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/- Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Johannes Hölzl Defines bounded lattice type class hierarchy. Includes the Prop and fun instances. -/ import order.lattice data.option.basic tactic.pi_instances set_option old_structure_cmd true universes u v namespace lattice variable {α : Type u} /-- Typeclass for the `⊤` (`\top`) notation -/ class has_top (α : Type u) := (top : α) /-- Typeclass for the `⊥` (`\bot`) notation -/ class has_bot (α : Type u) := (bot : α) notation `⊤` := _ notation `⊥` := _ attribute [pattern] section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- An `order_top` is a partial order with a maximal element. (We could state this on preorders, but then it wouldn't be unique so distinguishing one would seem odd.) -/ class order_top (α : Type u) extends has_top α, partial_order α := (le_top : ∀ a : α, a ≤ ⊤) end prio section order_top variables [order_top α] {a b : α} @[simp] theorem le_top : a ≤ ⊤ := order_top.le_top a theorem top_unique (h : ⊤ ≤ a) : a = ⊤ := le_antisymm le_top h -- TODO: delete in favor of the next? theorem eq_top_iff : a = ⊤ ↔ ⊤ ≤ a := ⟨assume eq, eq.symm ▸ le_refl ⊤, top_unique⟩ @[simp] theorem top_le_iff : ⊤ ≤ a ↔ a = ⊤ := ⟨top_unique, λ h, h.symm ▸ le_refl ⊤⟩ @[simp] theorem not_top_lt : ¬ ⊤ < a := assume h, lt_irrefl a (lt_of_le_of_lt le_top h) theorem eq_top_mono (h : a ≤ b) (h₂ : a = ⊤) : b = ⊤ := top_le_iff.1 $ h₂ ▸ h lemma lt_top_iff_ne_top : a < ⊤ ↔ a ≠ ⊤ := begin haveI := classical.dec_eq α, haveI : decidable (⊤ ≤ a) := decidable_of_iff' _ top_le_iff, by simp [-top_le_iff, lt_iff_le_not_le, not_iff_not.2 (@top_le_iff _ _ a)] end lemma ne_top_of_lt (h : a < b) : a ≠ ⊤ := lt_top_iff_ne_top.1 $ lt_of_lt_of_le h le_top theorem ne_top_of_le_ne_top {a b : α} (hb : b ≠ ⊤) (hab : a ≤ b) : a ≠ ⊤ := assume ha, hb $ top_unique $ ha ▸ hab end order_top theorem order_top.ext_top {α} {A B : order_top α} (H : ∀ x y : α, (by haveI := A; exact x ≤ y) ↔ x ≤ y) : (by haveI := A; exact ⊤ : α) = ⊤ := top_unique $ by rw ← H; apply le_top theorem order_top.ext {α} {A B : order_top α} (H : ∀ x y : α, (by haveI := A; exact x ≤ y) ↔ x ≤ y) : A = B := begin haveI this := partial_order.ext H, have tt := order_top.ext_top H, cases A; cases B; injection this; congr' end section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- An `order_bot` is a partial order with a minimal element. (We could state this on preorders, but then it wouldn't be unique so distinguishing one would seem odd.) -/ class order_bot (α : Type u) extends has_bot α, partial_order α := (bot_le : ∀ a : α, ⊥ ≤ a) end prio section order_bot variables [order_bot α] {a b : α} @[simp] theorem bot_le : ⊥ ≤ a := order_bot.bot_le a theorem bot_unique (h : a ≤ ⊥) : a = ⊥ := le_antisymm h bot_le -- TODO: delete? theorem eq_bot_iff : a = ⊥ ↔ a ≤ ⊥ := ⟨assume eq, eq.symm ▸ le_refl ⊥, bot_unique⟩ @[simp] theorem le_bot_iff : a ≤ ⊥ ↔ a = ⊥ := ⟨bot_unique, assume h, h.symm ▸ le_refl ⊥⟩ @[simp] theorem not_lt_bot : ¬ a < ⊥ := assume h, lt_irrefl a (lt_of_lt_of_le h bot_le) theorem ne_bot_of_le_ne_bot {a b : α} (hb : b ≠ ⊥) (hab : b ≤ a) : a ≠ ⊥ := assume ha, hb $ bot_unique $ ha ▸ hab theorem eq_bot_mono (h : a ≤ b) (h₂ : b = ⊥) : a = ⊥ := le_bot_iff.1 $ h₂ ▸ h lemma bot_lt_iff_ne_bot : ⊥ < a ↔ a ≠ ⊥ := begin haveI := classical.dec_eq α, haveI : decidable (a ≤ ⊥) := decidable_of_iff' _ le_bot_iff, simp [-le_bot_iff, lt_iff_le_not_le, not_iff_not.2 (@le_bot_iff _ _ a)] end lemma ne_bot_of_gt (h : a < b) : b ≠ ⊥ := bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.1 $ lt_of_le_of_lt bot_le h end order_bot theorem order_bot.ext_bot {α} {A B : order_bot α} (H : ∀ x y : α, (by haveI := A; exact x ≤ y) ↔ x ≤ y) : (by haveI := A; exact ⊥ : α) = ⊥ := bot_unique $ by rw ← H; apply bot_le theorem order_bot.ext {α} {A B : order_bot α} (H : ∀ x y : α, (by haveI := A; exact x ≤ y) ↔ x ≤ y) : A = B := begin haveI this := partial_order.ext H, have tt := order_bot.ext_bot H, cases A; cases B; injection this; congr' end section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- A `semilattice_sup_top` is a semilattice with top and join. -/ class semilattice_sup_top (α : Type u) extends order_top α, semilattice_sup α end prio section semilattice_sup_top variables [semilattice_sup_top α] {a : α} @[simp] theorem top_sup_eq : ⊤ ⊔ a = ⊤ := sup_of_le_left le_top @[simp] theorem sup_top_eq : a ⊔ ⊤ = ⊤ := sup_of_le_right le_top end semilattice_sup_top section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- A `semilattice_sup_bot` is a semilattice with bottom and join. -/ class semilattice_sup_bot (α : Type u) extends order_bot α, semilattice_sup α end prio section semilattice_sup_bot variables [semilattice_sup_bot α] {a b : α} @[simp] theorem bot_sup_eq : ⊥ ⊔ a = a := sup_of_le_right bot_le @[simp] theorem sup_bot_eq : a ⊔ ⊥ = a := sup_of_le_left bot_le @[simp] theorem sup_eq_bot_iff : a ⊔ b = ⊥ ↔ (a = ⊥ ∧ b = ⊥) := by rw [eq_bot_iff, sup_le_iff]; simp end semilattice_sup_bot instance nat.semilattice_sup_bot : semilattice_sup_bot ℕ := { bot := 0, bot_le := nat.zero_le, .. nat.distrib_lattice } private def bot_aux (s : set ℕ) [decidable_pred s] [h : nonempty s] : s := have ∃ x, x ∈ s, from nonempty.elim h (λ x, ⟨x.1, x.2⟩), ⟨nat.find this, nat.find_spec this⟩ instance nat.subtype.semilattice_sup_bot (s : set ℕ) [decidable_pred s] [h : nonempty s] : semilattice_sup_bot s := { bot := bot_aux s, bot_le := λ x, nat.find_min' _ x.2, ..subtype.linear_order s, ..lattice.lattice_of_decidable_linear_order } section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- A `semilattice_inf_top` is a semilattice with top and meet. -/ class semilattice_inf_top (α : Type u) extends order_top α, semilattice_inf α end prio section semilattice_inf_top variables [semilattice_inf_top α] {a b : α} @[simp] theorem top_inf_eq : ⊤ ⊓ a = a := inf_of_le_right le_top @[simp] theorem inf_top_eq : a ⊓ ⊤ = a := inf_of_le_left le_top @[simp] theorem inf_eq_top_iff : a ⊓ b = ⊤ ↔ (a = ⊤ ∧ b = ⊤) := by rw [eq_top_iff, le_inf_iff]; simp end semilattice_inf_top section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- A `semilattice_inf_bot` is a semilattice with bottom and meet. -/ class semilattice_inf_bot (α : Type u) extends order_bot α, semilattice_inf α end prio section semilattice_inf_bot variables [semilattice_inf_bot α] {a : α} @[simp] theorem bot_inf_eq : ⊥ ⊓ a = ⊥ := inf_of_le_left bot_le @[simp] theorem inf_bot_eq : a ⊓ ⊥ = ⊥ := inf_of_le_right bot_le end semilattice_inf_bot /- Bounded lattices -/ section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- A bounded lattice is a lattice with a top and bottom element, denoted `⊤` and `⊥` respectively. This allows for the interpretation of all finite