_apply_apply_eq_self hf hx.1 h1, card_support_swap hx.1.symm]; refl else have h : card (support (swap x (f x) * f)) + 1 = card (support f), by rw [← insert_erase (mem_support.2 hx.1), support_swap_mul_eq h1, card_insert_of_not_mem (not_mem_erase _ _)], have wf : card (support (swap x (f x) * f)) < card (support f), from card_support_swap_mul hx.1, by rw [sign_mul, sign_swap hx.1.symm, sign_cycle (is_cycle_swap_mul hf hx.1 h1), ← h]; simp [pow_add] using_well_founded {rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ f,⟩]} end sign end equiv.perm lemma finset.prod_univ_perm [fintype α] [comm_monoid β] {f : α → β} (σ : perm α) : (univ : finset α).prod f = (λ z, f (σ z)) := eq.symm $ prod_bij (λ z _, σ z) (λ _ _, mem_univ _) (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _ _ _ H, σ.injective H) (λ b _, ⟨σ⁻¹ b, mem_univ _, by simp⟩) lemma finset.sum_univ_perm [fintype α] [add_comm_monoid β] {f : α → β} (σ : perm α) : (univ : finset α).sum f = univ.sum (λ z, f (σ z)) := @finset.prod_univ_perm _ (multiplicative β) _ _ f σ attribute [to_additive] finset.prod_univ_perm