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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Zhouhang Zhou. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Zhouhang Zhou Show that each Borel measurable function can be approximated, both pointwise and in L¹ norm, by a sequence of simple functions. -/ import measure_theory.l1_space noncomputable theory open lattice set filter topological_space open_locale classical topological_space universes u v variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {ι : Type*} namespace measure_theory open ennreal nat metric open_locale measure_theory variables [measure_space α] [normed_group β] [second_countable_topology β] local infixr ` →ₛ `:25 := simple_func lemma simple_func_sequence_tendsto {f : α → β} (hf : measurable f) : ∃ (F : ℕ → (α →ₛ β)), ∀ x : α, tendsto (λ n, F n x) at_top (𝓝 (f x)) ∧ ∀ n, ∥F n x∥ ≤ ∥f x∥ + ∥f x∥ := -- enumerate a countable dense subset {e k} of β let ⟨D, ⟨D_countable, D_dense⟩⟩ := separable_space.exists_countable_closure_eq_univ β in let e := enumerate_countable D_countable 0 in let E := range e in have E_dense : closure E = univ := dense_of_subset_dense (subset_range_enumerate D_countable 0) D_dense, let A' (N k : ℕ) : set α := f ⁻¹' (metric.ball (e k) (1 / (N+1 : ℝ)) \ metric.ball 0 (1 / (N+1 : ℝ))) in let A N := disjointed (A' N) in have is_measurable_A' : ∀ {N k}, is_measurable (A' N k) := λ N k, hf.preimage $ is_measurable.inter is_measurable_ball $ is_measurable.compl is_measurable_ball, have is_measurable_A : ∀ {N k}, is_measurable (A N k) := λ N, is_measurable.disjointed $ λ k, is_measurable_A', have A_subset_A' : ∀ {N k x}, x ∈ A N k → x ∈ A' N k := λ N k, inter_subset_left _ _, have dist_ek_fx' : ∀ {x N k}, x ∈ A' N k → (dist (e k) (f x) < 1 / (N+1 : ℝ)) := λ x N k, by { rw [dist_comm], simpa using (λ a b, a) }, have dist_ek_fx : ∀ {x N k}, x ∈ A N k → (dist (e k) (f x) < 1 / (N+1 : ℝ)) := λ x N k h, dist_ek_fx' (A_subset_A' h), have norm_fx' : ∀ {x N k}, x ∈ A' N k → (1 / (N+1 : ℝ)) ≤ ∥f x∥ := λ x N k, by simp [ball_0_eq], have norm_fx : ∀ {x N k}, x ∈ A N k → (1 / (N+1 : ℝ)) ≤ ∥f x∥ := λ x N k h, norm_fx' (A_subset_A' h), -- construct the desired sequence of simple functions let M N x := nat.find_greatest (λ M, x ∈ ⋃ k ≤ N, (A M k)) N in let k N x := nat.find_greatest (λ k, x ∈ A (M N x) k) N in let F N x := if x ∈ ⋃ M ≤ N, ⋃ k ≤ N, A M k then e (k N x) else 0 in -- prove properties of the construction above have k_unique : ∀ {M k k' x}, x ∈ A M k ∧ x ∈ A M k' → k = k' := λ M k k' x h, begin by_contradiction k_ne_k', have NE : (A M k ∩ A M k').nonempty, from ⟨x, h⟩, have E : A M k ∩ A M k' = ∅ := disjoint_disjointed' k k' k_ne_k', exact