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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kenny Lau, Johan Commelin -/ import group_theory.free_abelian_group data.equiv.algebra data.equiv.functor data.polynomial import ring_theory.ideal_operations ring_theory.free_ring noncomputable theory local attribute [instance, priority 100] classical.prop_decidable universes u v variables (α : Type u) def free_comm_ring (α : Type u) : Type u := free_abelian_group $ multiplicative $ multiset α namespace free_comm_ring instance : comm_ring (free_comm_ring α) := free_abelian_group.comm_ring _ instance : inhabited (free_comm_ring α) := ⟨0⟩ variables {α} def of (x : α) : free_comm_ring α := free_abelian_group.of ([x] : multiset α) @[elab_as_eliminator] protected lemma induction_on {C : free_comm_ring α → Prop} (z : free_comm_ring α) (hn1 : C (-1)) (hb : ∀ b, C (of b)) (ha : ∀ x y, C x → C y → C (x + y)) (hm : ∀ x y, C x → C y → C (x * y)) : C z := have hn : ∀ x, C x → C (-x), from λ x ih, neg_one_mul x ▸ hm _ _ hn1 ih, have h1 : C 1, from neg_neg (1 : free_comm_ring α) ▸ hn _ hn1, free_abelian_group.induction_on z (add_left_neg (1 : free_comm_ring α) ▸ ha _ _ hn1 h1) (λ m, multiset.induction_on m h1 $ λ a m ih, hm _ _ (hb a) ih) (λ m ih, hn _ ih) ha section lift variables {β : Type v} [comm_ring β] (f : α → β) def lift : free_comm_ring α → β := free_abelian_group.lift $ λ s, ( f).prod @[simp] lemma lift_zero : lift f 0 = 0 := rfl @[simp] lemma lift_one : lift f 1 = 1 := free_abelian_group.lift.of _ _ @[simp] lemma lift_of (x : α) : lift f (of x) = f x := (free_abelian_group.lift.of _ _).trans $ mul_one _ @[simp] lemma lift_add (x y) : lift f (x + y) = lift f x + lift f y := free_abelian_group.lift.add _ _ _ @[simp] lemma lift_neg (x) : lift f (-x) = -lift f x := free_abelian_group.lift.neg _ _ @[simp] lemma lift_sub (x y) : lift f (x - y) = lift f x - lift f y := free_abelian_group.lift.sub _ _ _ @[simp] lemma lift_mul (x y) : lift f (x * y) = lift f x * lift f y := begin refine free_abelian_group.induction_on y (mul_zero _).symm _ _ _, { intros s2, conv { to_lhs, dsimp only [(*), mul_zero_class.mul, semiring.mul, ring.mul, semigroup.mul, comm_ring.mul] }, rw [free_abelian_group.lift.of, lift, free_abelian_group.lift.of], refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x (zero_mul _).symm _ _ _, { intros s1, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.of }, calc _ = (( f s1) + ( f s2)) : by {congr' 1, exact multiset.map_add _ _ _} ... = _ : multiset.prod_add _ _ }, { intros s1 ih, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.neg }, rw [ih, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] }, { intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.add }, rw [ih1, ih2, add_mul] } }, { intros s2 ih, rw [mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, lift_neg, lift_neg, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, ih] }, { intros y1 y2 ih1 ih2, rw [mul_add, lift_add, lift_add, mul_add, ih1, ih2] }, end instance : is_ring_hom (lift f) := { map_one := lift_one f, map_mul := lift_mul f, map_add := lift_add f } @[simp] lemma lift_pow (x) (n : ℕ) : lift f (x ^ n) = lift f x ^ n := is_semiring_hom.map_pow _ x n @[simp] lemma lift_comp_of (f : free_comm_ring α → β) [is_ring_hom f] : lift (f ∘ of) = f := funext $ λ x, free_comm_ring.induction_on x (by rw [lift_neg, lift_one, is_ring_hom.map_neg f, is_ring_hom.map_one f]) (lift_of _) (λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [lift_add, is_ring_hom.map_add f, ihx, ihy]) (λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [lift_mul, is_ring_hom.map_mul f, ihx, ihy]) end lift variables {β : Type v} (f : α → β) def map : free_comm_ring α → free_comm_ring