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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Mario Carneiro, Simon Hudon, Scott Morrison, Keeley Hoek, Robert Y. Lewis -/ import data.string.defs tactic.derive_inhabited /-! # Additional operations on expr and related types This file defines basic operations on the types expr, name, declaration, level, environment. This file is mostly for non-tactics. Tactics should generally be placed in `tactic.core`. ## Tags expr, name, declaration, level, environment, meta, metaprogramming, tactic -/ namespace binder_info /-! ### Declarations about `binder_info` -/ instance : inhabited binder_info := ⟨ binder_info.default ⟩ /-- The brackets corresponding to a given binder_info. -/ def brackets : binder_info → string × string | binder_info.implicit := ("{", "}") | binder_info.strict_implicit := ("{{", "}}") | binder_info.inst_implicit := ("[", "]") | _ := ("(", ")") end binder_info namespace name /-! ### Declarations about `name` -/ /-- Find the largest prefix `n` of a `name` such that `f n ≠ none`, then replace this prefix with the value of `f n`. -/ def map_prefix (f : name → option name) : name → name | anonymous := anonymous | (mk_string s n') := (f (mk_string s n')).get_or_else (mk_string s $ map_prefix n') | (mk_numeral d n') := (f (mk_numeral d n')).get_or_else (mk_numeral d $ map_prefix n') /-- If `nm` is a simple name (having only one string component) starting with `_`, then `deinternalize_field nm` removes the underscore. Otherwise, it does nothing. -/ meta def deinternalize_field : name → name | (mk_string s name.anonymous) := let i := s.mk_iterator in if i.curr = '_' then else s | n := n /-- `get_nth_prefix nm n` removes the last `n` components from `nm` -/ meta def get_nth_prefix : name → ℕ → name | nm 0 := nm | nm (n + 1) := get_nth_prefix nm.get_prefix n /-- Auxilliary definition for `pop_nth_prefix` -/ private meta def pop_nth_prefix_aux : name → ℕ → name × ℕ | anonymous n := (anonymous, 1) | nm n := let (pfx, height) := pop_nth_prefix_aux nm.get_prefix n in if height ≤ n then (anonymous, height + 1) else (nm.update_prefix pfx, height + 1) /-- Pops the top `n` prefixes from the given name. -/ meta def pop_nth_prefix (nm : name) (n : ℕ) : name := prod.fst $ pop_nth_prefix_aux nm n /-- Pop the prefix of a name -/ meta def pop_prefix (n : name) : name := pop_nth_prefix n 1 /-- Auxilliary definition for `from_components` -/ private def from_components_aux : name → list string → name | n [] := n | n (s :: rest) := from_components_aux (name.mk_string s n) rest /-- Build a name from components. For example `from_components ["foo","bar"]` becomes ``` ```` -/ def from_components : list string → name := from_components_aux name.anonymous /-- `name`s can contain numeral pieces, which are not legal names when typed/passed directly to the parser. We turn an arbitrary name into a legal identifier name by turning the numbers to strings. -/ meta def sanitize_name : name → name | name.anonymous := name.anonymous | (name.mk_string s p) := name.mk_string s $ sanitize_name p | (name.mk_numeral s p) := name.mk_string sformat!"n{s}" $ sanitize_name p /-- Append a string to the last component of a name -/ def append_suffix : name → string → name | (mk_string s n) s' := mk_string (s ++ s') n | n _ := n /-- The first component of a name, turning a number to a string -/ meta def head : name → string | (mk_string s anonymous) := s | (mk_string s p) := head p | (mk_numeral n p) := head p | anonymous := "[anonymous]" /-- Tests whether the first component of a name is `"_private"` -/ meta def is_private (n : name) : bool := n.head = "_private" /-- Get the last component of a name, and convert it to a string. -/ meta def last : name → string | (mk_string s _) := s | (mk_numeral n _) := repr n | anonymous := "[anonymous]" /-- Returns the number of characters used to print all the string components of a name, including periods between name segments. Ignores numerical parts of a name. -/ meta def length : name → ℕ | (mk_string s anonymous) := s.length | (mk_string s p) := s.length + 1 + p.length | (mk_numeral n p) := p.length | anonymous := "[anonymous]".length /-- Checks whether `nm` has a prefix (including itself) such that P is true -/ def has_prefix (P : name → bool) : name → bool | anonymous := ff | (mk_string s nm) := P (mk_string s nm) ∨ has_prefix nm | (mk_numeral s nm) := P (mk_numeral s nm) ∨ has_prefix nm /-- Appends `'` to the end of a name. -/ meta def add_prime : name → name | (name.mk_string s p) := name.mk_string (s ++ "'") p | n := (name.mk_string "x'" n) def last_string : name → string | anonymous := "[anonymous]" | (mk_string s _) := s | (mk_numeral _ n) := last_string n end name namespace level /-! ### Declarations about `level` -/ /-- Tests whether a universe level is non-zero for all assignments of its variables -/ meta def nonzero : level → bool | (succ _) := tt | (max l₁ l₂) := l₁.nonzero || l₂.nonzero | (imax _ l₂) := l₂.nonzero | _ := ff end level /-! ### Declarations about `binder` -/ /-- The type of binders containing a name, the binding info and the binding type -/ @[derive decidable_eq, derive inhabited] meta structure binder := (name : name) (info : binder_info) (type : expr) namespace binder /-- Turn a binder into a string. Uses expr.to_string for the type. -/ protected meta def to_string (b : binder) : string := let (l, r) := in l ++ ++ " : " ++ b.type.to_string ++ r open tactic meta instance : has_to_string binder := ⟨ binder.to_string ⟩ meta instance : has_to_format binder := ⟨ λ b, b.to_string ⟩ meta instance : has_to_tactic_format binder := ⟨ λ b, let (l, r) := in (λ e, l ++ ++ " : " ++ e ++ r) <$> pp b.type ⟩ end binder /-! ### Converting between expressions and numerals There are a number of ways to convert between expressions and numerals, depending on the input and output types and whether you want to infer the necessary type classes. See also the tactics `expr.of_nat`, `expr.of_int`, `expr.of_rat`. -/ /-- `nat.mk_numeral n` embeds `n` as a numeral expression inside a type with 0, 1, and +. `type`: an expression representing the target type. This must live in Type 0. `has_zero`, `has_one`, `has_add`: expressions of the type `has_zero %%type`, etc. -/ meta def nat.mk_numeral (type has_zero has_one has_add : expr) : ℕ → expr := let z : expr := `({0} %%type %%has_zero), o : expr := `({0} %%type %%has_one) in nat.binary_rec z (λ b n e, if n = 0 then o else if b then `(@bit1.{0} %%type %%has_one %%has_add %%e) else `(@bit0.{0} %%type %%has_add %%e)) /-- `int.mk_numeral z` embeds `z` as a numeral expression inside a type with 0, 1, +, and -. `type`: an expression representing the target type. This must live in Type 0. `has_zero`, `has_one`, `has_add`, `has_neg`: expressions of the type `has_zero %%type`, etc. -/ meta def int.mk_numeral (type has_zero has_one has_add has_neg : expr) : ℤ → expr | (int.of_nat n) := n.mk_numeral type has_zero has_one has_add | -[1+n] := let ne := (n+1).mk_numeral type has_zero has_one has_add in `(@has_neg.neg.{0} %%type %%has_neg %%ne) namespace expr /-- Turns an expression into a positive natural number, assuming it is only built up from ``, `bit0` and `bit1`. -/ protected meta def to_pos_nat : expr → option ℕ | `( _) := some 1 | `(bit0 %%e) := bit0 <$> e.to_pos_nat | `(bit1 %%e) := bit1 <$> e.to_pos_nat | _ := none /-- Turns an expression into a natural number, assuming it is only built up from ``, `bit0`, `bit1` and ``. -/ protected meta def to_nat : expr → option ℕ | `( _) := some 0 | e := e.to_pos_nat /-- Turns an expression into a integer, assuming it is only built up from ``, `bit0`, `bit1`, `` and a optionally a single `has_neg.neg` as head. -/ protected meta def to_int : expr → option ℤ | `(has_neg.neg %%e) := do n ← e.to_nat, some (-n) | e := coe <$> e.to_nat /-- is_num_eq n1 n2 returns true if n1 and n2 are both numerals with the same numeral structure, ignoring differences in type and type class arguments. -/ meta def is_num_eq : expr → expr → bool | `( _ _) `( _ _) := tt | `( _ _) `( _ _) := tt | `(bit0 %%a) `(bit0 %%b) := a.is_num_eq b | `(bit1 %%a) `(bit1 %%b) := a.is_num_eq b | `(-%%a) `(-%%b) := a.is_num_eq b | `(%%a/%%a') `(%%b/%%b') := a.is_num_eq b | _ _ := ff end expr /-! ### Declarations about `expr` -/ namespace expr open tactic /-- `replace_with e s s'` replaces ocurrences of `s` with `s'` in `e`. -/ meta def replace_with (e : expr) (s : expr) (s' : expr) : expr := e.replace $ λc d, if c = s then some (s'.lift_vars 0 d) else none /-- Apply a function to each constant (inductive type, defined function etc) in an expression. -/ protected meta def apply_replacement_fun (f : name → name) (e : expr) : expr := e.replace $ λ e d, match e with | expr.const n ls := some $ expr.const (f n) ls | _ := none end /-- Tests whether an expression is a meta-variable. -/ meta def is_mvar : expr → bool | (mvar _ _ _) := tt | _ := ff /-- Tests whether an expression is a sort. -/ meta def is_sort : expr → bool | (sort _) := tt | e := ff /-- If `e` is a local constant, `to_implicit_local_const e` changes the binder info of `e` to `implicit`. See also `to_implicit_binder`, which also changes lambdas and pis. -/ meta def to_implicit_local_const : expr → expr | (expr.local_const uniq n bi t) := expr.local_const uniq n binder_info.implicit t | e := e /-- If `e` is a local constant, lamda, or pi expression, `to_implicit_binder e` changes the binder info of `e` to `implicit`. See also `to_implicit_local_const`, which only changes local constants. -/ meta def to_implicit_binder : expr → expr | (local_const n₁ n₂ _ d) := local_const n₁ n₂ binder_info.implicit d | (lam n _ d b) := lam n binder_info.implicit d b | (pi n _ d b) := pi n binder_info.implicit d b | e := e /-- Returns a list of all local constants in an expression (without duplicates). -/ meta def list_local_consts (e : expr) : list expr := e.fold [] (λ e' _ es, if e'.is_local_constant then insert e' es else es) /-- Returns a name_set of all constants in an expression. -/ meta def list_constant (e : expr) : name_set := e.fold mk_name_set (λ e' _ es, if e'.is_constant then es.insert e'.const_name else es) /-- Returns a list of all meta-variables in an expression (without duplicates). -/ meta def list_meta_vars (e : expr) : list expr := e.fold [] (λ e' _ es, if e'.is_mvar then insert e' es else es) /-- Returns a name_set of all constants in an expression starting with a certain prefix. -/ meta def list_names_with_prefix (pre : name) (e : expr) : name_set := e.fold mk_name_set $ λ e' _ l, match e' with | expr.const n _ := if n.get_prefix = pre then l.insert n else l | _ := l end /-- Returns true if `e` contains a name `n` where `p n` is true. Returns `true` if `p name.anonymous` is true -/ meta def contains_constant (e : expr) (p : name → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : bool := e.fold ff (λ e' _ b, if p (e'.const_name) then tt else b) /-- Simplifies the expression `t` with the specified options. The result is `(new_e, pr)` with the new expression `new_e` and a proof `pr : e = new_e`. -/ meta def simp (t : expr) (cfg : simp_config := {}) (discharger : tactic unit := failed) (no_defaults := ff) (attr_names : list name := []) (hs : list simp_arg_type := []) : tactic (expr × expr) := do (s, to_unfold) ← mk_simp_set no_defaults attr_names hs, simplify s to_unfold t cfg `eq discharger /-- Definitionally simplifies the expression `t` with the specified options. The result is the simplified expression. -/ meta def dsimp (t : expr) (cfg : dsimp_config := {}) (no_defaults := ff) (attr_names : list name := []) (hs : list simp_arg_type := []) : tactic expr := do (s, to_unfold) ← mk_simp_set no_defaults attr_names hs, s.dsimplify to_unfold t cfg /-- Auxilliary definition for `expr.pi_arity` -/ meta def pi_arity_aux : ℕ → expr → ℕ | n (pi _ _ _ b) := pi_arity_aux (n + 1) b | n e := n /-- The arity of a pi-type. Does not perform any reduction of the expression. In one application this was ~30 times quicker than `tactic.get_pi_arity`. -/ meta def pi_arity : expr → ℕ := pi_arity_aux 0 /-- Get the names of the bound variables by a sequence of pis or lambdas. -/ meta def binding_names : expr → list name | (pi n _ _ e) := n :: e.binding_names | (lam n _ _ e) := n :: e.binding_names | e := [] /-- head-reduce a single let expression -/ meta def reduce_let : expr → expr | (elet _ _ v b) := b.instantiate_var v | e := e /-- head-reduce all let expressions -/ meta def reduce_lets : expr → expr | (elet _ _ v b) := reduce_lets $ b.instantiate_var v | e := e /-- Instantiate lambdas in the second argument by expressions from the first. -/ meta def instantiate_lambdas : list expr → expr → expr | (e'::es) (lam n bi t e) := instantiate_lambdas es (e.instantiate_var e') | _ e := e /-- `instantiate_lambdas_or_apps es e` instantiates lambdas in `e` by expressions from `es`. If the length of `es` is larger than the number of lambdas in `e`, then the term is applied to the remaining terms. Also reduces head let-expressions in `e`, including those after instantiating all lambdas. -/ meta def instantiate_lambdas_or_apps : list expr → expr → expr | (v::es) (lam n bi t b) := instantiate_lambdas_or_apps es $ b.instantiate_var v | es (elet _ _ v b) := instantiate_lambdas_or_apps es $ b.instantiate_var v | es e := mk_app e es library_note "open expressions" "Some declarations work with open expressions, i.e. an expr that has free variables. Terms will free variables are not well-typed, and one should not use them in tactics like `infer_type` or `unify`. You can still do syntactic analysis/manipulation on them. The reason for working with open types is for performance: instantiating variables requires iterating through the expression. In one performance test `pi_binders` was more than 6x quicker than `mk_local_pis` (when applied to the type of all imported declarations 100x)." /-- Get the codomain/target of a pi-type. This definition doesn't instantiate bound variables, and therefore produces a term that is open. See note [open expressions]. -/ meta def pi_codomain : expr → expr | (pi n bi d b) := pi_codomain b | e := e /-- Get the body/value of a lambda-expression. This definition doesn't instantiate bound variables, and therefore produces a term that is open. See note [open expressions]. -/ meta def lambda_body : expr → expr | (lam n bi d b) := lambda_body b | e := e /-- Auxilliary defintion for `pi_binders`. See note [open expressions]. -/ meta def pi_binders_aux : list binder → expr → list binder × expr | es (pi n bi d b) := pi_binders_aux (⟨n, bi, d⟩::es) b | es e := (es, e) /-- Get the binders and codomain of a pi-type. This definition doesn't instantiate bound variables, and therefore produces a term that is open. The.tactic `get_pi_binders` in `tactic.core` does the same, but also instantiates the free variables. See note [open expressions]. -/ meta def pi_binders (e : expr) : list binder × expr := let (es, e) := pi_binders_aux [] e in (es.reverse, e) /-- Auxilliary defintion for `get_app_fn_args`. -/ meta def get_app_fn_args_aux : list expr → expr → expr × list expr | r (app f a) := get_app_fn_args_aux (a::r) f | r e := (e, r) /-- A combination of `get_app_fn` and `get_app_args`: lists both the function and its arguments of an application -/ meta def get_app_fn_args : expr → expr × list expr := get_app_fn_args_aux [] /-- `drop_pis es e` instantiates the pis in `e` with the expressions from `es`. -/ meta def drop_pis : list expr → expr → tactic expr | (list.cons v vs) (pi n bi d b) := do t ← infer_type v, guard (t =ₐ d), drop_pis vs (b.instantiate_var v) | [] e := return e | _ _ := failed /-- `mk_op_lst op empty [x1, x2, ...]` is defined as `op x1 (op x2 ...)`. Returns `empty` if the list is empty. -/ meta def mk_op_lst (op : expr) (empty : expr) : list expr → expr | [] := empty | [e] := e | (e :: es) := op e $ mk_op_lst es /-- `mk_and_lst [x1, x2, ...]` is defined as `x1 ∧ (x2 ∧ ...)`, or `true` if the list is empty. -/ meta def mk_and_lst : list expr → expr := mk_op_lst `(and) `(true) /-- `mk_or_lst [x1, x2, ...]` is defined as `x1 ∨ (x2 ∨ ...)