NE.ne_empty E, end, have x_mem_Union_k : ∀ {N x}, (x ∈ ⋃ M ≤ N, ⋃ k ≤ N, A M k) → x ∈ ⋃ k ≤ N, A (M N x) k := λ N x h, @nat.find_greatest_spec (λ M, x ∈ ⋃ k ≤ N, (A M k)) _ N ( let ⟨M, hM⟩ := mem_Union.1 (h) in let ⟨hM₁, hM₂⟩ := mem_Union.1 hM in ⟨M, ⟨hM₁, hM₂⟩⟩), have x_mem_A : ∀ {N x}, (x ∈ ⋃ M ≤ N, ⋃ k ≤ N, A M k) → x ∈ A (M N x) (k N x) := λ N x h, @nat.find_greatest_spec (λ k, x ∈ A (M N x) k) _ N ( let ⟨k, hk⟩ := mem_Union.1 (x_mem_Union_k h) in let ⟨hk₁, hk₂⟩ := mem_Union.1 hk in ⟨k, ⟨hk₁, hk₂⟩⟩), have x_mem_A' : ∀ {N x}, (x ∈ ⋃ M ≤ N, ⋃ k ≤ N, A M k) → x ∈ A' (M N x) (k N x) := λ N x h, mem_of_subset_of_mem (inter_subset_left _ _) (x_mem_A h), -- prove that for all N, (F N) has finite range have F_finite : ∀ {N}, finite (range (F N)) := begin assume N, apply finite_range_ite, { rw range_comp, apply finite_image, exact finite_range_find_greatest }, { exact finite_range_const } end, -- prove that for all N, (F N) is a measurable function have F_measurable : ∀ {N}, measurable (F N) := begin assume N, refine measurable.if _ _ measurable_const, -- show `is_measurable {a : α | a ∈ ⋃ (M : ℕ) (H : M ≤ N) (k : ℕ) (H : k ≤ N), A M k}` { rw set_of_mem_eq, simp [is_measurable.Union, is_measurable.Union_Prop, is_measurable_A] }, -- show `measurable (λ (x : α), e (k N x))` apply measurable.comp measurable_from_nat, apply measurable_find_greatest, assume k' k'_le_N, by_cases k'_eq_0 : k' = 0, -- if k' = 0 have : {x | k N x = 0} = (-⋃ (M : ℕ) (H : M ≤ N) (k : ℕ) (H : k ≤ N), A M k) ∪ (⋃ (m ≤ N), A m 0 - ⋃ m' (hmm' : m < m') (hm'N : m' ≤ N) (k ≤ N), A m' k), { ext, split, { rw [mem_set_of_eq, mem_union_eq, or_iff_not_imp_left, mem_compl_eq, not_not_mem], assume k_eq_0 x_mem, simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and, sub_eq_diff, mem_diff], refine ⟨M N x, ⟨nat.find_greatest_le, ⟨by { rw ← k_eq_0, exact x_mem_A x_mem} , _⟩⟩⟩, assume m hMm hmN k k_le_N, have := nat.find_greatest_is_greatest _ m ⟨hMm, hmN⟩, { simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and] at this, exact this k k_le_N }, { exact ⟨M N x, ⟨nat.find_greatest_le, x_mem_Union_k x_mem⟩⟩ } }, { simp only [mem_set_of_eq, mem_union_eq, mem_compl_eq], by_cases x_mem : (x ∉ ⋃ (M : ℕ) (H : M ≤ N) (k : ℕ) (H : k ≤ N), A M k), { intro, apply find_greatest_eq_zero, assume k k_le_N hx, have : x ∈ ⋃ (M : ℕ) (H : M ≤ N) (k : ℕ) (H : k ≤ N), A M k, { rw [mem_Union], use M N x, rw mem_Union, use nat.find_greatest_le, rw mem_Union, use k, rw mem_Union, use k_le_N, assumption }, contradiction }, { rw not_not_mem at x_mem, assume h, cases h, contradiction, simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and, sub_eq_diff, mem_diff] at h, rcases h with ⟨m, ⟨m_le_N, ⟨hx, hm⟩⟩⟩, by_cases m_lt_M : m < M N x, { have := hm (M N x) m_lt_M nat.find_greatest_le (k N x) nat.find_greatest_le, have := x_mem_A x_mem, contradiction }, rw not_lt at m_lt_M, by_cases m_gt_M : m > M N x, { have := nat.find_greatest_is_greatest _ m ⟨m_gt_M, m_le_N⟩, { have : x ∈ ⋃ k ≤ N, A m k, { rw mem_Union, use 0, rw mem_Union, use nat.zero_le N, exact hx }, contradiction }, { use m, split, exact m_le_N, rw mem_Union, use 0, rw mem_Union, use nat.zero_le _, exact hx } }, rw not_lt at m_gt_M, have M_eq_m := le_antisymm m_lt_M m_gt_M, rw ← k'_eq_0, exact k_unique ⟨x_mem_A x_mem, by { rw [k'_eq_0, M_eq_m], exact hx }⟩ } } }, -- end of `have` rw [k'_eq_0, this], apply is_measurable.union, { apply is_measurable.compl, simp [is_measurable.Union, is_measurable.Union_Prop, is_measurable_A] }, { simp [is_measurable.Union, is_measurable.Union_Prop, is_measurable.diff, is_measurable_A] }, -- if k' ≠ 0 have : {x | k N x = k'} = ⋃(m ≤ N), A m k' - ⋃m' (hmm' : m < m') (hm'N : m' ≤ N) (k ≤ N), A m' k, { ext, split, { rw [mem_set_of_eq], assume k_eq_k', have x_mem : x ∈ ⋃ (M : ℕ) (H : M ≤ N) (k : ℕ) (H : k ≤ N), A M k, { have := find_greatest_of_ne_zero k_eq_k' k'_eq_0, simp only [mem_Union], use M N x, use nat.find_greatest_le, use k', use k'_le_N, assumption }, simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and, sub_eq_diff, mem_diff], refine ⟨M N x, ⟨nat.find_greatest_le, ⟨by { rw ← k_eq_k', exact x_mem_A x_mem} , _⟩⟩⟩, assume m hMm hmN k k_le_N, have := nat.find_greatest_is_greatest _ m ⟨hMm, hmN⟩, { simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and] at this, exact this k k_le_N }, exact ⟨M N x, ⟨nat.find_greatest_le, x_mem_Union_k x_mem⟩⟩ }, { simp only [mem_set_of_eq, mem_union_eq, mem_compl_eq], assume h, have x_mem : x ∈ ⋃ (M : ℕ) (H : M ≤ N) (k : ℕ) (H : k ≤ N), A M k, { simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and, sub_eq_diff, mem_diff] at h, rcases h with ⟨m, ⟨hm, ⟨hx, _⟩⟩⟩, simp only [mem_Union], use m, use hm, use k', use k'_le_N, assumption }, simp only [not_exists, exists_prop, mem_Union, not_and, sub_eq_diff, mem_diff] at h, rcases h with ⟨m, ⟨m_le_N, ⟨hx, hm⟩⟩⟩, by_cases m_lt_M : m < M N x, { have := hm (M N x) m_lt_M nat.find_greatest_le (k N x) nat.find_greatest_le, have := x_mem_A x_mem, contradiction }, rw not_lt at m_lt_M, by_cases m_gt_M : m > M N x, { have := nat.find_greatest_is_greatest _ m ⟨m_gt_M, m_le_N⟩, have : x ∈ ⋃ k ≤ N, A m k := by { rw mem_Union, use k', rw mem_Union, use k'_le_N, exact hx }, contradiction, { use m, split, exact m_le_N, rw mem_Union, use k', rw mem_Union, use k'_le_N, exact hx }}, rw not_lt at m_gt_M, have M_eq_m := le_antisymm m_lt_M m_gt_M, exact