β := lift $ of ∘ f @[simp] lemma map_zero : map f 0 = 0 := rfl @[simp] lemma map_one : map f 1 = 1 := rfl @[simp] lemma map_of (x : α) : map f (of x) = of (f x) := lift_of _ _ @[simp] lemma map_add (x y) : map f (x + y) = map f x + map f y := lift_add _ _ _ @[simp] lemma map_neg (x) : map f (-x) = -map f x := lift_neg _ _ @[simp] lemma map_sub (x y) : map f (x - y) = map f x - map f y := lift_sub _ _ _ @[simp] lemma map_mul (x y) : map f (x * y) = map f x * map f y := lift_mul _ _ _ @[simp] lemma map_pow (x) (n : ℕ) : map f (x ^ n) = (map f x) ^ n := lift_pow _ _ _ def is_supported (x : free_comm_ring α) (s : set α) : Prop := x ∈ ring.closure (of '' s) section is_supported variables {x y : free_comm_ring α} {s t : set α} theorem is_supported_upwards (hs : is_supported x s) (hst : s ⊆ t) : is_supported x t := ring.closure_mono (set.mono_image hst) hs theorem is_supported_add (hxs : is_supported x s) (hys : is_supported y s) : is_supported (x + y) s := is_add_submonoid.add_mem hxs hys theorem is_supported_neg (hxs : is_supported x s) : is_supported (-x) s := is_add_subgroup.neg_mem hxs theorem is_supported_sub (hxs : is_supported x s) (hys : is_supported y s) : is_supported (x - y) s := is_add_subgroup.sub_mem _ _ _ hxs hys theorem is_supported_mul (hxs : is_supported x s) (hys : is_supported y s) : is_supported (x * y) s := is_submonoid.mul_mem hxs hys theorem is_supported_zero : is_supported 0 s := is_add_submonoid.zero_mem _ theorem is_supported_one : is_supported 1 s := is_submonoid.one_mem _ theorem is_supported_int {i : ℤ} {s : set α} : is_supported ↑i s := int.induction_on i is_supported_zero (λ i hi, by rw [int.cast_add, int.cast_one]; exact is_supported_add hi is_supported_one) (λ i hi, by rw [int.cast_sub, int.cast_one]; exact is_supported_sub hi is_supported_one) end is_supported def restriction (s : set α) [decidable_pred s] (x : free_comm_ring α) : free_comm_ring s := lift (λ p, if H : p ∈ s then of ⟨p, H⟩ else 0) x section restriction variables (s : set α) [decidable_pred s] (x y : free_comm_ring α) @[simp] lemma restriction_of (p) : restriction s (of p) = if H : p ∈ s then of ⟨p, H⟩ else 0 := lift_of _ _ @[simp] lemma restriction_zero : restriction s 0 = 0 := lift_zero _ @[simp] lemma restriction_one : restriction s 1 = 1 := lift_one _ @[simp] lemma restriction_add : restriction s (x + y) = restriction s x + restriction s y := lift_add _ _ _ @[simp] lemma restriction_neg : restriction s (-x) = -restriction s x := lift_neg _ _ @[simp] lemma restriction_sub : restriction s (x - y) = restriction s x - restriction s y := lift_sub _ _ _ @[simp] lemma restriction_mul : restriction s (x * y) = restriction s x * restriction s y := lift_mul _ _ _ end restriction theorem is_supported_of {p} {s : set α} : is_supported (of p) s ↔ p ∈ s := suffices is_supported (of p) s → p ∈ s, from ⟨this, λ hps, ring.subset_closure ⟨p, hps, rfl⟩⟩, assume hps : is_supported (of p) s, begin classical, have : ∀ x, is_supported x s → ∃ (n : ℤ), lift (λ a, if a ∈ s then (0 : polynomial ℤ) else polynomial.X) x = n, { intros x hx, refine ring.in_closure.rec_on hx _ _ _ _, { use 1, rw [lift_one], norm_cast }, { use -1, rw [lift_neg, lift_one], norm_cast }, { rintros _ ⟨z, hzs, rfl⟩ _ _, use 0, rw [lift_mul, lift_of, if_pos hzs, zero_mul], norm_cast }, { rintros x y ⟨q, hq⟩ ⟨r, hr⟩, refine ⟨q+r, _⟩, rw [lift_add, hq, hr], norm_cast } }, specialize this (of p) hps, rw [lift_of] at this, split_ifs at this, { exact h }, exfalso, apply ne.symm int.zero_ne_one, rcases this with ⟨w, H⟩, rw polynomial.int_cast_eq_C at H, have : polynomial.X.coeff 1 = (polynomial.C ↑w).coeff 1, by rw H, rwa [polynomial.coeff_C, if_neg one_ne_zero, polynomial.coeff_X, if_pos rfl] at this, apply_instance