suprema and infima, taking `inf ∅ = ⊤` and `sup ∅ = ⊥`. -/ class bounded_lattice (α : Type u) extends lattice α, order_top α, order_bot α end prio @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance semilattice_inf_top_of_bounded_lattice (α : Type u) [bl : bounded_lattice α] : semilattice_inf_top α := { le_top := assume x, @le_top α _ x, } @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance semilattice_inf_bot_of_bounded_lattice (α : Type u) [bl : bounded_lattice α] : semilattice_inf_bot α := { bot_le := assume x, @bot_le α _ x, } @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance semilattice_sup_top_of_bounded_lattice (α : Type u) [bl : bounded_lattice α] : semilattice_sup_top α := { le_top := assume x, @le_top α _ x, } @[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] instance semilattice_sup_bot_of_bounded_lattice (α : Type u) [bl : bounded_lattice α] : semilattice_sup_bot α := { bot_le := assume x, @bot_le α _ x, } theorem bounded_lattice.ext {α} {A B : bounded_lattice α} (H : ∀ x y : α, (by haveI := A; exact x ≤ y) ↔ x ≤ y) : A = B := begin haveI H1 : @bounded_lattice.to_lattice α A = @bounded_lattice.to_lattice α B := lattice.ext H, haveI H2 := order_bot.ext H, haveI H3 : @bounded_lattice.to_order_top α A = @bounded_lattice.to_order_top α B := order_top.ext H, have tt := order_bot.ext_bot H, cases A; cases B; injection H1; injection H2; injection H3; congr' end section prio set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority] /-- A bounded distributive lattice is exactly what it sounds like. -/ class bounded_distrib_lattice α extends distrib_lattice α, bounded_lattice α end prio lemma inf_eq_bot_iff_le_compl {α : Type u} [bounded_distrib_lattice α] {a b c : α} (h₁ : b ⊔ c = ⊤) (h₂ : b ⊓ c = ⊥) : a ⊓ b = ⊥ ↔ a ≤ c := ⟨assume : a ⊓ b = ⊥, calc a ≤ a ⊓ (b ⊔ c) : by simp [h₁] ... = (a ⊓ b) ⊔ (a ⊓ c) : by simp [inf_sup_left] ... ≤ c : by simp [this, inf_le_right], assume : a ≤ c, bot_unique $ calc a ⊓ b ≤ b ⊓ c : by rw [inf_comm]; exact inf_le_inf (le_refl _) this ... = ⊥ : h₂⟩ /- Prop instance -/ instance bounded_lattice_Prop : bounded_lattice Prop := { lattice.bounded_lattice . le := λa b, a → b, le_refl := assume _, id, le_trans := assume a b c f g, g ∘ f, le_antisymm := assume a b Hab Hba, propext ⟨Hab, Hba⟩, sup := or, le_sup_left := @or.inl, le_sup_right := @or.inr, sup_le := assume a b c, or.rec, inf := and, inf_le_left := @and.left, inf_le_right := @and.right, le_inf := assume a b c Hab Hac Ha, and.intro (Hab Ha) (Hac Ha), top := true, le_top := assume a Ha, true.intro, bot := false, bot_le := @false.elim } section logic variable [preorder α] theorem monotone_and {p q : α → Prop} (m_p : monotone p) (m_q : monotone q) : monotone (λx, p x ∧ q x) := assume a b h, and.imp (m_p h) (m_q h) -- Note: by finish [monotone] doesn't work theorem monotone_or {p q : α → Prop} (m_p : monotone p) (m_q : monotone q) : monotone (λx, p x ∨ q x) := assume a b h, or.imp (m_p h) (m_q h) end logic /- Function lattices -/ /- TODO: * build up the lattice hierarchy for `fun`-functor piecewise. semilattic_*, bounded_lattice, lattice ... * can this be generalized to the dependent function space? -/ instance pi.bounded_lattice {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [bounded_lattice β] : bounded_lattice (α → β) := by pi_instance end lattice def with_bot (α : Type*) := option α