k_unique ⟨x_mem_A x_mem, by { rw M_eq_m, exact hx }⟩ } }, -- end of `have` rw this, simp [is_measurable.Union, is_measurable.Union_Prop, is_measurable.diff, is_measurable_A] end, -- start of proof ⟨λ N, ⟨F N, λ x, measurable.preimage F_measurable is_measurable_singleton, F_finite⟩, -- The pointwise convergence part of the theorem λ x, ⟨metric.tendsto_at_top.2 $ λ ε hε, classical.by_cases --first case : f x = 0 ( assume fx_eq_0 : f x = 0, have x_not_mem_A' : ∀ {M k}, x ∉ A' M k := λ M k, begin simp only [mem_preimage, fx_eq_0, metric.mem_ball, one_div_eq_inv, norm_zero, not_and, not_lt, add_comm, not_le, dist_zero_right, mem_diff], assume h, rw add_comm, exact inv_pos_of_nat end, have x_not_mem_A : ∀ {M k}, x ∉ A M k := by { assume M k h, have := disjointed_subset h, exact absurd this x_not_mem_A' }, have F_eq_0 : ∀ {N}, F N x = 0 := λ N, by simp [F, if_neg, mem_Union, x_not_mem_A], -- end of `have` ⟨0, λ n hn, show dist (F n x) (f x) < ε, by {rw [fx_eq_0, F_eq_0, dist_self], exact hε}⟩ ) --second case : f x ≠ 0 ( assume fx_ne_0 : f x ≠ 0, let ⟨N₀, hN⟩ := exists_nat_one_div_lt (lt_min ((norm_pos_iff _).2 fx_ne_0) hε) in have norm_fx_gt : _ := (lt_min_iff.1 hN).1, have ε_gt : _ := (lt_min_iff.1 hN).2, have x_mem_Union_k_N₀ : x ∈ ⋃ k, A N₀ k := let ⟨k, hk⟩ := mem_closure_range_iff_nat.1 (by { rw E_dense, exact mem_univ (f x) }) N₀ in begin rw [Union_disjointed, mem_Union], use k, rw [mem_preimage], simp, rw [← one_div_eq_inv, add_comm], exact ⟨hk , le_of_lt norm_fx_gt⟩ end, let ⟨k₀, x_mem_A⟩ := mem_Union.1 x_mem_Union_k_N₀ in let n := max N₀ k₀ in have x_mem_Union_Union : ∀ {N} (hN : n ≤ N), x ∈ ⋃ M ≤ N, ⋃ k ≤ N, A M k := assume N hN, mem_Union.2 ⟨N₀, mem_Union.2 ⟨le_trans (le_max_left _ _) hN, mem_Union.2 ⟨k₀, mem_Union.2 ⟨le_trans (le_max_right _ _) hN, x_mem_A⟩⟩⟩⟩, have FN_eq : ∀ {N} (hN : n ≤ N), F N x = e (k N x) := assume N hN, if_pos $ x_mem_Union_Union hN, -- start of proof ⟨n, assume N hN, have N₀_le_N : N₀ ≤ N := le_trans (le_max_left _ _) hN, have k₀_le_N : k₀ ≤ N := le_trans (le_max_right _ _) hN, show dist (F N x) (f x) < ε, from calc dist (F N x) (f x) = dist (e (k N x)) (f x) : by rw FN_eq hN ... < 1 / ((M N x : ℝ) + 1) : begin have := x_mem_A' (x_mem_Union_Union hN), rw [mem_preimage, mem_diff, metric.mem_ball, dist_comm] at this, exact this.1 end ... ≤ 1 / ((N₀ : ℝ) + 1) : @one_div_le_one_div_of_le _ _ ((N₀ : ℝ) + 1) ((M N x : ℝ) + 1) (nat.cast_add_one_pos N₀) (add_le_add_right (nat.cast_le.2 (nat.le_find_greatest N₀_le_N begin rw mem_Union, use k₀, rw mem_Union, use k₀_le_N, exact x_mem_A end)) 1) ... < ε : ε_gt ⟩ ), -- second part of the theorem assume N, show ∥F N x∥ ≤ ∥f x∥ + ∥f x∥, from classical.by_cases ( assume h : x ∈ ⋃ M ≤ N, ⋃ k ≤ N, A M k, calc ∥F N x∥ = dist (F N x) 0 : by simp ... = dist (e (k N x)) 0 : begin simp only [F], rw if_pos h end ... ≤ dist (e (k N x)) (f x) + dist (f x) 0 : dist_triangle _ _ _ ... = dist (e (k N x)) (f x) + ∥f x∥ : by simp ... ≤ 1 / ((M N x : ℝ) + 1) + ∥f x∥ : le_of_lt $ add_lt_add_right (dist_ek_fx (x_mem_A h)) _ ... ≤ ∥f x∥ + ∥f x∥ : add_le_add_right (norm_fx (x_mem_A h) ) _) ( assume h : x ∉ ⋃ M ≤ N, ⋃ k ≤ N, A M k, have F_eq_0 : F N x = 0 := if_neg h, by { simp only [F_eq_0, norm_zero], exact add_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _) } )⟩⟩ lemma simple_func_sequence_tendsto' {f : α → β} (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) : ∃ (F : ℕ → (α →ₛ β)), (∀n, integrable (F n)) ∧ tendsto (λ n, ∫⁻ x, nndist (F n x) (f x)) at_top (𝓝 0) := let ⟨F, hF⟩ := simple_func_sequence_tendsto hfm in let G : ℕ → α → ennreal := λn x, nndist (F n x) (f x) in let g : α → ennreal := λx, nnnorm (f x) + nnnorm (f x) + nnnorm (f x) in have hF_meas : ∀ n, measurable (G n) := λ n, measurable.comp measurable_coe $ (F n).measurable.nndist hfm, have hg_meas : measurable g := measurable.comp measurable_coe $ measurable.add (measurable.add hfm.nnnorm hfm.nnnorm) hfm.nnnorm, have h_bound : ∀ n, ∀ₘ x, G n x ≤ g x := λ n, all_ae_of_all $ λ x, coe_le_coe.2 $ calc nndist (F n x) (f x) ≤ nndist (F n x) 0 + nndist 0 (f x) : nndist_triangle _ _ _ ... = nnnorm (F n x) + nnnorm (f x) : by simp [nndist_eq_nnnorm] ... ≤ nnnorm (f x) + nnnorm (f x) + nnnorm (f x) : by { simp [nnreal.coe_le.symm, (hF x).2] }, have h_finite : lintegral g < ⊤ := calc (∫⁻ x, nnnorm (f x) + nnnorm (f x) + nnnorm (f x)) = (∫⁻ x, nnnorm (f x)) + (∫⁻ x, nnnorm (f x)) + (∫⁻ x, nnnorm (f x)) : by rw [lintegral_add, lintegral_add]; simp only [measurable.coe_nnnorm hfm, measurable.add] ... < ⊤ : by { simp only [and_self, add_lt_top], exact hfi}, have h_lim : ∀ₘ x, tendsto (λ n, G n x) at_top (𝓝 0) := all_ae_of_all $ λ x, begin apply (@tendsto_coe ℕ at_top (λ n, nndist (F n x) (f x)) 0).2, apply (@nnreal.tendsto_coe ℕ at_top (λ n, nndist (F n x) (f x)) 0).1, apply tendsto_iff_dist_tendsto_zero.1 (hF x).1 end, begin use F, split, { assume n, exact calc (∫⁻ a, nnnorm (F n a)) ≤ ∫⁻ a, nnnorm (f a) + nnnorm (f a) : lintegral_le_lintegral _ _ (by { assume a, simp only [coe_add.symm, coe_le_coe], exact (hF a).2 n }) ... = (∫⁻ a, nnnorm (f a)) + (∫⁻ a, nnnorm (f a)) : lintegral_add (measurable.coe_nnnorm hfm) (measurable.coe_nnnorm hfm) ... < ⊤ : by simp only [add_lt_top, and_self]; exact hfi }, convert @tendsto_lintegral_of_dominated_convergence _ _ G (λ a, 0) g hF_meas h_bound h_finite h_lim, simp only [lintegral_zero] end end measure_theory