`, or `false` if the list is empty. -/ meta def mk_or_lst : list expr → expr := mk_op_lst `(or) `(false) /-- `local_binding_info e` returns the binding info of `e` if `e` is a local constant. Otherwise returns `binder_info.default`. -/ meta def local_binding_info : expr → binder_info | (expr.local_const _ _ bi _) := bi | _ := binder_info.default /-- `is_default_local e` tests whether `e` is a local constant with binder info `binder_info.default` -/ meta def is_default_local : expr → bool | (expr.local_const _ _ binder_info.default _) := tt | _ := ff /-- `has_local_constant e l` checks whether local constant `l` occurs in expression `e` -/ meta def has_local_constant (e l : expr) : bool := e.has_local_in $ mk_name_set.insert l.local_uniq_name /-- Turns a local constant into a binder -/ meta def to_binder : expr → binder | (local_const _ nm bi t) := ⟨nm, bi, t⟩ | _ := default binder end expr /-! ### Declarations about `environment` -/ namespace environment /-- Tests whether a name is declared in the current file. Fixes an error in `in_current_file` which returns `tt` for the four names `quot,, quot.lift, quot.ind` -/ meta def in_current_file' (env : environment) (n : name) : bool := env.in_current_file n && (n ∉ [``quot, ``, ``quot.lift, ``quot.ind]) /-- Tests whether `n` is a structure. -/ meta def is_structure (env : environment) (n : name) : bool := (env.structure_fields n).is_some /-- Get the full names of all projections of the structure `n`. Returns `none` if `n` is not a structure. -/ meta def structure_fields_full (env : environment) (n : name) : option (list name) := (env.structure_fields n).map ( $ λ n', n ++ n') /-- Tests whether `nm` is a generalized inductive type that is not a normal inductive type. Note that `is_ginductive` returns `tt` even on regular inductive types. This returns `tt` if `nm` is (part of a) mutually defined inductive type or a nested inductive type. -/ meta def is_ginductive' (e : environment) (nm : name) : bool := e.is_ginductive nm ∧ ¬ e.is_inductive nm /-- For all declarations `d` where `f d = some x` this adds `x` to the returned list. -/ meta def decl_filter_map {α : Type} (e : environment) (f : declaration → option α) : list α := e.fold [] $ λ d l, match f d with | some r := r :: l | none := l end /-- Maps `f` to all declarations in the environment. -/ meta def decl_map {α : Type} (e : environment) (f : declaration → α) : list α := e.decl_filter_map $ λ d, some (f d) /-- Lists all declarations in the environment -/ meta def get_decls (e : environment) : list declaration := e.decl_map id /-- Lists all trusted (non-meta) declarations in the environment -/ meta def get_trusted_decls (e : environment) : list declaration := e.decl_filter_map (λ d, if d.is_trusted then some d else none) /-- Lists the name of all declarations in the environment -/ meta def get_decl_names (e : environment) : list name := e.decl_map declaration.to_name /-- Fold a monad over all declarations in the environment. -/ meta def mfold {α : Type} {m : Type → Type} [monad m] (e : environment) (x : α) (fn : declaration → α → m α) : m α := e.fold (return x) (λ d t, t >>= fn d) /-- Filters all declarations in the environment. -/ meta def mfilter (e : environment) (test : declaration → tactic bool) : tactic (list declaration) := e.mfold [] $ λ d ds, do b ← test d, return $ if b then d::ds else ds /-- Checks whether `s` is a prefix of the file where `n` is declared. This is used to check whether `n` is declared in mathlib, where `s` is the mathlib directory. -/ meta def is_prefix_of_file (e : environment) (s : string) (n : name) : bool := s.is_prefix_of $ (e.decl_olean n).get_or_else "" end environment /-! ### `is_eta_expansion` In this section we define the tactic `is_eta_expansion` which checks whether an expression is an eta-expansion of a structure. (not to be confused with eta-expanion for `λ`). -/ namespace expr open tactic /-- `is_eta_expansion_of args univs l` checks whether for all elements `(nm, pr)` in `l` we have `pr = nm.