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Authors: Zhouhang Zhou -/ import data.indicator_function import measure_theory.measure_space import analysis.normed_space.basic /-! # Indicator function Properties of indicator functions. ## Tags indicator, characteristic -/ noncomputable theory open_locale classical open set measure_theory filter universes u v variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} section has_zero variables [has_zero β] {s t : set α} {f g : α → β} {a : α} lemma indicator_congr_ae [measure_space α] (h : ∀ₘ a, a ∈ s → f a = g a) : ∀ₘ a, indicator s f a = indicator s g a := begin filter_upwards [h], simp only [mem_set_of_eq, indicator], assume a ha, split_ifs with h₁, { exact ha h₁ }, refl end lemma indicator_congr_of_set [measure_space α] (h : ∀ₘ a, a ∈ s ↔ a ∈ t) : ∀ₘ a, indicator s f a = indicator t f a := begin filter_upwards [h], simp only [mem_set_of_eq, indicator], assume a ha, split_ifs with h₁ h₂ h₂, { refl }, { have := ha.1 h₁, contradiction }, { have := ha.2 h₂, contradiction }, refl end end has_zero section has_add variables [add_monoid β] {s t : set α} {f g : α → β} {a : α} lemma indicator_union_ae [measure_space α] {β : Type*} [add_monoid β] (h : ∀ₘ a, a ∉ s ∩ t) (f : α → β) : ∀ₘ a, indicator (s ∪ t) f a = indicator s f a + indicator t f a := begin filter_upwards [h], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a ha, exact indicator_union_of_not_mem_inter ha _ end end has_add section norm variables [normed_group β] {s t : set α} {f g : α → β} {a : α} lemma norm_indicator_le_of_subset (h : s ⊆ t) (f : α → β) (a : α) : ∥indicator s f a∥ ≤ ∥indicator t f a∥ := begin simp only [indicator], split_ifs with h₁ h₂, { refl }, { exact absurd (h h₁) h₂ }, { simp only [norm_zero, norm_nonneg] }, refl end lemma norm_indicator_le_norm_self (f : α → β) (a : α) : ∥indicator s f a∥ ≤ ∥f a∥ := by { convert norm_indicator_le_of_subset (subset_univ s) f a, rw indicator_univ } lemma norm_indicator_eq_indicator_norm (f : α → β) (a : α) : ∥indicator s f a∥ = indicator s (λa, ∥f a∥) a := by { simp only [indicator], split_ifs, { refl }, rw norm_zero } lemma indicator_norm_le_norm_self (f : α → β) (a : α) : indicator s (λa, ∥f a∥) a ≤ ∥f a∥ := by { rw ← norm_indicator_eq_indicator_norm, exact norm_indicator_le_norm_self _ _ } end norm section order variables [has_zero β] [preorder β] {s t : set α} {f g : α → β} {a : α} lemma indicator_le_indicator_ae [measure_space α] (h : ∀ₘ a, a ∈ s → f a ≤ g a) : ∀ₘ a, indicator s f a ≤ indicator s g a := begin filter_upwards [h], simp only [mem_set_of_eq, indicator], assume a h, split_ifs with ha, { exact h ha }, refl end end order section tendsto variables {ι : Type*} [lattice.semilattice_sup ι] [has_zero β] lemma tendsto_indicator_of_monotone [nonempty ι] (s : ι → set α) (hs : monotone s) (f : α → β) (a : α) : tendsto (λi, indicator (s i) f a) at_top (pure $ indicator (Union s) f a) := begin by_cases h : ∃i, a ∈ s i, { simp only [tendsto_pure, mem_at_top_sets, mem_set_of_eq], rcases h with ⟨i, hi⟩, use i, assume n hn, rw [indicator_of_mem (hs hn hi) _, indicator_of_mem ((subset_Union _ _) hi) _] }, { rw [not_exists] at h, have : (λi, indicator (s i) f a) = λi, 0 := funext (λi, indicator_of_not_mem (h i) _), rw this, have : indicator (Union s) f a = 0, { apply indicator_of_not_mem, simpa only [not_exists, mem_Union] }, rw this, exact tendsto_const_pure } end lemma tendsto_indicator_of_antimono [nonempty ι] (s : ι → set α) (hs : ∀i j, i ≤ j → s j ⊆ s i) (f : α → β) (a : α) : tendsto (λi, indicator (s i) f a) at_top (pure $ indicator (Inter s) f a) := begin by_cases h : ∃i, a ∉ s i, { simp only [tendsto_pure, mem_at_top_sets, mem_set_of_eq], rcases h with ⟨i, hi⟩, use i, assume n hn, rw [indicator_of_not_mem _ _, indicator_of_not_mem _ _], { simp only [mem_Inter, not_forall], exact ⟨i, hi⟩ }, { assume h, have := hs i _ hn h, contradiction } }, { simp only [not_exists, not_not_mem] at h, have : (λi, indicator (s i) f a) = λi, f a := funext (λi, indicator_of_mem (h i) _), rw this, have : indicator (Inter s) f a = f a, { apply indicator_of_mem, simpa only [mem_Inter] }, rw this, exact tendsto_const_pure } end lemma tendsto_indicator_bUnion_finset (s : ι → set α) (f : α → β) (a : α) : tendsto (λ (n : finset ι), indicator (⋃i∈n, s i) f a) at_top (pure $ indicator (Union s) f a) := begin by_cases h : ∃i, a ∈ s i, { simp only [mem_at_top_sets, tendsto_pure, mem_set_of_eq, ge_iff_le, finset.le_iff_subset], rcases h with ⟨i, hi⟩, use {i}, assume n hn, replace hn : i ∈ n := hn (finset.mem_singleton_self _), rw [indicator_of_mem, indicator_of_mem], { rw [mem_Union], use i, assumption }, { rw [mem_Union], use i, rw [mem_Union], use hn, assumption } }, { rw [not_exists] at h, have : (λ (n : finset ι), indicator (⋃ (i : ι) (H : i ∈ n), s i) f a) = λi, 0, { funext, rw indicator_of_not_mem, simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and], intros, apply h }, rw this, have : indicator (Union s) f a = 0, { apply indicator_of_not_mem, simpa only [not_exists, mem_Union] }, rw this, exact tendsto_const_pure } end end tendsto