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/- Copyright (c) 2020 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Yury Kudryashov -/ import order.filter.basic /-! # Filter bases In this file we define `filter.has_basis l p s`, where `l` is a filter on `α`, `p` is a predicate on some index set `ι`, and `s : ι → set α`. ## Main statements * `has_basis.mem_iff`, `has_basis.mem_of_superset`, `has_basis.mem_of_mem` : restate `t ∈ f` in terms of a basis; * `basis_sets` : all sets of a filter form a basis; * `has_basis.inf`, `has_basis.inf_principal`, ``, `has_basis.prod_self`, ``, `has_basis.comap` : combinators to construct filters of `l ⊓ l'`, `l ⊓ principal t`, ` l'`, ` l`, ` f`, `l.comap f` respectively; * `has_basis.le_iff`, `has_basis.ge_iff`, has_basis.le_basis_iff` : restate `l ≤ l'` in terms of bases. * `has_basis.tendsto_right_iff`, `has_basis.tendsto_left_iff`, `has_basis.tendsto_iff` : restate `tendsto f l l'` in terms of bases. ## Implementation notes As with `Union`/`bUnion`/`sUnion`, there are three different approaches to filter bases: * `has_basis l s`, `s : set (set α)`; * `has_basis l s`, `s : ι → set α`; * `has_basis l p s`, `p : ι → Prop`, `s : ι → set α`. We use the latter one because, e.g., `𝓝 x` in an `emetric_space` or in a `metric_space` has a basis of this form. The other two can be emulated using `s = id` or `p = λ _, true`. With this approach sometimes one needs to `simp` the statement provided by the `has_basis` machinery, e.g., `simp only [exists_prop, true_and]` or `simp only [forall_const]` can help with the case `p = λ _, true`. -/ namespace filter variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {ι : Type*} {ι' : Type*} open set lattice /-- We say that a filter `l` has a basis `s : ι → set α` bounded by `p : ι → Prop`, if `t ∈ l` if and only if `t` includes `s i` for some `i` such that `p i`. -/ protected def has_basis (l : filter α) (p : ι → Prop) (s : ι → set α) : Prop := ∀ t : set α, t ∈ l ↔ ∃ i (hi : p i), s i ⊆ t section same_type variables {l l' : filter α} {p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set α} {t : set α} {i : ι} {p' : ι' → Prop} {s' : ι' → set α} {i' : ι'} /-- Definition of `has_basis` unfolded to make it useful for `rw` and `simp`. -/ lemma has_basis.mem_iff (hl : l.has_basis p s) : t ∈ l ↔ ∃ i (hi : p i), s i ⊆ t := hl t lemma has_basis.mem_of_superset (hl : l.has_basis p s) (hi : p i) (ht : s i ⊆ t) : t ∈ l := (hl t).2 ⟨i, hi, ht⟩ lemma has_basis.mem_of_mem (hl : l.has_basis p s) (hi : p i) : s i ∈ l := hl.mem_of_superset hi $ subset.refl _ lemma has_basis.forall_nonempty_iff_ne_bot (hl : l.has_basis p s) : (∀ {i}, p i → (s i).nonempty) ↔ l ≠ ⊥ := ⟨λ H, forall_sets_nonempty_iff_ne_bot.1 $ λ s hs, let ⟨i, hi, his⟩ := (hl s).1 hs in (H hi).mono his, λ H i hi, nonempty_of_mem_sets H (hl.mem_of_mem hi)⟩ lemma basis_sets (l : filter α) : l.has_basis (λ s : set α, s ∈ l) id := λ t, exists_sets_subset_iff.symm lemma at_top_basis [nonempty α] [semilattice_sup α] : (@at_top α _).has_basis (λ _, true) Ici := λ t, by simpa only [exists_prop, true_and] using @mem_at_top_sets α _ _ t lemma at_top_basis' [semilattice_sup α] (a : α) : (@at_top α _).has_basis (λ x, a ≤ x) Ici := λ t, (@at_top_basis α ⟨a⟩ _ t).trans ⟨λ ⟨x, _, hx⟩, ⟨x ⊔ a, le_sup_right, λ y hy, hx (le_trans le_sup_left hy)⟩, λ ⟨x, _, hx⟩, ⟨x, trivial, hx⟩⟩ theorem has_basis.ge_iff (hl' : l'.has_basis p' s') : l ≤ l' ↔ ∀ i', p' i' → s' i' ∈ l := ⟨λ h i' hi', h $ hl'.mem_of_mem hi', λ h s hs, let ⟨i', hi', hs⟩ := (hl' s).1 hs in mem_sets_of_superset (h _ hi') hs⟩ theorem has_basis.le_iff (hl : l.has_basis p s) : l ≤ l' ↔ ∀ t ∈ l', ∃ i (hi : p i), s i ⊆ t := by simp only [le_def, hl.mem_iff] theorem has_basis.le_basis_iff (hl : l.has_basis p s) (hl' : l'.has_basis p' s') : l ≤ l' ↔ ∀ i', p' i' → ∃ i (hi : p i), s i ⊆ s' i' := by simp only [hl'.ge_iff, hl.mem_iff] lemma has_basis.inf (hl : l.has_basis p s) (hl' : l'.has_basis p' s') : (l ⊓ l').has_basis (λ i : ι × ι', p i.1 ∧ p' i.2) (λ i, s i.1 ∩ s' i.2) := begin intro t, simp only [mem_inf_sets, exists_prop, hl.mem_iff, hl'.mem_iff], split, { rintros ⟨t, ⟨i, hi, ht⟩, t', ⟨i', hi', ht'⟩, H⟩, use [(i, i'), ⟨hi, hi'⟩, subset.trans (inter_subset_inter ht ht') H] }, { rintros ⟨⟨i, i'⟩, ⟨hi, hi'⟩, H⟩, use [s i, i, hi, subset.refl _, s' i', i', hi', subset.refl _, H] } end lemma has_basis.inf_principal (hl : l.has_basis p s) (s' : set α) : (l ⊓ principal s').has_basis p (λ i, s i ∩ s') := λ t, by simp only [mem_inf_principal, hl.mem_iff, subset_def, mem_set_of_eq, mem_inter_iff, and_imp] lemma has_basis.eq_binfi (h : l.has_basis p s) : l = ⨅ i (_ : p i), principal (s i) := eq_binfi_of_mem_sets_iff_exists_mem $ λ t, by simp only [h.mem_iff, mem_principal_sets] lemma has_basis.eq_infi (h : l.has_basis (λ _, true) s) : l = ⨅ i, principal (s i) := by simpa only [infi_true] using h.eq_binfi @[nolint] -- see Note [nolint_ge] lemma has_basis_infi_principal {s : ι → set α} (h : directed (≥) s) (ne : nonempty ι) : (⨅ i, principal (s i)).has_basis (λ _, true) s := begin refine λ t, (mem_infi (h.mono_comp _ _) ne t).trans $ by simp only [exists_prop, true_and, mem_principal_sets], exact λ _ _, principal_mono.2 end @[nolint] -- see Note [nolint_ge] lemma has_basis_binfi_principal {s : β → set α} {S : set β} (h : directed_on (s ⁻¹'o (≥)) S) (ne : S.nonempty) : (⨅ i ∈ S, principal (s i)).has_basis (λ i, i ∈ S) s := begin refine λ t, (mem_binfi _ ne).trans $ by simp only [mem_principal_sets], rw [directed_on_iff_directed, ← directed_comp, (∘)] at h ⊢, apply h.mono_comp _ _, exact λ _ _, principal_mono.2 end lemma (f : α → β) (hl : l.has_basis p s) : ( f).has_basis p (λ i, f '' (s i)) := λ t, by simp only [mem_map, image_subset_iff, hl.mem_iff, preimage] lemma has_basis.comap (f : β → α) (hl : l.has_basis p s) : (l.comap f).has_basis p (λ i, f ⁻¹' (s i)) := begin intro t, simp only [mem_comap_sets, exists_prop, hl.mem_iff], split, { rintros ⟨t', ⟨i, hi, ht'⟩, H⟩, exact ⟨i, hi, subset.trans (preimage_mono ht') H⟩ }, { rintros ⟨i, hi, H⟩, exact ⟨s i, ⟨i, hi, subset.refl _⟩, H⟩ } end lemma has_basis.prod_self (hl : l.has_basis p s) : ( l).has_basis p (λ i, (s i).prod (s i)) := begin intro t, apply mem_prod_iff.trans, split, { rintros ⟨t₁, ht₁, t₂, ht₂, H⟩, rcases hl.mem_iff.1 (inter_mem_sets ht₁ ht₂) with ⟨i, hi, ht⟩, exact ⟨i, hi, λ p ⟨hp₁, hp₂⟩, H ⟨(ht hp₁).1, (ht hp₂).2⟩⟩ }, { rintros ⟨i, hi, H⟩, exact ⟨s i, hl.mem_of_mem hi, s i, hl.mem_of_mem hi, H⟩ } end end same_type section two_types variables {la : filter α} {pa : ι → Prop} {sa : ι → set α} {lb : filter β} {pb : ι' → Prop} {sb : ι' → set β} {f : α → β} lemma has_basis.tendsto_left_iff (hla : la.has_basis pa sa) : tendsto f la lb ↔ ∀ t ∈ lb, ∃ i (hi : pa i), ∀ x ∈ sa i, f x ∈ t := by { simp only [tendsto, ( f).le_iff, image_subset_iff], refl } lemma has_basis.tendsto_right_iff (hlb : lb.has_basis pb sb) : tendsto f la lb ↔ ∀ i (hi : pb i), {x | f x ∈ sb i} ∈ la := by simp only [tendsto, hlb.ge_iff, mem_map, preimage] lemma has_basis.tendsto_iff (hla : la.has_basis pa sa) (hlb : lb.has_basis pb sb) : tendsto f la lb ↔ ∀ ib (hib : pb ib), ∃ ia (hia : pa ia), ∀ x ∈ sa ia, f x ∈ sb ib := by simp only [hlb.tendsto_right_iff, hla.mem_iff, subset_def, mem_set_of_eq] lemma tendsto.basis_left (H : tendsto f la lb) (hla : la.has_basis pa sa) : ∀ t ∈ lb, ∃ i (hi : pa i), ∀ x ∈ sa i, f x ∈ t := hla.tendsto_left_iff.1 H lemma tendsto.basis_right (H : tendsto f la lb) (hlb : lb.has_basis pb sb) : ∀ i (hi : pb i), {x | f x ∈ sb i} ∈ la := hlb.tendsto_right_iff.1 H lemma tendsto.basis_both (H : tendsto f la lb) (hla : la.has_basis pa sa) (hlb : lb.has_basis pb sb) : ∀ ib (hib : pb ib), ∃ ia (hia : pa ia), ∀ x ∈ sa ia, f x ∈ sb ib := (hla.tendsto_iff hlb).1 H lemma (hla : la.has_basis pa sa) (hlb : lb.has_basis pb sb) : ( lb).has_basis (λ i : ι × ι', pa i.1 ∧ pb i.2) (λ i, (sa i.1).prod (sb i.2)) := (hla.comap prod.fst).inf (hlb.comap prod.snd) end two_types end filter