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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Chris Hughes -/ import group_theory.group_action group_theory.quotient_group import group_theory.order_of_element data.zmod.basic open equiv fintype finset mul_action function open equiv.perm is_subgroup list quotient_group universes u v w variables {G : Type u} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [group G] local attribute [instance, priority 10] subtype.fintype set_fintype classical.prop_decidable namespace mul_action variables [mul_action G α] lemma mem_fixed_points_iff_card_orbit_eq_one {a : α} [fintype (orbit G a)] : a ∈ fixed_points G α ↔ card (orbit G a) = 1 := begin rw [fintype.card_eq_one_iff, mem_fixed_points], split, { exact λ h, ⟨⟨a, mem_orbit_self _⟩, λ ⟨b, ⟨x, hx⟩⟩, subtype.eq $ by simp [h x, hx.symm]⟩ }, { assume h x, rcases h with ⟨⟨z, hz⟩, hz₁⟩, exact calc x • a = z : (hz₁ ⟨x • a, mem_orbit _ _⟩) ... = a : ( (hz₁ ⟨a, mem_orbit_self _⟩)).symm } end lemma card_modeq_card_fixed_points [fintype α] [fintype G] [fintype (fixed_points G α)] {p n : ℕ} (hp : p) (h : card G = p ^ n) : card α ≡ card (fixed_points G α) [MOD p] := calc card α = card (Σ y : quotient (orbit_rel G α), {x //' x = y}) : card_congr (sigma_preimage_equiv (' _ (orbit_rel G α))).symm ... = univ.sum (λ a : quotient (orbit_rel G α), card {x //' x = a}) : card_sigma _ ... ≡ (@univ (fixed_points G α) _).sum (λ _, 1) [MOD p] : begin rw [← zmodp.eq_iff_modeq_nat hp, sum_nat_cast, sum_nat_cast], refine eq.symm (sum_bij_ne_zero (λ a _ _,' a.1) (λ _ _ _, mem_univ _) (λ a₁ a₂ _ _ _ _ h, subtype.eq ((mem_fixed_points' α).1 a₂.2 a₁.1 (quotient.exact' h))) (λ b, _) (λ a ha _, by rw [← mem_fixed_points_iff_card_orbit_eq_one.1 a.2]; simp only [quotient.eq']; congr)), { refine quotient.induction_on' b (λ b _ hb, _), have : card (orbit G b) ∣ p ^ n, { rw [← h, fintype.card_congr (orbit_equiv_quotient_stabilizer G b)]; exact card_quotient_dvd_card _ }, rcases (nat.dvd_prime_pow hp).1 this with ⟨k, _, hk⟩, have hb' :¬ p ^ 1 ∣ p ^ k, { rw [nat.pow_one, ← hk, ← nat.modeq.modeq_zero_iff, ← zmodp.eq_iff_modeq_nat hp, nat.cast_zero, ← ne.def], exact eq.mpr (by simp only [quotient.eq']; congr) hb }, have : k = 0 := nat.le_zero_iff.1 (nat.le_of_lt_succ (lt_of_not_ge (mt (nat.pow_dvd_pow p) hb'))), refine ⟨⟨b, mem_fixed_points_iff_card_orbit_eq_one.2 $ by rw [hk, this, nat.pow_zero]⟩, mem_univ _, by simp [zero_ne_one], rfl⟩ } end ... = _ : by simp; refl end mul_action lemma quotient_group.card_preimage_mk [fintype G] (s : set G) [is_subgroup s] (t : set (quotient s)) : fintype.card ( ⁻¹' t) = fintype.card s * fintype.card t := by rw [← fintype.card_prod, fintype.card_congr (preimage_mk_equiv_subgroup_times_set _ _)] namespace sylow def mk_vector_prod_eq_one (n : ℕ) (v : vector G n) : vector G (n+1) :=⁻¹ :: v lemma mk_vector_prod_eq_one_inj (n : ℕ) : injective (@mk_vector_prod_eq_one G _ n) := λ ⟨v, _⟩ ⟨w, _⟩ h, subtype.eq (show v = w, by injection h with h; injection h) def vectors_prod_eq_one (G : Type*) [group G] (n : ℕ) : set (vector G n) := {v | = 1} lemma mem_vectors_prod_eq_one {n : ℕ} (v : vector G n) : v ∈ vectors_prod_eq_one G n ↔ = 1 := iff.rfl lemma mem_vectors_prod_eq_one_iff {n : ℕ} (v : vector G (n + 1)) : v ∈ vectors_prod_eq_one G (n + 1) ↔ v ∈ set.range (@mk_vector_prod_eq_one G _ n) := ⟨λ (h : = 1), ⟨v.tail, begin unfold mk_vector_prod_eq_one, conv {to_rhs, rw ← vector.cons_head_tail v}, suffices : (⁻¹ = v.head, { rw this }, rw [← mul_right_inj, inv_mul_self, ← list.prod_cons, ← vector.to_list_cons, vector.cons_head_tail, h] end⟩, λ ⟨w, hw⟩, by rw [mem_vectors_prod_eq_one, ← hw, mk_vector_prod_eq_one, vector.to_list_cons, list.prod_cons, inv_mul_self]⟩ def rotate_vectors_prod_eq_one (G : Type*) [group G] (n : ℕ+) (m : multiplicative (zmod n)) (v : vectors_prod_eq_one G n) : vectors_prod_eq_one G n := ⟨⟨v.1.to_list.rotate m.1, by simp⟩, prod_rotate_eq_one_of_prod_eq_one v.2 _⟩ instance rotate_vectors_prod_eq_one.mul_action (n : ℕ+) : mul_action (multiplicative (zmod n)) (vectors_prod_eq_one G n) := { smul := (rotate_vectors_prod_eq_one G n), one_smul := λ v, subtype.eq $ vector.eq _ _ $ rotate_zero v.1.to_list, mul_smul := λ a b ⟨⟨v, hv₁⟩, hv₂⟩, subtype.eq $ vector.eq _ _ $ show v.rotate ((a + b : zmod n).val) = list.rotate (list.rotate v (b.val)) (a.val), by rw [zmod.add_val, rotate_rotate, ← rotate_mod _ (b.1 + a.1), add_comm, hv₁] } lemma one_mem_vectors_prod_eq_one (n : ℕ) : vector.repeat (1 : G) n ∈ vectors_prod_eq_one G n := by simp [vector.repeat, vectors_prod_eq_one] lemma one_mem_fixed_points_rotate (n : ℕ+) : (⟨vector.repeat (1 : G) n, one_mem_vectors_prod_eq_one n⟩ : vectors_prod_eq_one G n) ∈ fixed_points (multiplicative (zmod n)) (vectors_prod_eq_one G n) := λ m, subtype.eq $ vector.eq _ _ $ by haveI : nonempty G := ⟨1⟩; exact rotate_eq_self_iff_eq_repeat.2 ⟨(1 : G), show list.repeat (1 : G) n = list.repeat 1 (list.repeat (1 : G) n).length, by simp⟩ _ /-- Cauchy's theorem -/ lemma exists_prime_order_of_dvd_card [fintype G] {p : ℕ} (hp : p) (hdvd : p ∣ card G) : ∃ x : G, order_of x = p := let n : ℕ+ := ⟨p - 1, nat.sub_pos_of_lt hp.one_lt⟩ in let p' : ℕ+ := ⟨p, hp.pos⟩ in have hn : p' = n + 1 := subtype.eq (nat.succ_sub hp.pos), have hcard : card (vectors_prod_eq_one G (n + 1)) = card G ^ (n : ℕ), by rw [set.ext mem_vectors_prod_eq_one_iff, set.card_range_of_injective (mk_vector_prod_eq_one_inj _), card_vector], have hzmod : fintype.card (multiplicative (zmod p')) = (p' : ℕ) ^ 1 := (nat.pow_one p').symm ▸ card_fin _, have hmodeq : _ = _ := @mul_action.card_modeq_card_fixed_points (multiplicative (zmod p')) (vectors_prod_eq_one G p') _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 hp hzmod, have hdvdcard : p ∣ fintype.card (vectors_prod_eq_one G (n + 1)) := calc p ∣ card G ^ 1 : by rwa nat.pow_one ... ∣ card G ^ (n : ℕ) : nat.pow_dvd_pow _ n.2 ... = card (vectors_prod_eq_one G (n + 1)) : hcard.symm, have hdvdcard₂ : p ∣ card (fixed_points (multiplicative (zmod p')) (vectors_prod_eq_one G p')) := nat.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero (hmodeq ▸ hn.symm ▸ nat.mod_eq_zero_of_dvd hdvdcard), have hcard_pos : 0 < card (fixed_points (multiplicative (zmod p')) (vectors_prod_eq_one G p')) := fintype.card_pos_iff.2 ⟨⟨⟨vector.repeat 1 p', one_mem_vectors_prod_eq_one _⟩, one_mem_fixed_points_rotate _⟩⟩, have hlt : 1 < card (fixed_points (multiplicative (zmod p')) (vectors_prod_eq_one G p')) := calc (1 : ℕ) < p' : hp.one_lt ... ≤ _ : nat.le_of_dvd hcard_pos hdvdcard₂, let ⟨⟨⟨⟨x, hx₁⟩, hx₂⟩, hx₃⟩, hx₄⟩ := fintype.exists_ne_of_one_lt_card hlt ⟨_, one_mem_fixed_points_rotate p'⟩ in have hx : x ≠ list.repeat (1 : G) p', from λ h, by simpa [h, vector.repeat] using hx₄, have nG : nonempty G, from ⟨1⟩, have ∃ a, x = list.repeat a x.length := by exactI rotate_eq_self_iff_eq_repeat.1 (λ n, have list.rotate x (n : zmod p').val = x := ( (hx₃ (n : zmod p'))), by