end theorem map_subtype_val_restriction {x} (s : set α) [decidable_pred s] (hxs : is_supported x s) : map subtype.val (restriction s x) = x := begin refine ring.in_closure.rec_on hxs _ _ _ _, { rw restriction_one, refl }, { rw [restriction_neg, map_neg, restriction_one], refl }, { rintros _ ⟨p, hps, rfl⟩ n ih, rw [restriction_mul, restriction_of, dif_pos hps, map_mul, map_of, ih] }, { intros x y ihx ihy, rw [restriction_add, map_add, ihx, ihy] } end theorem exists_finite_support (x : free_comm_ring α) : ∃ s : set α, set.finite s ∧ is_supported x s := free_comm_ring.induction_on x ⟨∅, set.finite_empty, is_supported_neg is_supported_one⟩ (λ p, ⟨{p}, set.finite_singleton p, is_supported_of.2 $ finset.mem_singleton_self _⟩) (λ x y ⟨s, hfs, hxs⟩ ⟨t, hft, hxt⟩, ⟨s ∪ t, set.finite_union hfs hft, is_supported_add (is_supported_upwards hxs $ set.subset_union_left s t) (is_supported_upwards hxt $ set.subset_union_right s t)⟩) (λ x y ⟨s, hfs, hxs⟩ ⟨t, hft, hxt⟩, ⟨s ∪ t, set.finite_union hfs hft, is_supported_mul (is_supported_upwards hxs $ set.subset_union_left s t) (is_supported_upwards hxt $ set.subset_union_right s t)⟩) theorem exists_finset_support (x : free_comm_ring α) : ∃ s : finset α, is_supported x ↑s := let ⟨s, hfs, hxs⟩ := exists_finite_support x in ⟨hfs.to_finset, by rwa finset.coe_to_finset⟩ end free_comm_ring namespace free_ring open function variable (α) def to_free_comm_ring {α} : free_ring α → free_comm_ring α := free_ring.lift free_comm_ring.of instance to_free_comm_ring.is_ring_hom : is_ring_hom (@to_free_comm_ring α) := free_ring.is_ring_hom free_comm_ring.of instance : has_coe (free_ring α) (free_comm_ring α) := ⟨to_free_comm_ring⟩ instance coe.is_ring_hom : is_ring_hom (coe : free_ring α → free_comm_ring α) := free_ring.to_free_comm_ring.is_ring_hom _ @[simp] protected lemma coe_zero : ↑(0 : free_ring α) = (0 : free_comm_ring α) := rfl @[simp] protected lemma coe_one : ↑(1 : free_ring α) = (1 : free_comm_ring α) := rfl variable {α} @[simp] protected lemma coe_of (a : α) : ↑(free_ring.of a) = free_comm_ring.of a := free_ring.lift_of _ _ @[simp] protected lemma coe_neg (x : free_ring α) : ↑(-x) = -(x : free_comm_ring α) := free_ring.lift_neg _ _ @[simp] protected lemma coe_add (x y : free_ring α) : ↑(x + y) = (x : free_comm_ring α) + y := free_ring.lift_add _ _ _ @[simp] protected lemma coe_sub (x y : free_ring α) : ↑(x - y) = (x : free_comm_ring α) - y := free_ring.lift_sub _ _ _ @[simp] protected lemma coe_mul (x y : free_ring α) : ↑(x * y) = (x : free_comm_ring α) * y := free_ring.lift_mul _ _ _ variable (α) protected lemma coe_surjective : surjective (coe : free_ring α → free_comm_ring α) := λ x, begin apply free_comm_ring.induction_on x, { use -1, refl }, { intro x, use free_ring.of x, refl }, { rintros _ _ ⟨x, rfl⟩ ⟨y, rfl⟩, use x + y, exact free_ring.lift_add _ _ _ }, { rintros _ _ ⟨x, rfl⟩ ⟨y, rfl⟩, use x * y, exact free_ring.lift_mul _ _ _ } end lemma coe_eq : (coe : free_ring α → free_comm_ring α) = free_abelian_group _ _ _ (λ (l : list α), (l : multiset α)) := begin funext, apply @free_abelian_group.lift.ext _ _ _ (coe : free_ring α → free_comm_ring α) _ _ (free_abelian_group.lift.is_add_group_hom _), intros x, change free_ring.lift free_comm_ring.of (free_abelian_group.of x) = _, change _ = free_abelian_group.of (↑x), induction x with hd tl ih, {refl}, simp only [*, free_ring.lift, free_comm_ring.of, free_abelian_group.of, free_abelian_group.lift, free_group.of, free_group.to_group, free_group.to_group.aux, mul_one, free_group.quot_lift_mk, abelianization.lift.of, bool.cond_tt, list.prod_cons, cond, list.prod_nil,] at *, refl end def subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring [subsingleton α] : free_ring α ≃+* free_comm_ring α := @ring_equiv.of' (free_ring α) (free_comm_ring α) _ _ (@functor.map_equiv _ _ free_abelian_group _ _ $ multiset.subsingleton_equiv α) $ begin delta functor.map_equiv, rw congr_arg is_ring_hom _, work_on_goal 2 { symmetry, exact coe_eq α }, apply_instance end instance [subsingleton α] : comm_ring (free_ring α) := { mul_comm := λ x y, by rw [← (subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring α).left_inv (y * x), is_ring_hom.map_mul ((subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring α)).to_fun, mul_comm, ← is_ring_hom.map_mul ((subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring α)).to_fun, (subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring α).left_inv], .. free_ring.ring α } end free_ring def free_comm_ring_equiv_mv_polynomial_int : free_comm_ring α ≃+* mv_polynomial α ℤ := { to_fun := free_comm_ring.lift $ λ a, mv_polynomial.X a, inv_fun := mv_polynomial.eval₂ coe free_comm_ring.of, map_mul' := λ _ _, is_ring_hom.map_mul _, map_add' := λ _ _, is_ring_hom.map_add _, left_inv := begin intro x, haveI : is_semiring_hom (coe : int → free_comm_ring α) := @@is_ring_hom.is_semiring_hom _ _ _ (@@int.cast.is_ring_hom _), refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x rfl _ _ _, { intro s, refine multiset.induction_on s _ _, { unfold free_comm_ring.lift, rw [free_abelian_group.lift.of], exact mv_polynomial.eval₂_one _ _ }, { intros hd tl ih, show mv_polynomial.eval₂ coe free_comm_ring.of (free_comm_ring.lift (λ a, mv_polynomial.X a) (free_comm_ring.of hd * free_abelian_group.of tl)) = free_comm_ring.of hd * free_abelian_group.of tl, rw [free_comm_ring.lift_mul, free_comm_ring.lift_of, mv_polynomial.eval₂_mul, mv_polynomial.eval₂_X, ih] } }, { intros s ih, rw [free_comm_ring.lift_neg, ← neg_one_mul, mv_polynomial.eval₂_mul, ← mv_polynomial.C_1, ← mv_polynomial.C_neg, mv_polynomial.eval₂_C, int.cast_neg, int.cast_one, neg_one_mul, ih] }, { intros x₁ x₂ ih₁ ih₂, rw [free_comm_ring.lift_add, mv_polynomial.eval₂_add, ih₁, ih₂] } end, right_inv := begin intro x, haveI : is_semiring_hom (coe : int → free_comm_ring α) := @@is_ring_hom.is_semiring_hom _ _ _ (@@int.cast.is_ring_hom _), have : ∀ i : ℤ, free_comm_ring.lift (λ (a : α), mv_polynomial.X a) ↑i = mv_polynomial.C i, { exact λ i, int.induction_on i (by rw [int.cast_zero, free_comm_ring.lift_zero, mv_polynomial.C_0]) (λ i ih, by rw [int.cast_add, int.cast_one, free_comm_ring.lift_add, free_comm_ring.lift_one, ih, mv_polynomial.C_add, mv_polynomial.C_1]) (λ i ih, by rw [int.cast_sub, int.cast_one, free_comm_ring.lift_sub, free_comm_ring.lift_one, ih, mv_polynomial.C_sub, mv_polynomial.C_1]) }, apply mv_polynomial.induction_on x, { intro i, rw [mv_polynomial.eval₂_C, this] }, { intros p q ihp ihq, rw [mv_polynomial.eval₂_add, free_comm_ring.lift_add, ihp, ihq] }, { intros p a ih, rw [mv_polynomial.eval₂_mul, mv_polynomial.eval₂_X, free_comm_ring.lift_mul, free_comm_ring.lift_of, ih] } end } def free_comm_ring_pempty_equiv_int : free_comm_ring pempty.{u+1} ≃+* ℤ := ring_equiv.trans (free_comm_ring_equiv_mv_polynomial_int _) (mv_polynomial.pempty_ring_equiv _) def free_comm_ring_punit_equiv_polynomial_int : free_comm_ring punit.{u+1} ≃+* polynomial ℤ := ring_equiv.trans (free_comm_ring_equiv_mv_polynomial_int _) (mv_polynomial.punit_ring_equiv _) open free_ring def free_ring_pempty_equiv_int : free_ring pempty.{u+1} ≃+* ℤ := ring_equiv.trans (subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring _) free_comm_ring_pempty_equiv_int def free_ring_punit_equiv_polynomial_int : free_ring punit.{u+1} ≃+* polynomial ℤ := ring_equiv.trans (subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring _) free_comm_ring_punit_equiv_polynomial_int