{univs} args`. Used in `is_eta_expansion`, where `l` consists of the projections and the fields of the value we want to eta-reduce. -/ meta def is_eta_expansion_of (args : list expr) (univs : list level) (l : list (name × expr)) : bool := l.all $ λ⟨proj, val⟩, val = (const proj univs).mk_app args /-- `is_eta_expansion_test l` checks whether there is a list of expresions `args` such that for all elements `(nm, pr)` in `l` we have `pr = nm args`. If so, returns the last element of `args`. Used in `is_eta_expansion`, where `l` consists of the projections and the fields of the value we want to eta-reduce. -/ meta def is_eta_expansion_test : list (name × expr) → option expr | [] := none | (⟨proj, val⟩::l) := match val.get_app_fn with | (const nm univs : expr) := if nm = proj then let args := val.get_app_args in let e := args.ilast in if is_eta_expansion_of args univs l then some e else none else none | _ := none end /-- `is_eta_expansion_aux val l` checks whether `val` can be eta-reduced to an expression `e`. Here `l` is intended to consists of the projections and the fields of `val`. This tactic calls `is_eta_expansion_test l`, but first removes all proofs from the list `l` and afterward checks whether the retulting expression `e` unifies with `val`. This last check is necessary, because `val` and `e` might have different types. -/ meta def is_eta_expansion_aux (val : expr) (l : list (name × expr)) : tactic (option expr) := do l' ← l.mfilter (λ⟨proj, val⟩, bnot <$> is_proof val), match is_eta_expansion_test l' with | some e := (λ _, e) <$> try_core (unify e val) | none := return none end /-- `is_eta_expansion val` checks whether there is an expression `e` such that `val` is the eta-expansion of `e`. With eta-expansion we here mean the eta-expansion of a structure, not of a function. For example, the eta-expansion of `x : α × β` is `⟨x.1, x.2⟩`. This assumes that `val` is a fully-applied application of the constructor of a structure. This is useful to reduce expressions generated by the notation `{ field_1 := _, ..other_structure }` If `other_structure` is itself a field of the structure, then the elaborator will insert an eta-expanded version of `other_structure`. -/ meta def is_eta_expansion (val : expr) : tactic (option expr) := do e ← get_env, type ← infer_type val, projs ← e.structure_fields_full type.get_app_fn.const_name, let args := (val.get_app_args).drop type.get_app_args.length, is_eta_expansion_aux val ( args) end expr /-! ### Declarations about `declaration` -/ namespace declaration open tactic protected meta def update_with_fun (f : name → name) (tgt : name) (decl : declaration) : declaration := let decl := decl.update_name $ tgt in let decl := decl.update_type $ decl.type.apply_replacement_fun f in decl.update_value $ decl.value.apply_replacement_fun f /-- Checks whether the declaration is declared in the current file. This is a simple wrapper around `environment.in_current_file'` Use `environment.in_current_file'` instead if performance matters. -/ meta def in_current_file (d : declaration) : tactic bool := do e ← get_env, return $ e.in_current_file' d.to_name /-- Checks whether a declaration is a theorem -/ meta def is_theorem : declaration → bool | (thm _ _ _ _) := tt | _ := ff /-- Checks whether a declaration is a constant -/ meta def is_constant : declaration → bool | (cnst _ _ _ _) := tt | _ := ff /-- Checks whether a declaration is a axiom -/ meta def is_axiom : declaration → bool | (ax _ _ _) := tt | _ := ff /-- Checks whether a declaration is automatically generated in the environment. There is no cheap way to check whether a declaration in the namespace of a generalized inductive type is automatically generated, so for now we say that all of them are automatically generated. -/ meta def is_auto_generated (e : environment) (d : declaration) : bool := e.is_constructor d.to_name ∨ (e.is_projection d.to_name).is_some ∨ (e.is_constructor d.to_name.get_prefix ∧ d.to_name.last ∈ ["inj", "inj_eq", "sizeof_spec", "inj_arrow"]) ∨ (e.is_inductive d.to_name.get_prefix ∧ d.to_name.last ∈ ["below", "binduction_on", "brec_on", "cases_on", "dcases_on", "drec_on", "drec", "rec", "rec_on", "no_confusion", "no_confusion_type", "sizeof", "ibelow", "has_sizeof_inst"]) ∨ d.to_name.has_prefix (λ nm, e.is_ginductive' nm) /-- Returns the list of universe levels of a declaration. -/ meta def univ_levels (d : declaration) : list level := level.param end declaration