rwa [zmod.val_cast_nat, ← hx₁, rotate_mod] at this), let ⟨a, ha⟩ := this in ⟨a, have hx1 : = 1 := hx₂, have ha1: a ≠ 1, from λ h, hx (ha.symm ▸ h ▸ hx₁ ▸ rfl), have a ^ p = 1, by rwa [ha, list.prod_repeat, hx₁] at hx1, (hp.2 _ (order_of_dvd_of_pow_eq_one this)).resolve_left (λ h, ha1 (order_of_eq_one_iff.1 h))⟩ open is_subgroup is_submonoid is_group_hom mul_action lemma mem_fixed_points_mul_left_cosets_iff_mem_normalizer {H : set G} [is_subgroup H] [fintype H] {x : G} : (x : quotient H) ∈ fixed_points H (quotient H) ↔ x ∈ normalizer H := ⟨λ hx, have ha : ∀ {y : quotient H}, y ∈ orbit H (x : quotient H) → y = x, from λ _, ((mem_fixed_points' _).1 hx _), (inv_mem_iff _).1 (mem_normalizer_fintype (λ n hn, have (n⁻¹ * x)⁻¹ * x ∈ H := quotient_group.eq.1 (ha (mem_orbit _ ⟨n⁻¹, inv_mem hn⟩)), by simpa only [mul_inv_rev, inv_inv] using this)), λ (hx : ∀ (n : G), n ∈ H ↔ x * n * x⁻¹ ∈ H), (mem_fixed_points' _).2 $ λ y, quotient.induction_on' y $ λ y hy, quotient_group.eq.2 (let ⟨⟨b, hb₁⟩, hb₂⟩ := hy in have hb₂ : (b * x)⁻¹ * y ∈ H := quotient_group.eq.1 hb₂, (inv_mem_iff H).1 $ (hx _).2 $ (mul_mem_cancel_right H (inv_mem hb₁)).1 $ by rw hx at hb₂; simpa [mul_inv_rev, mul_assoc] using hb₂)⟩ def fixed_points_mul_left_cosets_equiv_quotient (H : set G) [is_subgroup H] [fintype H] : fixed_points H (quotient H) ≃ quotient (subtype.val ⁻¹' H : set (normalizer H)) := @subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype G (normalizer H) (id _) (id _) (fixed_points _ _) (λ a, mem_fixed_points_mul_left_cosets_iff_mem_normalizer.symm) (by intros; refl) local attribute [instance] set_fintype lemma exists_subgroup_card_pow_prime [fintype G] {p : ℕ} : ∀ {n : ℕ} (hp : p) (hdvd : p ^ n ∣ card G), ∃ H : set G, is_subgroup H ∧ fintype.card H = p ^ n | 0 := λ _ _, ⟨trivial G, by apply_instance, by simp⟩ | (n+1) := λ hp hdvd, let ⟨H, ⟨hH1, hH2⟩⟩ := exists_subgroup_card_pow_prime hp (dvd.trans (nat.pow_dvd_pow _ (nat.le_succ _)) hdvd) in let ⟨s, hs⟩ := exists_eq_mul_left_of_dvd hdvd in by exactI have hcard : card (quotient H) = s * p := (nat.mul_right_inj (show card H > 0, from fintype.card_pos_iff.2 ⟨⟨1, is_submonoid.one_mem H⟩⟩)).1 (by rwa [← card_eq_card_quotient_mul_card_subgroup, hH2, hs, nat.pow_succ, mul_assoc, mul_comm p]), have hm : s * p % p = card (quotient (subtype.val ⁻¹' H : set (normalizer H))) % p := card_congr (fixed_points_mul_left_cosets_equiv_quotient H) ▸ hcard ▸ card_modeq_card_fixed_points hp hH2, have hm' : p ∣ card (quotient (subtype.val ⁻¹' H : set (normalizer H))) := nat.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero (by rwa [nat.mod_eq_zero_of_dvd (dvd_mul_left _ _), eq_comm] at hm), let ⟨x, hx⟩ := @exists_prime_order_of_dvd_card _ ( _) _ _ hp hm' in have hxcard : ∀ {f : fintype (gpowers x)}, card (gpowers x) = p, from λ f, by rw [← hx, order_eq_card_gpowers]; congr, have is_subgroup (mk ⁻¹' gpowers x), from is_group_hom.preimage _ _, have fintype (mk ⁻¹' gpowers x), by apply_instance, have hequiv : H ≃ (subtype.val ⁻¹' H : set (normalizer H)) := ⟨λ a, ⟨⟨a.1, subset_normalizer _ a.2⟩, a.2⟩, λ a, ⟨a.1.1, a.2⟩, λ ⟨_, _⟩, rfl, λ ⟨⟨_, _⟩, _⟩, rfl⟩, ⟨subtype.val '' (mk ⁻¹' gpowers x), by apply_instance, by rw [set.card_image_of_injective (mk ⁻¹' gpowers x) subtype.val_injective, nat.pow_succ, ← hH2, fintype.card_congr hequiv, ← hx, order_eq_card_gpowers, ← fintype.card_prod]; exact @fintype.card_congr _ _ (id _) (id _) (preimage_mk_equiv_subgroup_times_set _ _)⟩ end sylow