namespace with_bot variable {α : Type u} open lattice meta instance {α} [has_to_format α] : has_to_format (with_bot α) := { to_format := λ x, match x with | none := "⊥" | (some x) := to_fmt x end } instance : has_coe_t α (with_bot α) := ⟨some⟩ instance has_bot : has_bot (with_bot α) := ⟨none⟩ instance : inhabited (with_bot α) := ⟨⊥⟩ lemma none_eq_bot : (none : with_bot α) = (⊥ : with_bot α) := rfl lemma some_eq_coe (a : α) : (some a : with_bot α) = (↑a : with_bot α) := rfl theorem coe_eq_coe {a b : α} : (a : with_bot α) = b ↔ a = b := by rw [← option.some.inj_eq a b]; refl @[priority 10] instance has_lt [has_lt α] : has_lt (with_bot α) := { lt := λ o₁ o₂ : option α, ∃ b ∈ o₂, ∀ a ∈ o₁, a < b } @[simp] theorem some_lt_some [has_lt α] {a b : α} : (with_bot α) _ (some a) (some b) ↔ a < b := by simp [(<)] instance [preorder α] : preorder (with_bot α) := { le := λ o₁ o₂ : option α, ∀ a ∈ o₁, ∃ b ∈ o₂, a ≤ b, lt := (<), lt_iff_le_not_le := by intros; cases a; cases b; simp [lt_iff_le_not_le]; simp [(<)]; split; refl, le_refl := λ o a ha, ⟨a, ha, le_refl _⟩, le_trans := λ o₁ o₂ o₃ h₁ h₂ a ha, let ⟨b, hb, ab⟩ := h₁ a ha, ⟨c, hc, bc⟩ := h₂ b hb in ⟨c, hc, le_trans ab bc⟩ } instance partial_order [partial_order α] : partial_order (with_bot α) := { le_antisymm := λ o₁ o₂ h₁ h₂, begin cases o₁ with a, { cases o₂ with b, {refl}, rcases h₂ b rfl with ⟨_, ⟨⟩, _⟩ }, { rcases h₁ a rfl with ⟨b, ⟨⟩, h₁'⟩, rcases h₂ b rfl with ⟨_, ⟨⟩, h₂'⟩, rw le_antisymm h₁' h₂' } end, .. with_bot.preorder } instance order_bot [partial_order α] : order_bot (with_bot α) := { bot_le := λ a a' h, option.no_confusion h, ..with_bot.partial_order, ..with_bot.has_bot } @[simp] theorem coe_le_coe [partial_order α] {a b : α} : (a : with_bot α) ≤ b ↔ a ≤ b := ⟨λ h, by rcases h a rfl with ⟨_, ⟨⟩, h⟩; exact h, λ h a' e, option.some_inj.1 e ▸ ⟨b, rfl, h⟩⟩ @[simp] theorem some_le_some [partial_order α] {a b : α} : @has_le.le (with_bot α) _ (some a) (some b) ↔ a ≤ b := coe_le_coe theorem coe_le [partial_order α] {a b : α} : ∀ {o : option α}, b ∈ o → ((a : with_bot α) ≤ o ↔ a ≤ b) | _ rfl := coe_le_coe lemma coe_lt_coe [partial_order α] {a b : α} : (a : with_bot α) < b ↔ a < b := some_lt_some lemma bot_lt_some [partial_order α] (a : α) : (⊥ : with_bot α) < some a := lt_of_le_of_ne bot_le (λ h, option.no_confusion h) lemma bot_lt_coe [partial_order α] (a : α) : (⊥ : with_bot α) < a := bot_lt_some a instance linear_order [linear_order α] : linear_order (with_bot α) := { le_total := λ o₁ o₂, begin cases o₁ with a, {exact or.inl bot_le}, cases o₂ with b, {exact or.inr bot_le}, simp [le_total] end, ..with_bot.partial_order } instance decidable_lt [has_lt α] [@decidable_rel α (<)] : @decidable_rel (with_bot α) (<) | none (some x) := is_true $ by existsi [x,rfl]; rintros _ ⟨⟩ | (some x) (some y) := if h : x < y then is_true $ by simp * else is_false $ by simp * | x none := is_false $ by rintro ⟨a,⟨⟨⟩⟩⟩ instance decidable_linear_order [decidable_linear_order α] : decidable_linear_order (with_bot α) := { decidable_le := λ a b, begin cases a with a, { exact is_true bot_le }, cases b with b, { exact is_false (mt (le_antisymm bot_le) (by simp)) }, { exact decidable_of_iff _ some_le_some } end, ..with_bot.linear_order } instance semilattice_sup [semilattice_sup α] : semilattice_sup_bot (with_bot α) := { sup := option.lift_or_get (⊔), le_sup_left := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, by cases ha; cases o₂; simp [option.lift_or_get], le_sup_right := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, by cases ha; cases o₁; simp [option.lift_or_get], sup_le := λ o₁ o₂ o₃ h₁ h₂ a ha, begin cases o₁ with b; cases o₂ with c; cases ha, { exact h₂ a rfl }, { exact h₁ a rfl }, { rcases h₁ b rfl with ⟨d, ⟨⟩, h₁'⟩, simp at h₂, exact ⟨d, rfl, sup_le h₁' h₂⟩ } end, ..with_bot.order_bot } instance semilattice_inf [semilattice_inf α] : semilattice_inf_bot (with_bot α) := { inf := λ o₁ o₂, o₁.bind (λ a, o₂.map (λ b, a ⊓ b)), inf_le_left := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, begin simp at ha, rcases ha with ⟨b, rfl, c, rfl, rfl⟩, exact ⟨_, rfl, inf_le_left⟩ end, inf_le_right := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, begin simp at ha, rcases ha with ⟨b, rfl, c, rfl, rfl⟩, exact ⟨_, rfl, inf_le_right⟩ end, le_inf := λ o₁ o₂ o₃ h₁ h₂ a ha, begin cases ha, rcases h₁ a rfl with ⟨b, ⟨⟩, ab⟩, rcases h₂ a rfl with ⟨c, ⟨⟩, ac⟩, exact ⟨_, rfl, le_inf ab ac⟩ end, ..with_bot.order_bot } instance lattice [lattice α] : lattice (with_bot α) := { ..with_bot.semilattice_sup, ..with_bot.semilattice_inf } theorem lattice_eq_DLO [decidable_linear_order α] : lattice.lattice_of_decidable_linear_order = @with_bot.lattice α _ := lattice.ext $ λ x y, iff.rfl theorem sup_eq_max [decidable_linear_order α] (x y : with_bot α) : x ⊔ y = max x y := by rw [← sup_eq_max, lattice_eq_DLO] theorem inf_eq_min [decidable_linear_order α] (x y : with_bot α) : x ⊓ y = min x y := by rw [← inf_eq_min, lattice_eq_DLO] instance order_top [order_top α] : order_top (with_bot α) := { top := some ⊤, le_top := λ o a ha, by cases ha; exact ⟨_, rfl, le_top⟩, ..with_bot.partial_order } instance bounded_lattice [bounded_lattice α] : bounded_lattice (with_bot α) := { ..with_bot.lattice, ..with_bot.order_top, ..with_bot.order_bot } lemma well_founded_lt [partial_order α] (h : well_founded ((<) : α → α → Prop)) : well_founded ((<) : with_bot α → with_bot α → Prop) := have acc_bot : acc ((<) : with_bot α → with_bot α → Prop) ⊥ := acc.intro _ (λ a ha, (not_le_of_gt ha bot_le).elim), ⟨λ a, option.rec_on a acc_bot (λ a, acc.intro _ (λ b, option.rec_on b (λ _, acc_bot) (λ b, well_founded.induction h b (show ∀ b : α, (∀ c, c < b → (c : with_bot α) < a → acc ((<) : with_bot α → with_bot α → Prop) c) → (b : with_bot α) < a → acc ((<) : with_bot α → with_bot α → Prop) b, from λ b ih hba, acc.intro _ (λ c, option.rec_on c (λ _, acc_bot) (λ c hc, ih _ (some_lt_some.1 hc) (lt_trans hc hba)))))))⟩ instance densely_ordered [partial_order α] [densely_ordered α] [no_bot_order α] : densely_ordered (with_bot α) := ⟨ assume a b, match a, b with | a, none := assume h : a < ⊥, (not_lt_bot h).elim | none, some b := assume h, let ⟨a, ha⟩ := no_bot b in ⟨a, bot_lt_coe a, coe_lt_coe.2 ha⟩ | some a, some b := assume h, let ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩ := dense (coe_lt_coe.1 h) in ⟨a, coe_lt_coe.2 ha₁, coe_lt_coe.2 ha₂⟩ end⟩ end with_bot --TODO(Mario): Construct using order dual on with_bot def with_top (α : Type*) := option α namespace with_top variable {α : Type u} open lattice meta instance {α} [has_to_format α] : has_to_format (with_top α) := { to_format := λ x, match x with | none := "⊤" | (some x) := to_fmt x end } instance : has_coe_t α (with_top α) := ⟨some⟩ instance has_top : has_top (with_top α) := ⟨none⟩ instance : inhabited (with_top α) := ⟨⊤⟩ lemma none_eq_top : (none : with_top α) = (⊤ : with_top α) := rfl lemma some_eq_coe (a : α) : (some a : with_top α) = (↑a : with_top α) := rfl theorem coe_eq_coe {a b : α} : (a : with_top α) = b ↔ a = b := by rw [← option.some.inj_eq a b]; refl @[simp] theorem top_ne_coe {a : α} : ⊤ ≠ (a : with_top α) . @[simp] theorem coe_ne_top {a : α} : (a : with_top α) ≠ ⊤ . @[priority 10] instance has_lt [has_lt α] : has_lt (with_top α) := { lt := λ o₁ o₂ : option α, ∃ b ∈ o₁, ∀ a ∈ o₂, b < a } @[priority 10] instance has_le [has_le α] : has_le (with_top α) := { le := λ o₁ o₂ : option α, ∀ a ∈ o₂, ∃ b ∈ o₁, b ≤ a } @[simp] theorem some_lt_some [has_lt α] {a b : α} : (with_top α) _ (some a) (some b) ↔ a < b := by simp [(<)] @[simp] theorem some_le_some [has_le α] {a b : α} : @has_le.le (with_top α) _ (some a) (some b) ↔ a ≤ b := by simp [(≤)] @[simp] theorem none_le [has_le α] {a : with_top α} : @has_le.le (with_top α) _ a none := by simp [(≤)] @[simp] theorem none_lt_some [has_lt α] {a : α} : (with_top α) _ (some a) none := by simp [(<)]; existsi a; refl instance [preorder α] : preorder (with_top α) := { le := λ o₁ o₂ : option α, ∀ a ∈ o₂, ∃ b ∈ o₁, b ≤ a, lt := (<), lt_iff_le_not_le := by { intros; cases a; cases b; simp [lt_iff_le_not_le]; simp [(<),(≤)] }, le_refl := λ o a ha, ⟨a, ha, le_refl _⟩, le_trans := λ o₁ o₂ o₃ h₁ h₂ c hc, let ⟨b, hb, bc⟩ := h₂ c hc, ⟨a, ha, ab⟩ := h₁ b hb in ⟨a, ha, le_trans ab bc⟩, } instance partial_order [partial_order α] : partial_order (with_top α) := { le_antisymm := λ o₁ o₂ h₁ h₂, begin cases o₂ with b, { cases o₁ with a, {refl}, rcases h₂ a rfl with ⟨_, ⟨⟩, _⟩ }, { rcases h₁ b rfl with ⟨a, ⟨⟩, h₁'⟩, rcases h₂ a rfl with ⟨_, ⟨⟩, h₂'⟩, rw le_antisymm h₁' h₂' } end, .. with_top.preorder } instance order_top [partial_order α] : order_top (with_top α) := { le_top := λ a a' h, option.no_confusion h, ..with_top.partial_order, .. with_top.has_top } @[simp] theorem coe_le_coe [partial_order α] {a b : α} : (a : with_top α) ≤ b ↔ a ≤ b := ⟨λ h, by rcases h b rfl with ⟨_, ⟨⟩, h⟩; exact h, λ h a' e, option.some_inj.1 e ▸ ⟨a, rfl, h⟩⟩ theorem le_coe [partial_order α] {a b : α} : ∀ {o : option α}, a ∈ o → (@has_le.le (with_top α) _ o b ↔ a ≤ b) | _ rfl := coe_le_coe theorem le_coe_iff [partial_order α] (b : α) : ∀(x : with_top α), x ≤ b ↔ (∃a:α, x = a ∧ a ≤ b) | (some a) := by simp [some_eq_coe, coe_eq_coe] | none := by simp [none_eq_top] theorem coe_le_iff [partial_order α] (a : α) : ∀(x : with_top α), ↑a ≤ x ↔ (∀b:α, x = ↑b → a ≤ b) | (some b) := by simp [some_eq_coe, coe_eq_coe] | none := by simp [none_eq_top] theorem lt_iff_exists_coe [partial_order α] : ∀(a b : with_top α), a < b ↔ (∃p:α, a = p ∧ ↑p < b) | (some a) b := by simp [some_eq_coe, coe_eq_coe] | none b := by simp [none_eq_top] lemma coe_lt_coe [partial_order α] {a b : α} : (a : with_top α) < b ↔ a < b := some_lt_some lemma coe_lt_top [partial_order α] (a : α) : (a : with_top α) < ⊤ := lt_of_le_of_ne le_top (λ h, option.no_confusion h) lemma not_top_le_coe [partial_order α] (a : α) : ¬ (⊤:with_top α) ≤ ↑a := assume h, (lt_irrefl ⊤ (lt_of_le_of_lt h (coe_lt_top a))).elim instance linear_order [linear_order α] : linear_order (with_top α) := { le_total := λ o₁ o₂, begin cases o₁ with a, {exact or.inr le_top}, cases o₂ with b, {exact or.inl le_top}, simp [le_total] end, ..with_top.partial_order } instance decidable_linear_order [decidable_linear_order α] : decidable_linear_order (with_top α) := { decidable_le := λ a b, begin cases b with b, { exact is_true le_top }, cases a with a, { exact is_false (mt (le_antisymm le_top) (by simp)) }, { exact decidable_of_iff _ some_le_some } end, ..with_top.linear_order } instance semilattice_inf [semilattice_inf α] : semilattice_inf_top (with_top α) := { inf := option.lift_or_get (⊓), inf_le_left := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, by cases ha; cases o₂; simp [option.lift_or_get], inf_le_right := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, by cases ha; cases o₁; simp [option.lift_or_get], le_inf := λ o₁ o₂ o₃ h₁ h₂ a ha, begin cases o₂ with b; cases o₃ with c; cases ha, { exact h₂ a rfl }, { exact h₁ a rfl }, { rcases h₁ b rfl with ⟨d, ⟨⟩, h₁'⟩, simp at h₂, exact ⟨d, rfl, le_inf h₁' h₂⟩ } end, ..with_top.order_top } lemma coe_inf [semilattice_inf α] (a b : α) : ((a ⊓ b : α) : with_top α) = a ⊓ b := rfl instance semilattice_sup [semilattice_sup α] : semilattice_sup_top (with_top α) := { sup := λ o₁ o₂, o₁.bind (λ a, o₂.map (λ b, a ⊔ b)), le_sup_left := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, begin simp at ha, rcases ha with ⟨b, rfl, c, rfl, rfl⟩, exact ⟨_, rfl, le_sup_left⟩ end, le_sup_right := λ o₁ o₂ a ha, begin simp at ha, rcases ha with ⟨b, rfl, c, rfl, rfl⟩, exact ⟨_, rfl, le_sup_right⟩ end, sup_le := λ o₁ o₂ o₃ h₁ h₂ a ha, begin cases ha, rcases h₁ a rfl with ⟨b, ⟨⟩, ab⟩, rcases h₂ a rfl with ⟨c, ⟨⟩, ac⟩, exact ⟨_, rfl, sup_le ab ac⟩ end, ..with_top.order_top } lemma coe_sup [semilattice_sup α] (a b : α) : ((a ⊔ b : α) : with_top α) = a ⊔ b := rfl instance lattice [lattice α] : lattice (with_top α) := { ..with_top.semilattice_sup, ..with_top.semilattice_inf } theorem lattice_eq_DLO [decidable_linear_order α] : lattice.lattice_of_decidable_linear_order = @with_top.lattice α _ := lattice.ext $ λ x y, iff.rfl theorem sup_eq_max [decidable_linear_order α] (x y : with_top α) : x ⊔ y = max x y := by rw [← sup_eq_max, lattice_eq_DLO] theorem inf_eq_min [decidable_linear_order α] (x y : with_top α) : x ⊓ y = min x y := by rw [← inf_eq_min, lattice_eq_DLO] instance order_bot [order_bot α] : order_bot (with_top α) := { bot := some ⊥, bot_le := λ o a ha, by cases ha; exact ⟨_, rfl, bot_le⟩, ..with_top.partial_order } instance bounded_lattice [bounded_lattice α] : bounded_lattice (with_top α) := { ..with_top.lattice, ..with_top.order_top, ..with_top.order_bot } lemma well_founded_lt {α : Type*} [partial_order α] (h : well_founded ((<) : α → α → Prop)) : well_founded ((<) : with_top α → with_top α → Prop) := have acc_some : ∀ a : α, acc ((<) : with_top α → with_top α → Prop) (some a) := λ a, acc.intro _ (well_founded.induction h a (show ∀ b, (∀ c, c < b → ∀ d : with_top α, d < some c → acc (<) d) → ∀ y : with_top α, y < some b → acc (<) y, from λ b ih c, option.rec_on c (λ hc, (not_lt_of_ge lattice.le_top hc).elim) (λ c hc, acc.intro _ (ih _ (some_lt_some.1 hc))))), ⟨λ a, option.rec_on a (acc.intro _ (λ y, option.rec_on y (λ h, (lt_irrefl _ h).elim) (λ _ _, acc_some _))) acc_some⟩ instance densely_ordered [partial_order α] [densely_ordered α] [no_top_order α] : densely_ordered (with_top α) := ⟨ assume a b, match a, b with | none, a := assume h : ⊤ < a, (not_top_lt h).elim | some a, none := assume h, let ⟨b, hb⟩ := no_top a in ⟨b, coe_lt_coe.2 hb, coe_lt_top b⟩ | some a, some b := assume h, let ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩ := dense (coe_lt_coe.1 h) in ⟨a, coe_lt_coe.2 ha₁, coe_lt_coe.2 ha₂⟩ end⟩ lemma dense_coe [partial_order α] [densely_ordered α] [no_top_order α] {a b : with_top α} (h : a < b) : ∃ x : α, a < ↑x ∧ ↑x < b := let ⟨y, hy⟩ := dense h, ⟨x, hx⟩ := (lt_iff_exists_coe _ _).1 hy.2 in ⟨x, hx.1 ▸ hy⟩ end with_top namespace order_dual open lattice variable (α : Type*) instance [has_bot α] : has_top (order_dual α) := ⟨(⊥ : α)⟩ instance [has_top α] : has_bot (order_dual α) := ⟨(⊤ : α)⟩ instance [order_bot α] : order_top (order_dual α) := { le_top := @bot_le α _, .. order_dual.partial_order α, .. order_dual.lattice.has_top α } instance [order_top α] : order_bot (order_dual α) := { bot_le := @le_top α _, .. order_dual.partial_order α, .. order_dual.lattice.has_bot α } instance [semilattice_inf_bot α] : semilattice_sup_top (order_dual α) := { .. order_dual.lattice.semilattice_sup α, .. order_dual.lattice.order_top α } instance [semilattice_inf_top α] : semilattice_sup_bot (order_dual α) := { .. order_dual.lattice.semilattice_sup α, .. order_dual.lattice.order_bot α } instance [semilattice_sup_bot α] : semilattice_inf_top (order_dual α) := { .. order_dual.lattice.semilattice_inf α, .. order_dual.lattice.order_top α } instance [semilattice_sup_top α] : semilattice_inf_bot (order_dual α) := { .. order_dual.lattice.semilattice_inf α, .. order_dual.lattice.order_bot α } instance [bounded_lattice α] : bounded_lattice (order_dual α) := { .. order_dual.lattice.lattice α, .. order_dual.lattice.order_top α, .. order_dual.lattice.order_bot α } instance [bounded_distrib_lattice α] : bounded_distrib_lattice (order_dual α) := { .. order_dual.lattice.bounded_lattice α, .. order_dual.lattice.distrib_lattice α } end order_dual namespace prod open lattice variables (α : Type u) (β : Type v) instance [has_top α] [has_top β] : has_top (α × β) := ⟨⟨⊤, ⊤⟩⟩ instance [has_bot α] [has_bot β] : has_bot (α × β) := ⟨⟨⊥, ⊥⟩⟩ instance [order_top α] [order_top β] : order_top (α × β) := { le_top := assume a, ⟨le_top, le_top⟩, .. prod.partial_order α β, .. prod.lattice.has_top α β } instance [order_bot α] [order_bot β] : order_bot (α × β) := { bot_le := assume a, ⟨bot_le, bot_le⟩, .. prod.partial_order α β, .. prod.lattice.has_bot α β } instance [semilattice_sup_top α] [semilattice_sup_top β] : semilattice_sup_top (α × β) := { .. prod.lattice.semilattice_sup α β, .. prod.lattice.order_top α β } instance [semilattice_inf_top α] [semilattice_inf_top β] : semilattice_inf_top (α × β) := { .. prod.lattice.semilattice_inf α β, .. prod.lattice.order_top α β } instance [semilattice_sup_bot α] [semilattice_sup_bot β] : semilattice_sup_bot (α × β) := { .. prod.lattice.semilattice_sup α β, .. prod.lattice.order_bot α β } instance [semilattice_inf_bot α] [semilattice_inf_bot β] : semilattice_inf_bot (α × β) := { .. prod.lattice.semilattice_inf α β, .. prod.lattice.order_bot α β } instance [bounded_lattice α] [bounded_lattice β] : bounded_lattice (α × β) := { .. prod.lattice.lattice α β, .. prod.lattice.order_top α β, .. prod.lattice.order_bot α β } instance [bounded_distrib_lattice α] [bounded_distrib_lattice β] : bounded_distrib_lattice (α × β) := { .. prod.lattice.bounded_lattice α β, .. prod.lattice.distrib_lattice α β } end prod